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Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing is about reaching customers through digital channels, such as search
engines, social media, email etc. These digital channels link consumers with sellers and
facilitate one to one communication between the businesses and customers.

Any type of marketing that includes promotion of goods or services through

any digital medium is called digital marketing.

Curriculum of Digital Marketing course-

The curriculum of Digital Marketing course includes various modules.

Curriculum includes:

1) Overview of Digital Maketing

What is digital Marketing, its scope, framework and process of Digital Marketing?

2) Keyword research training-

How to find highly searched keyword and how to plan keyword for effective marketing

3) SEO Content Creation-

SEO friendly content generation, effective content ideas and strategies of content

4) Website designing-

How to create a commercial website, skills for an effective user design.

5) Search Engine Optimization-

Off page and on page optimization for inbound lead generation and to rank higher.

6) Web analytics-

How to keep track of visitor’s behavior and take effective decisions based on the
outcomes by Google Analytics?

7) Social Media Marketing-

How to use social media for marketing, what are the ethics and process of working on
social media?
8) Search Engine Marketing-

How to drive traffic by purchasing paid ads?

9) You tube channel Marketing-

How to do effective marketing through youtube by creating engaging videos?

10) Mobile Marketing-

How to targeting audience on mobile devices through SMS etc.

11) Email Marketing-

How to do marketing through Email, factors affecting email generation and reaching the
target audience effectively through email?

12) Affiliate Marketing/ Google AdSense-

How to generate income through affiliation with the businesses?

13) E-commerce Marketing -

How to sell on internet and convert visitors into buyers?

how to achieve your business or individual objectives using

Digital/Internet channels?

No matter the size of your business, digital marketing is the most effective way to grow
and achieve your goals which could vary from any of the following:

Increase revenue
Build brand awareness
Market your product or service
Decrease cost
Improve efficiency
Increase productivity
High return on investment
Identify loyal customers

Scope of Digital Marketing:

Market has to be always consumer oriented. What consumer wants has to be offered.
With growing use of internet and technology developing at rapid speed, it is important
that marketer as well as consumer becomes digital savvy.

The scope of digital marketing is not just restricted to one domain. There are various
areas where one can get specialization. Various positions get open once you recognize
your interest and expertise in a specific domain.
Digital Marketing Manager-

The most important role in digital marketing business is that of the digital marketing
manager. A manager works on how to drive traffic to the website, create overall strategic
campaigns. Do not hesitate to aim at this role if you have a managerial level approach to
different tasks at hand.

Web designer-

If you have love for coding, get specialized in this role. The secret behind all those user
friendly and creative looking websites is a web designer.

Social Media Manager-

Give yourself a push for this role, if you always turn out to be a busy bee at social media.
As a social media manager, update on current social media trends is important.
Planning strategies according to current social media trends is what a social media
manager is responsible for.

Content writer-If you got a knack for content writing, this role is definitely meant for
you. Create content that has the power to spread across with the help of SEO and other
trends, since this job means calling traffic through quality content.

Web analyst-

A web analyst manages complex systems and software, analyses visitor’s behavior,
interprets web traffic data in order to make recommendations to improve overall
website performance. Great understanding of data is very important for a web analyst.

There are many other roles in digital marketing such as email marketing manager, e-
commerce manager etc. With increasing scope of digital marketing, the scope of these
roles will increase.

Advantages of Digital Marketing:

Cost Effective: Digital marketing is economical and most effective way to

promote your business as compared to traditional marketing. With limited
budget you can create content & start your campaign. It is you who decides the budget
which can even start from something as low as Rs.50/- depending on your business.

Real time results — The moment your ad is live, you can view the performance.
Additionally edits can be done in real time. This way you can understand the situation
and take necessary action

PPC– PPC stands for Pay Per Click. It is a model where the advertiser pays the
publisher each time their ad is clicked. Google Ads is the best and easiest platform for
Targeting — In case of traditional marketing there is no way to determine the number
and the type of people who saw your billboard. With digital marketing it is not easy to
target audience based on their interest, location, behaviour etc. You can create an
audience based on your business model and push your ad to the right consumers.

Measurable results — Be rest assured about the analytics and reports through digital
marketing. You will get the most accurate & realistic data that will help you in reaching
your goals as well forecast your future sales

Conversion rates: It’s much simpler to get conversion online as the customer views
the ad & takes action.

Easy Interface: Setting up ad accounts, building a website, managing social media

have become straightforward and clear-cut with easy user interface.


Privacy/security — Privacy is one of the biggest concern when it comes to Digital

channels. When you click on a product on an ecommerce website, you see the same
product following you in most of the website/social media channels
(remarketing/retargeting) This is done through cookies. As an Internet user, being
aware of how this is targeted will help a user.

Ad blockers — Ad blocking or ad filtering is a type of software that can remove or

alter advertising content from a webpage, website, or a mobile app. More on Ad blocking

Who does Digital Marketing?

Outsource: There are specialized agencies whom you can outsource it to

In house: Hire digital marketers to work for your company or clients

Consulting: You can become a consultant if you are well versed in Digital Markting

Freelancing: Resources: Upwork, Fiverr

SEO is an organic way of attracting quality and quantity of traffic of your website and
obtaining high ranking in various search engines such as Google, Bing, yahoo etc. It is
the process of optimizing websites for search engines.

SEO is a process to optimize the Website to improve its SERP (Search Engine Results
Page) Rankings. It's often referred to as "Organic", "Natural", or "Free" results.

SEO is a system of generating traffic to your website through organic search.

The most important factor to remember about SEO is that it is “organic” or “free”. When a user
runs a query on Google, the results brought up on the page are a mix of website, blog, video,
image, news depending to the keyword used.

There are 5 main types of SEO that we need to know:

On Page SEO: On page as the name suggests, is done for your own website pages.
When you are creating a website, the data and technical aspects are completely in your
control. For e.g: Blogs, personal website pages are optimized by following the right
guidelines creating a user friendly website, rich content with relevant keywords. All
this will help in ranking your website on top search results

Off Page SEO: Off-page or Off-site SEO is done through external link. This basically
implies, your website will rank better in search page if the traffic is generated through
other sources that your website. For example — Social media links,
features/mentions/links from a higher traffic website. For ex — If Times of
India gives a link to your website.

How can I know If I am doing the SEO right?

Setup of Google Search Console or Webmaster Tools & Google Analytics is
important to analyze your SEO process.

Analyze the initial status of your Website such as Traffic, Time Spent/User, Session
Duration, PageViews, Bounce Rate through Google Analytics.

Webmaster Tools helps with understanding CTR (Click-through-rates), Clicks,

Impressions, Keywords, Average Keywords Positions in SERP (Search Engine
Results Page).

Regularly monitor the performance of your Website through Google Search Console
or any of the Search Engines Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics.
If you find an improvement, not to worry, you are already on the right path,
continue with it.
SEO consist of Two parts

1. On-page SEO
2. Off-page SEO

On-page SEO

On-page is a type of SEO which is primarily done inside the page. Some of
the main components of one-page SEO are -


(Lock in left corner)

Https :- Secure Site

(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure)

Http:- Non Secure Site

(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)

Domain Valiador- (Normal Use)
Organization Valiadtor (Medium Class)
Extended Valiadator (Brand Name)

2.. Fevicon:-
Favicon is an icon on your website which is show on the top left corner on your
browser tab.
3. Social Media :-
Icon of Social media sites like youtube, facebook, linkedin,Twitter. Its should be
shown on always Header.
Header, Body & Footer.

4. Meta Title:-

It contains the information about your Page's Content. It should be up to 60


5. Meta Decription:-

Its should be 160-320 characters.

6. Meta Keywords:-

Meta Keywords includes the Keywords which suits your Webpage's Content.
10 ideally.

7. Amount Of Contents:-

1800 to 2000 words in one page.

8. Content Structure :-

H1 to H6
H1-Mostly search keywords use in Heading 1

9. Mobile Friendly:-

A laptive to screen size.

10. Website Loading Time faster

1. Website(Page Source)
2. Internet Speed
3. Server/Hosting Page

Bounce Rate:- Website(Page Size)

1. Image-Less rate compression (Around 50-100kb)
2. Video- 30second
4. Javascript

11. Sitemap.xml

12. Canonical tag:- Avoid Duplicacy

13. Alttags on Images.

14. Robot.txt
Follow –Index
No Follow – No Index

15. Mobile Responsive.

On-page SEO Techniques are as follows:

 URL should be readable and catchy.

 SEO Title should consist of keyword proper attractive info.
 Meta description -Repeating keywords, character limit,
 Page Title- Heading should be in an h1 tag, Primary keyword
should present, Character Limit>16<64.
 Avoiding Keyword stuffing.
 Keyword Research using tools, Competitors, Google suggestions,
 Focus on Long-tail keywords.
 Maintaining quality content and removing spam & dummy one.
 +Optimizing content with a keyword.
 Only one h1 tag and should consist of your keyword.
 Using latent semantic Indexing techniques(LSI).
 3 to 4 subheadings per page h2,h3etc, and c0onsist of keywords.
 Call to action button.
 Content length (at least 1500 words).
 keyword ratio should be less than 3 %.
 Building internal links.
 Building an external link.
 Images at least 2 0r 3 per page, uploaded file name should be your
keyword, Alt tag, optimized images.
 Creating and optimizing social profiles on the website.
 Increasing page speed. (Developer side)
 The page should be load less than 3 seconds. (Developer side)
 XML site map Generation/Updation. (Developer side)
 Robots.txt file generation/ Updation.
 Working on asset Minification, asset compression, asset
catchability. (Developer side)
 Checking broken links, page 404 not found URLs on a website.
 Avoiding Black-Hat SEO and White-Hat SEO techniques.
 CDN Usage.
 SSL certification, etc.,
Off-page optimization Techniques:

Off-Page Techniques:

1. Social Networking Sites

2. Blogging

3. Blog Marketing

4. Forum Marketing

5. Search Engine Submission

6. Directory Submission

7. Social Bookmarking

8. Link Baiting

9. Photo Sharing

10. Video Sharing

11. Business Reviews

12. Backlinks(Link Building).

13. Business Listing.

14. Local Listings & Event Listing

15. Sharing PDF

SEO tools
Wayback Machine
Redirect Path
Structured Data Testing Tool (SDTT)
Google Trends
Web Developer Toolbar
Bing Webmaster Tools (BWT)
Google & Bing
Screaming Frog’s SEO Spider Tool
Google Keyword Planner
Netpeak Spider
Unamo SEO
Ahrefs Keywords Explorer

Notes A sitemap is a way of organizing a website,

identifying the URLs and the data under each section

Webalizer website

WWW – World Wibe Web (Crawl/ Spider /Bot)

Seo Tips :- 10 results in First Page.

To give more Information In content.
To help more most popular site like Youtube/Facebook & Quora sites.

Country code top-level domain (ccTLD):- . com, .in etc

Bounce rate :- Range between 42% to 48%.(Check in Google Analytics)

Ctrl + U –View Source

Important Websites or Pingdom Tools – When you sign up in,

Check for Page Speed issues & fix the page speed issues

Keywords Everywhere – Useful for google keyword search volume, cost

per click and competition data of keywords on multiple websites.

Seoptimer- SEO Audit & Reporting Tools

Thinkwithgoogle & google text my site:- Useful for site speed (Loding
page speed)

Mobile-Friendly Test –Mobile Friendly Test. To Buy themes.

Canva :- Website for create P.P.T , FB-cover, Youtubes Thumblain &

Banner. :- To create a video intro in this website. :- To create/edit Video Intro in this site.
Recast Studio :- To create Social Media.(add extension in browser.
Final cut x :- Editing videos like trim crop, split,
rotate, Image adjustment etc. :- is one of the best intro video-making software
currently around. Best part is, you can get started even at no cost.

Typito (Canva for Videos):- Publish videos built for top social media
platforms. Instantly.

White Board Animation Tool-(Renderforest):-To create a animation

video,logo etc. Without Watermark (Rs799-hd 720 videos per month upto
5 min), Pro-rs 1499 per month HD 720 per month.) Whiteboard animation, Motion Graphics, 2d

Explainer, Typography, Logo Animation etc
Adobe After Effects:- Create cinematic film titles, intros and transitions. Remove an object
from a clip. Start a fire or make it rain. Animate a logo or character. With After Effects, the
industry-standard motion graphics and visual effects software, you can take any idea and make it
Adobe premiere :- Merge two or more videos

Zoom & doodle :- To take online class or online meeting on live.

Search Engine Round Table :- To studies news of SEO

Marketing Land :- Android apps for News Platform.

Small Seo Tools :- To find Duplicate Content. – For free themes.

Convertio – To convert rar file to zip file. – Search for free photos & video in HD Quality.

Google Primer :- Google Primer is a free mobile application by Google,

designed to teach digital marketing and business skills to small and
medium business owners, startups, and job seekers using 5-
minute interactive lessons. It is a part of Google's Grow with Google and
Digital Unlocked initiatives. For download themes

Ubersuggest, Answer The Public, Soovle, Keyword Shitter &

Google Keyword Planner- Keyword tools

DIVI- It is no 1 premium wordpress theme. :- Copy Text from Restricted Website

What is webhosting in Hindi |
Web hosting kya hai.
What is web hosting in hindi : आआ आआ आआआ आआआआआ आआ Web
hosting kya hai आआ web hosting kaha se kharide. आआआ आआ आआ
आआआआआआ आआआआ आआआआआ आआ आआ आआआआ आआआ आआ website आआ
आआआआ आआआआआ आआ . आआआआआ आआआआ आआआआ आआआ आआ आआ website
आआआआ आआआ आआआआ आआ ? , आआआआआआआ आआआआआआआ आआ आआआआ
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आआआआ आआआआआ आआ आआआ |
आआआआ आआ website आआ आआआ आआआआआ आआआआआ web hosting आआ
आआआआ आआ आआआआआ आआ आआआआआआआ आआ domain name. आआआ आआ
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आआआ आआआआआआ. आआआआआआ web hosting आआ आआआ आआआआआआआ आआ
आआआआआ आो आआ आआआआ आआआआ आआ , आआ आआआ आआ आआआआआ domain
name आआआ आआ आआआआआ आआआआ आआआआ आआआ आआआआ आआआ आआ .
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आआआआ आआ आआआआ आआ |

Web hosting kya hai ( What is webhosting

in Hindi )
Website आआ आआआआ आआ आआआ आआ आआआआआ आआआआ , internet आआ
आआआआ आआआ web hosting आआ आआआआ आआ | Ex. आआआआ आआआ आआ आआआ
आआ आआ आआआआ PC आआआ आआआ आआआआआ आआआआआ आआ आआ आआ
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आआआआ , आआआ आआ आआ आआआआआ आआ आआआ आआआआ आआ. आआआआआआ
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आआआआ आआ आआआआआआ आआआआआ आआ website आआ online आआआआआ
आआआआ आआआ आआ |

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आआआआआ आआ आआ आआआआ आआआआआआआआ online आआआआआ . आआआ आआआ
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आआ , आआआआआ आआआ आआ आआआआ website आआ online आआआआ आआ
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आआआआ आआ ….

Example. आआआआ आआ आआआआ आआआ आआआ 1-2 आआआआआआ आआ आआआ

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आआआआआआ आआआआ आआ web hosting आआआआआआआ आआ आआआआआआ आआ
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आआआआ web hosting kya hai .
Types of Webhosting in hindi
आआआआ hosting आआ आआआआआआ आआ आआआआ आआ ,आआआ -आआआ
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आआआआआआ webhsoting आआआआ आआआआ आआ | आआ आआ time आआआ आआ
web hosting आआआआआआ use आआ आआआआ आआ , आआआआ आआआआआ आआआ
आआ आआआआआआ आआ :-

1. Shared Web Hosting

2. VPS Web Hosting
3. Dedicated Web Hosting
Shared Web Hosting घघघघ घघ ?
आआआ आआ आआ आआआआआ आआआ आआआआ आआआआआ hosting आआ आआआआआआ
आआआ आआआआआआआआ . आआ hosting आआआ आआआआआआआ user आआ आआ
server provide आआ आआआआ आआ , आआआआआ आआ server आआआ आआ आआ
आआआआआआ आआआआआआआ आआ run आआआआआ आआआआ आआ. आआआआ आआआ
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आआ आआआआ आआ आआ आआ आआआआ आआ आआआआ आआआआआआआ आआ आआआ
आआआआ आआ आआआआ आआ , आआआ आआ आआआ आआआआ आआ आआ आआआआ
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website आआ आआआ आआआआ आआ आआआआ आआ | आआआआ आआआआ आआआ आआ
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Shared Web Hosting घघ घघघघघघ :-

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Dedicated web hosting घघघघ घघ ?
What is web hosting in hindi : Dedicated web hosting आआआ
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hosting आआ Plan choose आआ आआआआ आआ आआआआआ आआआआ
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Dedicated Web Hosting घघ घघघघघघ :-

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 आआ hosting आआआआ आआआआआआ आआआआआआआ आआ आआआआआ आआ
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Dedicated Web Hosting घघ घघघघघघघ :-

 आआआआ आआआआआआ आआआआआ आआआआ आआ .

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