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Supporting Lecturer : RINI SUSILOWATI, S.Pd., M.Pd.

BY :
NPM : 2088203006



Praise be to Allah SWT who has given His grace and guidance so that the author can
complete the assignment of this paper entitled "Strategy In Listening Practice" on time. The
purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill the task of Mrs. Rini Susilowati, S.Pd., M.Pd. in English
Education. In addition, this paper also aims to add insight about the title "Strategy In Listening
Practice" for readers and also for writers. The author would like to thank the lecturer, as a
lecturer in the Listening For Communication Purpose Course course who has given this
assignment so that it can add knowledge and insight according to the field of study that the
author is engaged in. The author would also like to thank all those who have shared some of
their knowledge so that the author can complete this paper. The author realizes that this paper is
still far from perfect. Therefore, the writer will look forward to constructive criticism and
suggestions for the perfection of this paper.

Kotabumi, 11 August 2021


Denica Eka Putri Febrianti


CHAPTER I................................................................................................................................................5
A. Background.....................................................................................................................................5

B. Problem Formulation......................................................................................................................5

C. Purpose...........................................................................................................................................6

CHAPTER II...............................................................................................................................................7
1. LEARNING LISTENING IN ENGLISH........................................................................................7

1. LISTENING IMPROVES ENGLISH SKILLS...............................................................................8

1. Listening Techniques.......................................................................................................................9

CHAPTER III............................................................................................................................................13
A. Conclusion....................................................................................................................................13

LIBRARY LIST........................................................................................................................................14
(Efforts To Improve English Hearing Skills)

Denica Eka Putri Febrianti*

Department of English Language Education, Faculty of Teacher Training, Muhammadiyah University of

Jl. Hasan Kepala Ratu, No.1052 Post Box 156., Sindangsari, Kotabumi, North Lampung District 34517

*E-mail :

Submitted : August 11, 2021 Accepted : August 11, 2021


Mendeng listen is to pay attention to sound or action. When listening, one hears what
others are saying, and tries to understand what it means. The act of listening involves complex
affective, cognitive, and behavioral processes. Affective processes include motivation to listen to
others; cognitive processes include paying attention, understanding, receiving, and interpreting
relational content and messages; and behavioral processes including responding to others with
verbal and nonverbal feedback.

Language learning strategies are activities that concern their lesson plans; and listening
learning strategies are the art of designing all learning activities in the classroom to improve
students' listening abilities: students' competencies to re-inform their understanding through
speaking and writing competencies. This article tries to outline some of the main issues about the
definition of listening, the learning purpose and the learning process of listening, the learning
strategies and evaluations at the end of the learning .

Keywords : Listening, Listening Skills, Learning Strategies .




A. Background

The methodology of teaching foreign languages is constantly developing along with the
developments that occur in the disciplines of language, education, and mental sciences.
Moreover, the results of research in the field of language teaching itself also contribute to the
birth of new approaches and methods in language teaching. It must be acknowledged that most
of these developments occur in the teaching of English which is the most important language in
the world today.

One linguistic principle states that language is first of all speech, i.e. the sounds of
language spoken and can be heard on the basis that some linguists should start by inviting
aspects of hearing and pronunciation before reading and writing. This is deliberately emphasized,
because based on observations, many of them english teachers tend to invite their students to
read textbooks from the beginning of the lesson.

Thus, listening is a very important learning experience for students and should receive
earnest attention from the teacher.

B. Problem Formulation
1. What are the teaching listening techniques?
2. What are the things to consider in teaching listening?
3. How is the evaluation of teaching listening?
C. Purpose  

In general, the purpose of listening exercises is so that students can understand speech in
English, both colloquial and the language used in official forums.



  A. English as an International Language

The role of English as an International language has been unemended by other foreign
languages. The status of English as an International language today is, of course, inseparable
from the fact that England as a country was once a superpower with a very large colony in the
world. For that reason, the background of the use of English in the world. Supported by America,
a country that is super power today, increasing its level of the role of English as an International

English is an International language taught in schools around the world. The increasing
use of English makes this language more entrenched in every society.

B. Aspects of English Learning


There are 4 aspects in English, namely listening, speaking, writing,and reading. Each
individual has different levels of difficulty, including difficulty in communicating, difficulty
understanding Grammar,or lack of vocabulary.
Basically everyone experiences the same thing when learning English, ranging from
memorizing vocabulary, understanding grammar and other language structures although it is
easy to achieve during practice but most quickly forget, for example, the understanding of tenses
is quickly lost.
The above problems are not actually due to the learner's mistakes, but it can be mistakes
in the learning methods that are not interesting, or too rigid, therefore effective learning activities
are required.

D. Listening in English Learning


Listening is our understanding of hearing English. Whether it's directly or through media like
music or movies.
Listening is an important material in English because we need to be able to know what people
are telling us. To be able to master listening we must really understand the words we hear.
Listening is not the same as listening. Hear in English hear while listening is listen.

In English learning, listening activities can be done with interesting learning methods. In this
case it depends on the teacher who is teaching listening, whether the listening learning is
delivered effectively or not.



A. Movies Getting Used to Hearing English

The goal, of course, to be achieved by using film as a learning medium, is to get us used
to English. If we want to improve our English listening skills, we can use movies by eliminating
subtitles. It is believed to make us accustomed to English which is an International language.
Because language is believed to be mastered when practicing frequently. Confusion with the
words that come out is the first sensation we will face. There are two benefits when using movies
as a learning medium, namely pronunciation techniques and vocabulary enhancements.

B. English Song as a Listening Learning Medium

Listening with songs that use English as the lyrics will make learning English listening
fun. By using songs as a medium, we can learn four aspects of listening learning at once. This is
one of the approach efforts to improve our ability to listening English, as well as to motivate
students in improving their English listening skills.
Using songs as a learning medium for listening can be done with the following steps:

1. Choose a song
One of the conditions in choosing a song to improve listening is the selection of the song
must be with a clear pronounciation. Some opinions suggest that the selection of songs for
beginners who want to learn listening,it is advisable to choose a song that is melancholy.
2. Listen to songs
In this activity that can only be done is to listen only. This is to familiarize the ears with
english pronunciation.
3. Listen
Listening is not the same as listening. Hear in English hear while listening is listen. In
this activity it is only necessary to bring a small note. Listen carefully to the song, then note the
lyrics spoken.
4. Match
The last activity to improve listening skills with the song is to match the original lyrics. Then
interpret the lyrics in its entirety. What needs to be noted is that the meaning of one word
depends on the context of the sentence.

1. Listening Techniques

The implication in the implementation of teaching is that teachers should start the lesson by
listening to (in) English speech in the form of words and sentences, at least the teacher
introduces new words or sentences, new phrases, or new sentence patterns.

Among the stages of listening exercises are:

a. Exercise introduce (identification)

This is the first stage that the teacher gives to the student, aiming for the student to
identify the sounds of English correctly.
Presentation (teaching) can be directly by the teacher orally, tape recorder or
laboraturium, but preferably by the teacher using tape or laboraturium.

Example: Chair sehee

Car sheet

b. Practice listening and imitating


At this stage, students listen and practice in pronunciation, the practice of imitating is
focused on the foreign sounds of students.

Example: Ligh




c. Listening and understanding exercises

The next stage, after the students know the sounds of the language and can pronounce it,
this exercise aims to allow students to understand the shape and meaning of the material they are
listening to.

- Practice viewing and listening

Examples: wallpaper, side, film-strip

- Practice reading and listening

Example: good morning, mini hotel, reservation section, tom speaking, may I help you?

I would like to make a reservation

- Listening and listening exercises

Example: toni writes an article

Rina sweeps the yard of house

Siska drinks a water

- Practice listening and understanding

Mr. amin is our english teacher. He is a diligent teacher. He never comes late even though the
school begins at 7:00, he always artives at school on time.

1. Things to Look For in Teaching Listening

In relation to teaching listening, it is necessary to note the following:

Students must receive information through a series of language sounds with the right
arrangement of tone and pressure.

In choosing the oral text, the teacher should pay attention to the following:

 Age and interests of students

 The vocabulary that students have
 The level of maturity and speed of students in taking oral tests

Teachers should write down the key words before the lesson starts and explain the meaning

Recordings need to be made close to everyday situations

A reasonable speed is certainly the end goal of the listening lesson, but in the early stages it does
not hurt if the speech is slowed down a little.

C. Teaching Listening Evaluation

  To know the understanding of listening teaching, it takes some evaluation. While the
evaluation of listening ability is still focused on two types, namely tests through recording and
tests through question and answer or interview. However, evaluations are often used with
questions that are systematized according to the type of question itself and according to the
behavior of the student we are fishing for.
 A yes - no question is a question whose answer is preceded by the word Yes or No

For example:

is your father a doctor?

Yes, my father is a doctor

No, my father isn't a doctor

 An alternative type of question is a question that gives the student a choice of both options
itself explicitly mentioned in the question

For example:

Is your father a doctor or a teacher?

 Questioning the type of information or news that is desired can be objective or subjective

For example:

How is your teacher?

My teacher is kind, he explains the lesson clearly, he can speak english fluently and he always
looks at to the students carefully


A. Conclusion

1. Listening techniques

2. among several stages of listening exercises are:

 Introducing exercises (identification), Practice listening and imitating, Listening and

understanding exercises
 In relation to teaching listening, it is necessary to note the following:
a) students must receive information through a series of language sounds with the appropriate
arrangement of tone and pressure, In choosing spoken text, the teacher should pay
attention to the following:
1. Age and interests of students
2. Vocabulary that students have
3. Maturity level and speed of students in taking oral tests
b) the teacher should write down the key words before the lesson begins and explain the
meaning, the recording needs to be made close to the daily situation, Reasonable speed is
certainly the end goal of the lesson listening, but in the early stages it does not hurt if the
speech is slowed down a little.
c) A question of type Yes - No is a question whose answer is preceded by the word Yes or No
d) An alternative type of question is a question that gives the student a choice of both options
itself explicitly mentioned in the question
e) Question of the type of information or news that is desired can be objective or subjective

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