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Submitted to fulfill assignment of Listening II


Lia Agustina Damanik, M.Hum.






COVER ...............................................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTS.......................................................................

ABSTRACT .........................................................................................
A. Introduction ..................................................................................... 1
B Content ............................................................................................. 2
C. Conclusion ....................................................................................... 7
D. References ........................................................................................ 8


Listening is a process of listening to oral symbols with attention, understanding,

appreciation, and interpretation to obtain information, capture content or messages and
understand the meaning of communication that has been conveyed by the speaker through
speech or language verbally, whereas Haryadi and Zamzani (1996: 21), say that listening is
an activity carried out by someone with the sound of language as the target and to
understand the content conveyed by the sound. Based on the above understanding, it can be
concluded that listening is a process of listening to sounds both non-language sounds and
language sounds with full understanding, attention, appreciation, and interpretation, using
ear activity in capturing messages that are played to obtain information and understand the
contents conveyed by the sound. Factors Affecting Listening Comprehension : Physical
factors, Psychological factors, Experience factors, Attitude factors, Motivational factors,
Gender factors, Environmental factors, Role factors in society.


Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, all praise be to Allah SWT who has

given His blessings and gifts to us to be able to continue to act as usual and be able to
complete my paper in Listening II courses. In this paper I will discuss about Factors
Affecting Listening Comprehension.

In learning foreign languages, especially English, there are things that need attention.
Like Indonesian, in English there are also some skills that must be considered and learned to
be able to master English well. These skills include: Listening (listening), Reading (reading),
Speaking (speaking), and Writing (writing). Learning English is said to be effective if the
learning can cover the four skills as a unit.

What is lisening and What are the factors affecting listening comprehension?

The purpose of writing this paper is so that the reader can know what is meant by
listening and what factors can influence listening comprehension.

In making this paper starting from designing, searching materials, to writing, the author
gets help, advice, instructions, and guidance from many parties both directly and indirectly.
Therefore, the author would like to thank friends who participated in completing this paper.
The author realizes that this paper has many shortcomings and is far from perfection.
Therefore, the author expects criticism and suggestions from readers for improvements in the
future, and the authors also hope that this paper can be useful to the reader

Medan, June 2019


A. Understanding Listening

Tarigan (1985: 19), said that listening is a process of listening to oral symbols with
attention, understanding, appreciation, and interpretation to obtain information, capture
content or messages and understand the meaning of communication that has been conveyed
by the speaker through speech or language verbally, whereas Haryadi and Zamzani (1996:
21), say that listening is an activity carried out by someone with the sound of language as the
target and to understand the content conveyed by the sound. Based on the above
understanding, it can be concluded that listening is a process of listening to sounds both non-
language sounds and language sounds with full understanding, attention, appreciation, and
interpretation, using ear activity in capturing messages that are played to obtain information
and understand the contents conveyed by the sound.

B. Purpose of Listening

        Tarigan (1990: 22), said that listening has several objectives, as follows:

a. Get the facts

        Collection of facts can be done in various ways. Researchers gather or obtain facts
through research, research or experimentation. Collection of facts like this can only be done
by educated people. For ordinary people it is rarely or almost impossible. Another way that
can be done in gathering facts is through reading. Educated people often get facts through
reading activities such as reading science books, research reports, seminar papers, scientific
and popular magazines, newspapers, and so on. In traditional societies the collection of facts
through listening is widely used. Even in modern society the gathering of facts through
listening is still widely used. Activities to collect facts or information through listening can be
manifest in various variations. For example listening to radio, television, delivering papers in
seminars, scientific speeches, family conversations, conversations with neighbors,
conversations with coworkers, classmates and so on

b. Analyze facts

        The facts or information that has been collected need to be analyzed. It must be clear the
connection between the elements of facts, causes and consequences of what is contained in
them. What the speaker delivers must be related to listening knowledge or experience in the
relevant field. This process of fact analysis must take place consistently from time to time
during the listening process. The time to analyze the facts is quite available as long as the
listeners can use extra time. What is meant by extra time, is the difference in the speed of
conversation 120-150 words per minute with the speed of thinking listening to around 300-
500 words per minute. Word analysis is very important and is the basis for fact assessment.

c. Evaluating facts

        In this situation listeners often ask questions such as


1) Is the fact submitted?

2) Are facts relevant?

3) Are facts accurate?

        If the facts conveyed by the speaker are in accordance with the reality, experience and
knowledge of the observer, then that fact can be accepted. Conversely, if the facts presented
are not accurate or relevant, or less convincing, the observer deserves to doubt that fact. The
results of evaluating these facts will affect the credibility of the content of the conversation
and the speaker. After completing the evaluation, the listener will usually draw conclusions
about what the content of the conversation deserves to be accepted or rejected.

d. Get inspiration

        Sometimes people attend a certain convention, scientific meeting or banquet, not to find
or get facts. Someone listens to other people's conversations solely for the purpose of seeking
inspiration. Such listeners are usually people who don't need new facts. What is needed by an
observer is suggestion, encouragement, an injection of enthusiasm, or inspiration to solve the
problem they are facing.

e. Self-entertaining

        Some listeners come to shows such as cinemas, plays, or conversations to entertain
themselves, because the person is tired and tired. A person needs physical and mental
refreshment so that his condition is restored. That is someone for the purpose of entertaining
themselves. For example, listening to talk of funny stories, watching hilarious performances
like the one performed by the Opera Van Java Group.

f. Improve speaking skills

        In this case the listeners pay attention to someone speaking in terms of (1) how to
organize the conversation material, (2) how to deliver the material to talk, (3) how to attract
listeners' attention, (4) how to direct the attention of listeners, (5) how to use assistive devices
such as a microphone, props and so on, and (6) how to start and end the conversation.

C. Factors Affecting Listening Comprehension

According to Tarigan, several factors that influence listening activities include the
following :

1. Physical factors. The physical condition of a listener is an important factor that also
determines the effectiveness and quality of effectiveness in listening. For example, there is
someone who is very difficult to hear, in the same circumstances, he may be disturbed and
confused by the effort he is doing to hear. Physically, he may be far below the normal
nutritional size so that his level of attention is low. Health and physical well-being is an
important capital that also determines the success of listening. Therefore, physical factors that
can interfere with and hinder the process of smooth listening need to be eliminated.

2. Psychological factors. Psychological factors also influence the listening process. Positive
psychological factors will have a good influence, while negative psychological factors will
have a negative influence on listening activities. Negative factors include prejudice and lack
of sympathy, keegosentrisan, and enthusiasm for personal interest, a less broad view,
boredom and boredom, and inappropriate attitudes towards the speaker, while positive factors
are beneficial for listening activities, including past experiences fun so that it can determine
interests and choices, as well as diverse intelligence.

3. Experience factors. Attitude is the result of the growth and development of our experience.
Lack of interest is a result of lacking or no experience at all in the field to be listened to.

Antagonistic attitudes, opposing attitudes, and hostility arise from unpleasant experiences.
Experience factors are important factors that influence the process of listening to someone.

4. Attitude factors. Basically humans have two main attitudes, namely accepting and rejecting
attitudes. People will accept things that are interesting and profitable for him and refuse to
things that are not interesting and not profitable for him. Both of these have an impact on
listening. Each can be a negative impact and a positive impact. As educators, later we will
definitely choose and instill a positive impact on our students from all the ingredients
presented, especially the ingredients of cooking. Presenting good learning materials with
interesting presentation material, coupled with an exciting and amazing appearance, is clearly
very beneficial and at the same time forms a positive attitude for students.

5. Motivational factors. Motivation is one of the determinants of one's success. If someone

has a strong motivation, it is expected that the person will succeed in achieving the goal.
Similarly, listening. Encouragement and determination are needed to do something in this
life. Explain the lesson well and clearly, express the intent and purpose to be achieved, and
how to achieve goals, clearly is a guidance to students to instill and increase their motivation
to listen diligently

6. Gender factors. From several studies, some experts draw conclusions that between men
and women, generally have different concerns and the way they focus on something is

7. Environmental factors. Environmental factors have a big influence on the success of

learning in general students. Environmental factors in the form of physical environment and
social environment. The physical environment concerns the arrangement and arrangement of
classrooms and the means of listening learning. The social environment includes an
atmosphere that encourages children to express their ideas, and also knows that their
contributions will be appreciated. Children who have the opportunity to be heard will be
more alert to listen if someone has the opportunity to speak.

8. Role factors in society. The ability to listen can also be influenced by roles in society. The
role in society is an important factor for improving listening skills. If you listen a lot, you will
absorb a lot of knowledge.


A. Conclusion

Listening is responding or receiving intentional sounds. Take good care of what others
say that has begun to involve the mental element, which means mental activity has arisen,
just not as high as listening activities.

Factors Affecting Listening Comprehension :

1. Physical factors.

2. Psychological factors.

3. Experience factors.

4. Attitude factors.

5. Motivational factors.

6. Gender factors.

7. Environmental factors.

8. Role factors in society.


Bingol, MA Mustafa Azmi. (2014). Listening Comprehension Difficulties Encountered By

Students in Second Language Class. International Journal on New Trendsin Education and
their Implications, vol.4, 2014.

Burford, Lindsay. What problemsdo your learners have with listening. Language School,
UABC: Tijuana Mexico.

Field, Jhon (2008). Listening in Language Classroom. Cambridge University Press, 2008.


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