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An Analysis of Speaking Teaching Strategy on Training Class (TC) of

Basic English Course at Kampung Inggris Pare

Submitted for Final Examination Assigment of Thesis Guidance Subject

English Education Department
Lecturer : Dr. Hj. Anita, S.S., M.Pd.

By :

Ani Nuraeni Silfani 191230039



2022 A.D / 1443 A.H

TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................... i
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 1
A. The Background of The Research ........................................................................... 1
B. Identification of Problem ........................................................................................ 3
C. Focus of The Reasearch .......................................................................................... 4
D. The Research Question of The Research ................................................................ 4
E. The Objective of Research ...................................................................................... 4
F. The Significances of the Research .......................................................................... 4
G. The Previous Research ............................................................................................ 5
CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................ 6
A. Theory of Speaking ................................................................................................. 6
1. Definition of Speaking ...................................................................................... 6
2. Teaching Speaking ............................................................................................ 7
3. Types of Speaking Performance ....................................................................... 8
B. Theory of English Course ....................................................................................... 10
1. Definition of English Course ............................................................................ 10
2. Advantages of English Course .......................................................................... 10
CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY OF THE RESEARCH ................................................ 12
A. Method ................................................................................................................... 12
B. Data Collection ....................................................................................................... 12
C. Data Analysis .......................................................................................................... 13
D. Research Instrument................................................................................................ 13
BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................... 14

A. The Background of The Research

English is the commonly spoken language in the world and the approved language by
many international bodies and used in 70% of the world’s mail. According to Crystal &
B. Kachru (1985, 1999) in Parveen & Mehmood (2013) English is the most widely taught
learnt and spoken language in the world. It is used by over 300 million people as a first
language in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the USA and by over 700
million people as a second or additional language in the countries of Africa, Asia, Europe,
and Latin America, and of the island nations of the world.
Aljaser (2019) at the present time of dominant globalization, english represents the
language of science and education. It is the gloal mean of communication, intellectual
encounter and cultural understanding. The international language of the world is English,
from all over the world many people learn this language to communicate with people
from different countries. if you want to have good communication, people must master
vocabulary, grammar and correct pronunciation so that it can be understood by others and
the communication can be connected.
There are many reasons why English is the most widely used language and it is very
important to learn, including the most spread language and the easiest language that can
connect the world, high priority language, English is very closely related to technology,
art, economics and many more. According to Ngarofah & Sumarni (2019) Currently
English has been taught to students from elementary school to high school and of course
in college.
Speaking, listening, writing and reading are the four key skills that students must
master while studying an English language. Listening and reading are receptive skills in
which students embrace and interpret language in order to comprehend its meaning.
Speaking and writing are valuable skills in which student use language to create spoken
and written words that they hope will be understood by others.
Among those four main skills in English, speaking is the most complex skill because
it requires a lot of practice. Nunan (1995) in Leong Lai Mei; Ahmadi Seyedeh Masoumeh
(2017) Learning the speaking skill is the most important aspect of learning a second or
foreign language and success is measured based on the ability to perform a conversation
in the language.
The students should get the opportunity to practice speaking English. During the
teaching and learning process, it is the opportunity for students to communicate with
others. According to Fahmi et al., (2021) the Indonesian government states that
students should master this speaking skill fully, not only the theory of speaking itself
but also the practice.
Speaking is an important part of English. But in indonesia english is as a second
language. So the strategies taught by the teacher will have an impact on students'
speaking skills. Nunan (1991) in (Bahrani & Taher Bahrani* Rahmatollah Soltani, 2012),
a success in language learning is measured in terms of the ability to carry out a
conversation in the (target) language.
Today, most students choose courses or institutions to increase their knowledge.
Therefore, its existence is naturally in many cities and many students feel the need to
increase their study time courses show that society needs courses. One of them is English
courses, according to Dewi (2018) English course is a helpful place to students to master
English more easily. Students can choose what English course they need. Every English
course offers a variety of advantages for the reason many students are interested in
joining that course. Some of them usually offer some programs, such as;
Speaking, Vocabulary, Grammar, Pronunciation, etc.
English courses are now in great demand by students, especially at Kampung Inggris
Pare. There are more than 100 English courses so students can choose which courses and
programs are suitable for them to study. According to Hendrawaty & Angkarini (2013)
state there are approximately 134 English courses in Pare sub district. According to the
Law of National Education System section 26, a course is an institute of which has
function as an adder or complement of formal education.
Teachers must be creative in managing speaking teaching strategies. Learning english
more efficiecy learn at course, The students will get actual practice during in the class.
So, they will focus to upgrade their speaking and pronounciation withouth afraid of
making mistake.
Based on preliminary reasearch in the strategies at Kampung Inggris Pare use very
helpful for students, especially in enhace speaking skill. The teaching strategy used by the
teacher is very effective for teaching speaking class. According to Mahmud & Makassar
(2020) Strategies and approaches of English teaching at Kampung Inggris Pare Kediri is
more unique, creative and varied in every single teaching activity. Especially speaking
skill could improve their student's English competence which became an instructional
goal of English schools. From these strategies make students more confident, talk a lot
and learn to speak like native speakers.
Hendrawaty & Angkarini (2013) The English community in Pare is a group of people
who have the same ideas to learn English with specific Purposes. One alternative way to
improve speaking skill is to join an English Course in Pare East Java-“Kampung Inggris”.
According to Ahmad Latif Mahruf & Sari (2022) This place is chosen because of some
reasons such as that the students believe that this place is a good community to maintain
their English since one factor that supports studying English is the environment. It means
that they will have many friends to practice their English with and they do not need to be
worried about rejection from friends.
In this case, the researcher designed An Analysis of Speaking Teaching Strategy on
Training Class (TC) of Basic English Course at Kampung Inggris Pare. The researcher
created speaking teaching strategy. Mahmud & Makassar (2020) Kampung Inggris Pare
Kediri, Indonesia is one of the recommended places for learning English in Indonesia as it
provides a model for effective learning environment in studying English. The dominant
programs provided at KIP, Kediri are four English-language skill mentoring, TOEFL,
IELTS, and TOEIC especially for speaking skill and speaking internship program.
From explanation above, the researcher wants to take research at Basic English
Course Pare. The reason of choosing Basic English Course Pare, because wants to know
the strategies of teaching speaking to support students in the learning speaking process.
Speaking is the main role in learning English, it is necessary to develop effective and
suitable strategies during teaching and learning activities. This is supported by
CelceMurcia (1979) in Journal & Palembang (2019) who mentions that lecturer needs to
know the strategies and two exercises to ensure that each is getting a relevant practice in
speaking English in order to develop his fluency and confidence.
This problem is interested in being investigated by researcher by taking the tittle “An
Analysis of Speaking Teaching Strategy on Training Class (TC) of Basic English Course
at Kampung Inggris Pare”

B. Identificatin of Problem
Based on the explanation of the background study above, the identification of
problems are following below:
1. The teachers need many various technique in speaking teaching strategies.
2. The students do not get the opportunity to speak English during learning proccess.

3. The students feel difficult to speak English because the environment is not
4. The students less confident in speaking performance.

C. Focus of The Reasearch

The problem to be discussed is not too broad. The researcher will know the teaching
strategy and students’s performance in speaking. The place will be taken at Basic English
Course at Kampung Inggris Pare. The scope of speaking lesson in this case is the regular
program to improve speaking skill, pronunciation, vocabulary, and speak with coreect
grammar. So that students are ready to face the digital era where English is an important
language. Especially speaking to have good communication.

D. Statement of Problem
Based on the problem background above, the problem can be identified as follow:
1. How is the teachers’ strategy in teaching speaking on Training Class (TC) of Basic
English Course at Kampung Inggris Pare?
2. How is students' speaking performace on Training Class (TC) of Basic English
Course at Kampung Inggris Pare?

E. The Objective of Reaserch

Based on the problem mentioned above, the objectives that wants to be achieved by
the researcher in these study are :
1. To investigate the teachers’ strategy in teaching speaking on Training Class (TC) of
Basic English Course at Kampung Inggris Pare.
2. To investigate students' speaking performace on Training Class (TC) of Basic English
Course at Kampung Inggris Pare.

F. The Significances of The Research

The results of this research are expected to be useful for teaching and learning
proccess, especially for strategies in teaching speaking, and also this research is expected
to be useful Theoritically and Practically :
a. Theoritically, The result of this research is useful for English teachers and Tutors,
English course policy maker, and the other researchers :
1. Can increase and develop knowledge about the useful strategies in teaching

2. As information and comparison for other researchers who wish to conduct similar
b. Practically, the result of this reseasrch is useful for English teachers and Tutor,
English course policy maker, and the other researchers :
1. As feedback for the English teachers and tutors to make various strategies.
2. As a reference for students to increase their speaking skill.

G. The Previous Research

There are several studies that have investigated topics similiar to ths study, they are :
1. The Strategies in Teaching Speaking at University of PGRI Palembang
The first, research is conducted by Marleni, the result of previous study are expected
to identifies four strategies used by the lecturer in teaching speaking skill, involving
show-and-tell, presentation, drama, and question-and-answer. The result of this study
are those strategys can motivate students to learn English and facilitate them to speak.
2. The Teaching of Speaking At “Mr Pepsi English Course” in Kampung Inggris Pare
The second, research is conducted by Ahmad Latif Mahruf, the previous study are
expected to used by teacher to teach speaking are oral presentation, discussion,
dialogue, reading aloud, and interview practice. The result of this study Mr Pepsi
English Course applied variety assessment strategies for speaking skill and also
supported by clear scoring rubric.
3. Teacher’s Strategies in Teaching Speaking at The Daffodils
The second, research is conducted by Tifani Anis Saliha, the previous study are
expected to used by teacher to teach speaking are the conversation, dialogue and short
presentation in free topic. The result of this study had the priority to make students
speaking a lot and make them participated by their responses or even just minimal

A. Theory of Speaking
1. Definiton of Speaking
Ahsanu et al., (2014) Speaking skill in a foreign language requires certain ability,
including a correct pronunciation, word stress and intonation, and the expression of idea
systematically. According to Harmer (1993) defines communication happens when the
listener can give the response to the speaker after the listener understands the message
given. As we know, there are four basic skills in English that must be mastered. One of
them is talking. However, in using English to communicate speaking is widely considered
as the main skill among others. because communication someone will get information and
understand what we mean when we speak.
According to Bygate (1987) in Putra (2017) “Speaking is the vehicle of social
solidarity, of social making of professional achievement and of business”. It is through
their way of speaking that people are most frequently judged. Speaking is also a medium
through which much language is learn, including English
According to Burkart (1998) says that speaking is an activity which involves the areas
of knowledge, they are the mechanics (pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary); it is the
use of the right words in the right order with the right pronunciation. Brown (2004) in
“speaking is a productive skill that can be directly and empirically observed, those
observations are invariably colored by the accuracy and effectiveness of the test-
takers listening skill, which necessarily compromises the reliability and validity of an
oral production test”. Brown (2007) defines speaking as an interactive process of
constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving and processing speech of sounds
as the main instrument. While Thornbury (2005) says that speaking is an
interactive process and requires the ability to cooperate in the management of speaking
turn. Bygate in Torky (2006: 33) adopting a definition of speaking based on
interactional skills which involve making decision about communication. This is
considered a top-down view of speaking”. Thornbury (2004: 1) emphasizes that
“speaking is so much part of daily life that we take it for granted”. Parmawati (2018).
Clark and Clark (1997: 223) state that in speaking, a speaker expresses his thought
and feeling in words, phrases, and sentences following a certain structure which regulates
the meaningful units and meaning of sentences. The frequency of using the language will

determine the success in speaking skill. In other word, without practicing, it will be
difficult to speak English fluently, Zyoud (2016).
Richards and Renandya (2002: 204) state that effective oral communication requires
the ability to use the language appropriately in social interactions that involves not only
verbal communication but also paralinguistic elements of speech such as pitch, stress, and
Nunan (1991: 39) states: “To most people, mastering the art of speaking is the single
most important factor of learning a second or foreign language and success is measured in
terms of the ability to carry out a conversation in the language”. According to Putra
(2017) Speaking ability as the ability to use in essentially normal communication, stress,
grammatical structure and vocabulary of the foreign language at normal rate delivery for
native speakers of the language. As human we must have the ability to speak in our lives
that will be used to communicate with each other.

2. Teaching Speaking
Brown (2001) in Ilmu & Ilmu (2014) classifies the teaching of speaking into four
elements; (1) types of classroom speaking performance, (2) principles for designing
speaking techniques, (3) teaching conversation, and (4) teaching pronunciation.
Brownin Nurhaida (2017: 20-21) says that there are seven principles for designing
speaking techniques.
a. Use techniques that cover the spectrum of learner needs, from language based
focus on accuracy to message-based on interaction, meaning, and fluency.
b. Provide intrinsically motivating techniques
c. Encourage the use of authentic language in meaningful contexts.
d. Provide appropriate feedback and correction.
e. Capitalize on the natural link between speaking and listening.
f. Give students opportunities to initiate oral communication.
g. Encourage the development of speaking strategies.
Teaching speaking is not an easy thing, because the teacher must be able to use a
suitable method to start teaching. according to Ilmu & Ilmu (2014) the teacher should
focus on choosing the appropriate types of classroom speaking performance, designing
speaking techniques, and paying attention on the learners how to motivate them in
learning English. The teacher must make a strategy when teaching, so the students better
understand the teacher's explanation and provide responses and practice in class. Some

students feel embarrassed when they want to practice, because they are afraid of being
laughed at by their friends and afraid that there will be something wrong in their
speaking. Ballard (1996) in Januariza & Hendriani (2016) who finds that students fail to
join in the English discussion because of their vocabulary problems and fear of making
mistakes resulting in their inability to speak English well. This is a challenge for the
teacher to change the mindset of the students who are learning English, especially in the
speaking class.
Activities in Communicative Language Teaching are usually engage students in real
or realistic communication, where the accuracy of the language they use is less important
than success achievement of the communicative tasks they perform (Harmer, 2001:84).
Accuracy is still important to establish good communication. Without accuracy, other
speakers will have a hard time conversation. However, the key to communicative
approach is the following: as long as the speaker and listener understand each other.
Language as a communicative tool comes in various forms culture and country. These
differences provide different aspects of speaking context. Teaching speaking must pay
attention to those who are different context. English teachers must anticipate them that the
field will included by students in actual English communication. Students don't only learn
how to communicate in English, but they also learn how to use English in different
communication contexts. Like Burns & Joyce (1999:44) says that being able to use
language to communicate appropriate in different contexts is the main goal in
communicative approach to language teaching.
Christine C. M. Goh & Anne B, (2012) Skilled teachers therefore need to support
second language learners in developing effective core speaking skills (phonological skills,
speech function skills, interaction management skills and extended discourse organisation
skills) together with psycholinguistic and interactional communication strategies.
According to McCarthy (1998) in Webster (2019) Knowledge of language and discourse
is clearly central to the development of speaking skills but there are also strong
implications of the face-to-face and real time nature of spoken interaction.

3. Types of Speaking Performances

Brown (2004: 271) describes six categories of speaking skill area. Those six
categories are as follows:
a. Imitative

This category includes the ability to practice an intonation and focusing on some
particular elements of language form. That is just imitating a word, phrase or
sentence. The important thing here is focusing on pronunciation. The teacher uses
drilling in the teaching learning process. The reason is by using drilling, students
get opportunity to listen and to orally repeat some words. This method (drilling)
will make students always remember vocabulary, phrases, and sentences.
b. Intensive
This is the students’ speaking performance that is practicing some phonological
and grammatical aspects of language. It usually places students doing the task in
pairs (group work), for example, reading aloud that includes reading paragraph,
reading dialogue with partner in turn, reading information from chart, etc.
c. Responsive
Responsive performance includes interaction and test comprehension but at the
somewhat limited level of very short conversation, standard greeting and small
talk, simple request and comments. This is a kind of short replies to teacher or
student-initiated questions or comments, giving instructions and directions. Those
replies are usually sufficient and meaningful.
d. Transactional (dialogue)
It is carried out for the purpose of conveying or exchanging specific information.
For example here is conversation which is done in pair work.
e. Interpersonal (dialogue)
It is carried out more for the purpose of maintaining social relationships than for
the transmission of facts and information. The forms of interpersonal speaking
performance are interview, role play, discussions, conversations and games.
f. Extensive (monologue)
Teacher gives students extended monologues in the form of oral reports,
summaries, story telling and short speeches. Based on the theory above, it can be
concluded that there are some points that should be considered in assessing
speaking. The students need to know at least the pronunciation, vocabularies, and
language functions that they are going to use. When the students have been ready
and prepared for the activity, they can use the language appropriately.

A. Theory of English Course
1. Definition of English Course
According to UK English “English Course” is An educational course in which a
foreign language is taught. The English language course is a non-formal education that
aims to help people improve their competence or communication skills in English. Kapur
(2020) a language course is a course, in which a person learns a foreign language. The
classes held in language courses aim to provide adequate knowledge and understanding
among students in terms of language. Language learning complements existing formal
education or foreign language knowledge. Taking language courses will make a
significant contribution to the development of competence in language.

2. Advantages of English Course

There are several advantages when studying in English courses
a. Faster in understanding the material
Everyone has a different way of learning. There may be some people who
prefer to study alone, but there are also people who understand the material better if
they do 1 by 1 or classes with limited students with teachers such as courses. This
gives students many opportunities to explore the material further and can directly
consult or ask questions about the material being explained. This will certainly be
more effective. because it is guided directly by teachers who are experts in their
fields. Learing in English course is a helpful place to students to master English more
easily, Dewi (2018).
b. Diverse and focused choice of material
The internet has provided a variety of diverse learning materials, but courses
can make students more focus and enjoy on learning. Students can choose courses to
focus more on learning, Mustafah (2020) a tutor has a good strategy for teaching and
making a student enjoy for studying. Students can choose appropriate materials to
study more deeply. For example, vocabulary, speaking, pronunciation, grammar,
business english, Toefl, or even basic English training. Courses usually have a certain
period of time in learning a material, so students are guaranteed to be able to master
the material quickly.
c. Improve the ability
Improving abilities is something that students definitely get in course
activities. English language skills are very important and useful in today's times

whatever for education. Akhtar (2011) the importance of the English language in
educational field is clear from the fact that many countries have made English as an official
language. Besides being able to improve academic scores, English language skills are
also very useful in the world of work. Li et al., (2020) Language is a key resource for
the success of international assignments because it is the basic means of
communication within organizations. There are already many companies that require
Toefl scores for candidates or it can be if you directly want to work abroad.
d. Introducing foreign culture
When learning a foreign language, students not only explore the language but
also the culture. Lamb (2004) In the minds of students, English may not be associated
with particular geographical or cultural communities but with a spreading
international culture incorporating (inter alia) business, technological innovation,
consumer values, democracy, world travel, and the multifarious icons of fashion,
sport and music. In addition to increasing language skills, they also have to know
about the culture of other countries. Becuase language and culture have relationship
according in Douglas & Brown (1994) A language is part of a culture and culture is
part of language; the two are intricately interwoven so that one cannot separate the
two without losing the significance of either language or culture.
e. Improve brain ability
Reporting from the Academy of Culture and Language, learning a foreign
language can increase the flexibility of our brain work. In Indonesia English is a
foreign language, It means that English is not only used in the classroom but also in
limitless areas, Hernadi (2020). A study found that someone who learns English as a
second language will produce cognitive gains. Among them are: sharper memory,
increased creativity, and also increasingly honed problem solving skills.
f. Vacation in Abroad
The relationship between vacations and English courses are English is an
international language used to communicate around the world. the world’s population
are capable of communicating to a “useful level” in English. Almost all countries use
English in addition to the local language of the country. Lauder (2008) English is a
global or international language. The global status of English is partly due to the
number of people who speak it. Therefore, studying English is very important,
especially go on vacation to a country that uses English. Communication will
definitely be smoother without any obstacles.


A. Method
This research will be conducted with a qualitative approach and the type of research is
case study. Then, the researcher will describe the conditions in the field (the course).
Qualitative methods try to understand and interpreting the meaning of an event of
behavioral interaction human behavior in certain situations according to the researcher's
own perspective. Research that using qualitative research aims to understand the object
under study in depth. In this study, the reasearcher try to analyze the teacher Speaking
Teaching Strategy and the student’s speaking performance.
From this research, the reasearcher will know the obtacles that face by the teacher
during teaching and learing proccess. And how the student’s speaking performance
during in the class. In Training Class (TC) Program the students will get proffesional
teachera who are experts in their major. The teachers will lead you to learn english until
you understood and you try to speak as native speaker, sharing culter with native and
many events will support you to enhance in learning speaking.

B. Data Collection
In this session, researchers collect information through observation, interviews, and
1. Observation
Class observations will be carried out with active participant observation. In this case,
the researcher will observe how the teacher's strategy is in the teaching and learning
process and noted important points. This is an attempt to collect data about teaching
speaking strategies and invetigate students' speaking performance during the learning
process. Observations will be made while the teacher is teaching in class.
2. Interview
Interviews will be conducted to investigate how the teacher has a strategy to teach
speaking that will have a good effect on students through student performance during
practice. and difficulties during the teaching and learning process in the speaking
3. Documentation

The documentation that will be collected by the researcher is in the form of lesson
plans, or study guide books used by teachers and students in learning speaking class.

C. Data Analysis
In analyzing the data the researcher will use descriptive qualitative analysis and after
collecting the data, the researcher continued to analyze the data through a few steps:
1. investigate the teacher's teaching strategy in speaking class and student's speaking
performance through observational data
2. Choose answers from interviews to find out whether the strategy has a good effect
on student learning
3. Interpret and verify observation data and data from interviews.
4. Draw conclusions based on the results of the data that has been analyzed.

D. Research Instrument
Determining the research instrument in this study is very important. In addition, to
make it easier for researchers, a research instrument was chosen as a tool to collect data.
It is stated that the most commonly used research instruments in qualitative research are
observation, interviews, and document. In this study, researchers used observations and
interviews to collect data.

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