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used to describe habits, facts,general truth that was/is/will be true at some point in time.


shows that you are talking about something used to talk about habits, general truth, facts that are true used to talk about things that haven’t happened yet
that has already happened. in the present moment. but will happen in the future.

past present future past present future past present future

I watched I watch I will watch

I watch Naila’s videos
I watched Naila’s videos last night I will watch Naila’s videos tomorrow
I study engineering
She watered the flowers 2 days ago She will go to the supermarket
She works at the bank
They lived in an apartment together They’ll arrive at 7
The earth is round
He was the CEO of the company The economy will crash again
English is hard

used to indicate a completed, or "perfected," action or condition at some point in time

past perfect present perfect FUTURE perfect

to show a completed action that took place once or many times to show a completed action that started to show an action that will be completed between now
before another point in the past. in the past but is still true in the prese.nt and some point in the future.

past present future past present future past present future

I had watched I have watched I will have watched
I will have watched all of Naila’s videos by tonight
I had watched Naila’s videos before I have watched Naila’s videos 20 times You will have finished your paper by 9am tomorrow
entering the exam room
He has studied this chapter before By the end of the year, I will have been
She had read 50 books by the end of 2018
They had lived in Bali (they don’t live in Bali anymore)
They have lived in Bali (they still live in Bali) fluent in English
They will have lived in Bali

used to show an ongoing action that is happening at some point in time. It shows that an action still in progress


used to show a continuing action or that was happening
used to show a continuing action that used to show a continuouing action in the future
at some point in the past, and usually followed by a second action
is happening at this time and continue for an expected length of time

past present future past present future past present future

I was watching I am watching I will be watching

I was watching Naila’s videos when my mom I am watching Naila’s video right now I will be watching Naila’s videos when the
fireworks start
called me for dinner They are eating nasi uduk
They will be dancing when I arrive at the party
They were riding their bikes when Mount Agung They are following her on Instagram
She will be studying in Paris next year
erupted last week We will be waiting

PERFECT continuous
used to show an action that is repeated over a period of time in the past, are continuing in the present,
and/or will continue in the future, usually used with a duration.

past perfect continuous present perfect continuous future perfect continuous

to show that an action started in the past and continued to show that an action started in the past and has continued used to show an action that will continue up until
up until another time in the past. up until now. a point in the future.

past present future past present future past present future

I had been watching I have been watching I will have been watching
I had been watching Naila’s videos for 2 hours I will have been watching Naila’s videos for 2 hours
I have been watching Naila’s videos for 2 hours when the sun rises
when my phone rang She has been studying chemistry for 3 years She will have been working at the company for 4 years
He had been living in England for 3 years It’s been raining for ages by the time it goes bankrupt
when his sister got married

Naila Farhana

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