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Table of Contents

CHAPTER I...................................................................................................................2
1.1 Background.....................................................................................................2
1.2 Research Question..........................................................................................4
1.3 Scope of the Research.....................................................................................4
1.4 Significance of the Research...........................................................................5
CHAPTER II.................................................................................................................6
LITERATURE REVIEW..............................................................................................6
2.1 Theoretical Background..................................................................................6
2.1.1 Definition of Audio Lingual Method (ALM)..........................................6
2.1.2 The Technique of Audio Lingual Method...............................................7
2.1.3 Definition of Vocabulary.........................................................................9
2.1.4 Type of Vocabulary...............................................................................10
2.1.5 Method to Teaching Vocabulary...........................................................13
2.2 Previous Study..............................................................................................17
CHAPTER III..............................................................................................................21
3.1 Design of the Research.................................................................................21
3.2 Population and Sample.................................................................................21
3.2.1 Population..............................................................................................21
3.2.2 Sample...................................................................................................21
3.3 Instrument of the Research...........................................................................22
3.4 Data and Technique of Collection................................................................22
3.5 Technique of Data Analysis..........................................................................23



1.1 Background

According to Syamsuddin (1986: 2), language has two meanings. First,

language is a tool used to shape thoughts and feelings, desires and actions, a tool

used to influence and be influenced. Second, language is a clear sign of good and

bad personalities, a clear sign of family and nation, a clear sign of human


Language is a tool for the people all over the world to communicate each

other. People use language to express their ideas, assessments, ideas, feelings and

thoughts with language. Language is needed for communication between

everyone. Without language the communication that occurs will not be effective.

English is one of the languages commonly used in the world to communicate in

the sectors of Education, Politics, Economics, Science and Technology,

International Relations etc. Therefore, mastery of English in this era is very

important to know starting from being a student.

Language learning starts from childhood to an unlimited time, because

language continues to develop. Language learning starts from listening. From

listening we will learn how to speak, use and express it. When we were little we

learned languages by listening to our families, on the early age we learned

languages by listening to the community, when schools from kindergarten to

collage we learned languages by listening to our teachers.

In language learning, vocabulary mastery is one of the most important

things. Without mastering a lot of vocabulary, people will not be able to

communicate with each other. However, teachers sometimes find it difficult to

teach English which only focuses on vocabulary. There are many methods in

learning English, one of which is the Audio Lingual Method (ALM). By using

ALM teachers can teach how to listen (hear), speak, besides that it can also

improve their vocabulary.

The audio-lingual method was the first to claim openly to be derived from

linguistics and psychology. Audio lingual reflects the descriptive, structural, and

contrastive linguistics of the fifties and sixties. Its psychological basis is

behaviorism which interprets language learning in terms of stimulus and

response, operant conditioning, and reinforcement with an emphasis on

successful error-free learning. It assumes that learning a language entails

mastering the elements or building blocks of the language and learning the rules

by which these elements are combined, from phoneme to morpheme to word to

phrase to sentence. Therefore, it was characterized by the separation of the

skills---listening, speaking, reading, and writing---and the primacy of the audio-

lingual over the graphic skills. This method uses dialogues as the chief means of

presenting the language and stresses certain practice techniques, such as pattern

drills, mimicry and so on. Listening and speaking were now brought right into

the centre of the stage in this method, tape recordings, and language laboratory

drills were offered in practice.2

As one of the most popular methods in the history of foreign language

teaching, the audio-lingual method is of some great contributions to language

teaching. Now day, Audio Lingual Method is very easy to found it because the

media namely gadget and internet. Because of the media, ALM can be used to

improve students’ vocabulary mastery.

1.2 Research Question

Based on the research background, the problem can formulated as

following bellow:

1) Is there any significant difference in vocabulary of the students who are

given an Audio Lingual Method and who are not?

2) How impact is the Audio Lingua Method to improve the vocabulary of the


1.3 Scope of the Research

This research focus to improving students’ vocabulary mastery through

the Audio Lingual Method

1.4 Significance of the Research

The writer expects this study will give some benefits for the students,

the teacher and the researcher. They are the following below:

1) For Students

The process of this research will be improved students’ vocabulary

master using Audio Lingual Method and the method can be student choice

as their preferred learning alternatives to master vocabulary.

2) For Teacher

This research can be the alternative method to teaching English

especially help to improve students’ vocabulary mastery.

3) For others researcher

The result of this research can be using by others as a reference for

their research who using audio lingual method to improving students’




2.1 Theoretical Background

2.1.1 Description of Audio Lingual Method (ALM)

The audio lingual method is a method of foreign language teaching

which emphasize the teaching of listening and speaking before reading and

writing. It uses dialogues as the main form of language presentation and

drills as the training techniques.

The audio-lingual method (ALM) was widely used in the United

States and other countries in the 1950's and 1960's. Some programs still use

it nowadays. The structural view of language is the view behind this method.

The emphasis was on mastering the building blocks of language and learning

the rules for combining them.

ALM is greatly influenced by Behaviorism. The basic principles of

this are:

1. language learning is habit-formation

2. Mistakes are bad and should be avoided, as they make bad habits.

3. Language skills are learned more effectively if they are presented orally

first, then in written form.

4. Analogy is a better foundation for language learning than analysis.

5. The meanings of words can be learned only in a linguistic and cultural


Accurate pronunciation and grammar, ability to respond quickly and

accurately in speech situations, knowledge of sufficient vocabulary to use

with grammar patterns are some prominent objectives of ALM.

Typically, the procedure in an audio-lingual course would be:

a. Students hear a model dialogue.

b. Students repeat each line of the dialogue.

c. Certain key words or phrases may be changed in the dialogue.

d. Key structures from the dialogue serve as the basis for pattern drills of

different kinds.

e. The students practice substitutions in the pattern drills.3

2.1.2 The Technique of Audio Lingual Method

Larsen-Freeman (2000, p.47-50) provides expanded descriptions of

some common or typical techniques closely associated with the Audio

lingual Method:

1) Dialogs memorization: Students memorize an opening dialog using

mimicry and applied role playing.

2) Backward Build-up (Expansion Drill): Teacher breaks a line into several

parts; students repeat each part starting at the end of the sentence and

“expanding” backwards through the sentence, adding each part in


3) Repetition drill: Students repeat teacher’s model as quickly and

accurately as possible.

4) Chain drill: Students ask and answer each other one by one in a circular

chain around the classroom.

5) Single-slot Substitution drill: Teacher states a line from the dialogue, and

then uses a word or phrase as a “cue” that students, when repeating the

line, must substitute into the sentence in the correct place.

6) Multiple-slot Substitution drill: Same as the single slot drill, except that

there are multiple cues to be substituted into the line.

7) Transformation drill: Teacher provides a sentence that must be turned

into something else, for example a question to be turned into a statement,

an active sentence to be turned into negative statement, etc.

8) Question and Answer drill: Students should answer or ask questions very


9) Use Minimal Pairs Analysis: teacher selects a pair of words that sound

identical except for a single sound that typically poses difficulty for the

learners-students are to pronounce and differentiate the two words.

10) Complete the dialog: Selected words are erased from a line in the dialog-

students must find and insert.

11) Grammar games: Various games designed to practice a grammar point in

context, using lots of repetition.4

Of the several Audio Lingual Method techniques expressed by

Larsen-Freeman, the most common ones are memorizing the dialogue, the

second practicing repetition, and the third completing the dialogue. In

implementing this ALM technique, the most important thing in the success

of teaching is the classroom atmosphere and student comfort. The teacher

must be able to create a relaxed yet serious atmosphere. That is, relax so that

students do not feel threatened in the learning process, while being serious so

that students stay focused on maximizing the learning process and are not

distracted by the relaxed attitude that has been created previously. The

success and effectiveness of this technique is determined by the ability of the

teacher to create relationships with students.

2.1.3 Definition of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is the vocabulary or the number of words that a language

has.5 Vocabulary has role, which parallel with phonology and grammar to

help the learner mastering four language skills. Finocciaro explains that” the

students’ vocabulary can be divided into two kinds, namely active

vocabulary and passive vocabulary”. Active vocabulary refers to the words

in which the students can understand and pronounce correctly can use them

in speaking or in writing used by person to encode his idea. Passive


vocabulary refers to the words in which the students can recognize and

understand while they are reading or listening to someone speaking, but they

do not use the words in speaking or in writing. The words or vocabulary can

be spoken and also written. (M.Finocchiaro: 1974).

Thornbury (2002:13) stated without grammar very little can be

conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed. Only with sufficient

vocabulary one can express his ideas effectively, can understand the

language task and foreign language conversation. With the limited

vocabulary the students will have the difficulties in learning and

understanding the foreign language.

Simplicity, vocabulary has a impact to convey something. If you have

just a little bit vocabulary, as you can express it in words.

2.1.4 Type of Vocabulary

The English vocabulary can be divided into four groups, namely;

noun, adjective, verb and adverb. Each of these groups of vocabulary will be

discussed in the following sections. a) Noun

1) Noun

Noun is a word that names a person, place, or thing (Altenberg &

Vago, 2010:3). According to Seaton & Mew (2007:8), nouns are divided

into 16 common nouns and proper nouns. Nouns come in the varieties;

concrete noun, proper noun, common noun, collective noun, abstract

noun, singular noun, plural noun, countable noun and uncountable noun.

a) Common nouns: name anything of a class, a person, place or thing

(e.g. girl, city, food, book, cat, blackboard, pen, pencil, bed, etc.)

b) Proper nouns: name specific person, place or thing (e.g. Joe, India,

Robert, Indonesia, etc).

c) Compound nouns: two or more nouns that function as a single unit

(e.g. individual words: basketball, book shop, etc).

d) Collective nouns : name groups of people or things (e.g. audience,

family, etc)

e) Abstract nouns are anything that cannot be touched, seen, smelled,

or perceived by the sense (e.g. happiness, beauty, delicious, etc).

f) Concrete noun is anything that we can see, touch, smell or perceive

the sense (e.g. pen , pencil, book, bag, flower, animal, etc).

g) Countable noun is anything that can be counted (e.g. boy, cat, cow,

blackboard, apple, girl, etc)

h) Uncountable noun is anything that cannot count (e.g. water, milk,

tea, sugar, sand, salt, air, etc).

2) Adjective

Seaton & Mew (2007:52) stated that adjective is a describing word. An

adjective usually appears before the noun it describes. Moreover, Sargeant

17 (2007:32) stated that something several adjectives are used to describe

a single noun or pronoun. They are the color commentator of language and

the words that give your writing and speech flavor or tell us something

about noun (e.g. white, beautiful, clever, etc). When we use two or more

adjectives, the usual order is: size, quality, color, origin, substance. For

example: A small green plastic box. In that sentence the word small refers

to the size, the word green refers to the color, and the word plastic refers

to the substance.

3) Verb

Altenberg & Vago (2010:23) defined verbs as words that usually

express an action. Verbs are words that name an action or describe a state

of being. Verbs are seriously important, because there is no way to have a

sentence without them. In addition, Colman (2005:13) said that verbs are

doing, being, and having words. There are several kinds of verb, such as:

Transitive verb is a verb that needs on object (e.g. I make statue, she reads

a book, she rides a car) Intransitive verb is a verb that does not need on

object (e.g. cries, slips, swims, dance, sing, etc). Auxiliary verb is a verb

that helps another verb or the principle verb to express action or condition

or state of being (e.g. is, am, are, do, does).

4) Adverb

Adverb is a word that describe verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.

According to Seaton & Mew (2007:127), they defined adverb is a word

that describe a verb. There are five kinds of adverbs: 18 Adverb of

manner. It answers the “how”(e.g. well, hard, happily, quickly, beautiful,

etc). Adverb of place and direction. This adverb answers the question

“where” (e.g. outside, left, inside, near, right, etc). Adverb of time. This

adverb answers the question “when” (e.g. now, yet, soon, still, already,

etc). Adverb of frequency. This adverb answers the question “how often”

(e.g. twice, often, never, usually, seldom, ever, etc). Adverb of degree.

This adverb answers the question “to what degree” and denote “how

much” with respect to adjective or adverb (e.g. almost, quit, too, rather,

etc). From the statement above we know that vocabulary used actively by

a person in speaking writing reading or listening to someone. If the

learners lack of vocabulary, they will also have a limited capability to

understand in other skills of English and they cannot communicate with

others clearly in English language. When they have a large number of

vocabulary, the students can speak fluently and accurately. They can also

read and write the text effectively.

2.1.5 Method to Teaching Vocabulary

We have to learn vocabulary every we learn new language, even the

language we already know we should keep learn vocabulary because language

are flexible it can be developing. But, learn vocabulary will be a boring

activity if we don’t find the way to make it easier.

According to Hiebert & Kamil (2005:12) to have an impact to

children’s comprehension, vocabulary teaching should be rich, intensive and

full of interesting information. The teacher is demanded to make the learning

process more innovative which can help the student study optimum both

autodidactic or in the classroom. The teacher is expected to apply kind of

various teaching method, effective and selective based on the standard


Concerning with the method of teaching vocabulary, Gains and

Redman as quoted by Uberman (1998), explained the following types of

presentation methods:

1. Visual methods

Visual methods are very effective. Gerlach and Elly (1980:2667)

agreed with the idea by saying, ”when the facts and the concepts are

concrete, specific, and structured, visual examples, and cues are more

effective in eliciting verbal responses than a word and other symbols”

2. Verbal explanation

To know the meaning of new vocabulary in a context, students can use

verbal explanation such as context clues. Ying (2001) said that the type of

context can help the reader infer the meaning of new word, are:

morphology, reference words, cohesion, synonym, antonym, definition,


3. Use of dictionary

Students can use dictionary to find out meanings of unfamiliar words.

There are some kinds of dictionaries, monolingual dictionaries, thesauri

and the like. Another methods also defined by Ngaraj, stated that the

methods the teacher can use for classroom are:

a) Object

Object in the classroom or those brought from outside

can be used to teach vocabulary.

b) Pictures

In the initial stages, pictures can be used to teach

vocabulary orally. Later, the learner can asked to fill the

correct word with the picture.

c) Text

Texts are often used for the teacher in teaching


d) Context

Vocabulary teaching becomes meaningful which it is

done in context. A word gets its meaning from the context.

e) Vocabulary game

There was useful for vocabulary expansion. Allen

(1983) mentioned some methods of vocabulary teaching that

can be prepared and chosen as follows:

1) Demonstration

The method, which belongs to demonstration, is gesture

and action performing. The teacher can use real objects and

command. Teacher may demonstrate the material using of

real objects available in the classroom such as door,

windows, clock, desk, etc. when use a command method,

teacher may ask students to do something such as touching

the pen, pointing the picture and so on.

2) Visual aids

Visual means something visible. Teacher may use

visual aids in the teaching of vocabulary to enable students

to observe and identify the objects vividly. Besides that,

visualization may interest the students in their learning


3) Verbal Explanation

Verbal explanation can be carried out through

definition and translation. Allen (1983) stated that teacher

can use explanation in the students’ own language,

definitions in simple English, and using vocabulary that

students have already known to show the meaning. For

instance, the word ‘umbrella’ can be introduced by

explaining what it looks like and when the people usually

use it.

4) Word List

When using word list method, teacher should pay

attention to vocabulary selection. The words taught should

relate and appropriate to the students need and relate to

their level. Many kinds of methods can be used in teaching


From the many methods above, by Gains and Redman as quoted by

Uberman, the teacher can choose the method that is considered the best

which of course can be followed and makes student learning easier.

Furthermore, it is very difficult to determine which one is the best way;

however, the teacher should be able to make the students more interested by

selecting the most appropriate way and media to improve students’

vocabulary ability.

2.2 Previous Study

There are some previous studies I found related to this study.

Following bellow I will describes those studies:

The first study was conducted by Anita Dewi Ekawati (2017) this

study title is The Effect of TPR and Audio-Lingual Method in Teaching

Vocabulary Viewed from Students’ IQ. The population of this study was the

fifth year students of two classes from elementary school in Central Java

Indonesia. Both of the experimental and control group consisted of 40

students. The study aimed to investigate the effect of Total Physical

Response (TPR) on elementary school students’ English vocabulary mastery

with regards to their Intelligence Quotient (IQ). The data were analyzed

using multi factor analysis of varience 2 x 2 (ANOVA) it was analyzed using

Tukey test.

The second study was conducted by Sri Hartati (2012) this study title

The Influence of Audio Lingual Method on The Students’ Vocabulary

Achievement at The First Year Students of Mtsn Leuwimunding. The

population of this study is the first year students of MTsN Leuwimunding.

The study aimed to find out the influence of audio lingual method on the

students’ vocabulary achievement at the first year students of MTsN

Leuwimunding. The method of the research is quantitative research. The

researcher does the research by using the formula of statistic, especially by

using the formula of product moment correlation by Pearson. Then to collect

the data the researcher use the techniques of observation, interview, test, and


The third study was conducted by Tuatul Imah (2018) the study title

Improving The Students’ Pronunciation Ability through Audio Lingual

Method at The Eighth Grade Of Mts N 2 Lampung Timur in Academic Year

2017/2018. The population of this study was 34 students in Eighth class of

MTs N 2 Lampung Timur. The study aimed to investigate the pronunciation

ability of MTs N 2 Lampung Timur to know that the Audio Lingual Method

could help the students’ learning process. The researcher tried to attest that

Audio Lingual as a Method can be one of the teaching method to improve

the students’ pronunciation ability. In collecting data, the researcher used

test (pre-test, post-test I and post-test 2), observation, documentation and

field note. The research was conducted collaboratively with the English

teacher of MTs N 2 Lampung Timur.

The fourth study was conducted by Erdila (2019) the study title The

Use of Audio Lingual Method to Improve Students’ Speaking Achievement

in Vocational School. The populations of this study are 35 students tenth

grade students of SMKS 15 Taruna Indonesia Kota Bengkulu in Academic

year 2018/2019. The study aimed to improve students’ speaking ability by

Audio Lingual Method. The researcher was conducted in two cycles which

include plan, action, observation and reflection. The evaluation test was

administered at the end of each cycle.

The fifth study was conducted by Irwanah Jurmasari (2014) the study

title The Implementation of Audio lingual Method to Improve Students’

Speaking Skill. The populations of this study are 23 students the second year

students of SMP 26 Makassar in academic year 2013/2014. ? The objective

of this research is to know whether teaching speaking using Audio lingual

Method effective to increase the students’ speaking skill at SMP 26

Makassar. The researcher was conducted a four steps, namely plan, action,

observation and evaluation, and reflection.

Considering the previous study, I use similar ALM to be used in

teaching vocabulary. I still an area of the ALM study that focus in this

research The Impact of Audio Lingual Method toward Students’ Vocabulary

Mastery at SMAN 6 Kendari. I want to focus improve students’ vocabulary

method using Audio Lingual Method by drilling method. I would using

experimental research. The next difference was on populations of the

research. This study conducted in 40 students first year at SMAN 6 Kendari.



3.1 Design of the Research

In this study, the researcher uses experimental research with quantitative

approach. The researcher wants to know the impact or effectiveness of ALM in

improve students’ vocabulary mastery. The effectiveness will be know the

significant differences between the students, I used class X MIPA I as the

experimental group (EG) taught by ALM and X MIPA III as the control group

(CG) taught by Grammar Translation Method (GTM). The results of pre-test

proved that both classes were relatively homogeneous.

3.2 Population and Sample

3.2.1 Population

The research population of this study will be students of first year at

SMAN 6 Kendari, there will be around 40 students of this population


3.2.2 Sample

The drilling technique will be used in drawing sample for the purpose

of the research. The researcher will take two classes X as the sample of this

research. The total of the samples are 40 students that will be divided into

two groups which are experimental and control group.

3.3 Instrument of the Research

In this research, the researcher will use the result of the tests or can be said as

achievement test namely pre-test and post-test as the instrument of the research. In

this research, the researcher will use the result of the tests or can be said as

achievement test namely pre-test and post-test as the instrument of the research. In

order to know the impact of Audio Lingual Method toward Vocabulary Mastery, the

researcher will give the oral test as pre-test and post-test. The test that will be used is

oral test by giving them statement directly and they will repeat it. Because the test is

oral, the researcher will divide the score into some criteria. Then, each criteria will be

rated into five scale of rating scores which is based on David P. Haris’ scale rating

score (1968 : 84-85).

3.4 Data and Technique of Collection

To collect the data, the writer used drilling method. Drilling technique is a

technique for teaching language through dialogues which emphasize on the students’

habit formation by repetition, memorizing grammatical structures, and tense

transformation, using the target language and the culture where the language is

spoken (Setiyadi, 2006, p.54), In addition, drill is part of audio-lingual method

(ALM). On the other hand, drill means forcing the students to use the target language.

There are several types of drilling techniques in ALM (Setiyadi, 2006, p.63-66),

which are repetition drill, substitution drill, transformation drill, replacement drill,

response drill, cued response drill, rejoinder drill, restatement, completion drill,

expansion drill, contraction drill, integration drill, and translation drill.

In this study, the writer chose three of them: repetition drill, substitution drill,

and replacement drill. This method can help students to familiar with the test and the

teacher can make up the level then.

In this research, the writer will conduct namely pre-test and post-test to

measure students’ ability before and after teaching learning process. In doing the test,

the researcher will give the students oral statement. Then, the scores will be divided

into some criteria. Then, to get the mean, the scores from all criteria are summed up

and divided. The test instrument to measure students’ vocabulary mastery in order of

quality, while will do some testing include validity, reliability, difficulty index, and

the discrimination index.

3.5 Technique of Data Analysis

In order to collect data about students’ vocabulary mastery improvement

between the two groups and to find out whether or not drilling technique would give

any difference to the mastery of the teenager learners in learning vocabulary, the

writer used pre-test and post-test to both groups. The pre-test and post-test were made

the same in order to show the differences of teenager learners’ vocabulary mastery in

the two different groups. The form of the pre-test and post-test were multiple-choice,

gap-filling with a ‘pool’ of answer, and translation. The use of multiple-choice, gap-

filling with a ‘pool’ of answer, and translation was based on the example of

vocabulary-testing technique by Penny Ur (1999, p.70). During the experiment, the

experimental group was taught by using drilling technique, while the control group

was taught by using word-listing as a conventional method. After the experiment, the

posttest was given to find out any improvement in the scores of the experimental and

the control group.

The data were analyzed by using statistical procedures. Best and Kahn (1998,

p.450) stated that there are three statistical procedures, which are mean, standard

deviation, and significance of the difference between means, that is t-test.

Mean values of the pre-test and post-test scores for experimental group and

control group were counted to measure the gain in both groups. The following

formula was applied:

In which,
X̅ = means X̅= N
Σ = sum of
x = scores in a distribution

N = total number of score ( SD x Á )

However, the standard deviation should be computed before counting the t-

test. The formula of standard deviation is as follows:

´ 2 +¿ ¿
SD d x ̅ =√ (SD xA)

In which,

SD 𝑥̅A = the deviation average of the Experimental group.
SD 𝑥̅B = the deviation average of the Control group.
SDA = standard deviation of the Experimental group
SDB = standard deviation of the Control group.

SD 𝑑𝑥̅̅ = the different average of Standard Deviation in both groups.

To find out the t-value of the significant difference between the two means of

the pre-test and post-test, the formula is as follows:

M Σ ( A 2− A 1 )−M Σ (B 2−B 1)
t value= ´
SD dx

In which,

t value = the value of t or t-score.

MΣ (A2-A1) = refers to the mean of the increase score in the Experimental group.
MΣ (B2-B1) = refers to the mean of the increase score in the Control group.

SD 𝑑𝑥̅̅ = the different average of Standard Deviation in both groups.6


Anne Seaton, Y. H. Mew. 2007. Basic English Grammar. Saddleback Educational.

Evelyn P. Altenberg, Robert M. Vago. 2010. English Grammar Understanding The

Basics. U.K Cambridge University Press.

Jurianto, Ria Fransiska. English Department, Universitas Airlangga. The Use of

Drilling Technique in Teaching English Vocabulary to the Seventh Grade Students of

SMP Negeri 2 Tanggulangin.

Yusuf Adi. Using Audio Lingual Method To Help Students To Learn Vocabulary

Maedeh Alemi and Ehteramsadat Tavakoli. An Analysis of Language Teaching

Approaches and Methods —Effectiveness and Weakness LIU Qing-xue, SHI Jin-fang

Audio Lingual Method.


Lusi Nurhayati, dkk. Teaching English as Foreign Language Methodology

The Use of Drilling Technique in Teaching English Vocabulary to the Seventh Grade

Students of SMP Negeri 2 Tanggulangin Ria Fransiska Jurianto English Department,

Universitas Airlangga

The Effect of TPR and Audio-Lingual Method in Teaching Vocabulary Viewed from
Students’ IQ Anita Dewi Ekawati


Sri Hartati: The Influence of Audio Lingual Method on the Students’ Vocabulary
Achievement at the First Year Students of MTsN Leuwimunding

ERDILA.2019. The Use of Audio Lingual Method to Improve students Speaking

Ability (Classroom Action Research at Tenth Grade Students of SMKS 15 Taruna
Indonesia Kota Bengkulu in Academic Year 2018/2019).

Irwanah Jurmasari : The Implementation of Audiolingual Method to Improve

Students’ Speaking Skill (A Classroom Action Research of the First Year Students Of
SMP 26 Makassar)

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