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Lecturer :

Dr. Rohimah, S.Pd.I., M.Pd, M.Pd.

Authors :

Muhammad Alif Al Adzani (3120220073)

Riki Dwi Romadhon (3120220018)

Fitri Hanabilah (3120220103)

Latifah Zahra Fitriah (3120220041)

Class : PAI 3-C






Praise our graces to Allah SWT for His mercy and guidance, we can finish a paper
assignment in English entitled “Reading Comprehension” with time. This paper is compiled
for fulfilling a class assignment. In addition, to this paper to add insight for readers and also for
the author. The author would like to thank lecturer Dr. Rohimah, S.Pd.I, M.Pd, M.Pd. Thanks
also to all parties who helped finish this paper. We realized this paper is ar away from being
perfect. Because of that, we welcome any forms of constructive suggestions and criticisms in
order to give feedback to ourselves.

Jakarta, 14 December 2023



FOREWORD..................................................................................................................... i

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................. ii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Paper .................................................................................... 1
B. Question of the Proble .......................................................................................... 1
C. Objectives ............................................................................................................ 1
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ........................................................................................... 2
A. Definition of Reading Comprehension .................................................................. 2
B. Function of Reading Comprehension ..................................................................... 5
C. Factors that affect Reading Comprehension ......................................................... 5
D. Reading Comprehension Components .................................................................. 6
E. Reading Comprehension Strategies ....................................................................... 7
F. Benefits of Reading Comprehension .................................................................... 9
CHAPTER III EXERCISE.............................................................................................. 10
A. LISTENING .......................................................................................................... 10
B. READING .............................................................................................................. 11
C. SPEAKING ........................................................................................................... 14
D. WRITING .............................................................................................................. 16
E. VOCABULARY .................................................................................................... 17

CHAPTER IV: CONCLUSION ..................................................................................... 19

A. Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 19

REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 20



A. Background of the Paper

An interest in reading largely supports success in learning. Having an interest in

reading can lead to various positive impacts, such as increasing reading comprehension.
However, in reality, people in Indonesia still have a low interest in reading. Reading
comprehension is measured using several indicators referring to previous studies that
have been carried out. The results show that the higher the reading interest, the higher the
reading comprehension. With interest possessed by someone to read, there will be a sense
of wanting to understand the meaning in the reading.
Success in learning is largely supported by interest in reading. In addition, interest
in reading is a prerequisite for the reading process. Reading is a skill that is closely
related to various aspects of knowledge, be it knowledge of social sciences or science.
Reading is one of the main doors to access knowledge. This knowledge will certainly be
understood and mastered to the fullest through a vigorous, diligent and continuous
learning process. Reading allows individuals to increase intelligence, access information
and also deepen knowledge in a person. The more often you read books, the more
knowledge you will have. Conversely, the more rarely read books, the more limited
knowledge individuals have. Therefore, the author raised a research theme with the title
reading comprehension.

B. Questions of the Problem

1. What is definition of reading comprehension?

2. What is factors that affect reading comprehension?
3. What is reading comprehension components?
4. What is reading comprehension strategies?
5. What is benefits of reading comprehension?

C. Objectives
From the problems above, the author of course aims to explain these points,
according to the knowledge we have obtained, both from source books and from our
teachers. Hopefully everything will benefit us. If there are errors in writing or words in this
paper, the author apologizes profusely.



A. Definition of Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is still considered as a part of new literacy required.

Reading comprehension in this era is related to reading the data presented in technology.
In addition to students’ ability to understand readings, students sort positive and negative
information in a reading through reading comprehension. Students can also get used to
utilize the internet access to read various information and stories.1
During language acquisition process, reading becomes an important component
for the development of children language, particularly in the upper-grade of primary
school, which is an advanced language development process from post-lower-grade. An
advanced reading activity is considered as quite complex process compared to initial
reading, because it does not only involve the cognitive aspect, but also other aspects in
reading process, such as feelings, physical, and critical thinking skills that also play a role
(Tampubolon, 2015).2
Reading comprehension is an advanced stage of reading in which students can
understand the contents of reading, choose the contents of reading implemented in their
lives, and foster their a curious and critical attitude (Ortlieb, 2013). 3 Four levels of
reading comprehension are literal, inferential, critical and creative (Hairuddin, 2008).
This research emphasized in the literal and inferential comprehension. Literal
comprehension is an understanding of what the writers convey and mention in the
reading materials. Meanwhile, inferential comprehension is a skill to understand
information expressed indirectly in the text.

Ruli Setiyadi and others, ‘Learning of Reading Comprehension through Reading Workshop in
The’, 6.2 (2019).
Tampubolon, Kemampuan Membaca Teknik Membaca Efektif Dan Efisien / Tampubolon
(Bandung: Angkasa, 2015).
Evan Ortlieb, ‘International Journal of Instruction’, 6.2 (2013).

Reading interest has important role on reading comprehension. Students who have
high level of reading comprehension can be seen from the intensity of reading (Zubaidah,
Corebima, Mahanal, & Mistianah, 2018). 4 Students who often read will faster to get the
essence of text without repetition. They also easy to find information and knowledge,
enhance their achievement, develop their ability, and make communication both orally
and written. This is in line with world quotes that mention reading is a world window.
Otherwise, the students who are not usual to read, they will repeat to read the text to get
the essence of text.
Similar with the research result (Meniado, 2016), (Käsper, Uibu, & Mikk, 2018),
(Kuşdemir & Bulut, 2018), (Sellah, Jacinta, & Helen, 2017) (Nasiruddin & Hum, 2018)
(Drobisz, 2017), (Calloway & Calloway, 2019) that confirm reading comprehension is
influenced by reading interest. Reading interest in this research is a strong willingness
added with big effort from someone to read. In this research, indicators of reading interest
are fond of reading, awareness of reading benefit, reading frequencies, and reading
quantity. If someone has high reading interest on one text, he will get information, insight
and knowledge.5
According to Tarigan reading comprehension is a type of reading that aims to
understand reading. Reading comprehension means examining reading material more
carefully so that it can assess the situation, value, function and effect of reading. Reading
comprehension is the process of reading in order to build understanding. 6 According to
Spear-Swerling in Fitria, reading comprehension is one type of reading that aims to
understand the reading itself. Meanwhile, 7
Alex and Achmad, state that reading

Siti Zubaidah and Aloysius Duran Corebima, ‘Revealing the Relationship between Reading
Interest and Critical Thinking Skills through Remap GI and Remap Jigsaw’, 11.2 (2018).
Regina Christine Calloway, ‘Why Do You Read? Toward a More Comprehensive Model of
Reading Comprehension: The Role of Standards of Coherence, Reading Goals, and Interest’, 2019.
Tarchi, C. Comprehending and recalling from text: The role of motivational and cognitive
factors. Issues in Educational Research, 27(3),(2017). .
Wahyuni Fitria, ‘Reading Interest and Reading Comprehension: A Correlational Study’, Jurnal
Educative: Journal of Educational Studies, 4.1 (2019), 95–107.

comprehension is a reading strategy that aims to provide an assessment of the paper that
engages in a reading process. reading and make appropriate analysis of the reading.
Rahim (2018) says that people who have a strong interest in reading will be
realized in their willingness to get reading material and then read it on their own
awareness. Rahim states that reading is increasingly important in the life of an
increasingly complex society. However, children who do not pay attention to the
importance of learning to read will not be motivated to learn. Learning to read is a
continuous effort and students who see the high value of reading in their personal
activities will study harder than students who do not find the benefits of reading. On the
other hand, there are still many students who are able to read correctly a reading material
but are unable to understand the content of the reading. Students' ability to understand the
content of low reading can make students less able to summarize the material in the book
and then conclude.8
With an interest in reading, there can be various positive impacts such as
improving reading comprehension. In reading, students will get obstacles in
understanding the text if they do not recognize the meaning of the words in the text.
Tarigan revealed that reading comprehension is a type of reading that aims to understand
reading. Reading comprehension means examining reading material more carefully, so as
to assess the situation, value, function and effect of the reading. Readers need to use all
his abilities to digest the content of the reading. To arrive at the comprehension stage, a
person must have high reasoning work and abstraction power.
According to Kirby (2014), reading comprehension is the process by which we
understand the text we read. It is the purpose of reading and is a prerequisite for
meaningful learning from text. Reading comprehension is the application of skills
developed for other purposes (listening or oral comprehension) to a new form of input
(text). Unlike listening comprehension, reading comprehension is not something our
brains have evolved for. Whereas oral comprehension seems to develop "naturally" with

Fakultas Kependidikan, D A N Ilmu, and Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, ‘Kata Kunci:
Tradisi Baca Gilir, Budaya Resensi, Minat Membaca Dan Minat Menulis’, 2018, 565–74.

minimal intentional intervention, reading comprehension is more challenging and
requires deliberate instruction.9

B. Function of Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension in English has several important functions. First, it helps
with the overall understanding and interpretation of the text. This skill enables readers to
identify key information, details and the author's intent.
In addition, reading comprehension skills also support vocabulary development
and grammatical understanding. Readers can explore sentence structure, writing style,
and the meaning of words used in a particular context.
In addition, reading comprehension helps readers to develop analysis and
synthesis skills, allowing them to organize information from different parts of the text to
understand the overall concept or argument.
Thus, reading comprehension is a key skill in acquiring knowledge and
understanding information presented in various forms of writing.

C. Factors that affect Reading Comprehension

There are several important factors that affect reading comprehension, namely:

1. Fluency : refers to the ability to speak or write fluently and unhindered,

expressing oneself fluently in a particular language or skill.
2. Experience : The term "experience" refers to the knowledge, skills, and insights
acquired by an individual through interactions with their environment, other
people, or events in life. It encompasses all the encounters that shape an
individual's understanding and perspective of the world.
3. Interest : The term "interest" typically refers to a feeling of curiosity, attention, or
attraction toward something. It can also denote a person's involvement,
participation, or stake in a particular activity, subject, or endeavor.

John R Kirby, D Ph, and Faculty Education, ‘Reading Comprehension : Its Nature and
Development Top-Down’, 1991, 1–8.

Ideally, interest will arise when the student chooses the topic he/she wants to read.
Interest will be an important role that encourages students to consider reading activities
as their favorite so that they will enjoy during the reading process. In addition, interest is
closely related to curiosity.
Guthrie et. al. in Reski (2018) state that reading comprehension will be more
effective if supported by interest. In this case, from this view it can be concluded that
reading comprehension and interest have a strong relationship because reading
comprehension will be supported by interest. Based on research conducted by Reski
found the results that most students have a very lack of interest in reading, this shows that
when they do reading-related tasks, it consists of a few simple passages. They preferred
to answer the passage directly without having to read it. These factors cannot be ignored
in teaching reading comprehension 10
Lenz and Quirk and Beem mention several factors that affect reading
comprehension, namely: readers' knowledge of the topic, knowledge of language
structure, knowledge of text structure and genre, knowledge of cognitive and
metacognitive strategies, their reasoning ability, learners' motivation, and their level of
engagement. It should be noted that knowledge of language structure or grammar
knowledge is one of the important factors in reading comprehension. 11

D. Reading Comprehension Components

The definition of reading comprehension revolves around increasing a person's

ability to comprehend a literary text on a deeper level through cognitive engagement and
There are three steps to reading comprehension:

• reading on one's appropriate level

• responding to what is read

The Correlational and others, ‘The Correlational Study Between Students Interest and The
Students Reading Comprehension’, 4778 (2018), 44–55.
Kerry Pusey and Karen Lenz, ‘Investigating the Interaction of Visual Input , Working Memory ,
and Listening Comprehension’, 5.1 (2014), 66–80.

• discussing what is read
Reading on one's appropriate reading level is a crucial first step to increasing a
person's reading comprehension. This means that the words should be recognizable and
the concepts presented should be age-appropriate. When literature is provided that is too
complex, the reader will have to stop to think about what a word means. This leads to
them having a disjointed overview of the information and can cause difficulty
understanding how the text connects overall. Providing appropriate reading material is
the first step to fostering reading comprehension.

E. Reading Comprehension Strategies

There are several different practices to incorporate when trying to increase
reading comprehension. Book clubs increase reading comprehension by bringing people
together to discuss different aspects of a text. This exchange of opinions and ideas can
help people understand what they are reading.
Partner reading is another way to increase comprehension by encouraging
students to discuss the reading. Partner reading also allows students to work together on
any questions they may have about the text.
Visualizing is one of the strategies that can be used to improve reading
comprehension ability. The Into The Book multimedia program developed by the
Wisconsin Media Lab from the United States defines visualizing as “readers create
images in their minds that reflect or represent the ideas in the text. These images may
include any of the five senses and serve to enhance understanding of the text”. 12
Visualizing can be done by reflecting the content of the text in the reader's mind which
will look like a series of moving pictures, often called a "mind movie". so it is often
called a "mind movie". The use of visualizing strategy will help students to understand
the author's intention because of the converting a series of writings into a real picture.
The application of visualizing strategy requires readers to use their senses, namely
the senses of sight, touch, hearing, taste and smell when presenting the content of the text
in the form of images in their minds. Students can put themselves into the content of the

Galih Sulistyaningra, ‘Upaya Meningkatkan Reading Comprehension Ability Melalui
Visualizing Strategy Pada Siswa Kelas Iv Sd’, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, 2016.

story according to their fantasies. Then students can pour the story according to their
version through illustrations to find the meaning intended by the author. Reading learning
is no longer a monotonous and boring activity because of the interaction that is created
between the reader and the text being read. between the reader and the text being read.
Klein and Stuart outline 8 reasons for choosing visualizing strategies to improve
reading comprehension skills for students, namely:
(1) Engages students in the text and makes it personal and memorable; (2) develops
active readers; (3) allows for comprehension checkpoints while reading; (4) permits
children to share visual images with other students in the classroom; (5) permits
students to make shifts in their thinking; (6) elicits memories and feelings of the
reader; (7) deepens comprehension; and (8) makes reading dynamic and exciting. 13
Research conducted by Jo Appleton at Leeds Metropolitan University Language
School in 2003. 26 students out of 30 students studied used visualizing strategy when
reading the story "Jungle Fever". As a result, the students' motivation in reading increased
and many gave positive feedback. 14 Meanwhile, another positive response came directly
from the statement of one of the students guided by the Into The Book program: Reading
Comprehension Resource for Elementary Students and Teachers produced by Wisconsin
Media Lab, "Visualizing the pictures helps me understand the story better too, especially
the tittle. When you use your five senses to visualize, it really helps you get into the
book”.15 Thus, the use of visualizing strategy is proven to improve the reading
comprehension ability of elementary school students. elementary school students.

Jennifer Klein & Elizabeth Stuart, Using Art to Teach Reading Comprehension Strategies:
Lesson Plans for Teachers, (Playmouth: Rowman & Littlefield Education, 2013),

Jo Appleton, Jungle Fever. Visualisation and the Implications for Writing Extensive Readers.
14 diakses pada 21 Oktober 2015

Herlina Usman, ‘Increasing Reading Comprehension Ability through Visualizing Media of 4
Th Grader Students at Labschool Primary School Setiabudi South Jakarta’, American Journal of
Educational Research, 4.18 (2016), 1265–70 <>.

F. Benefits of Reading Comprehension

Reading comprehension is the ability to understand the text that is being read.
here are some benefits that you can get if you master this skill:
1. be able to understand, analyze, and respond to documents and written communication in
the workplace
2. improve writing skills to be clear and effective
3. can improve reading focus for a long time
4. good reading comprehension can make you look professional
5. reading activities feel more enjoyable


In the listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand
spoken English. The entire listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are
four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the
separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book.
Part 1: Photographs
Instructions: for each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a
picture in your test book. When you hear the statements, you must select the one
statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then find the number of the
question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printed
in your test and will be spoken only one time.
1. Look at the picture marked number 1 in your textbook.

2. Look at the picture marked number 2 in your textbook.


3. Look at the picture marked number 3 in your textbook.


4. Look at the picture marked number 4 in your textbook.
5. Look at the picture marked number 5 in your textbook.

Below is a story text about history which can be called a narrative text. A
narrative text is a text type that covers problematic events which would reach a crisis or
tuming point and at last arrive at a resolution. In this text type, the writer should supply
the readers with information including what happened in chronological order, how, why,
when, where, and who was involved, all in vivid description. 16

The Golden Snail

Once upon a time, Kertamarta king was the king of the kingdom of Daha. The
King had two daughters, their named Dewi Galuh Ajeng ad Candra Kirana who was kind

Rohimah, ‘A Genre Based Approach in Improving Students’ Writing Narrative Text’, Tahdzib
Al-Akhlaq: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2.2 (2019), 3.

and beautiful. Candra Kirana had been betrothed by prince who named Raden Inu
Kertapati who was good and wise.
But her siblings, Galuh was very jealous of Candra Kirana, because Galuh put the
heart on Raden Inu. Galuh met a witch to curse Candra Kirana. She also slandered
Candra kirana, so expelled from the palace. When Candra kirana walk down to the beach,
the witch appeared and bewitched her into the golden snail and threw into the sea. But the
magic would lost when Keong Mas met with her fiancee.
One day an old woman were fishing with nets, and the Keong Mas transported.
The Keong Mas be brought home and placed in jars. The next day the old woman fishing
at sea again but not anything obtained. But when she arrived she was shocked because in
her home already available cooking nice meals. The grandmother wondering who sent
her this cuisine.
Similarly, the following days the grandmother undergo a similar incident. The
next morning grandmother pretends she peered into the sea what happened, the golden
snail turned into a beautiful girl, and directly cooked, then admonished grandmother
“who the hell are you, beautiful daughters?” “I am the daughter of the enchanted
kingdom of Daha became Golden snail by my sister because she was jealous to me” said
the Keong Mas, then turned back into the golden snail. Grandma was stunned to see it.
While Inu Kertapati did not want to stayed without doing anything when kirana
moon disappeared. He came to look for a way disguised as a commoner. The witch kne
and turned herself into a crow to made a harm to Raden Inu Kertapati. Raden Inu
Kertapati Shocked to see a crow that can speak and identify its purpose.
He considers the raven was magic and believe in to obey it, but given the wrong
direction. On the way, Raden Inu met with a grandfather who was starving, he gave
grandfather meals. But the grandfather was a good man and had magic. Then he knew the
crows was bad, and got away Raden Inu from crows.
Grandfather was hit crows with his stick, and the bird turned into smoke. Finally
Raden Inu was told where Candra Kirana was, he sent it away to the some village. After
walking for days he arrived to Dadapan village. He approached a hut he saw to ask for
water because hie was exhausted. But he shocked and very surprised, because he saw
through the window of his fiancee.

Finally, the magic was lost due to an encounter with Raden Inu. But at the
moment it appeared that the granmother told him. In the different way, Candra Kirana
turned again from golden snail to herself, she introduced grandma to Raden Inu who
helped her before. Finally Raden Inu brought Candra Kirana into the king, and Candra
Kirana told Galuh was the person behind this.
King apologized to Candra Kirana and vice versa. Galuh got punishment. Galuh
afraid to be thrown to the forest. She ran. But she stumbled and falls into the abyss. They
shocked and lost Galuh. Years after that moment Finally Candra Kirana and Raden Inu
Kertapati got married. They brought the good-hearted grandmother from Dadapan village
to stayed in palace. They lived happily

1. What is the title of the story?

a. Mermaid
b. Banyuwangi legend
c. Golden snail
d. Malin kundang
2. Who are the characters from the story?
a. King Kertamata, Dewi Galuh, Candra Kirana, Raden Inu Kertapati, Evil Witch,
Old Granny (Raja kertamata, Dewi galuh, Candra kirana, Raden Inu kertapati,
Penyihir jahat, Nenek tua)
b. onion, garlic, stepmother (bawang merah, bawang putih, ibu tiri)
c. King Prabangkara, King Galuga, Sangkuriang and King Jin (Prabu Prabangkara,
Prabu Galuga, Sangkuriang dan Raja Jin)
d. thief kundang, mother, daughter of the king (maling kundang, ibu, putri raja)
3. What is the name of the kingdom of the beautiful and majestic King Kertamata?
a. Daha Kingdom
b.Pasai Ocean Kingdom
c. Majapahit kingdom
d.Gasib kingdom

4. What can we learn from the story?
a. Happiness is the key to everything
b. Hard effort will find its journey
c. Never give up on the bad situation
d. The greed will destroy you
5. What is the end of the story?
a. Sustained ending
b. Happy ending
c. Sad ending
d. No ending

Sarah and Emily, two aspiring musicians, were discussing their upcoming music recital.

Sarah : Did you see that, Emily? Your piano skills are amazing!

Emily : Thank you, Sarah! But I always get nervous during the recitals.

Sarah : But you never make mistakes when we practice together. You’re such a
talented pianist!

Emily : It’s different when I perform in front of an audience. I get stage fright,
and it affects my performance.

Sarah : Maybe you just need more practice. We can rehearse together more often.

Emily : I do practice a lot, Sarah! But I struggle to play well when people are
watching me.

Sarah : But you play beautifully when I’m watching you, don’t you?

Emily : That’s because we’ve been friends for so long. I feel comfortable
performing in front of you, but it’s challenging with others around.

Sarah nodded, understanding Emily’s dilemma. She was determined to help her
overcome her stage fright. The next day, Sarah and Emily met at the music hall to
practice for their recital.
After a few minutes, Sarah had an idea. She excused herself, leaving Emily alone
on the stage.

1. What would be the best title for the story?

a. Preparing for the Music Recital
b. Emily’s Music Performance
c. c. Sarah’s Piano Skill
d. d. Practice Make Perfect
2. Why does Emily struggle to play well when people are watching?
a. She lacks talent.
b. She hasn’t practiced enough.
c. She doesn’t like performing.
d. She gets stage fright.
3. What are Sarah and Emily discussing?
a. Their favorite books
b. Their upcoming music recital
c. Their favorite sports
d. Their weekend plans
4. Why does Emily get nervous during the recitals?
a. She forgets her music pieces.
b. She doesn’t practice enough.
c. She doesn’t enjoy performing.
d. She gets stage fright.
5. What does Sarah suggest to Emily?
a. To find a new hobby.
b. To perform without any practice.

c. To rehearse together more often.
d. To give up on the recital.


Attention All Students: Community Service Event!

Date : Saturday, 25 September

Time : 9 A.M. – 2 P.M.
Location : Oakville Park
We are excited to announce a community service event that will take place on
Saturday, September 25th, at Oakville Park. This event aims to bring together students
who are passionate about making a positive impact in our community.
Volunteers are needed to assist with various projects throughout the day. If you are
interested in participating and giving back to our community, please sign up at the school
office by September 20th. This is a wonderful opportunity to earn community service
hours while making a difference.
Tasks and Schedule:

Park Cleanup:

Time : 9 A.M. – 11 A.M.

Help clean up the park by collecting litter, clearing pathways, and maintaining
Gardening and Landscaping:

Time : 11 A.M. – 1 P.M.

Join the gardening team to plant flowers, trim hedges, and beautify the park’s
Painting and Maintenance:
Time : 10 A.M. – 2 P.M.
Assist with painting park benches, fences, and other maintenance tasks to keep the
park in top shape.

Assisting Children’s Activities:

Time : 10 A.M. – 2 P.M.

Engage with young children by organizing games, face painting, and arts and
crafts activities.
Remember to wear comfortable clothing and bring any necessary tools or gloves
for the tasks you choose. Lunch and refreshments will be provided for all volunteers.
This community service event is an excellent opportunity to meet new people,
develop teamwork skills, and create a lasting impact on our community. By participating,
you will not only contribute to the beautification of Oakville Park but also gain a sense of
fulfillment and pride in your efforts.
Please make sure to sign up at the school office by September 20th to secure your
spot. Let’s come together as a school and make a positive difference in our community!
If you have any questions or need further information, please contact Ms.
Johnson, our community service coordinator.
Thank you for your commitment to service and making our community a better
place for everyone.

Golden snail : keong emas
Siblings : saudara kandung
Slandered : difitnah
Expelled : diusir
Betrothed : bertunangan
Witch : penyihir
Curse : mengutuk
The raven : burung gagak
Stick : tongkat
Hut : gubuk

Exhausted : kelelahan
Forest : hutan
Stumbled : tersandung
Falls : jatuh
The abyss : jurang


A. Conclusion

Reading comprehension is a type of reading that aims to understand reading.

Reading comprehension means examining reading material more carefully so that it can
assess the situation, value, function and effect of reading. There are several important
factors that affect reading comprehension, namely: fluency, experience and interest.
Ideally, interest will arise when the student chooses the topic he/she wants to read. There
are three steps to reading comprehension: (1) reading on one's appropriate level (2)
responding to what is read (3) discussing what is read.
Klein and Stuart outline 8 reasons for choosing visualizing strategies to improve
reading comprehension skills for students, namely: (1) Engages students in the text and
makes it personal and memorable; (2) develops active readers; (3) allows for
comprehension checkpoints while reading; (4) permits children to share visual images
with other students in the classroom; (5) permits students to make shifts in their thinking;
(6) elicits memories and feelings of the reader; (7) deepens comprehension; and (8)
makes reading dynamic and exciting.


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Fitria, W. (2019). Reading interest and reading comprehension: A correlational study. Journal
Educative: Journal of Educational Studies, 4(1), 95–107.
Jennifer Klein & Elizabeth Stuart, 2013 Using Art to Teach Reading Comprehension Strategies:
Lesson Plans for Teachers, (Playmouth: Rowman & Littlefield Education), p. 48
Jo Appleton,2015 Jungle Fever. Visualisation and the Implications for Writing Extensive
Kirby, J. R. (2014). Reading comprehension: its nature and development. Encyclopedia of
Language and Literacy Development, 1–8.
Lenz, K. (2014). Reading Comprehension
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comprehension. International Journal of Instruction, 6(2), 145–162.
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keterbatasan buku di perpustakaan sekolah dalam meningkatkan minat membaca dan
menulis siswa SMP. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan Era Revolusi, 1(1), 565–574.
Reski, Y. Y. I. (2018). The correlational study between students interest and the students reading
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NARRATIVE TEXT” Tahdzib Al-Akhlaq: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, Vol 2 No 2 E-
ISSN:2721-2521 page 3
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