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By :

Student Name : 1. Agung Wiguna (2203111067)

2. Heni Atikah (2203111062)

3. Melly Egidia (2203111008)

4. Vira Wahyu Ningsih (2201111017)

5. Yusniati Zai (2202111005)

Class : Regular E 2020

Courses : English Literacy

Supporting Lecturer : Rika, S. Pd., M. Hum.



Praise and gratitude for the writer to pray to God Almighty because for His grace and
grace, the author can complete the Mini Research (MR) paper on time. This paper is prepared
as one of the requirements for fulfilling the Professional Education course assignments. And
the authors hope this assignment can be well received by readers.

On this occasion the author would like to thank Ms. Rika, S. Pd., M. Hum. who has
guided the author in working on this paper and also to all those who have helped and
provided encouragement so that this paper assignment can be completed properly and on

The author has made every effort in the preparation of this paper, but if it turns out
that there are still mistakes, mistakes, and deficiencies, then to the reader, we ask for criticism
and suggestions that build the perfection of this paper. And the authors hope this paper can be
useful for all of us.

Medan, April 2021

Writer team


FOREWORD....................................................................................................... ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................... iii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION........................................................................ 1

A. Background................................................................................................ 1
B. Purpose...................................................................................................... 1
C. Benefits...................................................................................................... 2


A. General problems.......................................................................................... 3
B. Identification of Problems in Accordance with Theme................................ 4

CHAPTER III SOLUTIONS AND DISCUSSION.......................................... 5

A. Factors Causing Students' Lack of Reading Interest..................................... 5

B. Efforts to Increase Students' Reading Interest.............................................. 7
C. Problem Solution........................................................................................... 7

CHAPTER IV CLOSING................................................................................... 8

A. Conclusion..................................................................................................... 8
B. Suggestions................................................................................................... 8

BIBLIOGRAPHY................................................................................................ 9



A. Background

The problem is a mismatch between expectations and reality, some see it as unfulfilled
someone's needs, and there are those who interpret it as something unpleasant or something
that can hinder a person from achieving his goals. Prayitno (1985) argues that a problem is
something that is not liked, creates difficulties for oneself and / or others, wants or needs to
be eliminated.

Problems can arise anywhere, including in the world of education. One of the educational
problems faced by schools in general is the students' lack of interest in reading. Reading is an
activity carried out in order to find information from written media. Reading activities are
one of the most important language skills, because reading a lot will help us to get
information and knowledge that we can apply in our daily lives. Reading is a process of being
able to recognize words and optimize words into word meanings and sentences and reading
structures. The meaning of reading according to the large Indonesian dictionary is seeing and
understanding the contents of what is written (by speaking or just in the heart). According to
(Dalman: 5) reading is an activity or cognitive process that seeks to find information
contained in writing. This means that reading is a process of thinking to understand the
content of the text being read. In this case it can be said that reading is a language skill that
must be mastered by students to support their education, but in fact there are still many
students whose interest in reading is very low and this can hinder the learning process. For
this reason, on this occasion the author will discuss the lack of reading interest of students
and how to increase students' reading interest.

B. Purpose

The purpose of this task is to provide a solution to the problems that will be discussed in
this task, namely Increasing Students 'Reading Interest to Improve Literacy in Indonesia and
how to increase students' reading interest. Therefore, this assignment paper is expected to be
a reference for teachers and students as prospective educators to solve the problems of
students' reading interest.

C. Benefits

The benefit of this work is to make students think critically and creatively, because in
doing this assignment students are required to develop a problem and provide solutions to
solve the problem with various data and sources. So, when students have become educators,
they will be able to find solutions and solve the problems they faced when they became



A. General problems

Siregar (in Kasiyun, 2015 in Asniar: 2020) interest in reading is a desire or a tendency for
a high heart (passion) to read. This was also stated by Saepudin (in Asniar: 2020) that reading
interest is a mental tendency that encourages someone to do something about reading.
Furthermore, in the journal The factors that cause low reading interest (Asniar: 2020)
Hurlock (in Hamzah & Sofyan, 2015) argues that reading interest is a strong source of
motivation for someone to analyze and remember and evaluate the reading they have read,
which is a learning experience. encouraging and will affect the shape and intensity of a
person in determining his future goals in the future. Reading interest is indicated by a strong
desire to carry out reading activities. Reading will be a source of inspiration, a source of
student knowledge. This means that interest in reading is an impulse or desire within oneself
that makes the person like to read a reading material.

At this time, especially for students from elementary to tertiary education levels, reading
activities tend to be done very rarely so that this causes difficulties for the students
themselves to process their knowledge. The ability to read is an ability that is very much
needed by students who will be used to be able to understand various information read
(Ruslan: 2019). In fact, the reading interest of the community, especially children as students,
is currently still low (Asniar: 2020). This can be seen from the results of a survey in 2016 by
the United National Education Society and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) which found
that the reading interest of the Indonesian people is really low, even the lowest in Asia. Based
on these data, it is known that the reading interest of the Indonesian people is very low
compared to other countries. Of the 61 countries, Indonesia is in the 60th lowest reading
interest. Judging from figures and other data, Indonesia's reading ability with other countries
such as ASEAN countries is still very far away. When compared to European or American
society, especially children who in a year can read up to 25-27% of books. In Japan, the
people reading interest can reach 15-18% of books per year. Meanwhile, the number of
Indonesians only reaches 0.01% per year (, 2018 in Asniar: 2020).

Low public interest in reading is closely related to the level of education in the country
(Galus, 2011 in Ruslan 2019). Low student interest in reading can affect education so that it
has an impact on the quality of student graduation, lack of knowledge, lack of self-quality

and cannot advance civilization because these students do not have the desire to read. One of
the characteristics of children who do not have a high (low) interest in reading, if there is free
time the child will use his free time for other activities such as playing and so on (Soetminah
in Meity & Ramadani, 2015: 33) .mmnw

B. Identification of Problems in Accordance with Themes

From the themes raised and those that have been described in general problems, it is
stated that the reading interest of students in Indonesia is still very low. When compared to
European or American society, especially children who in a year can read up to 25-27% of
books. In Japan, the people reading interest can reach 15-18% of books per year. Meanwhile,
the number of Indonesians only reaches 0.01% per year. This can hamper the learning
process of these students, because after all reading is a mandatory language skill and must be
done by students to support the learning that they are participating in. This of course must be
addressed and resolved.



A. Factors Cause Students' Lack of Reading Interest

In a scientific journal entitled factors causing low reading interest (Asniar: 2020)
Soeatminah (in Idris & Ramadani, 2015: 31) suggests the factors that influence reading
interest are as follows:

1. Internal factors
a. Traits or talents

A person's nature or talent is a genetic factor passed on by parents to their children. If

both parents enjoy reading books, it is possible that this trait will pass on to their child. If the
child already has a sense of pleasure to read, it means that he already has an awareness of the
importance of reading books. In addition, the nature or talent of a child affects the child's
interest in a reading.

b. Gender

Differences in reading interest are also influenced by other differences. Perhaps because
of their natural nature, men and women have different interests and tastes.

c. State of health

A person's reading interest will be influenced by the state of his health. If a child reads in
an unhealthy / sick condition, his passion for reading will be disturbed and even his reading
interest can be lost.

d. State of the soul

A person's psychological factors also affect his reading interest. If a child who has an
interest in reading is restless, sad or confused, his reading interest will decrease or may

e. Habit

Children who have a habit / hobby of reading certainly have an interest in books /
reading, or vice versa, people who have a great interest in reading because they already have
a habit and love to read. Children who like to read in one day will spend more time reading
than children who don't like to read.
2. External Factors
a. Books or reading material

The diversity of types of books also affects children's reading interest. A child is
interested in reading a reading book or a book if the reading or book is interesting, according
to the child's needs and useful for that part.

b. Children's environmental factors

1) Family environment

A family environment that has reading habits and likes will have a big influence on
children's reading interest.

2) Environmental factors

Schools have a big role to play in the effort to grow and foster children's interest in
reading. Through guidance and encouragement from educators (teachers) students will have
an interest in reading. For example, students will be more interested in reading a book if they
are given an assignment by the teacher to read a book. Or the school implements rules for
students to read books every day, so students from that school will have a higher reading
interest than other school students. The condition of the existing library in the school also
affects children's reading interest in the school library.

In addition, in a journal entitled efforts to increase reading interest as a means to educate

people (Kasiyun: 2015) Hardjoprakosa (2005: 145) states that there are several things that
cause low reading interest, namely (1) the government and the private sector with their
educational institutions, the teachers do not motivate their students to read books other than
textbooks; (2) Parents do not encourage children to prioritize buying books instead of toys,
hearing aids. They usually do not know what types of books are suitable and liked by
children, and they usually do not introduce libraries to children; (3) Print media publishers
charge books of too high quality, so that they are not affordable by the wider community; (4)
The decreasing number of writers, adapters and translators, due to uncertain royalties and still
subject to PPH; (5) Public Libraries that are not sufficient in number in each Province to
serve the public; (6) Mosque libraries that have not been managed professionally.

B. Efforts to Increase Students' Reading Interest

Aspects of family, society, and educational institutions have an important role in

increasing people's interest in reading. These three aspects need to be done simultaneously.
Teachers and librarians play an important role in increasing the reading interest of students
and society. In order to play a role in increasing interest in reading, teachers and librarians
must have a high interest in reading. Exemplary needs to be given to society. If teachers and
librarians do not have high reading interest, it is impossible to carry out their duties in
increasing reading interest (Kasiyun: 2015). Ratnaningsih in (in Koswara, 1998: 300) states
that the proactive role of librarians is related to efforts to develop people's interest in reading
from an early age, which is mainly done by librarians who work in libraries that serve
children. Librarians must be able to teach, guide, and set an example for children. Likewise,
teachers who deal directly with students teaching, guiding, and giving examples in reading
interest activities are no less important than librarians.

C. Problem Solution

Some of the solutions given to overcome students' lack of reading interest include the

1. As teachers, we must understand the factors that cause students' lack of interest in reading
2. Provide understanding to students about the importance of reading for the ongoing
education that will be carried out.
3. Familiarize students with reading at the beginning of learning activities.
4. The school implements a system for students who must visit the school library once a
5. Give assignments that require students to read.
6. The teacher must work with the student's guardian to pay attention to reading activities at
7. The government implements a reading activity of at least 30 minutes for the community,
so that students do not forget reading activities.
8. Students must raise awareness of the importance of reading for themselves.



A. Conclusion

Reading is a language skill that must be mastered by students in order to support their
learning activities. In this case, the reading interest of students in Indonesia is very low, this
is due to two factors, namely external and internal. External factors are reading books and
children's environment. Internal factors, namely talent, gender, state of health, mental health,
and habits. To increase students 'reading interest, things that can be promoted are as teachers,
we must understand the factors that cause students' lack of reading interest; Provide
understanding to students about the importance of reading for the ongoing education that will
be carried out; Familiarize students with reading at the beginning of learning activities; The
school implements a system for students who have to make a visit to the school library once a
week; Provide assignments that require students to read; The teacher must work with the
student's guardian to pay attention to reading activities at home; The government implements
a reading activity of at least 30 minutes for the community, so that students do not forget to
read activities; Students must raise awareness of the importance of reading for themselves.

B. Suggestions

From this paper it is suggested to students, especially prospective educators, to be able to

provide motivations and understanding to students in order to increase students' reading
interest. In addition, it must use appropriate learning methods in order to support students'
reading activities. In addition, as parents we must create a family environment that cultivates
reading activities in order to increase students' interest in reading. In addition, as students,
they must have a very high awareness of reading interest.


Koswara, Engkos (editor) 2005, Information Dynamics in the Global Age. Bandung: IPI and
Remadja Rosdakarya.

Kasiyun, s (2015). Efforts to increase interest in reading as a means to educate the nation.
Vol.1 No. 1. pp. 79-95.

Asniar, et al (2020). The factors causing the low interest in reading. Clear journal. Vol. 4
No.1. pp. 9-16.

Ruslan, et al (2019). The importance of increasing students' interest in reading. Proceedings

of the educational seminar of the PGRI Palembang university graduate program. (2017). Data About Indonesia's Low Reading Interest. (on line). Terbang-data-soal-rendahnya-minat-baca-indonesia-
cumM. Retrieved 4 May 2020.

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