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Muh. Ikhsan B




All my praise and gratitude are always on the presence of Allah SWT,

because with its abundance of grace and guidance, the author can finally complete

the Research Method ELT final task entitled "INCREASING STUDENTS'



The author realizes, the work that the author of this arrangement is still far

from perfect, therefore critics and suggestions are highly expected from various

parties. As ordinary people, we try our best and as much as possible, and as

ordinary people also writers are not free from all mistakes and errors in preparing

this proposal. To perfect this work, the author will gladly accept constructive

criticism and suggestions from various parties. So in the future the writer can

perfect this proposal and the writer can learn from the mistakes that the writer has

made. Finally, the authors hope that this proposal can be useful, especially for

writers and generally for all interested parties.

Maros, Jan 29th, 2020



COVER ........................................................................................................... i

PREFACE ...................................................................................................... ii

LIST OF CONTEXT ..................................................................................... iii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................. iv

A. Background of The Research .......................................................... 1

B. Research Question ........................................................................... 2

C. Objectives of The Research ........................................................... 2

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................... 5

A. Theory ............................................................................................. 5

1. Pronunciation .............................................................................. 5

2. Concept of Increase ..................................................................... 7

3. Concept of Increasing Pronunciation .......................................... 7

4. Concept of Strategy ..................................................................... 8

5. Listen, Read , Discuss Strategy ................................................... 9

6. Hypothesis ................................................................................... 12

7. Theoritical Framework ................................................................ 13

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...................................... 14

A. Type and Research Design ............................................................. 14

B. Time and Place ................................................................................ 14

C. Population and Sample .................................................................... 14

D. Research Variables ......................................................................... 15

E. Research Instrument ........................................................................ 16

F. Data Analyze ................................................................................... 16

G. Technique of Collecting Data ......................................................... 16

H. Validity of The Data ....................................................................... 17

REFERENCES .............................................................................................. 18


A. Background of The Research

In learning English, pronunciation is one of the things that is very

important for us to learn. Pronunciation is part of the ability of Speaking,

To speak as well, we must understand what the meaning of pronunciation.

Commonly, pronunciation is a way to give expression a wo

rd in English properly and correctly. Therefore, it is important to

teach pronunciation. As Harmer (2000: 183) argue that for everyone, it

will be very useful if they are aware of pronunciation problems that are not

only for themselves but also for understanding what they are pronunce it.

The problem is that most of us Indonesians still have difficulty

learning English. Because English is not our mother tongue. Not only

Indonesia, other countries also have the same problem. But the main

demand for learning English is because it is an international language, a

global language, used to communicate with foreign people.

According to Farmer (2001), most teachers do not pay enough

attention to English pronunciation. There are several reasons for this

neglect. Many students say that learning to pronounce is a waste of time in

learning excuses. They say that communication in English is sufficient and

that understanding each other is not important. And then Harmer (2001)

states that the primary purpose of teaching and learning in all languages is

to enable students to communicate in a target language, and when that

happens, communication is an important word. is yours. Communication

means understanding and understanding. Many students communicate

with teachers and other students and find it easy to communicate in

English. But they make a big mistake.

Problems that occur in the world of education in Indonesia,

especially in English subjects that focus their studies in the field of

grammar structure. Today we know that grammar structures are very

complicated to learn. According to A.J Hoge (2015) that especially,

learning grammar makes it difficult to learn English.

Actually, in speaking English with foreigners, grammar is not

really needed for foreigners. What is needed is how we pronounce it

verbatim or speak clearly even though the grammatical structure is a mess.

This is very helpful than using the correct grammar structure but lacking in

pronunciation is unclear.

The areas of expression required to attract student attention include

focusing on individual voices, words, phrases / sentences, and struggles

that the student fights. Students who find it difficult to spell words

correctly. (Harmer, 2001: 187). It is line with (Devi, 2015: 295) that

pronunciation is a result of actions that produce sounds in the form of

suppressors or intonations that have meaning that can be understood

correctly. Usually a word that is spoken will be different, it depends on

geographical factors.

Therefore this study intends to provide an influence on the

smoothness of students in pronouncing words in English. Therefore, the

pronunciation material given later will affect students' speaking and

listening skills. In this study, researchers want to provide a new strategy

for students it is the LRD (Listen-Read-Discuss) strategy to facilitate the

understanding of pronunciation, especially in speaking skills. In the

learning process we can see that the teachers only explains in a normal or

conventional teaching, so the researchers think that if the teachers uses the

techniques in learning pronunciation in speaking material it can improve

their speaking skills because by using techniques the students can be easy

to understand .

Based on the above background, the researcher is interested in

influencing problems in understanding pronunciation. Here, the researcher

will try to take samples of class 2 students at SMK Negeri 1 Lau Maros.

According to the researcher, at the classroom level it is appropriate for

teaching pronunciation, because at this age most students have a cognitive,

emotional response. Then the research title was made "Increasing

Students' Pronunciation through LRD (Listen-Read-Discuss)


B. Research Questions

1. How is the implementation of the L-R-D strategy in improving

students' pronunciation?

2. Does the application of the L-R-D strategy improve students'


C. Objectives of The Research

1. To find out how to apply the L-R-D strategy to improve students'


2. To find out whether the application of the L-R-D strategy increases

students' pronunciation.


Generally, in the literature review several topics are related to this chapter.

A. Theory

1. Pronunciation

a. Definition of Pronunciation

Pronunciation is a method used to produce a sound or sound

that is commonly used when communicating. According to Alfi &

Ahmad (2018: 105) that some components in speaking skills such

as grammar structure, vocabularies, and good pronunciation.

Among them there is one component that must be considered that

is pronunciation.

When they speak the students produce clearly

pronunciation, from all the kinds of aspects of learning a foreign

language the most important is pronunciation. It would be very

difficult to understand, when students does not spell correctly

pronounce. In the other side, the listener still has interpret what is

students said. When students make mistakes in grammatical in

verb (Lucy, 2008: 6) So, it can be see that when students

understand it can be a great pronunciation.

b. The Function of Pronunciation

Having a good pronunciation is very important to

communicate. If not someone else who is there to talk to will be

confused to listen to it and eventually a misunderstanding will


Imagine if you are talking and saying "i like beach" while what

people hear is "i like bitch" surely people will think negatively with

you. This is where the role of pronunciation is needed, for the

above problems stressing is needed or in Indonesian it is known as

"penekanan". Misplaced stressing will affect the meaning when


c. Elements of Pronunciation

There are 4 elements of pronunciation; vowels, consonant,

popsound, and stressing

1. Vowels

What is meant by vowel is vowel sound, not vowel letters.

In English and Indonesian both have the same number of

vowels, a, i, u, e, o. But in terms of sound, Indonesian vowels

are much less, there are 6 in number while in English there are

many sounds. Mentioned in the Learner Oxford Dictionary there

are 22 sounds. Of the 22 votes, grouped again into 3 groups. The

first is lax, tense, and dipthong.

2. Consonant

Consonants is the sound, not the letters. There are two types

of English consonant sounds, namely voiced consonants and

unvoiced consonants.

1) Unvoiced Consonants

Namely the sound of consonants that can not cause

vibrations in the mouth if sounded. When sounding the

Unvoiced Consonant, the condition of the lips, tongue, and

throat does not vibrate at all.

2) Voiced Consontants

Conversely, when you ring the Voiced Consonant, one of

the three limbs experiences vibration.

3. Pop sound

It's also called a voice explosion. In Arabic we are familiar

with the term qolqolah, or reflections.

4. Final sound

By knowing the final voice, we know when a word is read

long or short, and when it is blown. Because a sound blast

occurs at the end of a word.

2. Concept of Increase

An increase indicates an increasingly greater development or

growth. When used as a verb, it means that an action occurred or


Everything you can add can be improved. By meeting other

people and exploring and increasing your circle of friends, you can

increase speed, improve fitness through sports, and increase your

knowledge. Work more efficiently to detect increased profits. By

learning pronunciation you will improve your speaking skills.

3. Concept of Increasing Pronunciation

As intended to increase above, for the intended increase is

pronunciation. English in Indonesia is studied as a foreign language or

second language. Angela Scarino and Anthony J Liddicout (2009: 30)

stated, Behavioral approaches to learning a second language focus on

imitation, practice, encouragement and habit formation. To improve it

requires several concepts that focus on imitation or imitation, practice,

encouragement, and habit formation. So for the concepts that will be

made and done in class later is to make students to be able to imitate

what the teacher says, do as much practice, and familiarize students so

that it is easier to understand.

4. Concept of Strategy

a. Definition of strategy

Strategy is a unified plan, wide and integrated plan that

links the company's strategic advantages with environmental

challenges, designed to ensure that the main objectives of the

company can be achieved through proper implementation by the

organization (Glueck and Jauch, 1989: 9). The word strategy

comes from the Greek "strategy" which is interpreted as "the art of

the general" or the art of a commander normally used in

warfare.the definition of strategy in general and specifically as


1. General Definition

Strategy is the process of determining the plans of the top

leaders that focus on the long-term goals of the organization,

accompanied by the preparation of a way or effort on how to

achieve these goals.

2. Specific definitions

The strategy is an action that is incremental (constantly

increasing) and continuous, and is carried out based on the

perspective of what is expected by the customers in the future.

Thus, the strategy almost always starts from what can happen and

not starts from what happens. The occurrence of new market

innovation speeds and changes in consumer patterns requires core


According to Wina Senjaya (2008) argue that learning

strategies are still conceptual in nature and to implement them

certain learning methods are used. In other words, strategies are "a

plan of operation achieving something" while the method is "a way

in achieving something".

5. Listen Read Discuss Strategy

a. Definition of Listen Read Discuss Strategy

1. Definition of Listening

Listening is a response or intention of sound. Pay close

attention to what others say, which begins to include mental

components, which means that mental activities do not happen as

often as you listen to activities. According to Burhan (1971: 81),

listening means better understanding, understanding and

remembering what he hears or what others say to him. It is line

with Arini (2005: 3) Listening is an activity that capturing the

sound of language and the elements of modesty but comprehend

was not followed.

2. Definition of Reading

Reading is the process of finding meaning by looking at a

set of symbols. As we read, we use our eyes to look for

punctuation. (Letters, symbols and symbols) and use our ideas to

turn them into words, phrases and paragraphs that affect us. The

reader will be silent. (In our heads) or loudly (until someone else

hears). According to Mr. Finochiaro (1973:119) that reading is

understands the meaning and meaning of the written language.

3. Definition of Discuss

Discuss is a conversation between two or more people. It is

the time when contact between them / one set of basic knowledge

or knowledge that ultimately provides a good understanding. The

discussion can be anything covered in the article. With this article a

discussion is initiated and discussed, which will ultimately gain an

understanding of the topic. According to Mohammad Uzer Usman

(2005: 94), the meaning of the discussion is a structured

communication process that informally interacts personally with a

group of people exchanging experiences or information, achieving

results and generating solutions or solutions to problems. It is the

same as Irma (2014: 34) that the method of discuss in education is

a method of providing educational material, and teachers provide

students or groups of students the opportunity to talk to each other

and exchange ideas to solve problems.

From the above understanding it can be concluded that,

Using the LRD (Listening-Reading-Discuss) strategy is a solution

to improve the skills of English speaking. Listening, reading and

discussing is an aspect of helping students to speak correctly.

According to Irma (2014: 7) argue that LRD (Listen-Read-

Discuss) is a method created as a "beginner" method, a leap from

traditional teaching to a more interactive way.

From this method or strategy many previous researchers have

succeeded in their research and experienced an increase from


b. The benefits of Listen Read Discuss Strategy

By using LRD strategy, teachers, students, and school

programs are always promoted in invisible ways. One of the

learning values using LRD strategy can be found directly in the

lesson planning stage.

The otherhand of benefits of this strategy is to improve

student communication properly and correctly, and to increase

students' influence in taking English lessons as all students are

involved in this strategy, another benefit is that it teaches students

directly. He can be more confident in expressing his arguments in

the form of an opinion, so that he can direct his wishes to anyone

who does not agree.

The disadvantages of this approach is that it limits the time

and the teacher takes care of all students, and success is essential to

the successful application of the LRD method, while the teacher

fails to properly monitor student access to this approach. Students

can become an inspiration..

6. Hypothesis

According to Zikmund (1997: 112) hypothesis, is an unproven

proposition or evidence that initially explains facts or phenomena, and

is a possible answer to a research question.

H0 = There is no effect of increasing students’ pronunciation

through LRD Strategy.

H1 = There is an effect of increasing students’ pronunciation

through LRD Strategy.

7. Theoritical Framework

Basic understanding
Good Pronunciation

Independent Variable Dependet Variable

The theoretical background will provide a conceptual

framework for research, and the theoretical framework will be to

determine the relationship between variables considered relevant to

the investigation of any problematic situation. Therefore, it is

extremely important for us to know the meaning of the variables and

the types of variables that exist (Sekaran, 2014).


Research methodology is achieve the goal purpose of this study

Express, explain, and conclude the results of the solution follow the search

procedure to solve the problem in a specific way. This search method is

targeted to search In fact. The research method used in this study is

quantitative approach. According to Sugiyono (2016: 7) that quantitative

research methods can be interpreted as positive philosophical research

methods used to examine a specific community or sample.

A. Type and Research Design

This type of research used in this study is comparative with a

quantitative approach as a research design. The research is directed to find

out whether between two or more than two groups there are differences in

the aspects or variables under study. In this research, there is no

controlling variable or manipulation or treatment from the researcher. The

study was conducted naturally, researchers collected data using

instruments that are measuring. The results are analyzed statistically to

look for differences between the variables studied.

B. Time and Place

The research will be conducted in 2021 at SMK Negeri 1 Lau Maros.

C. Population and Sample

The population in this study is class 2 at SMK Negeri 1 Lau Maros.

Whereas the research sample will use 2 classes, each of the students in the

class has the opportunity to become a research sample.

For sampling methods must be in accordance with the sampling

technique in general. The definition of sampling technique according to

Margono (2004) is: “Sampling technique is a way to determine the number

of samples in accordance with the sample size that will be used as the

actual data source, taking into account the characteristics and distribution

of the population in order to obtain a representative sample”.

In this study will use non-probability sampling or non-random

sample with purposive sampling. Purposive sampling is a technique for

determining samples with certain considerations. The selection of a group

of subjects in purposive sampling is based on certain characteristics that

are considered to have a close connection with the characteristics of the

population that have been known beforehand. In other words, the sample

units contacted are adjusted to certain criteria that are applied based on the

research objectives or research problems.

D. Research Variables

The variables in this study are:

a. Independent variable, which is the variable in this study is basic

understanding and practice of pronunciation on students (X).

b. Dependent variable, which is the variable in this study is a good

pronunciation (Y).

E. Research Instrument

According to Sukmadinata (2010) that understanding the research

instrument is a test that has the characteristics of informants measuring a

number of research questions and data that can be made according to the

specific goals of the study. This research will make an Observation as a

research instrument, because we pay close attention to the object of the

researcher. In addition, the aim is to record every situation that is relevant

to the purpose of the study.

F. Data Analysis

Data analysis is the process of organizing data to acquire regular

patterns in the form of research. According to Miles and Huberman, there

are currently three streams of activity. Reduce data, view data, draw or

verify conclusions (Sugiyono, 2007: 246). This research uses descriptive

statistics. Data obtained from the results of the study will be analyzed

through the SPSS program. To make it easier to process, present and

collect data that has already been collected.

G. Technique of Collecting Data

The next step in this research is to choose the data collecting

technique that can be used. Data collection techniques are the methods

adopted to obtain data or facts that occur on the subject of research. In this

research, the researchers collected the data using the following technique:

In this study using observation techniques in which we will give a

Pre-test in the form of a questionnaire to get the problem in accordance

with the research objectives. Then carried out a treatment to provide

solutions to students. And the last one gives a Post-test to see the final

results and analyze the data.

H. Validity of The Data

In qualitative research, data can be categorized as good data if it is

valid. Validity test is the test of accuracy or accuracy of the gauge in

measuring what is being measured. In simple terms, a test of authenticity

is a test that aims to assess whether a set of measuring tools accurately

measures what needs to be measured. To get validity of observation relate

to the pronunciation learning and applying LRD (Listen-Read-Discuss)

strategy is mostly used by subject..


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