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This thesis is written to fulfil some of the requirement to get a bachelor’s

degree in education.






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TITLE OF PAGE ..................................................................................... i
APPROVAL PAGE .................................................................................. ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................... iii
LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................. iv

A. Background ......................................................................................... 1
B. Problem identification ......................................................................... 2
C. Research focus ..................................................................................... 3
D. Research objective ............................................................................... 3
E. Research benefits ................................................................................. 3


A. Previous related studies ....................................................................... 4
B. Some pertinent ideas ............................................................................ 5
C. Conceptual framework ........................................................................ 9


A. Research type and design .................................................................... 10
B. Research schedule and location ........................................................... 10
C. Research subject .................................................................................. 10
D. Research procedure.............................................................................. 11
E. Research instrument ........................................................................... 12
F. Data validity test technique ................................................................. 12
G. Data analysis technique ...................................................................... 12

BIBLIOGRAPHY ..................................................................................... 14
APPENDIX ................................................................................................ 16


Number Title Page

Figure 2.1 Conceptual framework......................................................... 9



This chapter provides the general explanation of the research. They are
background, problem identification, research focus, research objective, and
research benefits.

A. Background
Today, the development of globalization is increasing so as to facilitate the
transfer of people from one country to another with a variety of different
languages. English is an important language that is used as an international
language. Therefore, English proficiency is indispensable in order to talk to
people from all over the world. In the Curriculum 2013, English language learning
is still being questioned especially at the elementary school level. English has
become a local content lesson, not a mandatory lesson. Kementrian Pendidikan
(2014) revised the Curriculum 2013 in which schools that are not structurally
ready and resource-based can still use the KTSP as a guide and schools that use
Curriculum 2013 still include English lessons but a as a local content. So that not
a few schools eliminate English at the elementary school level which causes a
lack of students acknowledge of English mastery.
According to Maili (2018), “in this era of globalization and instant today,
students starting from elementary school age and even kindergarten are required
to compete in English subject.”. In addition to elementary school level, learning
English at junior high school, senior high school and college level is also very
much needed considering that class hours at school or college are limited if you
only want to discuss English, therefore extra time is needed for strengthening and
learning English.
Based on Abadi (2015) in real condition it is still difficult for Indonesian
students to practice their English ability in daily conversation even though they
have been studying English for ten years in formal junior high school, senior high
school and university due to they might get a good score of English in their report
card but they cannot speak English fluently yet.

Speaking skills is most important. Parmawati and Inayah (2019) speaking
is one of four language skills that must be mastered by students in addition to
listening, reading and writing. Kurniawan,Sabaruddin & Gusweni (2018) “there
are at least 3 main functions of speaking skill namely speaking as interaction,
speaking as transaction and speaking as performance. Moreover, based on the
criteria of speaking, speaking as interaction means that conversation is done as a
form of social interaction with surrounding people, for example when meeting
new people, people usually greet them. The characteristics of this conversation is
more friendship, the situation can be formal and informal.”.
Therefore, the role of course institutions is need to improve students’
English skills. According to UU Sisdiknas article 26 paragraph (4) and (5) states
that “course and training institutions as non-formal education units are held for
people who need knowledge; skills, life skills, and attitudes to develop
themselves, develop their professions, work, independent businesses, and continue
their education to higher level.”. The explanation of article 26 paragraph (5) state
that “courses and training as a form of continuing education to develop the
abilities of students with an emphasis on mastery of skills, competency standards,
development of entrepreneurial attitude and professional personality
development.”. Here in Polewali Mandar there is a course called Asia Duta where
the participants are increasing every day. Because they are very excited to take the
course and the participants range from elementary school, junior high school,
senior high school and university. Based on the explanation above researchers are
interested to conduct a research entitled “An analysis of English speaking
ability of English course students’”.

B. Problem identification
Base on the background of this study, the researcher formulates the
research problem are follow:
1. How are the English course improving students speaking ability?

C. Research focus
This research focuses on improvements speaking ability student who took
an English course.

D. Research objective
Based on the problem identification, the objective of this research is to
find out how improve the speaking ability of students who are taking courses.

E. Research benefits
The researcher hopes that this research will give some benefits in the
following ways:
1. Theoretically
The research is expected that the finding of this research can share good
inputs to English teachers about the differences and English language skills of
students who take the course and those who do not.
2. Practically
This research is expected to improve speaking outcomes although the
students do not follow the course and for the teacher, it is expected to provide
additional lessons in English lessons for students.


This chapter will discuss relevant theories and literatures that concern to
the research. It consists of two sections: Theoretical review, pertinent ideas and
conceptual framework. The first section theoretical review and pertinent idea
discuss about speaking and perception. Meanwhile, the second section elaborates
the framework synthesized from the discussed theories.

A. Previous Related Studies

This research needs some previous study as a comparison theory. The first
related research was taken by Dian Azmi (2020) and the title is “The Effect of
English Course Towards Students’ speaking Ability”. The research method used
by qualitative research. The result of this research (1) there are eight students’
reason in taking English course; learn for future purpose, improve speaking and
other language skill, provide more facilities in learning, learn from qualified
teacher, help the student learning in formal institution, get new friends and
experiences, study in more comfortable and fun environment, and have flexible
learning activity and (2) there are two categories of students’ basic speaking
score; very good (6 students) and good (2 students). In brief, the students’
speaking ability is quite good after studying at the English course.
The second research was taken by Nasrul Hidayat (2021) and the title is
“An Analysis of Students English Courses Background Toward Ability at the
Fifth Semester of English Department, Muhammadiyah University of Mataram in
The Academic Year 2020/2021”. The research method used by qualitative
research. The results of this research that the result of interview showed that
mostly students who have taken the courses in good categories aspects in speaking
ability than who students do not. It proved that mostly students have average
score is (4) good based on the qualification of speaking. It can be concluded that
the students, who were taking English courses could influence students in
speaking ability. In brief, the student’s speaking ability is quite good after
studying at the English courses.

The third research was taken by Pendra Gusnadi (2011) and the title is
“The Difference of Speaking Ability Between Students Who Take English Course
and Who Do Not at Private Islamic Senior High School Nurul Islam of Gunung
Toar Distric of Kuansing Regency”. The research method used by comparative
research. The result of this research the Based on the data analysis by using ‘t’
test, t is 0.486, and 22 degrees of freedom where at 5% is 2.07 and at 1% is 2.82
(2.07>0.486<2.82), by using SPSS t is 0.523, df = 22 (2.07>0.523>2.82), so Ho is
rejected, it means that there is no significant difference on speaking ability
between the students who take English course and those who do not. The
conclusion is students speaking ability influenced by some factors, like students
follow English program actively.
The fourth research was taken by Zhuni Winayasari (2020) and the title is
“An Analysis of Students’ Perception on English Course Toward the Students’
Speaking Ability”. The research method used by qualitative research. The results
of this research that students gave positive perception on English course toward
the students’ speaking ability. The positive response from their knowledge and
their experiences. As a result, it could be concluded that there was influence on
their speaking ability especially on their speaking fluency (self-confidence) after
joined English course.
Based on the four research findings above, that the difference from the
researcher’s research is that the method of data collection and research focuses on
wanting to know the students' speaking skills in English courses.

B. Pertinent ideas

1. Speaking

a. Definition speaking

Speaking is the ability to pronounce articulation sounds or words to

express, state or convey thoughts, ideas and feelings. According to Brown cited in
Rahayu (2015, p.2), speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning
that involves the production, reception and processing of information. When
someone speaks they must be able to make meaning depending on the context of

the information. In other words, speaking is the process of expressing ideas to
construct meaning.
Speaking is one of the skills that must be mastered by students. Speaking
is a basic skill of learning foreign languages for communication for students, to
show language skills and also to show students' intelligence in speaking English.
Meanwhile, according to Suryani cited in Sunarya (2018. p.281) states that
"speaking is used to express meaning so that others can understand it". In other
words, speaking is a communication tool that directly conveys meaning by
expressing feelings, thoughts, ideas, opinions, and information to others.
Based on the above definition, it can be concluded that speaking is a
production skill, involving ways of expressing ideas, opinions, or feelings to
others by using words or articulation sounds to form, persuade, and entertain.
Speaking develops in children's lives that occurs after children listen.

b. Aspect of speaking
Besides that, according to Heaton (1998, p.100), there are four
components in speaking skill. The components are fluency, vocabulary, accuracy,
and comprehensibility. The signs of fluency include a reasonably fast speed of
speaking and only a small number pauses and “ums” or “ers”. These signs
indicate that the speaker does not have to spend a lot of time searching for the
language items needed to express the massage. Therefore, fluency is the extent to
which speaker used the language quickly and confidently, with few hesitations or
unnatural pauses, false starts, and ward searches. Then, according to Schmitt and
Clapham (2001) in Coombe (2010, p.113) vocabulary is an essential building
block of language and it makes sense to be able to measure learners’ knowledge
and use of it. It also means the appropriate diction which is used communication
without vocabulary.
Based on the explanation of some experts about speaking skill, the
researcher can explain about the aspects of speaking as follows: There are five
aspects below has a great influence in speaking skill as Harris (1974, p.75) they

a) Pronunciation is way of words are pronounced. One who learns English as a
foreign language must be able to use English pronunciation as well as other
skills in the language.
b) Grammar is a rule system in language that system of units and patterns of
c) Vocabulary is the words used in a language and we cannot speak at all
without vocabulary.
d) Fluency is the parameter of the speaking level of someone. Someone who has
a good fluency will use the language quickly and easily in speaking.
e) Comprehension denotes the ability of understanding the speaker's intention
and general meaning good comprehension refers to good understanding. If
someone is good in language, it will affect the speaking ability.

c. Functional of speaking
Communication is a process of exchanging information,ideas, thoughts,
feelings and emotions through speech, body language or written. In education
field, English communication has one of the stakeholders to support the learning
process. English oral communication is not easy for foreing language students
who seldomused it in their society. Foreings language learning is more complex
concept than simply mastering new information and knowledge because it
involves variations of personality traits and social components. Additionaly, in
human interaction, numerous attemps have been made to classify the functions of
speaking. Cited in Richards (2008) Brown and Yule made a useful distinctional
between two function of Speaking. The first one is interaction of Speaking, in
which it serves to determine and maintain social relations, and the second function
is transactional functions,which focus on the exchange of information. Richards
(2008) expanded the functions of speaking into three-parts version framework of
speaking functions. They are: talk as interaction; talk as transaction; and talk as

d. Speaking of skill
Speaking skill is one of manner interaction with people social community.
According to Harmer (2001) and gower (1995, p.99-100) note down that from the

communicative point of view, speaking has many different aspects that including
in two major categories: accuracy is involving the correct use of vocabulary,
grammar and pronunciation practiced through controlled and quided activities.
Fluency contidered being the ability to keep going when speaking spontaneously.
Moreover, accuracy is ability to produce correct sentencea using correct grammar
and vocabulary, and fluency is the ability to read, speak, or write easily, smoothly,
and expressively. In other word, the speaker can read, understand and the
language clearly and concisely while relating meaning and context.

e. Courses learning
There were nine of eleven activities which categorized as high effort. They
were completed the assigned speaking for class. Took detailed note during class.
Tried to see how different facts and ideas fit together. Summarized major points
and information from your class note. Worked on a class assignment, project, or
presentation with others students. Applied material learned in a class to other
areas (your jobs or internship, other courses, relathionship with friends, family,
co-worker, etc). used information or experience from other areas of your life (job
intership, interaction with other) in class discustion or assigments. Tried to
explain material from a couse to someone else (another student, friend, co-worker,
family member). Worked on a group discussion or a project speech where you had
to intergrate ideas from various sources. Meanwhile, there were two activities
whach categorize as low effort; contributed to class discution. Developed a role
play, case study or simulation for a class.

2. Perception
Perception is a view of something in terms of good and bad.
Etymologically, perception or in English perception comes from the Latin
perception and percipere, which means receiving or taking. Perception in the
sense of perfect is vision, how a person sees something, while in a broad sense is a
view or interprets something (Leavitt, 1978). According to DeVito (1997, p. 75),
perception is the process when we become aware of the many stimuli that affect
our senses.

Perception is called the essence if our perceptions are inaccurate, we
cannot communicate effectively. Perceptions that determine we choose one
message and ignore another message. The higher the degree of equality of
perception between individuals, the easier and more often they communicate, and
as a consequence, the more inclined to form cultural groups or identity groups
(Mulyana, 2000, p.167- 168).

C. Conceptual framework
In this research, researchers will discuss speaking skills by paying
attention to students' vocabulary and fluency in speaking during the research
process. Then the researcher will try to learn how students' perceptions regarding
learning to speak. Where the researchers get high students' interest in speaking
and the ability to speak at this time students are also very good. In this research,
the researcher was discussed about the speaking skill ability of English course
students. Since, the researcher finds there are too many advantages for student to
improve speaking skill ability, specially, for students who do not. The researcher
also wants to learn about how students learning to be a good speaker and to
determine students’ response about English course to getting high speaker.

Figure 2.1






In this chapter, the researchers will gather information about the methods
that will be use in this research. This chapter will discuss the success of finding
answers to the research questions raised in the first chapter. This research will use
qualitative research. This chapter contains a research plan and procedures along
with a process for actualizing the research plan. As a qualitative study, this
chapter deals with the research type and design, research schedule and location,
research subject, research instruments, data analysis technique.

A. Research type and design

This research will use descriptive qualitative research. According to
Sugiyono (2018. p.15) Qualitative research methods are research methods based
on the philosophy of post-positivism, used to examine natural conditions of
objects, (as opposed to experiments) where the researcher is a key instrument,
data source sampling is done in a purposive and snowball manner, collecting
techniques with triangulation (combined), data analysis is inductive / qualitative,
and qualitative research results emphasize more on meaning than generalization.
In this study, researcher will analyze the student join English course.

B. Research schedule and location

The researcher will conduct at Asia Duta and only observes students’
speaking ability from that English Course. The researcher will conduct the
observation on November.

C. Research subject
The researcher took the subject is the students of English Course in Asia
Duta. Researcher will use purposive sampling technique, where researchers will
choose 4 from senior high school student and intermediate students level.
According to Sugiyono (2018, p.124), Purposive sampling is a sampling
technique with certain considerations, for examples will conduct research on food
quality, then the sample data source is a person who is a food expert, or research
on the political conditions in an area, then the sample data source is a person who

is a political expert. This sample is more suitable for qualitative research, or
studies that do not make generalizations.

D. Research procedure
In the procedure, to finding the right data on an analysis of English
speaking ability of English course students’. The researcher will use collecting
data techniques through interview and document and then analyzed the data. In
this research, the researcher acts as the main instrument. To make data more
accurate, researcher used techniques collect data, such as interview and document.

1. Interview
The last technique of this research is interview. Sugiyono (2018) said that,
interview is an unstructured data collection technique and can be done face-to-
face or in person or by using a telephone network. The purpose of interviewing
people is to find out what they think and feel about something. Researchers will
interview 4 students to get information about how taking English course
especially for speaking ability.
According to Sugiyono (2010, p.233), suggests three types of interviews,
namely structured, semi-structured and unstructured interviews. Researchers will
give questions by semi-structured interview. Sugiyono (2018, p.320), a semi-
structured interview is an interview that is carried out more freely than a
structured interview and is conducted to find a wider problem and the party
invited to an interview is asked for opinions and ideas.

2. Document
Document in this research is aimed at getting data about the students’
speaking scores, students’ biografi, students’ pictures, and the result of an
interview. According to Sugiyono (2018, p.329), document is a record of events
that have passed the form of writing, pictures, or monumental works of someone
and as a complement to the use of observation and interview methods in
qualitative research.

E. Research instrument
According to Marshall and Rosssman (as cited in Sugiyono, 2018, p.309),
“The fundamental methods relied on by qualitative research for gathering
information are, participant in the setting, direct observation, in-depth
interviewing, document review.”. In this research, the researcher used interview
guidelines and document as the instruments.

F. Data validity test technique

According to Sugiyono (2018, p.366), a reality is massive/ multiple
dynamic always changing, so that nothing is consistent and repeated as before so
that the way each researcher repots has an individualistic nature. Therefore, this
research using internal validity by using reference materials and member check
validity. Sugiyono (2018, p.375) reference material is supporting evidence from
data found by researchers such as interview data which is supported by recorded
interview result, human interaction such as photos, recording aids such as camera,
handphone, and document. Member check is checking the data obtained by the
researcher to the data provider which aims to find out how far the data obtained is
in accordance with what is given by the data provider, so that the agreed data is
more reliable trusted.

G. Data analysis technique

Miles and Huberman in Sugiyono (2018, p.337-345), argued that the

activities in qualitative data analysis were carried out interactively and carried out
continuously until finished so that the data was saturated. The data analysis
activities, namely: data reduction, data display, and conclusions Draw/

a) Data Reduction; summarizing, choosing the main things, focusing on the

things that are important, looking for themes and patterns and removing
b) Data display; data presentation can be done in the form of tables, graphs, phie
cards, pictograms and the like. Through data presentation, the data is
organized, arranged in a relationship pattern, so that it will be more easily

understood. Usually done in the form of a brief description, charts,
relationships between categories, flow charts and the like. The most frequently
used in the presentation of data in qualitative research is a text that shows
c) Conclusions Draw/verification, researchers make conclusions based on data
that has been reduced and presented. Thus, the conclusion of qualitative
research can answer the problem formulated from the beginning, maybe not,
because the problem is still temporary and will develop after the researcher is
in the field. The findings can be in the form of descriptions or explanations
about objects that were previously still in the form of dim or black so that after
being explained it becomes clear, it can be a causal or interactive relationship,
hypothesis or theory.


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Interview Guideline

1. How long have you been in the English course?

(Berapa lama Anda kursus Bahasa inggris?)
2. Why do you want to join the English course?
(Kenapa Anda ingin mengikuti kursus Bahasa inggris?)
3. How do the tutors teach in your English course?
(Bagaimana cara tutor Anda mengajar dalam kursus Bahasa inggris?)
4. What is the interesting part of studying at the English course?
(Bagian apa yang paling menarik saat Anda belajar Bahasa inggris di
tempat kursus?)
5. What are the advantages of English course?
(Apa keutungan dari kursus Bahasa inggris?)
6. What are the differences of studying at formal institution and English
(Apa perbedaan antara belajar di sekolah formal dan tempat kursus Bahasa
7. How does the English course improve your speaking?
(Bagaimana kursus Bahasa inggris dapat meningkatkan kemampuan
berbicara Anda?)

Adopted from: Dian Azmi (2020)


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