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Acidosis: Alkaloids:

1. Central nervous system: headache, sleepiness, 1. Central nervous system: confusion, light-hotheadedness’s tupor, and coma.
confusion, loss of consciousness.2. Respiratory 2. Peripheral nervous system: hand tremor, numbness or tingling in face, hands,
system: shortness of breath, coughing. feet.
3. Heart: arrhythmia, increased heart rate. 3. Muscular system: twitching, prolonged spasms.
4. Muscular system: seizures, weakness. 4. Digestive system: nausea, vomiting
5. Digestive system: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.
Healthy issues like result of mild acidosis or poor ph Balance:
8. Weight gain, diabetes.
1. Sensitive gums/cavities. 9. Bladder and kidney infections.
2. Poor immunity. 10. Premature aging.
3. Limb ago. 11. Diarrhea.
4. Respiratory issues. 12. Osteoporosis, weak bones.
5. Yeast proliferation. 13. Headache, confusion.
5. No energy. 14. Pain.
6. Cardiovascular damage of vessels. 15. Allergie
7. Heart issues.

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