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Language is important not just for communication but also for cultural change.

English is a language
that is taught as an ESL/EFL language to kids in kindergarten, primary school, junior high school,
senior high school, and university students in Indonesia. Furthermore, as an international language,
English is one of the keys to opening and understanding knowledge (education) and science

Reading, listening, speaking, and writing are the four talents of the English language. The four basic
English language skills can be divided into two categories: receptive (reading and listening) and
productive (writing and speaking). Almost all of the skills are related to one another. From writing is
one of the general competences in the English language, and it is a more significant capability for
students to possess. Susanty states that writing is also an excellent communication tool because
someone can describe, present, and visualize knowledge or information in a text by writing.

Writing is more than haphazardly scribbling words, sentences, or paragraphs to attain a goal. When
it comes to writing, however, certain requirements and skills must be met. Furthermore, when a
person fulfills all requirements, that had content, organization, vocabulary, grammar, and then
mechanics when someone is a good writer But it's also about writing, transcribing, and other aspects
as well as a review.

Students in Grades 10-12 can demonstrate comprehension of all components of writing

achievement using the Atlantic Canada ELA Curriculum. Achievement refers to students' ability to
develop and improve the text, as well as control meaning, clarify concepts, and analyze others'
responses to their writing. According to the 2013 curriculum in Indonesia, students must be masters
of all areas of writing abilities in order to acquire good writing because it affects student writing
achievement. Furthermore, according to the 2013 curriculum, pupils must be 80 percent more active
than the teacher. That is, the teacher just leads and provides a clue to the pupils who subsequently
search for and find answers based on the existing clue.

However, some students are not able to write well because writing is a complicated skill. The
students find it difficult to make creative writing implies correct grammar and meaning (creating
unity and coherence). Therefore, the teacher must provide good understanding rules so that
students are able and understand good writing. Where, the teacher must direct students to pay
attention to grammar, punctuation, use of capital letters, and spelling during the process of writing,
planning, compiling, revise, edit, and publish. With the goal that a portion of the writing
elements/components will assist students in completing one of the following styles of writing:
narrative, descriptive, survey, record, report, discussion, and argument. The descriptive text was
chosen by the researcher to establish achievement in the writing classroom at school because
writing descriptive text is easier for pupils to describe in their minds-text.

Therefore, teachers have a strong impact in improving students' writing skills achievement. Where
writing is a process, the process of writing is teaching students how to write with coherence, proper
grammatical structure, and acceptable spelling. Furthermore, a teacher is not only a teacher but
also has another role in writing. Where, the teacher plays a role in increasing the potential of
students by the teaching and learning process of teacher management in the classroom.

The professionalism of teachers is required to be able to master curriculum, materials, and

appropriate learning methods so that students are able to achieve learning objectives. In Indonesia,
the placement of English teacher professionalism has not been realize. In fact, the existence of a
professional teacher is still far from expected because of the competence of a teacher there are still
many less qualified schools that require professionals teacher.
One step that may be expected in shaping the quality of writing learning is to choose a skilled
teacher. Where "what the teacher is" and "what the teacher thinks" in the classroom will determine
student progress. 1) A teacher must prepare to compile some plans in the learning process, most
likely lesson plans and syllabi). 2) Put into action (the instructor must use strategy, technique,
methods, media, and time to put what has been planned into action). 3) Evaluate (the instructor
must evaluate an area of learning introspectively). To achieve this, teachers must master four
competencies: pedagogical, personal, professional, and social, all of which must be learned in order
to improve student quality and teacher-self.

To achieve the goals outlined above, teacher professionals must not only understand but also
display knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to three factors that contribute to teacher
professionalism: knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Teachers continue to struggle with comprehending
and applying existing competences and concepts. As a result, teachers must continue to acquire and
grasp the abilities and elements of the curriculum that are appropriate, because competent teachers
are professional teachers.

This study will discuss the professionalism of English teachers to students in the learning process,
and researchers will focus on The Correlation Between Professionalism In English Teaching And
Student Achievement

B. Identification

The researcher discovers some facts about the correlation between English teacher professionalism
and student writing achievement at MA Pancasila Kota Bengkulu, based on the above background.
The following are some of the issues that the researcher can identify: 1) students find it difficult to
generate ideas in a text; 2) students are less interested in reading; 3) students struggle with
grammatical structure; 4) students are perplexed by the accuracy and coherence of organizing texts;
5) the teacher finds it difficult to improve the competencies of some students; 6) the teacher finds it
difficult to apply lesson plans in learning activities based on the syllabus and curriculum to some
students 7) the teacher get problems to use strategy to motivate some of students in writing

C. Limitation

This research is not too extensive, where the researcher limits the English skill in this research is
writing descriptive text as a student’s achievement.

D. Research Question

Based on the problems above, the research question in this research is: Is there any correlation
between English teacher professionalism and student’s achievement at MA Pancasila Kota

E. Objective of the Research

The objective of this research is to find the correlation between English teacher professionalism and
student’s achievement at MA Pancasila Kota Bengkulu. The researcher chooses MA Pancasila Kota
Bengkulu because MA Pancasila Kota Bengkulu is one of the boarding school in Bengkulu which are
chosen by parents from various regions for their children to pursue their education. The MA
Pancasila has many students from various regions with different languages which is also a challenge
for a teacher to be able to deliver teaching that can be understood by students. Therefore, the
professionalism of a teacher is indispensable in teaching

F. Significances of the Research

Based on the purposes of the research, the significances of this research as follows:

a. Students
Based on the teacher's active, effective, and efficient learning and teaching in the classroom,
this research can assist students in boosting their achievement. As a result, the pupil will be
motivated to learn.

b. Teacher

This research can gives some contributions to the teacher to understand and comprehend what the
students need in the learning-teaching process likely applied method, strategy, media to get the
student-self potential on achievement. c. Educator/Education Ministry This research can help the
Educator/Education Ministry found solutions to particular problems arising in the classroom,
espouse professional learning (knowledge, skills, and comprehension). It will help to use in the
learning process to effective and efficient (conducive).

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