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The HypnoTC Introduction to

Hypnotherapy E-Book
By Rory Z Fulcher –

Firstly, thank you for subscribing – so here’s your reward!

We’ve created this brief e-book to whet your appetite
about becoming a hypnotherapist and the practical,
effective applications that you can use hypnotherapy for.

If you are interested in learning more when you finish this

book, don’t worry about it now, but right down on the last
page we’ve included links to books/courses that may be
of interest to you in your pursuit of hypnotic-proficiency!

Anyway, here we are, minds open (hopefully) and ready

to learn about hypnotherapy… Now I have to assume that
a lot of people reading this e-book are complete
beginners with no hypnosis experience at all (so those of
you who HAVE done some hypnosis, keep reading
anyway – never assume that you know everything!).

The information in this e-book is not ground-breaking or

new, but to the best of my knowledge and in my own
experience, everything you’re about to read is accurate
and applicable to use successfully in the big, wide world.

Like I said, this isn’t a “comprehensive guide” but more

like a “dip your toe into the pool” introduction. If, after
reading, you’ll want more in-depth information, it’s
definitely a good idea to take a look at the links at the end
of this book.

…but for now, enjoy!

Rory Z Fulcher – Hypnotherapy Trainer

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What is hypnotherapy and how does it work?

Hypnotherapy is a set of particular skills used to help

people affect change in their lives, using the power of
their own minds. To break it down into its most basic
format, a hypnotherapist will talk a client down into a state
of hypnosis using various different techniques. Once they
are in a state of hypnosis, the hypnotherapist will use
certain techniques to help the client overcome their issue.
After this, the client is “woken up” and the hypnotherapist
will get feedback about the result (if appropriate).

The “main part” that makes positive changes happen is

the “technique” part. There are a lot of techniques to
choose from, for example; “Direct suggestion” involves
telling the client directly that they are going to change.
“Indirect suggestion” involves telling the client they are
going to change, but without it seeming like they’re being
told to change. “Aversion” involves causing the client to
react negatively to something they’d usually do/enjoy.
“Visualisation” can involve having the client picture a
result/outcome of their own success. “Anchoring” can
involve giving the client a physical “trigger” so they are
able to create a resourceful mental state at their own
leisure, after the hypnotherapy session is over.

That is just scratching the surface of hypnotherapy

techniques that the proficient hypnotherapist has in
his/her toolbox. There are many different techniques, and
as a general rule, hypnotherapists choose to use a select
few techniques (their favourite ones/the ones that have
worked best for them), which is why it is always a good
idea to remember that:

“No two hypnotherapists are equal.”

The quality of a hypnotherapist’s “therapy interventions”

comes down to many things:

• Their training
• Their chosen techniques
• Their general approach
• Rapport skills
• Their mood/mindset
• Their self-belief
• …and much more

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So… How does hypnotherapy actually work?

Hypnotherapy works by utilising the “subconscious mind”

to make changes, as opposed to the “conscious mind”.
We all have a conscious and subconscious. The
conscious is the part of our mind that is “actively thinking”
whilst we’re awake. It is the “objective” part. Know that
the conscious mind can only hold one thought at a time. It
identifies information and compares it to past information
(held in the subconscious mind) then analyses where to
go with it from there.

The subconscious mind does LITERALLY everything

else. Holds your memories, beliefs and experiences,
regulates your bodily functions (breathing, organ control)
etcetera. The conscious mind “switches off” (i.e. during
sleep) but the subconscious mind is ALWAYS active
100% of the time.

What hypnosis does (in a variety of subtle and not-so-

subtle ways) is to temporarily “switch off” the conscious
mind, or at least occupy it with some menial task so that
the hypnotherapist can talk directly to the subconscious
mind. The reason we want to bypass the conscious to
talk to the subconscious, is simply because the conscious
mind is where the “critical factors” come from (actively
questioning things and discriminating based on past
events). The subconscious, however, doesn’t question
things, and will readily accept suggestions and new ideas
when presented with them.

So that’s how hypnosis works… but what is it though?

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What is Hypnosis?

Well that’s a trickier question, but I like to think that the

answer, although up for interpretation, doesn’t really
matter when it comes down to it. Simply because
hypnosis can be anything you want it to be. It can be:

• Like guided meditation

• Tapping into that place between awake and asleep
• The loss of sensual focus, turning all focus inwards
• Just a “state” that anyone can put themselves into,
with or without help from a hypnotherapist
• Any one of another couple of thousand subjective
opinions, which are all probably right and wrong at
the same time.

Whatever you think it is or is not, at the end of the day, it

doesn’t really matter because hypnosis exists with or
without labels, and is equally effective whether you know
what it is or even if you’re completely oblivious to it. So I
hope that clears it up for you – if you’re still unsure, well,
don’t be afraid to do some research yourself…

Can I become a Hypnotherapist?

Anyone (well, almost anyone) can learn to become a

hypnotherapist. How do we do that? Well the same way
that we learn to do any other skill; research & study,
testing your new theories & learned skills, then practice,
practice, practice until you get really good at it.

Hypnotherapy is not an inherent natural ability that

someone is born with (though you might think it,
sometimes). Hypnotherapy is simply a set of learnable
skills that are available to anybody in the world to learn…
I would have rolled my eyes and laughed incredulously if
someone had said to my 17-year-old self that in a couple
of years I would be a successful hypnotherapist…

Seriously, before I learned to do hypnosis, I assumed it

was a “natural gift” or something you had to be “born
with” but luckily, I was curious (and stubborn) enough to
look into it anyway. Before I learned how to do hypnosis, I
had no experience of it whatsoever. I could barely get a
pizza delivery guy to bring the pizza to the right house, let
alone put someone into an altered state of consciousness
by saying “SLEEP!” or stop someone from craving
cigarettes with some choice words and phrases… (back
then, I didn’t even KNOW it is possible to learn to do
these things), but then I stumbled across a book…

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I learned a new set of skills…I compiled a set of beliefs

and a whole bunch of experiences which told me that
actually “Yes, I am a hypnotherapist now. I have those
skills, I’ve learned to do the right things in the right order
with the right intention and hypnotherapy happens.”

Who’d have thought it? Not 17 year old me, that’s for

Set your “intention”

A large part of your success as a hypnotherapist comes

down to your “intention”. For instance, if you don’t have
the intention that someone is going to be hypnotised (i.e.
if you don’t BELIEVE they are going to go into a state of
hypnosis), then you’re probably setting yourself up for
failure… Not necessarily every time, because some
people are just so “suggestible” that you could sneeze at
them, and they’d go into trance… but don’t expect that
type of volunteer to be “the norm”.

You can use your own strong belief and intention alone to
hypnotise a person, without any fancy techniques. I found
myself on a bus into Cambridge city centre with a friend,
and I told him I was going to hypnotise him on the bus
journey, he replied “but I don’t want to be hypnotised on
this bus, so I’m not going to listen to you!” At this point it
could have gone a couple of ways, I could have begged
him to let me hypnotise him, and tried to convince him to
agree to it, but I did something different…

When he told me “I’m not going to listen to you”, I replied

“that’s fine, you don’t need to listen to me to go in to
trance, in fact you just need to look at me now”. So he
looked at me, and I held his gaze with 100% focus and
with the unwavering intention that he WOULD go into
trance – can you guess what happened? That’s right; he
went into trance right there on the seat of the bus (and
the people around us would have been thoroughly
impressed/freaked out… if they weren’t busy being
hypnotised by their “smart phones” at the time…)

Anyway, this is a fact: Intention is a tool that you are

going to need in order to successfully hypnotise most
people. It’s easy to half-heartedly “try and do hypnosis”
on people, stumbling through words and “scripts”, hoping
it will work and not really believing in your own abilities…

But is it really easy? Sure, the process would seem a bit

easier for you, but I’m pretty sure the failures would come

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pretty hard! So if you want to make things easier for

yourself in the long run, set your intention! Always ensure
that you have your intention in mind before you set out to

Use a statement of intention as an “affirmation” before

you begin a hypnotherapy session, but rather than the
standard Émile Coué style affirmation…

…instead you should tailor your affirmation to directly

relate to your skill as a hypnotherapist, creating a feeling
of confidence and of success even before you enter into
the hypnotherapy-scenario.

So your intention-affirmation should be something like:

“I will hypnotise this person and everything that I say

and do will help this person to become better and
happier, because I am a successful and confident

If you repeat something like this to yourself a couple of

times before you do hypnotherapy, then you’ll find your
confidence and your success rate will improve greatly…
Even more so if you actually persuade yourself to believe
in the words you tell yourself!

(Once you start believing in the words you tell yourself,

you will start to actually believe in yourself and your new
found abilities as a hypnotherapist!)

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Following on from that last bit about the affirmations, I’m

going to teach you a quick (and very basic…but effective)
little self-hypnosis technique, and this technique will help
you to “fix” those things about yourself that you wish to
change… But only if you PRACTICE DAILY.

Don’t expect anything dramatic to happen initially with

self-hypnosis after, say, one session (obviously don’t
discount it if something does happen, because it might),
but in my experience it takes a little dedication, and a little
repetition, and eventually changes will occur (assuming
you really want to change the thing that you want to

The point of self-hypnosis is to get yourself into a

thoroughly relaxed state, where you are almost
completely oblivious of the outside world and where you
naturally react to hypnotic suggestions. There are a
couple of ways that we can test that state, the one I teach
my clients is a suggestion to yourself that “my eye
muscles are so relaxed that they just won’t work
anymore” (well, a little more elaborate than that, but you
get the idea) and then once you’ve given yourself that
suggestion and found that your eyes remained locked,
you can realise that you are in a state of hypnosis,
created entirely by yourself, if you find that they open,
that just means you’re not concentrating enough, and
need to focus on relaxing more before you have another
go at it.

The simplest form of self-hypnosis, as demonstrated on

the previous page by Émile Coué is simple affirmations,
repeated to yourself at a time when you are able to be
relaxed and inwardly focussed. You need to think of a
suggestion/affirmation that is short enough to easily
remember and repeat (it can be a good idea to write this
down on a piece of card, so you can refer back to it if you
forget the wording). Say you wanted to be a more
confident hypnotherapist, the affirmation I would use
would be something like:

“I grow more and more confident at hypnotherapy every

day. I am a successful, and confident hypnotherapist.”

If you wanted to stop smoking:

“I am a non-smoker, cigarettes hold no power over me,

because I am in control of my mind, habits and body.”

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A suggestion to become calmer and de-stressed would


“I am calm, relaxed and any tension flows easily from me.

Every day I become calmer and more at peace with

You get the general idea here, in reality, it’s a very simple
premise. You must always frame your suggestion
POSITIVELY (do not say anything negative – instead of “I
will give up smoking” you say “I am a non-smoker”.
Instead of “I’ll try and stop eating so many cupcakes” you
say “I am becoming thinner and healthier every single
day” right?)

Once you have your suggestion, you need to get yourself

into a relaxed state; lying down, ready to go to sleep is
the logical time to do this (for me, because it helps me to
remember to actually do it… but if you want to do it
another time, then go for it). So, to get into a state of
deep relaxation, you can do many different things, I find
progressively relaxing each muscle group in the body
over a period of a few minutes is a great way to put
MYSELF into a state of self-hypnosis/deep relaxation, but
I’ll leave you to figure out how best to get yourself into
this state, because only you know what’s going to relax
you in the best way.

Once you are sufficiently out of it (technical term) and

you’ve done the “eye lock test” on yourself successfully,
you may then proceed to repeat your suggestion/
affirmation to yourself, slowly and purposefully (with
INTENTION) ten times. Whilst repeating the suggestion,
count off each time you do the suggestion by squeezing
each finger, from your left hand, to your right, so you end
up squeezing all 10 digits (it’s just a good way to keep
track, and stop you from falling asleep!!!)

Whilst repeating the suggestions, visualise/imagine the

positive OUTCOME, imagine how you will be/look/feel
once the suggestions have positively taken effect. Allow
that thought, those pictures/sounds/feelings to be your
one focus, as you repeat those words to yourself.

If you do this night after night, you will begin to see

results, because your subconscious mind will take these
suggestions on board, no matter how simple they are (as
long as you know what they mean, then your
subconscious mind will also know).

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So, you can do self-hypnosis – now here’s something

a little different…

Here’s a technique that you can use with other people,

whether they are in a state of hypnosis or not (it does

Physical Peak-State Anchoring

As mentioned at the start of the e-book, anchoring is a

really useful technique that can be applied to many
different situations. The idea of this particular anchoring
technique is that you are “installing” a resourceful state,
whether it’s happiness, confidence, calmness, energy,
etc. and linking it to a physical action (such as squeezing
two fingers together). There are a couple of steps to
successfully “install” the peak state anchor:

Explanation → Imagine desired state → Intensify

feelings → Fire anchor → Repeat → Test

Let’s break those steps down:

1 – Explanation
Tell the subject what’s going to happen.

2 – Imagine desired state

Have the subject imagine a useful memory where they
were in their desired state, i.e. “imagine a time when you
were super confident.”

3 – Intensify feelings
Increase the feelings by using suggestion, i.e. “feel that
confidence getting stronger and stronger now.”

4 – Fire anchor
When the subject reaches the “peak” or their imagined
state, have them anchor it by doing a specific physical

5 – Repeat
Repeat sections 1, 2 and 3 with different useful
memories, to intensify the anchored state.

6 – Test Anchor
Have the subject open his/her eyes, then ask them to “fire
off the anchor” to test if it works.

Turn the page to read the full walkthrough script…

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(Step 1 – Explanation)
“OK, so what we’re going to do now is called anchoring,
and it’s a very useful technique that will help you to create
a resourceful state at any point in the future, just
whenever you need it. I’m going to ask you to imagine a
couple of things, and at a certain point, I’ll get you to
squeeze the ring-finger and the thumb of your right hand
together. It’s as simple as that.”

(Step 2 – Imagine Desired State)

“With your eyes closed now, I’d like you to use your
powerful imagination and subconscious mind to imagine
a time in your life when you were *DESIRED STATE
(DS)*. It can be any time in your life, but only a
completely positive, happy experience where you really
felt amazingly, totally *DS *. When you have an idea of
that memory, I’d like you to gently nod your head to let
me know.”

(Step 3 – Intensify Feelings)

“And as you continue to focus on that memory, I’d like
you to allow that feeling of *DS* to increase, to double, to
intensify. With every breath getting stronger and stronger,
more and more powerful that feeling of *DS* filling your
body from the top of your head to the tips of your toes

(Step 4 – Fire Anchor)

“And as soon as that state of *DS* is as strong as you
can possibly make it, only when that *DS* is at its
absolute peak now, I’d like you to squeeze that right
thumb and that right ring finger together now… And as
you squeeze, the feeling gets stronger and stronger,
building more and more as you squeeze those fingers
together. And now release and allow the feelings and the
memory to disappear completely.”

(Step 5 – Repeat)
“Now as you focus on your breathing, I’d like you to think
of a new memory, a different time when you felt *DS*… A
happy, healthy memory where you felt completely *DS*.
When you have it, let me know again by nodding your

(Note: Continue again to steps 3 & 4 – you’ll get the best

results if you repeat the anchoring process 3 to 4 times
with different memories.)

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(Step 6 – Test Anchor)

(Note: If the subject was hypnotised during this process,
wake them up before testing the anchor.)

“Now I’d like you to open your eyes and take a deep
breath in, and let it out. Tell me your name please (wait
for response), and now tell me, what colour was the last
thing you ate? (wait for response)”

(Note: This is a simple way to “break the state”)

“OK, now I’d like you to squeeze those two fingers

together again, and feel that feeling again, getting
stronger and stronger the more you squeeze. Feel it now.
And now release the fingers and notice the feeling
disappears… But now squeeze them again, and it comes
back even stronger now, stronger and stronger… And

And that’s something that you can keep, a neat little

anchor that you can use just whenever you need to feel
*DS*… And also, if at any point you are naturally feeling
*DS*, you can fire off the anchor, and this will help it to
“recharge” and become even stronger and more

(Note: As with all scripts, this is not set in stone, so adapt,

combine and modify these ideas to suit YOU. Remember,
you’re probably not going to have this e-book in front of
you when you’re doing this with an actual person… But if
you practice, you will have this committed to memory
EASILY! The more you can practice, the more easily your
words will flow, the better you will become.)

Very interesting stuff right?

As mentioned, you can use this technique with hypnosis

or on its own. You can use it on your friends/family or you
can even couple it with self-hypnosis and use it on
yourself! Just make sure you practice, practice, practice!

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Further Study is Required

You can read all the hypnosis books in the world, but until
you get out there and actually PRACTICE, your hypnosis
skills will be “read-only” and actually transitioning into
doing hypnotherapy can be demanding. This is why a live
course is the BEST way to learn to do hypnotherapy.

That’s where we come in:

We offer various different types of hypnotherapy courses

for students of all levels of experience, from the 1-day
Introduction to Hypnotherapy course, to our full,
internationally recognised certification course, the
NGH Hypnotherapy Certificate – we have a course to
suit your needs. How far you go in the world of
hypnotherapy is entirely up to you, but if you intend to
become an effective, confident hypnotherapist, you
deserve to train with the best, and our trainers are some
of the very best in the world…

We look forward to working with you…

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Thanks for reading!!!

We hope you enjoyed this e-book! Do let us know your

thoughts here:

Alternatively, you can contact Rory personally via email


If you want to find out more about hypnotherapy

training courses, visit our website, here:

…and if you get a moment, please like us on Facebook:

Remember, we’re the Hypnotherapy Training Company…

…Helping you to help others.

Photo by

© Rory Z Fulcher / HypnoTC Ltd – May 2015

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