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This novel was written by Mario Vargas Llosa, who won the Novel Literature Prize in 2010, and

currently, he’s one of the most important narrative authors.

This novel depicts the power fugacity, loyalty, racial and social discrimination where the main
spot is the military school "Leoncio Prado" in Lima, in the early 60s.

The author tells how was the tough way of life in that school, military rudeness and the
building of a kind of teen society, which had inequality, violence between each them, drink
abuse, as well as, animal rapes, and sexual games. It's a raw world.

The main character is Alberto, so-called “poet”, who is a student of this school, a survivor of
this system, and whose favourite activity is writing erotic and sensual novels.

The other characters are his classmates. The first one is the so-called “Jaguar”, who is the
rudest and abusive one, and leader of the violent student gang “El círculo”. The other one was
“slave”, who was the opposite of Jaguar. He was shy, weak, unsafety, and who suffered
bullying from his classmates.

In the middle of the spot, Gamboa lieutenant represents the rules, law, authority, discipline. In
other words, the apparent military life.

I think which this is a consolidated novel because Vargas Llosa describes brilliantly, the power
transition, stiffness violence system, and the Peruvian corrupt world, which keep strong even
up to now.

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