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Useful Phrases for Parent/Teacher Meetings

The following is taken from and

The following suggestions might improve his ______.

I am hoping this recent interest and improvement will continue.

______ takes great pride in all of the work he does and always does a neat job.

______ is a very hard worker and has excellent vocabulary skills for his age. He
enjoys reading and writing.

am concerned about ______'s progress this year. She has shown some
improvement but her growth is not where it should be at this point in the school year.

______ has great enthusiasm for everything we do in class. However, she is having
some difficulty with _______.

______ is strong in _____.

______ is especially good at ______.

______ still needs guidance and support______ is continuing to grow in


______ has improved steadily.

______ has been consistently progressing.

______ has shown a good attitude about trying to improve in ______.

______ seems eager to improve.

Jacinta Murphy Montessori Alliance

______ has shown strong growth in _______.

______ is making steady progress academically.

______'s quality of work is improving.

______ has strengthened her skills in ______.

______ has shown an encouraging desire to better herself in _______.

______ would improve if he developed a greater interest in _______.

______ has made nice progress this reporting period.

______ is maturing nicely, and I hope this continues.

______'s classroom attitude shows improvement.

_______ has matured nicely this year, both academically and socially.

_______'s friendly, sincere way has made him a very popular member of the ___

_______ would benefit from reading many library books this summer.

_______ needs to improve his reading speed and comprehension if he is to have

success in the ______ grade.

_______ continued to blossom as the year progressed.

_______ helped to make my year a pleasant one.

_______ takes a keen interest in all her work and is a most agreeable and willing
worker. It has been wonderful having her in my room.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Jacinta Murphy Montessori Alliance

With _______'s friendly, cooperative attitude, she will always be a pleasant
addition to any class.

I have enjoyed the association I have had with _______.

I enjoyed having _______ in my class.

It has been a pleasure to have _______ in my class.

Reading and Vocabulary

_______ enjoys listening to stories.

_______ is able to distinguish sounds in words.

_______ has difficulty distinguishing sounds in words.

_____________has a wide and varied vocabulary

_______ needs to increase his speed and comprehension in reading.

_______ now knows and is able to use _____ consonant and vowel sounds.

_______ confuses the sounds ___ and ___.

_______ is able to blend 3 lettered phonetic words without assistance.

_______ uses the phonics skills to sound out new words.

_______ comprehension skills are excellent

_______ is interested in books and reading.

_______ can read to follow directions.

_______ reads 3 lettered phonetic booklets for pleasure.

_______ enjoys discussing the stories we read.

Jacinta Murphy Montessori Alliance


_______ speaks in complete sentences.

_______ speaks clearly.

_______ enjoys dramatization.

_______ has a good oral vocabulary.

_______ participates in group storytelling.


________can write his/her name independently


•______ displays an excellent attitude.

•______'s attitude toward school is excellent.

•______ has a good attitude toward school.

•______ shows initiative and thinks things through for himself.


•______ is a very pleasant student to work with.

Jacinta Murphy Montessori Alliance

•______ is a very thoughtful child within the group.

•______ is pleasant and friendly.

•______ is cooperative and happy.

•______ is cooperative and well mannered.

•______ is a pleasure to have around.

•______ is friendly and cooperative.

•______ is a very happy, well-adjusted child, but _____.

•______ is self-confident and has excellent manners.

•______ has a sense of humour we all enjoy.

•______ has a sense of humour and enjoys the stories we read.

•______ gets upset easily.

•______ cries easily.

•______ often seems tired at school.

•Although _____________'s growth in social maturity is continuing, it is not



•______ is enthusiastic about participating.

Jacinta Murphy Montessori Alliance

•______ participates well in class.

•______ volunteers often.

•______ is willing to take part in all classroom activities.

•______ is showing interest and enthusiasm for the things we do.

•______ takes an active part in circle time discussions

•______ responds well.

•______ speaks with confidence to the group.

•______ takes turns talking.

•______ enjoys participating in conversation and discussion.

•______ needs to actively participate in classroom discussion.

•______ works well in groups, planning and carrying out activities.

•______ wants responsibilities and follows through.

•______ is an attentive student.

•______ is gaining self-confidence.

•______'s work habits are improving.

Jacinta Murphy Montessori Alliance

•______ has the ability to follow directions.

•Please encourage him to do things on his own.

Listening Skills

•______ is learning to listen to directions more carefully.

•______ is learning to be a better listener.

•______ is learning to share and listen.

•______ listens carefully.

•______ is a good worker and an attentive listener.

•______ evaluates what she hears.

•______ has difficulty following directions.

Quality of Work

•______'s hand work is beautifully done.

•______ enjoys doing neat, careful work.

•______'s work is neatly and accurately done.

•______ does colourful and interesting art work.

•______ takes pride in work well done.

Jacinta Murphy Montessori Alliance

Time Management
•______ is learning to occupy his time constructively.

•______ always uses her time wisely.

•______ is gaining independence.

•______ is becoming more self-reliant.

•______ works independently

•______ needs to be urged.

•______ lacks independence.

•______ is too easily distracted.

•______ works too slowly.

Work Potential and Effort

•______ has great potential and works toward achieving it.

•______ is working to full capability.

•______ is a steadfast, conscientious worker.

•______ is enthusiastic about work in general.

•______ is extremely conscientious.

Jacinta Murphy Montessori Alliance

•______ is a pleasant, conscientious student.

•______ is a hard worker.

•______ is anxious to please.

Grading Key

A= Almost Always
E= Emerging
N= Needs Attention

• Needs support
• Is working at
• Is learning to
• Is being encouraged to
• Experiences Difficulty with
• Continues to Need Help with
• Encouragement with
• Understands
• Creates
• Recognizes
• Completes
• Produces
• Explains
• Participates
• Precise
• Independently
• Capable, Capability

Jacinta Murphy Montessori Alliance

• Coherent or Clear, Concise
• Independently
• With some assistance
• Developing or Improving
• Emerging
• With Assistance, With Help

• Participates well in class

Student Strengths/Successes
1. Listens and follows directions well
2. Expresses ideas clearly
3. Does neat, thorough work
5. Completes activities in a timely manner
6. Occupies his/her time constructively
7. Communicates well with students and teacher
8. Works well in group settings and makes many contributions to the group
9. Follows directions well, and is self-sufficient within the classroom
10. Is extremely motivated, and always puts his/her best effort into classroom
11. Takes direction well and instantly applies them to his/her ______ skills
12. Understands the concept of…
13. Has a good knowledge of…
14. Demonstrates superior work in…
15. Is able to successfully…

Improvement and Growth

1. Has demonstrated very good progress this year
2. Has matured nicely this year, both academically and socially
3. Is learning how to be a better listener, and takes direction well
4. Has worked very hard this year, and has made strong gains in the area of ______

Jacinta Murphy Montessori Alliance

5. Has shown great improvement with __________
6. Is progressing nicely, and shows constant improvement in many areas of
including _______
7. Is becoming more self-reliant during independent work periods
8. Is learning to be cooperative when working in groups
9. Is developing more positive ways to interact with others
10. Is listening to directions more carefully
11. Work habits have shown improvement.
12. Is showing good growth in all areas, especially in…
13. Has continued to make steady progress with…
14. Has shown noticeable improvement in…
15. Is developing consistent work habits, such as …

Needs Assistance
1. Requires guidance to remain focused and complete tasks
2. Needs encouragement to work more independently
3. Requires constant supervision and direct assistance with his/her assignments
4. Tends to work too quickly, which often results in careless mistakes and poor
written work
5. Needs to listen to directions more carefully
6. Works best in one-on-one situations
7. Needs to be encouraged to work more slowly and accurately
8. Is easily distracted in school and needs to improve in his/her work habits
9. ______’s attitude toward schoolwork is inconsistent, and continues to need
and encouragement.
10. Looks to others for help
11. Is excelling in most of his/her _____ skills, but needs to begin concentrating on
following skills…
12. Although there has been some improvement in _____, he/she still has difficulty
13. Tries to do his/her best, however the work is difficult for him/her

Jacinta Murphy Montessori Alliance

14. Has difficulty with …
15. Could benefit from…

1. Has a good attitude towards work, and always hands in assignments on time
2. Displays an excellent attitude toward learning
3. Is a responsible and considerate classmate
4. Is respectful to other students and takes turn talking
5. Is eager to learn
6. Is well-liked by peers
7. Takes pride in his/her work
8. Responds well to direction, and applies this correction to his/her work and social
9. Enjoys participating in conversation and discussions
10. ______’s attitude is improving, and he/she is always happy to participate in class
11. Has a good work ethic, however, he/she often talks at inappropriate times
12. Needs guidance cooperating and interacting with peers

1. ______ could benefit from reading library books this summer.

2. ______ is a wonderful student, and I’m happy to have had him/her in my class.

3. With his/her friendly, cooperative attitude, he/she will always be a pleasant

addition to any class.

4. Thank you for your cooperation and assistance at home with _______.

5. I enjoyed having _____ in my class.

• caring

Jacinta Murphy Montessori Alliance

• finds it difficult at times to
• Not yet presented
• New challenge
• Developing
• Steady progress
• Skilled
• Mastering
• Improvement needed

Jacinta Murphy Montessori Alliance

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