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Submitted to middle examination of Quantitative Research IN ELT


Reg. No. 2130104043

Prof. Dr. Suswati Hendriani, M.Pd., M.Pd
Hafizul Chair, S.Pd.I., M.Hum



TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................................2

CHAPTER 1......................................................................................................................3


A. Background of the Problem...........................................................3

B. Identification of the Problem.........................................................4

C. Limitation and Formulation of the problem...................................5

D. Definition of The Key Term..........................................................6

Purpose of the Research......................................................................6

E. Significant of the Research.............................................................6

CHAPTER II.....................................................................................................................8

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE.........................................................................8

A. Review of Related Theories...........................................................8

B. Conceptual Framework................................................................10

CHAPTER III..................................................................................................................12


A. Research Design...........................................................................12

B. Population And Sample................................................................13

C. Research Instrument.....................................................................14

D. Technique of Data Collection......................................................15

E. Technique of Data Analysis.........................................................15




A. Background of the Problem

One of the most widely used languages in the world is English. English is one of
the languages that is often used in various purposes, one of which is for educational
purposes. There are many countries that use English as the language of instruction in
their education such as: Philippines, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and many
Indonesia, until now has not used English in Education. Because the level of
English usage in Indonesia is very low. This is based on the 2022 English
Proficiency Index (EPI) report, Indonesia ranks 81 out of 111 countries. There are
many English skills that still cannot be mastered well by Indonesians, one of which
is listening skills.
Until now, listening skills are still very difficult for Indonesians. There are many
obstacles for Indonesians in mastering listening skills including lack of vocabulary
mastery, lack of knowledge about the pronounciation of a word, or lack of
understanding of the topic conveyed so that they do not understand the correlation of
each sentence delivered.
Along with the times, there are many media, applications, or websites intended
for learning English. Various learning media emerged to support the process of
learning English. Most of these media are focused on honing 1 language skill. One of
them is listening skills. And one of the media that focuses learning in listening is the
English club website.
English is one of the websites founded by Josef Esbergerr in 1997.
Initially, this website was intended for teachers to get reference sources for questions
or questions in English language learning. This website works like a database or a
place where learning references are collected. In each learning material also included
questions or quizzes that are used as a measure of understanding of the learning
references that have been given. This website collects references from various
English skills. But in this research the author focus on listening skill.
This type of research has been conducted by Tri Listiyaningsih (2017) by
improving listening skills using English song with the results of the study, that is:
that listening English song can improve the listening skill because song can be media
to improve listening skill. When someone learn about English language, they should
comprehend in listening skill because listening is one of skill that must comprehend
in learning English language. Listening to English song can add the vocabularies,
improve pronunciation, and can make comprehend in listening skill and there is way
to improve listening skill. Vocabularies can be obtained because people will usual to
listen the English word and it can add new vocabularies. Improve pronunciation can
obtained because when listen English song, the singer usually is native speaker of
English and they will pronounce English well. So that people can use the English
song to improve the ability (Listiyaningsih, 2017). Research that shows success in
improving listening skills using English song. Therefore, the author decided to
conduct similar research using different application media, namely
to be able to make it easier to understand listeing and improve the listening skills.
Based on the statement above, it shows that many students have problems
understanding vocabulary because what is heard is based on the recording. With the
englishclub website can improve listening skills, to find out whether this website can
improve listening skills or not, therefore this research was conducted.

B. Identification of the Problem

The keyword of this study, Listening skill is the main thing that will be
identified in this study. Listening skills are one of the most needed skills in learning
English. Because listening skills are closely related to other skills such as speaking
skills, reading skills, and writing skills
Speaking skills are closely related to listening skills. Because in a conversation,
of course, not only speaking skills are needed. Good listening ability is also needed
because the speaker must respond according to what the other person is saying. If
we do not have good listening skills, of course we will not be able to respond to
what is said appropriately.

Not only with speaking skills. Listening skills are also closely related to reading
and writing skills. Because in reading activities, of course, sometimes there are
some vocabulary or sentences that are not understood or known by the reader. With
good listening skills, the reader can overcome the deficiency by remembering the
wrong vocabulary or sentence from the listening experience he has. This listening
experience will lead the reader to understand the meaning of a word or sentence.
Writing skills are also related to listening skills. To write, of course, relevant
references and sources are needed. By having good listening skills, of course writers
are able to find or get relevant information better and accurately. Listening skills are
certainly needed to support writing activities in getting information.
That way, listening skills are certainly one of the most important skills to
improve for students. Listening skills are related to other skills learned by English
Teaching Department students such as writing, speaking, and reading. Therefore,
students listening ability needs to be improved

C. Limitation and Formulation of the problem

Listening skills are skills that are needed by English Teaching Department
students. Listening skill is one of the skills needed to improve listening ability and
other skills. The purpose of this paper is to identify the effect of the English club
website in improving the listening skills of English teaching department students at
UIN Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar.
There are several limitations that must be known in this study. First, this study
focused on identifying the effect of English club website in improving the listening
skills of English teaching department students at UIN Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar.
Second, this research is limited to English teaching department students at UIN
Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar only, so this research cannot be generalized or
concluded to other subjects. Third, the study relied on responses from a sample of
some students, who may not accurately represent other students.
In general, this study was conducted to answer questions related to the title of
this paper. Among them are:

1. Can the English Club website improve the listening skills of English
teaching department students at UIN Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar?
2. How does the English Club website affect the listening skills of English
teaching department students at UIN Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar?

Research question will be explored by research that will be conducted at the

English teaching department students at UIN Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar.

D. Definition of The Key Term

To avoid misunderstanding about specific terms used in this research, the

researcher defined the terms as follows:
1. Problem as goals, one general definition describes a problem in terms of some
difficult obstacle or goal, in other words anything difficult to overcome is a
problem and something that has to be solved or an unpleasant or undesirable
condition that needs to be corrected as faced by English Teaching Department
students in the listening skill.
2. Listening is one of the skills or abilities in English to accurately receive and
interpret messages in the communication process., and on English Teaching
Department students’ of UIN Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar, the students must
have the listening skill to understand about the learning process.
3. English Club website is a website founded by Josef Esbergerr in 1997. English
club website is used to improve English skills. Which in this study will focus on
listening skills.

Purpose of the Research

As stated on the research question above, the purpose of this research is to find
out the effect of English club on improving students listening skills at UIN Mahmud
Yunus Batusangkar.

E. Significant of the Research

This research is a study aimed at seeing the effect of a media on English skills.
In this study, researchers focused on the effect of English club website on
improving students listening skills at UIN Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar. The
significance of this research can be viewed from two perspectives, that is: the
lecturer's perspective and the student's perspective.
From the perspective of lecturers, this research is significant because this study
discusses the effects of a media on language skills. By knowing the effect of media
on language skills, lecturers get new references about learning media, which in this
study is about the impact of English club websites on student listening skills.
Lecturers can also use this research as a comparison between the methods or media
they use with the English club website media in improving student listening skills.
From the perspective of students, this research is significant because this study
looks for the effect of a media on improving their language skills which in this
study is about the impact of English club websites on students listening skills.
Students can make this research as a reference in learning and improving listening
The conclusion is, this study is intended to determine the effect and impact of a
media on English skills. This research is one comparison in seeing the correlation
between a media and improved learning outcomes. With this research, readers can
see the state and listening skills of students.



A. Review of Related Theories

1. Listening Skills
a. Definition
In learning English, there are 4 basic skills that need to be mastered by
students. Those skills are speaking, reading, writing, and listening. All these
skills are related to each other. Because each skill has a relationship and role
in improving the process of learning English. Listening is one part of that
skill. Listening can be said to be an important skill in English. Because
listening skills greatly affect the ability of other skills possessed by a person.
Listening is an input process in the form of hearing and understanding
the meaning of the sound emitted by others. The most important point in
listening is to understand what is being conveyed. This is in accordance with
what Dakin (2008) conveyed Listening is one half of process of
communication, it presuppose in the heave a willingness and competence to
understand what it said.
In addition, Herbert J. Walberg on his book (Wallace, Stariha, &
Walberg, 2004) said Listening skills are essential for learning since they
enable students to acquire insights and information, and to achieve success in
communicating with others. Referring to this statement, it can be concluded
that listening skills are very important skills. Because listening skills are not
only used in learning English. Listening can also be a way to understand what
others are telling us. Listening skills also allow students to learn many new
things from what we hear.
So, listening skills are skills that are needed to hone other skills and as a
tool to add references. Be it from English or other branches of science

b. Purposes
The purpose of listening skills is to get a good ability to hear and
understand what is said by others. According to (HRPODS, 2023), Listening
refers to the ability to listen which requires focused and concentrated effort.
Listening not only pays attention to the message, but also understands the
process of delivering the message and the use of language, voice, and body
Practicing listening skills is not just listening. You also learn new things
effectively. Because discovering small details and asking the interlocutor, you
have made a difference in learning.

2. English Club Website

a. Brief Explanation
English Club Website is a website that is used as one of the learning
media in English. The English Club website was founded by Josef Esbergerr
in 1997. English Club Website can also be used as a reference in finding
questions or quizzes for English teachers.
English Club is one of the media that is widely used in learning English
because there are questions or quizzes that can be used from elementary
school students to students at the college level though.
b. Features
English Club has a lot of features in learning. The features of this feature
are further grouped into several types of material, the types of material are:
- Grammar
- Vocabulary
- Pronounciation
- Listening
- Speaking
- Reading
- Writing
- Guestbook
- 7 Secrets

All of this material, has stages and levels of learning. Starting from easy
to difficult. Viewers can choose the level according to the desired difficulty.
There are many topics and references that students can use to support their
learning, especially in improving listening skills.

B. Conceptual Framework

The Conceptual Framework of this purpose are based from two variabels.
Namely English Club and Listening Skill. English Club is a website intended for
English language learning. English Club in this study is positioned as a variable
that will be found out its relationship with other variables, namely Listening Skill.
Whether using English club will have an impact on improving the listening skills of
English Teaching Department Student in UIN Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar. In this
study, English club will be denoted as variable X.
The following variable is Listening Skill. Listening Skills will be positioned as
the results you want to improve. Will Variable X be able to improve the Listening
Skill of English Teaching Department Student in UIN Mahmud Yunus
Batusangkar. In accordance with what researchers have written before, listening
skills are things that will be a reference for the results of research that will be
carried out. The results of the study will depend on the improvement of Listening
Skills. So in this study, listening skills will be denoted as Variable Y.
The variables X and Y will certainly have a direct relationship. Because the
concept of this research will focus on the influence of variable X on changes or
increases that will occur to variable Y.
For more details, the conceptual frame work of "The impact of english club
website on improving students listening skills at UIN Mahmud Yunus
Batusangkar" will be described as follows:

UIN Mahmud

English Club Student
Website The impact of
english club
website on
Listening improving
Skils students
listening skills
at UIN
Mahmud Yunus



A. Research Design

The research that will be carried out by researchers is research that has followed
one type of design from quantitative research, namely the type of descriptive research.
According to Sudjana (Sudjana, 2001:64) defines that descriptive research is research
that seeks to describe a symptom, event and occurrence that occurs at the present
moment where researchers try to photograph events and events that are the center of
attention to then be described as they are. This research is classified into descriptive
research because this research tries to explain the effect or impact that will be given by a
media in improving the listening skills possessed by students. In this study, the media is
the English club website.

English Club is considered to have a very important role or effect in improving

the listening ability of students, so the effect or role of this media feels necessary to be
researched and sought for the results of its research in order to be a reference or
reconsideration for lecturers or students in choosing the right learning media in an effort
to improve listening ability.

In this study, English Club will be described as variable X. And for Listening
Skill, it will be described or represented as variable Y. This research is designed in such
a way as to see the effect or influence of variable X on variable Y. This effect or impact
will be calculated and described in order to find out how far the effect of variable X on
Variable Y.

Based on the aforementioned theories, this study will provide an impang or

effect dari media English Club terhadap second semester students of the English
Teaching Department at UIN Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar.

B. Population And Sample

1. Population

There are countless notions of what population is. According to

Sugiyono (Sugiyono, 2019:126) population is a generalization area consisting of:
objects / subjects that have certain quantities and characteristics set by researchers
to be studied and then drawn conclusions. Population is the sum total of the
subjects of the study. Population is the number of participants or subjects of the
research to be conducted. Population is one of the most important parts of
research because the results of research conducted using data from samples, can
be generalized to the population. So this population becomes one of the most
important elements of the study.

Population is also a tool or subject used in determining the sample.

Because the sample is part of the population to be studied. Samples are taken from
the population using certain techniques that will be explained in the next point.

In this study, the population in question is all 2nd semester students who
are taking the 2nd Listening course at the English Teaching Department at UIN
Mahmud Yunus Batusangkar for the 2021/2022 academic year. The following
table is attached containing the number of the population that will be research.

No. Class Number Of Student

1. 21-TBI-A 25

2. 21-TBI-B 25

3 21-TBI-C 25

Total Population 75

2. Sample

Sugiyono, (Sugiyono, 2017:81) the sample is part of the population that is the
source of data in the study, where the population is part of the number of
characteristics possessed by the population. There are several techniques that can
be used in selecting samples. The technique in choosing this sample is based on the
type, title and also the subject to be studied.

This research will use a simple random sampling technique because there are no
strata of the subject to be studied. According to Sugiyono (Sugiyono, 2017)
Simple Random Sampling is the taking of sample members from a population that
is carried out randomly without regard to the strata in that population. The level of
homogeneity of the research subjects this time is also the main consideration why
researchers use simple random sampling techniques.

The number of samples to be taken will refer again to how many populations
will be studied. The number of samples to be taken is 10% of the population. The
total population of this study was 75 people so that the sample used was 10% of
these 75 people, which is 8 people.

C. Research Instrument

The main instrument that will be used in this research is questionnare which will
utilize google form media. This questionnaire will be designed in such a way as to
determine and get results from the effect of English club website on improving
students listening ability. Questions will be arranged in a structured manner based on
existing theories and variables. The answer will be compiled by making 5 answer
options, namely: No influence, Little Influence, Influential, Very influential, So

D. Technique of Data Collection

Questionare that has been made will be used in this study to collect data that will
be needed to produce a research result. Questionare is expected to be a tool to
collect data on the effects of the English club on improving students' listening
ability. Questionare will be disseminated on a sample that has been determined as a
tool in collecting data. After the data is collected, the researcher will process and
conclude the data that has been obtained to be made as a result of research that will
be generalized to this research population, namely all students who take the
Listening 2 course at the English Teaching Department at UIN Mahmud Yunus
Batusangkar in the 2021/2022 academic year

E. Technique of Data Analysis

The data that has been obtained before will be processed with Step Step in this
area to be able to produce conclusions that will be useful in describing the results of
the study.

1. Researchers will collect data results obtained from questionare from

google form

2. Researchers will sort back the results obtained from the google form using
a manual table

3. Researchers will enter and process data using the SPSS application

4. Researchers will conclude and describe the results of research that has
been processed at SPSS into a research draft.


HRPODS. (2023, May 14). 7 Tipe Listening Skill. 7 Tipe Listening Skill.

Listiyaningsih, T. (2017). The Influence of Listening English Song to Improve

Listening Skill in Listening Class. Journal Of Multidisciplinary Studies.

Sudjana. (2001). Metode & Teknik Pembelajaran Partisipasif. Bandung: Falah


Sugiyono. (2017). Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif, dan R&D. Bandung: CV.

Sugiyono. (2019). Metodelogi Penelitian Kuantitatif dan Kualitatif Dan R&D.

Bandung: Alfabeta.

Wallace, T., Stariha, W. E., & Walberg, H. J. (2004). Teaching Speaking, Listening and
Writing. Educational Practices Series-14. Switzerland: UNESCO International
Bureau of Education.


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