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Skor Nilai:













TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................ii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................1

CHAPTER II IDENTITY AND SUMMARY OF BOOK........................................................................2

A. Identity..............................................................................................................................................2

B. Summary...........................................................................................................................................3

CHAPTER III STRENGTH.......................................................................................................................7

A. Linkages Between Chapter...............................................................................................................7

B. Book Content Undates......................................................................................................................8

CHAPTER IV WEAKNESS.......................................................................................................................9

A. Linkages Between Chapter...............................................................................................................9

B. Book Content Undates......................................................................................................................9

CHAPTER V IMPLICATION TO..........................................................................................................10

A. Theory/Concept...............................................................................................................................10

B. Development Program in Indonesia................................................................................................10

C. Analyze...........................................................................................................................................11

CHAPTER VI CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION...........................................................................12



First of all, give thanks to God's love and grace for me. Thanks God for helping me and give me
chance to finish this scientific work, Book Review of 'Literacy'. And I would like to say thank you to Mr.
Syamsul as the lecturer always reaches us and give much knowledge about Literacy.

This assignment is the one of six task that component how to improve my knowledge of Literacy.
Second, I realized this assignment is not perfect. But we hope it can be useful for us. Critics and
suggestion islam needed here to make this assignment be better.

Hopefully I as a student ini "English Literature in State University of Medan" Can work more
about how to improve our skill ini Literacy.

Medan, March 2020




The progress of a nation is not only built by capitalizing on the abundant natural wealth, or the
management of an established state administration, but it starts from the book civilization or the
continuous literacy mastery from one generation to the next. However, what is happening right now, the
culture of literacy has increasingly been abandoned by the younger generation of Indonesia, along with
the development of knowledge and technology, especially in the digital field. Community activities,
especially young people, use the internet more as a means of entertainment. In fact, literacy-based
education, including digital literacy, is one of the important aspects that must be applied in schools to
foster interests and talents that are hidden within them.

In the context of schools, the subjects in literacy activities are all school members, namely
students, educators, education staff (librarians), and school principals (cf. Wedarti and Kisyani (Ed.),
2016). Literacy is something that cannot be separated from education because it is a means to recognize,
understand, and apply knowledge gained in the school or at home. To develop schools as learning
organizations, the Ministry of Education and Culture develops the School Literacy Movement (GLS).
GLS is a comprehensive effort that involves all school members (teachers, students, parents / guardians of
students) and the community, as part of the education ecosystem.

In the learning phase, all subjects should use a variety of texts (print / visual / digital) available in
enrichment books or other information outside the textbooks. Teachers are expected to be creative and
proactive in finding relevant learning references.



A. Identity

Main Book

1. Title: Manual Pendukung Pelaksanaan Gerakan Literasi Sekolah


3. Year of Publish: 2016

4. ISBN:

Comparison Book

1. Title: Panduan Gerakan Literasi Sekolah di Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan


3. Year of Publish: 2016

4. ISBN: 978-602-1389-19-5

B. Summary

Main Book

Permendikbud No. 23 of 2015 states the need for schools to set aside periodic time for reading
habits as part of growing character. Even so, many references confirm that free reading programs are not
enough to simply provide a certain time (for example fifteen minutes every day) for students to read. This
is where the importance of training of staff (teachers and education staff) which will become the School
Literacy Team (TLS). In the context of schools, the subjects in literacy activities are all school members,
namely students, educators, education staff (librarians), and school principals (cf. Wedarti and Kisyani
(Ed.), 2016).

In its position as a team there are several main tasks and functions (tupoksi) TLS to develop GLS
in each school. The minimum tasks of TLS based on the stages are planning, implementing, reporting,
and conducting assessments and evaluating the implementation of GLS. TLS should coordinate with the
homeroom teacher, guidance and counseling (BK) teacher, headmaster and staff, and external parties
(education offices, libraries, universities, other schools, parents, alumni, community networks).

The ability to read critically in literacy activities is the most basic and needs to be instilled for
students in school, especially junior high school students. Literacy is something that cannot be separated
from education because it is a means to recognize, understand, and apply knowledge gained in the school
or at home. Reading gives a very strong cultural influence on the development of students' literacy.
Literacy ability is very important for the success of individuals and countries in the level of knowledge-
based economy in the global arena in the future (Miller, 2016). This gives reinforcement that the
compulsory reading curriculum is important to be applied in education in Indonesia.

Examples of activities are arranged based on literacy stages, namely:

(1) Habitual Phase,

a. Read fifteen minutes every day at the 0th hour or other time according to the school agreement.

b. Manage reading angles

c. One Student One Literature Book (once a year)

d. Must Visit School Library

(2) Development Stage,

a. Manage reading angles

b. One Hour Must Read (once a week)

c. Morning Reading Quiz

d. Book Lovers Club

(3) Learning Stage.

a. Read Story Books (one hour, once a week).

b. Mading Class (published once a week)

c. Must Visit School Library

d. Literacy Club

Each learning must pay attention to several aspects that support the achievement of its objectives.
Broadly speaking there are four factors that must be considered in implementing literacy learning, which

1) Learning resources. What is meant by learning resources is where the material or information is
obtained by students or in the form of whether the information is stored.

2) Teaching materials. Teaching material is a set of material that is arranged systematically, both written
and not so as to create an environment / atmosphere that allows students to learn.

3) Learning strategies. What is meant by learning strategies is the pattern of teaching actions that serve to
achieve certain learning goals.

4) Rating. Stages of assessment are a series of teaching and learning processes that must be done by
teachers in addition to the stages of planning and implementing learning and reflection.

Comparison Book

Stages of GLS Implementation

1. Growth of interest in reading through 15 minutes of reading activities (Permendikbud No. 23 of 2015).
2. Improve literacy skills through activities responding to enrichment books. 3. Improve literacy skills in
all subjects: use enrichment books and reading strategies in all subjects.

Some benefits of literacy based learning include:

a. increasing the capacity of vocational teachers and education personnel in managing vocational
resources to optimize learning in accordance with the interests, potential of students, and local culture (In
addition, teachers need to be role models of literacy and lifelong learners);

b. literacy-based learning accommodates student-centered learning that is encouraged to search for

information through various references, both in the form of visual and digital printed material; c. reduce
the cognitive burden of vocational students in processing knowledge because learning is presented
through enrichment books that are of good quality and interesting and use the internet to access subject
material in the teacher's blog; d. SMK residents are accustomed to processing information according to
their usefulness, content accuracy, appropriateness with age, and learning objectives, and are able to seek
knowledge independently and can apply learning methods that are in accordance with their interests and
potential (including learning distance learning material when implementing work practices field); and

e. SMK citizens will be connected to the literacy community network, especially in implementing the
culture of e-learning at SMK, because literacy-based learning will require public participation as well as
industry and business.

Strategies to Build a Literacy Culture in Vocational Schools

1. Condition the physical environment literacy friendly

2. Promote the social and affective environment of SMK as a literal model of communication and

3. Strive for SMK as a literate academic environment

In the implementation of the literacy program at the SMK, the Directorate of SMK Development
provides support to various information literacy activities by using various learning resources for students
and SMK residents. However, the focus of the implementation of the School Literacy Movement in
Vocational Schools is information literacy using various reference materials in various formats that can
be utilized as documented learning sources, namely books, magazines, journals, reports, graphics,
multimedia, sound recordings, etc.

     The implementation of digital literacy programs in vocational high schools is expected to encourage
students and other vocational citizens to support 21st Century Skills. In implementing the School Literacy
Movement (GLS), various interventions and habituation are carried out for families, schools and

communities. The intervention was carried out with the enactment of Permendikbud No. 23 of 2015
concerning Growth of Character, carried out through various training and seminars; while habituation is
carried out by demonstrating various exemplary examples from school principals, teachers, and other
school members as the initial step of habituation.

The Development of Literacy Movement in SMK is carried out by the central and regional
governments in accordance with their main tasks and functions in various forms of activities.

1. Supervision, is a coaching activity carried out during the program.

2. Monitoring and Evaluation, is a coaching activity carried out after the end of the program, to measure
the level of achievement and as material for further decision making.

Indicators of the Implementation of School Literacy Movement in Vocational Schools

Indicators of School Literacy Movement Implementation are used to monitor and evaluate the
implementation of School Literacy Movement based on the types of activities that have been programmed
in this Handbook. For the purposes of developing monitoring and evaluation tools / instruments, the
following are the GLS Implementation Indicators in SMK. The Implementation Indicator will be used as
a reference in the preparation of monitoring and evaluation instruments. The Implementation Indicators
are compiled to determine or even ensure that GLS actually takes place in the form of various activities
accompanied by indicators of the performance of each activity.



A. Linkages Between Chapter

Main Book

The ability to read or to titrate to have a critical attitude towards reading material is needed,
especially in today's education world. In this day and age the ability to titrate is very low. This is
influenced by technological advances that are abused by young people. Success in public speaking can be
done by anyone. However, whether or not it depends on each person. Depending on the effort, or even
can be influenced by people around. In increasing school literacy in this book there are several stages,

1. The habituation stage

2. Development Stage

3. Learning Phase

In making it easier to titrate, a daily reading journal is an instrument in the form of a recording
table of achievements reading students which is done fifteen minutes every day. Reading journals can be
in the form of a book, a card, or a piece of paper in a reading activity portfolio. Daily reading journals
record the title of the book, the name of the author / writer, the genre, the number of pages read, and other
desired information.

Comparison Book

The progress of a nation is also very much determined by the quality of the nation's education.
Vocational students born in the era of information technology (digital natives) reading and writing are
done differently from the generation before them. These skills must be accommodated in the classroom
and in the vocational high school environment, so they must be maximally utilized to improve cognitive,
social, language, visual and spiritual skills. In the use of technology that is increasingly developing, it
should have a lot of positive effects. However, due to improper misuse, some negative effects on users.

In this case vocational students are required to grow and develop students' character through the
culture of the vocational high school literacy ecosystem which is manifested in the literacy movement in
vocational schools so that they become lifelong learners.

B. Book Content Updates

In this book you will find out how to :

Main Book

a. The way a teacher to improve student literacy skills.

b. Difficulties will be found from students who are lazy to titrate.

c. Providing solutions in certain contexts in titrating.

Comparison Book

a. Facing vocational students who are used to using technology.

b. Strategies to build a literacy culture in schools.

c. Stages of Implementation of the School Literacy Movement.



A. Linkages Between Chapter

Main Book

In terms of the relationships between chapters in the main book, everything is very related. Good
way of titrating on textbooks, story books, and others. I don't think this book has a lack of inter-chapter

Comparison Book

In terms of the relationships between chapters in the main book, everything is very related. Only
when at the end of the book's material are there discussions where the roles of the person monitoring and
the person being monitored are combined in one book.

B. Book Content Updates

In the comparison book in the last chapter in my opinion the language used is not easy to
understand. And also the material listed is not in accordance with the previous material, namely the
school literacy movement in vocational high schools, which should be included in the School Literacy
Team discussion.



A. Theory/ Concept

The applied concept in this islam how to :

Main Book

a. School Literacy Team organizational structure

b. School Literacy Team Duties

c. Literacy Learning Through Reading Habits at Home

d. Examples of activities are arranged based on literacy stages, namely:

(1) the familiarization stage, (2) the development stage, (3) the learning phase.

Comparison Book

a. Stages of GLS Implementation

b. Strategies to Build a Literacy Culture in Vocational Schools

c. School Literacy Movement Activity in Vocational Schools

d. Stake holder Responsibilities in Monitoring and Evaluation

B. Development Program in Indonesia

a. Expanding insight about readings that have been read.

b. Increase the ability to compete with foreign countries.

c. Creating a prosperous society.

d. Able to answer or face global challenges.

e. Increase the courage to speak in public.

f. Increasing high curiosity.

C. Analyze

In increasing the ability to literate, it requires various supporting aspects. That is, in order for the
free reading program to work properly, schools need to ensure that school members have the same
perceptions and understanding of the principles of free reading and how to implement and manage the
program (Pilgreen, 2000). This is where the importance of training of staff (teachers and education staff)
which will become the School Literacy Team (TLS). The purpose of staff training for the establishment
of TLS is to help teachers; making and agreeing practical guidelines for implementing reading programs
at the school level; carry out their role as facilitators who help students to connect emotionally and
thoughtfully with books.

The vocational high school literacy movement in literature can be supported by many sources.
Both in terms of technological progress and books. However, it is good for literacy activities in vocational
schools, teachers must also be able to instill reading of textbooks. Whether it's in subject books or story
books. So that increasingly fierce competition can be faced by generations of the nation, to be able to
create new ideas to prove the ability of Indonesia's young generation in the world.



Literacy does not mean only about reading and writing. However, a critical attitude towards what
is read is needed to show a greater understanding of the reading material. As a young generation, we must
be able to instill a culture of literacy in everyday life. Also able to exert influence on other people who are
literated. Especially in the world of education, and the literacy school must be increasingly improved.
Because as we know that in this day and age, so many students or generations of the nation are
increasingly influenced by technological advances, especially the wrong use of the technology.

The things we can do are by forming reading groups in schools, holding literacy competitions for
textbooks and showing a critical attitude towards reading. Vocational Schools make planning and
implementation of the literacy movement in schools including the formation of School Literacy Teams
(TLS) whose task is to make program planning, implementation, and assessment. In the form of giving a
considerable amount of time for learning literacy, carrying out reading activities silently for 15 minutes
before lessons every day, training programs for teachers and education staff about literacy, etc.


Kemendikbud. 2016. Manual Pendukung Gerakan Literasi Sekolah. Jakarta : Kemendikbud

Kemendikbud. 2016. Panduan Gerakan Literasi Sekolah di Sekolah Menengah Pertama. Jakarta.


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