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Donning of Ranks (Newly Promoted LtCol)

Almighty and Loving Father, the source of all graces and

blessings, thank you for giving us an opportunity to serve our
fellowmen with love and dedication.

Grant us inspiration as we gather today in this Oath Taking

Ceremony and Donning of Ranks of Newly Promoted POLICE
LIEUTENANT COLONEL before the director of Crime Laboratory,
Keep them always aware that police office is a public thrust. Let this
occasion also remind them that promotion is a gift of GOD.

Bless the family and loved ones of our promotes. May they
continue to be the source of inspiration of our officers so that they will
have the strength to turn away from all inappropriate actions as law

May they be inspired not by selfish ambition but a genuine desire

to be your instruments toward lasting peace and order so that our
people will finally live in a progressive nation.

We ask this in your Mighty Name. Amen

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