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P r &j e £ t N y e l v t a n 1

1.4 to be — tagadó mondat

to be
( \
am nőt
’m nőt
1.1 to be (létige, lenni) — am , is We
are nőt onthe phone.
aren’t from the USA.
What's your name? I'm Rebecca. They
My name's Ben. He
is nőt
^ Where are you from? I’m from Britain. J She
Az is (van) és az am (vagyok) a lenni ige alakjai. V J
a Az is összevont alakja ’s, az am összevont alakja ’m. Beszéd közben Tagadásnál a nőt tagadószócskát tesszük a létige után. Összevont
általában az összevont alakot használjuk, alakjai: isn't vagy aren't.

b Bemutatkozáskor így mondhatjuk meg nevünket: I’m ... vagy My Az am igével nem vonhatjuk össze, ilyenkor a lehetséges összevont
name’s .... alak: I’m nőt.

F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra ! F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !

I'm ...............years old. I'm nőt on the phone.
He's from Hungary. The cat isn't in the garden.
We aren't small.

1.2 to be — állító mondat (teljes alakok)

1.5 to be — kérdő mondat
(T am \
We í Am 1
You are in the garden. we
They in the kitchen. Are you in the kitchen?
He from America. they in the garden?
She is he fromAustralia?
It Is she
v J it
A you névmást használjuk mind egyes (te), mind többes számban (ti), és ^ Where is she from?
mindkét esetben az are ige követi.
Kérdésnél a to be ige megfelelő alakja az alany előtt áll, „helyet
F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
I am in the kitchen.
He is from America. Is he from America ?
You (plural) are from Italy.
They are on holiday. Are they on holiday?
She is twelve years old.
A kiegészítendő (Wh-) kérdéseknél a kérdőszót a mondat elejére, az ige
elé tesszük.
1.3 to be — állító mondat (összevont alakok)
F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
lam = l’m Weare = We’re Is it in the garden?
He is = He’s You are = You’re
Are they from Hungary?
Where is she from?
Sheis = She’s They are = They’re
J t is = It’s______________________ j
1.6 to be — rövid válaszok
Beszéd közben általában a létige (to be) összevont alakjait használjuk.
Kérdésekben és a this (ez) mutató névmás után azonban mindig a teljes Are you from Francé? Yes, I am.
alakot használjuk. J s she on the phone? No, she isn’t.
This is my house.
Are you from America? Igenlő rövid válaszokban mindig a teljes alakot használjuk.
(Yes, ive are. NEM Yg&;-m !ro.)
F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
Tagadó rövid válaszokban használhatjuk az összevont alakot is.
We're twelve.
She's at school. F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
Are you eighteen? Yes, I am.
Are you fourteen? No, I'm nőt.

P r o je k t N yelvtan í

P r a c t ic e <*> C Am, is vagy are? Egészítsd ki a szöveget a

to be ige m egfelelő alakjával!
A Válaszd ki az ige mondatba illő alakját! A
helytelen alakot húzd át!

/" " "

Hi! I % / a m Kim. 12a re /a m tw elve. Sam 3is /a re
my brother. He 4is / am ten. Elena 5am / is my
sister. She 6is / are fourteen. W e 7are / is from
Australia. Sooty and Snowy 8is / are my dogs.
S now y 9is / am w h ite and Sooty is black.They
10am / are big and old!

^ \
Today is the firs t day at schuui. All my friends
1are in the playground. the
playground too. 13................. tw elve years old.
M y friend S te v e 4................. eleven years old.

B Párosítsd össze a m ondatokat a hozzájuk W e eláss 3 .The te a c h e r6........................

tartozó nevekkel! Ö sszevont alakokat használj! M r Brown. He 7................. great! The classroom s
8................. big and the le s s o n s 9................. nice!
W e 10............... very happy. ,

* D Válaszolj a C feladatban szereplő szöveggel

kapcsolatos kérdésekre! Adj rövid válaszokat!
1 Is today the first day at school? Yes, is.
I am ten. ✓ She is tw elve. They are sisters.
2 Is Kim at home? N o ,...................
I am short. It is a mouse. They are tall.
They are dogs. S h e is th in . It is small. 3 Is Kim in the playground? Y es,..................
They are old. 4 Is Kim ten years old? N o ,...................

5 Is Steve ten years old? N o ,...................

Sam I’m ten.
6 Are Steve and Kim in eláss 4? N o ,...................
7 Is M r Brown the teacher? Y es,..................
Elena and Kim
8 Are the classroom s small? N o ,...................
9 Are the lessons nice? Y es,..................
Snowy and Sooty
10 Are Steve and Kim happy? Y es,..................
P r o j e c t N yelvtan /

* E Alakítsd át az állító m ondatokat kérdésekké!

1 Maria is six. 6 The pens are in the bag.

is M aria six?

2 He is on the phone. 7 The watch is green.

3 You are from Britain. 8 It is from America.

4 Emma and Kate are on holiday. 9 Your name is Ben.

5 Tibor is in the football team. 10 The books are on the table

* F Párosítsd össze a m ondatokat a hozzájuk tartozó képekkel!

1 It isn't small. b... 7 They aren't old.

2 It isn't w h ite . a 8 They aren't black.

3 She isn't fro m the Czech Republic. 9 He isn't fro m Slovakia.

4 She isn't ta ll........................................ 10 He isn't th in ..................

5 l'm n o ts h o rt. .. 11 W e 're n o to ld .

6 I'm nőt thirteen. 12 W e're nőt three.
P r o j e c t N yelvta n 1

** G Egészítsd ki a kérdéseket, majd válaszolj 4 W e .............................................

5 W e .............................................
1 Are you a student? 6 W e .............................................
Yes, I am. 7 In a m é ]......................................

2 eleven? 8 [n a m e ].......................................

9 [n a m e ].................and [name]

3 ..................your favourite lesson English?

10 [n a m e ].................and [name]

4 ..................your best friend in your eláss?

5 .................. your lessons nice?

6 .................. your friends great?

7 .................. your friends thirteen?

8 .................. you and your fam ily from Argentína?

9 .................. your m űm an English teacher?

10 .................. your dad a footballer?

** H A m egadott szavak felhasználásával írj

tagadó m ondatokat m agadról és társaidról!

tall short old small thin fifteen

seven boy(s) girl(s) from Hungary/
Poland/the Czech Republic/Slovakia/
v _______________________________________ J

I ’m n ő t from A u stra lia .
[name] Zorán isn’t five.
[name] Suzanna and [name] Mara aren’t boys.
1 I .......................................................................
2 I ...............................................................................

P r o j e c t N yelvta n 2

<á> to be — kiegészítendő P R A é T IG E <2/

(kérdőszavas) kérdések
* A írd be a m egfelelő kérdőszót!

2.1 W h a t...? — M i. ..?

w h a t (x3) w h e re w hose how (x2) w ho
What’s this? It’s a vellow pencil.^
What’s your name? I’m Tony.
^What’s your favourite colour? It’s red. y

F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
What's in the box? It's a small dog.

2.2 W h e r e ...? - Hol...? Hová...?

W here... from? — Honnan ...?

Where are you from? I’m from America

^Where’s my bag?__________It's in the cár.

F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
Where's my apple? It's in the kitchen.

2.3 W hose... ? — Kié ...? / Kinek a ...?

(w h o se book is this? It’s Ben’s book.)

© Hi, how . are you?
F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
Whose desk is this? It's Kelly's desk. o I'm fine, thanks. H e y !2........... 's that?

© It's a snake.
2.4 Who ...? — K i...? o 3.................. snake is it?
--------------- ■ ■
Who’s Bruce? Bruce is a dog. © It's m y snake!
Who is the song fór? it’s fór my sister.
o it from ?
Elöljáróval különféle kérdőszókat alkothatunk, pl. Who... fór? - Kinek?
© It's from India.
vagy Who... from? - Kitől?, stb.
o 5....................... old is it?
F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
Who's your favourite footballer? Zinedine Zidane. © It's three years old.
o 6...................'s its name?
2.5 H o w ...? — Hogy(an)...?
© Its name is Shorty.
How o ld ...? — Hány éves ...?
o And 7................... 's in this box?
How are you?
© It's a n e g g .
How old are you?
o 8........................... 's it fór?
F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
How old is Zigmund? He's twelve. © It's fó r Shorty.
P r o je &t N y elv ta n 2

* B Válaszd ki a m ondatba illő szót! A helytelen Ja ck
szót húzd át! ( it / w h o 's / fó r )
„ W hose , •
1 1A„ dog is it? M űm It's fór Laura, o f course. It's fór her birthday.
2 w *10se is your English teacher?
W ho (birthday / w h e n 's / her)
3 ^ ose friend is Jenny?
W ho M űm It's today, silly!

4 ^ h o s e birthday is it? Jack
W ho
(from / w ho's / the parcel)
5 ^ ose is in the garden?
W ho M űm It's from M rs Green.

6 ^ h o s e are the glasses? Jack

W ho
(M rs Green / w here's)
7 ^ h o s e gyes are blue?
W ho M űm She's in N ew York.

8 ^ ^ ose is from Australia? Jack

W ho
(what's / she / N ew York / fór / in)
9 Whose is tall?
W ho
M űm She's on holiday.
10 ^ ose is this book?
W ho Ja ck Laura, look. Open it.

** C A megadott szavakat helyes sorrendbe téve

( it/w h a t's /in )
alkoss kérdéseket!
Laura Oh, the new Jennifer Lopez CD. Great!
** D Válaszolj a kérdésekre!

A ll a b o o í y o u
LAURA, > What’s your m m ?
&RIGHT0N, BN4 5AH > Where are you from?
eng land
> How old are you?

> Who are your friends?

M űm \ Where’s Laura?

(Laura / where's) > Where are they from?

Jack She's in her bedroom . > How old are they?

M űm There's a parcel here.

P r o j e c t N yelvtan 3

* CB Javítsd ki a m ondatokat a the névelő

( f b Névelők (Articles) — a/an, the hozzáadásával!

3.1 a/an 1 Boy is at home.

The boy is a t Home.
a watch an orange
a bag an apple 2 It's in bag.
^apicture anegg J

Az a/an szavak határozatlan névelők, jelentésük: egy, pl. an e g g -e gy

tojás. 3 M r Kent is sports teacher at my school.
Ha az utánuk következő főnév mássalhangzóval kezdődik az a, ha
magánhangzóval kezdődik az an névelőt használjuk.

F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra ! 4 H ow old is girl?

a bag
an elephant
5 Book is very old.
3.2 the

( egyes szám többes szám ^

6 W here are pens?
the boy the boys
the apple the apples
J h e colour the colours J
7 They aren't on table.
A the határozott névelő, jelentése: a, az. Akkor használjuk, ha tudjuk
vagy látjuk, melyik dologról vagy személyről beszélünk. Ha a főnév előtt
birtokos névmás vagy kérdőszó áll, nem használunk névelőt, pl.
mybook, Whosebook...? 8 Girls in my eláss are nice.
F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
Open the window.
Look at the board. 9 W e're in garden.

P M A S T /é S <§>
10 Look! It's black dog.

* A írd be a szavakat a m egfelelő oszlopba!

green m onster ✓ egg ✓ elephant old cár ** C Kell névelő a m ondatba? Karikázd be a
small dog orange bag big elephant helyes m egoldást!
umbrella n e w b o o k red apple snake apple
1 (T h e )/-m o u s e is in the classroom.

a an 2 Sooty is a /a n big dog.

3 Your bag is on th e /- c h a ir .
a green m o n s te r an egg
4 Look at your t h e / - b o o k .
5 W h a t is it? It's a /a n egg.
6 It's a /a n w h ite egg.
7 W hose t h e / - pen is it?
8 H ow old is t h e / - c a t ?
9 This is a /a n umbrella.
10 T h e /- p ic tu r e s are new.
P r o j e c t N yelvt / n 4

** D Párosítsd össze a táblázatban található

Melléknevek (Adjectives)
főneveket és mellékneveket! Használd az alan m
határozatlan névelőt!
m elléknév főnév ^
Adjectives Nouns a yellow pencil.
an orange bag.
Am erican teacher This is
a new book.
an old dog. J
great flo w e r
m essy cár A melléknév a főnév előtt áll. A melléknév a főnevek valamilyen
new w om an tulajdonságát írja le, azt, hogy valami vagy valaki milyen.
old Jaseerr F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
orange party This is a red bag.
small bedroom This is an old book.
sports actor

P R A c n c e <$>
Example an English lesson

A Karikázd be a 10 melléknevet!

(new ) apple blue pencil m outh nőse

big thick hand thin door watch old
mán ye llo w draw w h ite long w in d o w
dog book short look eláss

* B írj magadról és egyik osztálytársadról!

(You) (Your friend)

Nam e: Nam e:

** E Az alábbi szövegben Dagmara 12 helyen

rosszul használta a névelőket. Javítsd ki a hibáit! ..................eyes .................. eyes

M y name is Dagmara. I'm eleven years old. M y .................. hair .................. hair
m űm is a teacher and my dad isp n footballer. M y
a ..................bag a .................. bag
m um 's from Czech Republic and my dad's from

Poland.The Blackie is our dog. He's a old dog. He's

a a
in garden. I'm in kitchen. M y m u m ’s in bedroom.

She's on phone. a .................. a ,................

s * pen/pencil pen/pencil
I'm in eláss 2 at school.The M r A ndrew s is my

teacher. Girls in my eláss are nice. Boys aren't nice!

M y favourite lesson is an English.

P jr g je c t N y e l v t a n 4

** ' C Egészítsd ki a m ondatokat a zárójelben levő

m elléknevekkel, majd írd le a m ondatokat helyesen!
/ b Helyhatározó elöljárók 1.
Nx (Prepositions of piacé) —
in, on, under, at

5.1 in (-bán, -ben), on (-on, -en, -ön), under (alatt)

in on under

A helyhatározó elöljárók, a magyar nyelvtől eltérően, a főnév előtt állnak,

pl. under the table - az asztal alatt. A magyarban jelentésüket gyakran
raggal fejezzük ki, pl. on the c h a ir-a széken.

F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
The apple is in the bag.
The pen is on the table.
The dog is under the chair.

5.2 in, at
This is m y co m puter game (1new). A boy is at r-

Ben’s in the kitchen.

home (2small). It's a house (3big). He is afraid.
I’m at Tony’s house.
A m onster is in the house (Ved). W here is the Jane’s at the door.

m onster? Az at elöljárónak több jelentése van. Az in elöljáróhoz hasonlóan gyakran

fordítjuk magyarra a -bán, -ben rag segítségével. Az at elöljárót
Is it in the box (5old)? Is it under the table használjuk, ha egy intézményre vagy épületre gondolunk, az in
elöljárószót, ha egy épület belsejére gondolunk. A következő
(6w hite)? Is it on the chair (7new)?
kifejezésekben az at elöljárót használjuk:

No, here it is!T he m onster is in the kitchen athome

(8silly). Look at its arms (9long).This is a game atthe Office
Az in elöljáróval kihangsúlyozzuk azt, hogy az épületen belül van valami
vagy valaki, nem az épületen kívül, a szabadban.

This is my new c o m p u te r game. He's at the shops. (= He’s shopping.)

He’s in the shop. (= He isn't in the Street.)

F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
We're in the kitchen.
I'm at home.

C ®
P r o je c t M v e iv t a m 3

P r a c t ic m <5> * B In vagy at? Egészítsd ki a m ondatokat!

George's friends are 1...í.n...the ir classroom .

* A A kép alapján válaszd ki a mondatba illő
Bút George is n 't2.................. school today because
he's ill. George is 3.................. his bedroom . He's
4................. bed. George's m űm is 5...................w ork,
so his dad is 6..................home. H e 's7................... the

Rrrring! George's friend Harry i s 8.................. the

door.There's a big b o x 9.................. his bag. It's fór
George! W hat's 10.................. the box?Three exercise
books, a h istory book, an English book and a maths
book. It's George's hom ew ork!

** C Válaszolj a kérdésekre az in, on, u n d e rv agy

at elöljárók felhasználásával!

1 W here are you?

1 Two dogs, tw o cats and five mice a r e ...!.n...the

classroom . 2 W here is your book?
(a }in b on c under
2 The big dog is .............. the table.
3 W here is your pen?
a in b on c under
3 The small dog is ...............the chair.
4 W here is your pencil?
a in b on c under
4 The black cat is ........... the bag.
a in b on c under 5 W here is your bag?

5The w h ite cat is ......................the chair.

a in b on c under 6 W here is your m ű m /d a d ?
6 The w h ite m ice a re ..............the b oa rd .
a in b on c under
7 W here is your teacher?
7 The black m ouse is ............. the picture.
a in b on c under
8 W here are your friends?
8 The books a re ..............the table.
a in b on c under
9 The pens a re ..............the chair. 9 W here is your radio?

a in b on c under
10 The bag is ..............the table. 10 W here are your CDs?
a in b on c under

P r o je k t N yelvtan ő

Helyhatározó elöljárók 2. — between, opposite, next to,

in front of, behind

I T _L_
-T l .T “
T i m i oj

b e tw e e n n e x tto opposite in front of behind

F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
My house is opposite the bank. Our school is next to the park.

P R A é T IC E <$>

* A A térkép alapján oldd meg a keresztrejtvényt!

1 The cár park is e cin e m a .
4 The m useum is .................. the café.
5 The café is ..................the park.

D O W N /F Ü G G Ő L E G E S
2 The cinema is ..................the cár park.
3 The bookshop is ..................the cinema and the
P r o j e c t N yelvta n W

** < B Az A feladatnál található térkép alapján és a

megadott elöljárók segítségével alkoss s A főnév többes száma (Plurals)
(7.1 Általános szabályok
behind betw een in fro n to t
^ n e x tto opposite____________^ f egyes szám többes szám ^
a book two books
a dog two dogs
1 The c h u rc h /th e park
a mug two mugs
The church is .o p p o s ite th e park. a badge two badges
a watch two watches
2 The bookshop and the bank / the park a box two boxes
^agiass two glasses ^

A főnevek többes számának jele általában -s.

3 Two cats / the m useum A -eh, -sh, -ss vagy -x végű főnevek -es végződést kapnak.

F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
two books
4 A d o g /a tree in the park four badges
three watches

5 A w o m a n /th e bookshop 7.2 Rendhagyó többes szám 1. (Irregular plurals)

A következő főnevek többes számú alakja rendhagyó, nem -s.

6 Somé c h ild re n /th e cinema a mouse two m ice a mán two mén ^
afoot two feet a woman two wom en
a tooth two teeth a child two children
v J
7 The m u s e u m /th e bank
7.3 Rendhagyó többes szám 2. - clothes és hair

8 A m á n /th e bookshop My
jeans are new.

a A ruhadarabok egy részének csak többes számú alakja van, ilyenek

pl. a különféle nadrágok. A hozzájuk tartozó ige is többes számban áll.
Hasonlítsd össze: How much is this shirt? It’s £15.
How much are these jeans? Th e y ’re £20.
b A hair (haj) szót általában egyes számban használjuk és az ige is
egyes számban áll.
Her hair is long. My hair is brown.

F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
My jeans are black.
Our trousers are old.
His hair is grey.
P R O J É é T M r D IVTÁ N 7

7.4 A főnév többes száma — kiejtési szabályok * B írd be a főnevek többes számú alakját a
m egfelelő oszlopba!
( Isi Izl /íz/ >
book books dog dogs orange oranges girl ✓ child mouse boy watch house
cat cats cár cars watch watches eláss day sandwich w om an
house houses
v eláss classes v -s -es Irregular plurals
A többes szám végződését /s/-nek ejtjük, ha a szó végén Dd, Ifi, /p / girls
vagy/t/hang áll.
A többes szám végződését/z/-nek ejtjük, ha a szó végén Ibi, /d/, /g/,
/!/, /m/, /n / vagy N I hang áll.
A többes szám végződését /iz/-nek ejtjük, ha a szó végén Isi, Iksl, /z/,
/tJ/, /J7, /d 3 / vagy 73 / hang áll.

* C Karikázd be a szót, ha többes számú

P r a c t ic b <r> végződését/z/-nek ejtjük! Húzd alá, ha többes
számú végződését /iz/-nek ejtjük!
* A írd be a főnevek többes számú alakját a
keresztrejtvénybe! Milyen szót kaptál a nyilakkal (mugs) badges brothers postcards cities
jelölt oszlopban? írd be a kapott szót a képek alatti things ages birthdays oranges songs
pontozott vonalra! classroom s boxes classes friends lessons

* D A képek alapján töltsd ki a táblázatot!

© n n r^ ©

The w ord betw een the arrows is:

P r o jec t N yelvtan 7

8 The child isn't at school.

Singular Plural

1 T -s h irt T-shirfcs
9 The w atch is new.
2 je a n s je a n s

10 How old is the wom an? *
4 ............................

5 ...........
** F írd le, mit viselsz ma!
6 ............... Example
a green T -s h irt
7 ...............................

8 M y clothes

9 ...............................
1 ..................................................................
10 ................................

** < E Alakítsd át a mondatokat úgy, hogy az
aláhúzott főneveket tedd többes számba! Karikázd 4
be, hogy a szó többes számú alakja szabályos
(R = regular) vagy rendhagyó (I = irregular)?

1 The mán is from Slovakia.

The mén are fro m Slovakia, p y0

2 The airl is eleven.

R /l

3 The box is on the table.

R /l

4 M y foo t is bia.
R /l

5 She is a teacher.

R /l

6 W here is the to o th ?
R /l

7 Is the mouse in the bag?

R /l

P r o j e c t N y elv ta n 8

( \ A there isiare ..., here is/are ... 8.5 here islare...
szerkezetek S----------------------------------

Here is a parcel fór you.

Here’s a letterforyou.
Here are two letters fór you.
8.1 there’s a/an ..., there are ...
A here is/are... szerkezetet használjuk, ha valakinek mutatunk vagy
There’s a bag. adunk valamit.
T h ere’s an orange.
F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
There are four boxes. Here's your book.
Here are my photos.
A there is/are... szerkezetet gyakran használjuk, ha le akarjuk írni, vagy
meg akarjuk mutatni, mit látunk. A there is összevont alakja: there’s.

F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
There's a mouse on your head!
There are five mice in your bag!
A A kép alapján egészítsd ki a mondatokat!
Használd a There is . . . I There are ... szerkezetet!
8.2 there islare — állító és tagadó mondatok

a swimming pool
a museum
There in our town.

four cinemas

F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
There isn't a cat in the classroom.
There aren't two windows in the kitchen.

8.3 there islare — kérdő mondatok

a station
a cinema
there in your town?
three churches
a lotofshops

F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
Is there a swimming pool in this town?
Are there twenty teachers at your school?
1 Ihere are............. tw o w in d ow s.
8.4 there islare — rövid válaszok
2 ..............................a bed.
Yes, there is. 3 ..............................a dog on the bed.
Is there a cinema in your town?
No, there isn’t.
Yes, there are. 4 ..............................a cat on the chair.
A re there three churches in your town?
No, there a ren’t. 5 .............................. a lót of magazines.

F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra ! 6 .............................. ten books.

Is there a teacher in the classroom? Yes, there is.
Are there a lót of mice in the kitchen? No, there aren't.
7 .............................. five CDs.
8 .............................. a CD player on the desk.
9 .............................. three pictures.
10 a chair.
P r o j e c t N yelvta n 8

* B Az A feladatban látható kép alapján javítsd ki .............................. a big clock?

a mondatokat! Használd a There is n ’t ... / Yes, there is. It's called Big Ben.
There a re n ’t ... szerkezetet!
.............................. a lót of rivers?
1 There are three w indow s. No, there aren't. There's one river. It's called the
There aren’t three wjnáows. Thames.

2 There are tw o beds. .............................. a small palace?

No, there isn't.T here's a big palace. It's called
Buckingham Palace.
3 There is a dog on the chair.
.............................. Chinese restaurants?
Yes, there are.They're in Chinatown.
4 There is a cat on the bed.
8 .............................. trains?
Yes, there are.They're in the London Underground.
5 There are tw o magazines.
.............................. a very fást train?
Yes, there is. It's called Eurostar.
6 There are tw e n ty books.
10 .............................. a big Fun Park?
No, there isn't.There's a big w heel. It's called
the London Eye.
7 There is one CD.

8 There is a com puter on the desk.

9 There are five pictures.

The London

10 There are tw o chairs.

* <C Egészítsd ki az alábbi Londonnal

kapcsolatos kérdéseket! Használd a
There is ... / There are ... szerkezet megfelelő
kérdő alakját!

1 th e re ............... a big park?

Yes, there is. It's called Hyde Park. iT I FF
j f f i -Art J * -JTz I i i
2 .............................. a lo to fb u s e s ?
Yes, there are. The buses in London are red

3 ........................... atower?
Yes, there is. It's calledTheTow er of
P r o j e c t N yelvtan 8

* D Mutasd meg/be a következő dolgokat! ** E írj mondatokat osztályterm etekről! Használd

Használd a H e re ’s ... / Here are ... szerkezetet! a There is ... / There are ... szerkezetet és a
m egadott szavakat! Kibővítheted leírásodat más
1 (my new com puter) szavakkal is.
Here’s my new c o m p u te r.

desk com puter w in d o w chair

2 (my m űm and dad) ^book board picture bag child pen ^

3 (my new Sugababes CD)

4 (my friends, Cat and Nick)

5 (the photo of my grandparents)

6 (my bedroom)

7 (the com puter)

8 (m ytrainers)
Example There are tw enty-five desks.

9 (the shops)
1 ............................................................
10 (the bús stop)

P r o j e c t N y elv ta n 9

6 T h e new. (te ach e r/com pu te r)

<W> Birtokos szerkezetek
7 There is one desk in m y ................................
(Possessives) (b ro th e r/ room)
8 M y ............................... are from the USA.
i 9.1 Birtokviszony (’s) (frie n d /tra in e rs)

^Ben’sbook Mandy’s apple The boy’s pencil ^

* B Töltsd ki a táblázatot, de ne nézd meg a
Ha „valakinek a valamijéről” beszélünk, birtokos szerkezetet használunk. nyelvtani összefoglaló táblázatát!
A birtokos személyt (akié) az ’s végződés jelzi.
Pronoun A djective
F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
I m y...........
Martha's house Mike's desk The boy's pen
9.2 Jelzői birtokos névmások (Possessive he
adjectives) its
^S zem élyes névm ás Jelzői birtokos névm ás Főnév (amije van)^ you
I my their
v J
you your
he his
CD ** C Egészítsd ki a m ondatokat az odaillő
she her
house szem élyes vagy birtokos névmással!
we our
1 H e llo ........................... I..........'m Betty. W h a t's .......... y o u


Ajelzői birtokos névmások olyan szerepet töltenek be az angol nyelvben, 2 This is a picture of Georgina's fam ily.................. is
mint a magyarban a birtokos személyragok: my name - a nevem. Mindig
on the chair a n d ..............m űm is w ith her.
főnévvel együtt állnak, önállóan soha.
A my, your, our és their névmások férfiakra és nőkre is vonatkoznak.
3 Tim is at in Class 5 ................
Egyes szám harmadik személyben a his névmás férfiakra, a her névmás
favourite subject is science.
nőkre vonatkozik.
A your névmást használjuk mind egyes (your book - a könyved), mind
többes szám második személyben (your house - a ti házatok). Az its
4 This is Lisa................favourite sport is tennis.
névmás állatokra és tárgyakra, a their névmás személyekre, állatokra és tw elve.
tárgyakra is utalhat.

F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra ! 5 Karén and Ashley are siste rs................. are seven.
His name is Rob. is five.
Her name is Alicia.
The cat is in its box. 6 This w om a n is a teacher............... name is Emily. a good person.
P r a ct/ c e - &
7 Tóm and I are th irte e n ............... are from Britain.
** A Egészítsd ki a m ondatokat a zárójelben ..............m űm and dad are from Italy.
m egadott szavakkal! A z első főnév a birtokost jelöli.
8 Look at our c a t! .'s hungry............................... food
1 The c a t’e eyes are green. (cat / eyes)
is on th e table.
2 next to her house.
(Sara / school) 9 Jack and Sam are frie n d s...................... fathers are

3 T h e ....... ...are on his bed. tea ch ers............... are at this school.

(b o y/b o o ks)
10 Helen and Jessy are at school................. are in an
4 O u r........... Jaké. (s is te r/frie n d )
English le sson ............... English is very good.
5 M y ....... fantastic. (m űm / pizza)
P r o j e c t N ye lv ta n 1@

m ** B Egészítsd ki a kérdéseket a megfelelő

A this és these mutató névmások mutató névm ással (this vagy these), majd válaszolj
a kérdésekre!
í girl is Mandy. ^
is our teacher.
boys are from Australia.
are my friends. j

A this (ez) névmást egyes számban álló főnevekkel, a these (ezek)

névmást többes számban álló főnevekkel használjuk.

F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
This is my computer.
These boys are my brothers.

A Válaszd ki a helyes m egoldást: this vagy

these? A helytelen m egoldást húzd át!
Anna Peter

1 I s ......t h is ......this Anna's cap? yg

Yes, i t is.

2 A r e ... th e se .... Peter's badges?

N o, th e y aren’t .

3 A r e .................. Anna's badges?

4 I s ..................Anna's watch?

Here are m y favourite postcards.

5 I s ..................Peter's sw eatshirt?
Look at 1this /íh e se -b e a u tifu l city. 2This /These is
from my cousin in Prague. Look, 3this / these is the
6 Is ..................Anna's T-shirt?
Charles Bridge.

4This /These are all from m y penfriend in Australia.

7 Is ................. Peter's bag?
5This /T hese is Sydney Harbour Bridge and 6this /
these are dolphins. 7This /T hese is my favourite
8 A r e .................. Peter's jeans?

And 8this / these is from m y uncle. He's on holiday

9 I s ................... Peter's watch?
in the Canary Islands. 9This /T h ese boats are nice.
And look at all 10this / these people on the beach.
10 A r e .................. Anna's jeans?
P r o j e c t N yelvta n f f

** C B Egy boltban nézelődsz éppen. írj kérdéseket

i± b How much islare ...? — a képek alapján! Használd a H ow m uch is this ...?
Mennyibe kerül? és a H ow m uch are these ...? kérdéseket!

How much is this book? It's £7.95.

How much are these pens? They’re 80 pence each.

Ha valaminek az árát szeretnénk megkérdezni, a How much ...?

kérdőszót használjuk.

F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
How much is this CD? How much are the blue jeans? How much is th is How much are th e se
T -sh irt? badges?
P k a c t ic e <ih
* A Párosítsd össze a kérdéseket (1-10) és a
válaszokat (a-j)!

1 How much is the book? ..4 ..

2 How much are the pens? .......
3 How much is the picture? .......
4 H ow much are the toothbrushes? .......
5 H ow much is the radio? .......
6 H ow much are the bags? .......
7 H ow much are the comics? .......
8 H ow much are the cassettes? .......
9 How much is the cap? .......
10 H ow much are the postcards? .......
a They're 50p each. f It's £10.00.
b It's £5.00. g They're 20p each.
c They're £4.00 each. h It's £3.00.
d It's £2.50. i They're 80p each.
e They're £1.50 each. j They're £2.00. d
P r o j e c t N yelvta n 1 2

§ flf to have got F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !

Have you got a watch? Yes, I have.
Has she got a brother? Yes, she has.
12.1 to have got — állító mondatok
12.4 to have g o t — tagadó mondatok
We have i
You ’ve fifty CDs. We have nőt
They got two sisters. You haven’t fifty CDs.
He a dog. They got two sisters.
She He a dog.
’s has nőt
l" She
A have got igét használjuk a birtoklás kifejezésére. A have összevont l"
alakja Ve, a has összevont alakja ’s. Tagadásnál a nőt tagadó szócska kerül a have vagy has után. Összevont
alakjai: haven’tgot és hasn'tgot.
F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
I've got a skateboard. F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
She's got a new sweatshirt. He hasn't got a cat.
We've got an old cár. They haven't got a big house.

12.2 to have got — kérdő mondatok 12.5 to have g o t — tagadó rövid válaszok
r \
we we
Have haven’t.
you a stereo? you
they got a penfriend? No, they
he a badge? he
Has she she hasn’t.
it it
^W hat has she got in her bag? ,
A rövid válaszban a haven't vagy hasn’t igét használjuk, de a got
Kérdésnél a have vagy a has az alany előtt áll, „helyet cserélnek”, a got szócskát soha.
szócska a helyén marad, az alany után. Have you gotmypen?
Akiegészítendő (Wh-) kérdéseknél a kérdőszót a mondat elejére, az ige No, I haven’t. (NEM Plo J haven’t got.)
[have/has) elé tesszük.
F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra ! Has she got a sister? No, she hasn't.
Have you got a computer? Have they got new shoes? No, they haven't.
What CDs have they got?

12.3 to have got — igenlő rövid válaszok

A rövid válaszban a have vagy has igét használjuk, de a got szócskát

Have you gotapen?
Yes, Ihave. (NEM Yes, I havo got.)
ip &öjizcj N yelvtan \ p-

P r a c t ic b <%> B Olvasd el a W illam -rői szóló leírást, majd

egészítsd ki a W endy-ről szóló m ondatokat!
A írd be, kikre vonatkozik a mondat: Ö sszevont alakokat használj!
Spencerékre (The Spencers) vagy Jonesékra
(The Jones)\

The Spencers

W illiam is a wizard. He's got short, dark hair

They've got tw o small bedrooms. Jhe Jones
and glasses. He's got a pointed hat and a
They've got a bathroom upstairs. ..................
cloak. He's got a beard. He hasn't got a cat,
They haven't got a big kitchen. .................. he's got an owl. He's got a wand, bút he
They've got a w ashing machine in hasn't got a book of spells.
the kitchen. .................. W endy is a w itch. She 1... hasn’t g o t...short
They've got a bookcase in the hair, s h e 2......................... long hair. She
living room. ..................
3..........................glasses. S h e 4...........................
6 They've got tw o T V s. ..................
a pointed hat, bút s h e 5..........................a cloak.
7 They haven't got flow ers in
S h e 6..........................a beard. She
the garden. .................. owl, s h e 8............................ a
8 They haven't got a sw im m in g pool.........................
cat. S h e 9......................... a wand and she
9 They haven't got a m otor bike. ..................
10.........................a book of spells.
10 They've got tw o m otor bikes. ..................

P r o j e c t N yelvta n 1 2

* C Alakítsd át a tagadó m ondatokat kérdővé! 3 Has your friend B got short black hair?
Használd a has/have got ige m egfelelő alakjait!

1 Negative: Tóm hasn't got a big pencil case. 4 Have your friends A and B got comics?
Q uestion: Has Tóm g o t a big pencil case?

2 Negative: W e haven't got English books. 5 Have you got a bike?

Q uestion: ........................................................

3 Negative: They haven't got a carpet in their 6 Have you got a CD player in your bedroom?
sitting room.
Q uestion: .............................................................
7 Has your friend A got a black T-shirt?
4 Negative: Lucy hasn't got a eláss photo at
8 Has your friend B got a red sweatshirt?
Q uestion: ..........................................................

5 Negative: Sam and Andrea haven't got a piano.

9 Have you got a pet?
Question: .................................................................

6 Negative: I haven't got a clock on my desk.

10 Have your friends A and B got CDs?
Question: .................................................................

7 Negative: Emily hasn't got a guitar.

Q uestion: ................................................................. ** í E Egészítsd ki a párbeszédet! Használd a
have g o t ige megfelelő alakjait!
8 Negative: I haven't got gloves.
A m elia 1(you)...Have you g o t....a bike?
Question: .................................................................
Cindy Yes, 12................................W hat about you?
9 Negative: W e haven't got a camera.
Q uestion: ................................................................. A m elia I 3............................. a m ountain bike.
Is your bike quick?
10 Negative: It hasn't got dangerous teeth.
Question: ................................................................. Cindy Yes, it is. M y p a re n ts 4..............................
a cár too.
** D írd be két barátod nevét, majd válaszolj a
kérdésekre! Adj rövid válaszokat! A m elia 5(it)......... an electric roof?

Name of friend A ................................................ Cindy No, i t 6................................B u tit

Name of friend B ................................................ 7..............................electric w indow s.

1 Have you got long brown hair? A m elia Cool! O u rc a r8(n o t)..............................
Yes, I have. / No, l haven’t.
electric w in d ow s bút i t 9............................. a

2 Has your friend A got green eyes? new CD player and w e 10..............................
our favourite CDs in the cár.
P r o j e c t N y elv ta n 13

Idő (Time) P r a c t /c e 4$

* A Olvasd el a párbeszédet, majd egészítsd ki

13.1 Az idő kifejezése az órarendet!

~ T ÍN É t Á ÍL E

fouro'clock five pást four ten pást four

quarter pást four twenty pást four twenty-five pást four

Suzanna W hat's at quarter pást one on Monday?

^ A Ilona Um m ... Geography.

half pást four twenty-five to five Suzanna W hen's PE?There's one lesson on
W ednesday m orning ...
Ilona And there's one lesson onThursday

quarter to five ten to five five to five Suzanna Thanks. Oh, w hat about Science?
Ilona Science is on M onday and Wednesday.
F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
two o'clock Suzanna Right ...T w o English lessons, OK.Two
quarter pást four French lessons ... when's French?
half pást ten
Ilona French is on W ednesday afternoon and
Friday afternoon at quarter pást one.
< 1 3 .2 Prepositions of time — on, at
Suzanna W hat's at ten pást tw o on Friday?
A hét napjai előtt az on elöljárót használjuk.
Ilona That's Assem bly.
I have English on Mondays.
Az órakifejezésekben az at elöljárót használjuk. Suzanna OK. And Inform ation Technology?
I get upat 7 o’clock.
Ilona IT?That's at ten pást tw o onTuesday
Időpontokra gyakran a when? kérdőszóval kérdezünk.
afternoon and at ten to eleven on Friday.
When's the concert?
Suzanna So, is M usic onThursday morning?
F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
We have Maths on Thursdays. Ilona That's right. And morning break is at
They go to bed at half pást eight. half pást ten. Lunch is at tw e lve o'clock.
When is your football practice?
Suzanna And w hen is it tim e to go home?
Ilona A t quarter pást th re e !

10.50 12.00 1.15 2.10 —2............

M onday Maths B reak Science Lunch Geography English

Tuesday Art Break Maths Lunch History
W ednesday PE Break Lunch French RE
Thursday 5
Break English Lunch Maths 6 PE
8 9
Friday History Break Lunch
P r o j e c t N y e lv ta n 1 3

* B On vagy a t? Egészítsd ki a m ondatokat a Egyszerű jelen idő (Present

m egfelelő elöljáróval!
1 Have w e got a piano le sso n on Thursday
14.1 Egyszerű jelen idő — állító mondatok
2 Our teacher is at sch o o l............eight o'clock.
3 Let's w atch the football p ro g ra m m e .............half fi
w ork in a hospital.
pást five. We
play the guitar.
4 M y birthday is ............ Tuesday. collect stamps.
5 Sigm und's party is ............................ Friday night. He w orks fór a radio show.
She plays computer games.
6 There isn't a dance elá ss............... W ednesday looks like this. >
this w eek.
Az egyszerű jelen idő képzésénél az ige szótári alakját használjuk.
7 The pop concert is ............... quarter pást seven. Egyes szám harmadik személyben {he, she, it) az ige -s végződést kap.

8 Our school assem bly is .............nine o'clock. Egyes igék helyesírása egyes szám harmadik személyben rendhagyó:

9 It's our school sports d a y .............Monday. goes to school. ^

does a lót of homework.
10 The firs t exam is .............. ten to nine. ^_______ watches television. y

Az -o és a -eh végződésű igék -es végződést kapnak.

** C írj m ondatokat az órarendedről! A zt is írd le,
Az -es végződést -eh után /iz/-nek ejtjük.
mikor kezdődik az óra!
F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
Example English is a t ten o’clock on Tuesday. I go to karate lessons.
He reads a lót of books.
2 14.2 Egyszerű jelen idő — kérdő mondatok
3 .......................................................................................
I \
4 .................................................................................. we p la y football?
5 .......................................................................................... you go to school?
they w o rk in a bank?
6 .............................................................................. he g e tu p a ts ix ?
D oes she have breakfast every morning?
7 .......................................................................................
8 ................................................................ do you
W hen does she s ta rt work?
do they
10 .............................................
Kérdésalkotásnál a Do vagy Does segédigét és az ige szótári alakját
A kiegészítendő (Wh-) kérdéseknél a kérdőszót a mondat elejére, a
segédige elé tesszük.
a Az /, you, we, és they névmásokkal a do segédigét használjuk.
Do they playtennis?
When doyougetup?
b A does segédigét használjuk a he, she, és it névmásokkal. Mivel a
does már felvette az -s végződést, az igéhez már nem kell kitenni.
He works in a bank.
Does he work in a bank?
He plays football on Saturday.
When does he play football?
p R O jÉ é r BQy & l v t a m Í4

14.3 Egyszerű jelen idő — rövid válaszok

P ract/ce
we A írd be az igék egyes szám harm adik
do. szem élyű alakját a m egfelelő oszlopba!
Yes, go run watch speak lo o k c /
she does. make do get up teach finish
I + ~s + -es
don't. \ooks
she doesn't.
v J
A rövid válaszokban a do/does vagy don't/doesn't segédigét használjuk,
az igét már NEM.
Do you like tea?
Yes, I do. (NEM Yos, Hike.) B írj Robbie-ról m ondatokat a kapott
Does he work in a bank? inform ációk alapján!
No, he doesn’t. (NEM No, ho doesn't w&rk.)

F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
Does he play the guitar? Yes, he does. Robbie's week
Do you play table terunis? Yes, we do. ® get up at 7.30 every day
• have lunch at school
<14.4 Egyszerű jelen idő — tagadó mondatok • play co m p ute r gam es in
the afternoon
get up at six.
° watch TV in the evening
We work in a bank.
don't • help his father every Saturday
You play thedrums.
They go to school. • go skateboarding every Sunday
collect stamps. • do his h om ew ork at the w eekend
He watch television. • read a book once a w eek
She doesn't go to bed at nine.
It start at seven o’clock.

Egyszerű jelen időben tagadásnál a don’t/doesn’t segédigét és az ige

szótári alakját használjuk.
Mivel már a doesn't már felvette az -s végződést, az igéhez már nem kell
He works in a bank. He doesn't work_ in a bank.

F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra ! 1 He g e ts up a t h a lf p á s t seven eve ry day.

I don't watch TV.
They don't play football. 2 ..............................................................................
3 .......................................................................................
4 .......................................................................................
5 .......................................................................................
6 ...................................................................
7 ......................................................................................

8 .................................... ......... m
P r o j e c t N y e lv ta n

* C Egészítsd ki a m ondatokat a zárójelben * 0 Do vagy does? Húzd át a helytelen megoldást!

m egadott igék egyszerű jelen idejű alakjával!
1 W here do /-dees-Lola, Lucia and Pilar live?
2 W hat d o /d o e s they do?
3 W hat instrum ent do / does their father play?
4 W hat language d o /d o e s they speak?
5 H o w o fte n d o /d o e s Lola dance?
6 W ho d o /d o e s Lola see at the weekend?
7 W hat do / does Lola and her friends drink?
8 W here do / does Lucia go?
9 W hat d o /d o e s Pilar like?
10 W here d o /d o e s they go together?

** E A m egadott szavakat helyes sorrendbe téve

alkoss m ondatokat a Las Ketchup együttesről, majd
jelöld be, hogy a kapott állítás igaz (T-true) vagy
hamis (F-false)!

1 d o n 't/ Lola, Lucia and P ila r/s p e a k /S p a n is h

Lola, Lucia and Pilar do n ’t speak Spanish. J /(f)

2 liv e /th e y /S p a in / in
T /F

3 Tomate M unoz /th e guitar / plays

T /F

4 at the w e e k e n d /d a n c e s /L o la
T /F
Las Ketchup 1......a r e .....(be) three beautiful
sisters from the south o f Spain: Lola, Lucia 5 c o ffe e /d rin k /L o la /d o e s n 't

and P ilar.They2....................(speak) Spanish. T /F

Their fa th e r3 ................ (be) Tomate Munoz, a 6 lo v e s /P ila r/film s

very fam ous Spanish guitarist. T /F

Lola 4..................(dance) every day. A t the 7 L u c ia /g o e s /th e c in e m a /to

w eekend s h e 5..................(drink) coffee w ith ............................................................................. T /F
her friends. Lucia 6......................... (go) to the
8 lik e /P ila r/b o o k s /d o e s n 't
cinema. S h e 7.................. (lőve) film s. Pilar is an
T /F
actress. S h e 8..................(like) books.
9 don't / g o / c lu b s / t o / t h e y
T h e y 9.................(go) to clubs to g e th e r and
T /F
10................. (sing) th e ir fam ous song Asereje'.
10 they / song 'Asereje' / th e ir / sing
............................................................................. T /F
P r o j e c t N y e l v ta n Í B

** F Állíts össze egy kérdőívet! írj hat kérdést a

m egadott szavak és saját ötleteid felhasználásával!
canlcan’t — képesség kifejezése

y o u / lik e b o o k s ... s c h o o l... s o n g s ... 15.1 canlcan’t — állító és tagadó mondatok

parties ... ?
y o u / p la y th e g u ita r... the p ia n o ...
fo o tb a ll... tennis ... ? You swim.
y o u /s p e a k E n g lish ... S p a n is h ...? ^ They dance.
He speak English.
Example Do you like parties?
l" J
1 ............................................................................. A can segédigével fejezzük ki, hogy valamit tudunk, képesek vagyunk
Az ige harmadik személyben sem kap -s végződést.
3 .......................................................................................... He can swim. (NEM He-Gans swim.)
4 ...................................................................................... F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
I can speak English.
5 ..........................................................................................
She can play tennis.
6 ...................................................................
i 15.2 can- - kérdő mondat
** G Válaszolj az általad összeállított kérdőív
kérdéseire! Használd a Yes, I do.INo, I d on ’t. rövid
r ....
válaszokat! we
take good photographs?
Example Do you like parties? Can they
play tennis?
Yes, I do. / No, I don’t. he
1 ............................................................................. it
v J
2 Kérdésnél a can az alany előtt áll, „helyet cserélnek".
3 .......................................................................................... He can swim.
Can he swim?
4 ......................................................................................
F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
5 ...................................................................................... Can you dance?
Can he speak French?
6 .............................................................................

15.3 canlcan’t — rövid válaszok

Can you speak French? Yes, I can.

^Can he play the violin? No, he can't. ^

F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
Can she dance? Yes, she can.
Can they swim? No, they can't.
P r o j e c t N y e lv t a n Í B

P r a c t /c e <$>

* A Olvasd el a mondatokat, majd jelöld be, hogy az adott állítás igaz (T-true) vagy hamis (F-false)!

1 He can play tennis. T(f) 4 She can't study. T/ F

2 She can't sing. T /F 5 They can ride their bikes. T /F
3 She can carry the suitcase. T /F 6 He can't sit on his chair. T /F

* B Válaszolj a kérdésekre a can segédigével és a m egadott szavak felhasználásával!

talk to my friends c u tm y fo o d m a k e a c a k e t/ w alk in the rain
pút it on a letter have a drink listen to a CD go running
do my hom ew ork eat it

1 W hat can you do w ith eggs? 6 W hat can you do w ith a CD player?
I can make a cake.

2 W hat can you do w ith a knife? 7 W hat can you do w ith a pen?

3 W hat can you do w ith a telephone? 8 W h a t can you do w ith trainers?

4 W hat can you do w ith a cup? 9 W h a t can you do w ith a cheeseburger?

5 W hat can you do w ith an umbrella? 10 W hat can you do w ith a stam p?
P ro ject N yelvta n Í B

** C írj m ondatokat a m egadott szavak és a ca n ’t ** D A képek alapján írj kérdéseket, majd

segédige felhasználásával! válaszolj rájuk!

buy the dress g o to the beach 1 Can you play th e gu ita r ?

open his umbrella s e e v e r y w e ll^ Yes, I can. / No, I c a n ’t.
d riv e h is c a r sleep go to the m useum

1 She can’t see

very well.

P r o j e c t N y elvta n 1 6

Helyhatározó elöljárók 3. —
in, to, at

a Az in elöljárót használjuk országok, városok, utcák és helyiségek,

szobák neve előtt.
They're on holiday in Francé.
There's a markét in Carnforth.
You can buy records in Markét Street.
I’m in the kitchen.
b A to elöljáró a mozgás irányát jelzi és a Hova? kérdésre válaszol. 5 Michael is 6 Can you com e
Az at elöljáró helyet jelöl és a Hol? kérdésre válaszol.
the door. ........ my house this
On Saturdays we go to the cinema.
He flies to New York. afternoon?
We’re at the cinema.

F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
My dad goes to London every year.
I live at number 10.
We live in Ljubljana.

* A In, to vagy a t l Egészítsd ki a m ondatokat!

7 The spider is 8 T h e y 're ........ work.

........ the bathroom .

1 Prague is ..jn ..the M y uncle goes

Czech Republic. ........ Bratislava every

9 W e 're ....... 10 M y friends and I

m t u Budapest. w a lk ........ school.
* B Párosítsd össze a kérdéseket (1-10) és a
válaszokat (a-j)!
1 W here do you go on holiday? ...!l
2 W hat do you do on Sundays? .......
3 W here do you buy a bús ticket? .......

3 The house is .. 4 George w orks 4 W here does that pláne fly? .......
Oxford Street. ........ the sports 5 W here can you play tennis? .......
centre. 6 W here does Kristina live? .......
P r o j e c t N yelv ta n 1 7

7 W here is Romé? Javaslatok — let’s és

8 W here can I buy trainers?
kötelezettség — must
9 Is there a bank here?
17.1 Javaslatok — let’s
10 Have you got a w ashing machine?
take the train.
a A t the sports centre,
go to the cinema.
b She lives in Prague. Let's
draw a pícture.
c A t the sports shop. sit down.
d It flies to Romé.
A Let’s... a Let us... összevont alakja. Ha arra akarunk javaslatot tenni,
e It's in Italy. hogy mit csináljunk a let’s szócskát és az ige szótári alakját használjuk.
f Yes, it's in the bathroom .
F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
g A t the bús station. Let's go swimming.
h I go to Slovenia. Let's have a drink.
i Yes, it's in Main Street,
j I go to the park w ith m y friends. 17,2 must

** ( C Olvasd el a Megan-ről szóló mondatokat, fi ■\

majd írj magadról! You

He come home.
She m ust go.
We have a drink.
A must (kell) segédige kötelezettséget jelent. Utána az ige szótári alakját

F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
He must have this medicine.
They must tidy their rooms.

P ract/ce

* A Válaszd ki a helyes szót! A helytelen

Megan lives in Wales.
m egoldást húzd át!
She lives in a small tow n called Crickhowell.
1 W e iö ^s -/ m ust go hom e now.
She lives at num ber 12, M arkét Square.
She goes to school fro m M onday to Friday. 2 I'm hungry, let's / m ust have a sandwich.
Her school is in River Street. 3 Róbert let's / m ust do his hom ework.
She walks to school.
4 I let's / m ust set the table fór dinner.
1 I liv e ................................................................ 5 Astronauts let's / m ust w ear spacesuits.
2 .................................................................. 6 Let's / M ust ask the teacher.
3 ...................................................................... 7 It's very hot. Let's / M ust wear ourT-shirts today.
4 ...................................................................... 8 You look very tired. You let's / m ust go to bed.
5 ...................................................................... 9 Let's / M ust go to the library. I w ant a book.
6 10 Look at this lovely giraffe. We let's / m ust take a
P r ú j e c t N yelvta n 1 7

* CB írd be, ki mondja a következőket, egy

Birtokviszony (’s ) egyes és
édesanya, egy tanár vagy egy barát! //
többes számú főnevekkel
1 You m ust have your breakfast now. £ m other i

2 You m ust help me w ith my M aths ^főnév birtokviszony >

hom ew ork. ................. Dracula Dracula’s eyes
műm mum’s name
3 You m ust go to bed! .................
vthe children the children’s names y
4 You m ust listen in eláss. .................
Az egyes számban álló főnevek ’s végződést kapnak.
5 You m ust close your books now. ................. A többes számban álló főnevek után csak az aposztrófot (a kis vesszőt)
tesszük ki.
6 You m ust listen to my new CD. .................. A rendhagyó többes számú főnevek ‘s végződést kapnak, pl. children,
women, hiszen akkor még nincs a szó végén -s.
7 W e m u st visit your grandm other
at the w eekend. .................
the boys the boys’ school
8 You m ust be nice to your little the sisters the sisters’ house
sister. ................. my friends my friends’ names
9 W e m ust try my new com puter John's book (It is his book.)
game. .................. Rebecca’s pen (It is her pen.)
women’s clothes (They are their clothes.)
10 You m ust answ er all the The Hills are at the Taylors’. (at the Taylors’ house)
questions. .................. He is at the doctor’s. (at the doctor's surgery)

F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
** C Szom bat délután van. Adj 10 ötletet John's watch the boys' dad
barátodnak, hogy mivel töltsétek el az időt! the children's school Joe is at the Greens'.
Használd a L e t’s szerkezetet!

Let’s watch a videó. P R AC TIC M 4$>

2 A írd be a képekhez tartozó mondatokat!
3 .......................................................................................
This is the boys' computer.
4 .......................................................................................
This is the girls' CD player.
5 .......................................................................................... This is the man's radio.
This is the boy's com puter.
6 .................................................................. .
This is the girl's CD player. ✓
7 ....................................................................................... This is the m ens' radio.
8 ....................................................................................... This is the w om an's piano.
This is the child'sTV.
9 This is the w o m e n s' piano.
10 This is the children's TV.

d D
P r o je c t N y e l v t a n 1 8

3 The children's / childrens' favourite songs are

on this CD.
4 Nick always plays at the Sm iths' / Smith's
-ÍZX- house.
5 The teachers' / teacher's jacket is on her chair.
6 The teachers' / teacher's bags are in their
classroom s.
7 These are M a g d a s '/ Magda's books.
8 The girl's / girls' nam es are Lia and Sara.
9 This is Sam's / S am s'd og .
10 Robbie is at the doctors' / doctor's.

** C Tedd át a m ondatokat többes számba!

»« 1 The child's bag is on the desk.

The children’s bags a re on the desks.

2 The girl's m o the r is thirty-three years old.

3 The boy's picture is great.

4 Look at your friend's address.

5 The dog's ear is black.

6 The team 's photo is in the book.

7 The footballer'sT-shirt is w hite.

$ ■1

0 Q 8 The child's sandwich is fantastic.

9 The w om an's pen is in the bag.

10 W here is the doctor's jacket?

* B Válaszd ki a helyes szót! A helytelen
m egoldást húzd át!
1 -L a ra ^/L a ra 's trousers are blue.
2 W hat's the school's / schools' telephone
P r g j &c t N yelvta n 1 9

19.3 Folyamatos jelen idő — kérdő mondatok

<frs Folyamatos jelen idő
(Present continuous) í Am I sp eakin g English?
we doing your homework?
A re you having a shower?
19.1 Folyamatos jelen idő — állító mondatok they w ritin g a letter?
he setting the table?
am Is she going to school?
rm doing a project. it listening to the radio?
We playing the piano. W h e re is she going?
You having a shower. W h a t is he doing?
They c le a n in g the house. i^W hy are they talking?
He getting dressed.
She putting the clothes in the washing machine. a Folyamatos jelen idejű kérdésekben az Am, Is vagy Are az alany előtt
áll, „helyet cserélnek”,
u* J
b A kiegészítendő [Wh-) kérdéseknél a kérdőszót a mondat elejére, a
a A folyamatos jelen időt használjuk, ha a cselekvés éppen most, a
segédige elé tesszük.
beszéd pillanatában történik [now).
F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
b A folyamatos jelen idő a to be segédige megfelelő alakjából és az ige
-ing végződésű alakjából áll. Are you wearing trainers?
Are they dancing?
c Helyesírási szabályok:

1 A legtöbb igéhez közvetlenül csatlakozik az -ing.

clean -cleaning 19.4 Folyamatos jelen idő — rövid válaszok
play - playing
f I am.
do - doing
2 Ha az ige -e betűre végződik, az -e kiesik az -ing előtt.
have -having you are.
dance - dancing Yes, they
write - writing he
she is.
3 Ha az ige egy szótagú, egy mássalhangzóra végződik és
magánhangzója rövid, a szó végi mássalhangzó megkettőződik az
-ing előtt. I’m nőt.
set - setting we
sit - sitting you aren't.
get -getting N o, they
F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
she isn't.
She's washing her hair.
it J
They're wearing jeans. v_
Rövid válaszokban csak a to be megfelelő alakjait használjuk, az igét
NEM. A to be alakjait csak a tagadó rövid válaszokban vonhatjuk össze.
19.2 Folyamatos jelen idő — tagadó mondatok
Is she wearing jeans?
f ■\ Yes, she is. (NEM ¥esr she is woaring.)
am nőt
I getting dressed.
'm nőt Are you doing your homework?
p laying the piano, Yes, I am. (NEM Yos, / om doing.)
are nőt skiing.
You Is he doing his homework?
are n 't setting the table.
They No, he isn’t (NEM No, ho isn't doing.)
w o rk in g .
He Are you going home?
is nőt w a s h in g clothes.
She No, I’m nőt. (NEM No.-ttn-m t going.)
isn't sw im m in g .
V J F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
Is she going to school? Yes, she is.
F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
Are you doing the washing-up? Yes, I am.
He isn't sleeping.
Are they playing basketball? No, they aren't.
They aren't having lunch.
P ’R o jE é r N y e l v t a n

P r a c t/c e 4?> * C írd be, kire vonatkoznak az állítások!

* i A írd be az ige -ing végződésű alakját a

megfelelő oszlopba!

w rite ✓ sw im ✓ make get look

pút like have run sing
v___________________________________ y

+ -ing double letter + -ing minus e+ -ing

swimming writing

* B Tedd a zárójelben levő igéket folyam atos

jelen időbe! Ahol csak lehet, az összevont alakot

M elissa’s s itt in g (1sit) in the living room

w ith her dad. They...........................(2watch) a
film on television called D inosaurA dventure.
Look at the dinosaurs.They...........................
(3sleep) in th e ir cave. A boy...........................
(4go) intő the cave. He...........................(5look 1 He isn't w earing a jacket. ......^.9.^49.
fór) the dinosaurs. 2 He isn't w earing shorts. .....................
3 He isn't playing football. .....................
The d in osa u rs.................................... (6get up),
Melissa's dad............................. (7hide) behind 4 He isn't sitting. .....................

the sofa! 5 He isn't running. .....................

6 She isn't singing. .....................
The boy...........................(8give) the dinosaurs
7 She isn't w earing a dress. .....................
somé food.The d in osa u rs................. .........
8 She isn't dancing. .....................
(3eat) the food.T he boy...........................
9 She isn't sm iling. .....................
10 She isn't w earing jeans. .....................
P r o j e c t N y e lv ta n 1 9

* D Alkoss kérdéseket folyam atos jelen időben! ** E Mi történik most az osztályban? Egészítsd ki
a kérdéseket, majd válaszolj röviden!
1 W h o /w e a r/s w e a ts h irt?
Who is wearing a s w e a ts h irt? 1 Are..........som é children reading their books?
Yes, t h e y a re . / No, th e y a re n ’t .
Tóm Cruise is wearing a sw eatshirt.

2 W h a t/R o n a ld o /w e a r? 2 ................your teacher w riting on the board?

He's wearing a football shirt and shorts. 3 sitting on a chair?

3 W h a t/B e y o n c é K n o w le s /d o ?
4 ................ your friend wearing aT-shirt?
She's singing.

4 W h a t/A d ria n a Karembeu andTom Cruise /d o ? 5 ................ you watchingTV?

They're sm iling.
6 ................ som é children playing football?
5 W h o /p la y /fo o tb a ll?

7 ................ you and your friend talking?


6 W hat / Beyoncé Knowles andTom Cruise /

8 .................your teacher standing?

9 ................ all the children listening to the

They're wearing jeans.
7 W h ic h /p e o p le /n o t smile?

10 you wearing jeans?

Ronaldo and Beyoncé Knowles are nőt sm iling.

8 W h ic h /m a n /ru n ?


9 W h ic h /w o m a n /d a n c e ?

Beyoncé Knowles.

10 W h o /e a t?

[PROJECT M yeilwtak £ §

** F írj 5 m ondatot arról, mit viselsz most! És a A folyamatos és az egyszerű

barátod? Róla is írj 5 mondatot!
jelen idő
cap T-shirt jacket dress sw eatshirt
trousers skirt jeans shoes trainers I go to school every day.
v ______________________ _______________________ y I am going to school now.
Tony gets up at eight o’clock every day.
J t is eight o’clock now. Tony is getting up. J
a A folyamatos jelen időt használjuk, ha a cselekvés most történik.
Gyakran használjuk a következő időhatározókkal: at the moment
(jelenleg), now (most).
She is doing her homework now.
He is reading a book at the moment.
b Az egyszerű jelen időt használjuk, ha a cselekvés ismétlődő, rendszeres.
Gyakori időhatározóka mondatban: every day (minden nap),
every morning (minden reggel) vagy all the time (állandóan).
I clean my teeth every m orning.
We go to school every day.
Hasonlítsd össze:
She has a shower every day.
She is having a shower at the moment.
E xam ples I’m wearing a reá cap./I’m n ő t wearing
a cap. F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
Paul is wearing a blue cap./Paul isn’t I play the guitar every day.
Fm playing the guitar at the moment.
wearing a cap.

Pm cTB éÉ
3 .................................................................................. * A Karikázd be a mondatba illő megoldást!
4 .................................................................................. 1 Thomas .....cjeans his teeth every day.
5 .................................................................................. a is cleaning b clean (c )c le a n s
6 .............................................................................
2 G eorgia.................. her new trousers today.
7 ..................................................................................
a is w earing b w ears c are wearing
8 .............................................................................
9 3 I .................. to the library every w eek.
a am going b don't go c am nőt going
4 Rosa and E lena ...................... to the ir grandm other
every week.
a w rite b are w ritin g c is w ritin g

5 Andreas and J im .................... their beds every day.

a making b aren't making c don't make

6 I .................. my glasses at the m om ent.

a w ear b am nőt wearing c don't w ear

7 W e .................. our breakfast now.

a have b having c are having
P r o j e c t N y e lv t a n 2 0

8 M y brother and s is te r.................. all the tim e ! Interview er Do you and Hannah 7..................
a talk b a re ta lkin g c is talking your hom ew ork together?

9 K atya.................... sw im m in g now. Susie Y es,8.................. do.

a goes b go c is going
Interview er W hat do you do on Sundays?
10 M y d a d
Susie I 9.................. to theT opTw enty on
a isn't play b doesn't play c playing
the radio on Sunday m ornings. On
Sunday afternoons I go
* B Egészítsd ki a párbeszédet a m egadott
szavak felhasználásával! 10..................w ith my m űm and
we does listen out m eet ✓ are play
she do studying
** < C írj magadról igaz állításokat! Használd a
m egfelelő jelen időt!

1 clean my teeth
!?.. eve ry day.
I’m cleaning / I’m n ő t cleaning my te e th now.

2 go to the cinema

every week.


3 brush hair

every morning.
In terview er W hat do you do at w eekends, Susie?

Susie On Saturday m ornings 11....m e e t....m y

friend Hannah and w e 2..................
4 do my school w o rk

In terview er 3.................. Hannah go to your

every day.

Susie Y es,4................. does. She's in my now.

eláss fór English, M aths and Science.
5 talk to m y friends on the phone
In terview er W hat are you English at
the m om ent? every w eekend.

Susie W e 6.................. studying the present

tenses. They're difficult.
P r o j e c t N y elvta n 2 1

Kérdőszavak— Which, Why...?

I like Christina Aguilera because she's a good

Which month is your favourite month?

My favourite month is September.
Because we go back to school. I do Maths, English and Science on Monday
a A Which...? kérdőszó jelentése: Melyik... ? A Which one ...? kérdés m ornings. (lessons?)
jelentése: Melyik...? vagy Melyiket ...Ik o n é szócska helyettesíti azt
a főnevet (dolgot, személyt), amiről beszélünk.
Which one do you want - the red one or the blue one? He's sm iling because he's happy.
When do you go on holiday? In the summer.
Which month? July.
b A Why...? kérdőszóval érdeklődünk valaminek az oka felől. Jelentése:
The num ber 52 bús goes to my school.
Why are they having a picnic in the house? Because it’s raining.

F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
She's in the bathroom because she's cleaning
Which colour do you like - red or blue?
Why does he want a new bike? her teeth.

P r a c t / c e <§> W e're w atchingT he Lord of the Rings. (film?)

* A Which vagy W h y l Egészítsd ki a

mondatokat! I'm making a cake because it's my friend's
1 Why are you singing? birthday.
2 isn't Adam at school?
3 your favourite sport - football or
M y piano lesson is onTuesday. (day?)
4 ................are the boys running?
5 do you w a n t - the big one or the
small one?
6 is the school sports day?
7 ................ is Jenny's bag?
8 Carla crying?
9 ................girl is he talking to?
10 you talk in school assem bly?

** B írj kérdéseket a Which és Why kérdőszavak

és a zárójelben m egadott szavak felhasználásával!

1 Why are you wearing J e an s? ........................................

I'm wearing jeans because it's Saturday.

M y birthday is in May. (month?)


P r o j e c t N yelvta n 2 2

A melléknevek helye PRACTICB, 4▼*

* A A képek alapján egészítsd ki a mondatokat! 1
a blue cár
blue eyes 1 Jack M y pet is very smail and black.
dark hair
It's a ta ra n tu la .
long, dark hair

a A melléknév a főnév előtt áll. Alakja sosem változik, 2 Hannah M y pet is very small and w hite.
a big house
It's a ............................
two big houses
b Ha több melléknév van, előbb a méretet kifejező melléknév áll, utána 3 Sara M y pet is long and green.
a szín.
big brown eyes
It's a ............................
short fair hair
4 Tóm M y pet is long and black.
Fordítsd le magyarra!
There are ten small tables in our classroom. It's a ...........................
There's a big, grey elephant.
She's got a new, red skateboard. 5 Freya M y pet is big and w h ite .
It's a ............................

6 Sofia M y pet is fát and black.

It's a ............................

7 Charlie M y pet is very small and green.

It's a ........................ ....

8 M ax M y pet is very big and brown.

It's a .............................

9 Alex M y pets are very small and orange.

T h e y 're ............................

10 Tania M y pets are small. They're black and

w h ite . T h e y 're ......................... .

tarantula ✓

P r o j e c t N y e lv ta n 2 3

* B A kapott inform ációk alapján egészítsd ki a

Személyes névmások
(Subject and object pronouns)
1 Jack's pet is a small, black taran tu la.

2 Hannah's pet is ........................................................... \

alany tárgy
3 Sara's pet is .............................................................. 1 me
you you
4 Tom's p et is ................................................................ he him
5 F re y a 's p e tis ............................................................... she her
it it
6 Sofia's pet is ............................................................... we us
[they them
7 Charlie's pet is ............................................................ J
8 Max's pet i s ................................................................ alany tárgy ^
We lőve him.
9 Alex's pets a r e ...........................................................
l He doesn’t lőve US. j
10 Tania's pets a re ............................................................
Fordítsd le magyarra!
I lőve this programme. 1 watch it every week.
** ( C írj 10 m ondatot a tulajdonodban levő Kate likes computer games. She plays them every day.
tárgyakról! M indegyiket két melléknévvel jellem ezd!
Használd a m egadott szavakat vagy saját
ötleteidet! P R A C T IC B -is

bike T-shirt bag jacket dog cat cár * <A Párosítsd össze az egym áshoz tartozó
pen CD player trainers jeans glasses szem élyes névmásokat!
shorts trousers A B
v______________________________ ____________ J
he me
Example l’ve g o t a big, red bike.
we \ it
1 I \ her
2 it \ us
3 ...................................................................................... they \ you
you him
4 ......................................................................................
she them
5 .......................................................................................
* BVálaszolj a kérdésekre! Használd az
6 ...................................................................
I like ll d o n ’t like szerkezetet és a megfelelő
7 ....................................................................................... szem élyes névmást!
8 ....................................................................................... What do you think o f ...
9 1 JustinTim berlake? I like him. / I don’t like him.
10 2 com puter games? ...............................................
3 your school? ...............................................
4 Britney Spears? ..............................................
5 your tow n? ...............................................
6 m useum s? ...............................................
7 dance music? ...............................................
8 your neighbours?
P r o j e c t N y elv ta n 2 3

C Egészítsd ki a párbeszédet a m egfelelő

szem élyes névm ással! somé es any

^ l’ve got somé books. ^

I haven’t got any
Have you got any money?
V homework? J
a A somé és any névmásokat használjuk többes számú főnevekkel:
somé books
és megszámlálhatatlan főnevekkel:
somé money
b A somé névmást állító mondatokban használjuk.
Az any névmást tagadó és kérdő mondatokban használjuk.
Is there any money?
Are there any books?

Fordítsd le magyarra!
Have we got any homework?
They haven't got any water.
I've got somé pet mice.

Joe Hello. H o w are 1 you ?

P r a c t /c e 4*
T im H í ! 2.....................'m fine, thanks. And
3 .............................. ? * A A kép alapján döntsd el, hogy az állítás igaz
(T = true) vagy hamis (F = false)!
Joe F in e .4..................... 's m y birthday today.
Look at m y n e w trainers.

T im Oh, I lik e 5..................... ! W ho are

6 from ?

Joe They're fro m m y d a d .7.....................'s

w orking in Canada at the m om ent. W e
p h o n e 8.......................... every day.

T im Have you g ot a present fro m your

m űm ?

Joe Y es,9..................... 's taking me and my

sister to the cinema to see Spiderm an
III. 10......................'re going now. Do you
w a n t to com e w ith 11.......................?

Tim Yes, please. 1 There isn't an ow l in the W ildlife Park. T /0

2 There are som é sharks. T /F
Joe Here's m y m űm . Let's ask 12....................
3 The monkeys haven't got a sw ing. T /F
4 Somé m onkeys are in a cage. T /F
■T"t'lTt• nB^i^•'' iÜtfítiín -

P r o j e c t N y e lv ta n 2 6

5 There aren't any rabbits. T /F

'ír> Mutató névmások - this, that,
6 There's a lion. T /F these, those
7 The children have got somé food
fór the animals. T /F
This pen isTony’s.
8 There aren't any trees in the W ildlife Park. T /F These books are Mandy’s.
That is my pencil.
9 There aren't any animals in the W ildlife
^Those boys are from Australia.______ y
Park. T /F
A this (ez), that (az) névmásokat egyes számban álló főnevekkel, a these
10 There is a tiger. T /F
(ezek), those (azok) névmásokat többes számban álló főnevekkel
használjuk. Segítségükkel rámutathatunk személyekre és tárgyakra is.
* ( B Egészítsd ki a m ondatokat a There is/are A this és these névmásokkal a hozzánk közel levő, that és those
szerkezettel és a somé, any névm ással vagy az névmásokkal a tőlünk távol levő személyekre és dolgokra mutathatunk rá.
a/an névelővel! Fordítsd le magyarra!
This is my műm.
Adam W ow! 1 There’s a Hon! It's great! These are my brothers.
That is our cat.
Claire 2 Are th e re any tigers? Those are our fish.

Emm a Yes, there are. They are under those trees

P R A C T Ié S <25
over there.

Robbie 3...........................monkeys playing in the * A írj m ondatokat a these vagy those mutató
névm ások felhasználásával!
trees too.T hey are very funny.
houses desks pens notebooks ice creams
Adam 4............................ orang-utans?
buses beds apples ✓ boards sandwiches
Robbie Yes, there are. They are under the trees.

Claire B ú t 5...............................bears ...

Adam Yes, there a re ! They are behind the

elephants. A n d 6.......................... 1 Look a t th e s e 2

panda, too. apples.

Claire And 7..........................owl. Look at it.

Emma B ú t8...........................sharks. W hat a pity!

Robbie No, there aren't. B ú in

the aquarium. 3 .................................. 4

Emma Let's go then!

Adam No, I'm h u n g ry .10...........................café


5 6

d )
P r o j e c t N yelvta n 2 5

^SANPwiCHES j 1 T h a t’s Ryan’s cap.

■ mSm l l^
r 2 This is Ryan’s T -sh irt.

'n 3
(n /n
rg Iu y iP 7
tó n
T ‘' P p
10 10

** C Tedd át az egyes számban lévő mondatokat

* B Olvasd el a párbeszédet, majd írj egy-egy többes szám ba, a többes számban lévőket egyes
m ondatot a szám okhoz tartozó tárgyakról! számba!
Használd a í/?/s vagy that mutató névm ásokat!
1 This is my cousin.
These are my cousins.

□ 2 Are those your shoes?

Is th is y o u r shoe?

3 This is a snake.

4 'i| 4 Is tha t your bag?

3 ^

5 This isn't my favourite colour.

6 Is this your watch?

Dávid W here's my football?
Ryan It's under the chair. M y football is in my
bag. N ow I can't find my cap ... 7 These are Jack's toys.
Dávid Can you see my sw eatshirt? Oh, there
it is.
Ryan Oh, w here's my T-shirt? And m y sports 8 Those aren't m y photos.
Dávid YourT-shirt is on the chair, look. Oh, dear!
9 Are these your brothers?
I can't see m y tracksuit now ...
Ryan Have you got m y drink?
Dávid No. M y drink's on the table. Oh, my tow el 10 W e like these pizzás.
- I m ust find m y to w e l!
P r o j e c t N yelvta n 2 6

** D Most egy bolhapiacon vásárolsz. Kérdezd

meg, m ennyibe kerülnek a képen látható tárgyak!
Az -s végződések
Használd a this és these névm ásokat a hozzád
közel levő, a that és those névm ásokat a tőled Az angol nyelvben nagyon sok esetben találkozhatunk az -s
távolabb levő tárgyak esetén! végződéssel. Ezek a következők lehetnek:
a a főnév többes száma (plural)
one boy two boys
b az ige egyszerű jelen időben egyes szám harmadik személyben
(present simple, third person singular)
He goes to school every day.
c birtokviszony kifejezése (possessive ’s)
the boy’s book
John’s house
the Browns’ house
d összevont alakok (short forms)
He’s from Britain. (= He is)
She ’s got a dog. (= She has)

* A Milyen szerepet tölt be a z -s végződés a
m ondatban? írd be a megfelelő betűt a m ondat
utáni pontozott vonalra!
1 Three airls are getting on the bús.
2 One girl's got som é dance shoes in
her bag.
3 Her name's Samantha.
4 She goes to Salsa dance lessons
every w eek.
5 Samantha's friends are com ing to
watch her dance.

1 How much are th e se CDs? 6 Their names are Anna and Melissa.

2 How much are th o s e bikes? 7 Anna's hair is lono and black.

3 ................................................. 8 Shejs wearing jeans and a T-shirt.

4 ................................................. 9 M elissa's got a book in her hand.

5 ........... ........ .......................... 10 She alwavs reads on the bús.

6 ........................................ a short form - is

7 .............................................. b short form - has

c possessive 's
8 .......................................
d plural
9 ........................ ...................... e present simple, third person singular
I-------------- --------- - - - - ----- ---- • • • • ' ' —• * •* ■ -----
H H H ___. .j L.....................................................

P r o ject N yelvtan 2 0

** B írd be a szövegbe a 10 hiányzó aposztrófot A to be ige egyszerű múlt

(’), majd karikázd be az egyes szám harmadik
szem élyben levő igéket!
idejű alakja

27,1 A to be ige egyszerű múlt idejű alakja —

állító mondatok

on holiday
was at school
She last week.
at the cinema
It yesterday.
We on Monday.
in London
You were

A to be ige egyszerű múlt idejű alakját akkor használjuk, ha a múlt egy

meghatározott időpontjáról, időszakáról beszélünk, pl. last week (múlt
héten), yesterday (tegnap).

Fordítsd le magyarra!
You were laté yesterday.
She was in hospital last week.
They were at the bús stop this morning.

27.2 A to be ige egyszerű múlt idejű alakja —

Nick's favourite sports are karate and judo. Hes a tagadó mondatok
good karate student. Nick goes to karate \
lessons every week. Hes got his karate clothes He was nőt
in his bag. Nicks karate clothes are new. Hes She w asn ’t
It on holiday last week.
got a w h ite shirt and a black beit. His friends go We
w ere nőt
to karate lessons too. His friends belts are You
w eren’t
Jhey J
green. Nicks teachers a wom an. Shes called
Tagadásnál a nőt tagadószócskát tesszük a létige múlt idejű alakja után.
Ayaka.The lessons starting now.
Összevont alakjai: wasn’t vagy weren’t.

Fordítsd le magyarra!
** C C írd be a B feladat szövegében található He wasn't at the party last night.
többes számú főneveket megjelenésük You weren't at the sports centre this morning.
They weren't at home yesterday.
sorrendjében a keresztrejtvénybe! Minden főnevet
csak egyszer írj! Milyen -s végű szót kaptál
m egfejtésként? írd a rejtvény alatti pontozott < 27.3 A to be ige egyszerű múlt idejű alakja —
vonalra! ■ kérdő mondatok
1 here at five o’clock this morning? ^
he at home yesterday evening?
she at the cinema on Friday?
it on television yesterday?
we in England two years ago?
W ere you at home yesterday?
they ill last week?
^ W hy were you at home yesterday? J

The w o rd betw een the arrows is: a Kérdésekben a was/were az alany előtt áll, „helyet cserélnek”
(ED He was at home yesterday. Was he at home yesterday?
P r o je c t N yelvtan 2 7

b A kiegészítendő (Wh-) kérdéseknél a kérdőszót a mondat elejére, a 2 .................... was sick yesterday?
segédige elé tesszük.
Joe was sick yesterday.
Fordítsd le magyarra!
Were they in the town or the city? 3 ...........................was the film?
Was she at your house fór New Year?
Which bús were you on? The film was Lord o f the fíina s.

4 ...........................w ere Jess and Martin?

27.4 A to be ige egyszerű múlt idejű alakja —
Jess and M artin w ere at the club.
rövid válaszok

I r I
5 ...........................was the CD?
he he The CD was £10.
was. w asn’t.
she she
Yes, it No, it 6 ...........................was in the cage?
we we
A bear was in the cage.
you were. you w eren ’t.
they they
J 7 ...........................w ere your parents in Majorca?
Our parents w ere in Majorca last su m m e r.
Fordítsd le magyarra!
Were the gorillas in a cage? Yes, they were.
8 ...........................was at the sw im m in g pool?
Was the cat in its basket? No, it wasn't.
Angéla w as at the sw im m ing pool.

IP m c n c t, é r 9 ..........................w ere the firefighters at the

* <A írj igaz állításokat! Használd a w as/w asn’t és
The fire fig hte rs w ere at the school because
a w ere/w eren’t igealakokat!
there was a fire .
1 The student next to me w a s /w a s n ’t at school
on Monday. 10 was Sam's party?
2 M y h o m e w o rk ................ .......... difficult Sam's party was in the garden.
3 The w e a th e r.................... . w arm last Friday. * C Was vagy were? Egészítsd ki a szöveget!

4 M y fam ily m e a ls ............ ............. healthy last On Sunday m orning, everybody in theThom pson
fa m ily 1 vva® at home. I t 2................half pást ten.
5 M y friend's p a rty ............ .............. great.
Henry and his dog, W o o d y,3.............................. in the
6 The le s s o n s..................... good today.
bathroom . Petra, his s is te r,4.................. in her room.
7 M y fa th e r......................... at hom e last Saturday.
Joe, their father, and his friend A n d re w 5...............
8 M y firs t to y s .................... very small.
in the dining room. Their mother, É va,6...............
9 M y last b irth d a y ............. .......... special. in the kitchen. Woolly, the c a t, the
10 M y te a c h e rs .................... in England a m onth living room. Grandma and G randpa8............... in
the garden.

•C B Egészítsd ki a kérdéseket a megfelelő Bút s o m e th in g 9...............w rong. A mán in a mask

kérdőszóval! Az aláhúzott kulcsszó segít!
10................near the house ...
1 When......was Nina on holiday?
Nina was on holidav last w e e k .
P r o j e c t N y e lv ta n 2 7

** D A m egadott példa alapján válaszolj a C feladat szövegére vonatkozó kérdésekre!

1 Was Petra in the bathroom ? ** e írj 10 igaz állítást magadról, barátaidról és

No, she wasn’t . She was in her room . családod tagjairól! A m egadott szavak segítenek,
de más időhatározókat is választhatsz!
2 Was W oody w ith Joe?
/ -------------------------------------------------------------- x
last night on Saturday last sum m er
at Christm as in J u ly
3 W ere Joe and A n d re w in the bathroom ?
Examples My s is te r was in Warsaw in July.
i was a t home la s t night.
4 Was it ten o'clock?

5 W ere the children in the garden?

6 Was the cat's name W oody?

7 Was W oolly in the bathroom ?

8 Was Éva w ith Andrew?


9 W ere Grandma and Grandpa in the living room?

10 Was it a w om an in a mask?
P r o je c t N yelv ta n 2 7

** F Egészítsd ki a kérdéseket, majd a képek alapján válaszolj!

Röviden válaszolj, és használd a was és a were igealakokat!

1 It's 13:00. M ark is at school now. It's 3:00 p.m. Beatrice is at a shop now.
Was school at 8:30? the shop at 12:30?
Yes, he was.

2 It's 11:00 p.m. Lisa and Ben are in bed now. 6 It's September. Sandra is at hom e now.
......................... in bed at 7:00 p.m.? ......................... at hom e in July?

3 It's 5:00 p.m. M el is at the funfair now. 7 It's Saturday. Jane and Diane are at the
a tth e funfair at 4:00 p.m.? sw im m in g pool now. the sw im m in g pool last

4 It's Friday. Patrick and Joe are at the gym now.

at the gym yesterday?
P roject N yelvtan 28

28.3 Egyszerű múlt idő — kérdő mondatok

Egyszerű múlt idő (Pást simple)
— szabályszerűen képzett és I húrt him? ^
rendhagyó igék he fali over?
she cut her finger?
Did it ring?
we play rugby?
28.1 Egyszerű múlt idő — szabályszerűen
you break your lég?
képzett igék they have a headache?
^W hat did you dóin London? J
I stayed in bed fór three days. It arrived four days ago.
He watched TV all day.
dav. We
We needed
needed help
heb last
week. A did a do múlt idejű alakja. Kérdésalkotásnál egyszerű múlt időben a
She started ío feel ill on You phoned me yesterday evening. did segédigét és az ige szótári alakját használjuk. Kérdésekben a did
^ Sunday evening.__________ They visited us after school. az alany előtt áll, „helyet cserélnek”. A did már múlt időben van, így az
igének „már nem kell'’ jeleznie a múlt időt.
a Az egyszerű múlt időt akkor használjuk, ha a cselekvés a múlt egy She went to London. Did she go to London?
meghatározott időpontjában, időszakában történt és már
b A kiegészítendő {Wh-) kérdéseknél a kérdőszót a mondat elejére, a
befejeződött. Gyakran használjuk a következő időhatározókkal:
segédige elé tesszük.
yesterday, ago, on (+ nap), in (+ hónap/év), és at (+ órakifejezés),
When did you wash this?
b Képzésekor az -ed végződést illesztjük az ige szótári alakjához. Alakja
Why did you come home?
minden személyben megegyezik.
c Ha az alanyra kérdezünk, NINCS did, az ige egyszerű múlt idejű
Jegyezd meg a következő helyesírási szabályokat: alakját használjuk:
1 Az -e végződésű igék múlt időben -d végződést kapnak: Who bought a model pláne?
We closed our books. What happened to Mandy?
2 Ha az ige egy mássalhangzóra végződik, és magánhangzója rövid, a Fordítsd le magyarra!
szóvégi mássalhangzó megkettőződik az -ed előtt: Did she see her grandparents yesterday?
They stopped the cár. They robbed the bank. Did you visit the castle on Sunday?
They travelled to Spain. When did they go to Germany?
3 Az -y végződésű igék múlt idejű alakjában az -y kiesik, és -ied Why did you do it?
végződést kapnak:
He studied in London. I carried the bag. 28.4 Egyszerű múlt idő — rövid válaszok
DE: She played tennis yesterday.
r "N r \
4 Jegyezd meg a következő kiejtési szabályt: I I
Ha az ige -d vagy -t hangra végződik, az -ed végződés helyes he he
kiejtése: /id/. she she
She needed an operation. I wanted a book. Yes, it did. No, it didn’t.
we we
Fordítsd le magyarra! you you
We watched a programme about animals yesterday. they they
They travelled to Italy last year. V J v )

Rövid válaszokban az igét NEM ismételjük meg. Állításkor a did,

28.2 Egyszerű múlt idő — rendhagyó igék tagadásnál a didn’t segédigét használjuk. Állító rövid válaszokban a
teljes, tagadóban az összevont alakot használjuk.
I had a headache. Itbecam eill. Did he play football yesterday?
You w rote a letter. We got somé medicine. Yes, he did. (NEM Yog, he pbyod.)
He w ent to London. They drove home. Did they goto Paris?
^She took my temperature._______________________^ No, they didn’t. (NEM No, thoy didn’t go.)

Nagyon sok ige rendhagyó módon képzi múlt idejű alakját. Sajnos Fordítsd le magyarra!
nincsenek szabályok. Az igével együtt meg kell tanulni múlt idejű alakját Did you eat your sandwich? No, I didn't.
is. A 141. oldalon található a leggyakoribb rendhagyó igék listája. Did they go to Laké Balaton? Yes, they did.

Fordítsd le magyarra!
1 had a shower this morning.
I went to the museum last week.
I took my brother to the cinema on Monday.
P roject N yelvtan 28

28.5 Egyszerű múlt idő — tagadó mondatok 11 .............................. 12

\ 13 ................................ 14
He 15 ..............................
did nőt
It have lunch yesterday.
didn’t C Egészítsd ki a szöveget a zárójelben
m egadott igék múlt idejű alakjával!

Egyszerű múlt időben tagadásnál a did not/didn’t segédigét és az ige

szótári alakját használjuk.
He went to school. He didn’t go to school.

Fordítsd le magyarra!
She didn't go to school yesterday.
I didn't like the film.

P r a c t ic e é s
* A írd be az ige múlt idejű alakját a megfelelő
study laugh ✓ imagine carry control ✓
stay ski stop tidy play use drop finish On Friday afternoon Debbie's parents
try arrive plán score hurry w h istle húg o k ... (take) her grandm other to the
hospital because she w as ill. On Saturday
-ed -d -ied double consonant
+ -ed m orning D e b b ie 2................(wake up) at half

la u g h e d c o n tr o lle d pást ten. Her p a re n ts 3.......................(be) at the

hospital w ith Gran. I t 4..................(be) Debbie's
birthday, bút she was sad.

S h e 5................(go) to the kitchen.The house

6................(be) very quiet. S h e 7.................
(drink) som é milk a n d 8................(eat) somé

* B Párosítsd össze az igét múlt idejű alakjáv bread.Then s h e 9...................(sit) in the living

ran w rite m et did read took room and 10................(read) her favourite book.
saw buy came drive gave get
A t half pást eleven Debbie's parents
have^ bought sit read run w ro te
sing sat take drove do com e I I.............. (come) back home. Debbie's m űm
got give had ✓ m eet sang see 12................(give) her a kiss and a present, and
1 have / ha d 2 th e y 13............... (sing) 'Happy Birthday'.That

4 afternoon th e y 14.................. (have) a surprise

6 party fór Debbie and all her friends. Best of

all, Gran w as better and Debbie's dad
15............... (bring) her hom e again.
P roject N yelvtan 28

* D Oldd meg a fejtörőt! Húzd ki a helytelen ** F Keresd meg a hibákat a képen! írj tagadó
megoldást! mondatokat! Használd az egyszerű múlt időt!

m o

® W a lt D isney d ire cted / d id n 't d ire c t lots

o f film s.

© M o za rt w ro te / d id n 't w rite pop m usic.

D inosaurs lived / d id n 't live on earth tw o

hundred years ago.

T h e T ita n ic h it / d id n 't h it an iceberg in

th e A tla n tic Ocean.

© The Las Ketchup girls ca m e / d id n 't

c o m e fro m Spain.

© S n o w W h ite ate / d id n 't e at an apple.

The n in e te e n th c e n tu ry s ta rte d / d id n 't

s ta rt S" th e y e a r 1900.
In 1900 ...
© The A n c ie n t E gyptians b u ilt / d id n 't build
1 People d id n ’t sk a te b o ard .
pyram ids.
2 P eople.................................
Pinocchio had / d id n 't have a long nőse.
3 P eople.................................

© Television e xisted / d id n 't e xist tw e n ty 4 P eople.................................

years ago. 5 P eople .................................

Mit csinált Emma? írj kérdéseket, majd

E Egészítsd ki a szöveget! Zárójelben válaszolj!
m egtalálod a beírandó igék betűit - de

Last Saturday I (tn w e )1... vvent....jnto tow n w ith do hoMework

give M űm a birthday present
my friend, Josh. I (d e n w ta ) buy somé
watch a lőve story on TV

CDs and som é trainers. I (g o h u b t)3................the invite firandwa to party

play volleyball with Adaw

CDs bút I (tindd e lk i)4............... the trainers in the
weet Claire at the sports centre

sports shop. W e (dha)5................a drink in a café. send a postcard to wy English penfriend

visit the toymuseuM

W e (e m t)6................Josh's dad in the café and he
tidy bedroom
(verd o ) to their house. Josh (howsde) go shopping with M űm his new com puter game. W e

(tindd a lp y ) because w e (athwdec)
1 Did Emma do her homework?
10............... a program m e onTV.
Yes, she did.
P roject N yelvtan 28

7 ............... ..........................................................
Diane w e n t to the fu n fa ir.

3 8 ....... ................................................................
Cathy left because she didn't like the p artv.

4 9 ....................................................... •..................
The little child took the brown chair.

5 10 ..........................................................................
We m et Monica at the train sta tio n .

** I Válaszolj a kérdésekre!

7 1 W hen did you first ride a bike?

8 2 W hat did you have fór lunch yesterday?

3 W hen did you start your hom ework?

4 W hich school subject did you study first?

** H Alkoss kérdéseket! Használd a What, 5 W hat did you do last weekend?

Where, When, Which és W hy kérdőszavakat! Az
aláhúzott kulcsszavak segítenek.
6 W here did you go last sum m er?
1 When did i t rain?.......................................................

It rained a w eek aao.

7 W hich film did you see at the cinema last tim e?

The dog ate som é m eat.

8 W ho did you go to the cinema w ith?

Sheila finished her hom ew ork at nine.

9 W hat tim e did you get up this morning?

Philippa got an e-mail yesterday.

10 W hat lessons did you have yesterday?

Jackie pút on her coat because she was co ld .

Vickie bought the green pullover.


.. ...... — ......
P r o j e c t N y e lv t a n 2 9

> going to a Kérdésnél a going to szerkezetben a to be az alany előtt áll, „helyet

Are they going to play football?
29.1 going to — állító mondatok b Akiegészítendő (Wh-) kérdéseknél a kérdőszót a mondat elejére, a
segédige elé tesszük.
am What are you going to do this weekend?
Fordítsd le magyarra!
is Are you going to come w ith us?
’s going to have pizza fór lunch. What is she going to buy w ith the money?
You 29.4 going to — rövid válaszok
_ _ ~ \
I am.
A going to szerkezet a to be ige megfelelő alakjából, a going fo-ból és az we
ige szótári alakjából áll. Akkor használjuk a going to szerkezetet, ha már you are.
eldöntöttük, hogy valamit meg fogunk tenni a jövőben. Akkor is a going to Yes, they
szerkezetet használjuk, ha valamilyen jelből, jelzésből következtetünk a he
she IS.
I am going to have a party. it is going to rain it
Fordítsd le magyarra!
I'm going to have pizza fór lunch. I’m nőt. ^
We're going to go to Francé next year. we
you aren’t.
No, they
29.2 going to — tagadó mondatok he
she isn’t.
am nőt it
’m nőt
He Rövid válaszokban sem az igét, sem a going to-1NEM ismételjük meg.
is nőt
She phone Tim. Afo be megfelelő alakjait használjuk.
isn’t going to
It play in the garden.
Fordítsd le magyarra!
are nőt Is he going to go to the dentist this afternoon? Yes, he is.
aren’t Are you going to phone him tomorrow? No, I'm nőt.
I jh e y

Tagadásnál a going to szerkezetben a to be megfelelő tagadó alakját

Összevont alakok: ’m nőt, isn’t vagy aren’t.

Fordítsd le magyarra!
She isn't going to come to the cinema this evening.
They aren't going to buy a new computer.

29.3 going to — kérdő mondatok

í Am I
see you this evening?
Is she
do today’s homework?
it going to
rain this afternoon?
have a party?
Are you
W hat is she going to sing?

P roject N yelvtan 29

PRACTICE <29 3 Is it going to be a disco party? ..................

4 Are the girls going to stay at
* A Is/are vagy is n ’t/aren ’t? Egészítsd ki a
Anastasia's house? .................
5 Are they going to w atch TV? ...... ...........
6 Are they going to stay up laté? .................
7 Is Gina going to bring her
popcorn maker? ..................
8 Are they going to eat lots of pizza? .................
9 Are her parents going to go to
their frie n d s'h o u se ? ..................
10 Are they going to com e home
at eleven o'clock? ..................

** C Képzeld azt, hogy házibulit rendezel. Milyen

lesz a buli? Teljes mondattal válaszolj!
Anastasia is going to have a sleepover party
1 How many friends are you going to invite?
at eight o'clock to m o rro w evening. I’m g o i n g to invite ........... friends.

She 1...... |s...... going to invite tw o or three

2 Are you going to invite boys and/or girls?
girls, L j L s h e 7................ goinö to invite any
3 W here is the party going to be?
The g irls 3............... going to stay the night at
Anastasia's house. T h e y 4...................going to
4 W hat tim e is it going to start and finish?
watch videós and stay up until m idnight.They
5............... going to have a disco because they
don't like dancing. 5 W hat food are you going to have?

Her friend G in a 6............... going to bring her

popcorn maker and th e y 7.................. going to 6 W hat drinks are you going to have?
eat lots of popcorn.

Anastasia's p a re n ts 8................going to be 7 Are you going to have any music?

there at eight o'clock because th e y 9................
going to go to the c in e m a .T h e y10................
8 Is there going to be dancing?
going to com e hom e at ten o'clock.

9 Are you going to have any games?

* B Röviden válaszolj a kérdésekre az A feladat
szövege alapján!
1 Is Anastasia going to have a party? Yes, she is. 10 Are you going to invite your parents?

2 Is she going to invite tw o or

three boys? ....................
P roject N yelvtan 29 /

** D Alkoss kérdéseket a going to szerkezet

'fg> Megszámlálható és
felhasználásával, majd a m egadott válaszok közül
keresd ki és írd be a megfelelőt! ^ megszámlálhatatlan főnevek
/■ — --------------- -
Because I lőve animals. ✓ Maths. Today.
CNe need somé tomatoes. We need somé bread.
The red one. A b o u tte n . Our aunt. A t home.
UHowmany do we need? How much do we need? y
^ By cár. M y grandma's. To buy a game.
a Az angolban vannak megszámlálható (countable) és
megszámlálhatatlan (uncountable) főnevek. A megszámlálható
1 W h y /y o u /g o to the zoo? főneveknek van egyes és többes számuk is.
Why are you going t o go t o th e zoo? an apple six apples
Because I lőve anim als. an onion lots ofonions
asausage 100gsausages
A megszámlálható főnevek mennyiségére a How many? (Hány?)
2 W h o / v is it/ u s /th is afternoon?
kérdőszóval kérdezünk.
How many carrots have you got?
b A főnevek egy része megszámlálhatatlan (uncountable).
A megszámlálhatatlan főneveknek nincs többes számuk.
3 W h a t/th e y /s tu d y ? somé milk a lót of rice a little butter
A megszámlálhatatlan főnevek mennyiségére a How much?
(Mennyi?) kérdőszóval kérdezünk.
How much cheese do you want?

Fordítsd le magyarra!
4 W hich p u llo v e r/y o u /w e a r?
How much chocolate have you got?
How many apples do you want?

5 W here / she /w a tc h the film ?

P R A A T I C B . <30

* A írd be a szavakat a m egfelelő oszlopba!

lemonade ✓ mice ✓ tee th butter

6 W hose g a rd e n /y o u / clean? plates biscuits people m ilk sheep
w in e bread juice salt children cakes
oil hens w a te r teabags m oney

7 W hen / he / wash the cár? How m uch...? How m any...?

lem onade mice

8 H ow / th e y /tra v e l?

9 H ow m a n y /frie n d s /y o u /in v ite ?

10 W h y / Dán / go intő tow n?

P roject N yelvtan 31

* B H ow m any ...? vagy How much ...?

Határozatlan és határozott
Egészítsd ki a kérdéseket!
névelők — a/an, somé, the
1 ,H°vv m any....... books do you want?

2 .......................... cars are in fro nt of your house?

31.1 Határozatlan névelők — alan és somé
3 .......................... ham does she want?
a potato an apple somé water
4 .........................bikes has your cousin got? a hamburger an egg someonions
5 does your m other drink?
a Az a/an határozatlan névelők. Ha a névelő után álló szó
6 ........ pencils are there in your bag? mássalhangzóval kezdődik, az a névelőt, ha a szó magánhangzóval
kezdődik, az an névelőt használjuk.
7 ......................... fish is there in the freezer?
b A somé névmás határozatlan mennyiségre utal, és állhat
8 ...........potatoes do they need? megszámlálható és megszámlálhatatlan főnevekkel (pl. water, milk)
is. A megszámlálható főnevek a somé után többes számba kerülnek,
9 ..........................spaghetti does he boil? (pl. tomatoes, onions).
10 ..........................flour do you use? Fordítsd le magyarra!
We've got somé carrots. We've got an orange.
We've got a saucepan.
** C Állíts össze kérdőívet az egészséges
étrendről! 10 kérdést írj a H ow m any ...? és
How much ...? kérdőszavakkal! 31.2 Határozott névelő — the

( Vou need somé oil and a frying pan. Pút the oil in the frying pan. ^
How healfhy are you? a A the névelőt használjuk, ha egy bizonyos, meghatározott vagy már
említett dologról beszélünk, s mindenki számára egyértelmű, hogy
1 How much te a and coffee do you .drink every day?
kiről, miről van szó.
2 How many p a c k e ts o f c ris p s do you e a t b A the névelő állhat egyes és többes számú főnevek előtt,
megszámlálható és megszámlálhatatlan főnevekkel. Alakja nem
every week?
the apple the onions the water

Fordítsd le magyarra!
Give me the sugár. Pút the books on the shelf.


A A, an vagy s o m é i Egészítsd ki a zA nnie-ről

szóló szöveget!

SprcLghettl NcLpo\etos\o.
fresh torr,ö-toe.s

Umof tomo-toe.s

Annie's going to make spaghetti napoletana. She

needs 1...somé...fresh tom atoes. She needs
2................onion. She n e e d s 3................ tin of
tom atoes. She n e e d s 4................cheese and she
n e e d s 5............... spaghetti.
P roject N yelvtan 31

** B M ost te írj Bobbie-ról! Az A feladat szolgáljon


CJhcxudcute. cjike. 3\:

cJnoc^o\a.t& btxrs
fi our j i;
. ii-
£22 __________ j i
s ugar j i. W hich chocolate do you like?
. ii
Bobbie's going to

W hich salad do you like?

* C Nézd meg a képeket, majd válaszolj a
kérdésekre! Használd a the névelőt!

W hich dog do you like? W hich drink do you like?

I like th e sm a ll dog.

W hich cat do you like?

8 S
k r L

W hichT-shirts do you like? W hich CD player do you like?

P roject N yelvtan 32

Mennyiség — a bit of és a few,

a lót ofllots of

32.1 a bit of és a few

meat ^
a bit of
W hich watch do you like? carrots
sausages ^
ÍKl a bit of (egy kevés) és a few (néhány) kis mennyiségekre utalnak. Az
10 a bit of névmást megszámlálhatatlan, az a few névmást többes számban
álló megszámlálható főnevekkel használjuk.

Fordítsd le magyarra!
Is there a bit of cheese in the fridge?
Are there a few biscuits in the cupboard?

32.2 a lót ofllots of

W hich pets do you like?
Az a lót ofés lots of kifejezések jelentése: sok. Az a lót ofés lots of
kifejezéseket mind megszámlálhatatlan, mind többes számban álló
megszámlálható főnevekkel használjuk,

** € D A , an, som é vagy the? Egészítsd ki a a lót o f meat

lo ts o f butter
a lót o f carrots
lo ts o f sausages

Fordítsd le magyarra!
Is there a lót of bread on the table?
Are there lots of children in your school?

P r a c t ic e 4 *
* A M elyik a helyes m egoldás? A helytelent húzd
1 W hen I get home from school, I do a bit of /
.a-few hom ework.
2 Then I watch a bit of / a fe w TV program m es.

Emma's father has got a lót of things in his 3 In the evening I phone a bit of / a fe w friends.

suitcase. He's g o t 1...somé...shirts and 4 I listen to a bit of /a fe w music.

2............... ties. He's g o t 3................. pair of 5 Then I play a bit of / a fe w com puter games.
shoes. He's g o t 4................jum pers too.There 6 A t the weekends I go shopping w ith my friend.
She buys a bit of / a fe w chocolate.
a re c ks,6 and
7................pair of g la sse s.8................ book is 7 I buy a bit o f / a fe w magazines.

very heavy. He w ants to ta k e 9................ 8 In the evening, w e rent a bit of / a fe w videós.

umbrella too. Oh d e a r,10................suitcase is 9 W e eat a bit o f / a fe w crisps.

too small! 10 W e drink a bit of /a fe w coke.

P r o j e c t N yelvta n 3 2

** B Milyen egy finom piknik? írj m ondatokat az

Melléknevek fokozása
a bit of, a few vagy az a lót of, lots önkifejezések
felhasználásával! A m egadott szavak segítenek
(Comparatives and superlatives)

coke fru itju ic e milk w a ter crisps pizza 33.1 A melléknév középfoka
cheese and tom ato sandwiches sausages
apples tuna and cucum ber sandwiches ^warm warmer
chocolate cake chicken sandwiches salad nice nicer
big bigger
A t my ideál picnic lunch ... easy easier
far further
Examples there are lo ts of/a few sausages.
A melléknév középfokát akkor használjuk, ha két dolgot vagy személyt
the re ’s a b it o f/lo ts o f coke.
hasonlítunk össze. Középfokú összehasonlításban a than (mint)
1 szócskát használjuk.
Canada is larger than England.
a A legtöbb rövid (egy szótagból álló) melléknév középfokban általában
3 -ervégződést kap. A két szótagú, y-ra végződő főnevek is így képzik
középfokú alakjukat.
small -sm aller
5 b Az -e végű melléknevek csak -rvégződést kapnak.
6 large - larger
c Ha a melléknév egy mássalhangzóra végződik, és magánhangzója
7 rövid, a szóvégi mássalhangzó megkettőződik az -erelőtt.
8 h o t-h o tte r
d Az -y végű mellékneveknél az-y-+ /-re változik az -er végződés előtt.
d irty- dirtier
10 e Néhány melléknév rendhagyó módon képzi középfokú alakját.

Fordítsd le magyarra!
A guinea pig is smaller than a rabbit.
I am shorter than you.

33.2 A melléknév felsőfoka

Alapfok Középfok Felsőfok

small smaller the smallest
nice nicer the nicest
wet wetter the wettest
heavy heavier the heaviest
further the furthest
A melléknév felsőfokú alakját akkor használjuk, ha három vagy annál
több embert vagy dolgot hasonlítunk össze. Ne felejtsd el a the
határozott névelőt kitenni a melléknév felsőfoka előtt!
Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
a A legtöbb rövid (egy szótagból álló) melléknév felsőfokban általában
-esi végződést kap. A melléknév felsőfoka előtt a the határozott
névelő áll. A két szótagú, y-ra végződő főnevek is így képzik felsőfokú
b A középfoknál felsorolt helyesírási szabályok a felsőfok képzésére is

<m >
P roject N yelvtan 33

A lapfok Középfok Felsőfok

large larger the largest
hot hotter the hottest
the dirtiest
A írd be a m elléknevek középfokú alakját a
dirty dirtier
m egfelelő oszlopba!
c Rendhagyó:
far further the furthest happy w e t t / m iserable s lo w i/ cool
Fordítsd le magyarra! fát beautiful dirty intelligent fást big
Luké and Ben are the shortest children in our eláss. near dry thin lovely
August is the hottest month.
-er double -ier more
33.3 Melléknevek fokozása — good és bad consonant
+ -er
A lapfok Középfok Felsőfok s lo w e r w e tte r
good better the best
bad worse the worst

A good és bad melléknevek fokozása rendhagyó.

Fordítsd le magyarra!
She thinks Maths is worse than Science.
The best subject is History.
I think Jennifer Lopez is better than Avril Lavigne. B A m egadott szavak felhasználásával írj igaz
c 33.4 Melléknevek fokozása — more és the most

A lapfok K özépfok Felsőfok

gorgeous m ore gorgeous the m ost gorgeous
expensive m ore expensive the m ost expensive
intelligent m ore intelligent the m ost intelligent

Az egynél több szótagból álló melléknevek középfokát a more

szócskával, felsőfokát a the most szócskával képezzük. 1 h ip p o /d o lp h in be / intelligent
usefut more useful the most useful
A d o lp h in i 6 m o re in t e llig e n t th a n a h \ppo.
A két szótagú, y-ra végződő főnevek kivételek:
happy happier the happiest

Fordítsd le magyarra!
I think Maths is the most useful subject.
Computer games are more expensive than CDs.
Are you tidier than your brother?

<33.5 as ... as
2 gorilla /m o n k e y b e /b ig
( as heavy as lead as white as snow

Akkor használjuk az as ... as (olyan ... mint) összehasonlító szerkezetet,

ha két dolog vagy ember tulajdonságai megegyeznek. Gyakori ez a
szerkezet szólásokban.
as proud as a peacock asdryasabone

Fordítsd le magyarra!
I am as tall as my műm.
This bag is as heavy as an elephant!
P r o je c t N yelvtan 33

</// -
4 cheetah / horse can run / fást

5 to rto is e / snake be / long 10 m o u s e /g u in e a pig have g o t/s h o r t tail

* ( C Egészítsd ki a m ondatokat a zárójelben

m egadott m elléknevek közép- vagy felsőfokú

1 (good) A ndrew is ...........b e tte r tha n ...........Alex

at cricket, bút Max is ............. J?est....................
cricket player in our eláss.

2 (easy) English is ...........................................

Germán, bút Italian is ...........................................

3 (heavy) M y sister is ...........................................

me, bút m y father is ...........................................
can f ly / f a r in my family.

4 (exciting) Videós a re ...........................................

the radio, bút the cinema is ..................................
..................... piacé to see a film .

5 (bad) The w e a th e r yesterday was

...................... .................... last w eek, bút the
w e a th e r today is ...........................................
be / heavy
w eather this year.

6 (difficult) Science is ..........................................

Geography, bút M aths is ........................................
........................................... school subject.
<m >
P r o j e c t N y e lv ta n 3 3

7 (thick) The növel is ........................................... 9 Gorillas are intelligent bút monkeys are more
the English coursebook, bút the dictionary is intelligent. Gorillas a re n 't........................................................

8 (expensive) The violin is ......................................... 10 Sandra is clever bút M ary is cleverer.

...........................................the guitar, bút the piano Sandra is n 't.............................................
is ...........................................musical instrum ent.
** < E A m elléknevek felsőfokú alakjával írj 8
9 (big) Australia is ................ kérdést, majd válaszolj a kérdésekre!
England, bút the USA is ... Which / the / bad / subject
in this school?
English-speaking country. Which / big / eláss

10 (healthy) Cheese is ............ W h o / fást / girl

in this eláss?
W h o /ta ll/b o y
cakes, bút vegetables are
W hich / w e t / m onth
..................... food. in this country?
Which / good / pop group

* D Egészítsd ki a m ásodik m ondatot úgy, hogy W ho / intelligent / person

in your family?
ugyanazt fejezze ki, mint az első! W h o /s h o rt/p e rs o n

1 M ount O lym pus is high, bút M o u nt Everest

Question Your answ er
is higher.
1 Which is th e w o rs t su b je c t in
M ount Olympus isn't a®. ..M ount Everest.
th is school?
2 Bili is tw e lve years old andTom is tw e lve too.
Tóm is as old as Bill..................................................

3 Jessica is polite, bút Samantha is politer.

Jessica is n 't...............................................................

4 C om puter Studies is difficult and M aths is

difficult too.
M aths is .............................................................

5 June is hot, bút August is hotter.

June is n 't...........................................................

6 James is 1.58 m etres tall and Mark is 1.58

m etres tall, too.
Mark is ...............................................................

7 Paris is beautiful. Vienna is beautiful, too.

Paris is ...............................................................

8 Kim is very nice bút Sally is nicer.

Kim is n 't.............................................................
P r o j e c t N y e lv ta n 3 3

F A m egadott m elléknévpárok segítségével írj < p \ Gyakoriságot kifejező

10 összehasonlító mondatot a négy

all the time always

/s h o rt ta ll/s h o rt hea vy/ light ^
A usually/normally
at no time never

a A gyakoriságot kifejező időhatározók azt fejezik ki, hogy milyen

gyakran csinálunk valamit, vagy milyen gyakran történik valami.
Kérdőszavuk: How often ...? (Milyen gyakran?)
How often do you go to the cinema ?

Afrovenator Andesaurus b A mondatban általában az ige előtt állnak.

Length: 8 m etres Length: 40 m etres I usually watch TV in the evenings.

Height: 2.5 m etres Height: 13 m etres c Ha a mondatban segédige (pl. do, don’t) van, a gyakoriságot kifejező
időhatározó általában a segédige után, de a főige előtt áll.
W eight: 450 kilós W eight: 76,000 kilós
I don’t often go to the cinema.
Africa South America
What do you usually watch on TV?
He has always got a lót of money.
I can normallystay up laté on Saturdays.
d A gyakoriságot kifejező időhatározó általában a to be után áll.
It’s always good fun.

Fordítsd le magyarra!
I often go to the park with my friends.
He doesn't usually drink tea.
How often do you go to the cinema?
Alxasaurus Alam osaurus I sometimes go swimming on Wednesdays.
Length: 4 m etres Length: 21 m etres
Height: 2 m etres Height: 6 m etres
P ract/ ce
W eight: 400 kilós W eight: 27,000 kilós
China S outh-w est USA
* A írj magadról! Egészítsd ki a m ondatokat!
Használd az always, often, usually, som etim es
vagy never időhatározókat!
1 The A fro v e n a to r was longer th a n th e
1 M y frie n d s ........................... com e to my house at
A lxasaurus.
the w eekend.
2 The lo n g e s t d in o s a u r was th e A ndesaurus.
2 have a cup of tea fór breakfast.

3 w alk to school.
4 4 c a n ...........................understand m y M aths
5 essons.

6 5 football after school.

7 6 ...........................w ear jeans to school.

8 7 ...........................go to my grandm other's in the

8 sing in the bath.
9 watch TV in the evenings.

10 go skiing in the Christmas

P r o j e c t N y elv ta n 3 4

*<B Kate szám ítógépes

6 Her p a re n ts ................................................ the
kérdőívet tölt ki. Olvasd el
válaszait, majd egészítsd
ki a mondatokat! 7 T h e y ................................................emails.
8 Kate's te a c h e r............................................... the
9 K a te m usic on the
10 K a te ............... at the new s on
the Internet.

** C Most te válaszolj a kérdőív kérdéseire!

Do you use the Internet
fór school work? o o 0 0 o Example I o fte n use the Internet fó r school work.
1 .............................................................................
Do you use the Internet
fór fun? o o o o o 2

Do you play computer 3 ......................................................................................

games? o o o o o 4 ......................................................................................

E Do you send emails to 5 ......................................................................................

your friends? o o o o o
6 .......................................................................................
Doyou buy things on 7 ......................................................................................
the Internet? o o o o o
8 ......................................................................................
Do your parents use
the Internet? o o 0 o o
Do they send emails? o o o o o
Does your teacher use ** C.D A m egadott szavakat sorrendbe téve alkoss
the Internet? o o 0 o 0 mondatokat!

Do you listen to music 1 I / listen to classical m usic / som etim es / .

on the Internet? o o o o o I so m e tim e s lis te n t o cla ss ica l m usic.

u Do you look at the news

2 T e rry /p la y e h e s s /o fte n /d o e s /?
on the Internet? o o o o o

1 Kate s o m e tim e s uses 3 m y d o c to r/u s u a lly / is n 't/la té / .

the Internet fór
school w ork.
2 K a te ................................................ the Internet fór
4 on M ondays / they / usually / play hockey / do / ?
3 K a te ................................................ com puter
games. 5 doesn't / Nick / often / do athletics / .
4 S h e ............................................... emails to her
6 Meg / usually / at home in the evening / is / .
5 S h e ................................................ things on the
P r o j e c t N y e lv ta n 3 4

7 always / Marianna / read / doesn't / her school

> ei/er (valaha)

(D o you ever go to the Iheatre? J

8 has d in n e r /n e v e r /S u e /a fte r 8 /
Ever (valaha, bármikor is) határozószót gyakran használjuk, ha az
embereket szokásaikról kérdezzük. Válaszban sosem használják,
helyette általában valamilyen gyakoriságot kifejező időhatározó áll.
9 their parents / go shopping / do / often / ?
Do you ever watch sports programmes ?
Yes, I often watch sports programmes.

Fordítsd le magyarra!
10 are / often / the children / tired / after school / ?
Do they ever go to the sports centre?
Yes, they usually go on Thursdays.

P r a c t ic b . <Sb>
* ( A Alkoss kérdéseket a megadott szavak és az
e ve r időhatározó felhasználásával!

1 you / run to school?

Do y o u ever ru n t o s c h o o l?

2 your brother or s is te r/b o rr o w /y o u r things?

3 y o u rd a d / dance?

4 your grandparents / go sw im m ing?

5 your te a c h e r/s a y / 'Be q u ie t!'?

6 you and your friends / have / parties?

7 y o u /m a k e /d in n e r?

8 your grandparents / stay / at your house?

9 you / lo s e /y o u r hom ework?

10 your m űm / listen to music?

P r o j e c t N y e lv ta n 3 6

** B Állíts össze kérdőívet a képek és a m egadott \ Melléknév és határozószó

szavak segítségével! Használd az ever
(Adjectives and adverbs)

műm dad you brother sister

m elléknév határozószó
grandm other grandfather
The cár is slow. It moves slowly.
He was quiet. Hespokequietly.
She’s happy. She’s singing happily.

a A melléknév a főnevek valamilyen tulajdonságát írja le, azt, hogy

valami vagy valaki milyen.
He was a horrible mán.
b A határozószó az igére vonatkozik, azt írja le, hogyan végezzük a
She opened her eyes quickly.
c Határozószót képezhetünk melléknévből a -ly végződéssel.
careful - carefully loud - loudly
d Ha a melléknév y-ra végződik, az -y a -ly előtt -/'-re változik.
easy- easily happy - happily
e Rendhagyó módon képzett határozószók:

(fá s t-fá s t good-well h a rd -h a rd )

This is a fást cár. The cartraveis fást.

He is a good driver. He drives well.
She is a hard worker. She works very hard.

Fordítsd le magyarra!
Monkeys are good climbers. They climb well.
His voice is very loud. He talks loudly.

P r a c t / c e <&

* A írd be a szavakat a megfelelő oszlopba!

Vigyázz, ném elyik szó lehet m elléknév is,
határozószó is!

W h a t does your fam ily do at th e weekends? difficult ✓ horribly ✓ hard slow bad
T Do you ever go swimming? quiet happily brave safely well
easily amazing quick good fást
2 Does y o u r d a d ever w atch TV?
poor proudly high
3 ................................................................................
4 ................................................................................ Adjectives Adverbs

5 ................................................................................ d iffic u lt horribly

6 ................................................................................
7 ................................................................................
8 ................................................................................
9 ................................................................................
10 ..............................................................
P r o j e c t N yelvtan 3 ő

* ( B Egészítsd ki a mondatokat az odaillő 3 C h e e ta h s/ru n


4 Our national te a m /p la y football

5 M y m u m /d riv e

6 l/r u n

7 M y best frie n d /p la y com puter games

8 people in the governm ent / w o rk

On Friday M ark had a terrible day at school.

9 I / learn languages
He did 1...fradjy... (bad) in the m aths test. He
didn't w rite 2................(good) in the English
lesson. And he did his history h om ew ork very 10 l/ s w im

3............... (careful), bút then he lost it. Mark

w a lk e d 4............... (miserable) hom e from
school. Suddenly his friend Luké shouted
5............... (loud), 'Hey, M a rk !' M ark looked
ro u n d 6............... (slow). He tr ie d 7.................
(hard) to sm ile. Luké took som ething
8............... (proud) out of his bag. T v e got tw o
free tickets to the big football match
tom orrow ,' he s a id 9.................(excited). 'Shall
w e go?' 'Yes, let's g o !' said M a rk 10...............
(happy). 'Thanks, Luké.'

** C A lkoss m ondatokat a m egadott szavak és

egy-egy határozószó felhasználásával!

1 Serena W illiam s / play tennis

ö eren a W illia ms p lays te n n is b rillia n tly /b a d ly .

2 Michael S chu m a ch er/d rive


P r o j e c t N yelvta n 3 7

have to a Kérdésnél a do/does segédigét, a have to segédigét és az ige szótári

alakját használjuk.
b Akiegészítendő (lf/h-) kérdéseknél a kérdőszót a mondat elejére, a
37.1 have to — állító mondatok segédige elé tesszük.

Fordítsd le magyarra!
Do you have to do a lót of homework?
have Does your dad have to wear a uniform?
You get up early. When do they have to go home?
They to be very fit.
He stay outdoors.
She has 37.4 have to — rövid válaszok

a A have/has to után az ige szótári alakja áll. Jelentése: kell, szükséges we
valamit megtenni, do.
b A have/has to bizonyos esetekben ugyanazt jelenti, mint a must. Yes, they
I have to go. I m ust go. he
she does.
Fordítsd le magyarra!
I have to do my homework this evening. J
She has to go to the hospital.
í 37.2 have to — tagadó mondatok d on’t.
No, they
i he
We do nőt she doesn’t.
You don’t get up early. it
They have to be very fit.
He stay outdoors. Rövid válaszokban az igét és a have to segédigét NEM ismételjük meg.
does nőt Állításkor a do/does, tagadásnál a dón 'ívagy doesn’t segédigét
doesn’t használjuk.
Do you have to travel a lót?
a A don’t have to/doesn’t have to alakokat tagadásnál használjuk, ha Yes, I do. (NEM Yos, I havo to trovol.)
valamit nem kell, vagy nem szükséges megtenni,
Does she have to work outdoors?
b Tagadásnál a have to tagadó alakjait (don't have to/doesn’t have to) Yes, she does. (NEM -Y'esr sho has to work.)
és az ige szótári alakját használjuk.
Do they have to play football?
I have to get up early. I don’t have to get up early
No, they don’t. (NEM No, thoy don’t hovo to play.)
She has to work at night. She doesn ’t have to work at night.
Does he have to speak French?
Fordítsd le magyarra! No, he doesn’t. (NEM No, ho doosn!4-have to epook.)
I don't have to go home early.
Fordítsd le magyarra!
He doesn't have to go shopping.
Do you have to go home now? Yes, I do.
Does she have to stay at home? No, she doesn't.
<37.3 have to — kérdő mondatok
r ' \
Do wear a uniform?
travel a lót?
they have to
do a lót of homework?
sleep outdoors?
Does she
^W hen do they have to go to bed? v

P r o j e c t N y e lv ta n 3 7

P r a c t / c e 4? ** C Alkoss kérdéseket a B feladat szövegéről,

majd röviden válaszolj!
* A Válaszolj a kérdésekre! Használd a have to
1 e ve ryb o d y/h a ve to /s in g and dance ?
vagy a d o n ’t have to szerkezeteket!
Does everybody have t o sing and dance?
1 have t o l d o n 't have t o do my hom ew ork at a
Yes, th e y do.
special tim e.
2 help at home in the 2 they / have to / practise / after school
kitchen. som etim es?
3 go to bed at nine o'clock.
4 play my CDs quietly.
5 tidy my room.
3 they / have to / practise / at weekends?
6 make my bed.
7 go to the dentist every
six m onths.
8 com e home before dark 4 Magda / have to /d a n c e on her own?
n winter.
9 go shopping tor my
5 Magda / have to / do her hom ework, too?
10 I ................. do a lót of hom ew ork
every day.

* B Has to vagy have to? Egészítsd ki a

mondatokat! 6 George / have to /p a in t the scenes?

Hif my name's Magda. We

are producing a musical at
our school. It's great fun - 7 G e o rg e /h a ve to /s in g ?

everybody \.,.!l? sing

and dance. W e 2..„..............
practise after school on 8 the ir m um s / have to / make som é clothes?
Mondays, W ednesdays and Fridays. W e don't
3................practise at the w eekends. I act the part of
a fam ous singer, so 14................sing a lót of songs
9 Emma / have to /s in g ?
on m y own. It's hard w o rk and 15..................find tim e
to do m y hom ew ork, too. M y friend George loves
art - he 6................paint the scenes fór the
background. Luckily he d o e s n 't7........................ sing - 10 they all / have t o / sell tickets?

he's a terrible singer! Our m um s 8................make

som é clothes fór the musical. M y friend Emma
9................w o rk the lights. Oh, and w e a ll10................
sell the tickets!
P r o j e c t N y e lv ta n 3 8

& > Javaslatok (Suggestions) B

a Shall w e phone Leila?

Why don’t we
b W hy don't you go to the doctor?
go to the park today?
Let’s c W hy don't you tidy it?
go swimming/cycling/riding?
Shall we d Shall I answ er it?
a Javaslatot tehetünk: e Shall I helpyou?
1 A Why don’t we + az ige szótári alakja szerkezettel. f Shall w e catch the bús?
Why dón ’t we play tennis? g Shall w e go home?
2 A Let's + az ige szótári alakja szerkezettel. Vigyázz arra, hogy a let’s h Let's buy her a present.
után sosincs to!
i W hy don't you buy it?
Let’s watch TV.
j Let's go sw im m in g !
3 A Shall we + az ige szótári alakja szerkezettel.
Shall we meet outside the sports centre?
* B A m egadott szavak segítségével egészítsd
b A shall gyakran előfordul kérdésekben is, amikor ötleteket, javaslatokat
kérünk. ki a mondatokat!
Where shall we meet?
What time shall we leave? all w h y don't that's go
c Ha egyetértesz egy javaslattal, így válaszolhatsz: OK, shall I w e do let's ✓
That's a good idea vagy All right.
Shall we go shopping? All right.
It was tw o o'clock on Saturday afternoon andTom,
Why don't we go to the cinema? That’s a good idea.
Lucy and Selina w ere bored.
Fordítsd le magyarra!
Let's go to the farm.
n ... Let’s .... g0 to the cinema,'Tóm suggested.
Why don't you phone your műm?
Shall we meet at four o'clock?
'Y e s,2................don't w e see that new film ? ' Selina
IP R A e n e E <h
'Because w e haven't got any money, rem em ber?'
* <A Párosítsd össze a m ondatokat (1 -10) a Lucy said. 'L e t's 3................som ething outdoors.
hozzájuk tartozó javaslatokkal (a-j)!
4................w e go to the park and play football?'
'No, w h y 5................w e play badminton? It's more
1 This room is a m ess! ..c...
fun and w e've got somé rackets. S ha ll6................
2 It's a long w alk to Jack's house! .......
get them ?'
3 It's Hannah's birthday tom orrow . .......
4 I lőve the new Blue CD. ....... '7................right,' saidTom. 'Is that okay w ith you,

5 I think l've got flu. ....... Selina?'

6 This laké is gorgeous. ....... 'Y e s,8................okay. W hy d o n 't9.................get Jack

7 W e need one more person. ....... too? W e need four people.'
8 I don't like this party. .......
'Good idea! Let's 10............... !'
9 I can hear the phone. .......
10 I'm going to paint the living-room ..................
P r o j e c t N yelvtan 3 8

** C Te mit javasolsz? Használd a L e t’s W hy d o n ’t w elyou ...?

vagy a S hall we ...? szerkezeteket!

1 It's cold here in the park.

L e t’s go t o my house.


3 I don't feel very well. 4 W hich pet shall w e buy?

5 W e're laté tor school! 6 l'm th irs ty !

7 I can't do this hom ework. 8 W hat CD shall I get?

9 It's a lovely day. W hat shall w e do? 10 Oh no! I've got paint on my hair!
P r o j e c t N y e lv ta n 3 9

I methim a long time

They moved house two months M av

Ha azt akarjuk mondani, hogy valami a jelenhez képest mennyi ideje W eek 1 I bouqht cl n e u / H o b b ié .
történt, az ago (ezelőtt) szót és az egyszerű múlt időt használjuk. Az ago Wtlliú-ms CO,
az időkifejezés végére kerül.
W eek 2 l is t e n e d t o m y neu/ CD
a week ago three years ago
<2v/<£ry úÍűa/ ,
Fordítsd le magyarra!
W eek 3 My CO b r o k e .
We moved house two months ago.
They got married a year ago. W eek 4 My CO p \ o y e r b r o k e .

W eek 1
'i A Tedd a m egadott időkifejezéseket a M onday 1st I t o o k r r y CO p l a y e r b a -d k
megfelelő sorrendbe! t o th e s h o p .

Tuesday 2nd T h e y m e /id e d r r y CO p \ a y e r .

six m onths ago yesterday tw o years ago ✓
last m onth a w e e k ago W ednesday 3rd f o x M y U rth d a y !
four days ago tw o hours ago last year My qrcL/\do-d q(xve me
five m inutes ago ten w eeks ago somé. m oney,
PÁST Ypm . I bought tw o ki<£u/ CDs .1
tvvo years ago

1Today .......... is Paul's birthday. Paul loves

listening to m u s ic .2........................he bought a
new Robbie W illiam s CD, and 3.„................... he
listened to his new CD every day. Bút then,
4.................... Paul's younger brother dropped
the CD and it broke. Unfortunately,
5.................... Paul's CD player broke, too.

6...„.................. he took his CD player back to the

1 .................. ..................
NO W shop and the y mended i t 7........... ...........

** It is five o 'c lo c k .8..................... Paul bought

B Olvasd el Paul naplóját, majd egészítsd ki a
m ondatokat az odaillő időkifejezéssel! tw o new CDs w ith the m oney his Grandad
gave him 9.......................N ow Paul is having a
a m onth ago an hour ago
tw o w eeks ago tw o days ago great birthday - he can listen to his m usic
three w eeks ago last w eek again. He's listening to his new CDs
yesterday at the m om ent
today ✓ this morning
P r o j e c t N yelvta n 4 0

3 o It's raining, M ű m ! ...................................... to

Kérések és javaslatok
o No, I can't. Pút your coat on and take an
40.1 Kérések umbrella.

Can you 4 c Here's your pizza and here are your salads.
o p enthe window?
Could you
........................................... w ith your dinner?
Ha valakitől kérni szeretnénk valamit, használhatjuk a Can you vagy
o No, thanks. This is fine.
Could you + az ige szótári alakja szerkezeteket.
Can you help me?
5 • l've got tw o tickets fór the festival.
Could you pass the salt?
........................................ one?
Fordítsd le magyarra!
Can you open the door, please. o The rap festival? Yes! How much is it?
Could you take a photo of me and my friend?
6 • Goodbye - I'm going to the shops.
< 40.2 Javaslatok, felajánlások, udvarias kínálás o O h - ......................................... today's
newspaper? I w ant to see the football
W ould you like a drink? | results.
Do you w ant to dance? J

Would you like ...és Do you want... kifejezéseket használjuk, ha

7 • Let's all go and see the new James Bond film
megkínálunk valakit, vagy ha javaslatot teszünk, felajánlunk valamit. on Friday.

Fordítsd le magyarra! o OK............................................ Simon and teli

Would you like somé coffee? him to m eet us at the cinema at eight
Do you want a drink? o'clock?

8 • I can't go out tonight. I don't feel very well.

P r a c t ic e 4 o
o P o o ry o u !........................................... this videó?
It's really good.
* A A m egadott kifejezések segítségével
egészítsd ki a párbeszédeket! 9 o Help! l've got my singing exam tom orro w !

do you w a n t to practise o your songs w ith me?

can you phone
10 • l've got postcards from a lót of different
could you buy
could you teli m e the way ✓
do you w a n t to borrow o postcard from Italy?
w ould you like som é bread I can send you one fro m my holiday!
do you w a n t som é coffee
w ould you like a * B Egészítsd ki a kérdéseket! Kéréshez a Could
can you drive me yo u ..., javaslatokhoz, felajánlásokhoz a W ould
do you w ant you like ... kifejezéseket használd!
1 ............ C0.uld y°.u............ tu m o n th e T V ?
1 • Excuse me, ...could you te li me th e way to the
sports centre? 2 me, please?

g Yes, it's behind the superm arket, next to the 3 go sw im m ing?
cár park. 4 ........................................... teli me the w ay to the
2 • Hello, Annié!
5 ......................................... a cup of coffee?
o Hello, Kelly! Come in ......................................... ?
I'm making som é now.
P r o j e c t N yelvtan S á

to borrow my ** E Barátaid segítenek neked rendet rakni a

skateboard? szobádban. írj 5 kérést a Can you ... és a
Could you ... kifejezések felhasználásával!
7 som é cake?

8 look after my dog?

9 show me how to play

this game?

10 a Harry Potter book fór

your birthday?

* C Húzd át a helytelen megoldást! Kéréshez a

Can you ..., javaslatokhoz, felajánlásokhoz a
D o yo u w a n t... kifejezéseket válaszd!
Can you
1 give me a hand?
XÜQ you wgrrrt
Can you
2 som é chocolate?
Do you w ant

3 Can you to com e to the disco w ith us?

Do you w ant
Can you
4 carry m y bag fór me?
Do you w ant
Can you
5 listen carefully?
Do you w ant
Can you
6 any more crisps?
Do you w ant
Can you
7 to play w ith us?
Do you w ant
Can you
8 another drink? 1 Could you p ú t th e books on th e shelves?
Do you w ant
Can you
9 to use m y pen?
Do you w ant

Can you
teli the teacher, please?
Do you w ant

** D Édesanyád fáradt, szeretnéd felvidítani. írj 5

javaslatot a W ould you like ... és a Do you w a n t...
kifejezések felhasználásával!
1 Would you like a c u p o f te a . Műm?

P r o j e c t N yelvta n 4 1

/X Egyszerű jelen idő — ** B Egészítsd ki a m ondatokat a zárójelben

m egadott igék egyszerű jelen idejű alakjával!
helyesírási szabályok
M y M űm 1 hurries (hurry) to w ork every
1 Egyes szám harmadik személyben az o-ra végződő igék -es m orning. S h e 2..................... (teach) Science at the
végződést kapnak.
college in our tow n. M y Dad o fte n 3 .................. (go)
He goes to school at eight o’clock.
2 A -eh, -sh, -s, -x, vagy -z végződésű igék -es végződést kapnak, w ith her a n d 4 (carry) her bag. She
melynek kiejtése: /íz/.
always has a big bag full of books and my Dad
He teaches English.
3 Az -y végződésű igéknél az -y kiesik és -ies végződést kapnak, ha az
5........... (worry) about her back.
-y előtt mássalhangzó van:
S om etim es my M űm 6 ...... (go) to Prague
Dad carries my bag.
DE: fór a fe w days fór her work. M y grandm other
She often plays tennis.
7.....................(stay) w ith us. S h e 8......................
(make) our fo o d ,9 ................. (wash) our clothes
and 10................... (tidy) the house. She
* A írd be az igék egyszerű jelen idejű, egyes 1 1....................(play) w ith my baby sister and
szám harm adik szem élyű alakját a m egfelelő
1 2................... (watch) videós w ith us. W e have a
great tim e w ith Gran bút M űm isn't happy in
hurry ✓ play ✓ carry destroy w o rry
Prague. She 13........................(enjoy) her w ork bút she
m arry say enjoy stay pay reply fly
14..................... (say) she 15 .................... (miss) us.

Third person singular endings

P roject N y e lv ta n 4 2

5 play /fo o tb a ll
Do you lik e .................... ......................... ?

You 6 e a t/ju n k fo o d
We Do you like ...................... ?
going to the cinema.
She likes
7 ta k e /p h o to s
l" J
Do you lik e ....... ......... ?
A like és likes (szeretni) ige után az ige ing-es alakját használjuk, ha
hobbinkról vagy olyan cselekvésről beszélünk, amit szeretünk csinálni,
élvezettel végzünk.
Jegyezd meg a következő helyesírási szabályokat: 8 ru n /fá s t
1 A legtöbb igénél az -ing végződést az ige szótári alakjához illesztjük. Do you like .............?
sing-singing play-playing carry - carrying
2 Az e-re végződő igéknél az -e kiesik az -ing végződés előtt.
dance - dancing
9 d o /y o u r hom ew ork
3 Ha az ige egy mássalhangzóra végződik és magánhangzója rövid, a
szóvégi mássalhangzó megkettőződik az -ing végződés előtt: Do you lik e ..........................................,................... ?
sit-sittin g
4 Az /e-re végződő igéknél az /e-ből y lesz az -ing végződés előtt:
lie - lying 10 re a d/m a g azine s ,
Fordítsd le magyarra! Do you like ...................................... ?
Andrea likes dancing.
We don't like swimming.

** B Tedd fel az A feladatban található kérdéseket

4* egyik barátodnak, majd írd le, mit tudtál meg róla!

* A A m egadott szavak segítségével írj Examples She likes visiting her grandparents.
kérdéseket, majd válaszolj! He doesn’t like visiting his
1 visít / your grandparents
1 ......................................................................................
Do you like v is ít ing yo ur g ra n d p a re n ts ?
2 .
Yes, l do. / No, I d on’t.
3 .....................................................................................
2 make / new friends 4 ......................................................................................
Do you lik e .............................................................. ? 5 ......................................................................................
6 ......................................................................................

3 w rite /e m a ils 7 .........................................................................

Do you lik e ......................................................... ? 8 ......................................................................................


4 g o /s h o p p in g

Do you like ........................................................... ?

P r o j e c t N yelvta n 4 3

will — egyszerű jövő idő a Kérdéskor a Will + alany + az ige szótári alakja szerkezetet
He will solve the problem. Will he solve the problem ?
b A kiegészítendő (Wh-) kérdéseknél a kérdőszót a mondat elejére, a
43.1 Egyszerű jövő idő [will] — állító mondatok segédige elé tesszük.
Where will we find them?
He F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
She Will you be home at dinner time?
will Will your műm take us to the concert?
It fly to the moon one day.
You 43.4 Egyszerű jövő idő (will) — rövid válaszok
a Az egyszerű jövő időt (will + az ige szótári alakja) akkor használjuk, ha
arról beszélünk, hogy véleményünk szerint mi fog történni a jövőben.
I’ll be a famous singer.
Yes, it will.
b Az egyszerű jövő időt használjuk akkor is, ha felajánlunk valamit,
pl. a segítségünket.
I’ll cook dinner tonight.

valamilyen döntést hozunk. r "N

/Ve only got two pounds left. I’ll go to the bank and get somé more he
money. she
F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra ! No, it won’t.
We'll do the washing-up. we
They'll be very tired tonight. you
43.2 Egyszerű jövő idő (will) — tagadó mondatok Rövid válaszokban az igét NEM ismételjük meg. Állításkor a will,
tagadásnál a won’t segédigét használjuk - állító rövid válaszokban a
fi teljes, tagadóban az összevont alakot.
He Will you help me ? Yes, I will. (NEM -Vee,- l ’H.)
She Will you be at the party tonight? No, I won’t. (NEM No, I won’t bo.)
will nőt
It buy a skycar next year.
won’t Fordítsd le magyarra!
Will you be a computer engineer? No, I won t.
Will they go bowling? Yes, they will.
Tagadáskor a will + nőt + az ige szótári alakja szerkezetet használjuk.
A will+ nőt összevont alakja: won’t. P k a c t ic e 4 *
F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
We won' t tidy our rooms. You won't like that film. ( A Egészítsd ki a m ondatokat a zárójelben
m egadott igék és a w illlw o rit szerkezet
43.3 Egyszerű jövő idő (will) — kérdő mondatok felhasználásával! Ahol lehet, összevont alakokat
I 1 You're tired. M y d a d ... wj[Ldrive..... you home.
Will it meet the Prime Minister? 2 I'm thirsty. I ...........................a cup of tea. (have)
3 Nick has got a new girlfriend. H e ..........................
w ith Irina again, (nőt go out)
4 Tom orrow's Saturday. W e th e
(w h e n will they arrive? ) park. (go)

r------ ------------------------ —— --------- ------------------------


5 E m ily ........... . the lemonade. She * C Milyen jelentést fejez ki a will a mondatban?
doesn't like it. (nőt drink) A m egfelelő betűjelet írd a m ondat utáni pontozott
6 It's very warm . a coat today.
(nőt wear) a valakinek a feltételezése a jövőről (mi fog
történni a jövőben)
7 I don't like this club. I .... ...... here again,
(nőt come) b felajánlás
8 I can't find the m useum . I ......... that c döntés
lady fór help. (ask)
1 The w eather w ill be good tom orrow . a
9 T h etra in at ten o'clock. (arrive)
2 W e'll help you to tidy the classroom .
10 T h e w e a th e ris c h a n g in g .lt ......................... cold
tom orrow . (be) 3 One day all people w ill have enough
food to eat.
* B Válaszd ki a rád illő választ! A helytelen 4 Don't cry, Mary. Dad w ill read you
választ húzd át! a funny story.
1 W ill you walk to school tom orrow ? 5 I think n i go to the videó club to find
a good film to watch tonight.
Yes, I w ill. / No, I w on't.
6 !'m very bored. I'll phone Monica.
2 W ill you go shopping this weekend?
7 Don't lend Liz money. She w o n 't give
Yes, I w ill. / No, I w on't. itb a c k to y o u . .....

3 W ill your teacher give you a te st tom orrow ? 8 Sanja w ill probably study in Britain.

Yes, he/she w ill. / No, he/she w on't. 9 Tll have the blueT-shirt, please.
10 Are you cold? Tll shut the w indow .
4 W ill it be cold tom orrow ?
Yes, it will. / No, it w on't. ** D Olvasd el, mit gondol Mario a jövőjéről, majd
te írd le 5 mondatban, hogyan képzeled el jövődet!
5 W ill your friends com e to your house this
w eekend.
MI I'll finish school in 2010. A
Yes, they w ill. / No, they w on't.
2 I'll study Sports Science at
6 W ill your m űm watch TV this evening? college.
3 I'll be a sports teacher.
Yes, she w ill. / No, she w on't.
4 I'll get married.
7 W ill you and your fam ily move house this year.
l 5 I w o n 't have any children
Yes, w e w ill. / No, w e w on't. ■J
8 W ill you have eggs fór breakfast tom orrow ?
Yes, I w ill. / No, I w o n 't.

9 W ill you be fourteen next year?

Yes, I w ill. / No, I w o n 't.

10 W ill your friends be in your eláss next year?

Yes, they w ill. / No, they w on't.

m >
P r o j e c t N yelvta n 4 3

** E A képek alapján írj kérdéseket a jövőről, majd válaszolj!

make a CD travel to different countries

1 Will you make a record?

Yes, l will. / No, I won’t .

w rite a book learn a lót of


have a lót of friends w ork hard

□ □


enjoy life

w in a medál go to the moon

P r o j e c t N y el v ta n 4 4

a Kérdéskor a Was/Were + alany + az ige ing-es alakja szerkezetet

/ was eating lunch. Was I eating lunch?
b A kiegészítendő (Wh-) kérdéseknél a kérdöszót a mondat elejére, a
44.1 Folyamatos múlt idő — állító mondatok segédige elé tesszük.
What were you eating?
Fordítsd le magyarra!
He Were you doing your'homework last night?
She Was he looking after the hamster at the weekend?
It walking home at four o'clock yesterday.
You were 44.4 Folyamatos múlt idő — rövid válaszok
( jh e y J I A
a Afolyamatos múlt időt használjuk, ha azt akarjuk mondani, hogy he
valaki a múlt egy adott pillanatában éppen csinált valamit, vagy azt, she
hogy éppen történt vele valami. Yes, it
b Folyamatos múlt időben a to be ige múlt idejű alakjait (was/were) és az we
ige ing-es alakját használjuk. you were.
Az ing-es alakkal kapcsolatos helyesírási szabályokat a nyelvtani they
összefoglaló 42. pontjában találod.
I \
Fordítsd le magyarra!
Peter was waiting fór his aunt. w asn’t.
They were playing on the beach.
No, it
44.2 Folyamatos múlt idő — tagadó mondatok you w eren’t.
\ J
He was nőt Rövid válaszokban az igét, az ing-es alakot NEM ismételjük meg.
She w asn’t Állításkor a was/were tagadásnál a wasn’t/weren't segédigét használjuk
- állító rövid válaszokban a teljes, tagadóban az összevont alakot.
It w atching TV last night.
We Were you making cakes last night? Yes, I was. ,
w ere nőt (NEM Vofi, I wqg making.)
w eren’t l^as she playing the violin yesterday? No, she wasn’t.
I jh e y
J NEM No, 6ho-wosfltplaying.)
Tagadásnál a nőt tagadószócskát tesszük a was/were után.
Fordítsd le magyarra!
Összevont alakjai: wasn’t vagy weren’t.
Was the pláne taking off? Yes, it was.
Fordítsd le magyarra! Were they joking? No, they weren't.
I wasn't looking at the traffic.
We weren't having fun.

< 44.3 Folyamatos múlt idő — kérdő mondatok

r I

it eating breakfast at eight o'clock?
W ere you

W hy was she smiling at me?
W hen were you looking fór me?
P r o je c t N yelvtan 4 4

P r a c t ic e 4 * o
0 And w hat were you doing a t eleven in th e
* A A rendőr és Mr Flintstone közötti beszélgetés
m ondatai összekeveredtek. írd le őket helyes

o ...............
o ........................................................................

o ..............................................................................
e You can’t remember? I see. Thank you, M r

F lin ts to n e . You can go now.

B Egészítsd ki a m ondatokat a zárójelben

m egadott igék folyam atos múlt idejű alakjával!

( " ^
o W hat w ere you watching?
o W e w ere buying things tor the house.
c I was watching TV.
• W h a t w ere you buying?
e W ere you watching this quiz show alone,
M r Flintstone?
• W hat was Joe wearing, M r Flintstone?
e And w hat w ere you doing at eleven in the
evening? ✓
c I was shopping w ith my w ife.
o Er, jeans, I think. I can’t remember.
• You can't rem em ber? I see.Thank you,
M r Flintstone. You can go now. ✓
o I think it was a quiz show.
• Sit dow n, M r Flintstone. W hat w ere you doing
yesterday at eleven in the m orning? ✓
o No, my són Joe was w ith me. W h a t w as happening in the Street w hen it
v___________________________________ J started raining?

o 5 i t down, M r F lin ts to n e . W hat were you doing 1 A b ú s ......... yvas going......... (go) dow n the Street.

ye ste rd a y a t eleven in th e m orning? 2 Two w o m e n ......................................(talk).

3 A m á n ....... (steal) a shopping
P roject Nyelvtan 44

4 A g irl ............................... (ride) her bike. 3 Kate and Mark / talk / w hen M r Smith came intő
5 A little girl and her m o th e r.................................... the room ?
(run) across the Street.
6 Two b o y s ................................. (eat) Yes, .......................................
4 Harry / drink / a coke / during the lesson ?
7 A m á n ..................................... (clean) the
8 Two mén ................................. (pút) a table intő N o ,.........................................
a cár.
5 Josh / fly / to London / on Sunday afternoon ?

* C Nézd meg újra a B feladatban található

képet! Válaszd ki a helyes megoldást! A helytelen Y es,........................................
alakot húzd át!
6 Jack and Helen / dance / yesterday evening ?
1 An old w om an w a s /w a s n 't riding a b ik e /
2 The tw o boys w ere / w e re n 't walking across the
Street. Y es,........................................ i
3 The mán was / w a sn 't stealing the bag.
7 Tóm / make / a cake / w hen you cálled him
4 The girl and her m other w ere / w e re n 't running yesterday ? ;
across the Street.
.............. . ......................................... í.........................
5 The mán was / w asn't cleaning the pavem ent.
Y es,......................-.................
6 A cat and a dog w e re /w e r e n 't eating
ham burgers. 8 Sam and A m y / study / w hen you visited them
7 The tw o boys w e re /w e r e n 't talking. last night ?
8 The girl was / w a sn 't carrying a ball.
9 The mén w ere / w e re n 't holding a table. No, ......................................
10 The girl w a s /w a s n 't riding a bike.
9 Paul / watch / the film / when his father arrived
home ?
** ( D A m egadott szavak segítségével alkoss
kérdéseket folyam atos m últ időben, majd fejezd be
a rövid válaszokat! Y e s ,........................................

1 Emily / do / her hom ew ork / at seven yesterday 10 K elly/ wash / her hair / at seven o'clock?
m orning ?
Was Emily doing her homework a t seven
N o ,.........................................
ye s te rd a y m o rn in g ?

No, s ^ e w asn’t .

2 Lucy / sleep / at nine on Saturday m orning ?



E írj m agadról m ondatokat a folyam atos múlt A folyamatos és az egyszerű

idő és a m egadott időkifejezések segítségével!
múlt idő
at lunchtim e yesterday at ten last night
Gyakran használjuk a két igeidőt egy mondatban, amikor a rövidebb
at four yesterday afternoon an hour ago
cselekvés (egyszerű múlt idő) félbeszakítja a hosszabbat (folyamatos
at eight yesterday evening tw o hours ago múlt idő), vagyis akkor következik be, amikor a másik még éppen tart.
at seven this m orning at nine this morning
Whíle she was shopping, Mrs Jones met her friend.
half an hour ago five m inutes ago The telephone rang while Tóm was having a bath.

Example I was eating a sandwich with my friends Fordítsd le magyarra!

a t lunchtim e yesterday. I was sitting indoors when I heard a loud nőise outside.
Mike was eating an apple when he got a toothache.

P r a c t /c e 4 f

* A Válaszd ki a helyes m egoldást! A helytelen

alakot húzd át!
1 Was A m y w in n ingV Did A m y w in the match
2 W ere you playing football / Did you play football
w hen you feli over?
3 Olivér didn't go / w a sn 't going to the theatre last
4 W hileTom cooked / was cooking, M ary set the
5 M y dad w as driving / drove hom e w hen he
heard the new s on the radio.
6 Emma was opening / opened the door w hen
she saw the mouse.
7 Paul didn't buy / w a sn 't buying a videó because
the shop was closed.
8 The doorbell rang w h ile w e had / w ere having
10 9 W hat was Sally doing / did Sally do w hen she
w e n t to London?
10 Did you do / W ere you doing w ell in the history
te s t last week?

* B Egészítsd ki a m ondatokat a zárójelben

m egadott igék folyam atos vagy egyszerű m últ idejű
1 I ....was going...... (g0 ) to bed w h e n I heard a
nőise dow nstairs.
2 M ű m ......................... (break) my favourite cup
i ---------

P r o j e c t N yelvta n fj

3 Jack and Ben .......... (visít) the m useum 8 Did you com e to school by bús this morning?
tw o days ago.
4 Sara and Jess ............ (play) ehess w hen
it started raming. 9 Was your friend talking to you w hen your
teacher came intő the classroom this morning?
5 Tim ....................... (draw) cartoons all the tim e
in the geography lesson.
6 A n n a ..... ........ (make) a cake, bút nobody 10 Was your teacher sm iling w hen he/she came
ate it.
intő the classroom this morning?
7 Susie got up laté so she ......................
(not/catch) her bús.
8 W e ......... ... (not/go out) last Saturday ** D A zárójelben m egadott szavak segítségével
because there was a good thriller onTV. egészítsd ki a kérdéseket! Használd az egyszerű
9 E m ily ............................(go) to the park w hen she vagy a folyam atos múlt időt!
m et her friend Mary.
10 Georgina ...................... (invite) all her eláss to
her birthday party.

*( C írj rövid válaszokat a kérdésekre!

Examples Did you cook a meal yesterday?

Yes, I did. I No, I did n ’t .

W ere you studying at six

yesterday morning?
Yes, I was. / No, I wasn’t.

1 Did you wake up early yesterday morning? • 1P'á.y9V..99. to the party last night? (you / go) ♦
c Yes, I did.
..................................................................... - .............. - ..................................................................................

2 Did you watch TV yesterday? • 2 Was.everybody dancing? (everybody / dance)

c Yes, they were.
o 3................................................................................
3 W ere you wearing jeans w hen you came to
at the party? (what tim e / Daniela / arrive)
school yesterday?
c At about seven o'clock.
o 4 ................................................................................ ?
4 W ere you playing w ith your friends at six p.m. (w h a t/s h e /w e a r)
o She was wearing her red dress.
• 5.....................................................................................
5 Did you feel tired at eight o'clock last night? nice? (she / look)
o Yes, she looked great!
o 6.....................................................................................
6 Did you eat w ith your fam ily last night?
at about nine? (the lights / go out)
o Yes, they did. They w e n t out fór about five
7 W ere you listening to m usic at ten last night?
P r o j e c t N y elvta n $ 5

c 7 ......................................................................................................................... ** F Egészítsd ki a szöveget a m egadott igék

when the lights w e n t out? (What / Daniela / do) megfelelő alakjával! Használd az egyszerű vagy a
folyam atos múlt időt!
o She was talking to Johnny.
o 8......................................................................................
have ✓ teli make cook injure
w ith him w hen the lights w e n t out? (she / dance)
drop wake open clean sleep ^
0 No, she w asn't. They w ere just talking.
e 9....................................................................................
home w ith her? (Johnny / walk)
c No. Daniela's dad collected her at about ten
c 10.................................................................................................
w hile w e w e re all at the party? (w h a t/y o u / do)
• I was doing m y hom ew ork. Boring!

E Válaszolj a kérdésekre egész mondattal!

Example W hat w ere you doing yesterday

I was watching a videó.

1 W hat w ere you doing at seven o'clock this


2 W hat did you do after school yesterday?

3 W hat w ere you w earing yesterday? A dam , th e great chef

Adam 1....... had.......a fantastic idea last

4 W hen did you do your English hom ework? Saturday m orning. H e 2..................... up very
early. W hile his m űm and d a d 3......................
5 W hat tim e did you leave your house this h e 4..................... breakfast fór them .
He 5..................... pancakes because his
parents lőve them . The problem is that Adam
6 W hat was your m űm / dad doing w hen you left?
always has problem s ... and he can't cook
very w e ll!

W hile h e 6..................... the fridge he

7.................... the m ilk and it w e n t all over the
floor. W hile h e 8..................... up the mess, he
süpped a n d 9......................his ankle. O f course,
it w as d ifficult to cook after that, bút luckily
his parents 10..................... him it tasted great!
P r o j e c t N yelvta n 4 6

Időt kifejező elöljárók — * B In, on vagy at? Egészítsd ki a mondatokat a

m egfelelő elöljáróval!
v in, at, on
1 W ho did you m eet on Saturday?
in + napszak 2 M y parents were w o rk in g ........ nine o'clock
in the morning yesterday.
in the afternoon
in the evening 3 W e'll probably go to W arsaw Saturday.
on + nap (+ napszak) 4 Did Sally go to Zagreb Friday evening?
on Saturday
on Friday afternoon 5 M y baby brother was b ő m . the evening.
on Wednesday evening 6 W e'll finish s c h o o l....... tw o o'clock on Friday
at+ órakifejezés afternoon.
at seven o’clock
at 7 am yesterday 7 W here did Susie go .....Friday night?
at 5 pm today 8 1watch a lót of TV the evening.
F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
9 Karén som etim es wakes up five o'clock
I was w o rk in g in the lib ra ry at six o'clock.
We w e n t to the h o sp ita l in the m o rn in g . 10 Our next te st is Tuesday morning.
I saw a scary film on Saturday.

IP R A C T /C S . 46

* A Egészítsd ki a m ondatokat a megfelelő


Carla wakes up 1 a t half pást seven. She gets

up e a rly 2....... Saturdays. She helps her m űm
3....... the m orning.Then she usually goes to a
football match w ith her d a d 4........the afternoon.
They com e hom e from the match 5 five
o'clock. They all eat d in n e r6....... seven o'clock.
7........ the evening, they play M onopoly or
Scrabble. Carla goes to bed 8 ..........about half
pást nine. She wakes up laté 9 Sundays!
She likes reading in bed 10...... Sunday
m ornings.
P r o j e c t N yelvta n 4 6

C Nézd meg Irma naptárát, majd írd le, mit A határozott névelő (the)
csinált vasárnap és hétfőn! Használd az egyszerű
múlt időt és az in, on vagy at elöljárós
helynevekkel, földrajzi nevekkel
a A legtöbb út, utca, tér és park neve előtt nem használunk the
f határozott névelőt.
---------------------------------------------- - í on Churchill Road
S u n d a y in Oxford Street
Trafalgar Square
m orning te n n ie w ith Alana
Hyde Park

3ptn m eet Konrad Jegyezd meg a kivételt:

the High Street
4pm Film, ‘Red h a t’, Odeon
b Tengerek, óceánok, folyók és csatornák neve előtt általában the áll.
Cinema across the Mediterranean (Sea)
the (River) Thames
evening d inner w ith műm and dad in the Atlantic (Óceán)
the Suez Canal
c Színházak és mozik neve előtt általában the áll.
-------------------------------------------- -— the Playhouse (Theatre)
1 ü V S o m d ia iv the Odeon (cinema)
d The áll az of-os birtokos szerkezetet tartalmazó nevek előtt is.
j m orning 9 :0 0 D e n tie t the Tower o f London
10:30 M eeting w ith m anager the City o f London
the Bank ofE n gland
afternoon Work on s p o rté building p ro je c t e A legtöbb híd neve előtt nincs the.
Tower Bridge
evening 3 :0 0 m eet Karina a t re s ta u ra n t, Jegyezd meg a kivételeket:
C om pton S tre e t the Golden Gate Bridge
11:00 phone Bob in New York the Severn Bridge
f Az ’s birtokos szerkezetek előtt nem áll the.
Nelson’s Column
at Durrant’s Hotel

Fordítsd le magyarra!
The River Danube.
The Houses of Parliament.

P r a c t ic b , 4 *

* A Párosítsd össze a földrajzi neveket a

hozzájuk tartozó leírással!

1 It goes fro m the Red Sea to the

M editerranean Sea.
2 Poland is on this sea.
P r o j e c t N yelvta n 4 8

3 This bridge crosses the Vitává River

in Prague. ’ > Jövő idő kifejezése folyamatos
4 It joins the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans.
jelen idővel
5 It crosses San Francisco Bay.
A folyamatos jelen idő utalhat a jövőre is, ha egy eltervezett, megbeszélt
6 Bulgaria,Turkey and the Ukraine are on dologról van szó.
its coasts. She’s coming to our house tomorrow.
They’re going to a restaurant this evening.
7 It is a fam ous Russian river.
Fordítsd le magyarra!
8 This ocean is betw een Australia and Africa. I'm going to see the crown jewels.
9 It runs through Vienna, Bratislava, She's going to the hairdresser's on Monday.
Budapest and Belgrade.
10 This bridge is a fam ous Australian landmark. PKACTICB -43
a The River Danube. f The Baltic.
* A Párosítsd össze a képeket (A-H) a hozzájuk
b Sydney Harbour g The River Volga. tartozó mondatokkal (1-8)!
h The Panama Canal
c The Suez Canal.
i The Indián Ocean.
d The Black Sea.
j Charles Bridge.
e The Golden Gate

** B The vagy - ( n e m kell névelő)? Egészítsd ki a


W e had a great w eekend in

London last m onth. W e stayed at
1.- .... Regent's H otel.That's in
2 ............ Regent Street, of
O J course. On Saturday m orning,
w e w e n t shopping in
3............... O x fo rd S tre e
was a beautiful day so w e had a
picnic in 4 ...................... Hyde Park.
Then w e took a bús across
5..................... RiverThames t o 6................ Globe
Theatre and watched a perform ance of a
Shakespeare play. W e s a w 7 Tower of
London from the bús bút w e didn't go inside it. The
next day it was raining so w e w e n t to a big cinema
in 8............... Leicester Square. A fter the film , w e
w a lk e d to 9 .............. Piccadilly Circus and saw
10....... . Statue of Erős.
P r o j e c t N y elv ta n 4 8

1 Susie is going on holiday. 7 your cousins com ing to see you?

2 She and her parents are travelling to a Yes, I'm com ing.
Oxford at nine this morning. b No, they aren't.
3 They are staying at a very expensive hotel. c Yes, they're com ing tom orrow .

4 Susie is m eeting her cousins tom orrow . 8 your friend m eeting you?
a Yes, he's m eeting.
5 Susie's best friend Ben is picking her up at
b No, he isn't.
the hotel this afternoon.
c Yes, he is.
6 Susie's father is watching a football
match tom orrow . 9 W hat ........ your father doing tom orrow ?
a He's w atching a football match.
7 Susie and her m o the r are going
b He's playing football.
shopping to m o rro w morning.
c He isn't w atching a football match.
8 Susie's m other is going to the theatre
10 W h a t......... your m o the r doing in Oxford?
a She's going shopping w ith me and she's
going to the theatre.
* B Olvasd el a Susie-val készült beszélgetést! Is
vagy are? Egészítsd ki a kérdéseket, majd karikázd b She isn't w atching football, she's going
be a helyes választ! shopping tonight.
c She's going shopping tonight and she's
1 Are you going to see your grandparents?
going to the theatre tom orrow .
(a) No, w e aren't.
b Yes, w e 're going on holiday.
** C Nézd meg Claire naptárát! A kapott
c Yes, w e are. inform ációk alapján egészítsd ki az e-mailt, amit
2 and your parents going to London? Sophie-nak írt!
a No, w e aren't.
b Yes, w e are going.
fVlon a.m . take my grandma fór a w alk
c Yes, w e are.
3 travelling by train? p.m . havo my Fronch Iogdor
a No, w e aren't travelling by train.
b Yes, w e are. Tue a.m. clean my room

c No, w e 're travelling by cár. W ed p.m. go horse-riding

4 leaving this morning?
T h u r a.m . Emma and I visit our friend in
a Yes, w e are leaving.
M iddlesex
b Yes, w e are.
c No, w e aren't. p.m . to lco o boát tf+p
5 W hat t im e ....... you leaving?
Fri p.m . my Italian friend and I m e e t fór
a Yes, w e 're leaving.
b A t nine o'clock.
c No, w e aren't. Sat a.m . go to tho suporm arke*
6 you staying at a hotel?
p.m . w atch a rom antic film onTV
a Yes, w e 're are.
b Yes, w e're staying at a hotel, Sun a.m . M y fam ily and I drive to the
c No, w e aren't. seaside
P r o j e c t N yelvtan 4 9

Plans fór this w e e k « 0ET

Befejezett jelen idő
! F
^ Send Now ^ S e r id L a t e r
(Present perfect)
Frorn; cla ire .co .u k 3
0 To: @ S ophie 49.1 Befejezett jelen idő — állító mondatok
§ Cc:
9 BCC; fi
We have
Subject. {Plans fó r th is week<^
You ’ve
|> Attach ments: n o n ? called the police.
valí I Default Font Text Size - B I U T He
Hi Sophie
a A befejezett jelen időt használjuk, ha egy múltbeli cselekvésnek a
These are my plans tor this w eek. jelenben is fennálló eredménye van.
1 On Monday m orning I'm taking my The train has arrived. (The train is here now.)
grandma fór a walk. b A befejezett jelen képzésekor a have/has segédigét és az ige
harmadik alakját használjuk. ,
I'm nőt having my French lesson in the
c Az ige harmadik alakját, ugyanúgy, mint múlt idejét, általában úgy
képezzük, hogy a szótári alakhoz az -ed végződést illesztjük.
OnTuesday.................................................. H elyesírására és kiejtésére az egyszerű múlt időnél leírtak
vonatkoznak - nyelvtani összefoglaló 28.1 pont.
On W e d ne sd ay..........................................
d Nagyon sok ige harmadik alakja rendhagyó. Nincs általános szabály a
O n T hu rsd ay............................................... harmadik alak képzésére. Minden igét három alakjával együtt kell
megtanulnod. A 141. oldalon találod a rendhagyó igék listáját.

Fordítsd le magyarra!
l've finished my homework.
7 On Friday They've been to London.

49.2 Befejezett jelen idő — tagadó mondatok

8 On Saturday
We have nőt
You haven’t
They read that book.
10 On Sunday
has nőt
W hat are you doing this week? l" J
Tagadáskor a have/has + nőt + az ige harmadik alakja szerkezetet
Can w e m eet at the seaside?
Please answ er soon. Összevont alakok: haven't!hasn't.

Lőve, Fordítsd le magyarra!

We haven't seen the new sci-fi film.
Claire She hasn't made a mistake.
P r o ject N yelvtan 4 -9

49.3 Befejezett jelen idő — kérdő mondatok 49.5 Befejezett jelen idő — ever és never
r a Gyakran használjuk a befejezett jelen időt, ha arról beszélünk, hogy
valami már megtörtént velünk az életben, vagy valamit már csináltunk
we életünkben.
I have swum with a dolphin.
they heard the news?
She has run a marathon twice.
b Kérdésekben ilyenkor a have/has + ever + az ige harmadik alakja
Has she
szerkezetet használjuk.
V it J
Have you ever eaten snails?
Has she everridden a motorbike?
( jW hy have you hidden my keys? )
c Ha valamit még ez idáig sosem csináltunk, a have/has + never + az
a Kérdéskor a Have/Has + alany + az ige harmadik alakja szerkezetet ige harmadik alakja szerkezetet használjuk.
He has never seen the Pyramids.
He has seen that film. Has he seen that film? They’ve never been toAfrica.
b A kiegészítendő (Wh-) kérdéseknél a kérdőszót a mondat elejére, a
F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
segédige elé tesszük.
Have you ever been to a multiplex cinema?
Who have you seen today?
We've never seen a space rockét.
F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra !
Why has he changed his mind?
Have you watched the videó? P r a c t i &b, 4 9
49.4 Befejezett jelen idő — rövid válaszok * cA Töltsd ki a táblázatot! A z igék egy része
szabályosan képzi múlt idejű és harm adik alakját, a
( A
I többi rendhagyó.
Base form Pást sim ple Pást participle
Yes, they
he 1 m eet m et m et
she has.
it 2 .................. saw
V )
\ 3 go
I -
we 4 asked
5 knew
No, they
he 6 dropped
she hasn’t.
7 be
it )
8 said
Rövid válaszokban az igét NEM ismételjük meg. Állításkor a have/has,
tagadásnál a haven’t/hasn’t segédigét használjuk-állító rövid 9 used
válaszokban a teljes, tagadóban az összevont alakot.
10 hear
Has he visited Francé? Yes, he has. (NEM Yofi, ho has-vieitod.)
Have they met the Queen? No, they haven’t.

F o rd íts d le m a g y a rra ! * B Mi történt eddig ezen a héten? Mit csináltál?

Have you missed the bús? Yes, I have. írj igaz állításokat!
Has she watched a thriller? No, she hasn't.
1 Have you w atched TV every day?
Yes, l have. / N o, I h a v e n ’t .

2 Has a friend phoned you?

P r o j z c t N yelvtan $ $

3 Have your parents been out in the evening? 7 Have your parents taken you shopping?

4 Have you lost your bag or your books? 8 Have you gone to bed early every night?

5 Has a friend been to your house? 9 Have you watched a videó w ith a friend?

6 Has your teacher given you a lót of hom ework? 10 Have your parents helped you w ith your
hom ework?

* C írj mondatokat a képekről! Használd á befejezett jelen időt!

1 fo rg e tth e address
She’s fo r g o tté n th e address.

6 buy somé chocolate

P r o j e c t N y e l v ta n 4 9

* D Karikázd be a helyes választ!

1 Sally and E m m a ............... somé m oney in the 6 S u s ie ............... her lég.
Street. a has broke
a h a v e th e y fo u n d b have broken
b hasn't found c never broken
© havé found 7 T h e y ................octopus.
2 ................the n e w Spiderman film? a have never had
a Has Lina seen b have ever had
b Lina has seen c has never had
c Lina hasn't seen 8 Judy and M a r k .............. their new teacher.
3 ... m y glasses? I can't find them . a has m et
a Haven't seen b m eet
b You have seen c have m e t
c Have you seen 9 Oh no! Som eone........................ all the milk!
4 We ............ to another country. a drunk
a ever travelled b have
b haven't travelled c has drunk
c never travelled 10 n e w bike s?
5 ..............the piano? a Have they had
a You have ever played b H a d th e y
b Have you ever played c They haven't had
c Have you never

P r o j e c t N yelvtan 4 9

** E A m egadott igék befejezett jelen idejű Carla W hat about the music?
alakjával egészítsd ki a párbeszédet!
Anne 8 .......... you ... .... the
nőt decorate buy nőt send nőt check ✓ CDs?
bring pút nőt make lend take nőt leave
v_____________________________________________ / Carla Don't worry. 19 ....................... them at
hom e! They are in that plastic bag.

Anne Oh, no! Carla ...

Carla W hat?

Anne You 10............................ the invitations!

They're here in the bag!

** F A m egadott szavak és az ever időhatározó

felhasználásával írj 10 kérdést, majd válaszolj!

r~ . 'n
visít a zoo
Anne Carla, is everything ready fór the party? give a crazy party
play tennis
Carla I think so. Bút I ' h a v e n ’t c h e c k e d my list. sleep at your frie n d s house
m eet a fam ous pop star
Anne Let's check it n o w .2............................... you
appear onTV
..............................any food? w ear make up
be in an am usem ent park
Carla Yes, crisps and biscuits, bút I w rite to a foreign penfriend
3..... any sandwiches. ^win a cup in a sports event ^

Anne Don't worry. W e can make them together. 1 Have you ever visite d a zoo?
4 .............................y o u ............................... the Yes, I have. / No, l haven’t.
cheese and ham out of the fridge?
2 ........................................................................
Carla Yes, I have.

Anne W hat about the drinks?

Carla They are ready. 15............................... the
coke and the lem onade in the fridge.They
w ill be really cold w hen the guests arrive.

A nne Bút you 6.............................. the room.

Carla Mark 7 ...................... me a lót of
balloons and posters.
Anne Great. W e can pút the m on the walls in the
§ |j P roject N yelvtan

8 must/mustn’t

9 50.1 must — kell, szükséges

It must be careful.
** G Tedd fel az F feladat kérdéseit egyik
barátodnak vagy családod egyik tagjának! Mit J
tudtál meg róluk? f\must + az ige szótári alakja szerkezet jelentése: kell, szükséges.
You must buy a tickei to go intő the museum.
Examples My friend has visited a zoo.
He’s never given a crazy party. Fordítsd le magyarra!
I must revise fór the test.
1 You must phone your műm.
<50.2 mustn’t — nem szabad, tilos
3 ..............................................................................
4 .............................................................................. fi
5 .............................................................................
6 ...................................................................... It mustn’t swim in the river.
7 .............................................................................. You
8 .............................................................. Ijh e y
9 A mustn’t + az ige szótári alakja szerkezet jelentése: nem szabad, tilos.
You mustn'tshoutin the classroom.
10 She mustn’t fail her test.

Fordítsd le magyarra!
We mustn't wear trainers at school.
You mustn't watch cartoons all day.

P r a c t /c e so

*( A M ust vagy m u stn ’t? Mit szabad, mit nem

szabad az osztályban? írj szabályokat!

1 (stand on the desks / sit on your chairs)

You m u s tn ’t s ta n d on your desks.

You m u s t s it on your chairs.

2 (take your books w ith you / leave your books at

P r o j e c t N yelvta n S O

3 (w rite in your notebooks / draw on your desks) Jenny, this room is a mess!
1 You m u s t clean th e car_pet.

2 .......................................

4 (listen to your teacher / talk to your partner) 3 .................................................

4 .................................................
5 ...............................................
6 .....................................
5 (w h is tle / be quiet)
7 .................................................
8 ...........................................
* CB Nézz körül Jenny szobájában! Ha te lennél 10
Jenny édesapja, mit m ondanál neki? A z A és a B
táblázat szavainak felhasználásával írj m ondatokat!
** C M ust vagy m ustn’t? Mit szabad, mit nem
Használd a m ust segédigét!
szabad az iskolában? írj 10 szabályt!

Examples You m ustn’t run in th e corridors.

You m u st go to all yoűr lessons.

i .............................................................. : .................
2 :..................
3 ................................................................................
4 ....... ........................................................................
5 ................................................................................


pút the books in the w ardrobe
hang the skirts th e desk
close ■the carpet
pút the socks on the bookshelves
clean the wardrobe
wash the curtains
tidy the alarm clock
pick up in the drawers
pút the pens and pencils on the desk
pút the alarm clock next to the bed
5 M y friend w ants to go to the disco bút I don't
like loud music.
6 M y dad is w orking hard. He's tired.
It should visit a doctor.
You 7 l've got a terrible spot on m y face.
fi \
8 I'm fed up w ith these old clothes.
should nőt
It talktostrangers.
We 9 Anna got very bad marks in the English te s t last
You week.
Tanácsot a should/shouldn't + az ige szótári alakja szerkezettel
adhatunk. 10 M y friends aren't talking to me bút I don't know
You should be more careful. why.
He should listen to his doctor.
They shouldn’t run in the corridor.

Fordítsd le magyarra!
* B S hould vagy sh o u ld n ’t? Egészítsd ki a
You shouldn't worry about it.
We should be friendly to the new students. szöveget!


P r act/ce é j 1 You’t ..... fo rg e ty o u r passport.

2 Y ou............................ be laté fór your pláne /

* A Adj tanácsot a megadott kifejezések train.
segítségével! Használd a YoulHelShe should ...
szerkezetet! 3 You......................... buy a map of the area you
are visiting.
say sorry help w ith the housew ork
try this new cream teli her you don't like it 4 You ........................... sit in the sün all day.
take a tablet go to the dentist ✓
study harder buy som é new ones 5 You............................ visit som é interesting
take a holiday ask them w h a t the problem is tourist attractions.

1 M y tooth hurts. 6 Y o u ............................carry all your money in

You should go to th e d e n tis t. your bag.

2 M y síster had an argum ent w ith my m űm this 7 Y o u ............................ leam som é w ords of the
m orning. language of the country you are visiting.

8 You ...........................send som é postcards to

your friends.
3 M y brother is very lazy at home.
9 Y ou.......................... walk around alone laté at
4 l've got a headache.
10 Y ou.......................... sw im w hen there's a red
P r o j e c t N yelvtan 5 2

** C Milyen legyen egy igazi barát? írj

m ondatokat a should/shouldn’t be (+m elléknév),
have to és don’t have to
illetve a should/shouldn’t (+ige) szerkezet
52.1 have to — kell, szükséges
som é adjectives
friendly helpful mean boring We
have to
cheerful rude You
They go to school at eight o’clock.
som é verb phrases He
enjoy sw im m ing/m usic/football She hasto
live near m e/far away from me It
w ear smart/casual clothes
A have to és a must segédigék jelentése megegyezik: kell, szükséges.
sm ile laugh teli lies teli jokes
I have to catch the train at seven o’clock.

Fordítsd le magyarra!
I have to get up early.
He has to catch the bús to school.

52.2 don’t have to — nem kell

fi l ^
We 1
don’t have to
They go to school on Saturdays.
E xam ples 5he should be friendly. He
He shouldn’t te li lies. She doesn’t have to
1 v J

2 A don’t have to/doesn't have to azonban már mást jelent, mint a mustn't.
A don’t have to/doesn’t have to jelentése: nem kell, nem szükséges.
3 ............................................................ He doesn’t have to do the washing-up tonight.
4 ............................................................ Fordítsd le magyarra!
5 ........................................................... She doesn't have to clean the cár.
I They don't have to go to bed early.
6 ........................................................
7 ........................................................... [PemeT/CB, 4 *
8 .....................................................
* A Olvasd el az utasítások listáját, majd írd le,
m it kell tenniük a gyerekeknek! Használd a have to
10 segédigét!

George and Natasha's teacher is in a m eeting.

She has left a list of work on the board.
P roject N yelvtan 5 2

g She doesn't have to sit quietly.

h They don't have to w ear coats at break tim e.
i The children don't have to w ear their uniform s
j The children don't have to do the exam.

** C A zárójelben m egadott igék felhasználásával

egészítsd ki a mondatokat! Használd a
have to/d o n ’t have to megfelelő alakját!

Steve has a weekend job as a newspaper

1 They have t o vyork quietly.
delivery boy.
2 .............................................................
On weekdays he 1 doesn’t have to g et up
3 .......................................................................
(get up) early, bút h e 2..........................................
4 ..........................................................................
(get up) at 5.30 a.m. on Saturdays and
5 .........................................................................
6 ...........................................................
7 ......................................................................... H e 3........................................... (be) at the

8 ..................................................................... new sagents at 6.00.

H e 4........................................... (sort) the

* B Párosítsd össze a m ondatokat a példa
newspapers - his boss, Nigel,
5......................................... (do) that - bút he
1 George has got a cold.
6..........................................(pút) them in his bag.
2 It's raining hard.
3 There are som é new paints. Steve 7........................................... (go) to all the

4 The exam papers haven't arrived. houses in the viliágé, because there are three

5 It's Sports Day. other boys and girls w h o share the w ork.They

6 The teacher is show ing a videó. 8...........................................(walk) because they

all use their bikes.
7 There are books tor all the children.
8 Natasha has a singing lesson. A t about 8.00 th e y 9 ........................................
9 It's sunny now. (take) their e m p ty bags back to the

10 It's Saturday. newsagents. Finally, Nigel

10..........................................(pay) them and then
a The children don't have to go outside at break
tim e. they can go home ... to bed!
b The children don't have to use the old ones.
c They don't have to share.
d They don't have to go to school today.
e He doesn't have to do PE today.
f The children don't have to w rite anything.
P r o j e c t N yelvtan 5 3

** B írd be a m egadott kifejezéseket a megfelelő

A mustn’t és a don’t have to oszlopba!

You mustn’t teli h e r- it’s a secret. be laté fór school ✓

I don't have to go to school today - it’s Saturday. tidy your room every day ✓
A mustn't jelentése: nem szabad, tilos. clean your teeth four tim e s a day
A don’t have to jelentése: nem kell, nem szükséges. forget to feed your pets
ride a bike w ith o u t a helm et
Fordítsd le magyarra!
You mustn't cross the road now. do your hom ew ork straight away
You don't have to cross the road here. buy new clothes to go to a party
run near a sw im m in g pool
spend all your pocket m oney every w eek
IP R Á ts v its n -s z play w ith a skateboard on a busy Street
sw im after a big meal
* <A Alkoss mondatokat, tedd helyes sorrendbe a go to school in the holidays
megadott szavakat!
You m u s tn 't... You d o n 't h a v e to ...
1 go to school / Anna / today / doesn't have to
Anna d o e s n ’t have t o go t o school to d a y . be la té fó r school tid y your room every day

2 park your cár / in fro nt of the cinema / m u stn't / t

3 at ten o'clock / be hom e / they / don't have to

4 w ith the machines / play / m u stn't / children

5 doesn't have to / on Mondays / m y dad / go to

the office

6 get up / M icky / doesn't have to / at 6:30

7 tw o / foreign languages / leam / w e / don't have


8 they / the ir bikes / m u stn't / on the road / ride

9 m u stn 't / Neil / talk too much / in eláss

10 sw im / after a meal / m u stn 't /y o u

P r o j e c t N y elv ta n 5 4

B Négyéves unokatestvéredre vigyázol.

Engedély kifejezése
!% í (Permission) — canlcan’t Válaszolj kérdéseire: Yes, you can. vagy
No, you c a n ’t.

54.1 Engedély kifejezése (can) — állító és

tagadó mondatok

11 go home early today.
1 Can I watch TV ali day?
N o , y o u c a n ’t .
A can + az ige szótári alakja szerkezet azt fejezi ki, hogy megengedett
valami, szabad valamit megtenni. 2 Can I watch my favourite programm e?
/ can go home early today. The teacher has given me permission.

Fordítsd le magyarra!
You can have a break now. 3 Can I play in the Street on my own?
You can't sit here.

54.2 Engedélykérés (can) — kérdő mondatok és 4 Can I play in the garden?

rövid válaszok

Yes, you can.

Can we go home early today? 5 Can I play w ith the ball?
No, you can’t.

Fordítsd le magyarra!
Can I borrow your camera? Yes, you can. 6 Can I ride your big bike?
Can he come to my party? No, he can't.

7 Can I have ice cream and cake and chocolate

and chips fór tea?
* A Can vagy c a n ’t? Egészítsd ki a m ondatokat!
1 Firefighters w ear tracksuits at work. 8 Can I have som é pizza and salad?
2 C o o k s ....................have dirty hands.
3 G ardeners.......... have their lunch outside.
9 Can I go to bed at eleven o'clock?
4 D a n a lót of sw eets.
5 Basketball p la ye rs.......... do other sports too.
10 Can I have a story?
6 Football players .......go to bed laté at night
before a match.
7 Pilots ...... use their m obile phones on the
8 Pop singers .... dance on stage.
9 Teachers.... eat during lessons.
10 H airdressers........... talk to their custom ers
w hile they work.
P n o jE é r N yelvtan 5 $ [j

* C Egészítsd ki a párbeszédeket a m egadott ** E Mit mondanál ezekben a szituációkban? Kérj

kifejezések felhasználásával! engedélyt a can segédige felhasználásával!

1 It's 9:45 p.m. You w ant to watch TV.

Yes, that's fine Can I stay Certainly nőt ✓
Thanks All my friends do Can I w atch TV?

2 It's Saturday. You w a n t to go to the cinema w ith

your friend, Ella.

3 It's 10:30 p.m. You w ant to play the drums.

Teenager Can I stay out tonight until tw o o'clock

4 Your father is watching a videó. You w a n t to
in the morning?
watch it w ith him.
Parent Certainly nőt

Teenager It's nőt fa ir.2................................. 5 Your baby sister, Maria, is sleeping. You w ant to
get som ething from her room. •
Teenager Rick's house
6 Your friend has got a new com puter game. You
Parent Of course you can.
w ant to play it.
Teenager 4............................... !

Teenager Can I go to the school disco tom orrow ?

7 It's very hot. The w in d o w is closed. You w ant to
Parent 5................................... open it.

Teenager Oh, great.

8 Your m other is going to her work. You w ant to
** D írj két hasonló párbeszédet egy tinilány és go w ith her.
anyukája között!
Dialogue 1
9 Your friend has got som é new photos. You w ant
The teenager w ants to borrow her m um 's new
dress fór a party. to see them .

Teenager ......................................................................

Műm ............................................................ .. 10 Your m other is having a piece of cake. You w ant

to have somé too.
Teenager ......................................................_............. .

Dialogue 2
The teenager w ants to take a taxi to the party.

Teenager ......................................................................

Műm ...............................................................
Teenager ......................................................................
P r o ject N yelvtan 5 4

** F Mit jelentenek ezek a táblák? írj mondatokat

[ele) rr
a megadott kifejezések és a can/ca n ’t segédige
Ago and... + az ige szótári alakja kifejezést használjuk, ha el kell
take the dog in the park sm oke take photos mennünk valahova, hogy megtegyünk valamit.

go w indsurfing use the sw im m in g pool Let’s go and buy somé milk. (The shop is at the end of the road.)
^play football park here go skiing____________ I’ll go and get my coat. (It’s in a different room.)
Gyakran tesszük elé a just szót, jelezve, hogy gyorsan kell
We 'II ju st go and grab that table.

Fordítsd le magyarra!
Let's go and watch cartoons.
I'll just go and buy the tickets.

P r a c t ic e <&»>

* A A m egadott szavak felhasználásával

egészítsd ki a párbeszédeket!

1 • Hannah, it's quarter pást eight. Can you

go and g e t your lunch box (g0 / get / your

c W here is it?
• It's on the kitchen table.

2 • Hi, Olivér, it's John. Can you com e to my

house after school today?
o I don't know. I'll ............................... ( g o /a s k /
my műm).

3 • Bye, Dad, I'm going to school now.

o No, you aren't. It's very cold outside. Can
y o u ............................. (go / g e t/y o u r coat),

4 o W here's Amanda?
o She had t o ................................. (g o /s p e a k t o /
1 You c a n 't p ark here.
her teacher).
5 • Did you tűm off the cooker?
o I'm nőt sure! I 'll................................ (go /

6 • I can't do my m aths hom ew ork.

o Jenny's upstairs. W hy don't you
................................(go / ask / her) to help you?
P roject N yelvtan SÓ

** B Barátoddal töltőd a szom bat délelőttöt. A

something, everything,
megadott kifejezések és a go and ... szerkezet
segítségével egészítsd ki a párbeszédeket!
anything, nothing, stb.

have a coffee see a film everything everybody everywhere

catch the bús w ait at the bús stop something somebody somewhere
spend the day in tow n ✓ have a pizza anything anybody anywhere
sit dow n over there look in the library v nothing nobody nowhere
g e to u rc o a ts phone them
I need to buy somé new clothes ~ l ’ve got nothing to wear!
buy som ething from that gift shop
Somebody has taken my pen - who was it?
Everybody knows that London is the capital ofEngland.
I can ’t find my glasses anywhere.

Fordítsd le magyarra!
Nobody likes that new film.
Let's go somewhere at the weekend.

P r a c t ic e

*< A Melyik névmás illik a mondatba? Húzd át a

helytelen megoldást!

1 Friend W hat shall w e do today? 1 Conor's very clever. He knows everything /

jeve^yéedy about Maths.
You W hy don't w e 3? and spend th e day ♦
2 Robbie's going out w ith som ebody / anybody in
in town ? Y e a r10!
2 Friend It's cold. 3 It's a secret. Nowhere / Nobody knows about it.
You Yes, it is. I 'll................................................. 4 How can I do my hom ework?There isn't a pen
3 Friend Let's m eet Kate and Paul. som ew here / anywhere in this house.

You OK. Shall w e ................................................? 5 There's nothing / som ething in the fridge. It's
com pletely empty. ,
4 Friend I'm tired.
6 Bobbie bought som ebody / som ething at the
You L e t's ............................................................... post office.
5 Friend I'm hungry. 7 You didn't tűm off the b a th ! There's w ater
You W hy don't w e .........................................? everyw here / som ew here!

6 Friend I'm bored. 8 It was assem bly so anybody / everybody was in

the school hall.
You L e t's ..............................................................
9 Can w e go to a different restaurant? I don't like
7 Friend I'm thirsty.
som ething / anything on this menü.
You Shall w e ........................................................ ?
10 W here is that CD? It m ust be som ew here /
8 Friend I need to get my m űm a present. now here in this house.
You L e t's ..............................................................
9 Friend I need a good book.

You W hy don't w e ..............................................?

10 Friend I don't w ant to walk home.
You W e c a n .........................................................
P roject N yelvtan S ú

** B -thing, -body vagy -where? Egészítsd ki a szavakat!

Last w eek w e w e n t on a school trip to Budapest. dow n the Danube on one of the fam ous
riverboats. Our eláss w e n t on a boát trip, and
1Everybody was very excited. Somé children
9som e . dropped their picnic lunch in the
hadn't been 2any on a school trip before.
river. It was m y friend János. 10'Has any......... got
W e all got on the bús at eight o'clock. The
any spare lunch?' asked the teacher. I gave
teacher said, 'You should all have a picmc lunch,
János "s o m é ....... fro m my ow n lunch box.
a drink and a w a terproo f jacket. You should have
W e alsó visited the beautiful old tow n up on the
a rucksack to carry 3every. . . I hope you
hill.The teacher said 'Follow me. I don't w a n t
haven't forgottén 4any.......... !'
12any.......... to get lo s t!' However, János w a sn 't
Then I rem em bered I had lett 5som e.......... at
listening, and he got lost 13so m e ............ near the
hom e - m y jacket! Luckily it was a w arm day.
church. 14No.......... saw him fór about ten
Of course, 6every.......... know s that Budapest is m inutes, bút luckily w e found him again!
really tw o cities, Buda and Pest. If you w a n t to
It was a wonderful day out and 15no...................will
go 7som e.......... really special, then this is a great
forget it!
piacé to visit. There is 8no.......... better than a trip
P roject N yelvtan 5 7

3 They need somé new trainers.

/> Statikus igék (Stative verbs)
K They're wearing their old ones.

Vannak olyan igék, melyeket alapvetően nem használunk folyamatos

jelen időben. Ezek az igék gyakran érzelmeket, véleményt fejeznek ki, pl.
want, think (vélemény kifejezése), like és prefer. Ezeket az igéket 4 He's teliing his little sister about sea m onsters.
statikus igéknek nevezzük. She believes him.
She wants to be a fashion designer. (NEM Shcewanting...)
I think it’s an interestingjob. (NEM i '-m tbMkmg-.- )
He likes chocolate. (NEM H&e-iiking-- .)
They prefer classical music to pop music. (NEM Thoy’ro proforring...) 5 She hates pop music.

Fordítsd le magyarra! She's listening to M ozart on the radio.

I think this book is brilliant.
He wants to work outdoors.
6 He's doing a difficult exam at the m om ent.
P r a c t ic b -3>r7 Luckily he rem em bers all the answers.

* A Ha a betűket helyes sorrendbe teszed,

egy-egy statikus igét kapsz! 7 They lőve com puter games. '

1 voel They're playingTomb Raider at the m om ent.

2 ebeelvi
3 eath 8 She isn't having sausages fór dinner.
4 m em erreb She prefers salad.
5 edne
6 hnitk
9 I'm having driving lessons.
7 peefrr
I think it's very im portant.
8 danndestur
9 w kon
10 Our teacher's giving us a vocabulary test.
10 keil
W e know all the w ords fór the test.

* B Minden m ondatpár jelen időben van, de az

egyik statikus igét tartalm az. M elyik az? írd ki a
pontozott vonalra!

1 He understands English very well.

He's reading Harry Potter in English,
u n d é rs ta n d

2 I'm eating a cheese and tom ato pizza.

I w a n t an ice-cream after this.
P r o je c t M yblvtam 5 7

C Egészítsd ki a párbeszédeket a zárójelben

megadott igék megfelelő alakjával! A statikus igéket
Befejezett jelen idő
f i
egyszerű jelen időbe, a többi igét folyam atos jelen
időbe tedd!
58.1 Befejezett jelen idő — állító és tagadó

We have (’ve)
You haven’t lived in England.
They started the race.
He bought somé jeans.
has (’s)
a A befejezett jelen időt használjuk:
Dialogue 1
1 ha a múltbeli cselekvésnek, eseménynek a jelenben is
• W hat are you (do)? tapasztalható eredménye van,
He can ’t play tennis: he’s broken his arm.
o 12................................(eat) m y ice cream.
2 ha azt akarjuk kifejezni, hogy ez idáig mi történt; illetve, hogy valami
• 3.................................. (you / like) straw berry ice megtörtént-e már (already) vagy még nem (yef),
cream? l’ve visited all ofthe countries in Europe.

o 3 ha a cselekvés nemrégiben, a közelmúltban történt.

Yes, I do, bút 14................................................ ............. (prefer)
l ’ve just heard a great song.
chocolate ice cream.
b A befejezett jelen idő kifejezésére a have + az ige harmadik alakja
5 (you / want) to try somé? szerkezetet használjuk. Az ige harmadik alakját Pást participle-nek is
• No, thanks. 16................................. (n ő t/lik e ) ice nevezik,
c A harmadik alak képzése:
cream ... and 17.......................................(haté)
1 A legtöbb ige -ed végződést kap.
jump jumped
2 Aszóvégi -e kiesik az -ed végződés előtt.
dance danced
3 Ha az ige egy szótagú, rövid magánhangzót tartalmaz és egy
mássalhangzóra végződik, a szóvégi mássalhangzó megkettőződik
az -ed előtt.
stop -» stopped
4 Ha az ige végződése -y, s előtte mássalhangzó áll, az -y-ból -/ lesz,
s ehhez kapcsolódik az -ed végződés.
carry carried DE: play -> played
5 Nagyon sok ige rendhagyó módon képzi harmadik alakját.
Képzésükre nincs külön szabály. Az igével együtt kell megtanulnod
Dialogue 2
mindhárom alakját. A 141. oldalon található a leggyakoribb
• W hat are y o u 8................................(look) fór? rendhagyó igék listája.

o ! 9.................................... (need) som é coloured

paper. i 58.2 forlsince
• W hy? A befejezett jelen idő + forazt fejezi ki, hogy a cselekvés vagy történés
már valamennyi ideje tart. A befejezett jelen idő + since azt fejezi ki, hogy
o Because 1 10.................................(make) a card fór a cselekvés vagy történés egy múltbeli időpont óta tart, de még nem
Dad's birthday. W here are the pens? fejeződött be.
Sarah has been a teacher fór three years.
• 111............................... (n o t/k n o w ).
We have lived here since 1998.
o Oh, 1 12................................ (rem em ber) now. Fordítsd le magyarra!
They're in the drawer. l've wanted to be a hairdresser since I was five.
He's been asleep fór twelve hours.
P r o j e c t N yelvtan 58

P r a c t / c e <és * B F ó r vagy since? írd be a m egadott

időkifejezéseket a megfelelő oszlopba!

* A Egészítsd ki a párbeszédet a zárójelben Christm as Day ✓ ten days ✓ August

m egadott igék befejezett jelen idejű alakjával! yesterday tw o hours 2002 many years
last May five m inutes half pást six
my birthday last w eek tw o w eeks six m onths
N ew Year a year a long tim e last year
ten years half an hour

fór since
te n days C h ris tm a s Day

• W hat's happening in the film ?

o James Bond 1. j u s t m e t (just / meet) * C Egészítsd ki a m ondatokat a zárójelben

megadott igék befejezett jelen idejű alakjával!
a beautiful wom an. She's a spy. She
1 | haven’t read (nőt / read) any com ics
2.......................... (teli) him about a notebook w ith
since I was at school.
lots of inform ation.
2 W e ........................................(n ő t/d ó ) a lót of
© W hat's he going to do? hom ew ork since our new teacher arrived.
3 J u lié ...........................................(know) Mark since
o I'm nőt sure. He 3......................... (ju s t/p h o n e ) they w ere in Kindergarten.
his friend bút his frie n d 4...........................(nőt 4 B e n ..........................................(n ő t/w rite ) to his
answer). Oh no! English pen friend fór tw o m onths.
5 D aniela............................. .......... (have) her new
© W h a t5..........................(happen) now?
CD player fór one week.
o The w om an 6............................ (just / shoot) James 6 W e ..................................... .... (be) friends fór a
Bond. I think he's dead! long tim e.
7 K a te ................................... (nőt play) outside
© He can't be!
fór five days.
o No, you're right. He 7 .... (ju s t/ 8 Tina ... ................... (nőt / eat) ice-
move). H e 8...........................(take) the wom an's cream since August.

gun and h e 9 ................................... (push) her intő a 9 I ........................................... (study) French fór one
cupboard. He 10.......................... (just / run) out of
10 M y grandparents .......... ........................... (live)
the room and ... Oh no!
in this house since 1970.
P r o j e c t N y elvta n SS

** D Egészítsd ki a szöveget a m egadott igék ** E A m egadott kifejezések segítségével írj

befejezett jelen idejű alakjával! m agadról igaz állításokat! Használd a befejezett
jelen idő tagadó alakjait és a fo r v agy since
ride jum p visit go sleep elöljárókat!
live eat watch have ✓ learn
go to the cinema have a show er eat a meal
tidy your room buy a magaziné
g o s w im m m in g ride a bicycle go on holiday
visit a friend w rite a letter

Examples I haven’t tid ie d my room fó r tw o weeks.

I haven’t had a shower since Tuesday.

1 I h a ve n 't......................................................................
2 I h a v e n 't......................................................................
3 I h a ve n 't......................................................................
4 I h a v e n 't......................................................................
5 I haven't ....................................................................
6 I haven't ....................................................................
7 I h a ve n 't......................................................................
8 I h a ve n 't......................................................................
9 I haven't ....................................................................
10 I h a ve n 't....................................................................... .

Roberto is thirteen years old. His parents ow n a ** F Válaszolj a kérdésekre egész mondattal!
circus. He1 ’s had a very unusual life. Examples H ow many countries have you
He 2................................ 25 countries and he been to?
3 ............... ‘......ten languages. In the circus, he JVe been to fo u r countries.

4 ......................horses and elephants, he 1 H ow long have you been at this school?

5...................... f ir e a n d h e 6...........................from a
tram poline onto a trapézé. He 2 W hat is the w o rst film you have seen this year?
tents, in lorries and outside. He's done lots of
exciting things. Bút there are lots of things he 3 W hat school project have you done this year?
hasn't done. He 8...........................never
........................ to school. H e 9 .......................... never 4 W hat is the best piacé you have visited this year?
........................ in a house and he 10........................
n e v e r....................................................a videó. 5 W hat is the best book you have read this year?

6 W hat have you eaten today?

P roject N yelvtan 5 9

3 M y ruler isn't long . Can I borrow

your ruler?

4 Can you w rite that again, Maria?This w riting

too + melléknév = nőt + ellentétes értelmű melléknév + enough
isn't n e a t......................
(túl... = nem elég ...)
The question's too difficult. = It isn’t easy enough. 5 M y b a g is .................... small. I can't fit all these
This soup is too cold. = It isn't hot enough. books in it.
This cár is too slow. = It isn’t fást enough.
6 Please speak more loudly. Your voice is
Fordítsd le magyarra!
The film wasn't long enough. quiet.
She can't come to the party - she's too ill.
7 Today's hom ew ork is ................... easy. M y fiv e -
year-old sister can do it!
IP R A & T IÉ B , ■59
8 Could you all stop talking, please? It's nőt quiet

* A Melyik a párja? A példa alapján párosítsd

össze a mondatokat! 9 Can I sw itch the radiator on? I t 's ....................
1 I feei too scared. cold now. i
2 Your shoes are too dirty. 10 This com puter is old and slow. It's nőt fást
3 This T-shirt is too large. ....................... i

4 He is too silly.
* C Too vagy enough? Egészítsd ki a szöveget!
5 These trainers are too narrow.
It's Julie's birthday. She's got lots of presents. She's
6 These clothes are too w e t.
got a dress from her grandmother. It's red, yellow
7 Those trousers are too short.
and orange. She doesn't like it. It's 1 to o bright.
8 This film is too boring.
9 That mán is too angry. She's got som é trainers from her aunt. They're

10 She's too lazy. great bút she can't w ear them because they're size
38 and she's size 39. They aren't b ig 2..........................
a It isn't interesting enough
b They aren't long enough. She's got som é trousers from her műm. They're a
c I'm nőt brave enough. nice colour bút th e y 're 3 .................... long. You
d He isn't calm enough. can't see her shoes!
e She isn't hard-working enough
Her dad gave her a book about cats because she
f They aren't dry enough.
It isn't small enough. loves cats. However, it's in English and she can't
h He isn't sensible enough. read it. It's 4 .........................difficult.
i They aren't clean enough.
Her brother gave her an expensive tennis racket bút
i They aren't w ide enough
she can't play tennis now. It's winter. It's nőt warm
* B Too vagy enough? Egészítsd ki a 5........ fór tennis.
Her friend gave her aT-shirt and it's perfect! It isn't
1 Can w e close the w in d o w now? It's ..... p<?°..
6........... big o r 7......................................... small, it's just
right. She's wearing it now.
2 Please can you tűm up the cassette player? It
isn't loud ....................
[?r,©j &c i N y e l v ta n 5 9

** D Egészítsd ki a m ondatokat a zárójelben Módbeli segédigék (Modals) —

m egadott m elléknevekkel és a too vagy enough múlt idő

60.1 had to és didn’t have to

be very careful.
It h a d to
pass the exam.
I jh e y

did nőt have to cross the road.
didn’t have to go to school.

- _ A had to a have to/must segédigék múlt idejű alakja (lásd a nyelvtani

összefoglaló 37. és 50. pontját). Jelentése: kellett valamit csinálni.
When I was young I had to help my mother at home. Now my little sister
© 6 -0 ! That was terrible! Our team just w asn't
has to help her.
! (good) Tagadó alakja a didn't have to, melynek jelentése: nem kellett valamit
o The other team w a s 2...................... (strong) fór
There was no school yesterday, so I didn’t have to get up early.
Fordítsd le magyarra!
I had to send lots of invitations.
© W e g ot the ball som etim es, bút w e w e re n 't They didn't have to work in a factory.
3 (quick).
<60.2 could és couldn’t
o Our team a re n 't4........................... (fit). They got
tir e d 5...........................(quickly). They aren't
training 6.......................... (hard).
read attheage of three.
It could
© The other team was 7............................ (clever). w atch the film tonight.
They always found a space. You

o Somé of the ir players w e re very tall and strong.
Our players w e r e 8.......................... (scared) to go
near th e m ! She
could nőt understand Germán.
couldn’t go swimming.
© W e've got one good player bút he's We
9........................... (selfish). He never passes
the ball.
A could a can segédige múlt idejű alakja (lásd a nyelvtani összefoglaló
15. és 54. pontját). A cou/c/ segédigét használjuk, ha arról beszélünk,
o W e need a new goalkeeper. Our goalkeeper's
hogy valaki meg tudott valamit tenni, mert képes volt rá, vagy, mert
10..........................(old). He's nearly forty! megengedték neki.
P r o j e c t N yelvta n 6 0

When I was young, I couldn’t go to the cinema by myself, bút now I can.
When he was 20 he could speak three languages. Now he can speak

Fordítsd le magyarra!
He could drive a cár when he was seventeen.
They couldn't invite all their friends to the party.

P r act/ce

* CA Tedd a m ondatokat múlt időbe!

1 I have to go to bed at 10 p.m. tonight.

.!. yesterday.

2 Can you do the English hom ew ork today?


3 He doesn't have to do the exam today.

• Yesterday I got m y second badge fór
4 They can't com e to the party today.
gym nastics. The teacher told us w h a t to
5 I can understand the questions today.
o W h a t1 4!4.yf?.M..!1.av:e...todo?
o First, 12 ....................... a backward roll.
6 They have to be at the match at four o'clock
That w as easy.
.................................................................yesterday. o 3.......................... d o a handstand?

7 Do w e have to answ er all the questions today? • Yes, I did. Then the teacher told m e to do a

yesterday? headstand.

8 W e don't have to w ear school uniform today. o 4 .................. do it?

yesterday. © Yes, 15............................. I stgod on my head

9 He can't play in the Street today. fór about tw e n ty seOÉhds. Luekily I

yesterday. 6 * ‘ do a s o m e rs a u lt-th e y 're

too difficult! Bút then 17.... ..................... try
10 It has to be sunny fór the match today.
a cartw heel. I'm nőt very good at them . A t
................................................................. yesterday.
firs t 18........................ manage it. Bút then

** B Egészítsd ki a m ondatokat a m egadott Itrie d again and I did a great cartw heel
kifejezésekkel! and I g ot m y badge.

had to could you did you have ✓ had to do o W ell done!

did you have to didn't have to couldn't could
P r o j e c t N y elv ta n ó t

will be able to (w hen will you be able to goto the cinema? )

Fordítsd le magyarra!
i 61.1 will be able to — állító mondatok When will he be able to walk again?
Will you be able to visit your grandparents?
He 61.4 will be able to — rövid válaszok
live on the moon. ( > ( ■\
It will be able to 1 1
go to London.
We he he
You she she


Yes, it will. No, it won’t.


we we
A can és a will be able to segédigéket használjuk:
you you
a engedély kifejezésére.
He can go out tonight. His parents have given him permission.
v they
Will we be able to swim in the sea ? Vés, we will.
b képesség kifejezésére.
(NEM Yos, we will be able.)
I can speak English.
Will he be able to come with us? No, he won’t.
He can play the guitar.
(NEMNo,-be won't-be able.)
kcan segédigének (nyelvtani összefoglaló 15. és 54. pontja) nincs jövő
idejű alakja. Helyette a will be able to szerkezetet használjuk jövőbeni Fordítsd le magyarra!
engedély és képesség kifejezésére. Will she be able to make a CD? Yes, she will.
Will they be able to dance all night? No, they won't.
When I'm seventeen, I'll be able to take a driving test.
In the future, we will be able to visit Mars.

Fordítsd le magyarra! P ract/ce

I'll be able to travel on my own when I'm 21.
She'll be able to play fór our team next week.
A Will be able to vagy w o n ’t be able to?
Egészítsd ki a szöveget!
61.2 will be able to — tagadó mondatok
M y name's Peter and I'm tw e lve years old. M y
fam ily's going on holiday to Croatia this year.
She 11...yyLÜ...!?..?...aM e.M .. sw im in the sea every day. I
will nőt swim in the sea.
It be ableto 2 w in d su rf too. M y brother Simon is
won’t stop shaking.
We six m onths old. He's a baby, so h e 3..........................
sw im or w indsurf, bút h e 4.......................... play in
the w a te r w ith M űm and Dad.
Fordítsd le magyarra!
15........................... get up laté every m orning,
He won’t be able to come with us.
They won’t be able to play football in the snow. because I haven't got school. That w ill be great! M y
m űm and d a d 6...........................get up laté because
61.3 will be able to — kérdő mondatok Simon wakes up at six o'clock.
r W e 7................................................ have lots of meals in
restaurants because w e 're on holiday. There's
she satelliteTV in the hotel so w e 8...........................
Will it be ableto
understand? watch lots of film s.
There's a Kids' Club on the beach and I
they 9.......................... make lots of friends. There w ill be
all-night discos on the beach bút 110..........................
stay up all night! M űm says I have to be hom e at
ten o'clock.
P r o j e c t N y e lv ta n é t

* B Olvasd el a szöveget, majd válaszolj röviden 6 Can she go to art galleries in N ew York?
a kérdésekre!

7 Can she see the desert in N ew York?

8 W ill she be able to see the desert in Australia?

9 W ill she be able to w alk to school in Australia?

10 Can she w alk to school in N ew York?

Jenna lives w ith her parents in N ew York. ** ! C Vajon m egteheted majd a következő
There are lots of things to do! She can visit dolgokat 17 éves korodban? írj mondatokat!
ten m useum s in one day. She can go to
1 drive Hl be able to dr-iye / I won’t be able to
fantastic art galleries. She can eat in amazing
drive when I’ m seventeen years old.
restaurants. N ext year her parents are
m oving to a small tow n in Australia. She 2 go to clubs ................................................................
w o n 't be able to do the things she does in
N ew York. Bút she w ill be able to do different
things. She'll be able to sw im in the sea every 3 vote .............................................................................
day. She'll be able to see the desert. She'll be
able to w in d s u rf and sail and waterski. And
she'll be able to w alk to school. In N ew York, 4 get married ...............................................................
she has to take the subway.

5 leave school ..............................................................

1 Can Jenna visit lots of m useum s at the m om ent?
Yes, s h e ca n .
6 go to university ........................................................
2 W ill Jenna be able to visit lots of m useum s in
Australia? *
7 live on my own ...............JV.......................................
No, she won’t .

3 Can Jenna sw im in the sea every day in New York?

8 buy a house ..............................................................

4 W ill she be able to sw im in the sea every day in

Australia? 9 speak perfect English .............................................

5 W ill she be able to go to art galleries w hen she's 10 have a credit card ......................................................
in Australia?
P r o j e c t N y e l v t a n <52

62.4 will have to — rövid válaszok

will have to
r \
62.1 will have to — állító mondatok she
No, it w on’t.
fi we
He you
She they
buy somé morefood. V J
It will have to
w alk home. Will I have to talk to him? Yes, you will. (NEM Yos, you will have.)
You Will they have to go home? No, they won't. (NEM No, thoy won't hove.)
I jh e y
J Fordítsd le magyarra!
Will he have to take tablets? Yes, he will.
A must és a will have to jelentése: kell, szükséges.
Will we have to wait a long time? No, we won't.
You must run fást to win the race.
A must segédigének (lásd a nyelvtani összefoglaló 50. pontját) nincs jövő
idejű alakja. A will have to szerkezetet használjuk annak kifejezésére, P r a c t/c e 4 *
hogy majd valamit kell, szükséges megtenni a jövőben.
Tomorrow, I will have to catch the bús at six o'clock. * ( A írj mondatokat arról, hogy Nellynek mit kell
We’ll have to buy somé more bread on Friday.
(will have to) vagy nem kell (won’thave to) tennie
Fordítsd le magyarra! jövőre!
He'll have to go back home soon.
They'll have to walk to school tomorrow.

c 62.2 will have to — tagadó mondatok

fi \

will nőt go to school.
It have to
w o n ’t stay at home.
Fordítsd le magyarra!
I won't have to go to the doctor's tomorrow.
They won't have to work at the weekend.

This year, Nelly is in Year 9 at school. Next year,

162.3 will have to — kérdő mondatok she'll be in Year 10. A lót of things w ill be different.
I 1 This year she has to study ten subjects.
he Next year she won’t have t o s tu d y te n s ü b je c t
buy somé new clothes?
Will it have to
eat less chips? 2 This year she doesn't have to drop any subjects.
you Next year she’ll have to d ro p s o m é su b je cts.

J 3 This year she has to do M aths and English.

f Where | will I have to m eet you? Next y e a r....................................................................

Fordítsd le magyarra! 4 This year she doesn't have to take any exams.
Will you have to have an injection?
Next y e a r....................................................................
Will she have to take the bús?

P r o j e c t N y e lv t a n ős

5 This year she doesn't have to do hom ew ork 7 (N in a /n ő t have to /c a rry )

every evening. ...................................................... all those heavy
Next y e a r.................................................................... books.

6 This year she doesn't have to choose her m ost 8 (you / have to / go)
im portant subjects.
...................................................... home early after
Next y e a r....................................................................
the party?
7 This year she has to go to PE lessons.
9 (we / nőt have to / buy)
Next y e a r....................................................................
...................................................... any crisps.
8 This year she has to go to school assem bly W e've got ten packets!
every day.
10 (I / nőt have to /g o )
Next y e a r....................................................................
...................................................... to my piano
9 This year she has to go hom e on the school bús. lesson. It's M um 's birthday.
Next y e a r....................................................................
** ( C Mit kell holnap csinálnod az iskolában? írj 5
10 This year she doesn't have to w o rk hard. mondatot!
Next y e a r....................................................................
Example I’ll have t o listen t o my teacher.
* i. B A m egadott szavak felhasználásával írj
m ondatokat jövő időben’ 2

1 (Lara/ have to /g iv e ) 3 .......................................................................................

Lara will have to give................. her hom ew ork to 4 .......................................................................................

the teacher tom orrow . 5 .......................................................................................

2 (I / nőt have to /g o ) ** C D Mit nem kell csinálnod, ha majd felnőtt

...................................................... to the concert leszel? írj 5 mondatot!

w ith my parents. Example l won’t have to go to school.

1 ......................................................................................
3 (Ben / have to / buy)
...................................................... a new jacket this 2

week? 3 ........ ............ .................................................................

4 .............................................. •# .....- ... — ................

4 (Peter and Sam /h a ve to /m is s )
5 ................ .............. ..................................................
...................................................... the football match

5 (y o u / have to /tid y )
...................................................... your room this

6 (A nna/ have to /h e lp )
...................................................... her dad make the
P r o j e c t N y e lv ta n 6 3

bút és however Then he found his socks under the b e d 4.....................

he couldn't see his jum per.

A bút és a however ellentétes értelmű kötőszók, két állítást kapcsolnak

His m űm gave him his old school jumper.
össze. Jelentésük: de, azonban. Jelentésük megegyezik, de mondatbeli
helyük eltér egymástól. 5..................... , it w as too small.
Első állítás + bút + második állítás.
W hen A ntony looked in his sports bag, he found his
Első mondat + pont (.) + However + vessző (,) + második mondat.
Peter loves music bút he can ’t play an instrument. new school ju m p e r6..................... there was a hole in
Peterloves music. However, he can’t play an instrument.
it. His m űm quickly m ended the h o le .7..................... .
Fordítsd le magyarra!
it was half pást eight and he hadn't eaten his
I like apples bút I don't like apple pie.
I play tennis. However, I don't play every week. breakfast. A ntony ate his b re a kfa st8..................... he
m issed the school bús because he was so laté.

V Luckily his m űm took him to school in the cár.

9....................., the cár broke down and Antony had
* A B út vagy however"? Egészítsd ki a
to walk. A ntony arrived at school at ten pást nine.
He was laté fór his first lesson 10..................... his
A bad m orning...
teacher w a sn 't angry.

B Minden képről írj egy m ondatot a bút, vagy

két m ondatot a h ow ever kötőszóval!

1 M addie likes c a ts b ú t she doesn’t like d o g s. _or

M addie likes cats. However, she doesn’t like d o g s.

A ntony w anted to get up at half pást seven.

...... , his alarm clock d idn't ring. His m űm
called him at quarter to e ig h t2..................... he didn't
hear her.

A ntony w as getting ready fór s c h o o l3.....................

he couldn't find his socks.
2 Eddie
P r o j e c t N yelvtan ő 3 0

4 They. 8 Sam

5 Frank 9 Emma

6 Suzanna 10 T h e y ............................................................................
P r o j e c t N y elv ta n 6 4

** B írd le újra a történetet úgy, hogy a

someone!something + -ing m ondatpárokat kapcsold össze egy mondattá!
Yesterday, I was in the bank. I was w aiting fór
c 64.1 there’s someone m y turn.
A there’s + egy személy/dolog + az ige ing-es alakja vagy a there are + Then a mán came in. He was carrying a large
két vagy több személy/dolog+ az ige ing-es alakja szerkezetet akkor bag.
használjuk, ha egy szituációt, helyzetet vagy jelenetet akarunk leírni.
Az ige ing-es alakja fejezi ki, hogy ki mit csinál, illetve mi történik. There was another mán. He was holding a gun.
There's a dog. It’s Crossing the road. I heard a w om an. She was scream ing.
There’s a dog Crossing the road.
I saw the mén. They w ere pushing som é people
There are somé people. They are dancing. -»
There are somé people dancing.
to the floor.
There ’s a mán. He 's playing the guitar. Next, I heard tw o police officers.They w ere
There’s a mán playing the guitar. shouting.
Fordítsd le magyarra! I saw the police officers. They w ere talking to
There's a bírd flying. the bank robbers.
There are somé children playing in the Street.
Then I noticed a w om an police officer. She was
64.2 seelhear someone helping people to get out of the bank.

A see, feel, smell, notice és hear igék után az ige ing-es alakjával 8 I fe lt a hand on me. It was grabbing m y arm.
fejezzük ki, hogy a cselekvés éppen folyamatban volt, amikor érzékeltük, 9 I heard a voice. It w as saying 'Q uick! Come this
láttuk, hallottuk, stb.
w a y !'
I heard Jack. He was shouting. ->
I heard Jack shouting. 10 As I left the bank, I saw the bank robbers.They
He saw the policemen. They were following him. w ere getting intő the police van.
He saw the policemen following him.
I can smell something. The food is burning. -»
I can smell the food burning.

Fordítsd le magyarra!
I heard the children singing. m
I saw the dog chasing the cat. /

P r a c t /c e 4 *

* A Válaszd ki a m ondatba illő szót! A helytelen

Yesterday, I was in the bank, w aiting fór m y turn.
m egoldást húzd át!
1 T h e n a m á n c a m e in c a r r y in g a la rg e b a g .
1 I can hear som eone / som ething laughing in the
next room.
2 I can hear som eone / som ething breaking. 3
3 I can see som eone / som ething carrying a child. 4
4 I can feel som eone / som ething crawling on me.
5 I can see som eone / som ething waving to us.
6 I can hear som eone / som ething crying.
7 I can see som eone / so m ething rollerskating.
8 I can sm ell som eone / som ething burning. 8
9 I can see som eone / som ething talking. 9
10 I can hear som eone / som ething ringing. 10
P r o j e c t N yelv ta n Ó S

Befejezett jelen és egyszerű 9 I dldn,t see Olivér today. Is he ill?

haven't seen
múlt idők
10 Did M ark go to bed? I w a n t to ask him
a A befejezett jelen időt használjuk: Has M ark gone
1 ha olyan időszakról beszélünk, ami még nem fejeződött be, még som ething.
l’ve seen that film three times.
*(B A m egadott szavak segítségével egészítsd ki
2 ha nincs a cselekvésnek meghatározott ideje - egy dátum vagy egy
a mondatokat! Egy szót többször is használhatsz!
másik esemény (lásd még a nyelvtani összefoglaló 49. pontját).
l’ve met Leonardo DiCaprio! ------------- -------------- N.

b Az egyszerű múlt időt használjuk: since ago fór yesterday

1 ha olyan időszakról beszélünk, amelyik már befejeződött. J u s t never ever___________________^
I saw that film three times last week.
2 ha pontosan meghatározzuk, hogy mikor történt a cselekvés.
1 Colum bus discovered Am erica six centuries
I met Leonardo DiCaprio yesterday! Mi?;....
In 1998,1worked in Italy. Since 1996, l’ve worked in Francé, Tunisia, 2 John has been in our s c h o o l................................
Turkeyand Greece. tw o years.
Sam has broken three world records. He broke the 100 m record at the
Sydney Olympics.
3 I always keep my keys in m y pocket. l've

Fordítsd le magyarra! ............................... . lost them .

l've seen Harry Potter II five times. 4 I left my pencil case at s c h o o l.................................
I saw it again last week.
5 Anna hasn't seen her friend Nick
6 'Has s h e ................................ visite d yo u ? '
* A Válaszd ki a mondatba illő igealakot! 'Yes, she has.'
A helytelen m egoldást húzd át! 7 I can watch TV now because l've

1 I went to Spain tw o years ago. finished my hom ew ork.

8 I w e n t sw im m in g tw o d a y s ..................................
2 Has Sally finished her |unch?Yes, she's in the 9 W e've lived h e re ................................ 1999.
Did Sally finish
garden. 10 Léna hasn't been at sch o o l................................ a
w eek.
3 I ^ ave arr've^ at the cinema at eight o'clock. 11 I didn't go to my piano le s s o n .................................
12 W e w e n t to Budapest three w eeks
4 Did you sit next to Maria last year? i? *
Have you sat
5 W hen have you firs t gone toschoo|? 13 M y parents have known each other
did you first go
tw e n ty years.
6 Alison ^ asn * ta ^en her dog fór a w alk yesterday 14 'Have y o u ................................ seen Harry Potter
didn't take II?'
evening. 'No, I haven't.'
7 You can have your book back now. I ^ ave reaC* it. 15 'Is Jack in, please?'
'I'm sorry, h e 's ................................ gone out.'
8 S o m e o n e ju s tk n o cke d on the door.
has ju st knocked
P r o j e c t N yelvta n ő 5

** C írj kérdéseket! Használd a befejezett jelen időt Sally Hello Chris. 1 have yo u d o n e (you / do)
vagy az egyszerű múlt időt!
the Geography hom ework?
1 your dad / ever help you / w ith your M aths
Chris No, I haven't. You know I haté drawing maps!
H a s y o u r d a d eve r Help ed yo u ívith your M aths?
S a lly Well, 12.................................... (ju s t/fin is h )
2 you ever teli / a lie / to your best friend

Chris Really? Can you help me, Sally?

3 you / do your hom ew ork / yesterday afternoon
Sally Of course. Have you got the pens w e need
and the special paper?
4 you w in / a p riz e /in a quiz
Chris Yes, my m ű m 3....................................(buy)
them yesterday.
5 how lo n g /y o u liv e /in this tow n
Sally OK then. See you in half an hour.

Chris W ait a second! Can you bring the new

6 w h e n /y o u m e e t/y o u r best friend
Shakira CD? You know I always listen to
m usic w hen I do m y hom ework.
7 w h e n /y o u s ta rt/le a rn in g English
Sally Sorry! M y s is te r4..................................(give) it
to her friend Susie yesterday.
8 you ever stay / in a hospital
Chris I see. By the w a y ,5..................................(Tina
/ invite) you to her party?
9 w h a t / you have / fó r breakfast / yesterday
m orning Sally That's strange. 16..................................(speak)
to her this m orning at school, bút she
7................................(n ő t/s a y ) anything
10 w h e re /y o u sp e n d /yo u r summer holidays last
about it!
Chris l'm s u re , she 8................................ (forget).

S ally Do you think she doesn't like me?

** D Egészítsd ki a m ondatokat a zárójelben levő
igék m egfelelő alakjával! Használd a befejezett Chris No way! The problem is that she always
jelen időt vagy az egyszerű múlt időt!
forgets things. Fór exam ple yesterday
afternoon s h e 9................................ (do)
a very silly thing.

S ally W hat?

Chris She 10................................ (come) to play

tennis w ith o u t her racket!

S ally Well, perhaps she'll invite me tom orrow .

P r o j e c t N y e lv t a n B ő

** i E Válaszolj a kérdésekre!

Have you ever appeared onTV? A két ige jelentése befejezett jelen időben jelentősen eltér:
Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t. a Jane has been to Australia.
W here / W hen was it? A been azt jelenti ebben a mondatban, hogy Jane Ausztráliában volt,
A t Disney Club, a year ago. de most már hazajött.
b Jane has gone toJapan.
1 Have you ever spoken to a fam ous person? A gone ige azt fejezi ki, hogy Jane elutazott Japánba, s még mindig ott
van, vagy úton van odafelé.

W here / W hen was it?

P r a c t /c e 4 ?
* A Olvasd el a m ondatokat és húzd be a
2 Have you ever read a Harry Potter book?
W here / W hen was it?
W here's Mary?
She's gone to the park w ith the dog.

3 Have you ever ridden a pony? (§ )M ARY -.© P A R K

W here / W hen w as it? Ihaven't seen Alice fó r ages. She's been to

4 Have you ever stayed in hospital? <S> tZ I t ®

W here / W hen was it? 1 George has ju st gone hom e to get his

5 Have you ever had an argum ent w ith your best
2 Alison's gone to school. She lett hom e about ten
m inutes ago.
W here / W hen was it?
ALISO N Sc h o o l

3 It's been three w eeks since I came back from

my holiday.

Ho l i d a y

4 There's nobody here - they've all gone to the


<D <§>

(§ §
P r o je c t N yelvtan őő

5 l've ju st been to the sports centre, bút I'm back 7 Anna isn't here. S he 's..................................... to th e
now. doctor's because she needs an injection.
8 M u m 's ............................. on a diet fór tw o m onths.
She has lost a lót of w e ig ht and she looks great!
© <©
9 D a d 's..................... on a diet because he needs
6 Sam's been to the shop and he's bought som é to lose w eight.
sw eets.
10 l've ju s t ............................. home to get my camera.
Here it is.
s a /a SHop
® © ** C Családod tagjai merre jártak már? Hol nem
7 Our teacher's gone to the staffroom to get the voltak még? írj 5 mondatot!
te s t papers. Examples IVe been to Budapest.
My mum’s been to Croatia.
© ®
My brother hasn’t been to Slovakia.
1 ......................................................................................
8 I can't see the dog. W here has it gone?
3 ......................................................................................
DOG<§) © ?
4 ......................................................................................

9 Have you ever been to America? 5 ......................................................................................

® © ** D Gondolj azokra, akik nincsenek most otthon

a m e 'r í c a you
vagy az iskolában. Hova mentek? írj 5 pár
10 W here have you been? I haven't seen you tor a Examples My brother isn’t a t home. He’s gone
long tim e.
to a friend’s house.
You ? Natasha isn’t a t school. She’s gone
® é to the d e n tis t’s.

*í B Been vagy gon e? Egészítsd ki a mondatokat!
1 Look at the children.They're very dirty. W here
have they been? 2
2 l'v e ..................... to the library and l've found the
b o o k s In e e d .
3 .......................................................................................
3 C arol' the shops. She w o n 't be
back fó r about an hour.

4 Have you e v e Paris? It's really 4 .......................................................................................

5 W e 'v e .......................... to the sw im m in g pool five
tim e s this w eek. It w as great! 5 .......................................................................................
6 No, she h a s n 't......................hom e; she's still
P roject N yelvtan ŐW []

C%,> A feltételes mondat * í B Válaszd ki a helyes megoldást, a helytelent

's (First conditional) húzd át!

1 If Jack w ^ c *:>etrtrat Lisa, she'll start crying!

A feltételes mondatnak két tagmondata van: a főmondat és az if-es shouts
mellékmondat. A feltételes mondatok azt fejezik ki, hogy a jövőben
valami bekövetkezhet vagy sem.
2 If Ellie acts in a Hollyw ood film , she
A jövőre vonatkozó feltételes mondatokban, a főmondatban az egyszerű becom es
jövő időt használjuk (will + az ige szótári alakja); az if-es very fam ous.
mellékmondatban az egyszerű jelen időt.
I won ’t go shopping if it rains tomorrow.
(főmondat, egyszerű jövő) (if-es tagmondat, egyszerű jelen) 3 Your tooth w ill stop hurting if you to a
If it rains tomorrow, I’ll stay at home.
(if-es tagmondat, egyszerű jelen) (főmondat, egyszerű jövő)

Fordítsd le magyarra!
If I tidy my room, my műm will be happy. 4 Dávid w ill feel sick if he eat all these
We won't go fór a walk if there's a thunderstorm. eats

P r a c t is e 4 r-
5 I w on t to the party on Saturday if I have a lót
don't go
* A Párosítsd össze a tagm ondatokat!
of w ork.
1 If I go to the Italian restaurant, /
2 I'll phone your m other ....... 6 Em m aw o n í like the burgers if they've got
3 If there aren't any buses, .......
cheese ín them .
4 They'll be here at 10 p.m. .......
5 Ifw e go to Croatia on holiday, .......
7 If you buy som é sugár, I m a^e y0 u a cake.
6 She'll com e and see us ....... make
7 M y dad w ill collect us .......
8 Everybody in the eláss wil1 know if Sandra
8 I'll finish this book ....... knows
telis them our secret!
9 If you don't hurry up, .......
10 If you argue w ith me, .......
9 If our te a c h e rw on * here, w e w o n 't have a
a if you give me her number. test.

b if the ir train is on tim e.

10 If our teacher leaves, w e Wl^ very sad.
c you'll be laté fór school. are
d w e 'll take a taxi.
e I w o n 't talk to you fór a w eek!
f w e 'll stay in Split.
g if I stay up laté.
h if w e m iss the bús.
i I'll have a cheese and m ushroom pizza,
j if she has enough tim e.

(§ §
P r o je c t N yelvtan éW

** C A m egadott szavakból alkoss jövőre **( D Egészítsd ki a mondatokat! Használd a will

vonatkozó feltételes mondatokat! Ne felejtsd el, vagy a w on’t segéd igét!
hogy az if-es tagm ondat állhat elöl is, de állhat a
m ásodik helyen is! Example If I go to a party next week,
I’ll wear my new jeans.
1 w e a th e r /b e /g o o d /w e play basketball
1 If I'm ill tom orrow ,
If th e w eather is good, we’ll play basketball.

2 Paul / nőt pass the te st / his parents / nőt buy

2 If my m űm cooks spaghetti tom orrow,
him a new skateboard

3 If I get bad marks at school,

3 John see Helen / he teli her about the party

4 If m y friend telis me a lie,

4 Tony understand about global w arm ing / he read
this book
.................................................... ................................. . 5 If m y parents don't give me my pocket m oney
next week,
5 our team w in the cup / the players get a bonus
o f € 20,000

....................................................................................... 6 If my teacher says 'W ell done',

6 George fre e z e /g o out w ith o u t a coat
7 If it snow s every day next week,

7 you help me w ith my hom ew ork / 1buy you an
ice-cream 8 If I see an injured cat or dog in the Street,

8 I show Olivér my new com puter game / he 9 If I go to bed very laté,

com e to my house .......................................................................................

....................................................................................... 10 If I don't eat breakfast,

9 w e visit Aunt M ary / she give us chocolate

10 Helen wash her dad's cár / he give her € 5

P roject N yelvtan ŐS Q

** ( B Helyeselj - bárm it mond Rob, érts vele

So do 11 Nor do I egyet! Használd a So ... vagy a N o r ...
Ha egyetértésünket akarjuk kifejezni, a következő szerkezeteket
So/Nor+ segédige + /.
Ha egy állító mondattal értünk egyet, a So + segédige + / szerkezetet
'Icán swim.' ‘Socanl.’
'She’s been to Switzerland.' ‘So have I.’
Ha egy tagadó mondattal értünk egyet, a A/or + segédige + / szerkezetet
'/ wasn ’t at school yesterday.' ‘Nor was I. ’
'He hasn’t seen that film.' ‘Nor have I.’
Ha az állító mondatban nincs segédige, a do megfelelő Qelen vagy múlt
idejű) alakját használjuk.
'/ lőve strawberriesl’ 'So do I.'
'He saw that film yesterday. ' 'So did 1.'

P k a c t ic b é p

* A So vagy A/or? A helytelen megoldást húzd át!

1 Jenny w a sn 't very Se / Nor was Georgia.
2 W e w ere going on /
So Nor w ere our
holiday. friends.
3 Adam and Ron aren't S o /N o r is Kate. 1 I can run very fást. So can
hard-working. 2 l've got expensive trainers. ...................
4 I'm going to go to So / Nor is Laura. 3 I didn't watch TV last night. ...................
the bookshop.
*T I never get up laté. ...................
5 l've got a new So / Nor has my brother.
sw eatshirt. 5 l've never been laté to school..........................

6 Poppy didn't wash S o /N o r did 1. 6 I w in a lót of games. ...................

the cár. 7 I'm good at Maths, too. ...................
7 Harry is going to be So / Nor is Martha. 8 l've done all m y h o m e w o rk / ...................
a fashion designer.
9 I don't eat fást fogd. ...................
8 I don't w a n t to be So / Nor does Angéla. iA
1U I'm nőt going to get fát. ...................
a m odel.
11 I was polite to the teacher
9 James enjoys doing So / Nor do 1.
yesterday. ...................
12 I helped w ith the housework
10 I'll be at the record S o /N o r w ill 1.
last w eek. ...................
shop at 6 o'clock.
P r o j e c t N yelvta n 6 9

Szenvedő szerkezet 69.3 Szenvedő szerkezet (egyszerű jelen idő) —

tagadó mondatok
(Passive voice)
f am nőt
’m nőt
69.1 A szenvedő szerkezet használata
is nőt
She invited to the party.
A szenvedő szerkezetet használjuk, ha maga a cselekvés fontos, nem isn’t
It taken to school.
az, hogy azt ki végezte.
A szenvedő szerkezet a be ige megfelelő (igeidőtől függő) alakjából are nőt
és az ige harmadik alakjából áll. aren’t
( jh e y
Az igeidőt a be alakja jelzi: J
The wheels were changed. (past/múlt idő) Fordítsd le magyarra!
The wheels are changed. (present/jelen idő) Bats aren't usually seen in the daytime.
The wheels will be changed. (future/jövő idő) The North Pole isn't visited by many people.
Az aktív mondat szerkezete: alany + állítmány + tárgy. Az aktív
mondat tárgya lesz a szenvedő (passzív) mondat alanya. 4 69.4 Szenvedő szerkezet (egyszerű jelen idő) —
(alany) (állítmány) (tárgy) kérdő mondatok
Someone cleans _ thestreets.
The streets are cleaned. ^Am I
(alany) (szenvedő szerkezet) he
Is she
driven to school?
Szenvedő szerkezetben is kifejezhetjük, hogy ki végzi a cselekvést. it
taught by Mr Jenkins?
Az aktív mondat alanya a passzív mondat végére kerül a by we
elöljáróval. A re you
(alany) (állítmány) (tárgy) they
v J
Thepostman brings ___ myletters.
( Why | are they tested every day?
Myletters are brought by the postman.
(alany) (állítmány) (a cselekvést végző) Fordítsd le magyarra!
Is flour used to make cakes?
Are bears seen in the day or at night?
69.2 Szenvedő szerkezet (egyszerű jelen idő)
állító mondatok < 69.5 Szenvedő szerkezet (egyszerű jelen idő) —
r rövid válaszok
I am. I ’m nőt. ^
is liked by everyone. he he
’s woken at six o’clock every morning. she is. she isn’t.
taught English at school. Yes, it No, it
are we we
’re you are. you aren’t.
they they J
Fordítsd le magyarra!
Fordítsd le magyarra!
Somé cars are made in Europe.
Is the exam taken by many students? Yes, it is.
Tigers are found in India.
Are uniforms wom at this school? No, they aren't.
P r o j e c t N yelvta n 6 9

* A A táblázat segítségével alkoss igaz állításokat!

!v?' .V!TX,/.T*.I'.".,X,.*.,.I.'.>-V.‘-I.‘: >t'ivi. n . .*j

A lót of babies built every year.

A lót of cars s e n tto other |

countries. |
Somé new houses eaten in this j
A lót of rubbish played by
Somé people driven by young :
is people.
A lót of ietters and used fó r short
cards journeys. 1
A lót o f food given m oney by
the govem m ent.
A lót of petrol bőm in this
A lót of interview s recycled.
A lót of com puter given by fam ous
games actors.

Q *

□ C l * CB Olvasd el a mondatot, majd karikázd be,
hogy a m ondat cselekvő (A = active) vagy
szenvedő ( P = passive) szerkezetben van-e!
1 Reál Madrid played very w e ll yesterday. @ /p
1 A ló t o f babies are born in t h í s . . ( : 2 M odem s are very cheap. A /P
^ &
2 3 The Internet is used by many people
3 in m ost countries. A /P
4 A lót of w in e is drunk in Francé. A /P
5 I am invited to three parties. A /P
6 This isn't a difficult exercise. A /P
7 Our school starts at 8:10. A /P
8 A lót of tim e is wasted in fro n t of theTV. A /P
9 Cricket is nőt popular in our country. A /P
10 M o st com puter games are designed
10 fó r young people. A /P
P r o j e c t N y e lv ta n 6 9

** C C Alakítsd át a m ondatokat! Használd a

szenvedő szerkezetet! Ha a mondat alanya alá van
Szenvedő szerkezet - egyszerű
húzva, a b y elöljáróval kapcsold a mondathoz! múlt idő
1 Children buv a lót of CDs.
<70.1 Szenvedő szerkezet (egyszerű múlt idő)
A ló t o f CPs are b o u g h t by children.
állító mondatok
2 People kill too many w ild animals.
Too m any wild anim als are killed. He
invited to the party.
3 Somé vouna people drink cola. It
seen with Jane.
You were
( jh e y
4 W e use too much energy in our homes. J
The table was moved intő anotherroom.
Many buyers were shown the new designs.
5 People buy a lót of com puters every year. Fordítsd le magyarra!
I was taken to an amazing zoo.
The children were shown an exciting film.
6 We d on't w rite tests in pencil.
70.2 Szenvedő szerkezet (egyszerű múlt idő)
tagadó mondatok
7 Both children and adults read comics.
He was nőt
She wasn’t
8 Somé arow n-ups watch cartoons. It
sent to the supermarket.
were nőt
9 They teach English at this school. Jhey

Fordítsd le magyarra!
He wasn't given any food.
10 M o st tou rists in A thens visit the Acropolis. They weren't looked after very well.

<70.3 Szenvedő szerkezet (egyszerű múlt idő)

kérdő mondatok
r \
given the information?
told to do that?
Were you

(5 When was the door opened?

Fordítsd le magyarra!
Was this money picked up in the Street?
When were these photographs taken?
P r o j e c t N yelvtan 7 0

C70.4 Szenvedő szerkezet (egyszerű múlt idő) — *( B Milyen ism eretekkel rendelkezel? Hány
rövid válaszok helyes m ondatot tudsz írni?

he he
was. wasn’t.
she she
Yes, it No, it
we we M
you were. you weren’t.
they they
v J J The M ona Lisa
Fordítsd le magyarra!
Was the dog lost? Yes, it was.
Were the boys given any help? No, they weren't.

P k a c t ic b é o
A Hogy készült ez
a torta?
1 P e n ic illin ----- ^ w as directed / by Alexander
írd le a j / Fleming.
m ondatokat
2 The Lost W orld \ w as J byS tephen
discovered Spielberg.
3 Romé w as painted ín 776 BC.
4 The firs t satellite was sent in 1957.
intő space
® It was iced and decorated. 5 The Mona Lisa w as invented by Leonardo
da Vinci.
® The cake tin was pút in the oven.
6 G eom etry w as built by Euclid.
® The m ixture of eggs, sugár and flo ur was
beaten w ith a fork. 7 The pyram ids w e re built b y th e A n c ie n t
® The m ixture was poured intő a cake tin.
8 Cleopatra w as hit by Edmund
• The eggs w e re broken intő a bowl. ✓
• The cake was taken out of the oven.
9 M o u n t Everest w as loved by M ark
• It was left in the oven fór half an hour. Antony.
• Flour and sugár w ere added. 10 Th’e T itanic w as clim b'ed b y a n ic e b e rg .
p «

* ’ C Egészítsd ki-a m ondatokat a zárójelben

1 The eggs were broken in tő a bowl.
m egadott igék felhasználásával! Használd a
2 .................................................................... szenvedő szerkezetet múlt időben!
3 ............................................................................ 1 Dan's house wae deetroyed
4 ............................................................................ (destroy) by the earthquake.

5 ............................................................................ 2 All the tic k e ts ................................................ (sell

out) a w e e k before the match.
6 ....................................................................
3 This p a rce l................................................ (send) to
7 ............................................................................ you by post.
8 ............................................................................
P r o je c t N yelvtan 7 ©

4 All the people in the b u ild in g ........................ 10 Som ebody stole my w a lle t on Wednesday.
........................ (rescue) by the brave firefighters.
5 E llie 'sw o rk.................................................. (nőt savé) 11 TheVienna Philharm onic Orchestra played
when her brother switched off the computer.
Strauss's 'Blue Danube'.
6 The b a b y ................................................ (look after)
by his grandm other w hile his parents w ere
away. 12 The criminal didn't shoot the policeman.
7 Two millión e u ro s ................................................
(steal) from Delta Bank yesterday morning.
8 Fortunately Luké and Sara........................ ** E írd le újra a történetet! A m ondatokat tedd át
........................ (nőt húrt) in the cár accident. szenvedő szerkezetbe!

9 The d in n e r................................................ (cook) by

a fam ous chef.
10 J im .................................................. (nőt give) a
bicycle as a birthday present.

** < D Alakítsd át a m ondatokat! Használd a

szenvedő szerkezetet múlt időben! Ha a m ondat
alanya people, som ebody vagy they, a szenvedő
szerkezetben nem kell megism ételned! Burglars broke intő our house last week. They
broke the fro n t door and the y sm ashed the living
1 People spoke Latin in A ncient Romé. room w in d o w s.T h e y e m ptied the drawers on
L a tin was sp o k e n in a n c ie n t Romé. the floor.They to o k th e T V and the videó.They
d idn't open m y m um 's je w e lle ry box so they
2 Shakespeare w ro te 'H a m le t' in 1601.
didn't steal her jew ellery. They didn't unlock my
‘ H a m le t’ vyas w ritte n by Sh a kés pea re in 1601.
dad's office so the y d idn't take his Office

3 People made beer in A ncient Egypt. equipm ent.

They frightened our cat bút the y didn't húrt it.

They picked som é flo w e rs fro m our garden. They
4 Robbie W illiam s sa ng 'R o ck DJ'.
p út the flo w e rs in a vasé. They left the vasé on
the kitchen table w ith a note saying 'Thanks!'

5 George d idn't w rite the graffiti on our wall.

O ur house was broken in tő la s t week.

6 They didn't finish the new m o torw a y on tim e.

7 Sam paid the bili yesterday.

8 They firs t published our history book in 1998.

9 A huge rat chased the cat!

P r o je c t N yelvtan 7 1 |
<a> Szenvedő szerkezet — 71.4 Szenvedő szerkezet (egyszerű jövő idő) —
rövid válaszok
egyszerű jövő idő
r > r N
he he
< 71.1 Szenvedő szerkezet (egyszerű jövő idő)
she she
állító mondatok Yes, it will. No, it won’t.
we we
fi 'N
you you
J they
invited to the party.
It will be Fordítsd le magyarra!
told the news.
We Will he be pút in prison? No, he won't.
You Will the dolphins be saved? Yes, they will.
Ijh e y J

Fordítsd le magyarra! PRACTICE ét>

It will be thrown away.
They will be made by a famous artist.
*( A Mi készül el holnapra? A példák alapján írj
m ondatokat!
<71.2 Szenvedő szerkezet (egyszerű jövő idő)
tagadó mondatok

will nőt be given help.
won’t be chosen.

Fordítsd le magyarra!
I won't be left alone.
They won't be woken up.
Anna's grandm other is com ing to stay tom orrow .
< 71.3 Szenvedő szerkezet (egyszerű jövő idő)
Anna and her m űm and dad are doing lots of jobs.
kérdő mondatok
Somé jobs w ill be finished (✓), som é w o n 't be
f finished (X).
she 1 paint G randm other's bedroom ✓
invited to the party?
Will it be G r a n d m o th e r ’s b e d ro o m w ill be p a in te d .
taken to theairport?
you 2 paint the living room X
Ib.?..iÍYÍ.r!0..r.?.?.!Tl...?y.?n \ be pa i n t e d .

(When will we be invited?

J 3 clean the bathroom ✓

Fordítsd le magyarra!
Will the game be played tomorrow?
Will these clothes be worn by models? 4 wash the dog X

5 pút the rubbish in the bin ✓

P r o j e c t N y e lv ta n 7 1

6 m end the shelf X

<&> might

7 tidy Anna's bedroom ✓ A

know the answer.
8 move the com puter X It might
goto the cinema.
( jh e y
9 buy som é flow ers ✓ J
A might segédige azt fejezi ki, hogy valami most vagy a jövőben
elképzelhető, lehetséges.

10 do the vacuum cleaning ✓ The trip might be interesting.

He might arrive tomorrow. I don’t know.

Fordítsd le magyarra!
I might go to my friend's house this evening.
**« B írj kérdéseket az elvégzendő munkákról, We might play on the computer.
majd röviden válaszolj!

1 Will G r a n d m o th e r’s b e d r o o m be p a in t ed?

Yes, i t will.
* A Mi történhet? Egészítsd ki Lucy mondatait!
Válassz a m egadott igék közül! Használd a m ight

ask see ✓ m eet give

go eat phone lend

Jenny W h a t are you

doing at the

Lucy Carrie and I

\ m ig h t see a film .

Jenny Bút there's an Enrique Iglesias concert

to m o rro w !

Lucy Is there? 12..................................... to see it!

Jenny You'll need som é m oney fór a ticket.

Lucy M y m ű m 3..................................... me £30.

Jenny I know you really like Enrique.

Lucy I do. Just think, 14.....................................
him !
P r o j e c t N yelvta n 7 2

Jenny I w o n de r w h a t he'll do after the show. 4 © H ow are you going to buy that new phone
Lucy He 5..........................
me to have dinner o ..................................... my dad fór som é
w ith him. money.

Jenny W hat food does he

5 • Is your m űm going to change her job?
o ..................................... to a different office.
Lucy Spaghetti. We

6 • Is your dad going to com e and m eet you?

at an Italian
o ......................................if he finishes w o rk
re s ta u ra n t...
Jenny Is he romantic?

Lucy I think so. He 7 © Are they going to the concert?

o ......................................if they can get a ticket.

me som é flowers.
8 © Do you w ant an ice cream?
Jenny W ill he w ant to
m eet you again? o No, b ú t......................................a drink.

Lucy Maybe. He
9 © Is it going to rain today?

me. o W e don't know .................................... our

W ill it really happen? I m ust be dreaming!

10 © Is your teacher going to give you a test?

* B Egészítsd ki a párbeszédeket a megadott
kifejezések felhasználásával! o I don't think so .....................................kind to
I m ight ask She m ight have He m ight be
I m ight have He m ight com e I m ight go ✓
** C Egészítsd ki a mondatokat! Használd a m ight
It m ight finish She m ight move W e m ight take
They m ight go &
Example W ill your aunt give you som é m oney
1 • W hat are you going to do tonight? fór your birthday?

o I'm nőt sure. I m ig h t g o to the cinema. No, bút she m ig h t give me a videó.

1 Are you com ing to the disco?

2 c Does Annié w ant the fish and chips? No, b ú t.......................................................................

o N o ....................................... the chicken salad. 2 Are you going sw im m ing tom orrow ?
No, b ú t .......................................................................
3 © W ill the film finish before nine? 3 W ill there be a disco at your party?

o at about nine thirty. No, b ú t .......................................................................

P r o je c t N y e lv ta n 7 2

4 Are you going to have eggs fór breakfast?

No, b ú t .......................................................................
5 Are your grandparents going to visit you soon?
No, b ú t .......................................................................
6 W ill you buy a CD?

No, b ú t .......................................................................
7 Are you and your friends going to the ice rink?
No, b ú t .......................................................................
8 Is your teacher travelling by train?
No, b ú t .......................................................................
9 Does you know your school's phone number?
No, b ú t .......................................................................
10 Do your friends like eating fást food?
No, b ú t.......................................................................

** < D Mit tennél, ha nyernél 100 millió forintot? írj 5

mondatot, használd az I m ight (Elképzelhető
hogy ... / Lehet, hogy ...) szerkezetet!

0 ©
Example I m ig h t buy a house fó r my parents.

ÍR R E üU LA R verbs Rendhagyó igék
Szótári alak Múlt idő 3. alak Szótári alak Múlt idó' 3. alak
be w as/w ere been lie lay Iáin
become became become lose lost lost
begin began bég un make m ade m ade
bité b it bitten mean m eant m eant
break broke broken pay paid paid
bring b ro u g h t b ro u g h t pút pút pút
build b u ilt b u ilt read read read
bum b u rn t b u rn t ride rode ridden
buy bought b o u gh t ring rang rung
catch caught caught run ran run
come cam e com e say said said
cost cost cost see saw seen
cut cut cut sell sold sold
dig dug dug send sent sent
do did done set set set
draw d re w draw n sing sang sung
drink drank d ru n k sink sank sunk
drive drove driven sit sat sat
eat ate eaten smell sm elt sm elt
fali feli fallen speak spoke spoken
feel fe lt fe lt spell spelt spelt
fight fo u g h t fo u g h t spend spent spent
find fo u n d fo u nd stand stood stood
% fle w flo w n steal stole stolen
get got got stick stuck stuck
give gave given sweep sw ept sw ept
so went been/gone swim swam sw u m
grow g re w g ro w n take to o k taken
have had had teach ta u g h t ta u g h t
hear heard heard tear toré to rn
hide hid hidden teli to ld to ld
hit h it hit think th o u g h t th o u g h t
hold held held throw th re w th ro w n
húrt h ú rt h ú rt understand u nderstood u n derstood
keep kept kept wake w oke w oken
know knew know n wear w ore w o rn
leam learnt learnt win won won
leave left left write w ro te w ritte n

Fonetikai jelek
i: as in s e e /si:/ 3: a s in f ú r /f3:(r)/
i a s in s it /sít/ 3 a s in ago h 'g s u /
e as in te n /ten/ ei a s in p a g e / p e id ^
ae as in h a t /haet/ 3U a s in h o m e /hsum/
a: as in a r m /a:m / ai as in f iv e /faiv/
D as in g o t /g o t/ au a s in n o w /nau/
o: as in s a w /so:/ 01 a s in jó in /d33in/
ü a s in p ú t /p ú t/ 13 a s in n e a r /n i3 (r)/
u: as in t o o /t u : / es a s in h a ir /h e 3 ( r ) /
A a s in c u p /k A p / U3 as in p u re /pjü3(r)/

P as in p e n /pen/ s a s in SO /S3ü/
b as in b a d /b $ d / z as in z o o /z u :/
t as in te a /ti:/ I as in s h e / f i: /
d as in d id / d i d / 3 as in v is io n / 'v i 3 n/
k as in c a t /kaet/ h as in h o w /h a u /
g as in g o t /güt/ m as in m án /maen/
ti as in eh in / t j i n / n as in n o /n a u /
d3 as in J u n e /d 3 u :n / r) as in s in g /sírj/
f as in f a li /fo:l/ 1 a s in lé g /lég/
v as in v o ic e /vois/ r as in r e d /red/
e as in t h in /0 in / j as in y e s /jes/
6 as in t h e n /ö e n / w as in w e t /wet/
K iflii §£EV Megoldások
P ract/ ce / 9 Is P
Yes, she is. / No, she isn't.
A 10 Is Possible answers:
Yes, he is. / No, he isn't. 1 an Am erican actor
2 am 7 are
2 a great party
3 is 8 are
M 3 a m essy bedroom
4 is 9 is
4 a new teacher
5 is 10 are Students' ow n answers. 5 an old book
6 is
6 an orange flow er
£ P ract/ce é 7 a small wom an
8 a sports cár
S a m I'm ten. I'm short.
K im She's tw elve. She's thin. E
E lena a n d K im They're sisters. 2 W hat 6 W hat
They're tall. 3 W hose 7 w hat M y name is Dagmara. I'm eleven years
P ip It's a m ouse. It's small. 4 W here 8 W ho old. M y m űm is a teacher and my dad is a
S n o w y a n d S o o ty They're dogs. 5 How footballer. M y m um 's from the Czech
They're old. Republic and my dad's from Poland.
Blackie is our dog. He's an old dog. He's in
£ 2 W ho 7 W hose the garden. I'm in the kitchen. M y m um 's
2 am 7 is 3 W hose 8 W ho in the bedroom . She's on the phone.
3 am 8 are 4 W hose 9 W ho I'm in eláss 2 at school. M r Andrew s is my
4 is 9 are 5 W ho 10 W hose teacher. The girls in my eláss are nice. The
5 are 10 are 6 W hose Boys aren't nice! M y favourite lesson is
6 is English.
2 W ho's it fór?
2 she isn't. 7 he is. 3 W hen's her birthday? P ract/ce $
3 she is. 8 they aren't. 4 W ho's the parcel from ?
4 she isn't. 9 they are. 5 W here's M rs Green? A
5 he isn't. 10 they are. 6 W hat's she in N ew York fór? blue, big, thick, thin, old, yellow, w hite,
6 they aren't 7 W hat's in it? long, short

E D m
2 Is he on the phone? Students' ow n answers. Students' ow n answers.
3 Are you from Britain?
4 Are Emma and Kate on holiday? c
p R A C T /C E 3
5 Is Tibor in the football team?
This is m y ’new com puter game. A 2small
6 Are the pens in the bag? A boy is at home. It's a 3big house. He is
7 Is the w atch green? afraid. A '‘red m onster is in the house.
a an
8 Is it from Am erica?
a green m onster an egg W here is the m onster?
9 Is your nam e Ben?
10 Are the books on the table? a small dog an elephant Is it in the 5old box? Is it under the 6white
a big elephant an old cár table? Is it on the 7new chair?
F a new book an orange bag
a red apple an umbrella No, here it is! The 8silly m onster is in the
3 a 8a a snake an apple kitchen. Look at its 9long arm s.This is a
4 b 9a ,0great gam e!
5 b 10 b &
6 a 11 a
7 b 12 b 2 It's in the bag. P ract/ce S
3 M r Kent is the sports teacher at my
0 school. &
4 H ow old is the girl? 2 b on 7 b on
2 Are 5 The book is very old.
Yes, I am. / No, I'm nőt. 3 b on 8 c under
6 W here are the pens? 4 a in 9 c under
3 Is 7 They aren't on the table.
Yes, it is. / No, it isn't. 5 c under 10 b on
8 The girls in m y eláss are nice. 6 b on
4 Is
9 W e're in the garden.
Yes, he / she is. / No, he / she isn't. 10 Look! It's the black dog.
5 Are m
Yes, they are. / No, they aren't. 2 at 7 in
6 Are 3 in 8 at
Yes, they are. / No, they aren't. 2 a 7 - 4 in 9 in
7 Are 3 the 8 the 5 at 10 in
Yes, they are. / No, they aren't. 4 - 9 an 6 at
8 Are 5 an 10 The
Yes, w e are. / No, w e aren't. 6 a c
Students' ow n answers.
Megoldások A n SWER KEY

P r a c t/ce 6 & E
A Singular Plural Students' own answers.
#t 1 T-shirt T-shirts
’B E H 2\ N D 3B 2 jeans jeans
N E 3 shorts shorts P r a c t/ ce 0
F T 4 sw eatshirt sw eatshirts
5 trainer trainers
6 glasses glasses 2 Sara's school
40 P P O S 1 T E 3 boy's books
E 7 cap caps
N 4 sister's friend
8 skirt skirts
5N E X T T O N 9 trousers trousers 5 m um 's pizza
O 10 shoe shoes 6 teacher's com puter
7 brother's room
8 friend's trainers
2 The girls are eleven.
2 The bookshop and the bank are &
3 The boxes are on the table.
opposite the park. 4 M y feet are big. Pronoun A d je c tiv e
3 Two cats are in front of the museum . 5 They are teachers. I my
4 A dog is next to a tree in the park. 6 W here are the teeth? you your
5 A w om an is in fro nt of the bookshop. 7 Are the mice in the bag? she her
6 Somé children are in front of the 8 The children aren't at school. he his
cinema. 9 The w atches are new. it its
7 The m useum is next to the bank. 10 H ow old are the w om en? we our
8 A mán is behind the bookshop. you your
they their
P ract/ce 7 Students' own answers.
A 2 She, her 7 We, Our
P ract/ce 8 3 He, His 8 It, ItS
o o H B R U S H E S
4 Her, She 9 Their, They
p O P L E
5 They, Their 10 They, Their
There is 7 There are 6 Her, She
There is 8 There is
P 0 S T C S
There is 9 There are
There are 10 There is P ra ct/ ce
There are
J E A N &
The word between the arrow is 'holidays'. 2 This 7 This
2 There aren't tw o beds. 3 this 8 this
3 There isn't a dog on the chair. 4 These 9 These
4 There isn't a cat on the bed. 5 This 10 these
-es Irregular
5 There aren't tw o magazines. 6 these
girls watches children 6 There aren't tw e n ty books.
boys classes m ice 7 There isn't one CD.
houses sandwiches w om en 8 There isn't a com puter on the desk. 3 these 7 this
days 9 There aren't five pictures. Yes, they are. No, it isn't.
10 There aren't tw o chairs. 4 this 8 these
No, it isn't. <■ Yes, they are.
5 this *i; 9 this
Circled Underlined Yes, it is. * 'ifes, it is.
m ugs badges Are there 7 Are there
Is there 8 Are there 6 this 10 these
brothers ages Yes, it is. Yes, they are.
postcards oranges Is there 9 Is there
cities boxes Are there 10 Is there
things classes Is there P ract/ce í i
songs a
classroom s 2 Here are m y m űm and dad. 2 i 7 e
friends 3 Here's my new Sugababes CD. 3 h 8 c
lessons 4 Here are m y friends, Cat and Nick. 4 j 9 b
5 Here's the photo of my grandparents. 5 f 10 g
6 Here's m y bedroom . 6 a
7 Here's the com puter.
8 Here are m y trainers.
9 Here are the shops.
10 Here's the bús stop.

<@ )
A N S W E R KEY Megoldások

m a
5 Hov/ much is this sv eatshirt? 2 at 7 at Students' ow n answers.
7 H ow much are these mugs? 3 at 8 at
9 H ow much are these CDs? 4 on 9 on
3 H ow much is this bag? 5 on 10 at P r a c t/c e 1 5
4 H ow much is this watch? 6 on
6 H ow much are these pens? A
8 H ow much are these posters? c 2 T 5 F
10 H ow much is this umbrella? Students' ow n answers. 3 F 6 T
4 T
P r a c t/c e 1 2 P r a c t/c e US i 5

& 2 I can cut my food.

A 3 I can talk to my friends.
2 The Spencers 7 The Spencers + -s + -es 4 I can have a drink.
3 The Jones 8 The Jones looks goes 5 I can w alk in the rain.
4 The Spencers 9 The Spencers runs watches 6 I can listen to a CD.
5 The Jones 10 The Jones speaks does 7 I can do m y hom ework.
6 The Spencers makes teaches 8 I can go running.
gets up finishes 9 I can eat it.
m 10 I can pút it on a letter.
2 's got 7 hasn't got m
3 hasn't got 8 's got 2 He has lunch at school. &
4 's got 9 's got 3 He plays com puter games in the 2 He can't open his umbrella.
5 hasn't got 10 's got afternoon. 3 He can't drive his cár.
6 hasn't got 4 He w atches TV in the evening. 4 She can't buy the dress.
5 He helps his father every Saturday. 5 She can't go to the beach.
& 6 He goes skateboarding every Sunday. 6 He can't sleep.
2 Have w e got English books? 7 He does his hom ew ork at the 7 They can't go to the m useum .
3 Have they got a carpet in their sitting weekend.
room? 8 He reads a book once a week. m
4 Has Lucy got a eláss photo at home? 2 Can you play football?
5 Have Sam and Andrea got a piano? c Yes, I can. / No, I can't.
6 Have I got a clock on m y desk? 2 speak 7 loves 3 Can you paint (a picture}?
7 Has Em ily got a guitar? 3 is 8 likes Yes, I can. / No, I can't.
8 Have I got gloves? 4 dances 9 go 4 Can you dance?
9 Have w e got a camera? 5 drinks 10 sing Yes, I can. / No, I can't.
10 Has it got dangerous teeth? 6 goes 5 Can you play basketball?
Yes, I can. / No, I can't.
D © 6 Can you drive?
2 Yes, he / she has. / No, he / she hasn't. 2 do 7 do Yes, I can. / No, I can't.
3 Yes, he / she has. / No, he / she hasn't. 3 does 8 does 7 Can you play the violin?
4 Yes, they have. / No, they haven't. 4 do 9 does Yes, I can. / No, I can't.
5 Yes, I have. / No, I haven't. 5 does 10 do 8 Can you ski?
6 Yes, I have. / No, I haven't. 6 does Yes, I can. / No, I can't.
7 Yes, he / she has. / No, he / she hasn't. 9 Can you w indsurf?
8 Yes, he / she has. / No, he / she hasn't. E Yes, I can. / No, I can't.
9 Yes, I have. / No, I haven't. 10 Can you speak English?
2 They live in Spain. T
10 Yes, they have. / No, they haven't. Yes, I can. / No, I can't.
3 Tomate M unoz plays the guitar. T
JÉ 4 Lola dances at the weekend. F
5 Lola doesn't drink coffee. F {P R A C T/C E 1 ű
2 have 7 's got / has got 6 Pilar loves film s. F
3 've got / have got 8 hasn't got 7 Lucia goes to the cinema. T A
4 have got 9 's got / has got 8 Pilar doesn't like books. F
5 Has it got 10 've got / have got 2 to 7 in
9 They don't go to clubs. F
6 hasn't 3 in 8 at
10 They sing their song 'Asereje'. T
4 at 9 in
IP 5 at 10 to
P r a c t/c e 1 3 6 to
Possible answers:
A 1 Do you like books? m
1 10.30 2 3.15 2 Do you like school?
2 j 7 e
3 IT 3 Do you play the guitar?
3 g 8 c
4 Science 4 Do you play football?
4 d 9 i
5 M u sic 6 PE 5 Do you speak English?
5 a 10 f
7 IT 8 French 9 A s s e m b ly 6 Do you speak Spanish?
6 b
Megoldások A n SWER KEY

9 c is going
10 b doesn't play
Students' ow n answers. 2 're w atching 7 's hiding
3 're sleeping 8 's giving
4 's going 9 are eating
P ract/ce 1 7 5 's looking 10 's sm iling
2 play 7 do
3 Does 8 we
6 are getting up
A 4 she 9 listen
2 let's 7 Let's 5 studying 10 out
3 m ust 8 m ust 6 are
2 Tóm Cruise
4 m ust 9 Let's 3 Tóm Cruise
5 m ust 10 m ust 4 Ronaldo
6 Let's 5 Tóm Cruise 2 I go / I don't go to the cinema every
6 Adriana Karembeu
& I'm going / I'm nőt going to the cinema
7 Beyoncé Knowles
2 a friend 7 a m other 8 Adriana Karembeu now.
3 a m other 8 a m other 9 Beyoncé Knowles 3 I brush / I don't brush my hair every
4 a teacher 9 a friend morning.
10 Adriana Karembeu
5 a teacher 10 a teacher I'm brushing / I'm nőt brushing m y hair
6 a friend now.
4 I do / 1 don't do my school w ork every •
2 W hat is Ronaldo wearing? day.
3 W hat is Beyoncé Knowles doing? I'm doing / I'm nőt doing my school
Students' ow n answers. 4 W hat are Adriana Karembeu andTom w ork now.
Cruise doing? 5 I talk / I don't talk to m y friends on the
5 W ho is playing football? phone every weekend.
6 W hat are Beyoncé Knowles andTom I'm talking / I'm nőt talking to my
Cruise wearing? friends on the phone now.
7 Which people are nőt smiling?
This is the man's radio. 8 W hich mán is running?
This is the boys' computer, 9 W hich w om an is dancing? P R A C T /C E É l
This is the boy's com puter, 10 W ho is eating?
This is the w om an's piano, 6
This is the child's TV. E 2 W hy 7 Which
This is the girls' CD player.
2 Is 3 W hich 8 W hy
8 This is the men's radio.
Yes, he / she is. / No, he / she isn't. 4 W hy 9 Which
9 This is the children's TV.
3 Are 5 W hich • 10 W hy
10 This is the w om en's piano.
Yes, I am. / No, I'm nőt. 6 Which
& 4 Is
Yes, he / she is. / No, he / she isn't. &
school's 7 Magda's 5 Are 2 W hich m onth is your birthday (in)?
children's 8 girls' Yes, I am. / No, I'm nőt. 3 W hy do you like Christina Aguilera?
Sm iths' 9 Sam's 6 Are 4 W hich lessons do you do on Monday
teacher's 10 doctor's Yes, they are. / No, they aren't. mornings?
teachers' 7 Are 5 W hy is he smiling?
Yes, w e are. / No, w e aren't. 6 W hich bús goes to your school?
8 Is 7 W hy is she in the bathroom?
The girls' m others are thirty-three years Yes, he / she is. / No, he / she isn't. 8 W hich film are you watching?
old. 9 Are 9 W hy are you making a cake?
3 The boys' pictures are great. Yes, they are. / No, they aren't. 10 W hich day is your piano lesson (on)?
4 Look at your friends' addresses. 10 Are
5 The dogs' ears are black. Yes, I am. / No, I'm nőt.
6 The team s' photos are in the books. PRAC¥/CE 2 2
7 The footballers'T-shirts are w hite.
8 The children's sandwiches are fantastic. Students' own answers. Á
9 The w om en's pens are in the bags. 2 mouse 7 frog
10 W here are the doctors' jackets? 3 snake 8 horse
P ract/ce 2 0 4 dog 9 goldfish
5 dog 10 rabbits
ct/ce í# 6 cat
& 2 a is wearing
3 b don't go
+ -ing double letter minus e 4 a w rite 2 a small, w hite m ouse.
+ -ing + -ing 5 c don't make 3 a long, green snake.
looking sw im m ing w riting 6 b am nőt wearing 4 a long, black dog.
singing getting making 7 c are having 5 a big, w hite dog.
putting liking 8 a talk 6 a fát, black cat.
running having
ÁMSWER KEY Megoldások

7 a small, green frog. B P r a c t/ ce 2 7

8 a big, brow n horse.
9 very small, orange goldfish. 3 That's David's sweatshirt.
4 This is David's football.
10 small, black and w h ite rabbits.
5 This is Ryan's sports bag. 2 w a s /w a s n ’t 7 was / w asn't
c 6 This is Ryan's football. 3
was / w asn't
w e re /w e re n 't
w ere / w eren't
was / w asn't
7 This is Ryan's drink.
Students' ow n answers. 5 w a s /w a s n 't 10 were / w eren't
8 This is David's drink.
9 That's David's tracksuit. 6 w ere / w eren't
P ract/ce £ 3 10 That's Davids tow el.
ál • 2 W ho 7 W hen
we US 3 These are som é snakes. 3 W hat 8 W ho
I me 4 Are those your bags? 4 W here 9 W hy
it it 5 These aren't my favourite colours. 5 H ow much 10 W here
th e y th e m 6 Are these your watches? 6 W hat
you you 7 This is Jack's toy.
she her 8 That isn't m y photo. c
9 Is this your brother? 2 was 7 was
B 10 I like this pizza. 3 w ere 8 were
2 Ilike them . / I don't like them . 4 was 9 was
3 Ilike it. / 1 don't like it. 5 w ere 10 was
4 I like her. / I don't like her. Possible answers: 6 was
5 Ilike it. / I don't like it. How much are these books?
6 Ilike them . / I don't like them . H ow much is this tennis racket?
7 Ilike it. / 1 don't like it. H ow much is this skateboard? 2 No, he wasn't. He was w ith Henry.*
8 Ilike them . / I don't like them . H ow much are these pens? 3 No, they w eren't. They w ere in the
H ow much is this guitar? dining room.
<£ How much are those skis? 4 No, it wasn't. It was half pást ten.
2 I 8 him H ow much are those mugs? 5 No, they w eren't. Grandma and
3 you 9 she How much is that football? Grandpa w ere in the garden.
4 It 10 We 6 No, it w asn't. Its name was W oolly.*
5 them 11 7 No, he wasn't. He was in the living
US P r a c t/ce 2 ű
room .*
6 they 12 her
7 He 8 No, she w asn't. Joe was w ith Andrew.
9 No, they w eren't. They w ere in the
2 b 7 c garden.
P r a c t/c e 2 4 3 a 8 a 10 No, it wasn't. It was a mán in a mask.
4 e 9 b * n.b. W hile an unnamed cat or dog is
a 5 c 10 e usually replaced by the pronoun 'it',
2 F 7F 6 d once the cat or dog is named, it is
3 T 8F usually replaced by 'he', or 'she' if it is
4 F 9 F
m known to be female.
5 T 10 T Nick's favourite sports are karate and
6 T £
judo. He's a good karate student. Nick
(g őep to karate lessons every w eek. He's Students' ow n answers.
3 got his karate clothes in his bag. Nick's
3 There are som é 7 there's an karate clothes are new. He's got a w h ite F
4 Are there any 8 there aren't any shirt and a black beit. His friends go to 2 W ere they
5 there aren't any 9 there are som é karate lessons too. His friends' belts are No, they w eren't.
6 there's a 10 Is there a green. Nick's teacher's a w om an. She's 3 W as she
called Ayaka.The lesson's starting now. Yes, she was.
4 W ere they
PRA&7/CE 2 5 C No, they w eren't.
’S P O R T S 5 W as she
A No, she w asn't.
2L E S S O N S
2 Look at these pens. JC L O T H E S 6 Was she
3 Look at those houses. ‘F R I E N D S No, she wasn't.
4 Look at these beds. 5B E L T S 7 W ere they
5 Look at those notebooks. Yes, they w ere.
6 Look at these desks. The w ord betw een the arrows is 'roofs'.
7 Look at those sandwiches.
8 Look at those ice creams.
9 Look at those buses.
10 Look at these boards.
Megoldások A h SWER KEY

P r a c t ic e 2 8 Did Emma m eet Claire at the sports

A Yes, she did.
-ed -d -ied double Did Emma send a postcard to her How much How many ...?
consonant English penfriend? lemonade mice
+ -ed No, she didn't. butter teeth
laughed im agined studied controlled Did Emma visit the toy museum ? m ilk biscuits
stayed used carried stopped Yes, she did. w ine sheep
skied arrived tidied dropped Did Emma tidy her bedroom? bread children
played scored tried planned No, she didn't. juice cakes
10 Did Emma go shopping w ith her műm?
finished w histled hurried hugged salt hens
Yes, she did. oil teabags
w ater people
In any order: money plates
run / ran 9 give / gave 2 W hat did the dog eat?
see / saw 10 m eet / m et 3 W hen did Sheila finish her hom ework?
sing / sang 11 com e /c a m e 4 W hat did Philippa get yesterday? H ow many 7 How much
get / got 12 ta k e /to o k 5 W hy did Jackie pút on her coat? How much 8 H ow many
w rite / w rote 13 d o /d id 6 Which pullover did Vicky buy? How many 9 H ow much
buy / bought 14 d riv e /d ro v e 7 W here did Diane go? H ow much 10 H ow much
8 s it/s a t 15 re a d /re a d 8 W hy did Cathy leave? H ow many
9 Which chair did the little child take?
10 W here did w e m eet Monica?
2 woke up 9 sat Students' own answers.
3 w ere 10 read
4 was 11 came Students' ow n answers.
5 w e nt 12 gave P r a c t ic e 3 1
6 was 13 sang PRACTICE 2 9
7 drank 14 had
8 ate 15 brought A an som é
a som é
P 2 isn't 7 are
3 are 8 aren't
1 directed 6 ate 4 are 9 are
2 didn't w rite 7 didn't start 5 aren't 10 are Bobbie's going to make a chocolate cake.
3 didn't live 8 built 6 is He needs som é chocolate bars. He needs
4 hit 9 had som é butter and som é flour. He needs an
5 came 10 existed egg and he needs som é sugár.
£ No, she isn't. 7 Yes, she is.
No, it isn't. 8 No, they aren't. c
2 w anted 7 drove Yes, they are. 9 No, they aren't. Possible answers:
3 bought 8 show ed No, they aren't. 10 No, they aren't. 2 Ilike the w h ite / black cat.
4 didn't like 9 didn't play Yes, they are. 3 Ilike the cheap / expensive T-shirts.
5 had 10 w atched 4 Ilike the w h ite / dark chocolate.
6 m et 5 Ilike the tuna / chicken salad.
Students' own answers. 6 Ilike the c o la /th e lemonade.
7 Ilike the black / w h ite jeans.
Possible answers: 8 Ilike the big / small CD player.
People didn't have m obile phones. 2 W ho is going to visit us this afternoon? 9 Ilike the black / w h ite watch.
People didn't have cam eras/ take photos. 10 Ilike t^p guinea pigs / the snakes.
Our aunt.
People didn't have/listen to walkm ans/CD 3 W hat are they going to study?
players. Maths.
People didn't fly in pianes. 4 W hich pullover are you going to wear? som é 7 a
The red one. a 8 The
5 W here is she going to watch the film ? som é 9 an
Did Emma give her m űm a birthday A t home. somé 10 the
present? 6 W hose garden are you going to clean?
Yes, she did. M y grandma's.
Did Emma watch a lőve story onTV? 7 W hen is he going to wash the cár?
No, she didn't. P r a c t ic e 3 2
Did Emma invite her grandma to her 8 H ow are they going to travel?
party? A
By cár.
No, she didn't. 9 How many friends are you going to 2 a few 7 a few
Did Emma play volleyball w ith Adam? invite? 3 a few 8 a few
No, she didn't. A bout ten. 4 a bit of 9 a few
10 W hy is Dán going to go intő tow n? 5 a few 10 a bit of
To buy a game. 6 a bit of

■H H M M B P R P n
A n SWER KEY Megoldások

3 P P r a c t ic e 3 ő
Students' ow n answ ers. Students' own answers.
Adjectives Adverbs
P r a c t ic e 3 3 P r a c t ic e 3 4 difficult horribly
A hard hard
slow happily
■er double -ier more Students' own answers. quiet safely
consonant brave easily
+ -er amazing fást
slow er w ette r happier more m iserable usually uses 7 never send fást well
cooler fatter dirtier m ore beautiful always plays 8 often uses quick proudly
faster bigger drier m ore intelligent often sends 9 usually listens bad
nearer thinner lovelier never buys 10 never looks good
som etim es use poor
2 A gorilla is bigger than a monkey.
3 A goat can jum p furthe r than a sheep. Students' own answers. &
4 A cheetah can run faster than a horse. 2 well 7 hard
5 A snake is longer than a tortoise. 3 carefully 8 proudly
6 A budgerigar can talk better than a 2 DoesTerry often play ehess? 4 miserably 9 excitedly
goose. 3 M y doctor isn't usually laté. 5 loudly 10 happily
7 A bat can fly furthe r than a penguin. 6 slow ly
4 Do they usually play hockey on
8 A tiger is heavier than a cat. Mondays?
9 A w hale / dolphin is m ore beautiful than
5 Nick doesn't often do athletics. c
a whale / dolphin. 6 M eg is usually at hom e in the evening. Students' own answers.
10 A guinea pig has got a shorter tail than
7 Marianna doesn't always read her
a mouse. school books.
8 Sue never has dinner after 8. P r a c t ic e 3 7
9 Do their parents often go shopping?
2 easier than, the easiest 10 Are the children often tired after A
3 heavier than, the heaviest school? Students' own answers.
4 m ore exciting than, the m ost exciting
5 w orse than, the w o rs t &
6 more difficult than, the m ost difficult P r a c t ic e 3 5 2 have to 7 have to
7 thicker than, the thickest 3 have to 8 have to
8 more expensive than, the m ost A
4 have to 9 has to
expensive 2 Does your brother or sister ever 5 have to 10 have to
9 bigger than, the biggest borrow your things? 6 has to
10 healthier than, the healthiest 3 Does your dad ever dance?
4 Do your grandparents ever go £
[§> sw im m ing? 2 Do they have to practise after school
3 as polite as Samantha. 5 Does your teacher ever say 'Be quiet!'? som etim es?
4 as difficult as C om puter Studies. 6 Do you and your friends ever have Yes, they do.
5 as hot as August. parties? 3 Do they have to practise at weekends?
6 as tall as James. 7 Do you ever make dinner? No, they don't.
7 as beautiful as Vienna. 8 Do your grandparents ever stay at your 4 Does Magda have to dance on her
8 as nice as Sally. house? own?
9 as intelligent as monkeys. 9 Do you ever lose your hom ework? No, she doesn't.
10 as clever as Mary. 10 Does your m űm ever listen to music? 5 Does Magda have to do her hom ework,
& too?
Yes, she does.
Students' own answers. 6 Does George have to paint the scenes?
Students w rite their ow n answ ers to the
questions. Yes, he does.
2 W hich is the biggest eláss in this 7 Does George have to sing?
school? No, he doesn't.
3 W ho is the fastest girl in this eláss? 8 Do their m um s have to make som é
4 W ho is the tallest boy in this eláss? clothes?
5 W hich is the w e tte st m onth in this Yes, they do.
country? 9 Does Emma have to sing?
6 W hich is the best pop group in this No, she doesn't.
country? 10 Do they all have to sell tickets?
7 W ho is the m ost intelligent person in Yes, they do.
your family?
8 W ho is the shortest person in your
Megoldások AnSWER KEY

P ract/ ce 3 8 ö P r a c t/c e 4 3
2 Do you w ant 7 Do you w ant
A 3 Do you w ant 8 Do you w ant
2 f 7a 4 Can you 9 Do you w ant 2 'II have 7 w o n 't come
3 h 8g 5 Can you 10 Can you 3 w o n 't go out 8 'II ask
4 i 9d 6 Do you w ant 4 'II go 9 w ill arrive
5 b 10 e 5 w o n 't drink 10 'II / w ill be
6j P & E 6 w o n 't w ear
Students' own answers.
2 w hy 7 All Students' ow n answers.
3 do 8 that's P r a c t /c e 41
4 Shall 9 we
5 don't 10 go
A 2 b 7 a
6 I Third person singular endings 3 a 8 a
-y -* -ies + -s 4 b 9 c
C hurries plays 5 c 10 b
Students' own answers. carries destroys 6 c
worries says
marries enjoys D
P r a c t/ ce 3 9 replies stays Students' ow n answers.
flies pays
& /I
tw o years ago 13
2 W ill you w rite a book?
last year 2 teaches 9 washes Yes, I w ill. / No, I w on't.
six m onths ago 3 goes 10 tidies 3 W ill you have a lót of friends?
ten w eeks ago 4 carries 11 plays Yes, I w ill. / No, I w on't.
last m onth 5 worries 12 watches 4 W ill you live in the same town?
a w eek ago 6 goes 13 enjoys Yes, I w ill. / No, I w on't.
four days ago 7 stays 14 says 5 W ill you w in a medál?
yesterday 8 makes 15 misses Yes, I w ill. / No, I w on't.
tw o hours ago 6 W ill you travel to different countries?
five m inutes ago Yes, I w ill. / No, I w on't.
NOW P ract/ce 4 2
7 W ill you learn a lót of languages?
A Yes, I w ill. / No, I w on't.
2 making new friends 8 W ill you w ork hard?
2 A m onth ago 7 yesterday Yes, I w ill. / No, I w on't.
3 three w eeks ago 8 An hour ago Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
3 w riting em ails
9 W ill you enjoy life?
4 tw o w eeks ago 9 this m orning Yes, I w ill. / No, I w on't.
5 last w eek 10 at the m om ent Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
10 W ill you go to the moon?
4 going shopping
6 Two days ago Yes, I w ill. / No, I w on't.
Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
5 playing football
P ract/ce 46) Yes, I do. / No, I don't. PR&CTB&& 4 4
6 eating junk food
A Yes, I do. / No, I don't. &
2 Do you w ant som é coffee 7 taking photos
• Sit down, M r Flintstone. W hat w ere you
3 Can you drive me Yes, I do. / No, I don't. doing yesterday at eleven in the
4 W ould you like som é bread 8 running fást morning?
5 Do you w ant Yes, I do. / No, I don't. ° I was shoppinfj w ith my wife.
6 could you buy 9 doing your hom ew ork
° W hat vgfére you buying?
7 Can you phone Yes, I do. / No, I don't. ° W e w ere buying things fór the house.
8 Do you w ant to borrow 10 reading magazines
\ And w hat w ere you doing at eleven in
9 Do you w ant to practise Yes, I do. / No, I don't. the evening?
10 W ould you like a ° I was w atching TV.
B • W hat w ere you watching?
B Students' own answers. ° I think it w as a quiz show.
2 Could you 7 W ould you like ® W ere you w atching this quiz show
3 W ould you like 8 Could you alone, M r Flintstone?
4 Could you 9 Could you ° No, m y són Joe was w ith me.
5 W ould you like 10 W ould you like 0 W hat was Joe w earing, M r Flintstone?
6 W ould you like o Er, jeans, I think. I can't remember.
• You can't rem em ber? I see.Thank you,
M r Flintstone. You can go now.

Á N SW ER KEY Megoldások

m c On Monday afternoon, she v/orked on a

sports building project.
2 w ere talking 6 w ere eating 1
Yes, I d id ./N o , I didn't. On M onday evening, she m et Karina at a
3 was stealing 7 was cleaning 2
Yes, I d id ./N o , I didn't. restaurant in Compton Street at eight
4 was riding 8 w ere putting 3
Yes, I was. / No, I wasn't. o'clock.
5 w ere running 4
Yes, I was. / No, I wasn't. A t eleven o'clock in the evening, she
Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.
c 6
Yes, I did. / No, I didn't.
phoned Bob in New York.
2 w eren't 7 w eren't 7
Yes, I was. / No, I w asn't.
3 was 8 w asn't 8
Yes, I did. / No, I didn't. P ract/ce 4 7
4 w ere 9 w ere 9
Yes, he / she was. / No, she / he
5 was 10 was w asn't. A
6 w eren't 10 Yes, she / he was. / No, he / she 2 f 7 g
wasn't. 3 j 8 i
& 4 c 9 a
2 Was Lucy sleeping at nine on Saturday 5 e 10 b
morning? 3 W hat tim e did Daniela arrive 6 d
Yes, she was. 4 W hat w as she wearing
3 W ere Kate and Mark talking w hen M r 5 Did she look 3
Sm ith cam e intő the room? 6 Did the lights go out 2 - 7 the
Yes, they w ere. 7 W hat was Daniela doing 3 - 8 -
4 Was Harry drinking a coke during the 8 Was she dancing 4 - 9 -
lesson? 9 Did Johnny walk 5 the 10 the
No, he w asn't. 10 W hat w ere you doing 6 the
5 Was Josh flying to London on Sunday
afternoon? M
Yes, he was. Students' ow n answers. P r act/ce 4 8
6 W ere Jack and Helen dancing yesterday
evening? F 4
Yes, they were. 2 w oke 7 dropped 2 F 6 A
7 Was Tóm m aking a cake w hen you 3 w ere sleeping 8 was cleaning 3 B 7 H
called him yesterday? 4 m a d e /c o o k e d 9 injured 4 D 8 G
Yes, he was. 5 cooked / made 10 told 5 C
8 W ere Sam and A m y studying w hen you 6 was opening
visited them last night? &
No, they w eren't. 2 Are
9 Was Paul w atching the film w hen his P ract/ce 4 6 a No, w e aren't.
father arrived home? 3 Are
Yes, he was. &
b Yes, w e are.
10 Was Kelly w ashing her hair at seven 2 on 7 In 4 Are
o'clock? 3 in 8 at b Yes, w e are.
No, she w asn't. 4 in 9 on 5 are
5 at 10 on b A t nine o'clock.
E 6 at 6 Are
Students' ow n answers. b Yes, w e're staying at a hotel.
m 7 Are
2 at 7 on c Yes, they're com ing tom orrow.
P ract/ce 4 5 3 on 8 in 8 Is
4 on 9 at c Yes, he is.
5 in 10 on 9 is
2 W ere you playing football 6 at a He's w atching a football match.
3 didn't go 10 is
4 was cooking a She's going shopping w ith me and
5 was driving she's going to the theatre.
Possible paragraph:
6 was opening
On Sunday m orning, Irma played tennis
7 didn't buy
w ith Alana.
8 w ere having 3 (morning) I'm cleaning my room.
A t three o'clock on Sunday afternoon she
9 did Sally do 4 (afternoon) I'm going horse-riding.
m et Konrad.
10 Did you do 5 m orning Emma and I are visiting our
A t four o'clock they w e n t to a film , 'Red
hat', at the Odeon Cinema. friend in M iddlesex.
In the evening, she had dinner w ith her 6 I'm nőt taking a boát trip in the
broke 7 didn't catch m űm and dad. afternoon.
visited 8 didn't go out A t nine o'clock on Monday morning, Irma 7 On Friday (evening) my Italian friend
w ere playing 9 w as going w e n t to the dentist. and I are m eeting fór spaghetti.
was drawing 10 invited A t half pást ten, she had a m eeting w ith 8 On Saturday m orning I'm nőt going to
made her manager. the superm arket.
Megoldások A n SWER KEY

9 In the evening I'm watching a rom antic F 6 He should take a holiday.

film onTV. 7 You should try this new cream.
10 On Sunday (morning) my fam ily and I 2 Have you ever given a crazy party? 8 You should buy som é new ones.
are driving to the seaside. Yes, I have. / No, I haven't. 9 She should study harder.
3 Have you ever played tennis? 10 You should ask them w hat the problem
Yes, I have. / No, I haven't. is.
P r a c t ic e 4 9 4 Have you ever slept at your friend's

house? m
Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.
5 Have you ever m et a famous pop star? 2 shouldn't 7 should
Base Pást Pást 3 should 8 should
form simple participle Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.
4 shouldn't 9 shouldn't
1 m eet m et m et 6 Have you ever appeared on TV?
5 should 10 shouldn't
2 see saw seen Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.
7 Have you ever w orn make-up? 6 shouldn't
3 go went been / gone
4 ask asked asked Yes, I have. / No, I haven't. c
5 know knew known 8 Have you ever been in an am usem ent
park? S tudents' ow n answers.
6 drop dropped dropped
7 be was / w ere been Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.
8 say said said 9 Have you ever w ritten to a foreign P r a c t ic e
9 use used used penfriend?
10 hear heard heard Yes, I have. / No, I haven't. &
10 Have you ever w on a cup in a sports
event? 2 They have to finish their stories.
& 3 They have to w rite neatly.
2 Yes, he / she has. / No, he / she hasn't.
Yes, I have. / No, I haven't.
4 They have to draw a picture to go w ith
3 Yes, they have. / No, they haven’t. their stories.
4 Yes, I have. / No, I haven't. 5 They have to learn their spellings.
5 Yes, he / she has. / No, he / she hasn't. Students' own answers. 6 They have to te st each other on their
6 Yes, he / she has. / No, he / she hasn't. spellings.
7 Yes, they have. / No, they haven't. P r a c t ic e S O 7 They have to read page 25 in their
8 Yes, I have. / No, I haven't. books.
9 Yes, I have. / No, I haven't. A 8 They have to do the exercises on page
10 Yes, they have. / No, they haven't. 26.
2 You m ust take your books w ith you.
C You m ustn't leave your books at school. 0
3 You m ust w rite in your notebooks.
2 He's left the door open. You m ustn't draw on your desks. 2 a 7 c
3 He's broken a cup. 4 You m ust listen to your teacher. 3 b 8 g
4 It's fallen from a tree. You m ustn't talk to your partner. 4 j 9 h
5 They've paid the bili. 5 You m ustn't w histle. 5 i 10 d
6 She's bought som é chocolate. You m ust be quiet. 6 f
7 She's turnéd on the radio.
8 He's w ritten a poem. m
9 He's taken the children to the zoo. 2 has to 7 doesn't have to
Possible answers:
10 He's invented a flying bicycle. 3 has to 8 don't have to
You m ust pút the books on the
bookshelves. 4 doesn't have to 9 have to
You m ust hang the skirts in the wardrobe. 5 has to 10 has to
2 a Has Lina seen You m ust close the wardrobe. 6 has to
3 c Have you seen You m ust pút the socks in the drawers.
4 b haven't travelled You m ust wash the curtains.
5 b Have you ever played P r a c tic e 5 3
You m ust tidy the desk.
6 a has broken You m ust pick up the alarm clock.
7 a have never had You m ust pút the pens and pencils on the * *
8 c have m et desk. 2 * You m ustn't park your cár in fro n t of the
9 c has drunk You m ust pút the alarm clock next to the cinema.
10 a Have they had bed. 3 They don't have to be hom e at ten
E c 4 Children m ustn't play w ith the
2 Have (you) bought machines.
Students' ow n answers.
3 haven't made 5 M y dad doesn't have to go to the office
4 Have (you) taken on Mondays.
5 've pút PRACTICE § ÍJ 6 M icky doesn't have to get up at 6:30.
6 haven't decorated 7 We don't have to learn tw o foreign
7 has lent A languages.
8 Have (you) brought 2 She should say sorry. 8 They m usn't ride there bikes on the
9 haven't left 3 He should help w ith the housework. road.
10 haven't sent 4 You should take a tablet. 9 Neil m usn't talk too much in eláss.
5 You should teli her you don't like it. 10 You m ustn't sw im after a meal.
A n SWER KEY Megoldások

P r a c t ic e 5 5 P r a c t ic e 5 8
You m u s tn 't... You don't have to ...
be laté fór school tidy your room every a A
day go and ask m y műm. 2 has told
forget to feed clean your teeth four go and get your coat. 3 has just phoned
your pets tim es a day go and speak to her teacher. 4 hasn't answered
ride a bike w ith o u t do your hom ew ork go and check. 5 has happened
a helm et straight away go and ask her. 6 has just shot
run near a buy new clothes to go 7 has just moved
sw im m ing pool to a party 8 has taken
play w ith a spend all your pocket 2 go and get our coats 9 has pushed
skateboard on money every w eek 3 go and phone them 10 has just run
a busy Street 4 go and sit down over there
sw im after a big go to school in the 5 go and have a pizza
meal holidays 6 go and see a film fór since
7 go and have a coffee ten days Christmas Day
8 go and buy som ething from that gift tw o hours August
P r a c t ic e 5 4 many years yesterday
A 9 go and look in the library five m inutes 2002
10 go and catch the bús tw o w eeks last May
2 can't 7 can't six m onths half pást six
3 can 8 can a year my birthday
4 can't 9 can't P r a c t ic e S Ó a long tim e last w eek
5 can 10 can ten years N ew Year
6 can't A half an hour last year
2 som ebody 7 everyw here
3 Nobody 8 everybody
Suggested answers: 4 anywhere 9 anything haven't done 7 hasn't played
Yes, you can. 7 No, you can't. 5 nothing 10 som ew here has known 8 hasn't eaten
No, you can't. 8 Yes, you can. 6 som ething hasn't w ritten 9 've studied
Yes, you can. 9 No, you can't. has had 10 have lived
Yes, you can. 10 Yes, you can. 0
have been
No, you can't. 2 w here 9 body
3 thing 10 body
4 thing 11 thing 2 's visited 7 's slept
2 All my friends do. 5 thing 12 body 3 's learnt 8 's (never) been
3 Can I stay 6 body 13 w here 4 's ridden 9 's (never) lived
4 Thanks 7 w here 14 body 5 's eaten 10 's never watched
5 Yes, that's fine. 8 thing 15 body 6 's jum ped

P r a c t ic e § 7 E
Students' ow n dialogues. Students' ow n answers.
2 believe 7 prefer
Possible answers: 3 haté 8 understand Students' ow n answers.
2 Can I go to the cinem a w ith Ella?
4 rem em ber 9 know
3 Can I play the drums?
5 need 10 like
4 Can I watch the videó w ith you?
6 think
P r a c tic e 5 9
5 Can I get som ething from Maria's
room? A
6 Can I play your new com puter game? 2 i 7 b
7 Can I open the w indow ? 2 w ant 7 lőve
3 g 8 a
8 Can I go to w ork w ith you? 3 need 8 prefer
4 h 9 d
9 Can I see your new photos? 4 believe 9 think
5 j 10 e
10 Can I have a piece of cake too? 5 haté 10 know
6 f
6 rem em ber
2 You can't use the sw im m ing pool 2 enough 7 too
3 You can take the dog in the park. 2 'm eating 8 looking
3 enough 8 enough
4 You can't take photos. 3 Do you like 9 need
4 enough 9 too
5 You can sm oke. 4 prefer 10 'm making
5 too 10 enough
5 Do you w a n t 11 don't know
6 You can go w indsurfing.
6 don't like 12 rem em ber
6 too
7 You can't play football.
8 You can go skiing. 7 haté
Megoldások A n SWER KEY

& 7 I'll be able to live on my ow n / I w o n 't 5 Frank likes tennis bút he doesn't like
be able to live on my own w hen I'm football. /
2 enough 5 enough Frank likes tennis. However, he doesn't
seventeen years old.
3 too 6 too like football.
8 I'll be able to buy a house / 1w on't be
4 too 7 too 6 Suzanna likes mice bút she doesn't like
able to buy a house w hen I'm
seventeen years old. spiders. /
9 I'll be able to speak perfect English / 1 Suzanna likes mice. However, she
2 too strong 7 too clever w on 't be able to speak perfect English doesn't like spiders.
3 quick enough 8 too scared when I'm seventeen years old. 7 Dán likes com puter games bút he
4 fit enough 9 too selfish 10 I'll be able to have a credit card / I doesn't like TV. /
5 too quickly 10 too old w on 't be able to have a credit card Dán likes com puter games. However,
6 hard enough w hen I'm seventeen years old. he doesn't like TV.
8 Sam likes orange juice bút he doesn't
like cola. /
P R A C T IC E é © P ractbce Sam likes orange juice. However, he
R doesn't like cola.
A 9 Emma likes dresses bút she doesn't
2 Could you do the English hom ew ork 3 she w on 't have to do M aths and like jeans. /
3 He didn't have to do the exam English. Emma likes dresses. However, she
4 They couldn't com e to the party 4 she'll have to take somé exams. doesn't like jeans.
5 I couldn't understand the questions 5 she'll have to do hom ew ork every 10 They like m otorbikes bút they don't like
6 They had to be at the match at four evening. bicycles. /
o'clock 6 she'll have to choose her m ost They like m otorbikes. However, they
7 Did w e have to answ er all the im portant subjects. don't like bicycles.
questions 7 she w o n 't have to go to PE lessons.
8 W e didn't have to w ear school uniform 8 she w o n 't have to go to school
9 He couldn't play in the Street assem bly every day. P r a c t i c e (3 4
10 It had to be sunny fór the match 9 she w o n 't have to go hom e on the
school bús. A
13 10 she'll have to w ork hard. 2 L~:riething 7 som eune
2 had to do 6 didn't have to 3 som eone 8 som ething
3 Did you have to 7 had to 4 som ething 9 som eone
4 Could you 8 couldn't 2 I w on 't have to go 5 som eone 10 som ething
5 could 3 W ill Ben have to buy 6 som eone
4 Peter and Sam w ill have to m iss
5 W ill you have to tidy 13
P ract/ce 6 1 6 Anna w ill have to help 2 There was another mán holding a gun.
A 7 Nina w o n 't have to carry 3 I heard a w om an screaming.
8 W ill you have to go 4 I saw the mén pushing som é people to
2 w ill be able to 7 w ill be able to 9 W e w o n 't have to buy the floor.
3 w o n 't be able to 8 w ill be able to 10 I w o n 't have to go 5 Next, I heard tw o police officers
4 w ill be able to 9 w ill be able to shouting.
5 w ill be able to 10 w o n 't be able to C *P 6 I saw the police officers talking to the
6 w o n 't be able to bank robbers.
Students' ow n answers.
7 Then I noticed a w om an police officer
m helping people to get out of the bank.
3 No, she can't. 7 No, she can't. P R A & rB & e , 0 3 8 I felt a hand (on me) grabbing my arm.
4 Yes, she w ill. 8 Yes, she w ill. 9 I heard a voice saying 'Q uick! Come
5 No, she w on't. 9 Yes, she w ill. A this w a y!'
6 Yes, she can. 10 No, she can't. 2 bút 7 However 10 As I left th ^ b a n k , I saw the bank
3 bút 8 bút robbers getting intő the police van.
c 4 bút 9 However
2 I'll be able to go to clubs / I w o n ’t be 5 However 10 bút
6 bút
P r a c t ic e . ő B
able to go to clubs w hen I'm seventeen
years old. á1
3 I'll be able to vote / I w o n 't be able to
vote w hen I'm seventeen years old. 2 Eddie like chips bút he doesn't like 2 Has Sally finished
4 I'll be able to get m arried / I w o n 't be pizza. / 3 arrived
able to get m arried w hen I'm Eddie likes chips. However, he doesn't 4 Did you sit
seventeen years old. 5 did you first go
like pizza.
5 I'll be able to leave school / I w o n 't be 3 Carrie likes books bút she doesn't like 6 didn't take
able to leave school w hen I'm magazines. / 7 have read
seventeen years old. Carrie likes books. However, she 8 has just knocked
6 I'll be able to go to u n iv e rs ity / I w o n 't doesn't like magazines. 9 haven't seen
be able to go to university w hen I'm 4 They like dogs bút they don't like cats. / 10 Has Mark gone
seventeen years old. They like dogs. However, they don't like
A n SWERKEY Megoldások

DOG<§) ® ? P r a c t ic e é S
2 fór 9 since
3 never 10 fór ©
4 yesterday 11 yesterday A m e r ic a YOU 2 So 7 So
5 since 12 ago 3 Nor 8 Nor
6 ever 13 fór 10 You ? 4 So 9 So
7 just 14 ever ® © 5 So 10 So
8 ago 15 just 6 Nor

2 been 7 gone
2 Have you ever told a lie to your best 3 gone 8 been So have I. 8 So have 1
friend? 4 been 9 gone Nor did I. 9 Nor do 1.
3 Did you do your hom ew ork yesterday 5 been 10 been Nor do I. 10 Nor am 1.
afternoon? 6 gone Nor have I. 11 So was 1.
4 Have you w on a prize in a know ledge So do I. 12 So did 1.
quiz? So am I.
5 How long have you lived in this tow n? Students' ow n answers.
6 W hen did you m eet your best friend?
7 W hen did you start learning English? P r a c t ic e 6 9
8 Have you ever stayed in a hospital? Students' own answers.
9 W hat did you have fór breakfast
yesterday m orning? A lót of cars are driven by young
10 W here did you spend your sum m er P r a c t ic e 6 7 people.
holidays last year? Somé new houses are built every year.
A A lót of rubbish is recycled.
2 a 7 h Somé people are given m oney by the
2 've just finished 3 d 8 governm ent.
3 bought 4 b 9 c A lót of letters and cards are sent to
4 gave 5 f 10 e other countries.
5 Has (Tina) invited A lót of food is eaten in this restaurant.
6 j
6 spoke A lót of petrol is used fór short
7 didn't say & journeys.
8 forgot A lót of interview s are given by fam ous
2 w ill becom e 7 w ill ma ke actors.
9 did 3 go 8 w ill know
10 came 10 A lót of com puter games are played by
4 eats 9 isn't children.
5 w o n't go 10 w ill be

Students' own answers.

6 w on't 3
£ 2 A 1A
3 P 8 P
P r a c t íc e 6 6 2 If Paul doesn't pass the test, his 4 P 9 A
parents w o n 't buy him a new 5 P 10 P
skateboard. 6 A
If John sees Helen, he'll teli her about
® —
the party.
Tony w ill understand about global
w arm ing if he reads this book. Cola is drunk by som é young people.
ALISON SCHOOL Too much energy is used in our homes.
® - © If our team w ins the cup, the players
w ill get a bonus of € 20,000. A lót of com puters are bought every
George w ill freeze if he goes out year.
© <D w ith o u t a coat. Tests aren't w ritten in pencil.
If you help m e w ith my hom ew ork, l'll Comics are read by both children and
buy you an ice-cream. adults.
® © l'll show Olivér m y new com puter Cartoons are watched by som é grown-
game if he com es to my house.
If w e visit A unt Mary, she'll give us 9 English is taught at this school.
I SPoRTS CENTRE 10 The Acropolis is visited by m ost tourists
© chocolate.
-------- (§) 10 If Helen w ashes her dad's cár, he'll give
in Athens.
her € 5.
® - ------ © £
7 © --------------- © Students' ow n answers.
P r a c tic e , 7 0 Our cat w as frightened bút it w asn't húrt.
Somé flow ers w ere picked from our
A garden.
2 Flour and sugár w ere added. The flow ers w ere pút in a vasé.
3 The m ixture of eggs, sugár and flour The vasé was left on the kitchen table
was beaten w ith a fork. w ith a note saying 'Thanks!'
4 The m ixture w as poured intő a cake tin.
5 The cake tin was pút in the oven. P r a c tic e 7 1
6 It was left in the oven fór half an hour.
7 The cake was taken out of the oven. &
8 It was iced and decorated.
3 The bathroom w ill be cleaned.
0 4 The dog w o n 't be washed.
5 The rubbish w ill be pút in the bin.
2 The Lost W orld w as directed by 6 The shelf w o n 't be m ended.
Stephen Spielberg. 7 Anna's bedroom w ill be tidied.
3 Romé was built in 776 BC. 8 The com puter w o n 't be moved.
4 The first satellite was sent intő space in 9 Somé flow ers w ill be bought.
1957. 10 The vacuum cleaning w ill be done.
5 The Mona Lisa w as painted by
Leonardo da Vinci. B
6 G eom etry was invented by Euclid.
7 The pyram ids w ere built by the Ancient 2 W ill the living room be painted?
Egyptians. No, it w on't.
8 Cleopatry w as loved by Mark Antony. 3 W ill the bathroom be cleaned?
9 M ount Everest w as clim bed by Yes, it w ill.
Edmund Hillary. 4 W ill the dog be washed?
10 TheTitanic w as hit by an iceberg. No, it w on't.
5 W ill the rubbish be pút in the bin?
c Yes, it w ill.
6 W ill the shelf be m ended?
2 w ere sold out No, it w on't.
3 was sent 7 W ill Anna's bedroom be tidied?
4 w ere rescued Yes, it w ill.
5 w asn't saved 8 W ill the com puter be moved?
6 was looked after No, it w on't.
7 w ere stolen 9 W ill som é flow ers be bought?
8 w eren't húrt Yes, they w ill.
9 was cooked 10 W ill the vacuum cleaning be done?
10 w asn't given Yes, it w ill.

3 Beer w as made in A ncient Egypt. P r a c tic e 7 2

4 'Rock DJ' was sung by Robbie W illiam s.
5 The graffiti on our wall w asn't w ritten A
by George. 2 m ight go 6 m ight eat
6 The new m otorw ay w asn't finished on 3 m ight lend 7 m ight give
tim e. 4 m ight m eet 8 m ight phone
7 The bili was paid yesterday by Sam. 5 m ight ask
8 Our history book w as first published in
1998. *
9 The cat was chased by a huge ratl 2 She m ight have
10 M y w allet w as stolen on Wednesday. 3 It m ight finish
11 Strauss's 'Blue Danube' w as played by 4 I m ight ask
theV ienna Philharm onic Orchestra. 5 She m ight move
12 The policem an w asn 't shot by the 6 He m ight com e
criminal. 7 they m ight go
8 I m ight have
£ 9 W e m ight take
The front door w as broken and the living 10 He m ight be
room w ind ow s w ere smashed.
The drawers w ere em ptied on the floor.
The TV and videó w ere taken. Students' ow n answers.
M y m um 's jew e lle ry box w asn't opened
so her jew ellery w asn't stolen.
M y dad's office w asn't unlocked so his
office equipm ent w asn't taken.
Ü t O S S A R Y Szószedet
A legfontosabb nyelvtani kifejezések magyarul és angolul
(The most important grammar terms in Hungárián and English)

állító mondat - affirmative

befejezett jelen idő - present perfect
birtokos szerkezetek - possessives
birtokviszony - possessive 's
egyetértés - agreeing
egyszerű jelen idő - simple present
egyszerű jövő idő - simple future
egyszerű múlt idő - simple pást
engedély - permission
eltervezett, megbeszélt programok a jövőben - future arrangements
feltételes mód - conditional
folyamatos jelen idő - present continuous
folyamatos múlt idő - pást continuous
főnév - noun
főnevek egyes száma - singular
főnevek többes száma - plural
gyakoriságot kifejező időhatározók - adverbs of frequency
határozatlan névelő - indefinite article
határozószó - adverb
határozott névelő - definite article
helyesírási szabályok - spelling rules
helyhatározó elöljárószók - prepositions of piacé
helynevek, földrajzi nevek - piacé names
idő kifejezése - time
időt kifejező elöljárók - prepositions of time
igeidő - tense
javaslatok - suggestions
jelzői birtokos névmások - possessive adjectives
képesség - ability
kérdések - questions
kérések - requests
kiegészítendő (kérdőszavas) kérdések - wh- questions
kiejtés - pronundation
kötelezettség - obligation
létige - to be
megszámlálhatatlan főnevek - uncountable nouns
megszámlálható főnevek - countable nouns
melléknév - adjective
melléknevek felsőfoka - superlatives
melléknevek középfoka - comparatives
mennyiség - quantity
módbeli segédigék - modals
névelő - article
névmások - pronouns
órakifejezések - teliing the time
összevont alak - short form
rendhagyó - irregular
rövid válaszok - short answers
-s végződés - -s ending
statikus igék - stative verbs
szabályosan képzett - regular
személyes névmások - subject and object pronouns
szenvedő szerkezet - passive voice
tagadás - negative
I n &e x Tárgymutató
Note: References are to page numbers Aszámok azt jelzik, hogy az adott szócikk melyik oldalon található

A could/couldn't 116-17 How ... ? 8

a bit of 63 countable nouns megszámlálható How many ... ? 60
afew 63 főnevek 60 How much ... ? 60
a lót of/lots of 63 How much is/are ... ? 23
P however 122
a/an 10, 61
ability képesség definite article: the határozott névelő: the
10, 61, 92 B
can/can't 31,118
w ill be able to 118 did 54 I 45
adjectives melléknevek 11 did not/didn't 54, 55 í'ra 4
and adverbs és határozószók 71 didn't have to 116 Tm 38,41
comparatives középfok 64-5 Do you w a n t... ? 78 in
position of helye a mondatban 44 do/does 28, 29 piacé helyhatározás 12, 34
possessives jelzői birtokos névmások doesn'1/don't 29 time időhatározás 91
21 doesn't/don't have to 73,103,105 in front of 14
superlatives felsőfok 64-5 indefinite articles határozatlan névelő
E a/an 10, 61
adverbs határozószók
and adjectives és melléknevek 71 enough 115 somé 46, 61
frequency gyakoriságot kifejező -er 64 irregular verbs rendhagyó igék 54,141
időhatározók 68 -es 15,16, 80 is, -s 4,49
ago 77 -est 64, 65 is, s 38,41
agreeing: So do I, Nor do I egyetértés ever 70, 96 it 45
kifejezése: So do I, Nor do I 131 everybody 109 its 21
always 68 everything 109
everywhere 109 &
am 4
am 38,41 Lefs 35, 75
F like 111
an 10, 61
any 46 fást 71 like + -ing 81
anybody 109 first conditional feltételes mondat 129 Would you like ... ? 78
anything 109 for/since 112 lots of 63
anywhere 109 future arrangements eltervezett,
megbeszélt programok a jövőben 93 $2
are/-'re 4
are/-'re 38,41 me 45
$ might 138
articles névelők
the 10, 61, 92 go and ... 108 modals: pást tense módbeli segédigék:
a/an 10, 61 going to 58 múlt idő 116-17
somé 46, 61 gone 127 more 65
as ... as 65 good 65, 71 most 65
at must 35,100,120
H mustn't 100,105
piacé helyhatározás 12,34
time időhatározás 27, 91 had to 116 my 21
hard 71
£ has, -'s 49 H
bad 65 has/hasn't ...ed 95,112 negative tagadás
been 127 has to 73,103 to be 4,50 «■
behind 14 have to 73,103 can't (ability) (képesség) 31
best 65 didn't have to 116 can't Qpermission/' (engedély)
better 65 don't have to 73,102,105 ^ . 106
between 14 pást tense múlt idő 116 did not/didn't 54,55
bút 122 questions kérdés 73 did not/didn't have to 116
short answers rövid válasz 73 doesn't/don't 29
& havq/haven't ...ed 95,112 doesn'l/don't have to 73,103,105
Can you ... ? 78 have/haven't got 24 have no0iaven't ...ed 95,112
can/can't (képesség) 31,118 he 45 have not/haven't got 24
can/can't (engedély) 106,118 he has/he's 49 nőt going to 58
comparatives a melléknév középfoka heis/he's 49 n ő t... ing 38
64-5 hearsomeone 122 passive voice: future szenvedő
conditional sentences feltételes her 45 szerkezet: jövő idő 137
mondatok 129 here is/are ... 18 passive voice: pást szenvedő
Could you ... ? 78 him 45 szerkezet: múlt idő 134
his/her 21
ÍH P E X Tárgymutató

passive voice: present szenvedő permission engedély Could you ... ? 78

szerkezet: jelen idő 132 can/can't 106,118 D id...? 54
there isn't/aren't 18 w ill be able to 118 Do/Does ... ? 28
was noi/wasn't 85 piacé: prepositions helyhatározó Do/Does ... have to? 73
were not/weren't 50, 51 elöljárók 12,14, 34 ever 70
were noi/weren't 85 piacé names: the helynevek, földrajzi going to 58
w ill not/zvon't 82 nevek: the 92 Have 24
w ill not/won't be able to 118 plurals see noun plurals többes szám, How many ... ? 60
w ill not/won't have to 120 lásd főnevek többes száma How much ... ? 60
never 68, 96 possessives birtokviszony How much is/are ... ? 23
nextto 14 adjectives jelzői birtokos névmások How often ...? 68
nobody 109 21 Is/Are there ... ? 18
Nor do I 131 -'s, -s' 21,36,49 passive voice: future szenvedő
normally 68 prefer 111 szerkezet: jövő idő 137
nothing 109 prepositions elöljárók passive voice: pást szenvedő
noun plurals főnevek többes száma of piacé helyhatározás 12,14, 34 szerkezet: múlt idő 134
irregular rendhagyó 15 of time időhatározás 27, 91 passive voice: present szenvedő
with possessive -'s, -s' present continuous folyamatos jelen idő szerkezet: jelen idő 132
birtokoviszony egyes és többes 38 present perfect befejezett jelen idő 96
számú főnevekkel 36 future arrangements eltervezett, Was/Were ... ? 50
pronunciation kiejtés 16 megbeszélt programok a jövőben Was/were 85
regular szabályosan képzett 15, 49 93 wh- questions kiegészítendő
nouns: countable and uncountable negative tagadás 38 (kérdőszavas) kérdések 8,43,50
főnév: megszámlálható és and present simple és egyszerű jelen W ill... ? 82
megszámlálhatatlan főnevek 60 idő 41 W ill... be able to ... ? 118
nowhere 109 questions kérdések 38 W ill.... have to ...? 120
short answers rövid válaszok 38
Ö present perfect befejezett jelen idő 95, R
object pronouns személyes névmások 112 requests: Can you ... ?/Could you ... ?
tárgyként 45 ever 96 kérések 78
obligations: must kötelezettség: must 35, for/since 112
100,120 negative tagadás 95,112 5
o'clock 27 never 96 -'s, -s' (possessive) (birtokviszony) 21,
often 68 and pást simple és egyszerű múlt idő 36,49
on 125 -s endings -s végződés 49
piacé helyhatározás 12 questions kérdések 96 see someone 122
time időhatározás 27, 91 short answers rövid válaszok 96 Shall we ... ? 75
opposite 14 present simple egyszerű jelen 28 she 45
our 21 to be 4 she has/she's 49
negative tagadás 29 sheis/she's 49
P and present continuous és should/shouldn't 102
passive voice szenvedő szerkezet folyamatos jelen idő 41 since 112
future jövő idő 137 questions kérdések 28 So do I 131
pást múlt idő 134-5 -s endings -s végződés egyes szám somé 46, 61
present jelen idő 132 harmadik személyben 49 somebody 109
use használata 134 short answers rövid válaszok 29 someone
pást continuous folyamatos múlt idő 85 spelling rules helyesírási szabályok see/hear someone 124
and pást simple és egyszerű múlt idő 80 there's someone 124
88 pronouns: subject and object személyes something 109
pást simple egyszerű múlt idő névmások alanyként és tárgyként 45 sometimes 68
to be 50-1 somewhere 109
irregular verbs rendhagyó igék 54 a stative verbs statikus igék 111
negative tagadás 55 quantity mennyiség subject pronouns személyes névmások
and pást continuous és folyamatos a bit of/afew/a lót of/lots of 63 alanyként 45
múlt idő 88 How many ... ?/How much ... ? 60 suggestions javaslatok
and present perfect és befejezett jelen questions kérdések D o y o u w a n t...? 78
idő 125 Am/Are/ls 38 Lefs ... 35, 75
questions kérdések 54 to be 4, 8,50 Shall we ...? 75
regular verbs szabályos igék 54 Can ... ? (képesség) 31 Why don't we ... ? 75
short answers rövid válaszok 54 Can ... ? (engedély) 106 Would you like ... ? 78
Can you ... ? 78 superlatives melléknevek felsőfoka 64—5
Tárgymutató IN D E X

tenses igeidők verbs igék
future arrangements eltervezett, irregular verbs rendhagyó igék
megbeszélt programok a jövőben 54,141
93 modals módbeli segédigék 116-17
pást continuous folyamatos múlt idő regular verbs szabályosan képzett
85,88 igék 54
pást simple egyszerű múlt idő 50-1, stative verbs statikus igék 111
54-5, 88,125
present continuous folyamatos jelen W
idő 38,41, 93 want 111
present perfect befejezett jelen idő Do you w a n t... ? 78
95-6,112,125 was 50, 51
present simple egyszerű jelen idő was 85
4,28-9,41, 49, 80 we 45
see alsó passive voice lásd még well 71
szenvedő szerkezet were 50, 51
than 64 were 85
that 47 W hat... ? 8
the 10, 61 Where ... ? 8
with piacé names helynevekkel 92 Which ... ? 43
their 21 Who ... ? 8
them 45 Whose ... ? 8
there is/are ... 18 Why ... ? 43,50
there isn't/aren't 18 Why don't we ... ? 75
there's a/an ... 18 will, '11 82
there's someone 124 w ill be able to 118
these 22, 47 w ill have to 120
they 45 won't 82
think 111 won't be able to 118
this 22,47 won't have to 120
those 47 worse 65
time idő kifejezése worst 65
ago 77 Would you like ... ? 78
at 27, 91
fó r 112
in 91 -y, ~ies 80
on 27, 91 you 45
since 112 your 21
teliing the time órakifejezések 27
to 34
to be 4
am, is 4
been 127
negative tagadás 4,50
pást simple egyszerű múlt idő 50-1
questions kérdések 4, 8, 50
short answers rövid válaszok 4, 51
zvh- questions kiegészítendő
(kérdőszavas) kérdések 8,50
to have got 24
too/enough 115

uncountable nouns megszámlálhatatlan
főnevek 60
under 12
us 45
usually 68

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