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Government College of Engineering, Amravati

(An Autonomous Institute of Government of Maharashtra)

III Sem. B. Tech. (Information Technology)

Summer - 2022

Course Code: ITU622 Course Name: Artificial Intelligence

Time: 2 Hrs. 30 Min. Max. Marks: 60

Instructions to Candidate
1) All questions are compulsory.
2) Assume suitable data wherever necessary and clearly state
the assumptions made.
3) Diagrams/sketches should be given wherever necessary.
4) Use of logarithmic table, drawing instruments and non-
programmable calculators is permitted.
5) Figures to the right indicate full marks.
1. a) Select correct option: 6M
1] number of informed
search method are there in Artificial
A) 4 B) 3 C)2 D) 1

2] Which of the following can improve

the performance of an AI agent?

A) Perceiving B) Observing
C) Learning D) All of above
3] Which of the following environment
is strategic?
A) Rational B) Deterministic
C) Partial D) Stochastic

What does the Bayesian network
4] o) What is uniformed search? Explain with 6M
provide? its types.
A) Partial domain description
B) Complete problem description Solve Any Two:
C) Complete domain description
D) None of the mentioned
a) Explain AND-OR graphs. 6M
5] The computer program simulating the How is Prediction by Partial Matching
thought process of humans is known as: b) 6M
A) Expert reason B)Personal information Useful for data in Al?
) Expert system D) Human logic Explain knowledge engineering process 6M
6] A blind search will be acceptable with the help of diagram.
when this situation occurs:
5. Solve:
A) Complex game B) Small search space
Draw and explain Rule Based 6M
C) Real-life situation D) All of the above a)
Architecture of Expert System.
What are Characteristics of expert
b) What is Strong AI, and how is it 6M b) 6M
different from the Weak Al? system? Why expert system needed?
2. Solve Any Two:
What is inference rule in first-order 6M1
What is backward chaining and forward 6M
chaining? Differentiate between them.
C) What is propositional logic? Explain 6M
Syntax and semantics for propositional
3 Solve:
Why Bayesian Networks is used over 6MM
Government College of Engineering, Amravati
Department of Information Technology
Mid Sem Exam Question Paper VI sem IT
Marks: 30 Date: 04/05/2022
Course Code & Name: ITU622 Artificial Intelligence

differ from each other? 5M

Q. 1) How artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning

Q.2) What is NLP? What are the various components of NLP?/5M

Q.3) How does computer vision work? 5M

Q.4) What are requirements of knowledge represetation systems?
Q.5) How propositional logic is used in AI? What are the types propositional logic?

Q.6) On what factors does the decision to choose forward or

backward chaining depend? Why is backward
chaining used for diagnostic problems? 5M
Q.6) What is the probabilistic reasoning in artificial intelligence?

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