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This paper is to certify that the thesis proposal entitled “The Use Of Pictionary
Game On Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At Mts Darul Ulum II Bujur Tengah ”
has been approved by the lecturer for further approval by the board of examiner.

Pamekasan, Desember 2022


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COVER .......................................................................................................i

APPROVAL’S SHEET ...............................................................................ii

TABLE OF CONTENT ..............................................................................iii

A. Title .................................................................................................1
B. Research Context............................................................................1
C. Research Focus................................................................................4
D. Research Objectives.........................................................................4
E. Significance of Study ......................................................................5
F. Definition of Key Term ...................................................................7
G. Review of Related Literature ..........................................................8
1. Definition of vocabulary ...........................................................8
2. Kinds of vocabulary...................................................................9
3. Aspect of Vocabulary ……………………………………….10
4. Sources of Vocabulary...............................................................13
5. Testing vocabulary…………………………………………... 15
6. Definition of Pictionary game ……………………………… 16
7. Advantages and disadvantages of using Pictionary Game … 21
8. Previous Study...........................................................................21
H. Research Method .............................................................................23
1. Research Approach and Kind of Research................................23
2. The Attendance of Researcher ..................................................23
3. Research Setting ........................................................................24
4. Source of Data ...........................................................................24
5. Instrument of Study ...................................................................24
6. Procedure of Data Collection ....................................................25
7. Data Analysis ............................................................................27
8. Checking the Validity of Data ….……………………………29
9. Research Steps ..........................................................................30
I. Bibliography.....................................................................................32
J. Appendix..........................................................................................34


A. Title
The Use Of Pictionary Game On Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At
Mts Darul Ulum II Bujur Tengah
B. Research Context

Language is useful tool to communicate with others. One of the

languages is english, it is considered as an international language. In
Indonesia English is one of foreign language which is taught in elementary
school, junior and senior high school, also in collage. In English learning
there are four skills such as reading, writting, speaking, listening and
reading which the students are expected to master all of it. The main
element to master the English skill is vocabulary. The students will learn
English easly if they know English vocabulary first. However, to learn
foreign language, the first element is master in vocabulary because it is
very important.

English as an International language was used all over the world.

Some countries speak English as their first language, and some others use
it as their foreign language. English as a foreign language has four skills.
Such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It means that does kills
always need a wide vocabulary. Vocabulary is one of the basic elements of
learning English. Without vocabulary, we do not understand the word
what we speak, write, read and listen. It can be said vocabulary is one of
the components which supports students in communication

Some children are born to parents who are polyglots, so they have
to acquire two or three different languages. Some others learn second or
third language because they have to immigrate to a new country. Others
learn English as foreign language because English is not their native
language in their country. That’s why teaching English to young learners
then can be beneficial for them.

As it is stated in the holy Qur’an, QS Ar-Rum ayah 22 which

‫َو ِم ْن ٰا ٰي ِتٖه َخ ْلُق الَّسٰم ٰو ِت َو اَاْلْر ِض َو اْخ ِتاَل ُف َاْلِس َنِتُك ْم َو َاْلَو اِنُك ْۗم ِاَّن ِفْي ٰذ ِلَك ٰاَل ٰي ٍت ِّلْلٰع ِلِم ْيَن‬

Meaning; And among His signs is the creation of the heavens

and the earth, the difference in your language and the color of
your skin. Indeed, in that there are indeed signs for those who

It is clearly stated that one of the signs of God’s greatness is the creation of
different languages. Those signs only showed for people who “know”. The
word “know” here can be referred as educated well or having good
comprehension. This means that as faithful people, learning different
language is one of a must to become educated people. So, learning
English, as one from various kinds of languages in the world, is important.
On the other hand, English has several parts that are valuable for
learning. They are English skills; listening, speaking, reading and writing
as well as English components; Grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.
To teach English for young learners is not merely as easy as teaching them
their mother tongue language. It is due to the position of English for our
education is as foreign language.
The teacher has to consider the English skills and English
components in teaching especially in education. The primary aim of
teaching English in the early years of schooling is to motivate learners to
be ready and have self-confident in learning English at higher levels of
education, teaching English skills and it’s components become important
part in education. Early education is a development effort aimed at
children from birth to six years of age is done through the provision of
education to help the growth and development physically and spiritually,
so that children have the readiness to enter further education.
Mastery of vocabulary is very important because it can improve
many subjects in english learning. Vocabulary is central part of a
language. The more word students know well and can use, the more

meaning they can communicate in a wide variety in circumstance 1. In

vocabulary class, the students should have good ability in English
vocabulary because it can support all subjects in English. The first,
students must have many vocabularies in English that can help them to
know the meaning of what they learn in English. Learn Vocabulary in
class is succes when the students understood what the teacher teaches and
they can give feedback about the material.
Vocabulary is a vital component of language proficiency, and it
can serve as a foundation for learners to write, speak, read, and listen 2. The
teacher can use many methods to teach English to help students to improve
their vocabulary mastery. In teaching vocabulary, the method should be
appropriate with the materials and the student's needs. Teaching
vocabulary without using a suitable method is ineffective in teaching
English in the learning process. Performing language games is valuable
and understandable in the teaching and learning process because it allows
students to practice English in speaking skills. It means that performing
language games in teaching vocabulary will make the students understand
the vocabulary, interest, fun, enjoyable, and challenge, especially in
introducing new vocabulary and understanding.
According to the pre-research which is done by the researcher, the
researcher found several phenomena. Firstly, the curriculum in that school
covers the teaching of English as one of the subject at school besides the
other subjects. The school administered the students’ selection by using
placement test. As a result the students in 7 th grade (class A) have almost
the same intelligence at that school. Besides, the educators there also
implement the use of Pictionary game to teach English especially the
mastery of vocabulary, so that the ability of the students in using English
to express their idea is surprisingly improved.
Lestari, et al (2019). The Effectiveness of Pictionary Game on Vocabulary Mastery on The Eight
Grade Students of SMPU Al-Anwari Banyuwangi. Banyuwangi: LUNAR (Language and Art) ISSN:
2541-6804 Vol 3 No 1 May 2019
Mutmainah, 2021. Thesis : “The Use of Pictionary Game in Teaching Vocabulary at Seventh
Grade Students of SMPN 4 Monta in Academic Year 2020/2021”:Program Studi Bahasa Inggris,
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram.

Based on the rational above, the researcher wants to know how The
use of pictionary game on students’ vocabulary mastery at Mts Darul
Ulum II Bujur Tengah. For that reason, the researcher proposes a research
entitled “The Use Of Pictionary Game On Students’ Vocabulary Mastery
At Mts Darul Ulum II Bujur Tengah”

C. Research Focus
Scope is the area that researcher will be observant. It can be
specific purpose. Limitation is the potential weaknesses of problems with
study identified by the researcher.3 In this part explains about limitation of
variables which is research population and location of research focus
conducted by the researcher. The scope of this study focuses on “The Use
Of Pictionary Game On Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At Mts Darul
Ulum II Bujur Tengah” . The population of the research consists of the 7 th
grade students at Mts Darul Ulum II Bujur Tengah; which is located in
Bujur Tengah Pamekasan, but the researcher will take sample students of
A class in Mts Darul Ulum II Bujur Tengah.
In addition, research problem refers to question raised in a research
project which clearly reflects what kind of answer is research problem,
also expected to be discovered through the process of research. The
research problem is the first step in the scientific method as the recognition
of a felt difficulty and obstacle or problem that puzzles the researcher.4

Based on the research background which has been described, the

researcher formulates the problem of study into questions as follow:
Jhon W. Creswell, Educational Research Planning, Conducting And Evaluating Quantitative And
Qualitative Research, Fourth Edition, (Boston: Person Education, 2012), page 199
Donald Ary, Introduction of Research in Education, Eighth Edition (Wadsworth: Cengage
Learning, 2010), page 43.

1. How does the teacher teach vocabulary mastery by using pictionary

game on students’ At Mts Darul Ulum II Bujur Tengah?
2. What are the strengths of teaching vocabulary mastery by using
pictionary game on students’ At Mts Darul Ulum II Bujur Tengah?
3. What are the weaknesses of teaching vocabulary mastery by using
pictionary game on students’ At Mts Darul Ulum II Bujur Tengah?

D. Research Objectives
Latief explains that research objectives are stated as the goal of
research to be achieved by the research. 5 In addition, research objective as
purposes which means the major intent or objective of the study used to
address the problem.6 From the previous rational, the researcher finally
defines research objectives as purposes or goal meant to be reached during
the process of conducting the research. Based on the problem of study, the
researcher provides the research objectives in the form of statements as
1. To know how the teacher teach vocabulary mastery by using
pictionary game on students’ At Mts Darul Ulum II Bujur Tengah
2. To know the strengths of teaching vocabulary mastery by using
pictionary game on students’ At Mts Darul Ulum II Bujur Tengah
3. To know the weaknesses of teaching vocabulary mastery by using
pictionary game on students’ At Mts Darul Ulum II Bujur Tengah

E. Significance of Study

Mohammad Adnan Latief, Research Methods on Language Learning-an Introduction, (Malang:
Universitas Negeri Malang Press, 2015), p., 27.
Creswell, Educational Research Planning, Conducting, And Evaluating Quantitative And
Qualitative Research Educational Research, 4th Ed, (Boston: Person Education, 2012), page 60

Significance of study is continuation of objective of the study, this

part explains about the significance of the study in scientific significance. 7
The researcher defines the significance of the study as important of the
research that the researcher will do for scientific aspect and social aspect.
This research there are two aspects in giving this significance of the study,
the first is theoretically significance and the second is practically
1. Theoretical significance
The result of study is to know about the teaching vocabulary
mastery by using pictionary game on students’ At Mts Darul Ulum II
Bujur Tengah
2. Practically significance
a. For researcher
Hopefully this research will be beneficial for other
researcher to comprehend and obtain clear description of the
certain phenomenon, in this case vocabulary mastery by using
pictionary game on students’ At Mts Darul Ulum II Bujur Tengah.
On the other side, the result of this research can be used as
consideration for other researcher to conduct further research such
as experimental research or classroom action research.

b. For readers
The researcher will give new knowledge and information as
well as deep comprehension to the readers about the use of
Pictionary Game on students’ vocabulary mastery At Mts Darul
Ulum II Bujur Tengah

c. For students

Suharsimi Arikunto, Proseur Penelitian: Suatu Pendekatan Praktik (Jakarta: Rineka Cipta, 2006),
page 60

Hopefully this research result will helps the students to

understand the benefits of using Pictionary game in the learning
process whether it is conscious or unconsciously. Moreover it will
be a motivation to learn. And also they realize that by using
Pictionary game will increase their listening skills, reading, and
speaking as well as the ability to form great vocabulary mastery.

F. Definition of Key term

Definition of key term needed to avoid the differences of
understanding or unclearly meaning. The terms that are needed to explain
are that concerned with the main concept in the thesis. 8 In this research,
there are some terms that are described briefly as follow:

1. Pictionary game
In this research, Pictionary game is a game that involves students
guessing words or phrase from pictures or drawings9. The Pictionary game
can be done individually or in team. One of the example Pictionary game
for the students work in teams, each member of the team taking turns to be
the artist to draw a picture of a vocabulary word given by the teacher. The
first team to guess correctly earns a point and the new artists or other
students have a turn with another word.

2. Vocabulary Mastery
Vocabulary is list of words used in a book with definitions or
translations. While mastery is great skill or knowledge, control or power
Vocabulary mastery is the skill or knowledge to control in understanding the
words in a language10.

G. Review of Related Literature

Tim Pedoman, Pedoman Penulisan Karya Ilmiah. (Pamekasan: Stain Pamkasan Press), page 12
Thornbury, Scott. 2002. How to Teach Vocabulary. England: Longman.
Hornby. 1974. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. Oxford University

Literature review is a written summary of journal articles, books,

and other documents that describes the past and current state of
information on the topic of your research study. It also organizes the
literature into subtopics, and documents the need for a proposed study. 11
The following are several theories related to the research topic:
1. Definition of Vocabulary Mastery
Vocabulary is list of words used in a book with definitions or
translations. While mastery is great skill or knowledge, control or power
Vocabulary mastery is the skill or knowledge to control in understanding
the words in a language12. Vocabulary is central to language and of critical
importance to typical language learner. On the other hand, vocabulary is a
powerful carrier of meaning. A learner, recognizing the communicative
power of vocabulary, might reasonably aim to acquire a working
knowledge of a large number of words13.
Moreover, vocabulary is the experience of most language teachers
that the biggest component of any language course. No matter how well
the student learns grammar, no matter how successfully the sounds of
second language are mastered, without words to express a wide range of
meanings, communication in second language just cannot happen in any
meaningful way. Key points to learn foreign language is vocabulary.
Learning vocabulary is largely about remembering and students generally
need to see, say, and write newly learned words many times before they
can be said to have learned them14. Besides, the materials also important
that can help students.
The students need to present and practice in natural contexts and
materials should help students become better by different techniques and
strategies. Based on the definition above, it can be assumed that
vocabulary has a big role in communication. One of the ways to have a
good capability in language learning is by mastering the vocabulary,

Creswell, Educational Research Planning, Conducting, And Evaluating Quantitative And Qualitative
Research Educational Research, 4th Ed, (Boston: Person Education, 2012), page 80
Hornby. 1974. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. Oxford University Press.
Scrivener, Jim. 1994. Learning Teaching. Heinemann.
Mc Carten. 2007. Teaching Vocabulary. Cambridge University Press.

because it is easier the students beings deliver their thoughts and ideas.
The meaning of mastery itself is great skill or knowledge, control or
In addition, mastery is eminent skill or through knowledge. So, the
meaning of vocabulary mastery is a situation where people have a great
skill and knowledge of words especially foreign words. When a person is
told high in vocabulary mastery, it means that he comprehends a huge
number of words.

2. Kinds of Vocabulary
important consideration for teachers planning vocabulary work is
the distinction between receptive and productive vocabulary 15. Productive
vocabulary is the sets of words that are used in spoken communication.
Good pronunciation might be encouraged getting the sounds and the stress
right. productive vocabulary use involves to express a meaning through
speaking or writing and retrieving and producing the appropriate spoken or
written word form. Productive that we produce language forms by
speaking and writing to convey messages to others. Receptive vocabulary
is the use of words that we recognize and understand, but tend not to use
ourselves. While, receptive vocabulary uses involves perceiving the form
of a word while listening or reading and retrieving its meaning. Receptive
carries the idea that we receive language input from others through
listening or reading and try to comprehend it16.

3. Aspects of Vocabulary
Scrivener, Jim. 1994. Learning Teaching. Heinemann
Nation, I.S.P. 2008. Teaching Vocabulary: Strategies and Technique. America: Heinle Cengage

Actually, there are many aspects that will help students to expand their
vocabulary mastery17, they are as follows:
a. Word Classes
A word is a microcosm of human consciousness . Word is classified
based on their functional categorized, it is called part of speech. Kinds
of part of speech are:
 Noun
Noun is one of the most important parts of speech. Its
arrangement with the verb helps to form the sentence core which
is essential to every complete sentence. Noun is a word (or a
group of words) that is the name of the person, a place, a thing
or activity or quality or idea.
There are types of noun as follows: a) Proper Noun, a
proper noun begins with a capital letter in writing. It includes
personal name, names of geographic units such as countries,
cities, rivers, etc. Besides, the names of nationalities and
religions, names of holidays, names of time units and words use
for personification; b) Common Noun, common noun is a noun
referring to a person, place or thing in general sense, usually we
should write it with capital letter when it begins a sentence; c)
Concrete Noun , concrete noun is a word for a physical object
that can be perceived by the senses, we can see, touch, smell the
object; d) Abstract Noun, an abstract noun is a word for a
concept; it is an idea that exists in our minds only; e) Countable
Noun, a countable noun can usually be made plural by the
addition of –s/-es; f) Uncountable Noun, an uncountable noun is
not used in plural and this refers to something that could not
count; g) Collective Noun, a collective noun is a word for a
group of people, animals or objects considered as a single unit;
h) Noun Plural Most of nouns change their form to indicate
number by adding –s/ -es.

Thornbury, Scott. 2002. How to Teach Vocabulary. England: Longman

 Pronoun
Pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun for
instance: I, you, we, they, he, she, and it. For example: He drives
 Verb
Verb is the most complex part of speech. Its varying
arrangements with nouns determine the different kinds of
sentences, statements, questions, commands, exclamations, for
instance: read, write, eat, drink, buy, watch, etc. For example:
They read comic in front of the library.
 Adjective
Adjective is word that are use to explain or modify a
person, place, or thing, for instance: old, beautiful, good, bad,
handsome, nice, etc. For example: There are three beautiful flowers
in my garden.
 Adverb
Adverb is a group of words that describe or add to the
meaning of adverb, adjective, another adverb or a whole sentence.
There are some kinds of adverbs. They are; a) Adverb of Manner:
slowly, quickly, neatly, quietly, etc. For example: My brother runs
quickly; b) Adverb of Place: here, there, away, outside, etc. For
example: They are eating here; c) Adverb of Time It is divided
into two kinds; the first is definite time, for instance: yesterday,
today, tomorrow, last week, etc. For example: She bought ice
cream yesterday. The second is indefinite time, for instance:
recently, nowadays, already, just, next, etc. For example: I will
make delicious cake immediately. f.
 Preposition
Preposition is a word placed before a noun or pronoun to
show in what relation the person or thing denoted by it stands in
regard to something else. For instance: in, at, on, under, behind,

below, in spite of, next to, etc. As example in the sentence: There is
a book on the table.
 Conjunction
Conjunction is a group of word that connect sentences,
phrase or clause. For instance: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so, even
though, whereas, although, etc. For example: Maria bought shoes
and bag yesterday
b. Word Families
We have seen how words may share the same base of root, but take
different endings. A word that result from addition of an affix to a root,
and which has a different meaning from the root, it is called derivative.
For example: players, replay, playful are each derivatives of play.
Derivatives and inflexions are both formed by the process of affixation.
Affixes consist of suffixes, such as -ful, -er are end of word. Prefixes,
such as re-, un-,pre-, de- in the beginning of word.
c. Word Formation
Affixation is one of the ways new words are formed. There are
several kinds of that, such as: compounding, blending, conversion, and
 Compound word
Compound word is the combining of two or more
independent words. For example: Noun + verb + -er = record
player, bus driver, hairdryer, typewriter; Noun + noun =
classroom, teapot, matchbox.
 Blending
Blending is the fusion of two words into one . for example :
information + entertainment = infotainment
 Conversion
Conversion is a word can be co - opted from one part of
speech and used as another. For example: Let’s brunch tomorrow
(noun is converted into verb i.e breakfast + lunch = brunch).
 Clipping

Clipping is a process in which a word is formed by

shortening a lot of one. For example: electronic mail = mail;
influenza = flu.
d. Word Meaning
 Synonym
Synonym is a word that share a similar meaning For
example: ancient = antique Sadly = unhappily.
 Antonym
Antonym isa word with opposite meaning. For example:
old >< new accept >< refuse
 Homonyms
Homonyms are words that share the same form but have
unrelated meanings. For example: Like - I like looking the sunset
Its look like new.

4. Sources of Vocabulary
Vocabulary becomes important aspect in teaching learning process, so the
students must improve their vocabulary. To improve vocabulary, the students
must know where the source of vocabulary comes from. Thus, the student
will be easier to learn vocabulary in teaching learning process 18. There some
of the vocabulary sources that can be applied to improve the learners’
vocabulary mastery, as follow:
 Word List
Many students quite like learning words from lists. One reason is that it is
very economical, large numbers of words can be learned in a relatively short
time. There are some ways of exploiting word lists in class, such as19:

a. The teacher reads words from the list in a random order. Learners show
they can match the sound with the written form by ticking the ones they
hear. They can then do this with each other in pairs.
b. From a random list of words, ask learners to make connections between
words and explain them to their classmates.
c. Students construct a story from the list; they can do this by choosing
twelve words from a list of twenty, and working them into a narrative.
Mc.Carten. 2007. Teaching vocabulary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Coxhead, Averil. 2006. Essentials of Teaching Academic Vocabulary. United States: Thomson Heinle Press

On the other hand, they take turns to make a sentence that includes the
next word in the list so as to continue the story.
d. Ask the learners to make their own list from the words that come up in
the lesson and to bring their lists to class for the next lesson.
e. Learners can also make lists of words that have appeared in previous
units of the course book.

 Course books
Course book treatment of vocabulary varies considerably. Course
books select vocabulary for active study on the group of usefulness,
frequency, learner ability, and teacher ability.

 Vocabulary Books
Supplementary vocabulary books are usually thematically
organized, but cover a range of vocabulary.

 The Teacher
The teacher is a highly productive. Learners often pick up a lot of
incidental language from their teachers, especially words and phrases
associated with classroom processes, such as let’s see, now, then, is that
clear? Have you finished yet? .Besides, the teacher’s own stories can also
serve as a vehicle for vocabulary input.

 Other Students
Other students in the class are a particularly fertile source of
vocabulary input. Learners often pay more attention to what other
learners say than they do to either the course book or their teacher.

5. Testing of Vocabulary

The purpose of vocabulary tests is to measure the comprehension and

production of words used in speaking or writing. there are four general kinds
of vocabulary test. The first, limited response is for beginners that are a
simple physical action like pointing at something or a very simple verbal
answer such as “yes” or “no”. The second, multiple choice completions, is a
test in which a sentence with a missing word is presented; students choose
one of four vocabulary items given to complete the sentence. The third type,
multiple choice paraphrase, is a test in which a sentence with one word
underlined is given. Students choose which of four words is the closest in
meaning to the underlined item. The fourth kind of test, simple completion
(word), has students write in the missing part of word that appear in
, from the kinds of vocabulary test above, the writer can conclude that
in every type of the test we can find advantages and the teachers become the
first way to their students how the teachers choose the appropriate test to their
students. However, to know how far is the students’ comprehension about
vocabulary .There are many exercises on vocabulary, they are: a).matching
pictures to words; b). matching parts of words to other parts; c).matching
words to other words, example: synonyms, opposites, etc; d).using given
words to complete a specific task; e). filling in crossword, grids or diagrams;
f). filling in gaps in sentences; g). memory game21. Actually, the first purpose
of the test is to measure of students’ comprehension about the material. In this
case, the teacher should be able to know the appropriate model of the test to
students in every stages of the school.

6. Pictionary Game
a. Definition of Pictionary Game
Coxhead, Averil. 2006. Essentials of Teaching Academic Vocabulary. United States: Thomson Heinle Press
Mc Carthy, Michael and O’Dell, Felicity. 2017. English Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press

Games are used to help and encourage many learners to sustain

their interest and work and help the teacher to create context in which the
vocabulary is useful and meaningful. The fun factor may help make words
more memorable. Pictionary game can be a game that involves students
guessing words or phrases from drawings. This game works in teams and
each member of the team taking turns to be the “artist” and the other guest
the word related to the picture. The materials that are used in pictionary
game, such as: a list or cards of vocabulary items, whiteboard, chalkboard,
or smart board and markers or chalk22.

On the other hand, game is kind of activity that can be related to

any other topic of lesson. The game is the trusted methodology which is
based on things that students’ love. The game activities really give their
brain plenty of practice and remember more. The more the children
interact with the materials, the teacher or each other, the more they will
learn23. In this case, Pictionary game is a game in relation with vocabulary
and picture. There are ample of games that the teacher can modify by
using Pictionary depending on the teacher’s creativity and imagination,
such as guessing game, filling the blank, bingo etc.

Thornbury, Scott. 2002. How to Teach Vocabulary. England: Longman.
Philips, Sarah et al. 2015. Incredible English Activity Book 2nd Edition. Oxford : Oxford
University Press

Below are several examples of Pictionary materials which are useful for the
teacher in creating games in the classroom to enhance the students’ vocabulary
mastery. 24

Picture 1. Pictionary : Object in the classroom25

Josiane, Lemire. 2016. My Firt Pictionary. Oxford : Oxford University Press

Picture 2. Pictionary : classroom action26


Picture 3. Pictionaru activity : vehicle27

Philips, Sarah et al. 2015. Incredible English Activity Book 2nd Edition. Oxford : Oxford University

Picture 4. Pictionary activity : show what you know28


7. Advantages and Disadvantages Using of Pictionary Game

Pictionary game is great for visual learners. For the teachers as a

visual learner, they probably draw a lot of pictures to teach students
concepts. They should be able to recreate these drawings to illustrate
vocabulary terms. Pictionary game makes the students would be grateful
for a bit a classroom fun and that the words from the game would stay in
their heads for a long time. It is encourage pupils’ application of
vocabulary knowledge for communication; and enhance the competence
and confidence of pupils and teachers in vocabulary learning and

However, disadvantage of pictionary game is sometimes it is very

difficult for students to visually represent the definition that the teachers
want them to represent30. Sometimes Pictionary game is not suitable for
those students who are not visually style in learning. So that it can make
those students feel bored an unexcited.

8. Previous Study
Some researches related to the use of Pictionary game in teaching
vocabulary mastery have been conducted through ages. One of them is
research done by Kartini et al 31. entitled “The Students’ Responses
Toward The Implementation Of Pictionary Game In Teaching Vocabulary
To The Seventh Grade Students In One Of Junior High School In
Cimahi”. The research revealed that Pictionary game technique is useful to
draw the students’ motivation in learning English vocabulary. From the
data of observation showed that the Pictionary game made the students
English Language Education Section. 2009. Enhancing English Vocabulary Learning and
Teaching at Primary Level. Hongkong: Curriculum Development Institute
Nation, I.S.P. 2008. Teaching Vocabulary: Strategies and Technique. America: Heinle Cengage
Kartini, indri and Kareviati, evie. 2021. The Students’ Responses Toward The
Implementation Of Pictionary Game In Teaching Vocabulary To The Seventh Grade
Students In One Of Junior High School In Cimahi. PROJECT (Professional Journal of
English Education)

more active to get involved in teaching and learning process actively. The
students also showed good responses from the data of interview, they
stated that learning by using Pictionary game was fun but also challenging
which make them motivate in learning English. Thus, it can be concluded
that Pictionary game is an attractive technique that can be used to motivate
students in learning vocabulary and make the students to learn English
vocabulary in a more fun and creative way.
In addition, thesis written by Inggit Sekti Oktafiya, entitled “Improving
The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Pictionary Game In English
Language Teaching (A Classroom Action Research At The Second Grade
Students Of SMP N 3 Salatiga In The Academic Year 2013/2014)”32. The result
of this study revealed that Pictionary game is able to improve the students’
vocabulary mastery, which is designed in the action research. The students’
vocabulary mastery increasing significantly.
On the other hand another research with different design, in this case
experimental research done by Putri, Fazar Afriani entitled : The Effect Of
Pictionary Game On Students’ Speaking Skill At The Tenth Grade Of SMA
Negeri 6 Medan. Department of English Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah and
Teacher Training , State Islamic University of North Sumatera, Medan. It revealed
that Based on the findings of the data analysis, it can be identified that the
students‟ post-test score of experimental group was higher than control group. In
the other words, there is significance effect of the students‟ speaking skill that
treated by Pictionary game.
The similarities of the studies above are all of them focused on the
use of Pictionary game in teaching Vocabulary mastery. Most of the result
showed that Pictionary game gave positive impact in teaching and learning
especially in vocabulary mastery. On the other hand, those studies differ in
the method of research. They vary on the teaching techniques, such as
teaching speaking skill and noun.

Oktafiya , Inggit Sekti. 2014. Improving The Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Through Pictionary
Game In English Language Teaching (A Classroom Action Research At The Second Grade
Students Of SMP N 3 Salatiga In The Academic Year 2013/2014). English Department of
Educational Faculty. State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga

H. Research Method
1. Approach and Kinds of Research
The approach that is used by the researcher in this research is
qualitative. The qualitative research investigates the quality of
relationships, activities, situations, and materials. It focuses on
understanding the context and attempt to explain the intentionality of
behaviors.33 Moreover Creswell defines qualitative research is best
suited to address a research problem in which you do not know the
variables and need to explore. The literature might yield little
information about the phenomenon of study, and we need to learn more
from participant’s trough exploration.34
In this study, the researcher employs descriptive research.
Descriptive research is a qualitative inquirer deals with data that are in the
form of words or pictures rather that numbers and statistics. Data in the
form of quotes from documents, field notes, and interview or excerpts
from video tapes, audiotapes, or electronic communication are used to
present the findings of the study. The data collected are participant
experiences and perspectives the qualitative researcher attempts to arrive
at a rich description of the people, objects, events, places, conversations,
and so on.35 The aim of this research, the researcher desires to describe
“The Use Of Pictionary Game On Students’ Vocabulary Mastery At Mts
Darul Ulum II Bujur Tengah”.

2. The Attendance of the Researcher

In qualitative research, the attendance of researchers is as data
collectors in order to gather some data by using several instruments. The
instruments use such as questionnaires, interviews, observation and
documentation. Therefore, the attendance of the researcher in this
Donald Ary, Introduction to Research In Education, Eight Edition (Canada, n.d.), p., 419.
John W. Creswell, Educational Research, Fouth Edition (America: Pearson Education, 2012), p.,
Donald Ary, Introduction to Research In Education, Eight Edition (Canada, n.d.), p., 425.

research is very important because the researcher is the crucial element to

get some information needed in this research.
However, in this research, the researcher is a passive participant. It
means that the researcher does not get involved in the teaching and
learning process. The researcher enters the class as a passive participant
in order to get data easier and more effective. While, the steps that are
used in conducting this researcher are the researcher observe about the
teaching-learning process, analyzing the document and interviewing the

3. Research Setting
Research location is at Mts Darul Ulum II Bujur Tengah in
Pamekasan. It is due to this school employs the use of Pictionary Game
on the students’ vocabulary mastery, so that it is suitable with this
research title; The Use Of Pictionary Game On Students’ Vocabulary
Mastery At MTs Darul Ulum II Bujur Tengah.

4. Source of Data
The primary data sources can be obtained from observations,
interviews and documentation. The data sources of this research are as
a. The subjects of this research are the teacher and the 7th Class students
at MTs Darul Ulum II Bujur Tengah In Pamekasan.
b. The object of this research is the use of Pictionary game on students’
vocabulary mastery

5. Instrument of the Study

Instrumentation is crucial thing in a research in order to obtain
clear information about the research topic. Henceforth, the researcher
combines interview, observation and documentation as the research
instruments to collect related information about the research. The
interview will be done with the teacher of MTs Darul Ulum II Bujur

Tengah. Furthermore, the researcher will compile several documents

related to the research to provide evidence of original data in the field of
use of Pictionary game to teach vocabulary mastery. Then, the researcher
will also conduct direct observation related to the teaching of English by
using of Pictionary game at MTs Darul Ulum II Bujur Tengah.

6. Procedure of Data Collection

Qualitative data collection is more than simply deciding on
whether we will observe or interview people. Five steps comprise the
process of collecting qualitative data. we need to identify our participants
and sites, gain access, determine the types of data to collect, develop data
collection forms, and administer the process in an ethical manner. 36
Therefore, data collection procedure in this research which is suitable
with qualitative approach would be observation, interview, and
documentation. For this research the researcher will conduct the
following steps:
a. Observation
Observation is the process of gathering open-ended, firsthand
information by observing people and places at a research site. 37 In this
case, the researcher observes the people and come to the place. While Ary
stated that observation is a basic method for obtaining data in qualitative
research and is more than just “hanging out”. Qualitative observation is
more likely to proceed without any prior hypotheses. Qualitative
observation relies on narrative of word to describe the setting, the
behaviors, and the interactions. The goal is to understand complex
interactions in natural setting.38
There are two kinds of participants in observation, such as:
participant observation and non-participant observation. Participant
observation is an observational role adopted by researcher when they take

John W. Creswell, Educational Research, Fouth Edition (America: Pearson Education, 2012), p.,
Ibid, p., 213.
Donald Ary, Introduction to Research In Education, Eight Edition (Canada, n.d.), p., 431.

part in activities in the setting they observe. 39 In this case, the researcher
include in teaching learning process. Meanwhile, Non-participant
observation is an observer who visits a site and records notes without
becoming involved in the activities of the participant. In this case, the
researcher only sees the activities and interaction that happen in the
In this research, the researcher is going to apply non-participant
observation because the researcher will enter to the classroom to observe
the teaching-learning process of the teacher and the students. Besides, the
researcher uses passive participant, because the researcher is as an absolute
observer to get the data by attendance the research areas and does not
interact with the participants in the location.

b. Interview
Interview occurs when reserarchers ask one or more participants
general, open-endeed questions and record their answers.40There are
several kinds of interview that briefly described as follow:
 Structured Interview
Structured Interview is used as collection data technique if the
researcher has known about the information that they will get surely.
Therefore, in conducting an interview, the researcher provides some
questions that the answer are also provided. In structured interview, all
of respondents are given the same question and the researcher notes it.

 Semi Structured Interview

Semi structured interview includes in the category of in-depth
interview, in which is more free than structured interview. The purpose
is to find the problem broadly in which the participants are asked about
their opinion and idea. In conducting an interview, the researcher need
to listen carefully and notes the information of the informants.

John W. Creswell, Educational Research, Fouth Edition (America: Pearson Education, 2012), p.,
Ibid, p., 217.

 Unstructured Interview
Unstructured interview is a free interview in which the
researcher doesn’t use interview that has been organized
systematically to collect the data. The guidance that is used only
the big line of the problem that will be asked.
For this research, the researcher will use unstructured
interview instrument to get the important information and to get
answer from all of question that given by the researcher to the tutor
related with the use of Pictionary game in teaching vocabulary
mastery at MTs Darul Ulum II at Bujur Tengah

c. Documentation
Documents consist of public and private records that qualitative
researchers obtain about a site or participants in a study, and they can
include newspapers, minutes of meetings, personal journals, and letters
etcetera. These sources provide valuable information in helping
researcher understand central phenomena in qualitative studies.
In accomplishing the supporting documents, the researcher
compiles some documents by taking the data that relates to the field of
research. That documentation can be evidence to explain that the research
has been carried out. The documents which are needed can be in the form
of teaching syllabus, lesson plan or teaching materials as well as photos
during the teaching and learning process.

7. Data Analysis
Bogdan states, data analysis is the process of systematically searching
and arranging the interview transcripts, field notes and other materials that you
accumulate to increase your own understanding of them and to enable you to
present what you have discovered to others.41 While Creswell states that
analyzing qualitative data requires understanding how to make sense of text
Sugiono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekan Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D, (Bandung:
Alfabeta, 2016), p., 334.

and images so that you can form an answer to your research questions. 42
Furthermore, Ary states that data analysis is a process whereby researcher
systematically search and arrange their data in order to increase their
understanding of the data and to enable them to present what they learned to
others.43 There are three stages used by the researcher in analyzing the data.
They are as follow:
a. Data Reduction
In this step, researcher obtained all data from observations and
interviews and the researcher begins coding and reducing the data process.
This is the core of qualitative analysis and included the identification of
categories and themes and their refinement. The researcher selects data that
can answer research problem focuses on the use of Pictionary game in
teaching vocabulary mastery at MTs Darul Ulum II at Bujur Tengah.
b. Data Display
Miles and Huberman state, looking at displays help us to
understand what is happening and to do something-further analysis or caution
on that understanding.44 In this step, the researcher will display data to make
it easier to comprehend certain phenomenon that occurred and analyze it in
the next step based on previous understanding.
c. Conclusion Drawing / Verification
In this step, the researcher will provide a conclusion supported by
valid evidence and conduct verification. However, this will change if stronger
supporting evidence is found at the next stage of data collection.

8. Checking the Validity of Data

John W. Creswell, Educational Research, Fouth Edition (America: Pearson Education, 2012). P,.
Donald Ary, Introduction to Research In Education, Eight Edition (Canada, n.d.). p., 480.
Sugiono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan Pendekan Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R&D, (Bandung:
Alfabeta 2016), p., 341.

In qualitative research, there are three techniques that can be used

by the researcher to determine validity of finding. They are triangulation,
member checking and external audit. 45 It means that in verification process
the researcher can use three techniques to determine the accuracy or
credibility of the finding of a research, they are as follow:
a. Triangulation
Triangulation is the process of corroborating evidence from
different individual types of data and method of data collection in
description a qualitative research.46 It means that the researcher can
determine the validity of data finding from the type of data and the method
of data collection that is used by the researcher such as interview,
observation and documentation.
b. Source Triangulation
Source triangulation is used to test the credibility of the data
carried out by checking the data that has been obtained from several
sources. If the results of the data obtained are different from various
sources because of differing views, the researcher must produce a further
conclusion accompanied by agreement (member checks) from some of
these sources.
c. Technique Triangulation
Technique triangulation is used to test the credibility of the data by
checking the data to the same source with different techniques. If the
results of the data obtained are different, the researcher needs to re-discuss
the relevant data source until the data results are correct.

d. Time Triangulation

John W. Creswell, Educational Research, Fouth Edition (America: Pearson Education, 2012). p.,

Time triangulation usually conducts interviews, observations or

other techniques at different times, which usually conduct interviews in
the morning, because the interviewees are still in a fresh state and have not
been many problems.
In this research, the researcher will use source triangulation
because the researcher will check the data that has been obtained from
several sources and verify them with the proof provided.

9. Research Steps
The research will be done by three steps: pre-research, process of research
and data analysis. The step of the research will be explained as follow:
a. Pre-research
This step is conducted before the researcher comes to the field of
research, the researcher will prepare everything that will be used in the
research process, especially instruments of the research.
b. The process of research
The researcher will come to the research setting, in this case MTs
Darul Ulum II at Bujur Tengah. Then, researcher will meet with the
headmaster of the school to give the letter of observation that is obtained
from IAIN Madura. The researcher will visit the teacher to ask permission
to do observation. Moreover the researcher will observe the process of
teaching-learning process and fulfill the observation check list,
furthermore the researcher will take pictures to get the proof in supporting
the validity of data. Besides that, the researcher will do interview with the
teacher and the students about the use of Pictionary game in teaching
vocabulary mastery at MTs Darul Ulum II at Bujur Tengah.

c. Data analysis

The last step is the researcher will analyze all the data from
observation, interview and documentation. Then the researcher will also
check the validity of data. The result of analysis will be presented in the
form of description related to the research topic, as long with the purpose
of qualitative research which is intended to do deep analysis and describe
certain phenomenon.


Coxhead, Averil. 2006. Essentials of Teaching Academic Vocabulary. United

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Creswell, Educational Research Planning, Conducting, And Evaluating
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Learning and Teaching at Primary Level. Hongkong: Curriculum
Development Institute.
Hornby. 1974. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English. Oxford
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Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of English Language Teaching, Third Edition
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Josiane, Lemire. 2016. My Firt Pictionary. Oxford : Oxford University Press
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Implementation Of Pictionary Game In Teaching Vocabulary To The
Seventh Grade Students In One Of Junior High School In Cimahi.
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Mc Carthy, Michael and O’Dell, Felicity. 2017. English Vocabulary in Use.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Mutmainah, 2021. Thesis : “The Use of Pictionary Game in Teaching Vocabulary
at Seventh Grade Students of SMPN 4 Monta in Academic Year
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Nation, I.S.P. 2008. Teaching Vocabulary: Strategies and Technique. America:
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Through Pictionary Game In English Language Teaching (A Classroom
Action Research At The Second Grade Students Of SMP N 3 Salatiga In
The Academic Year 2013/2014). English Department of Educational
Faculty. State Institute of Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga
Philips, Sarah et al. 2015. Incredible English Activity Book 2nd Edition. Oxford :
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Speaking Skill At The Tenth Grade Of Sma Negeri 6 Medan. Department
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Thornbury, Scott. 2002. How to Teach Vocabulary. England: Longman.
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Teacher :
Observer :
Date Observation :
Time Observation :
No. Activities Yes No Notes
1. Pre- Teaching
a. The teacher gives greetings
b. The teacher prepares the lesson plan
c. The teacher asks students condition
d. The teacher checks students
attendance list
e. The teacher gives objectives of the
study about the material which will
be explained

2. Whilst teaching
a. The teacher showing Pictionary in
front of the class related to the topic
of today’s lesson
b. The teacher informs today’s
activities in front of the class
c. The teacher invites the students to
play Pictionary game
d. The teacher describe the rules and
e. The students listen to the teacher
f. The teacher asks to the students to
play along with the teacher
g. The students play along with the
teacher by using Pictionary
h. The teacher deliver some questions

related to the Pictionary to check the

students comprehension
i. The teacher practice with the
students about new words in the
j. The teacher gives feedback to the
k. The teacher and the students
reflexing games with the students

3. Post- teaching
a. The teacher deliver some questions
to the students related with
vocabulary in the Pictionary
b. The teacher gives chance for the
students to ask some questions
c. The students asks some questions to
the teacher
d. The teacher gives motivation to the
e. The teacher closing the lesson

A. Teacher
1. Do you know about Pictionary game?
2. Have you ever used Pictionary game in teaching English?
3. Have you ever used Pictionary game in teaching vocabulary to the
4. How do you apply Pictionary game as media exactly in learning process?
5. Why do you use Pictionary game in teaching learning process, especially
vocabulary mastery?
6. What teaching materials that you combine with the Pictionary game?
7. How do you use Pictionary game with the material?
8. How do the students respond related to the use of Pictionary as media?
9. What are the advantages of using Pictionary game in teaching of
vocabulary mastery?
10. What are the disadvantages of using Pictionary game in teaching of
vocabulary mastery?

B. Students
1. Do you know about Pictionary?
2. Have you ever heard Pictionary game?
3. Do you like to sing Pictionary game?
4. How does the use of Pictionary game in learning? (interesting or not)?
5. How Do you like it when the teacher teaches about vocabulary ?
6. How do you comprehend vocabulary without Pictionary song as media?
7. How do you comprehend learning vocabulary through Pictionary as
8. Are there any difficulties during learning English Vocabulary using
Pictionary game? Why or why not?
9. Do you think learning using Pictionary game makes you remember the
material and the vocabulary that is taught easily? Why?
10. Does playing Pictionary game make you motivated or interested in
mastering vocabulary? Why?



There are some supporting documents that the researcher will compile in order to
support the research findings. They are as follow:
1. Student attendant list / name list
2. The teaching syllabus
3. Lesson plan
4. Transcript of Pictionary
5. Photographs of the teaching activities in the classroom
6. Etc.

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