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Penelitian Tindakan Kelas

Effort to Improve Student English Vocabulary Using Image Media in
Grade III of SDIT Nurhidayah Surakarta

Proposed by :
Vinda Firqi Bhikuning


TAHUN AJARAN 2019/2020


Research Background
Writing is one of the most important skills in language learning. One of the reasons is that it is
related to the students’ future need for occupational purposes for academic study, or for personal
communication. In writing classroom activities, the students are asked to write about what is being
discussed. The teacher gives instructions in writing and then asks them to write. Harmer (2004)
proposes that writing in the classroom, taught by combining the process of teaching writing,
involving encouraging the students to think about what they are going to write, by encouraging
them to draft, reflect, and revise, and by responding their writing product. In addition, to make the
students interested in the writing teaching and learning process, the teacher may use learning
media. Learning media contributes to students’ motivation in learning process of writing skill. They
can stimulate students’ idea to develop their writing.

Considering the issues above, it is necessary to conduct a research study to improve students’
writing skill to the students of Grade III SDIT Nurhidayah Surakarta by using learning media. Picture
media can give the contribution to improve students’ writing skill by stimulating the students in
gaining ideas, building vocabularies, and improving students’ grammar awareness.

Identification of the Problem

Since writing is regarded as a demanding skill, students’ ability in writing is fairly average. They find
writing difficult for the skills in writing are highly complex. The difficulty becomes more obvious if
their language proficiency is weak. The students have some problems in writing. The difficulty in
gaining the idea, lack of vocabulary, and low grammar awareness are the problems in writing class.
Those problems are considered as the reasons for low students’ writing.

Learning media can contribute to motivation in students’ English learning. By using media, students
can develop their idea and vocabulary. In addition, the using of media in teaching writing can make
the students interested in the lesson.

Objectives of the Research

Based on the formulation above, the objectives of this research are to describe the efforts of using
picture media to improve writing skill of the students SDIT Nurhidayah Surakarta grade III and to
investigate whether the students’ writing skill improves significantly through picture media.

Significance of the Research

In this research, it is expected that this study can support or give insight to educational world that
the use of pictures is beneficial to improve the students’ or learners’ writing ability. Furthermore,
practical significance is the one expressing people or parties that can be benefitted by the research
study. The result of this research is expected 6 to be advantageous for some parties.

Theoretical Framework and Hypothesis of Action

Relevant Research Studies

The previous studies conducted by some researches show that the use of picture can improve the
students’ writing skill. The students feel more enjoyable to learn. It means that learning media such
as picture have a big influence on the students’ skill improvement. Akbari (2008) concludes that the
contribution of pictures in teaching vocabulary items to elementary Iranian EFL students lead to a
higher level of vocabulary improvement.

Conceptual Framework

Based on the discussion above, writing is one of the important skills which has to be taught in EFL
students. However, the skills involve in writing are highly complex. The problem is that the ability of
them to write well is still average and their low proficiency of content, vocabulary, spelling, and
punctuation. Regarding the problem above, the use of appropriate teaching media can be helpful
since it is one of the learning elements in teaching and learning English. Pictures can stimulate
students’ ideas and widen them into larger paragraph since they contribute to interest and
motivation, a sense of the context of the language, and a specific reference point or stimulus.
Pictures can be source or media as they are easy to prepare and organize, interesting, meaningful
and authentic.


a. The working hypothesis (ha)

There is any correlation between fluently and memorization in SDIT Nurhidayah Surakarta
grade III?

b. The null hypothesis (ho)

There is not any correlation between fluently and memorization in SDIT Nurhidayah
Surakarta grade III?

Research Method

A. Research Design

This research was a classroom action study. The action and observation stages are also called
implementation stage. It could be concluded that action research is problem solving to improve the
quality through the process of planning, action, observation, and reflection.

B. Setting of the Research

SDIT Nurhidayah Surakarta is location on Pisang street number 28 Surakarta. There are some
facilities in the school which can motivate the students in their learning and support their learning
activities. Classroom is the place that they will be study on this research.

C. Subjects of the Research

This research involved a number of people, they were the researcher, the English teacher of SDIT
Nurhidayah Surakarta, and the students of SDIT Nurhidayah Surakarta grade III

D. Data Collecting Techniques

The qualitative data were obtained by observing the condition of the class and interviewing the
English teacher of SDIT Nurhidayah Surakarta and the students of SDIT Nurhidayah Surakarta grade
III. The data from observation were recorded in field notes while the data taken from interview were
written in interview transcript.

E. Data Analysis Techniques

The data collected from class observations and interviews were analyzed based on qualitative data
analysis as stated by Miles and Huberman (1994). They state that analysis consists of three current
flows of activity : data reduction, data display, and data conclusion drawing or verification. First, the
data were collected. Then, in data reduction activity, the researcher did the process of selecting,
focusing, simplifying, abstracting, and transforming the data from the field notes and transcripts.
After that, the data were displayed. Miles and Huberman (1994) define display as an organized,
compressed assembly of information that permits conclusion drawing and action. The last activity,
the researcher concluded and verified the data. The data collected from survey and writing tests
were analysed by using descriptive statistics. The researcher used Likert scale. The results of
questionnaire and writing tests were computed by using Microsoft Excel program to find out the
mean and standard deviation.

F. Research Validity

The researcher applied the three of the validity criteria, they are democratic validity, outcome
validity, and process validity. To avoid the subjectivity in analyzing the data and to get the
trustworthiness, the research used triangulation through interview and observation. As stated in
Burns (1999), triangulation is one of ways of checking for validity which aims to gather multiple
perspectives on the situation being studied. In this research, the researcher used investigator
triangulation. In this way, the research involved more than one observer in the same research
setting to avoid the bias interpretation. To get the investigator triangulation, the researcher
conducted the discussion about the results of the actions with the English teacher.

G. Research Procedure

This research adapted the procedure of Kemmis and McTaggart model. There were four main stages
in each cycle, they were planning, action, observation, and reflection. The process of action and
observation were also called implementation of the cycle.

H. Research Schedule

This research was carried out in SDIT Nurhidayah Surakarta on Pisang street number 28 Surakarta.
Firstly, it would be conducted from to October to December.

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