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part of a ship's installation.

In these ex­ Figure 1

amples, the electric machinery should be
identified first by their basic data, such as
voltage, kilowatts, amperes, rpm's, and
power factor, and then by direct- and quad­
rature-axis reactances and moments of in­
Such a paper will bring the method pro­
posed by the author to the attention of a far
greater number of electrical engineers. It
should result in a wider application of the
method, and consequently will bring the
author greater satisfaction for the valuable
work he has done.

It is also of interest to note that in a very in the stability limit, this depends greatly
C. Concordia: In reply to Mr. Wagner's recent publication, Electrical Transmission on the machine reactances. As stated in
question as to the basis for the conclusions and Distribution Reference Book, 1943, page the paper, it is somewhat less than that ob­
in those cases wherein supporting calcu­ 189, it is stated that: tained "by replacing the direct-axis syn­
lations are not shown in the paper, we refer chronous reactance by the direct-axis tran­
" W h e n synchronous machines are operated w i t h
him to the statement on the first page of voltage regulators, t h e s t a b i l i t y limits of t h e s y s t e m sient reactance in the salient-pole synchro­
the paper that these additional conclusions are importantly changed from the values w h i c h nous-machine power-transfer formula." The
are derived "from additional calculations obtain for hand control. T h i s p h e n o m e n o n h a s machine reactances used are given on the
which have been made." It would have been designated " d y n a m i c s t a b i l i t y with a u t o m a t i c
d e v i c e s . " I t s simplest mechanical a n a l o g y is
curves, so Mr. Evans can very easily check
been quite impossible to include all the cal­ t h a t of a wand maintained in equilibrium b y t h e the reasonableness of the gains obtained.
culations which have been made in con­ action of a juggler. D y n a m i c stability on p o w e r In connection with Mr. Holm's discus­
nection with this study of machine stability s y s t e m s is made possible b y t h e action of v o l t a g e
sion, we may say that the method has been
regulators t h a t are capable of increasing or d e ­
and we did not feel that it was worth while creasing flux within a machine at a faster rate t h a n successfully used in the author's company
to show any but a few typical curves as ex­ t h a t caused b y t h e s y s t e m in falling out of s t e p . for the prediction and improvement of the
amples. W h e n the inherent stability limit is exceeded, b o t h performance of marine propulsion equip­
the mechanical s y s t e m a n d the electrical s y s t e m are
All of the effects discussed by Mr. Wag­ maintained in a continuous state of oscillation ment.
ner, namely, governor characteristics, load through the d e v e l o p m e n t of restoring forces e q u a l
speed-torque characteristics, line resist­ t o or greater t h a n the disturbing forces."
ance, and amortisseurs have been investi­ Now it is evident that the paper under
gated by calculations similar to those shown discussion is not concerned with such con­
in the paper, and were taken into considera­ tinuous oscillations. The steady-state sta­ Regulation of
tion in arriving at the conclusions stated. bility limit of the system including the volt­
Moreover, the general method of attack has age regulator is not different in kind from
A - C Generators W i t h
been justified by field experience with equip­
ment designed in accordance with the prin­
the steady-state stability limit of the sys­ Suddenly Applied Loads
tem without voltage regulators; it is merely
ciples outlined, and has been verified by different in magnitude for the obvious rea­
factory tests. Figure 1 of this discussion son that the system being considered is dif­ Discussion and authors' closure of paper 44-15
shows a schematic diagram of the test setup ferent in that it has additional elements. by E. L. Harder and R. C. Cheek, presented at
used. It is seen that the two synchronous There is no continual oscillation merely be­ the A I E E winter technical meeting, New York,
machines tested were mechanically con­ cause the limit without voltage regulators N . Y., January 2 4 - 2 8 , 1 9 4 4 , and published in
nected to d-c machines, forming a feed-back has been exceeded. In fact the limit without A I E E T R A N S A C T I O N S , 1 9 4 4 , June sec-
circuit supplied from the d-c power system. voltage regulators has no direct significance tion, pages 3 1 0 - 1 8 .
The speed-torque characteristics of the d-c in the performance of the system including
machines were varied during the course of a voltage regulator. This conclusion, which
the tests. is apparent as soon as it is stated, has been H. G. Rickover (captain, United States
We are grateful to Mr. Evans for his dis­ borne out by test experience. Another pos­ Navy, Bureau of Ships, Washington, D C )
cussion of some of the historical aspects of sibility, of course, is that Mr. Evans is dis­ The problem of voltage regulation of a-c
the study of the effect of voltage regulators cussing the same kind of stability as is de­ generators under suddenly applied loads is
on synchronous-machine stability. As scribed in the paper but has a misconception of considerable importance in the design of
stated in the paper and in Mr. Holm's dis­ of its underlying phenomenon. ship's service power systems on naval ves­
cussion, the object of the paper was to pre­ We are somewhat discouraged by Mr. sels. On shipboard the requirements for
sent a method for calculating the gain in Evans' observation that the paper gives minimum weight, size, and complexity of
steady-state stability limit, taking the rele­ little attention to the visualization of the electric equipment make it necessary to
vant factors into account more completely underlying phenomena, as we had intended start relatively large motors across the line
and directly than had been done previously. the section of the analysis entitled "Pre­ to avoid the use of reduced-voltage starting
One of Mr. Evans' objects is stated as be­ liminary Remarks" to cover these points. equipment as much as possible. For thi>
ing "to present the present paper in relation In any event, it is believed that the practi­ reason and because of the necessity of main-
to previous work." To further this objec­ cal engineer will be more interested in hav­
tive it may be well to point out that he is ing a method of calculation leading to quan­
discussing not the history of the subject of titatively correct results than in having a
the paper but of a related subject, namely, physical picture of the phenomena which
so-called "artificial" or "dynamic" stability. tell him only qualitatively what is going on.
To quote from his earliest reference : We may even go further and remark that a
"If a vibrating regulator of a much quicker degree of great virtue of the mathematical method
response were devised, an entirely different state of is that it makes possible the analysis of com­
stability might be reached. T h i s may be con­ plex systems as soon as one understands the
sidered as follows—When the actual limit of sta­
bility i s reached a condenser at the e n d of the line
few really basic laws, and does not require
will c o m m e n c e t o drift out of step at a rate deter­ that one visualize physically and simultane­
mined by the excess load, and the voltage will drop ously the whole system performance. Such
correspondingly. A sudden increase in field ex­ attempts to analyze complete systems with­
citation materially increasing t h e voltage would
bring t h e rotor and voltage phase angle back again out the aid of mathematics often meet with
tending t o cause an overshoot in the forward success but sometimes lead one astray.
direction and consequent high voltage. A reduc­ The real underlying phenomena are only
tion of field current will result in the initial condi­
tion being regained, followed by the repetition of tht
the very simple voltage and torque relations. Figure 1 . Approximate generator voltag*
cycle." In regard to the magnitude of the increase transient following a sudden load application

490 Discussions AIEE TRANSACTION5

20 Rsure 4 . Voltage transients 100
found on same generator under
same load application and T—>^/r^*^' > *H'' x r Tr^l^
with regulators of widely dif­ §8j 80
ferent characteristics W
.S 0 4
40 80
120 160
3! R- 2
> - X-025 1
curate method of determining the effect of investigation of the effect of regulator and
the latter in the voltage drop is essential. exciter action on the magnitude of generator
0 I 2 Under some conditions it is worth while voltage dips with suddenly applied loads.
SYNCHRONOUS REACTANCE to list synchronous reactance among the Figure 4 of this discussion shows the voltage
(PER UNIT) generator constants materially affecting transients which were found on the same
Fisure 2 . V o l t a g e d r o p as function of s y n ­
voltage dip. Figure 1 of this discussion generator under the same load application
shows approximately the generator voltage and with regulators of widely different char­
chronous reactance for an a p p l i e d l o a d of 5 0
transient following a sudden load applica­ acteristics. It is evident that despite the
per cent
tion. It consists of two parts: differences in regulators the change in the
magnitude of the maximum voltage drop is

1. An almost instantaneous voltage dip to a,
-20! caused by generator transient reactance. not very great. It should be noted, how­
2~ - A gradual voltage dip from a (time ßé) to b ever, that the duration of the period of low
o (time It) when the regulator acts. voltage is quite different for the three regu­
& f lators. Whether or not these differences in
The change in voltage during the latter
recovery time are important depends upon
period, for the same regulator delay, is
10 / dependent on the slope of the voltage curve
the operating characteristics of the system.
during the interval, and this in turn is de­ In general, there is little advantage be­
/ « n-tEO LOAO " tween the performance shown by curves a
termined by the open-circuit transient time

/ 1001'ERCENT AT and bt whereas that of curve c is considered
- ZER<) POWER ' constant and synchronous reactance. Syn­
chronous reactance determines the steady- somewhat inferior for naval service because
6x of the excessively long recovery time and
; state voltage, es, toward which the voltage
1 1
decays, and the open-circuit transient time rapid oscillations in voltage.
0 10 20
TRANSIENT REACTANCE constant determines the time it takes to
(PERCENT) reach any given portion of that value. It Frank V. Smith (Sargent and Lundy,
Figure 3 . Effect of simultaneous change in would seem, therefore, that synchronous re­ Chicago, 111.): The authors have made a
transient and synchronous reactances on voltage
actance in some cases would have an effect valuable analysis of the factors affecting
equally as important as open-circuit tran­ voltage drop and have put these together
sient time constant. in a usable form. A study of this kind has
In general, the effect of synchronous re­ long been needed and should be very help­
taining close tolerances on the system actance on voltage dip increases with de­ ful in shortening the work involved in
voltage disturbances, the generator voltage creasing applied load and with decreases in many applications. One factor should re­
regulation is an important factor in the transient reactance. For example, by using ceive greater emphasis. The curves in the
system design, and definite limitations al­ the methods described by the authors to paper are based on self-excited exciters. If
ways have been specified on the transient determine the voltage drop when the syn­ the exciter is separately excited the voltage
reactance of a-c generators built for naval chronous reactance differs from 120 per drop may be appreciably less than indicated.
service. cent, Figure 2 of this discussion has been Complete calculations were made in accord­
The analysis of the problem presented in derived, showing the voltage drop as a ance with the method of Wagner given in
the subject paper by Mr. Harder and Mr. function of the synchronous reactance for reference 1 of the paper for the following
Cheek is particularly valuable from·the an applied load of 50 per cent. This figure conditions :
standpoint of showing the relative impor­ shows that Xa has a much greater effect on
tance, not only of the various generator the voltage drop than is indicated by the Generator rated 5,200 kva, 0.8 power factor
constants but also of the exciter and regula­ authors in their Figure 6b wherein the ap­ 6,300 volts, three-phase, 50-cycle 3,000 rpm
tor characteristics in effecting the voltage plied load was 100 per cent. X d ' = 0.16, X d = 1.20, A'tf = 1.15,
drop on suddenly applied loads. It is de­ In addition, it should be noted that, when X p = 0.11, r = 0.005, 2 V = 3 . 8
sired, however, to point out a few additional an attempt is made to reduce the transient Nominal response R = 0.7
considerations which have been encountered reactance of a generator of a given rating, Regulator time =0.05 second
in connection with this problem on ship's it may become necessary to decrease the
Excitation required for saturation at no load,
service power systems. armature leakage reactance. This will re­
On the low-voltage (600 volts or less) a-c sult in an increase in the physical size of the normal voltage 21 per cent
systems which customarily are used on ship­ machine and a decrease in the synchronous Suddenly applied load: 5,000 kva, 0.35
board, the short-circuit currents and circuit- reactance. The effect of this simultaneous power factor constant impedance
breaker interrupting ratings may become change in the transient and synchronous
excessive unless an effort is made to keep reactances on voltage drop is shown in For these conditions the maximum voltage
the subtransient reactance high on relatively Figure 3 of this discussion. In those cases, drop following no load was 15 per cent and
|ar£e-capacity installations. However, since therefore, where an increase in the weight following full load 13 per cent. Figure 1 of
the subtransient and transient reactances and space requirements of the generator can the paper would give 22 per cent. The dif­
of a
generator are not independent of each be tolerated, a substantial reduction in volt­ ference lies primarily in the fact that the
°ther, a compromise must be made between age drop can be secured by decreasing the response curve of the separately excited
the low-reactance values dictated by transient reactance to quite low values. exciter is of the form (1 — (~^Te) rather than
voltage-drop requirements and the high- However, as pointed out previously, the sub- ( € -//r e ) u s e c j j n the paper. It would seem
reactance values necessary to reduce the transient reactance will also be very low, that, where conditions warrant the use of
hort-eircuit currents. Figure 1 of the resulting in high short-circuit currents. a separately excited exciter, they will
authors* paper presents data which greatly In taking into account these factors in probably justify carrying out the complete
facilitate the proper choice of these react­ connection with the design of ship's service calculation.
ances. In general, for systems where the power systems, it has been found that a
>nort-circuit currents are a major factor in generator transient reactance of approxi­ £ . L. Harder and R. C. Cheek: Captain
ermining circuit-breaker sizes, the re- mately 20 per cent in general is satisfactory Rickover has emphasized the effect of syn­
value of the subtransient reactance from the standpoint of both system per­ chronous reactance on the voltage dip.
«l restrict greatly the choice of the tran­ formance and machine size and weight. Synchronous reactance is without doubt the
sient reactance, and in such cases an ac­ The Navy has carried out an extensive next most important factor beyond those

^4, VOLUME 63 Discussions 491
used in Figure 1 of the paper (applied load, Table I. Feeder Loads—Present kilovar capacity will become harder and
transient reactance, generator time con­ harder as the power factor of the system
stant, and exciter response). I t was for this Dn- a n d / o r of its component parts becomes
reason that an exact interpolation method queene higher. To state it another way, the target
was given whereby dip could be read from Light Co.
Circled Kilo- Power Power becomes smaller and smaller, and hence it
the curves for any synchronous reactance Number Type Kilowatts vars Factor Factor is much harder to hit. The authors point
by using corrected values of added load and this out very carefully.
transient reactance. 1 Residential.. 1,000. 483..90)
2 . . . , Commercial. 1,000. 750. .80 >. .91* Basically, of course, we all know that the
In normally designed machines the time 3 . . . .Industrial.. . 1,000. 882..75 ) proper location for corrective equipment,
constant, T&'', varies with the machine size 4 . . . . Commercial kilovar capacity, is a t the terminals of the
as shown in Figure 4 of the paper. The network .. .15-1,000. 750.. 80 93t utilization device which produces power
synchronous reactance Xdt has a normal h A . . 13.8-kv in­
dustrial, \ factor below unity. When this is done, all
value slightly over unity, irrespective of 33-kvline. 13,000. .11,500. .75 j of the beneficial effects are reflected over
size, with departures on either side as shown 5 B.. 13.8-kv in­ 1 the entire system from that point to and in­
in Table I of the paper. Thus variations in dustrial, 1
13.8 - kv / . .93.5* cluding the generators, whether they be
T& must be considered for average design . 13,000. .11,500. .751 voltage improvement, making available
machines of different size, whereas syn­ 6 . . . 33-kv indus­ 1 greater capacity, less heating, reduction in
chronous reactance need be considered only trial, 33- 1
kv line 14,000. .12,400. . 7 5 / losses, and stability improvements in some
for considerable departures from normal cases.
design. Pittsburgh Railways at 11 and 22 kv—55,000 kilo­
Nevertheless, as Captain Rickover points watts at 100 per cent in 1942. With an existing system it is not always
out, in some cases synchronous reactance Corresponding Duquesne Light Company dis­ the economical thing to do, in solving a
would be equally as important as open-cir­ tribution circuits are four-kilovolt three-phase four- problem in a certain part of the system, to
cuit time constant. This is true particularly wire circuits serving residential, commercial, and provide the kilovar capacity a t the point of
industrial combined, or industrial alone, and vary­ utilization, or as near thereto as is practi­
when different machine designs are con­ ing in size from a few hundred to 2,000 kw, there
sidered for the same rating. being some 200 circuits. cable, which means capacitors scattered
It is interesting to note the empirical fCorresponding is the downtown low-voltage around over the system. I t may easily be
relation that the maximum voltage dip was a-c network three-phase four-wire 115/199-volt t h a t the solution is to provide a large block
system of approximately 28,000-kva load in 1942, of kilovar capacity on the bus of the step-
nearly the same for three widely different which is supplied by eight 11-kv feeders.
regulating systems in the tests shown in Corresponding Duquesne Light Company load
down substation on the subtransmission
Figure 4 of the discussion. This is due to is, supplied at 11 and 22 kv, and this 93.5 per cent feeders. Careful working out of the com­
the fact that all three systems were com­ power factor is on the basis of about 175 customers, parative economies in each case is the means
some of which purchase the power at the incoming of finding the proper solution, as the authors
paratively fast. In each case the drop was voltages, but in most cases there is transformation
only moderately in excess of the initial tran­ to various secondary voltages.
point out.
sient drop. Had the exciter-regulator sys­ The rates of our system, the Duquesne
tem been slow compa ed with the generator theory and the high-powered scientific solu­ Light Company, provide an incentive to the
time constant, much larger differences might tions, but the men who are going t o use customers to install the kilovar capacity to
have been noted. them want to see typical examples worked improve their power factor, and since about
The discussion by Captain Rickover is a out also, and I beheve t h a t that is a very 1928 or 1929 the power factor of 174
valuable and interesting analysis of the good point in this paper. medium- and large-demand customers sup­
special considerations entering into the volt­ The justification for the installation of plied a t subtransmission voltages of 11 and
age-dip problem on naval vessels.
Frank Smith cites a case calculated for a Table II. Typical Loads and Power Factors on Duquesne Light System for 1942
separately excited exciter, in which the
voltage dip was much less than would be At Time of December '42
December 17, 1942—7 P.M. Station Peak
obtained by using the curves of Figure 1
of the paper. The curves of the paper were Mega watts Power Factor Megawatts Power Factor
calculated for and apply specifically to the
case of the self-excited exciter. However, Power Stations
as pointed out in the paper, these curves may Coif ax ..250 . . . . 82 257 81.8
be used as an approximation in the case of Reed ..191 91.4 191 92.0
separately excited exciters. If this is done, Phillips . . 43 76.4 69 83.9
the results invariably will be pessimistic, . . 66 ....90 66 81.6
.. 5 100 5 100
although, as the exciter response is increased
and the generator time constant lessened Total ..555 at 86.7 568 at 86.2
as compared with the case calculated by Mr. Major Supply Points t o 22 KT System
Smith, the approximation will be closer. . . 44.0 97.0 44.0 92.4
Branot Island ..125.5 91.2 128.9 88.6
.. 52.0 94.8 54.0 91.2
.. 40.7 93.0 43.6 92.1
North .. 30.0 88.9 33.0 90.6
The Effect of Kilovar Supply Phillips
Pine Creek
.. 19.0
.. 42.0
Valley .. 30.0 94.0 91.3
on the Design of .. 39.1 96.0
, 44.0 94.5
Woodville .. 44.5 . . . . 98.4 49.5 97.8
Systems for Load Growth
94.6 92.4
Customer A-66 kv. ,.. 28.6 38.9 100
Discussion and authors' closure of paper 44-23 Customer B-66 kv. ... 21.1 24.2 93.5
by T. W. Schroeder, J. W. Butler, and N. H. Customer C-66 kv. ... 12.4 23.6 78.1
Meyers, presented at the AIEE winter techni­ Customer D-66 kv.... 5.0 .. . . 8.6 84.0
cal meeting, New York, N. Y., January 24-28, Distribution Substatio n—4 KT, Larger Sixes
1944, and published in AIEE TRANSAC­ .. 9.6 .... 87.1 10.0 88.1
TIONS, 1944, February section, pases 69-77. . 6.3 90.2 7.5 91.3
Grant . 11.3 90.5 15.8 90.5
Lawrence . 7.2 95.2 . . . . 9.0 91.2
McKeesport . 9.3 88.7 10.7 89.5
B. M. Jones (Duquesne Light Company, Schenley .13.1 92.0 13.9 92.0
. 4.3 93.2 7.6 93.9
Pittsburgh, Pa.): I think that the working . 9.6 90.0 10.4 89.1
out of typical cases, a s the authors did, is Wilmerding . 5.9 90.2 . 6.3 90.6
very helpful on any technical and scientific
problem. I t is all very well to work out the 90.8 90.7


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