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Analysis of Teacher's Strategy in Solving Learning Difficulties in

Writing Descriptive Text at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Palopo

A Proposal Thesis

Submitted to the English Education Study Program of Tarbiyah and

Teacher Training Faculty of State Islamic Institute of Palopo for
Undergraduate Degree in English Education


Submitted by
18 0202 0034

Supervised by:
1. Prof. Dr. Abdul Pirol, M.Ag
2. St. Hartina, S.Pd., M.Pd




TABLE OF CONTENTS...............................................................................ii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION...................................................................1

A. Background...........................................................................................1

B. Scope of the Research...........................................................................6

C. Problem Statement................................................................................6

D. The objective of The Research.............................................................6

E. Significance of The Research...............................................................7

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK.................................9

A. Relevant Previous Studies....................................................................9

B. Literature Review.................................................................................11

1. Teaching Strategies...............................................................................11

2. Learning Difficulties.............................................................................17

3. Writing Skill..........................................................................................19

C. Conceptual Framework.........................................................................26

BAB III RESEARCH METHOD..................................................................28

A. Approach and Type of Research...........................................................28

B. The Subject and Setting........................................................................29

C. Definition of Key Term........................................................................29

D. Research Design...................................................................................30

E. Data and Data Sources..........................................................................31

F. Research Instruments............................................................................32

G. Data Collecting Techniques..................................................................33

H. Data Validity Test.................................................................................35

I. Data Analysis Techniques....................................................................38




A. Background

Learning foreign languages, especially English has been used as a

strategic tool and strategy for human resource development at various time in the

history of education in this world. Learning difficulties if associated with

language skills are not only reading, listening and speaking, also writing skills

where these skills are important in education. Writing is the system of written

symbols, representing the sound, spelling and punctuation, word form and

fuction.1 In these four aspects, writing is one aspect that is not easy for some

people to understand. Writing is an important activity in human life, by writing,

people can communicate express ideas both from within and outside themselves,

and to get more of their experiences. Writing must be done through intensive

training so that writing skill will be well structured.

Writing is a process that determines and organizes students' ideas and

puts them on paper and then reshapes and reviews.2 Student can convey their

ideas in their mind by organizing them into a good text, so that the others know

them and they can think critically. Mastering vocabulary and tenses become the

main key to get a good writing. We have to choose appropriate vocabularies and

arrange words to be a ‘voice’ with which to write, planning, goal-setting,

C S Rao and V Satya Sri Durga, ‘Developing Students’ Writing Skills-A Process Approach’,
Jurnal forResearch Scholars and Professional of English LanguageTeaching, 6.6 (2018), 1-5.
S Wahyuni, 'The Use Of English Animated Movie To Improve Students’ Ability In Writing
Descriptive Text', Getsempena English Education Journal (GEEJ),Vol.4 No. 1 (2017), 74.

monitoring and evaluating what is going to be written as well as what has been

written and searching for language with which to express exact meaning.

We know that English is not our authentic language, as a fact that

mastery it was not easy. The proportions and ability of English language is

important for young language learner. The proportions include vocabulary,

pronunciation grammatical structure, and phonology, that can give the effect to

the English language skills; such as speaking,reading listening, and writing.

Sometimes People easy to speak, read and listen about english but difficult to

write. Writing is one of the language skill which are important in our daily life.

Thrught writing, we can inform others or communicate with others, tell the

information, persuade, tell what’s on our mind and etc. However, writing or

learning to write especially in a first grade is not easy to do, because it is the one

of four basic skills that are very complex and difficult to be learned. So in here

the teacher should be known more about technique or strategies to overcome the

students difficulties, expecially in writing descriptive text because teacher is the

key of quality education and the foster parent of the child. Child will look up to

teacher for knowledge, widom, manners, moral, moral inspiration, enlightement

and so on.

Writing becomes the most difficult skill when it is learned by the foreign

language learners. Writing is a difficult skill for native speakers and non-native

speakers; because writers must be able write it in multiple issues such as

organization, content, purpose, vocabularies, audience, and mechanics such as

spelling, punctuation, and capitalization, it is because there are some aspects that

the students should learn to make a good writing.3

Those aspects are grammar, vocabulary and mechanic. They have to

understand those criteria well in order to produce a good writing. In teaching and

learning process of writing, the teachers have an important role. Writing is

thinking process, because writing is a process of putting ideas down on paper to

transform thought into words and give them structure and coherent organization.4

The strategies of writing are good to improve students’ comprehension in

writing something, namely in writing descriptive text, it will help the students to

make a good writing so that the reader easily to get it. Therefore the writer states

writing is the way of someone concept their feeling or thinking and then

transfered it into a form of writing. Teaching strategies are the important part of

writing and conveying thoughts, ideas, and organizing sentence or paragraph.

Teaching strategy is the strategy of the education used in the teaching-learning

process as a planning method or teachers' activities design to achieve the goal or

objectives of the material brought.5 Strategies can be defined as designing a plan

that contains order activities to achieve specific educational objectives. Teaching

writing in senior high school is an important part to be taught to students,

especially students at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Palopo teachers only focus on

teaching writing. In this case the teacher must prepare a strategy that attracts

R Abu Rass, 'Integrating reading and Writing for Effective Language Teaching', English
Teaching Forum. Vol.10 (2001), 30.
Barnet, Sylvan and Marcia Stubbs. 1990. Practical Guide to Writing: withBrown, Douglas. H.
2001. Teaching by Principles. An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. (2nd ed). New
York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.
Sri Istiqomah, 'An Analysis on the English Teachers' Strategies in Teaching Descriptive
Writing at The Second Grade of Junior High School', Graduating Paper was not published. Tegal,
(2019), 13.

students' attention, and the strategy to be taught in teaching writing must be

really considered so that students can understand and capture in a structured

manner in writing.

Many activities that students do when they want to write something and it

will command by the teacher, so many ways of the teacher to teach their students

in the classroom it can be called as the strategy. The strategies are used by the

teacher can be change over time. It based on the teacher and what is the matery

will be taught by the teacher. The strategies that the teacher can be used such as

cooperative learning, mind mapping, teamwork, debate or the other to achive the

goal of teaching and to overcome the difficulties in writing learning process.

Learning process actually need and should be used the strategy, method

and technique. Strategy is a plan of action designed to achive long-term or

overall aim. Method as the practical of an approach. Method include various

procedures and technique. In choosing particular method or strategy a teacher

might make speacial technique to to ensure more effective learning process to

create a good learning process and to overcome the students difficulties in

writing expecially descriptive text.6

Descriptive text is the one part of many other types of writing text.

Description text is is a piece of text that describes a particular person, place, or

thing. Description is aboutsensory experience, how something looks, sounds,


Jeremy Hermer, "The Practice Of English Language Teaching", Longman: Essex England,
(2003), 78.
H D Brown, "Principles of Language and Teaching", New Jersey:PrenticeHall, (2001).

Based on the researcher’s preliminary observation during the Professional

Training Program (PLP) II Program conducted for 2 months from September 15

to November 19 2021 through the observation to two English teachers at

Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Palopo, therewere some difficulties faced by teachers.

(1) When the teacher gives assignments to students, the students do not do it

again, especially during writing lessons, (2) When the teacher explains

sometimes students don't pay much attention, but here not all students are like

that, (3) The teacher feels less than optimal in teaching writing because most of

the students in the class are not enthusiastic and tend to think that they are not

good at writing, (4) Unable to express their ideas for writing, (5) Lack of

motivation and learning media, and (6) Lack of vocabulary has difficulty in

arranging words into sentences. In conclusion, writing is considered a complex

skill that is difficult to master and understand. Nevertheless, writing also became

one of the critical language skills that need to be mastered by students because it

facilitates students to learn and communicate in written form. The finding of this

research related to the teachers’ difficulties in teaching writing.

Based on the above problems, the author wants to know more in depth by

conducting research with the title “Analysis of Teacher's Strategy in Solving

Learning Difficulties in Writing Descriptive Text at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri


B. Scope of the Research

Based on the background above the writer limites just focus on the teacher

strategy in solving learning diffiiculties in teaching writing descriptive text at

Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Palopo. There are several types of genres in writing

namely report text, recount text,narrative text, descriptive text, discussion text,

news item text, explanation text, proocedure text, anecdote text and review text,

and the writer will be focused on descriptive text. In other hand, the writer

sfecifies the respondent of this study was the of english teachers at Madrasah

Aliyah Negeri Palopo.

C. Problem Statement

Based on the background of the study above, the problems can be

formulated in question forms as follows:

a) What is the teacher's strategy in overcoming students' difficulties in teaching

writing descriptive text at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Palopo?

b) How is the ability on writing descriptive text at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri


D. The objective of The Research

Concerning Concerning the problems statements, the objective of this

study is to analyze teachers’ strategies in overcoming students' difficulties in

teaching writing descriptive text at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Palopo and determine

the extent to which students can to writing descriptive text at Madrasah Aliyah

Negeri Palopo.

E. Significance of The Research

1. Theoretically

The result of this the study is expected to give advantages, which are :

1. Theoretically

a. For the teachers

This study gives references on strategies in overcoming difficulties for the

teachers in teaching English during the learning process.

b. For the students

This study presents the proper teaching strategies based on students’ ability to

learn English.

c. For the researcher

This study provides a study about teachers’ strategies that can be a reference for

further study.

2. Practically

a. For the teacher

This research is expected to provide an overview of the difficulties of

understanding writing experienced by students, so that teachers can take

appropriate action for teaching writing.

b. For the students

This research is expected to provide information and understanding of the

writing difficulties they experience in order to improve their writing skills.

c. For the researcher

This research is expectedtobe used as one source in further

research,especilly on improving writing skills.



A. Relevant Previous Studies

In this research, the researcher sump up some relevant finding from other

researchers who have conducted previous research related to Analysis of

Teacher's Strategy Solving Learning Difficulties in Writing Descriptive Text at

Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Palopo.

The first study had been done by Fitri Ani research entitled "An Analysis

On The English Teacher's Strategies In Teaching Descriptive Writing Through

Online Class At The Seventh Grade Of SMP N 3 Gubug In The Academic Year

2019/2020)". In this study she found that teachers who teach online classes must

help students overcome difficulties. Therefore, teachers must prepare and consider

teaching writing strategies well, especially in teaching descriptive texts.

The similarity between Fitri Ani research and the writer is in the part of

teaching writing strategies.

The difference between Fitri Ani research and the writer in teaching

writing strategies. Fitri Ani research uses 3 strategies, namely online learning,

breakdown text, and mind mapping. While in the writer’s thesis focused on

teacher strategies in solving learning difficulties in writing descriptive text at

Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Palopo.8

Fitri Ani, 'An Analysis On The English Teacher's Strategies In Teaching Descriptive Writing
Through Online Class at The Seventh Grade Of SMP N 3 GUBUG In The Academic', (2019).

The second study had been done by Vino Hendra Prima research entitled

"Teaching Writing Descriptive Text By Combining Quick Write With Author's

Chair Strategies For Senior High School Students". In this study he found the

students have difficulty making text with well because they have a hard time

coming up with ideas when writing, their ideas are write not properly structured.

Therefore, the aim of the researcher is to provide input for English teachers in

carrying out writing lessons so that students are interested and motivated to learn

to write, especially descriptive texts.

The research similarity between Vino Hendra Prima research and the

writer is in the part of teaching writing strategies in senior high school and

students' difficulties in writing texts well.

The difference between the research of Vino Hendra Prima and the writer

in teaching writing strategies. Vino Hendra Prima research uses 2 strategies,

namely the quick write with author's chair strategy. While in the writer’s thesis

focused on teacher strategies in solving learning difficulties in writing descriptive


The third study had been done by Elnita Samosir research entitled "Teacher's

Strategies In Teaching Writing Recount Text at SMA Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi". In

this study she found the teacher's strategies in teaching writing recount text and

describe how the strategies applied in teaching writing recount text at SMA

Negeri 1 Tebing Tinggi.

Vino Hendra Prima, 'Teaching Writing Descriptive Text By Combining Quick Write With
Author's Chair Strategies For Senior High School Students', (2015).

The research similarities between Erlina Samosir and the author are in the

section on teaching writing strategies in senior high school, how to implement

strategies in writing recount texts, and students' difficulties in writing.

The difference between Elnita Samosir and the writer research is in the part

of writing teaching strategies. Elnita Samosir research uses 4 strategies, namely

making visual lessons, modifying vocabulary teaching using cooperative learning,

strategies and determining key concepts. While in the writer’s thesis focused on

analysis teacher strategy in writing descriptive text.10

B. Literature Review

1. Teaching Strategies

a. Definition Teaching Strategies

Teaching strategy is a plan drafted by the teacher before teaching, to

achieve the learning objectives, the strategy can include several things, such as the

methods to be chosen by teachers, tools, and materials used to facilitate students'

understanding in learning. Teaching strategies are the important part of writing

and conveying thoughts, ideas, and organizing sentence or paragraph. In this study

the writers provide a review, the teaching strategy is the teacher's action in

implementing the teaching plan, meaning that the teacher's efforts to use several

teaching variables (objectives, materials, methods and tools and evaluation) in

order to influence students to achieve predetermined goals. Teaching strategy is

Elnita Samosi, 'Teacher's Strategies In Teaching Writing Recount Text At SMA Negeri 1
Tebing Tinggi', (2019).

more than a set of methods. 11 In addition, teaching is more than a set of methods,

teaching well means addressing a set of objectives, for a particular group of

students, or a certain point in the school year, with certain resources, within a

particular time frame, in a particular school and community setting.12

The teaching strategies as a teaching agenda is concluded as the direction

of the classroom activities to help the students to make an achievement of a

certain knowledge and skill on the language aspect. It means that teaching

strategy is a direction that teacher use to achive the goal of the learning process

which in here the strategy suppose to help the students to get the knowledge and

the achivement where it has planed by the educator first.

Good teaching is difficult job teaching as a teacher. In a teaching, teachers

need a lot of physical and mental energy to teach in the classroom, the teacher

should be able to create some ways in order to make the class be active, precisely

the students When examiningly the aspect of good teaching, the students will be

get enjoyment in learning process and it can make the stuednts more active and

easy to get the material.

Strategy is part of the process used by the teacher to carry out teaching

activities. It aims to carry out ideas, plans, goals in a period time. In the world of

education, strategy can be defined as a plan, method, or a series of activities

designed to achieve specific educational goals. In teaching strategy there is what

is meant by planning.13 Teaching strategy can be interpreted as a plan that contains

Alan Crawford, 'Teaching and Learning Strategies for the Thinking Class', New York, Open
Society Institute, (2005), 18.
Alan Crawford, 'Teaching and Learning Strategies for the Thinking Class', New York, Open
Society Institute, (2005), 10.
David and Senjaya, 'Learning Strategies', Jakarta, Kencana Media Group, (2008), 15.

a series of activities designed to achieve certain educational goals. Teaching

strategies are general patterns of student activities in realizing learning activities

to achieve the goals outlined.14 Learning strategies are planned efforts to

manipulate learning resources so that learning occurs in students.15 In applying

teaching strategies in the class, the teacher must consider some of the basics

principles of learning and teaching strategies :

1. The students’ prior knowledge can help or hinder learning.

2. Students’ motivation determines, directs, and sustains what they do to


3. How students organize knowledge influences how they learn and apply

what they know.

4. To develop mastery, students must acquire component skills, practice

integrating them, and know when to apply what they have learned.

5. Goal-directed practice coupled with targeted feedbact enhances the

quality of students’ learning.

6. Students’ current level of development interacts with the social,

emotional and intelectual climate of the course to impact learning.

7. To become self-directed learners, students must learn to monitor and

adjust their approaches to learning.

Based on the explanation above, the writer can conclude that strategy is
the most important part in the teaching process, because with the teaching strategy
the teacher has a plan that contains a series of activities designed to achieve
certain educational goals.
Syaiful Bahri and Aswan Zain, 'Teaching and Learning Strategies', Jakarta, Rineka Cipta,
(1995), 9.
Sadiman cited by Warsita, 'Learning Strategies', Jakarta, Reneka Cipta, (2008), 266.

b. Types of Teaching Writing Strategy

A strategy is generalized plan for a certain material includes that includes

the structures, the goal of instruction and an outline of planned activities to
implement the strategy. Students who are teaching with a strategy are more highly
motivate those who are not. The reason why it is important is that a teaching
strategies includes: what will involve actively in learning. How much the students
are responsible for learning and how learning will access. There are types of
srategy :

1) Think pair strategy

Think pair share strategy is is one of the active cooperative learning strategies
where they use to activate the students’ previous knowledge of the position of the
education or to work reaction about mathematical problem. Involve a three step
coopertive structure. During the first step individuals think silently (or even write)
about question that pos by the instructor. Individuals pair up during the second
step and exchange thought. In the third step, the pairs shares their responses with
other pairs to entire class.

2) Three-step interview

With student in group, each number of the group chooses another member to be a
partner. During the first step individuals work with their partnes asking clarifying
questions related to the subject matter being taught (these partners reverse the
roles. For the final step, members share their partner response with the group.

3) Three-minute review

Teacher stop anytime during a lecture or discussions and give teams three minutes
to review what has been said, ask clarifying questions or answer quetions.

4) Numbered heads together

Numbered head together indirectly train the student to share information, listen
carefully, and speak with the calculation, so that student become more productive

in learning. A group for established. Each member will give member of 1,2,3,or 4.
Question will ask by group. Groups work together to answer the quetions. Teacher
calls one a number and the teacher will ask each of group to answer.16

5) Round robin brainstorming

The class dividesd into small group (4-6) with one person appoin as recorder. A
question will pose and student will give time to think about possible responses.
After the think. After the “think time” members of the team share response with
one another round robin style. The recorder writes down the answer of the group
members. The person next to recorder starts and each person in the group (in
order) gives an answer until time calling.

6) Partners

The class is divided into groups of four each set of partner moves to opposite
places in in the room. Half of each team (partner set one) is given an assigment to
master and be able to teach the partner quiz and tutor teammates. Groups review
how well the learn and teach, and how the might improve the process.

7) Individual work strategy

In the individual work the teacher provides for each student a task., then they will
process and settle the task problem by self each sutent alone. The condition for
individual work is the students’ motivation, self-control ability and differentiation.
Student work at their own face, they are confident about what they know and what
they need to send more time on they can use their prefere learning styles and

8) Small group strategy

There are three or more people interacting face to face, with or without an assign
leader in such a way that each person influences, and its influenced by another
person in the group. Small group work, use both in and out of class, can be an

M Kagan, "Kagan Cooperative Learning", San Clemente: Kagan Publishing, (2007).

important suplement to the lectures, helping student masterconcept and apply
them to situation calling for complex application of chritical thinking.17

9) Collaborative learning/ or cooperative learning

Cooperative learning are instructional approaches in which students work together

in small groups to accomplish a common learning goal. They need to be carefully
planned and excuted, but they don’t require permanently formed group.

10) Critical thinking

Critical thinking is a collection of mental activities that include the ability to

intuit, clarify, reflect, connect, infer and judge. It brings these activities together
and enables the student to ask what knowledge exist.

11) Discussion strategy

Enganging students in discussion depends their learning and motivation by

propelling them to develop their own views and hear their ownvoices. A good
environment for interaction is the first step in encouraging students to talk.

12) Learner-centered teaching

Learner-centered teaching means the student is at the center of learning. The

students assumes the responsibility for learning while the instructor is responsible
for facilitating the learning. Thus, the power in the classroom shifts to the student.

13) Teaching with case

Case studies present students with real-life problems and enable them to apply
what they have learned in the classroom into real life situation. Cases also
encourage students to develope logical problem in the solving skills, if used in
team, or group interaction skills. Students define problems, analyze possible
alternative actions and provide solutions with a rationale for their choices. The

Larryl Barker, "Communication", Englewood Cliffs Jersey: Prentice Hall, Inc, (1987), 159.

strategies are lecture,questions and discussion, interactive exercises, grouping,
reflective learning, role play, simulatio and drama, source.

14) Lecture

Strategy is the center of attention as the teacher lectures.

15) Gruping

Group also work requires that students how to ask each other and share s about
knowledge to discuss about the topic. The working group is formal teaching
strategy that teacher can use so that persuit the students work together to
maximize their learning and learning from each other.

2. Learning Difficulties

The process of teacher and student interaction can take place actively and

responsively in learning activities in the classroom. Learning difficulties are a

symptom that exists in students which is characterized by low learning

achievement or below predetermined norms.18

Learning activities are one of the main points of educational activities in

schools. The success or failure of the educational process is largely determined by

the learning outcomes achieved by the students. To achieve student learning

outcomes as expected, teachers strive with all their might in creating the best

learning situation possible. But in fact there are some students who have

difficulties in learning.

Learning difficulties can also be interpreted as something experienced by

some students in elementary school, even experienced by students studying at a

Sugihartono, ‘Psikologi Pendidikan’, Yogyakarta, UNY Press, (2007), 149.

higher level of education. Operationally, learning difficulties can be seen from

the empirical reality of students staying in class, or students who have obtained

poor grades in some of the subjects they follow. Learning difficulties are a

prolonged issue in the world of education because this disorder is difficult to

overcome, but with the right support and intervention, individuals who have

learning difficulties can carry out their learning tasks and be successful in their

lessons, and even have a brilliant career after they grow up. Learning difficulties

can be understood through various definitions put forward by various experts and

associations of difficulty experts learn.

Based on the above understanding, it can be concluded that learning

difficulties are a condition experienced by a person characterized by the presence

of obstacles in the learning process so that difficulties in achieving results learn.

In other words, learning difficulties are a condition where the incompatibility of

the standard criteria that have been set for the competence or achievements

achieved by students.

3. Writing Skill

a. Definition of Writing

Writing is an activity to create information, ideas, or thoughts in writing,

writing is also one of the skills in English. Writing in English is considered one of

the difficult skills for most students, therefore the teacher. must have a writing

teaching strategy by determining the ideas to be written in paragraph form, the

teacher must teach students to produce correct and sequential sentences in the

grammatical form of the word. Writing is one skills that are difficult for students


The difficulty lies not only in generate and organize ideas but also in

translating these ideas into legible text. Writing is one of the basic skills in

learning English in addition to listening, speaking and reading. Meaningful

writing communicate using written language.20 In writing, all information is

conveyed through text. Writing means producing or creating a text. Therefore,

the researcher concludes that writing is a process of make written results from

information or ideas that are compiled using correct sentences and grammar in

written form.

b. The Important of Writing

Writing is an important role in language teaching. 21 Writing helps students

to learn. First, writing strengthens the grammatical structure and vocabulary that

we have taught students. Second, when students write, they also have the

Richard, 'Definition of Writing to Produce Languange', Jakarta: Erlangga, (2002), 303.
Ainul Faidzah, 'How To Improve Students Writing Skills at The Eighth Grade In MTS
Manba'us Sa'diyah Bandungan In The Academic Year of 2014/2015', Salatiga, (2015), 31.
Asteri, "Important Writing in Language Teaching", Jakarta: Erlangga, (2011).

opportunity to have an adventure with the language. Third, when writing, they

need to become deeply involved with language in an effort to express ideas and

the constant use of the eyes, hands and brain is a unique way of learning. Writing

reinforces the grammatical structures, idioms, and so on that we have taught our

students.22 That is, learning to write is learning to express ideas that require certain


Writing can solidify ideas and thoughts, and allows students to reflect as

ideas continue to develop in their heads. Writing helps students with other

language assignments as well. Writing is easier to check, evaluate, and concretely

revise. Writing is considered as one of the difficult skills for most students,

therefore the teacher must have a writing teaching strategy by determining the

ideas to be written in paragraph form, the teacher must teach students to produce

correct and sequential sentences in grammatical form. Writing is one of the most

difficult skills for students to master.

Writing is a process of making written results from information or ideas

that are arranged using correct sentences and grammar in written form.23 The

writing process consists of four main elements, as follows:

1) Planning

Experienced writers plan what they will write. Before starting to write or

type, they think and decide what to write for them easy. In writing must make

Raimes, "Important Writing in Language Teaching", Jakarta: Erlangga, (1983).
Jeremy Harmer, "How To Teach English", Essex UK, Stentont Associates Saftron waldeb,
(2004), 4-5.

complete notes. For others, a few words may be sufficient. Prepare what students

need in advance, in writing, it is a sheet of paper. When making plans, students

should think about three main things. That the first is the goal, audience, and

content structure. That's how it is best to rank the facts, ideas, arguments they

have decided on to insert.

2) Drafting

We can refer to the first version of an article as a draft. As The writing

process proceeds to editing, a number of drafts is possible produced on the way to

the final version.

3) Editing

One of the authors has produced a draft that is commonly read what they

have written to see where it works and where it doesn't. Maybe the order of the

information is not clear. Maybe the way something is written. ambiguous or


4) Final version

After the authors edited their draft, they changed it deemed necessary, they

produce the final version. This is visible very different from the initial plan and

drafting the first because a lot has changed in the editing process. But the author

now ready to send written texts to the intended audience. We suggest to write

follow these steps: planning and drafting.

c. Purpose of Writing

The purpose of writing is to tell the reader what issue is being raised and

what justifies the author in raising it. 24 In other words, writing is part of the media

to provide information that occurs to the reader.

Writing is an opportunity, allowing students to express something about

themselves, explore and explain ideas.25 Students can convey their ideas into a

good text so that others know and make them think critically. 26 The purpose of

writing is; (a) telling something, (b) giving direction, (c) explaining something,

(d) convincing, and (e) summarizing.

In short, writing is part of the media to provide information that occurs to

readers more relevant in this content. With the aim of writing, we can get

important information in the mass media and electronic media. The information

we get from various media is one form of the purpose of writing.

From the explanation above, it can be concluded that teaching writing

skills is important. In writing, students learn more aspects of language, such as:

content, grammar, and vocabulary.

d. Types of Writing

Taylor, "Writing Purpose Guide", Bandung: Angkasa, (2009).
Sharpes, "Writing Purpose Guide", Bandung: Angkasa, (1998).
Semi, "Writing Skills", Bandung: Angkasa, (2007).

The text classification may differ one theory to another. Based on generic

structure and language feature dominantly used, there are several types of genres

in writing :27

1) Report

Report is the piece of text that describes the way things are, with reference to

a range of natural, man-made and social phenomena in our environment.

2) Recount

Recount text is a piece of text that retells events for the purpose of

informing or entertaining.

3) Discussion

Discussion text is a piece of text that presents at least two points of view

about an issue.

4) Explanation

Explanation text is a piece of text that explain the processes involved in the

formation or working of natural or socio-cultural phenomena.

5) Exposition (Analytical)

Exposition analytical is a piece of text that persuades the readers/listeners that

something should or should not be the case.

6) News item

Pardiyono, "Teaching Writing-based Writing", Yogyakarta: Andi Offset, (2007), 3.

News item text is a piece of text that inform readers, listeners, and viewers

about events of the day which are considered neswworthy or important.

7) Anecdote

Anecdote is written english text in which the writer shares with the others an

account of an unsual or amusing incident.

8) Narrative

Narrative is written english text in which the writer wants to amuse, entertain

the people and deals with actual or vacirious experience in different ways.

9) Procedure

Procedure text is a written english in which writer describes how something is

accomplished through a sequence of action or step.

10) Description

Description is written english text in which the writer describes an object, the

object can be concrete or abstract object.

11) Review

Review text is a piece of text that critiques an art work or event for a public


e. Descriptive text

Descriptive is a text which describes something, person, place, and time.

Descriptive is a written English text in which the writer describes an object. In the

text an object can be abstract or concrete object. It can be a person, animal, tree,

house and the others.

State there are three parts of descriptive text writing namely : Social

function, Generic structure, and Language features.28

1) Social function of descriptive text

The social function of descriptive text is to describe a particular person,

place, thing or animal.

2) Generic structure

The generic structure of descriptive text are :

1. Identification : a statement that identifies the phenomenon will be


2. Description : the statement that describe the parts, qualities and

characteristics of someone or something in detail.

3. Language features

1) using simple present tense

2) using relational verbs when describing appearance and parts of

phenomena (is, are, has, have)

3) using action verbs when describing behaviors (life, lays or etc)

Sanggam Siahaan, "The Generic Structure of The Written Text", Pematang siantar: FKIP BP
Nomensen, (2006), 89.

4) using adjective to add extra information to nouns (hard, cool, and


C. Conceptual Framework

Teaching Learning Process

Teaching Writing

Teaching Writing Strategy Type of Writing Text

Analysis of Teacher's Strategy in Solving Learning Difficulties in

Writing Descriptive Text

Gambar 1. Conceptual Framework

The framework above shows that the conceptual framework that will be

built in this research. Analysis of teacher strategies in overcoming difficulties in

learning writing skills. In observing the English teachers there are strategies in

overcoming difficulties in learning writing skills were analyzed by the researcher.

One of the learning difficulties experienced by students is writing, this difficulty

occurs due to several factors. Where the teacher teaches students in writing to pay

attention to the elements that will produce a written work. The conceptual

framework that the researcher is aiming for is entitled "Analysis of Teacher's

Strategy in Solving Learning Difficulties in Writing Descriptive Text at

Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Palopo".



A. Approach and Type of Research

The approach used is qualitative research to explore and understand the

meaning of individuals or groups related to social problems that can be used to

interpret, explore, or gain a deeper understanding of certain aspects of beliefs,

attitudes, or human behavior.29

The research method is essential to do research. The researcher would

apply the correct method; the researcher needs the research method and plays a

significant role. This design would use descriptive qualitative research with the

qualitative research methods used to analyze strategies in overcoming teaching

difficulties used by teachers in writing descriptive text and determine the extent to

which students have the ability on writing descriptive text.

The descriptive qualitative method is called the interpretive method

because the research results are related to interpreting data found in the field. The

researcher stated that descriptive research does not aim to test a specific

hypothesis but instead describes some variables and conditions naturally. So, the

researcher described and explained anything related to this analysis.

The researcher would use an interview guide for a teacher as a data

collection tool. This research would use a qualitative descriptive method with

George, Jennifer and Gareth R Jones, "Understanding and Managing organizational
behavior", Publisher:Prentice Hall, Boston, 2012.

further explanations. In this chapter, the researcher explains the research method

of this research.

B. The Subject and Setting

This research would apply at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Palopo by focusing

on teachers strategy to overcoming difficulties in teaching writing descriptive text.

This research subject is the teachers who teach English at Madrasah Aliyah

Negeri Palopo; the second object is to determine the extent to which the student’s

ability on writing descriptive text at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Palopo; this research

subject are students at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Palopo, The research data would

take in students at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Palopo.

C. Definition of Key Terms

1. Writing Skill

Writing ability is the skill to express ideas, thoughts, and feelings to other

people in written symbols to make other people or readers understand the ideas


2. Teaching Strategies

Teaching strategies are a general description of learning that includes the

structure, outline of planned tactics, and the teaching objectives needed to

implement the strategy. Furthermore, explains that tactics are manifested in the

classroom as a process or series of ways in which the teacher teaches.

strategies is a method that helps the teaching and learning process that

each teacher provides to students to make it easier for students to understand the

material. Strategy is a way to increase proficiency in the learning process.30

3. Learning difficulties

Learning difficulties are a certain condition characterized by obstacles in

achieving goals and more active efforts are needed to overcome them. Learning

difficulties are a symptom that exists in students which is characterized by low

learning achievement or below the established norms.31

D. Research Design

The research method is essential to do research. The researcher would

apply the correct method; the researcher needs the research method and plays a

significant role. This design would use descriptive qualitative research with the

qualitative research methods used to analyze strategies in overcoming teaching

difficulties used by teachers in writing skills and determine the extent to which

students have the ability on writing descriptive text.

The descriptive qualitative method is called the interpretive method

because the research results are related to interpreting data found in the field. The

researcher stated that descriptive research does not aim to test a specific

hypothesis but instead describes some variables and conditions naturally. So, the

researcher described and explained anything related to this analysis.

Jerin C Issac, 'Methods and strategies of teaching', An overview. Pondicherry University
Press, (2010), 358.
Sugihartono, 'Psikologi Pendidikan', Yogyakarta, UNY Press, (2007), 149.

The researcher would use an interview guide for a teacher as a data

collection tool. This research would use a qualitative descriptive method with

further explanations. In this chapter, the researcher explains the methodology of

this research. Consists of a research approach, research type, unit of analysis, data

sources, data collection methods, and technical data analysis.

E. Data and Data Sources

1. Data

In research of course a data source is needed that supports the accuracy of

the data. Without a data source, the research can be declared invalid, especially

descriptive qualitative research. The data source is the subject from which the data

was obtained. The main data sources in descriptive qualitative research are words

and actions, the rest is additional data in the form of documents and in this study

the data sources are divided into two, namely:

1) Primary data

Primary data is data where the research results can be obtained through

direct observation and interviews. The source of the data was obtained from the

statement of the English teachers about strategy in solving learning difficulties in

writing description text at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Palopo.

2) Secondary data

Secondary data is data used to complete primary data. The secondary data

can be in the form of school documents, teacher documents, scientific papers that

are related to the problem under study.

2. Data Source

In this study, the data source is the English teachers at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri

Palopo. Researchers used paper tools to record the results of interviews with

English teachers and researchers also brought cell phones to record.

F. Research Instruments

The research instrument is a tool or facility used by researchers in

collecting research data to make their work easier and better, in the sense of being

more careful, systematically complete so that it is easier to process.

Research instrument a tool used to measure observed natural and social

phenomena.32 From this understanding, it can be understood that an instrument is

a tool used by researchers in using data collection methods systematically and

more easily. Research instruments occupy a very important position in terms of

how and what to do to obtain data in the field. The instruments used in the study

used were observation guidelines, interview guidelines, and documentation


1. Observation Guidelines

A tool that researchers use when collecting data through observation and

recording of the phenomena being investigated.

2. Interview Guidelines

Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik. Edisi Revisi.Jakarta: PT.
Rineka Cipta, 2013), 203.

Tools in the form of questions that must be answered by respondents are used to

help direct the conversation to the research topic and the formulation of the

problem to be studied.

Interview instruments were the main instruments in this study. Considering that

research data is an important aspect of research, the instruments or tools used to

measure must be trusted.

3. Documentation Guidelines

Tools used by researchers to collect data, and archives of documentation.

G. Data Collecting Techniques

The study applied the following methods in collecting data:

1. Observation

Observation is one of the techniques to inspect social phenomena.

Observation is studying about the social phenomena and the nature of symptom

by using note and observation itself. Observation is a process to get information in

research that involve watching or listening to events, then recording what

happened. This means that watching or listening the event is done to get the

information and the events are noted by recording. Then, the researcher uses

observation because the researcher’s goal is a complete description of behavior in

a specific setting.33

D Ary, 'Introduction to Research in Education', Australia, Wadsworth, Cengage Learning,
(2010), 431.

During the teaching and learning process in the classroom, researchers

observed teaching and learning activities. Researchers observed several aspects of

the teaching and learning process. These aspects include how teachers teach

writing skills and how the ability on writing descriptive text at Madrasah Aliyah

Negeri Palopo during the learning process. This observation is to obtain

information about teaching and learning activities in the classroom. It was brought

out to collect data on strategies for overcoming teaching difficulties for students'

writing skills and determine the extent to wich students have the ability to writing

descriptive text at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Palopo. The results identify the

surveillance step problems that determine the planning steps and implementation

of the learning process actions. The results of the observation were in the form of

field notes.

2. Interview

Interview is a way to test the responder through face to face setting.

Interview is a method of data collection by using question and answer in unilateral

systematic and based on the purpose of the research. Interview can serve as a

method of primary, complementary, or as a criterion. Interview is used to gather

data from people about opinions, beliefs, feelings toward situation in their own


The object of this research is strategy overcoming the difficulties of

teaching teach in writing skills and determine the extent to which students have

D Ary, 'Introduction to Research in Education', Australia, Wadsworth, Cengage Learning,
(2010), 438.

writing skills. The aim is to find accurate information for teaching strategies

applied during the teaching and learning process. In contrast, the research subject

is the English teachers at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Palopo. The research

instrument is an interview guide; a teacher would answer some specific questions

that the researcher would ask. The English teachers would be interviewed after the

teaching and learning process by a researcher directly. The contents of the

interview guide include lesson planning, learning implementation, and assessment

implementation. The other research instrument intended for students is a

questionbsheet containing questions about writing descriptive text, which will be

given to students at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Palopo to answer.

3. Documentation study

Documentation study is a research study used to find data about things or

variables in the form of notes, newspapers, magazines, books, diaries, manuscripts

and others. Documentation study is a data collection technique in the form of;

accurate written data. It can be accounted for by the teachers as a lesson plan, with

a lesson plan as a tool to guide the teachers' teach process in implementing

strategies to overcoming difficulties in writing descriptive text.

H. Data Validity Test

Examination of the validity of the data is basically, in addition to being

used to refute the allegations against qualitative research that says it is

unscientific, it is also an inseparable element of the body of knowledge of

qualitative research.35

The validity of the data is carried out to prove whether the research

conducted is really a scientific research as well as to test the data obtained. The

validity of the data in qualitative research includes tests of credibility,

transferability, dependability, and confirmability.36

So that the data in qualitative research can be accounted for as scientific

research, it is necessary to test the validity of the data. The data validity test can

be carried out;

1. Credibility Test

Credibility test in qualitative research can be done by extending

observations, increasing persistence in research, triangulation, and discussions

with colleagues.

1) Observation extension

Activities in the extension of observations are by returning researchers to

the field, making observations, interview again with informants who have met and

new ones. The extension of this observation means that the credibility of the

research results will be guaranteed. In this research Researchers will check the

correctness of the data by participating in learning activities more intensely. With

J Lexy Moleong, "Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif", Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya, (2007),
Sugiyono, "Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif dan R & D", Bandung: Elfabeta, (2007),

the extension of this observation, researchers may obtain more valid research


2) Increased persistence

Increased persistence means making observations more carefully and

continuously. As a provision for to increase persistence, researchers will read

various reference books, research results and documentation related to the focus

being studied.

3) Triangulation

Triangulation in this credibility test can be done by checking data from

various sources in various ways and time. The triangulation used in this study is

source triangulation. Source triangulation to test the credibility of the data is done

by checking the data that has been obtained through several sources. This study

uses sources from class teachers and students.

2. Transferbility Test

In qualitative research, research results must be explained in detail, clearly,

systematically, and can be trusted. So in this study, researchers will examine the

results of the study by looking for possible applications of the research results in

other contexts and situations.

3. Dependability Test

The results of this study will be tested by conducting an audit of the entire

research process. This test is proven by showing traces of field activities in the

form of photos and results Interview. This is done to strengthen the results of

research that previously described.

4. Confirmability Test

The confirma bility test is similar to the dependability test, so the tests can be

carried out simultaneously. This test is associated with the process carried out

during the study. Reference in testing this the research results are continuous with

the research process that has been carried out. So the researcher will not present

the results of the research without the previous process.

I. Data Analysis Techniques

The researcher would use several techniques and instruments to collect

data, such as observation, interviews, and documentation studies. The form of

data in this study is qualitative, qualitative data obtained from observations,

interviews, and documentation studies. The researcher carried out three steps in

analyzing qualitative data: data reduction, data display, and conclusion

drawing/verification.37 Data analysis in this study are as follows:

1. Data Reduction
Sugiyono, 'Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D', Bandung, Alfa Beta, (2010),

The data obtained by researchers in the field is still complicated and

complex. So it should be noted carefully and in detail. For this reason, the data

obtained must be immediately analyzed through data reduction.

Reducing data means summarizing, choosing the main things, focusing on

the important things, looking for themes and patterns. Thus the data that has been

reduced will provide a clearer picture and make it easier for researchers to carry

out further data collection, and look for it when needed.38

Data reduction in this study was carried out by focusing on interviews,

observations, and documentation studies on English subject teachers who focused

on the teacher's strategies in teaching writing skills and providing educational

services to slow learners.

2. Data Display

After the data is reduced, the next step is to display data. Presentation of

data in qualitative research can be done in the form of brief descriptions, charts,

relationships between categories, flowcharts, and the like. The most frequently

used in qualitative research is a narrative text. The possibility of the type of data

presentation that the researcher will use is adjusted to the results of data analysis

in the field later.39

3. Conclusion drawing/verification

Sugiyono, 'Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D', Bandung, Alfa Beta, (2010),
Sugiyono, 'Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D', Bandung, Alfa Beta, (2010),

Drawing conclusions is the final stage of data analysis to describe teacher

strategies learning difficulties in writing descriptive text at Madrasah Aliyah

Negeri Palopo. Conclusions in qualitative research may answer the formulation of

the problem that was formulated from the beginning, but it may also not, because

the problems and formulation of problems in qualitative research are still

temporary and will develop after the research is in the field. Conclusions in

qualitative research can be in the form of a description or description of an object

that was previously dim or dark so that after research it becomes clear, it can be a

causal or interactive relationship.40

Sugiyono, 'Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan R&D', Bandung, Alfa Beta, (2010),


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