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Definition of hyperbole and examples in English

Hyperbole was created from a Greek word "huperbole" which must be translated into English
which means "excess = excess". If you look for a synonym of the word Hyperbole, you will find
the word "overstatement" which means "to overdo". That way, this word also has an Antonym
which is "belittling" which means "belittling" or we can also see "downplaying". This speech
figure is also known as "auxesis". Intrigued by a full explanation and example? Let's just look at
it below

understanding of hyperbolic
Hyperbole is a form in which a thing is expressed in an exaggerated manner (exaggeration) with
the aim of emphasizing the information in the sentence. We can also say that Hyperbole
(Hyperbole's form) is a style in writing or speaking that makes something or someone sound or
look better, bigger, or more amazing than reality. One example of Hyperbole for example:
"Where have you been? I've been waiting for years in front of your door. "
If we see from the sentence, what the speaker really wants to say is that "he has waited so long",
even though we also know that it is not possible for him to wait for years at someone's door, but
he exaggerates the fact "for ever he waits "by making a statement that" he has waited years. "
This is what we call friend hyperbole, where a statement seems "excessive" or the slang is
"lebay" hehe.
I am very sure that we too often use this figurative language in our daily lives. If we pay
attention, it turns out that the use of Hyperbole not only appears in direct conversation in our
daily lives, but also in the form of writing. But remember, because of its exaggeration,
Hyperbole can not be used in scientific papers like thesis or research.

Hyperbole sentences are included in majas sentences in English. This sentence has functions

Affects the emotional state of the reader or listener.

Beautify sentences
Attracting readers and listeners to get an imaginative impression
Emphasize one sentence for one word.
Humor to add fun and boost the spirit

Based on the purpose of the hyperbolic sentence above, the example of hyperbole sentence is
almost never found in non-fiction writing based on research or scientific work. This sentence is
more often found in fiction writings. For example in the example of an English paragraph about
a vacation and an example of an analogy paragraph in English.
Example of Hyperbole in English
After reading the explanation about the meaning of Hyperbole above, it feels incomplete without
examples in English. For that I have prepared several examples of Hyperbole in English that you
can observe below:
"I think my head is gonna explode."
(I think my head will explode.)
"I can't go out with you right now, I've got mountains of laundry waiting at home."
(I can't go with you right now, there are piles of laundry mounting waiting for me at home.)
"If I get a bad score this time, my mom is gonna kill me."
(If I get bad grades this time, my mother will kill me.)
"At this rate, the download is gonna be complete next year."

Contoh lain Hyperbole Sentence

1. A teacher has explained that million times

Gurunya telah menjelaskan hal tersebut jutaan kali
2. I am so hungry, I could eat everything
Saya sangat lapar, saya dapat memakan apapun.
3. She is so dumb, she thinks Jakarta is a cake
Dia begitu bodoh sehingga ia pikir Jakarta adalah sebuah kue
4. I am very busy, I have a million things to do
Saya sangat sibuk, saya mempunyai jutaan pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan
5. She said,”I had a ton homework”
Ia berkata,”Saya mempunyai satu ton pekerjaan rumah”.
6. If you leave me alone, I will die.
Jika kamu meninggalkan saya sendiri, saya akan mati.
7. That plane goes faster than the speed light.
Pesawat itu berjalan lebih cepat daripada kecepatan cahaya.
8. The dress very expensive, I have spend may salary for one year
Baju itu sangat mahal, saya membelanjakan gaji selama satu tahun
9. Amir surprised, He is wins tons money
Amir terkejut, ia memenangkan berton-ton uang.
10. Her brain is the size of a shrimp.
Otaknya seukuran otaku dang.
11. My grandmother is older than the hills
Nenek saya lebih tua daripada gunung.
12. I love you to Atlantic Ocean
Saya mencintaimu sampai Lautan Atlantik
13. This question is difficult on the world
Pertanyaan ini tersulit sedunia.
14. She have a million bag in cupboard.
Ia mempunyai sejuta tas di dalam lemari.
15. Mr Johnson have lived here since stone age
Mr Johnson telah tinggal di sini sejak zaman batu.
16. My parent will do everything for me
Orang tua saya akan melakukan segalanya untuk saya.

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