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Define Psychology – a science of beings that investigates the ultimate causes of

things, events, etc. ,with the aid of human reason alone.
2. Give 5 branches of philosophy describe each -
 Epistemology is the study of the validity of human “knowledge.”
 Metaphysics is the study of “reality.” Or beyond the physical nature of things
 Ethics is the study of moral value, right and wrong of the human act.
 Logic is the study of right reasoning....
 Cosmology is the study of nature existence of the universe
3. Sing
4. Define Logic - a particular way of thinking, especially one that
is reasonable and based on good judgment
5. 3 acts of the mind describe each – 1. Simple apprehension - the act by which
the mind grasps the concept or general meaning of an object without affirming
or denying anything about it.
2. judgement- affirms or denies
something – Product is Proposition
3. Reasoning – having of a
conclusion from a given premise/s – product is syllogism
6. 4 types of proposition & example –
A propositions, or universal affirmatives take the form: All cats have four legs
E propositions, or universal negative take the form: Not all cats have four legs
I propositions, or particular affirmatives take the form: Some cats have for legs
O propositions, or particular negative take the form: Some cats don’t have four
7. What is quality in a proposition describe each – It is described as whether
the proposition affirms or denies the inclusion of a subject within the class of
the predicate. The two possible qualities are called affirmative and negative it is
affirmative if it states that the subject is contained within the predicate. On the
other hand, it is negative if it excludes the subject from the predicate and has
negative prefixes.
8. Smile
9. What is quantity describe each – Quantity refers to the number of
members of the subject class that are used in the proposition. If the proposition
refers to all members of the subject class, it is universal. If the proposition does
not employ all members of the subject class, it is particular.
10. What are contradictory proposition describe each & example- A and O,
E and I -Propositions are contradictory when the truth of one implies the falsity
of the other, and conversely. For example, if the proposition "all industrialists
are capitalists" is true, then the proposition "some industrialists are not
capitalists" must be false.
11. What are contrary proposition describe each & example – A&E ,
Propositions are contrary when they cannot both be true. example "all giraffes
have long necks" cannot be true at the same time as : "no giraffes have long
12. What are sub contrary proposition describe each & example – O&I,
Propositions are sub contrary when it is impossible for both to be false. Because
"some lunches are free" is false, "some lunches are not free" must be true.
13. What are sub altern proposition describe each & example- when the
truth of the first implies the truth of the second, but not conversely. A
proposition "all plastics are synthetic," implies the truth of the proposition
"some plastics are synthetic”.
14. Draw 2 numbers choose 1
15. What is a square of opposition describe the relationship of the
proposition - When two categorical propositions are of different forms but
share exactly the same subject and predicate terms, their truth is logically
interdependent in a variety of interesting ways." A and I , O and E are subaltern,
A & O , I & E are contradictory, A&E are Contrary and lastly I and O are sub
16. What is the law on contradictory propositions & example- If one is true,
then the other is false. Or vice versa.
Ex. All cats have four legs. T, F
Some cats don’t have four legs. F,T
17. What is the law on contrary propositions & example- If one is true, the
other is false. If one is false, the other is doubtful.
Ex. All cats have for legs. T,F
No cats have for legs. F, D
18. What is the law on subaltern propositions & example- If the universal is
The particular is false
If the Universal is False
The particular is Doubtful
Ex. All cats have four legs. T, F
Some cats have four legs. T, D
If the Particular is true.
The Universal is Doubtful.
If the Particular is false
The Universal is also false
EX. Some cats have four legs T, D
Some cats don’t have four legs. F, F
19. What is the law on sub contrary propositions & example- I&O O&I
If one is true the other is Doubtful.
If one is False, the other is true.
Ex. Some dogs are mammals. T, F
Some dogs are not mammals. D, T
20. Choose your question.
21. Rules in conversion & example –
 Transpose the subject and predicate
 Do not change the quantity
 Change the quantity only in A proposition
 O proposition is not possible
Ex. A= All dogs are animals convertend – original
o Some animals are dogs – Converse – new
22. Rules in obversion & example –
 A,E,I,O are possible
 Change the quality
 Contradict the predicate
Ex. A = All dogs are animals - Obvertend – original
All dogs are not non-animals / No dogs are non-animals – obverse- new
23. Rules in contraposition & example –
 Obvert
 Convert the obverse
 Obvert the converse of the obverse
 I proposition is not possible
Ex. A= All dogs are animals – contrapotend – original
Obv: All dogs are not non-animals
Con: All non-animals are not dogs
Obv: All non-animals are not dogs – contraposit
24. Draw a question for the next person
25. What is reasoning, 2 types of reasoning & example-
 Inductive reasoning is based on observed patterns.
Ex. "The coin I pulled from the bag is a penny. That coin is a penny. A third
coin from the bag is a penny. Therefore, all the coins in the bag are pennies."
 Deductive reasoning uses logic to form a conclusion from given statements.
Ex. "All men are mortal. Harold is a man. Therefore, Harold is mortal."

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