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Parts of Speech

What is parts of speech?

Parts of speech adalah pembagian kategori kata dalam kalimat yang memiliki fungsi yang berbeda.
Kategori tersebut adalah: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and

1. Nouns
Definition : Nama orang, tempat, benda, hewan, ataupun ide.
Persons Ana, Putra, man, people, teacher, doctor
Places City, park, Sungai Penuh, school, hospital
Things Table, paper, spoon, eraser, bag
Animals Cat, fish, dog, ant, goat
Ideas Thought, horror, happiness, imagination
Examples : Jason enjoyed the movie about France.
The musicians play marching songs.
2. Pronouns
Definition : kata yang digunakan untuk menggantikan Noun. Pronoun dibagi menjadi beberapa
jenis, yaitu
 Personal pronouns : I, you, we, they, he, she, it (subject pronouns), me, you, us, them, him,
her, it (object pronouns), mine, yours, ours, theirs, his, hers, its (possessive pronouns).
 Reflective pronouns: Myself, yourself, ourselves, themselves, herself, himself, itself.
 Indefinite pronouns: Somebody, someone, something, somewhere, anybody, anyone,
anything, anywhere, nobody, no one, nothing, nowhere, everybody, everyone, everything,
 Relative pronouns : Who, which, whom, whose

Examples : They felt flattered by our attention to them.

She sent them to him as a birthday gift.

3. Verbs
Definitions : kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan tindakan atau keadaan. Verbs
dapat dibagi menjadi beberapa jenis, yaitu
 Action verbs : Kata kerja yang menunjukkan apa yang subject lakukan.
Transitive verbs (Kata kerja yang diikuti direct object) example: She eats apple.
Intransitive verbs (Kata kerja yang tidak diikuti direct object) example: John is sleeping.
 Linking verbs: Kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan subject dengan deskripsi
atau prediket. Linking verbs dapat berupa be, feel, grow, seem, smell, remain, appear, sound,
stay, look, taste, turn, become. Example: The kids looked sad.
Dalam bentuk to be berupa is, am, are, was, were, is/am/are being, have been, can be, dll.
Example: He is a good worker.
4. Adjectives
Definition : Kata sifat yang digunakan untuk memberi keterangan pada noun atau pronoun.
Adjective yang memspesifikasi noun atau pronoun, menjawab pertanyaan sebagai berikut:
Which one? His daughter that man my dog
What kind? Dark suit beautiful lady sunny day
How many? Ten children both people several students

Beberapa bentuk adjectives lain seperti:

Hot, cold, sunny, rainy round, square, rectangle
Big, small, long, thin smart, shy, rich, beautiful
Red, blue, yellow, brown enough, empty, many, a little
One, two, three first, second, third, fourth
This, that, those, these my…, your…, our…., their…., her….
5. Adverbs
Definition : Sebagai kata keterangan, fungsi adverb adalah untuk memberikan keterangan
tambahan pada verb, adjective, atau adverb itu sendiri.
Adverb juga bisa dikelompokkan menjadi beberapa jenis, seperti manner, degree, frequency, place,
dan time.
Jenis-jenis adverb dan contoh:
 Adverb of Manner = well, softly, quickly, beautifully, calmly, angrily, busily, hard, fast
 Adverb of Degree = just, almost, so, too, less, enough
 Adverb of Frequency = usually, always, rarely, sometimes, often, never
 Adverb of Place = in, above, below, inside, here,
 Adverb of Time = annually, daily, yesterday, tomorrow, today, early, previously, soon

Examples : Go slowly look carefully walk there (memodifikasi verb)

The answer is not too accurate (memodifikasi adjective)

Watch very closely (memodifikasi adverb)

6. Prepositions
Definition : Kata menunjukkan hubungan antara noun dan kata-kata lainnya dalam sebuah
kalimat. Beberapa bentuk prepositions seperti:

Examples : The knife is on the table.

The store is between the bank and the pet shop.
7. Conjunctions
Definition : Kata yang digunakan untuk menghubungkan dua kata, frasa, klausa hingga kalimat.
Conjunction dibagi menjadi tiga jenis, yaitu
 Coordinating conjunction: Menghubungan 2 bentuk gramatikal yang sama, misalnya kata
dengan kata. contoh: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.
 Correlative conjunction: Kata hubung yang berpasangan. Contoh: Not only....but also,
Either...or, Both….and, Neither….nor.
 Subordinating conjunction: Menghubungkan induk kalimat dan anak kalimat. Contoh:
After, Since, Although.
8. Interjections
Definition : Jenis kata yang satu ini biasanya digunakan untuk mengungkapkan emosi.
Examples : Wow! I never knew that.
Oh! Did I do that?

Exercise 1: Identify the nouns in the sentences

1. The suntanned lifeguard sat on the high chair in the sand.

2. Give me the hammer and the nails. I will fix the broken chair.
3. The words in this passage are simple, but the questions are hard.
4. Sam burned the hamburgers and hot dogs, but the potatoes were good.
5. My mother and her sister live on the same street.

Exercise 2: Identify the adjectives in the sentences

1. My hand was frozen because of the cold weather.

2. The long examination took four hours to complete.

3. The words are easy to understand but difficult to spell.

4. The chicken was overcooked, dry, and tasteless.

5. My older sister lives in a beautiful new house.

Exercise 3: Identify the verbs in the sentences

1. Sit down and be quiet. I am reading a book.

2. Barbara woke up early, took a shower, made breakfast, and left the house at 9:00.

3. While I was driving to school, I saw my old teacher.

4. Samantha hurried home to call her friend and tell her the good news.

5. Right now Marta is sitting at her desk and studying for her math exam.

Exercise 4: Identify the adverbs in the sentences

1. She walked very slowly down the street.

2. Brenda felt incredibly lucky to meet the very famous singer.

3. I live here, not there. Didn’t you see the house yesterday?

4. Nicky is coming now. He will not be very late for the party.

5. Mario speaks softly, but his eyes are intensely bright.

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