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When two magmas meet by convective flow, the two magmas would mix to generate a new
magma with a different composition.
When two magmas meet and are not miscible to each other, they would not mix together
2. Crater lake-type calderas are not formed from the collapse of a summit of a large composite
volcano following a large eruption. After which, the magma chamber is drained of magma
Hawaiian-type calderas are not formed due to the collapse of the top of a shield volcano caused
by filling of water on the crater
3. Saturn is the second largest planet that has 60 moons
4. Abrasion occurs when sedimentary particles collide, leading to mechanical wearing or grinding
on their surfaces
5. Slate is the Finest-grained foliated metamorphic rock
6. Craton is the stable interior of a continent, undistributed by tectonic events for perhaps 500
million years or more
7. Red shift phenomenon is based on the Doppler Effect or the idea that waves increases or
decreases in frequency when it either moves away or towards the observe
8. main evidences to the Big Bang Theory:
i. Expansion of Universe
ii. Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation

9. Amorphous is NOT a physical property of minerals

10. Vesicular texture igneous rocks is characterized by voids left by gas bubbles that escape as the
lava solidifies
11. The volatiles (dissolved gases) present in magma increases the fluidity of the magma as the
volatiles link the silicate tetrahedra to each other
Less gas content of the magma, the more viscous the magma is
12. Continental Margin is the portion of the seafloor that is adjacent to the major landmasses called
13. Lithostatic Stress is The uniform pressure acting on a rock simultaneously and equally from all
14. Phyllite is Fine-grained metamorphic rock with a foliation caused by the preferred orientation of
very fine-grained white mica
15. Minerals are not organic
16. Cementation of rocks is NOT a factor that determines the explosivity of volcanic eruptions
17. Structural Geology is subdiscipline of geology deals with the study of deformed/fractured rocks,
often related to tectonic plates
18. Sorting Indicates the degree to which the clasts in a rock are all the same size or include a
variety of sizes
19. Diamond is an example of a mineral
20. In flux melting, the volatiles present would lower the melting temperature of the rock causing it
to melt
In flux melting, volatiles such as water and carbon dioxide would not solidify the rock
21. Pillow lava is a type of lava flows was created on the ocean floor where the lava quickly cools
and extruded as blobs as the succession would form worm-like chains
22. Make observations
Formulate the hypothesis
Test the hypothesis through experimentation
Accept or modify the hypothesis
Development of theory/law
23. Cataclactic occurs as a result of mechanical deformation, like when two bodies of rock slide past
one another along a fault zone
24. Wavelength are disturbances that transmit energy from one point to another in the form of
periodic motions
25. In Bowen’s Reaction Series, the first to be formed are not felsic type of igneous rocks
In Bowen’s Reaction Series, the last to be formed are not mafic type of igneous rocks
26. Calcite effervesces or reacts with HCl or hydrochloric acid.
Calcite also displays the optical property known as double refraction

27. Batholith is the largest intrusive bodies with exposures greater than 100 km2 and normally
emplaced over spans of million years
28. P-wave type of wave passes through solid and liquid
29. Weathering disintegration and decomposition of rock at or near Earth's surface. It does not
include of removal of material
30. Gneiss Compositionally layered metamorphic rock, typically composed of alternating dark-
colored and light-colored layers
31. Ionic, covalent, metallic are type of chemical bonding is present in minerals
32. Vent is main opening of a volcano
33. Ceres is the largest asteroid present in the Asteroid Belt
34. Heat causes the atoms to vibrate rapidly, stretching and bending chemical bonds that lock
atoms to their neighbors
35. Clastic is Formed by the cementing together of loose clasts (fragments or grains) produced by
physical or chemical weathering of pre-existing rock

36. Biomineralization is the process in living organisms that cause minerals to precipitate either
within or on their bodies, or immediately adjacent to their bodies
37. Ferromagnesian silicates are not rich in K, Na, and Ca and richer in SiO2
Non-ferromagnesian silicates are not rich in Fe and/or Mg and low in silica (SiO2) compared to
ferromagnesian silicates
38. Partial Solar Eclipse is the type of eclipse that only a portion of the sun is blocked
39. Transportation is the ability of a medium to carry sediment depends on its viscosity and velocity
40. E Horizon (zone of eluviation Leaching of silicate clay, iron, aluminum; rich in sand and silt
particles. Light colored. Not found in all types of soil.
41. The sun generates energy through nuclear fusion
42. density and specific gravity are both properties of minerals
43. Dissimilation affects magma composition
44. Composite volcanoes or stratovolcanoes have large and nearly symmetrical structure of
alternating layers of explosively erupted cinders and ash interbedded with lava. The shape of
this type of volcano is due to Viscous nature of the material they are composed of
45. Angularity Indicates the degree to which clasts have smooth or angular corners and edges
46. Oxidation involves the loss of an electron from cation in a crystal, and its use by free oxygen in
the environment
47. Radioactive elements does NOT affect the formation of magma
48. Partial melt have more amount in SiO2 than the original rock
Partial melt is not richer in Fe and Mg than the original rock.
49. Rocks are materials of the earth are naturally occurring, coherent, aggregates of either/and
minerals, glass, organic material
50. Cinder volcanoes is type of volcano is built by ejected lava fragments
51. Directed Stress is a force acting on a rock to deform it in a deform it in a particular direction
52. The hotter the magma, the less viscous it becomes
As the lava flowing cools, the mobility of the lava decreases, making it more viscous
53. As the temperature of the magma/lava drops, the ions on it does not move away from each
As magma/lava cools down, it does not form a crystalline structure where silicon-carbon
tetrahedra formation
54. Gutenberg Discontinuity is the boundary between core and mantle
55. Contact It occurs adjacent to igneous intrusions and results from high temperatures associated
with the igneous intrusion
56. Fluvial is Characterized by the flow and deposition of rivers within channels or when it floods the
57. In slow cooling of igneous rocks, the rock tends to form fewer large interlocking grains of
crystals of minerals
In fast cooling, igneous rocks develop numerous crystals, but the sizes are not large
58. Mars does not belong to Uranus, Jupiter, Saturn
59. Northern Hemisphere has 61% water - 39% land
60. Non-Contact is NOT a type of metamorphism
61. Igneous, sedimentary, & metamorphic are the three classification of rocks
62. Negative Feedback Mechanisms does not enhance or amplify the changes caused in the system
Positive Feedback Mechanisms does not resist changes caused in the system and stabilize the
63. Dunes are relatively large, elongate ridges built of sediment transported by a current
64. Ripple Marks are relatively small (generally no more than a few centimeters high), elongated
ridges that form on a bed surface at right angles to the direction of current flow
65. Perihelion is the point where the Earth is closest to the sun
66. Rate of cooling is the most dominant factor in affecting the sizes of crystals in igneous rocks
67. The wavelength shifts to red when it moves away from the observer
The wavelength shifts to blue when it moves towards the observer

68. Chert formed when cryptocrystalline quartz gradually replaced calcite crystals within a body of
limestone long after the limestone was deposited

69. When molten rocks reach the Earth’s surface it is already called as lava
70. Weathering-Erosion-Transportation-Deposition-Lithification is the 5 steps of Formation of
sediment and its transformation into clastic sedimentary rock
71. O Horizon (humus) Vegetation debris, leaf litter, and other organic matter; not present in
cultivated fields
72. A darker color igneous rocks are attributed to Fe and Mg content of the rock
73. Alpine-Himalayan System has formed where the African, Arabian, and Indian Plates have
collided with the Eurasian Plate.
74. 14 billion years old is the estimated age of the universe
75. Pressure Solution happens when a wet rock is squeezed more strongly in one direction that in
others. Mineral grains dissolve where their surfaces are pressed against other grains, producing
ions that migrate through the water to precipitate elsewhere
76. The water present in the magma increases the fluidity of lava
Water hinders the linking of silicate tetrahedra by breaking the Si-O bonds
77. Catastrophism is the concept that was the Earth was formed and shaped by great catastrophes
78. Plutonic rocks is the type of igneous rocks that forms at a depth beneath the Earth’s surface
79. Steady State Theory states that the expanding universe is not changing in terms of the density of
matter within it
80. Aristotle believed that rocks are created under the influence of stars
81. Amount of organic compounds is NOT a factor in affecting the textures of igneous rocks
82. Recrystallization changes the shape and size of grains without changing the identity of the
mineral making up the grain
83. Igneous rocks evolution explains how igneous rocks turn into another type of igneous rocks
through the process of melting of rocks and crystallization
84. Mineralogy is subdiscipline of geology deals with the study of minerals and their properties
85. Alluvial Fans form as streams from high elevation to low elevations forming a fan-shaped or
cone-shaped deposit of sediments
86. The higher the silica content, the more viscous the magma/lava would be
A lesser silica content of the magma/lava would result to a more fluid magma/lava
87. Biochemical is Formed by the growth of shell masses or the cementing together of shells and
shell fragments
88. Silicon is the 2nd most abundant element in magma
89. Quartzite is Formed by the metamorphism of pure quartz sandstone
90. Asthenosphere is a layer lies below the lithosphere from ~100 km until a depth of 660 km
91. Inge Lehmann discovered The boundary between the inner core and outer core
92. Organic is not a composition of igneous rocks
93. The core is composed of iron and nickel
94. Joints Openings or "partings", in rock where the two sides of the break are not offset or laterally
95. Heat transfer melting formation of magma is characterized by magma transferring its heat to
the surroundings
96. Astronomy is the science that deals with the study of the universe
97. Travertine is a rock composed of crystalline calcium carbonate (CaCO3) formed by chemical
precipitation from groundwater
98. Effusive eruptions is the type of volcanic eruption where lava pours out of the summit vent and
can fill a lava lake around the crater or flow in molten rivers around the volcano
99. Baron Georges Cuvier is the scientist used fossils he found in the Paris Basin to conclude that
there were six major catastrophes

100. Lunar Highlands region of the moon is the lighter hued craggy and heavily cratered

1) Catastrophism is the concept that was the Earth was formed and shaped by great catastrophes
2) A lighter color igneous rocks have more Si and Feldspar content
3) In flux melting, volatiles such as water and carbon dioxide would break chemical bonds within
the rock causing it to melt
In flux melting, the volatiles present would decrease the melting temperature of the rock
causing it to solidify
4) Negative Feedback Mechanisms does not enhance or amplify the changes caused in the system
Positive Feedback Mechanisms does not resist changes caused in the system and stabilize the
5) Crater lake-type calderas are formed from the collapse of a summit of a large composite volcano
following a large eruption. After which, water fills up the crater
Hawaiian-type calderas are formed due to the collapse of the top of a shield volcano caused by
subterranean drainage from a central magma chamber
6) Igneous rock forms when molten rock cools and solidifies
7) Pillow lava type of lava flows was created on the ocean floor where the lava quickly cools and
extruded as blobs as the succession would form worm-like chains
8) Heterogeneous solid is not a criterion for a material to be considered as a mineral
9) main evidences to the Big Bang Theory
i. Expansion of Universe
ii. Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation
10) Baron Georges Cuvier is the scientist used fossils he found in the Paris Basin to conclude that
there were six major catastrophes
11) O Horizon (humus)- Vegetation debris, leaf litter, and other organic matter; not present in
cultivated fields
12) Northern Hemisphere has 61% water - 39% land
13) Gneiss is Compositionally layered metamorphic rock, typically composed of alternating dark-
colored and light-colored layers
14) Sorting Indicates the degree to which the clasts in a rock are all the same size or include a
variety of sizes
15) Glass is NOT considered to be a mineral because it is an amorphous solid
16) Ferromagnesian silicates are low in silica (SiO2) content as compared to non-ferromagnesian
Non-ferromagnesian silicates have higher amounts of SiO2 as compared to Ferromagnesian
17) The volatiles (dissolved gases) present in magma increases the fluidity of the magma as the
volatiles hinder the linking of silicate tetrahedra by breaking the Si-O bonds
More gas content of the magma, the less viscous the magma is
18) The water present in the magma increases the fluidity of lava
Water hinders the linking of silicate tetrahedra by breaking the Si-O bonds
19) Sill is the concordant bodies that are nearly horizontal and forms when magma exploits
weaknesses between sedimentary rocks
20) Plutonic rocks forms upon ejection of the lava on the Earth’s surface
21) Igneous rocks evolution explains how igneous rocks turn into another type of igneous rocks
through the process of Melting of rocks and crystallization
22) The boundary between the inner core and outer core was discovered by Inge Lehmann
23) Composite volcanoes or stratovolcanoes have large and nearly symmetrical structure of
alternating layers of explosively erupted cinders and ash interbedded with lava. The shape of
this type of volcano is due to Viscous nature of the material they are composed of
24) Partial Solar Eclipse is the type of eclipse that only a portion of the sun is blocked
25) Ice from refrigerator is NOT a mineral
26) Oxygen is the most abundant element in magma
27) Explosive eruptions is the type of volcanic eruption where gas build-up (great pressure) and
upon subsequent sudden escape of gases cause an eruption\
28) the steps of scientific method in order
Make observations
Formulate the hypothesis
Test the hypothesis through experimentation
Accept or modify the hypothesis
Development of theory/law
29) E Horizon (zone of eluviation)- Leaching of silicate clay, iron, aluminum; rich in sand and silt
particles. Light colored. Not found in all types of soil
30) Melting of rocks is NOT a step in forming minerals
31) Mafic is the darkest composition of igneous rocks
32) Organic compounds does NOT affect magma composition
33) As the lava flowing cools, the mobility of the lava decreases, making it more viscous
The hotter the magma is, the more viscous it becomes
34) Rock cycle is a cycle of the earth is involved in the transformation of one rock type to another
35) Physical Weathering occurs when the rock is fragmented by physical processes that do not
change its chemical composition
36) Red Shift Phenomenon is based on the Doppler Effect or the idea that waves increases or
decreases in frequency when it either moves away or towards the observer
37) A higher silica content of the magma/lava would result to a less fluid magma/lava
A low silica content of the magma/lava would not result to a more viscous magma/lava
38) Piles of minerals are not considered as rocks
Concrete is not a rock
39) In Bowen’s Reaction Series, the first to be formed are mafic type of igneous rocks
In Bowen’s Reaction Series, the last to be formed are felsic type of igneous rocks
40) Asthenosphere layer lies below the lithosphere from ~100 km until a depth of 660 km
41) Diaphaneity is the way minerals transmits light
42) The sun generates energy through Nuclear Fusion
43) Non-Contact is NOT a type of metamorphism
44) Ripple Marks are relatively small (generally no more than a few centimeters high), elongated
ridges that form on a bed surface at right angles to the direction of current flow
45) Formation of sediment and its transformation into clastic sedimentary rock takes place via the
following five steps: Weathering-Erosion-Transportation-Deposition-Lithification
46) Structural Geology is a sub discipline of geology deals with the study of deformed/fractured
rocks, often related to tectonic plates
47) 14 billion years old is the estimated age of the universe
48) Ceres is the largest asteroid present in the Asteroid Belt
49) When molten rocks reach beneath the Earth’s surface is called magma
50) Porphyritic texture of igneous rocks is formed due to magma encounters two different rates of
51) Mars does not belong to the group of planets
52) Travertine is a rock composed of crystalline calcium carbonate (CaCO3) formed by chemical
precipitation from groundwater
53) Alluvial Fans form as streams from high elevation to low elevations forming a fan-shaped or
cone-shaped deposit of sediments
54) Rate of cooling is the most dominant factor in affecting the sizes of crystals in igneous rocks
55) Wavelength are disturbances that transmit energy from one point to another in the form of
periodic motions

56) Lunar Highland region of the moon is the lighter hued craggy and heavily cratered region
57) Continental Margin is the portion of the seafloor that is adjacent to the major landmasses called
58) Pressure Solution happens when a wet rock is squeezed more strongly in one direction that in
others. Mineral grains dissolve where their surfaces are pressed against other grains, producing
ions that migrate through the water to precipitate elsewhere

59) Plasma is NOT one of the three distinct parts of magma

60) A gemstone is a mineral that is cut and polished and used in jewelry or personal adornment.
Gemstones have two basic cuts: cabochon and faceted
61) Quartzite is Formed by the metamorphism of pure quartz sandstone
62) Weathering is The disintegration and decomposition of rock at or near Earth's surface. It does
not include of removal of material

63) Amount of flammable substances is NOT a factor in affecting the textures of igneous rocks
64) Steady State Theory states that the expanding universe is not changing in terms of the density of
matter within it
65) As the temperature of the magma/lava drops, the ions on it start to move closer to each other
As magma/lava cools down, it forms a crystalline structure where silicon-oxygen tetrahedral
formation is made.
66) Mineralogy is subdiscipline of geology deals with the study of minerals and their properties
67) Aristotle believed that rocks are created under the influence of stars
68) Decompression melting is a type of formation of magma is characterized by the decrease in
pressure of the hot mantle leading to melting and forming magma
69) In fast cooling, igneous rocks develop numerous crystals, but are smaller in sizes
In slow cooling of igneous rocks, the rock does not tend to form numerous small grains of
mineral crystals that are interlocking
70) The wavelength shifts to red when it moves away from the observer
The wavelength shifts to blue when it moves towards the observer
71) Fluvial is Characterized by the flow and deposition of rivers within channels or when it floods the
72) Directed Stress is a force acting on a rock to deform it in a deform it in a particular direction
73) Organic compound does NOT affect the formation of magma

74) Lithostatic Stress is the uniform pressure acting on a rock simultaneously and equally from all
75) Oxidation involves the loss of an electron from cation in a crystal, and its use by free oxygen in
the environment
76) Saturn is the second largest planet that has 60 moons
77) Compaction of rocks is NOT a factor that determines the explosivity of volcanic eruptions
78) Angularity Indicates the degree to which clasts have smooth or angular corners and edges
79) Ductile Deformation is Also known as plastic deformation
80) Phyllite is a Fine-grained metamorphic rock with a foliation caused by the preferred orientation
of very fine-grained white mica
81) Gutenberg Discontinuity This is the boundary between core and mantle
82) Recrystallization changes the shape and size of grains without changing the identity of the
mineral making up the grain
83) When two magmas meet by convective flow, the two magmas would mix to generate a new
magma with a different composition
When two magmas meet and are not miscible to each other, they would not mix together
84) Cataclactic occurs as a result of mechanical deformation, like when two bodies of rock slide past
one another along a fault zone
85) Contact occurs adjacent to igneous intrusions and results from high temperatures associated
with the igneous intrusion
86) P-wave is type of wave passes through solid and liquid
87) Partial melt is richer in SiO2 than the original rock
Partial melt have lesser amount of Fe and Mg than the original rock
88) The core is composed of Iron and Nickel
89) Clastic are Formed by the cementing together of loose clasts (fragments or grains) produced by
physical or chemical weathering of pre-existing rock
90) Dunes are relatively large, elongate ridges built of sediment transported by a current.
91) Circum-Pacific System belt has formed where the African, Arabian, and Indian Plates have
collided with the Eurasian Plate
92) Joint are Openings or "partings", in rock where the two sides of the break are not offset or
laterally displaced
93) Astronomy is the science that deals with the study of the universe
94) Perihelion is the point where the Earth is closest to the sun
95) Biochemical are Formed by the growth of shell masses or the cementing together of shells and
shell fragments
96) Craton is the stable interior of a continent, undistributed by tectonic events for perhaps 500
million years or more

97) Lunar Highlands is the region of the moon is the lighter hued craggy and heavily cratered region
98) Force is NOT agent of metamorphism
99) Heat causes the atoms to vibrate rapidly, stretching and bending chemical bonds that lock
atoms to their neighbors
100) Chert formed when cryptocrystalline quartz gradually replaced calcite crystals within a
body of limestone long after the limestone was deposited

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