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A. Background of the Study

In an increasingly advanced and modern era, where at this time

people can easily communicate with each other. People all over the

world are now can easily communicate in order to participate in the

development of the world. Until today, English is still the first

international language being used to communicate by people all over

the world. Therefore, to learn English, especially for a lot of not English

speaking country, is important in order to participate in globalization.

Indonesia is one of the country where English language is only being

regarded as foreign language. We do not speak English in daily life but

English is one of the required subject in some level of education

starting from elementary school. The objective of teaching English in

Indonesia is to enable the students to communicate in English each

other and the objective of teaching English is to develop English

communicative skills both receptive and productive. Therefore,

speaking is one of crucial skill that must be thought in school especially

in senior high school.

In Indonesia, English is one of important subject as main subject

matters in education field. It has already taught since elementary

school until university level. Through this way the goverment tries to

make all students in Indonesia accustom with English in they learning

process. It is not easy for the students to learn English as foreign

language. The short and limited frequency of the meeting, they are

expected to be able to read, speak, listen, and write in English. They are

also expected to comprehend oral and written expression. To achieve

this objective, the teacher should develop the four language skills they

are listening, reading, speaking and writing. From those four skills,

speaking skills is the most important skill that the students must

master in learning English. Because the main purpose in learning

English is the ability in mastering speaking skill.

In our country, English learned since elementary school.

Because English is not our native language, the student are difficult to

learn it, based on that statement, English is taught with many methods.

And to develop the student speaking skill, an English teacher should

use appropriate way in teaching speaking. Many teachers always use

the old way in teaching learning process. They transfer the material

only, without concern that the students understand or not. Finally the

students can’t develop their speaking skill. To support in teaching

process, the teacher can use so many techniques. One of technique

that helps the student to master English especially in Speaking Skill is

through Story Telling. Story Telling is useful in multicultural education,

it can assist in creating classroom communication, in improving student

emotional health, improving children’s understand of our social and

environmental responsibilities it means with story telling can increase

children’s cognitive especially in speaking skill.

Unfortunately, there are many English teachers do not concern

with their teaching process. They consider that teaching is a routine

activity in their life without pays enough attention to students’ progress

in learning especially in learning speaking. Most of English teachers do

not realize that story telling technique can growing up the speaking

student skill with an opportunity to assess student understanding and

conveying of course material or the subject orally. They teach speaking

in monotone way, transfer the material / textbook without any

improvement and most of the teacher tends to teach the writing. So in

that situation, the students’ do not have any opportunity to participate

actively in learning process. That is common way that can make the

student bored and difficult to explore their speaking skill.

Most of the student in Indonesia think that English is frightening

subject. In this condition, an English teacher must be creative and

innovative to change the students’ mind that English is one of fun

subject. An English teacher should choose a suitable way in teaching

speaking skill especially for the second year student of High School.

Based on the statement above, it is need a based solution in

order to help student to speak, by storytelling technique it will help

students to get interest learning situation. By using story telling

technique automatically students will be accustomed to speak and also

to be to correct their pronunciation. The other important to using story

telling technique are students get many vocabularies and know how to

use in communication. Students can be practice their speaking ability

using short or long story and any pictures in class situation by using

story telling technique. It is inspired the researcher to purpose the

following thesis by tittle : Improving Students’ Speaking Skill Through

Communicative Language Teaching Approuch Using Story Telling at the

Thant Grade of SMA Mandiri Balaraja-Tangerang

B. Identification of the Study

According to problem background of the problem stated above,

the writer will identify the problem in this research as follow :

1) Why is the students’ speaking skill is low?

2) What to improve the students’ speaking skill but to

generate and organize the idea they felt difficult?

3) How to improve the students’ speaking skill but their

grammatical understanding is poor?

4) How to improve the students’ speaking skill their

pronunciation is low?

5) How to improve the students’ speaking skill but their

motivation to speak is less?

C. Limitation of the Problem

There are many ways to improve the speaking skills of tenth

grade high school. An English teacher should choose and use a suitable

way or technique in teaching English learning especially to improve

students’ speaking skill. Furthermore, in this research the researcher is

going to limit the problem on “Improving Students’ Speaking Skill

Through Storytelling Technique”

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the identification and limitation of the above

problems, the problems in this study can be formulated as follows:

"How does the teacher improve the students’ speaking skill by using

Story Telling Technique?”

E. Benefit of the Study

The writer hopes that there are some benefits can be reached by

conducting this research, namely :

1. For The Researcher

By using storytelling technique researcher will get a

pretty good solution to evaluate and troubleshoot on any issues

or problems when conducting research in the field, especially

when going research school that aims to improve the ability to

speak language support English student who make a preliminary

basis in writing this essay. Not only that the researcher is going

to also get a new experience and knowledge in dealing with the

advancement of education and student progress coupled with

technology evolving so quickly that requires researcher to be

ready to deal with good and fast..

2. For the Teacher

The study can give distribution to the attempt of solving

problems related to teaching speaking. Teacher will concern on

teaching speaking more. They will see that what their students’

need is not on some formulating word into sentences in written

from but also to communicate it orally as application of

language in day to day use. Teacher will treat English as

something which is needed to be used in real communication.

3. For the Student

The study can raise awareness of students’ in the English

Language communicative. This students’ have higher motivation

and awareness to speak English very well and according to what

they expect and researchers, and students’ also able to

understand that there is nothing wrong with making mistake in

language learning, especially to speak English which is one of

the mop, a very important teaching to be achieved by students’.

4. For the School

After their research on how to speak English, especially

in the second tenth grade of SMA MANDIRI previously have

much difficulty of learning English students’ who are less

attractive to the technique or how to teach a teacher, causing

boredom on students’ that can influence the ability of students’

learning English, but after exacting research gradually and

continuously by researchers with the problem derived from the

results of interviews and observations as well the acting finally

able to improve the students’ English language students

primarily on the ability to speak English, so the school is able to

deliver results with excellent scores.

5. For STKIP Kusuma Negara Jakarta

Help the institution to create the prospective teachers

who have the skills and attitudes good and have the ability to

very worthy to be accounted of what has been learned so far.


A. Theoretical Description

1. The Focus of Speaking

a. Definition Speaking

Speaking is one of four language skill that must be attained by

language learners. Since is it not just got by maturation, buy it should be

learned and practiced. Speaking is very important for expressing our ideas,

opinions and felling. We know that speaking is a media to our idea to

other people. It is an effective way to give information and to have


Speaking activities provide rehearsal opportunities – chances to

practice real-life speaking in the safety of the classroom1. It means these

activities give students’ the opportunity to explore their skill in speaking

foreign language.

Speaking is a producing the sounds. Someone can express what his/her

feeling by the words which are going our to producing from his/her mouth

and they arrange them into sentence.

Language such as pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary but they have to

understand to the word will by they speak. Meanwhile, according to Glenn

Fulcher, “Speaking is the verbal us of language to communicate with

others are so large that they human needs and desires we will not eve

attempt to provide examples”.2

Jeremy Harmer. 2007. How to Teach English, (London: Longman, 2001) p.88
Glenn Fulcher, Testing Second Language Speaking, (London: Pearson Education
Limited. 2003) p.23

And Speaking as one productive skill as commonly defined as the ability

of exercising a language orally and speaking is basically regarded by some

one linguistics and language learner too as culmination point of learning

language. The definition of speaking is also be media to learning

communication with the other. So the students must study about the

language for more communication.

Definition speaking according to Lawtie “ that speaking is fundamental

to human communication because in our daily lives most of us speak more

than we write.”3 So, speaking is an essential tool for communicating,

thinking, and learning. Ur, Penny in pine with Lawtie also said that “of all

the four skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing), speaking seems

intuitively the most important: People who know a language are referred

to a ‘speakers’ of that language, as if speaking included all the other kinds

of knowing, and many if not most foreign language learners are primarily

interested in learning to speak”4.

Burkart says that “Speaking is an activity which involves the area of

knowledge, they are mechanics (pronunciation, grammar, and

vocabulary)”5 it is the use of the right words in the right order with the

Lawtie Fiona, Teaching Speaking Skill 2, Overcoming Classroom Problems, (British :
British Council Carasas 2004) p.20
Ur Penny, A Course in Language Teaching Practice And Theory, (Cambridge :
Cambridge University Press, 2009) p.120
Burkat G, Spoken Language : What It Is and How To Teach It (

right pronunciation. And the function (transaction and interaction); it is

knowing clarity of message is essential (transactional / information

exchange) and when precise understanding is not required

(interactional/relation building). And the social and the culture rules and

norms (turn-talking, rate of speech, length of pause between speakers,

relative, roles of participants); it understanding how to make into account

who is speaking to whom in what circumstances, about, what, and for

what reason.

Another theory mentioned that speaking skill which is developing in

child life, which is began by listening skill, and that time the talent of

speaking or spelling talent. Speaking has a connection within creating

vocabulary which it got by the child

by listening and reading, a think that we must realize also that language

activities which it needed by the effective in speaking has a similarity with

needed by the effective communication in many language skill. However

is more than pronunciation and intonation. It is very important for student

to speak fluently and to express an idea “Speaking is to express an idea

and to make a speech”6

Such as writing, speaking is a complex skill requiring the simultaneous

use of the number of the different skill which often develops at different

rates, there are five components are generally, recognized in analysis of

the speech process :

1) Pronunciation, Including the segmental features vowel, consonant, the

stress and intonation pattern
2) Grammar
3) Vocabulary
4) Fluency, the ease and speech of the follow of speech
5) Comprehension

Based on the theories expressed by the experts explained that talking is a

human activity in communication using verbal language to convey

information, news, opinions, ideas or just conversation regular

communication is done by two people or more for talk is an important

tool in social life in contemporary society today. Therefore the

researcher tried to apply verbal communication using English as the

primary language of communication as the start of the study based on

some notion of talking.

b. Teaching of Speaking

Mulyanto Sumardi, Pengajaran Bahasa Asing, (Jakarta,: Bulan Bintang,1947) p.17

Teaching speaking skill to student should be oriented to enabling

student to speak in English different situation and genres. There are

four recommendations for teacher who are going to teach speaking

skill. First, whatever the activity chosen, it should allow student to talk

a lot. Teachers should select speaking activities that demand student in

the activity. It does not only better student who dominate in the class.

Beside that, the activity of learning should be able to motivate students

participate and talk. Therefore, the activity should be interesting to the

student. The last one, the activity of learning should be acceptable with

the students proficiency level if it’s to make difficult or easy for

students, it will motivate than to participate.

In communication, speaking is one of four skills beside writing,

reading, and listening. It also as one productive skills beside writing

that use to express of meaning, so the other student can make sense of

them. That skill enable use to produce an utterance, we genuinely


Students often think that ability to speak a language is the product

of language learning. But speaking is also a crucial part of the language

learning process. According to Harmer, Many of the classroom speaking

activities as follows:7

Jeremy Harmer. The Practice of English Language Teaching, ( Great Biritian : a
person education limited, 2001) p. 269-270

1) Acting from a script
Student’s to act out scene from plays and/ or their course boo. Sometimes
filming the some result, student will often act the dialogues they
have written themselves. This frequently involves them in coming
out to the front of the class.
2) Communications games
Games which are designed to provoke the communication between
students frequently depend on information gap. So that one
student has to talk to a partner in order to solve a puzzle. Draw a
picture, put the things in the right order, or find similarities and
difference between a picture.
3) Discussion
One of the reason that discussion fail (when they do) is that student are
reluctant to give an opinion in front of the whole class, particularly
if they cannot think of anything to say and are not, anyway,
confident of the language they might use to say it.
4) Prepare talks
A popular kind of the activity is the prepare talk where student makes a
presentation on a topic of their own choice. Such talks are not
designed for informal spontaneous conversation: because they are
prepared, they are more writing-like. However, of possible, student
should to speak from notes rather than from a script.
5) Simulation and role play
Many students’ derive great benefit from simulation and role play
students’ a real-life encounter.

Based on the consideration above, we know there are many

speaking activities in a classroom. So, if we want to teach speaking

for learners, we can choose the one of them. Because if we teach us

the speaking with the activities in above, its. Can make the students

interesting and motivated them to speak English. And then it can

improve students speaking skill.

Effective instructor teach student speaking strategies using

minimal response, recognizing script, and using language to talk

about language that they can use to help themselves explain

knowledge of the language their confidence l using it.

Many language learners regard speaking ability as the measure

of knowing language. These learners define fluency as the ability to

converse with others, much more than ability to read, write or

comprehend oral language. They regard speaking as the most

important skill they can acquire, and they assess their progress of their

accomplishment in spoken communication.

However, today’s world requires that the goal of teaching

speaking should improve students’ communicative skills, because

only in the way, student can express themselves and learn how to

follow the social and cultural rules appropriate in each

communicative circumstance.

Teaching speaking is a very important part of second language

learning. The ability to communicative in a second language clearly

and efficiently contributes to the success later in every phase of life.

Therefore, it is essential that language teacher pay great attention

to teaching speaking. Rather than leading students to pure

memorization, providing a rich environment where meaningful

communication takes place is desired. With this aim, various

speaking activities such as those listed above can contribute a great

deal to students in developing basic interactive skills necessary for

life. These activities make students more active in the learning

process at the same time make their learning more meaningful and

fun for them.

c. Elements OF Speaking

According to Jeremy Harmer, in the practice of English language

teaching, there are some elements that necessary for speaking as


1) Connected speech

Effective speakers of English need be able not only to produce the individual

phonemes of English (as saying / would have gone) but also the use

the fluent’ connected speech. ‘(As in l have gone)

2) Lexis and Grammar

Spontaneous of speech is marked by the use of number of a common lexical

phrases, especially in the performance of certain language function.

Teacher should therefore supply a variety of phrases for different

function such as agreeing, expressing surprise, shock or approval.

Where students’ are involved in specific speaking context such as job

interview, we can prime them in the same way with certain useful

phrases which they can produce at various stages of an interaction.

3) Negotiation Language

The effective speaking benefits from the negotiation language we use to

seek clarification and to show the structure of what we are saying.

4) Expressive Devices

Ibid, p,271-274

Native speakers of English change the pitch and stress of particular parts of

utterance, very volume and speech and show by other physical and


(paralinguistic) mean how are felling ( especially in face to face interaction)

1) The Function of Speaking

Speaking is not only produced the sound to communicate but

speaking is not to express the idea and opinion using the best

vocabulary to get good communication because most people might

spend of their everyday life in communicating with other. According to

Richard, speaking can be classified become to three functions in human

interaction. They are:9

1) Talk as interaction

Talk as interaction refers to what we normally mean by “conversation” and

describes interaction that serves a primarily social function. The

focus is more on the speakers and how they wish to present

themselves to each than on the message.

2) Talk as transaction

Jack C. Richard, Teaching Listening and Speaking from Theory to Practice, ( New York
: Cambridge University Press, 2008) p.21

Talk as transaction refers situations where the focus is on what is said or

done. The message and making oneself understood clearly and

accurately is the central focus, rather

According to Harris, “Speaking is a complex skill requiring the simultaneous use

the different ability which often develops at different rates”10 Five

components are generally recognized in analysis of speech of

speaking process they are :

1) Grammar

Grammar is the set structural rules that govern the composition of

clauses, phrases, and words l any given natural language the

term refers also the incudes morphology, syntax, and

phonology, often complement by phonetic, semantic, and


2) Vocabulary

Vocabulary is defined as the “words” in foreign language. Words are

perceived as the building blocks upon which knowledge of a

second language can be built. However, A new item of

vocabulary may be more than a single word. So nobody can

communicate effectively without vocabulary even oral or

David P. Haris. Testing English as A Second Language. (New York : McGraw – Hill
Book Company, 1969) p.15

written form and vocabulary is very important thing which is

used in communication.

3) Pronunciation

Pronunciation is the most important components in communication.

Unfortunately, the written and sound in English are different,

because a character doesn’t consistently is represent one

phoneme. J. Donald Bowen defines it as: “Pronunciation is

central role in pedagogy and takes seriously the goal of

acquiring command of the spoken language.”11

4) Fluency

The aim of many language learner in speaking is fluency. Therefore, we

can be defined as the ability to speak fluently and accurately.

5) Comprehension

The last speaking elements is comprehension. Comprehension.

Comprehension can make people getting the information they

want it is defined as the ability to understand something by

reasonable comprehension of the subject or as the knowledge


J Donald. Browen, A Tefl Anthology, Selected Articles from the Teaching English
Forum, 1973-1978, Washington DC. English Teaching Divison, Educational Centre Affairs
International Communication Agency, 1980) p.63

According to David P. Harris, there are some criteria of oral test as


Testing English as a Second Language, op.cit. hlm.18



stand most of what is as

75-84 slower than normal

(3) speech with repetition.

great difficulty following

65-74 what is said or

(2) comprehend only ‘

Social Conversation’

spoken slowly and with

frequently repetition

t be said to understand

<65 even simple conversation


Based on some theories above the researcher can white a synthesis

that speaking skill is pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary,

fluency and comprehension. However, assessing speaking is

very important for improving speaking skill.

1. Story Telling Technique

a. Definition of Storytelling

Storytelling is one of the most basic ways of sharing

knowledge of making sense of experience, and of seeing oneself

in relation to others. In the classroom storytelling is an

important activity with strong links to literacy. Storytelling can

be nurturing way to remind student that spoken words are

powerful, that listening is important, and can clear

communication between people in art.

Storytelling is a process of creativity in the development

of student always activity not only the intellectual aspect, but

also in the aspect of sensitivity, subtlety of character, emotion

left brain ability but also the right brain.

“Storytelling provides language development and

increase children interest in way of using the language. And a

person who tells stories is known as storyteller”.13“Story telling

is an oral art, involving the transmission of tales that haven been

handed down from mouth to ear”.14. Thus, storytelling is the

best technique speaking whether in the class or out the class.

According to Cameron, “storytelling is an oral activity,

and stories have shape they do because they are designed to be

listened to and in many situation, participation in”15 Telling is

live, person to person oral and and physical presentation of a

story to an audience. Telling involves direct contact between

teller and listener.Social, and aspects conative (appreciation) on

the ability of students.

b. The Procedure of Story Telling

The speaking process includes activities that occour

prior to, during, and after the actual speaking event. For

example, before speaking, the speaker might determine the

actual content of the message, how it shuld be presented, and

what kind of audience will be heard message.

Noah Webster, webster’s New Twentieth Century Dictionary, (USA: William Collins
Publisher Inc, 1980), Edition p.2”
Nicola Groves, Using Story Telling to Support Children and Adult With Special
Needs. (London, New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2013), p.14
Cameron, Lynne, Teaching Language to Young Learners, (Cambridge: Cambridge
University Pres, 2001), p.160

Phylliss Hostmeyer and Marilyn Adele Kinsella

recommended Ten steps to be coming a teller as a prodeure, as


1) Find an interest story

2) Read the story all the way through several time. Learn the
sequence and the plot structure but do not memorize it.
3) When you have completed several reading put the next a
way, sand do not look at it until you are ready to tell it in
your own word
4) Next, make the story your own. Do this by reading different
version of the some story.
5) Practice the story beginning and ending.

Hostmeyer, Phyllis and Kinsella, Marlyn Adelle. Storytelling and QRA Strategies.
(United state of America : Acid – free paper, 2011) P.11-13

in the technique of discussion that serve as the advantaged and disadvantages,

there are:1717

1) It teacher the students to express their thought in their word and to

formulate them as they are speaking, without preparation.

2) Discussion is learning by discovery

Niels Lindhard, Nodumiso Diamini and Walter Bernald, Guidance in the Classroom,
(Longman : Teacher Training Series) , p.16

3) Discussion teacher student to exchange opinion without becoming


4) Discussion students develops independent thinking

5) Discussion develops independent thinking, it raises healthy doubt

about previously held opinions and it teacher the students that

there are often many difficult answers to many problems.

Storytelling as well as the techniques used in teaching and

learning activities in today’s are develop the students’ ability to

achieve student complements criteria (KKM), which refers to the

SBC as a basic reference in Indonesia.

According To Edder, storytelling advantage in technique as

develop student’s skills as;

1) Storytelling as an effective instructional technique for

introducing new material and providing depth to a concept

going beyond a fact, a definition, or an outline of textbook


2) Storytelling as pedagogical technique which strengthen the

learners’ comprehension of reading passage

3) Storytelling captures the attention of the learners and provokes

curiosity through enhancing the development of a sense of

story in participant

4) Storytelling encourage learners to experiment with voice, tone,

eye contact, gesture, and facial expression

5) Storytelling encourages reading motivation, supports

comprehension skills and stimulates discussion.18

There are many reason for using storytelling in language

teaching. Stories which rely so much on words, after major and

consonant source of language experience for children.


Eder, D. Bringin Navajo Storytelling practices into school, (Antho[ology and
Education, 2007], P.31

stories can motivate a children’s, stimulate children’s, imagination and

arouse children’s interest.

A storytelling can teach the listener or readers about life

in another city or another country. It helps them understand

what other people like, how they feel, how they life and now

they think. It can give the listener a new idea that have never

crossed their part before. In other words, we can say that

storytelling technique can be a good way to know others’

experiences without the need of experiencing it. The listeners or

readers can use their imagination to widen their understanding.

1) Storytelling can give an enjoyment

Listener delight in hearing stories. A good story can

transport the listener to another world. It can delight their

mood and it can lift their spirits.

2) Listening to the conflicts that trouble the characters actress in a

story and hearing how they handle the conflict can help the

listener valuable lesson. They many learn not only what to do,

they many also learn what not to do.

Based on some theories above, the researcher can

makes synthesis to convey message, truth, information,

knowledge, or important moral and some lesson to the students

or even deliver brand promise to consumer

1) Framework of thinking

Speaking skills is productive skill. It could not be separated from

listening. When we produce the text and it should be meaningful. In the

nature of communication, we can find the speaker, and listener, the

message and the feedback.

Storytelling technique in teaching speaking can make the

process teaching and learning speaking skill enjoyable, the students are

able to make and respond to speak without feeling fear and shy. They

also do not need to feel scared whether or not they make mistakes in

speaking English.

2) Action Hypothesis

Based on the assumption above, the researcher proposes an

action hypothesis as follow “In learning teaching process through

storytelling technique can improve students’ speaking skill at SMA




A. Objective of the Research

The purpose of this study is to improve students' speaking skills,

especially to find out that teaching speaks using effective discussion

techniques in the tenth grade of MANDIRI BALARAJA High School.

Hopefully, students can practice speaking English in class actively and

they can express their opinions, ideas and feelings freely. In addition,

they can also have fun in learning English, especially in learning to


B. The Place and Time of the Research

1. Place of the Research

The research is going to be carried out the Ten Grade of SMA


2. Time of Research

The research is going to be star in Mey 2019

C. Method of the Research

Researcher used qualitative paradigm as research methodology,

focused in the classroom action research. In implementation,

researcher used three and each cycle consist of four steps, those are

planning, acting, observing and the last reflecting.

D. Steps of the Research

In collecting the data, the writer explains about procedure of

teaching. The researcher give the speaking skill test before discussing of

lesson material, giving the treatment and giving posttest then made

calculation of result from both of the test. Through the cycle 1, cycle 2

and cycle 3. Each cycle consist of:

1. Cycle One

a. Planning

In the first cycle, the researcher prepares the process of learning

to speak by using storytelling skill with the steps : 1. Develop lesson

plans that relate to speaking skills using storytelling. 2. Prepare a

storytelling. 3. Collaboration in with classroom teachers and peers.

This study is planned in three cycles and very cycle conduced over a

three-hour lesson. In very cycle will be carried out during two

meetings in which the learning consisted of initial activity, core

activity, and the final activity. Previous researcher discuss in

advances what activities will be conducted with classroom teacher.













E. Source of the data

In doing this research, the subject of the research was a student of

tenth grade that consisted of 25 student. The researcher was helped by

the teacher as collaboration, Siti Melienasari, S.pd. she had been

teaching in SMA Mandiri Balaraja for 5 years. She had a good

personality and a good mastery in English.

F. Technique of the Data Collection

In getting the data research, the researcher taught and observed

directly in the classroom. The result of applying teaching speaking by

storytelling technique will be used in this researcher.

There are some steps in collecting data as follows:

1) Observation

Observation is either an activity of a living being (such as

human) consisting of receiving knowledge of the outside world

through the senses or the recording of data using scientific

instruments. The term may also refer to any datum collected during

this activity.

2) Interview

An interview is a conversation between two or more people.

They are the interviewer and the interviewee. The questions are

asked by interviewer to obtain information from the interview.

3) Test

Test as a data collection instrument was a set of question or

exercise that used to measure skill, knowledge, intelligence, ability

or talent possessed by an individual or groups.

The kind of test data collection instrument orally, namely:

Speaking test

With speaking assessment criteria :

NO Grammar Vocabulary Pronunciation Fluency Comprehension Score

1 20 20 20 20 20 100

In the ensuing findings, Since much social research is founded on the use of a

single research method and as such may suffer from limitation associated

with that method from specific application of it, triangulation offers the

prospect of enhanced confidence. Triangulation is one of the several

rationales for multi method research. The term derives from surveying,

where it refers to the use of a series of trangles to map out an area.

I. Criteria of succeeded research

Classroom Action Research (CAR) is able to be called

successful if it can exceed when which have been determined, in this

study the research will succeed when there is 100% of students could pass

the assessment score ≥ 65 based on the minimal mastery level criterion –

Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) which is adapted from the school

agreement (SMA MANDIRI Balaraja Kab. Tangerang).

In addition, the success of the action is not only measured with

the achievement students’ speaking score, but also the storytelling

technique can motivate or improve the students speaking skill and they

become more actively in learning process. If the criterion of the action

success achieved, it means that the next action of the classroom Action

Research (CAR) would be stopped, but if this condition has not been

reached yet. The alternative action would be done in the next cycle.


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