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(2) Pronoun

A pronoun is used in the place of a noun.a word that refers to or takes the place of a noun
(person, animal, thing, or place). It substitutes the noun in a paragraph or piece of writing to
avoid repetition of the noun. Pronouns can be used in singular and plural forms. The verb used
in the sentence should be used in accordance with the particular form of the pronoun used

Example: The boy said that he was tired

Types of pronoun

1. Personal Pronoun: Personal Pronouns are pronouns that refer to a specific person or thing
in a sentence and can be divided into two groups
● Subjective pronouns: Pronouns can act as the subject of a sentence
● Objective pronoun: Pronouns can act as the objective of a sentence

Subject I You We They He She It


Objective me you us them him her it


2. Possessive Pronoun: Possessive Pronouns are pronouns that show ownership; in other
words, something belongs to someone else
● Possessive Pronoun: it shows ownership and replaces a noun.
● Possessive Adjective: it shows ownership, but modifies a noun rather than replacing it.

Possessive my your our their his her its


Possessive mine yours ours thiers his hers its


Note: Possessive pronouns are used when the ownership is clear and the noun being
possessed is known or understood. Possessive adjectives are used when you want to describe
a noun by indicating ownership.

3. Reflexive Pronoun: Reflexive Pronouns are pronouns that are used to show that the subject
of the sentence is receiving the action of the verb. They are often used when the subject and
the object of a verb are the same.

Possessive my your our their his her its


Reflexive myself yourself ourself thierself himself herself itself


● We can add a reflexive pronoun for emphasis when it's unusual or different.

● We can use reflexive pronouns to emphasize that someone does it personally


● We can also use a reflexive pronoun together with the noun in order to emphasize it.

● We can use by + reflexive pronoun to mean alone.

4. Demonstrative Pronouns: Demonstrative Pronouns are pronouns that are used to identify
nouns and answer the question “which one?”

i. Singular

Demonstrative Pronouns Explanation

This Refers to a particular person, place, animal or thing that is

closer in time and distance.

That Refers to a particular person, place, animal or thing that is

further away in time and distance.


ii. Plural

Demonstrative Pronouns Explanation

These Refers to a number of people, places, animals or things that are

closer in time and distance.

Those Refers to a number of people, places, animals or things that are

further away in time and distance.

Look at this picture! It might help you better understand

Note: Demonstrative Pronouns vs Demonstrative Adjectives

We often confuse Demonstrative pronouns and Demonstrative adjectives. The only point that
you should remember when using demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative adjectives is to
identify the function of the words in the sentence
● Demonstrative pronoun is used in the place of a noun.
● Demonstrative adjective is used to provide more information about the noun.

Pron./Adj. Used as Pronoun Used as a Adjective

This This is the book I read last month. This city is beautiful.

That That is the car that hit the little boy. That dish is delicious.

These These are my cousins. These bags are heavy.

Those The boxes you have are smaller than I know it was hard to make those
those. decisions.
5. Interrogative Pronoun: Interrogative Pronouns are pronouns that are used only in reference
to a question. There are just five interrogative pronouns (who, what, which, whom, whose).
Each one is used to ask a very specific question or indirect question.

i. What: It’s used to ask questions about people or objects.


ii. Which: it’s used to ask questions about people or objects.


iii. Who: it’s used to ask questions about people. Examples:


iv. Whom: it’s rarely seen these days, it is used to ask questions about people.


v. Whose: It’s used to ask questions about people or objects, always related to possession.

Note: Interrogative Pronoun vs Interrogative Adjective

Like demonstrative pronouns and demonstrative adjectives, interrogative pronouns and

interrogative adjectives differ based on the roles they play in a sentence. If the word is used to
describe more about the noun in the sentence, it would be an interrogative adjective. On the
other hand, if it is used to identify or substitute the noun that acts as the subject or object in a
sentence, then it is an interrogative pronoun.

Pron./Adj. Used as Pronoun Used as a Adjective

What What are you looking for here? What color do you want?

Who Who is the man who stole your purse? -

Whom Whom did you bring along to the wedding? -

Whose Whose is this black bag? Whose books do you like most?

Which Which is the book you read last month? Which one did you want to buy?

6. Relative Pronoun: Relative Pronouns are pronouns that are used to connect clarifying
information to nouns or other pronouns within a sentence. We often use relative pronouns to
form complex sentences.

i. Who: Refers to a person (the noun/pronoun/subject which does the action)


ii. Whom: Refers to the object (the noun or pronoun that receives the action)

iii. Whose: Used to show possession of something or someone


iv. Which: Used in a non-defining clause that refers to a person, animal or thing


v. That: Used in a defining clause that refers to a person, animal or thing


Note: In case of “That” the subject is unclear without the additional information. On the other
hand, “Which” the subject is clear without the additional information.

How to applying “that” in some special cases

● Referred Noun + Suppurative Degree

Example: Madonna is the most famous singer that I’ve ever known.

● Referred Noun + Quantitative Adjective (e.g. all, some, any, the only, much, many, little,
few, all, everything, anything)
Example: Is there anything else that you are looking for?

● Referred Noun + Ordinal Number

Example: Karen is the first person that I always think of.
7. Indefinite Pronoun: Indefinite Pronouns are pronouns that are used in reference to a person
or thing that is not specific or not known. Indefinite pronouns are also used to identify a general
group of people or things

i. Singular

Human Thing

Everyone Everything

Someone Something

No one Nothing

Anyone Anything

Note: We need to use “verbs” that relate to indefinite pronouns as well.


ii. Plural

There are a lot of plural forms of indefinite pronouns, but some that you always see are “many”,
“few”, “both”, “all”, and “several”. Remember, we need to use “verbs” that relate to them too.


8. Reciprocal Pronoun: Reciprocal pronouns are words that are used to indicate a mutual
relationship between two subjects or objects. ‘Each other’ and ‘one another’ are the only two
reciprocal pronouns in the English language.

i. Each other: We use "Each Other" for Two People or Things:

ii. One another: We use "One Another" for Three or More People or Things:


9. Distributive pronouns: Distributive pronouns are a type of pronoun that refers to members
of a group individually rather than collectively. They emphasize the idea of each person or thing
in a group, treating them separately. The three main distributive pronouns in English are "each",
"either.", and “neither”

i. Each: It is used to refer to every individual in a group separately.


ii. Either: It is used to refer to one of two or more things or people, indicating a choice between


iii. Neither: It is used to refer to not one nor the other of two people or things. It's often used in
negative constructions.

Exercise 1: Fill in the blank lines in the story by choosing a pronoun from the below list.

Fred received a letter from his Uncle Albert, inviting him to visit the television studio where he
works. (1) was pleased when Fred asked (2) to go with (3) as (4) guest. (5) was an exciting visit.
A guide met (6) at the studio. (7) were taken to the control room where engineers showed (8) (9)
earphones. (10) put (11) on (12) ears so (13) could hear (14) directions. A woman was practicing
a part (15) has been assigned to do. Uncle Albert followed (16) action with (17) camera. (18)
watched both of (19) for several minutes. Then (20) spoke to Fred saying, “(21) uncle certainly
does (22) job well. Camera men must move quickly to capture the action (23) see. (24) takes
practice to become good at (25) job.”

(1) He / She / They (11) them / it / us (21) Your / My / Their

(2) me / you / him (12) our / their / his (22) his / her / Their

(3) him / her / them (13) we / they / you (23) we / they / you

(4) my / his / your (14) their / his / our (24) It / They / You

(5) It / He / She (15) he / she / it (25) its / their / his

(6) me / us / them (16) her / his / their

(7) We / They / You (17) her / his / its

(8) us / them / him (18) We / They / You

(9) our / their / his (19) them / us / you

(10) We / They / You (20) I / me / us

Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate reflexive pronoun.

myself yourself ourself theirself himself herself itself

1. She wanted to do it __________.

2. They built the treehouse __________.
3. He treated __________ to a nice dinner.
4. We should believe in __________.
5. The cat cleaned __________ after eating.

Exercise 3: Choose the correct reflexive pronoun.

1. She bought a gift for __________. (herself / himself)

2. They enjoyed the movie by __________. (themselves / yourself)
3.He taught __________ how to swim. (himself / ourselves)
4. We should be proud of __________. (themselves / ourselves)
5. The children did the project __________. (themselves / himself)

Exercise 4: Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns.

myself yourself ourself theirself himself herself itself

1. The athlete congratulated __________ on the victory.

2. They always take care of __________ when they are sick.
3. She looked at __________ in the mirror and smiled.
4. We prepared the room __________ for the guests.
5. He prides __________ on being independent.

Exercise 5: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate demonstrative pronoun.

this that these those

1. I prefer __________ shirt over there.

2. __________ books on the shelf are interesting.
3. __________ is my favorite song.
4. Can you pass me __________ pen, please?
5. __________ flowers in the garden are beautiful.
Exercise 6: Choose the correct demonstrative pronoun.
1. I like __________ dress you wore yesterday. (this / that)
2. __________ laptops on the table need to be charged. (these / those)
3. I can't decide between __________ two options. (this / that)
4. __________ shoes are too tight for me. (these / those)
5. We should visit __________ museum next week. (this / that)

Exercise 7: Complete the sentences with demonstrative pronouns.

this that these those

6. __________ is the book I was talking about.

7. I don't understand __________ equation on the board.
8. __________ cupcakes are delicious!
9. Can you hand me __________ wrench from the toolbox?
10. We watched __________ movie last night.

Exercise 8: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate interrogative pronoun.

What Who Which Whom Whose

1. __________ is coming to the party?

2. __________ is your best friend?
3. __________ do you think will win the game?
4. __________ is that mysterious person?
5. __________ car is blocking the driveway?

Exercise 9: Choose the correct interrogative pronoun.

1. __________ is the author of this book? (Who / Whom)
2. __________ are you going to the concert with? (Who / Whom)
3. __________ pen is this? (What / Which)
4. __________ do you want for your birthday? (What / Which)
5. __________ jacket is this? (Whose / What)
Exercise 10: Complete the sentences with interrogative pronouns.

What Who Which Whom Whose

1. __________ did you see at the mall yesterday?

2. __________ are you looking for in the kitchen?
3. __________ is responsible for this mess?
4. __________ called you on the phone?
5. __________ country are you from?

Exercise 11: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate relative pronoun.

Who Whom Whose Which That

1. The person __________ helped me was very kind.

2. The book __________ is on the shelf belongs to me.
3. The house __________ roof is red is my favorite.
4. The friend __________ I invited is coming to the party.
5. The movie __________ we watched last night was fantastic.

Exercise 12: Choose the correct relative pronoun.

1. The girl __________ won the award is my sister. (who / whom)
2. The car __________ was parked outside is mine. (which / that)
3. The musician __________ guitar is famous will perform tonight. (whose / who)
4. The dog __________ chased the cat ran away. (that / which)
5. The man __________ I met yesterday was very friendly. (whom / whose)

Exercise 13: Complete the sentences with relative pronouns.

Who Whom Whose Which That

1. The girl __________ bag was stolen is very upset.

2. The house __________ windows are broken needs repairs.
3. The restaurant __________ serves Italian food is my favorite.
4. The project __________ we worked on together was successful.
5. The teacher __________ students are well-behaved is happy.
Exercise 14: Choose the correct indefinite pronoun.
1. __________ of the students completed the assignment. (Few / Many)
2. __________ can sing a song if they want to. (Anyone / Nobody)
3. __________ knows the answer to the question. (Everybody / Everything)
4. I asked __________, but __________ responded. (someone / nobody)
5. __________ in the room was surprised by the news. (Everybody / Nobody)

Exercise 15: Complete the sentences with indefinite pronouns.

Nobody Anyone Nothing Everybody Several

6. __________ called while you were out.

7. __________ enjoys a good laugh should watch this comedy.
8. I have __________ to do today; it's my day off.
9. __________ likes pizza, don't they?
10. She has traveled to __________ countries.

Exercise 16: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate reciprocal pronoun.

Each other One another

1. They greeted __________ warmly when they met after a long time.
2. The two teams played against __________ in the final match.
3. The friends promised to support __________ in all their endeavors.
4. Sarah and Emma exchanged gifts with __________ on their birthdays.
5. The siblings always share secrets with __________.
6. The siblings love to help __________ with their homework.
7. The neighbors often lend tools to __________ for home improvement projects.
8. The teams congratulated __________ after a hard-fought game.
9. Best friends always share secrets with __________.
10. The colleagues collaborated with __________ on the project.

Exercise 17: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate distributive pronoun.

1. __________ of the students has a unique talent. (each / either / neither)

2. You can choose __________ option; they both are good. (each / either / neither)
3. __________ team has its strengths and weaknesses. (each / either / neither)
4. __________ book on the shelf is worth reading. (each / either / neither)
5. We can take __________ car; they both are available. (each / either / neither)
6. __________ of the options will work for me; I don't like any. (each / either / neither)
7. She asked if __________ of the dresses was available in her size. (each / either / neither)
8. __________ of the contestants gave impressive performances. (each / either / neither)
9. We have two routes; you can take __________ one. (each / either / neither)
10. __________ student must submit their assignment by Friday. (each / either / neither)

Exercise 18: Choose the correct pronoun for each blank from the options provided in

1. I saw Jenny and __________ at the park yesterday. (she / her / herself)
a. she
b. her
c. herself
2. __________ would like to try the new restaurant downtown? (Who / Whom / Whose)
a. Who
b. Whom
c. Whose

3. The children played with __________ toys in the living room. (their / them / themselves)
a. their
b. them
c. themselves

4. __________ left the umbrella in the car?

a. Which
b. Who
c. Whom

5. They asked __________ to join the committee. (we / us / ourselves)

a. we
b. us
c. ourselves

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