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Name: Marichel M.

de la Peña Grade level & Section: 12 STEM-A

Instructor: Joanah Jean M. Dianon Date: 11/20/19
Name of Activity: Synthesis Report Word Count: 514

Text Information

The text talks about the six common causes of why do people snore. The following are
the age, weight, basic biology or biological sex, nasal and sinus issues, substances (alcohol,
smoking, particular medications) and the position of sleep. Age indicates that as a person gets
older, the throat turns narrower and muscle tone in the throat decreases resulting to snoring. Weight
is another factor which emphasizes that too much tissue in the throat and nasal areas can lead to
snoring. It is said that men snore more than women. They are more likely to snore because they
have narrower air passages than women. This shows that snoring depend on basic biology. Another
common cause is nasal and sinus issue. This explains that blocked airways or stuffy nose makes a
person difficult and that it creates a vacuum in the throat which results to snoring. In addition,
substances like alcohol and sedatives reduce the resting tone of the muscles at the back of the
throat, making a person more likely to snore. The last factor is the position of sleep. Lying on the
back makes the base of the tongue and soft palate to collapse at the back of the throat, causing to
snore. These mentioned factors are some of the explanations why do people really snore and that
snoring has something to do with the person's body condition.


The text has a great contribution in the field of physiology. It is address that physiology is
a science that deals with the ways that living things or any of their parts function. Snoring is
common in humans and animals. Since it is a way of how the body of a certain living function, the
information of the text can be use in this particular filed. The text is not just beneficial in this field
but also for the students who are still learning and making progress like me. The new ideas that I
have learned from the text are somewhat irrelevant in making my own choices and decisions in
life, however, it doesn't mean that I cannot make use of it in some ways. The information I have
discovered is a big help to me to maintain good body condition. The idea of why do people snore
gives me realization that snoring has its causes that science could explain and that what I ought to
believe of why we snore is not really the main reason. It is undeniable that when a person snores
it is annoying and that it can disturb someone who is sleeping. The new ideas from the text can be
a guide to avoid or to eliminate snoring. It is not for my own good but also for all the people out
there. It provides information that can be passed down to others who have not yet discovered about
these factors.

Census data revisited.(n.d.).Retrieved November 2019,from Academic Help website,


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