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In this document you will find clarifications, corrections, and modifications to the DreadBall 2nd
Edition rules. If a question comes up in your games that isn’t answered here or in the rulebook,
get in touch. This is a living document, and it will be updated as new expansions and teams are
released, and as new questions arise.

Updated 2nd February 2019; text in red is changes to the rules.

This section deals with those situations in your games where a rule could be interpreted in
different ways, and may need some clarification. It won’t happen often, but when it does, this is
the place to look!

work out the eventual direction after the bounce,

Scoring in the Opponent’s Rush imagine it as if the ball had come from further
If you manage to Catch a scattering ball, or use away, and had already hit the wall where the
Run Interference to Pick Up the ball, it is possible Player is standing. For example:
to score a Strike in an opposing Coach’s Rush. If
this happens, note the following:

A Coach’s Rush only ends if they lose a ball.

* If the ball you scored with had not come from

the opposing team, they have not lost the
ball (as they didn’t have it in the first place)
and their Rush will not end. As soon as your
Actions are resolved, a new ball will launch
immediately, and the active Coach’s Rush will
continue from where it left off.

* If the opposing Coach had already lost a ball

(the ball you Caught had been dropped by one
of their Players for example), their Rush will
end as normal after your Actions are resolved.

Scattering into the Wall If the Player in the diagram had failed a Catch, the
ball would scatter from the Player’s location. If the
It can sometimes be difficult to work out what Coach rolled a 3 for direction, the ball would hit
happens if a Player standing at the side of the the wall. The dotted yellow arrow shows how to
pitch scatters the ball directly into the wall. To
treat this, with the solid yellow arrow showing the Crystallan Team - Harmonics
final bounce direction following the normal rules
for ricochets. Harmonics only applies when you ‘spend’ an Action
on a Player, i.e. by using an Action Token or an
Action Card.
Bouncing Balls
It does not apply to Dodges or any other reaction
From a physics point of view, the rules for
made to an opponent’s attack, or to Catches and
scattering a ball imagine that the wall is flat.
their subsequent Free Actions.
However, the nature of the hexes means that the
wall on the printed board is jagged. When this Harmonics does apply to Free Actions that
comes to balls bouncing around the corners of the follow an Action made using a Token or Card.
pitch, it may not be obvious how they bounce, as For example, if a Crystallan Coach used a Token
above. If in doubt, use the following diagram. to make a Run Action, and moved into a hex
containing the ball, their bonus Harmonics dice
could be used for the Pick Up. If they doubled
the Pick Up, any remaining Harmonics dice could
be used for the subsequent Run (for Dashes or
Evades) and/or Throw.

Ada Lorana Team – Phaser

Ada-Lorana Players that end an Action in the same
hex as an opposing Player treat this as a Slam.
Note the following:

* This follows the normal rules for a Slam, and

therefore cannot be done by Strikers.

* As the Slamming Player is in the same hex as

the target, ‘directly away’ for the purposes of
pushing back can be any direction, chosen by
the Slamming Coach.
Q: When the rules state, “within 5 hexes Q: Regarding Meta-bot advancements, while
of the Captain”, is the Captain eligible to a player can choose/roll advancements from
any role, the book says that "on the pitch they
use the effect?
may still only use abilities available to the role
they are currently in" and using Extended
A:No. Interference as an example of an
advancements only useful for a Jack.

Backflip is present in the Striker advancement

Q: Does a team Captain’s abilities affect table. Can only a Meta-bot Striker use that
ability, or will it be available to them
transferred player and MVPs?
regardless of role?
A: Yes. Transferred players and MVPs
A: A Meta-bot player can use any ability they
are consider a normal part of the team.
have unless it is impossible for their roll.
Strikers, Jacks, and Guards can use Backflip so
a Meta-bot player would be able to use
Q: In a team of Honourable players with one Backflip in all role configurations. There are
or more players without that ability (ex., no abilities on the Meta-bot Striker
transfer, MVP, Brain Damaged player, etc.), advancement table that could not be used by
can the player without Honourable Sneak onto any role.
the pitch? Is the foul then still committed by
the whole team for the purpose of the spot
check? Would it still be the player closest to
the Subs Bench to be sent back, or just the Q: Can an Action Card with a movement
player without Honourable? component be used for just the movement and
not the full Action?
A: A player that does not have the Honourable
ability CAN Sneak onto the pitch. If a foul is A: No. An Action Card can only be used for the
called all the players are included for Spot Test full Action listed on the card.
purposes. If the ref successfully spots the foul,
the player closest to the Subs Bench is sent off
(Honourable or not).
Q: Is a Steal considered an “attack” for
purposes of Dodging a Steal in the rear arc of a
Q: If you roll an "Agility or Speed bonus" player?
advancement and pick Agility, do you get to
then pick Speed if you roll the same number A: Yes. Any test(X) done in a player’s rear arc
later, or is the advancement "spent", as it suffers a –1 modifier.

A: If you roll an advancement with 2 options

and you have already selected one of them Q: When calculating earnings after a league
previously, the player MUST take the other match what happens if both teams have the
option when it is rolled. same number of Cheers?

A: Both teams get the extra dice for having

the “highest number” of Cheers.
Q: Does a captain confer an additional action
to a player that begins the Rush within 5
hexes of them, or can they be granted the
additional action only if they would take it Q: If, on your Rush, your opponent gets the
while within 5 hexes at the time? ball, doubles and gets a Free Run action, can
you use Run Interference on your own Rush?
A: A player must be within 5 hexes of the
team Captain at the time they take their A: Yes, Run Interference is usable during an
extra Action Token based action. opponent's ACTION not just an opponent's
Q: Does using an Action Token to buy a card Q: When using the Event deck are Event
count as an Action for the purposes of a Triggers put in the discard pile?
continuous foul?
A: Yes. Event Triggers go in the discard pile.
A: Yes. If the draw deck ever runs out and you need to
make a new draw deck the Event Triggers are
reshuffled along with the rest of the discard
Q: Is the transfer fee added to your team
value when hiring transfer players or MVPs?

A: Yes. Q: Are Cyborg team “Back From The Dead”

players subject to the same limitations as
regular transfer players as far as quantity (4)
and team composition?
Q: Does an Event Card that does not remain in
play still remove an ongoing “Remains in Play” A: No. Cyborg players are not transfer
Event? players. The “Back From The Dead” team
ability means the Cyborg team does not hire
A: No, only another “Remains in Play” Event transfers but instead recruits players from any
can replace/remove the current “Remains in team. This does not change the Player’s cost.
Play” Event card. You still cannot take more of any Player type
than they have in their own recommended
The mistakes listed below only appear in early print-runs of the game/book. If you have a copy
from a later print run you will find that these corrections have already been made.

* Page 130 – Zee Team – Zee Players are all

Collector’s Edition Rulebook Jacks, not Strikers. The team also starts with 2
DreadBall Cards, not 1.
* Page 37 – Dash – the 60° turn only applies
when Sprinting – you do not need to Dash to * Page 133 – Nameless Team – the table labelled
turn when Running. Guard applies to the Feromite Guard, and the
table labelled Jack applies to the Undulan
* Page 44 – Run Interference – this should
specify that it cannot be chosen in the normal
way, rather than ‘as part of a team’s Rush’. If * Page 144 – Convict Team – the Guard’s race
an opposing Player was to take an Action in should be Grogan. The team also starts with
your Rush (by Catching a scattered ball for 1 Coaching Dice, not 1 Card (the cost is listed
example), their Action could be interrupted correctly).
with Run Interference.
* Page 162 – Cyborg Team – the Nameless
* Page 52 – Fan Checks – the last paragraph Undulan Guard’s cost should be 135 to match
should specify ‘Coaching Dice or Cards’, rather the regular Nameless Player. The team should
than just Coaching Dice, to match the previous only contain 1 Kalyshi Striker, not 3.
* Page 178 – Kal Terza – should have Shell listed
* Page 73 – Captains allow Players to take 1 in his Abilities section.
more Action than normal, rather than to
always take 3 Actions. Therefore a Rebs
Captain will increase the Action limit per
Cyborg Captain Card Deck
Player to 2, not 3. * Put The Boot In! – replace text with:
* Page 103 – Linked – the rule only applies in the * Two of your Players may Run adjacent to the
Coach’s own Rush – it cannot be used with Run same opposing prone Player. Then, they each
Interference. Stomp, combining the damage before making
the Armour Check
Team Captains without Cards
If you want to use your Team Captain and you
don’t have their card deck, you can! You’ll just * Flaunt It!: The Cheerleader throws an
need to use the following rule in place of having
opposing Player off of their game. Use this
the cards:
ability before the opposing Coach attempts
any dice test with a Player. For each 1 rolled
Before your first game, roll for an advancement as
as part of the test, the Coach must discard one
if they had increased in rank, and apply the result.
successful dice from the roll.
Then continue using them as normal.
Klutz on moving past the other Player. There must
be a space to push the opposing Player into.
The player is rather accident-prone. For each
A separate test must be made each time a
1 rolled as part of any test, the Coach must
player Brushes Aside during a move. There is
discard one successful dice from the roll.
no limit to the number of times this can be
attempted in one Action.

Although the Player may be moving out of a

Reach threat hex, they do not need to Evade as well
The player has very long limbs or other when making a Brush Aside move.
appendages with which they are able to make
It is possible that a Player will need to Dash to
plays at a greater distance than most. reach the currently occupied hex. Roll for the
If the player is a Jack or Guard, they can Slam Dash first. If the Dash test is failed, the Brush
an opponent as normal. Alternatively, the Aside Action is still resolved but will fail
player can use its Reach ability to Slam an automatically.
opponent that is 2 hexes away. There must be
Brush Aside: Strength test (123)
a clear path, ignoring the ball and fallen
players, to the target model in order for the Modifiers
Slam to be made. The clear hex counted
between the models becomes the hex from * -1 if the Player being Brushed Aside is a
which the target is pushed back, if this Guard
happens. This target of the Slam cannot make
* -1 per opposing Player threatening the hex
a Slamback unless it also has the Reach ability.
you are in, ignoring the Player you are
If the player is a Jack or Striker, they can Brushing Aside (maximum modifier -2)
attempt to Steal as normal. Alternatively, the
Pass: The target Player is pushed into one of
player can use its Reach ability to Steal from
the 3 hexes directly away from the Player
an opponent that is 2 hexes away. There must
Brushing Aside, chosen by the winning Coach,
be a clear path, ignoring fallen players, to the
and retains their facing. The winning Player
target model in order for the Steal to be made.
must move into the vacated hex, and may then
The target of the Steal cannot make a
continue their move.
Slamback unless it also has the Reach ability.
Pass Doubles: As above. In addition, the
If the player is a Jack or Striker, they can also
target Player must take an Agility test (X),
attempt to pick up a ball that is on the pitch up
where X is the number of successes achieved
to 2 hexes away. Check that there is a clear
by the Brush Aside roll, or be knocked prone.
path from the player to the ball’s hex as if it
were a 2 hex Throw. Picking up the ball is Fail: Turn the target model to face the Player
resolved as normal. using Brush Aside. The Action ends.

Note: unless either player has Threatening,

the players directly involved don’t modify each
Brush Aside other’s tests. For example, a Hulk brushing
aside a player that then needs to make their
This Player has access to a new Action called agility test. Unless the Hulk has Threatening,
Brush Aside. Players can make a Run or Sprint the Brush Aside player uses their full number
Action as part of a Brush Aside Action. GIANT of dice, unless they are now being threatened
players, however, may use Brush Aside as a by another player.
part of any Action that allows them to Run.

A Player with this ability may Brush Aside

opposing Players during a Run or Sprint in a
similar way to Evading.

If a Player with this ability wants to move into

a hex that is occupied by a standing, opposing
Player they may try to Brush Aside rather than
Slamming them. This will allow them to carry
Strong Tail * -1 per opposing Player threatening the hex
you are in, ignoring the Player you are
The Player with this ability can use their tail to misdirecting (maximum modifier -2)
fend off attacks from behind.
Feint Wins: The winning Coach turns their
A Slam or Steal attempt on this Player made Player to face any direction. They may then
from their rear arc suffers a -1 modifier. In move the losing Player 1 hex in any direction,
addition, if a Player with this rule triples on an and with any facing, without making any
Evade roll, choose one opponent they were Evade rolls. The Action ends.
Evading away from. They are hit by the tail
Feint Doubles: As above. In addition, the
and knocked prone. Steady Players remain
losing Player is knocked prone. If the winning
standing as normal.
Player did not already Run as part of the Feint,
Note: The “Rat Run” Action card, which they may make an immediate Run Free
confers the Strong Tail ability will still Action.
knock prone an opponent if the Evade
Draw: The Players both turn to face each

Feint Loses: The Feinting Player turns to face

Feint the other Player. Then, see the results for
Sometimes, getting out of a tight corner is Slamming/Dodging.
more a matter of balance and poise than
bluster and noise. Some Players have
developed the skill of wrong-footing their
opponents just long enough to slip past
unmolested. The Player is completely unscrupulous and will
do anything to win, including smuggling
This Player has access to a new Action called
weapons onto the pitch!
If this Player makes a Slam Action, they may
Important: Players can make a Run Action as
choose to either resolve it as normal or with a
part of a Feint, before rolling the test. This
weapon. This must be declared before rolling
follows all the normal rules for a Run.
any dice. If they resolve it with a weapon then
The target of a Feint must be a single standing they get a +1 modifier to their Slam, but the
opponent in one of the Feinting Player’s 3 Action is a Foul. In all other respects the Slam
Threat hexes. is resolved as normal. If the Slam roll doubles,
the Fouling Coach may make a Fan Check.
* If the target Player is a Jack or Guard, and
has the Feinting Player in one of their Threat Alternatively, a Striker or Jack Player may
Hexes, they have two options – either to Dodge Shoot at an opposing Player with a concealed
or to Slam. The target Player’s Coach must ranged weapon. This is resolved in exactly the
choose before any dice are rolled. same way as a DodgeBall foul with a +1
modifier, except that the Fouling Player does
* If the target Player is a Striker, or has the not need to have or use the ball to do it.
Feinting Player in their rear arc, they may only However, to be careful not to draw too much
Dodge, representing them trying to block the attention to this nefarious tactic, a team may
Feinting Player. only use one Action token per Rush to Shoot in
this manner.
As an (X) test, the successes for the Feint will
be compared to the successes rolled by the As usual, multiple Spot Foul tests must be
opposing Player’s Dodge or Slam. made if any other Foul is being committed at
the same time as the weapon is used.
Feint: Speed test (X)


* +1 if the Player is a Judwan

* +1 if the Feinting Player started the Action

adjacent to the target
Dirty Tricks Supporting Staff
This player’s Coach can spend an Action on At the start of each game, when placing
them to draw two Event Cards. Pick one to put the team’s Players, all support staff
it into play, and discard the other without (Coaching Assistants, Cheerleaders, etc)
resolving it. for both Home and Visiting coaches are
placed in their respective spaces on the
If Event Cards are not being used, once per sidelines.
Rush this player may commit a foul without
the ref being able to make a Spot Test.

Building a Team: Limitations

Keeper * A Team may not have more than double the
number of Players of a given type than the
A Keeper is a specialized type of Guard – given
recommended team (e.g. a Kalimarin Ancients
a DreadBall Glove and charged with defending
team may not have more than 4 Feromite
the team’s Strike Zones. Unless a rule
Guards. Even though the default roster for the
specifically differentiates between the two, or
team has 4 total Guards,2 Feromite Guards,
is overridden here, the Player should still be
and 2 Undulan Guards, the limit is based on the
treated as a Guard.
specific Player type).
The Player cannot Throw, Catch, or Pick Up
the ball. However, they can use a special action
called Punt to fling the ball down the pitch. A
Keeper may choose to Punt anytime they Fan Checks
move into a hex containing the ball, or anytime
Whenever a Player achieves one of the dramatic
the ball scatters onto them. If a Keeper
chooses not to Punt, scatter the ball as normal acts listed below the crowd goes wild, and you
without ending the Rush. must immediately make a Fan Check.

The Keeper’s facing when Punting will depend * Scores a bonus point.
on whether they were Running or Sprinting, * Doubles when making any Strike.
just like a Pick Up Action.
* Inflicts 3 or more damage on an opponent in
Keepers are also trained to interfere with one go.
Strike attempts. If an opposing Player is
making a Strike attempt, and you have a
* Catches a scattering ball.

Keeper within the same Strike Zone and with * Catches a 9-hex pass. Once per Rush.
the Throwing Player in their front arc, then
the Keeper confers a flat -1 modifier for * Dashes 3 or more times in the same
threatening the Throwing Player even if they Action without falling.
are not adjacent. A Keeper with the Gotcha
ability would not confer a –2 threat to non-
* Evades 3 or more times in the same
Action without falling.
adjacent opponents.
* Triples their opponent in any (X) roll as long as
Finally, in order to better protect the added at least 3 successes are rolled.
investment of a Keeper, teams outfit Keepers
with heavy protection. A Player with this * Committing a particularly successful Foul (see
pages 50-51 for details).
ability has their Move stat reduced by 1, but
improves their Armour stat by 1 (e.g. 4+
becomes 3+).

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