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12/31/2019 Radiography 20 Question Quiz

Radiography 20 Question Quiz

~ First name ~ ~ Last name ~

Who is given credit for the discovery of radioactive materials?
1 Henri Becquerel
Wilhelm Roentgen
Marie Curie
Pierre Curie

X-rays and Gamma rays are a form of:

2 Light
Particle radiation
Electromagnetic radiation
Both B and C

A radiograph made with an exposure of 8 mAm produces a density

3 of 1.8. The sensitometric curve shows a difference in relative
exposure between a density of 1.8 and the target density of 2.5 is
4. What must the new exposure time be to produce a radiograph
with a density of 2.5?
4 mAminutes
2 mAminutes
32 mAminutes
None of the above

Collimators are used to:

4 Reduce the radiation beam spread
Filter the radiation beam
Increase film latitude
Decrease film latitude

There are four types of radiation-matter interactions that can

5 contribute to the total attenuation. These are:
Compton scattering, pair production, photoelectric absorption,
rayleigh scattering
Compton scattering, electron exchange, photoelectric absorption,
rayleigh scattering
Electron exchange, pair production, photoelectric absorption,
rayleigh scattering
None of the above

Radiographic inspection should be used for crack detection only

6 when:
The crack is large
The test componet is a casting
The test component is a weldment
The orientation of the crack is known 1/3
12/31/2019 Radiography 20 Question Quiz

Which two types of radiation-matter interactions account for the

7 majority of attenuation in typical industrial radiography?
Compton Scattering and photoelectric absorption
Compton Scattering and pair production
Pair production and photoelectric absorption
None of the above

Who is given credit for the discovery of X-ray?

8 Henri Becquerel
Wilhelm Roentgen
Marie Curie
Pierre Curie

X-rays and Gamma rays:

9 Always travel in a straight line
Can be influenced by an electrical field
Can be influenced by a magnetic field
None of the above

Attenuation of radiation is due to:

10 Absorption
Radioactive decay
Both A and B

When using geometric magnefication to produce a radiograph, the

11 penumbra will be reduced by:
A longer exposure
A faster film speed
A smaller source spot size
More X-ray energy

The rate at which a radioactive isotope changes to a more stable

12 atom is know as the:
Isotope decay rate

X-rays and Gamma rays:

13 Are both affected by radioactive decay
Are both produced by a radioactive atom
Have completely different properties
Differ only in their source

The amount of geometric unsharpness in a radiograph is affected

14 by:
The source to film distance
The source to object distance 2/3
12/31/2019 Radiography 20 Question Quiz

The size of the source

All of the above

Two of the more common industrial Gamma-ray sources are:

15 Cobalt-60 and iridium-192
Cobalt-60 and plutonium-240
Plutonium-240 and uranium-222
Iridium-192 and Lead-102

The number of X-ray or Gamma photons that are transmitted

16 through a material depends on the:
Energy of the photons
Thickness of the material
Atomic number of the material
All of the above

Which of the following does not affect radiographic contrast?

17 Attenuation differences in the component being inspected
The wavelength of the radiaiton used
The amount of scattered radiation
The level of current used for the exposure

The target of an X-ray tube is often made out of tungsten becuase:

18 It has a high atomic mass which will result in more X-rays being
generated due to atomic particle interactions
It is an inexpensive material that is easy to machine
It have very high thermal conductivity which makes it easy to cool
None of the above

Unexposed X-ray film is comprised of a plastic, transparent base

19 coated with an emulsion containing radiation-sensitive particle
known as:
Metalic silver crystals
Silver halide grains
Both A and B
Neither A or B

Film contrast is determined by:

20 The type of film used
The process by which the film was developed
The radiation energy used
Both A and B

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