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Will you wait until it's gone?

Will you wait until it's done?

Is this the end?

Is this what they deserve?

In a sanctuary where all creatures,

creations, & life froms deserve to live,

Will you still wait until it's gone?


Within a period of time,

In a world full of majesty,

You were brought to life

But you weren't the only one

Look around you,

Can you see those trees around you?

The forest, have you seen its beauty?

It didn't just spring out of nowhere

'Twas wonderfully created, it grew

But you know what?

Those beautiful creations?

The nature itself?

It didn't turn out to be something like that

in just a snap,
It took tons of years, tons of decades,

to turn something from nothing into

almost an entirety

Take another look around,

you see those animals?

They look familiar already

but what about the others?

Have you ever wondered how life goes

with the wildlife?

They are like us

They were brought to life

They breathe, eat, and strive just to live

They are undeniably so precious

especially when you see them in real life

But you know what?

Those two priceless things:

Both the flora and fauna

are slowly fading and fading

and you are a part of it


Day by day, the modern world becomes

the beginning of an end to our nature

Do you have your eyes wide open

to see what's really happening to the world right now?

Mother nature is falling into pieces

and we are a part of it

even with just small acts,

damage is created

Forest fires, deforestation

Landslide, and many more

It keeps adding up

The beauty of nature is being ruined

and the humanity is a part of it

Have you ever went to a zoo?

Those animals, don't you pity them?

Some of them are endangered

Their existence are being erased

and yet we still think of them as a toy

We've done so many things

to turn their lives upside down

Their habitat is their habitat

But even that is being taken away from them

And yet they are the ones that we harm

Isn't that too cruel of us humans?

Isn't it enough?

Are we still gonna be letting

the greed of humans to destroy

what's left for the wildlife?

This world is not just for us

This world is theirs too

and yet we steal it from them?

You know, it is not too late

But what can we do?


I can do something

You can do something

Imagine, if you and I are joined together

WE can make a huge difference

The damage isn't reversible

but here's what we can do

to live from now sustainably

a time for worldwide breakthrough

Make that big step

For eyes to be opened

For hearts to feel

because enough is enough

the destruction is real

Will you wait until it's gone?

Will you wait until it's done?

Is this the end?

Is this what they deserve?

In a sanctuary where all creatures,

creations, & life froms deserve to live,

Will you still wait until it's gone?

Make a choice

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