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A. Background of the Study

There are four basic skills in learning English. They are writting,
listening, speaking and reading. Four of these aspects are important to be
mastered by the students. They are not expected to be able to write
correctly in grammatical order. It is not the standart for someone as an
expert of English. They must able to speak fluently. Further, they are
pursued to be able listening well in order to make a good interaction
between the speaker and the interlocutor. On the other hand, while they
are reading, they can pronounce the words well and understand the
meaning of the text, supposed that they mastering in the four basic skills
in learning English.

Reading comprehension is as the process of simultaneously

extracting and constructing meaning through interaction and involvement
with written language
(snow, 2002:9). Many students are able to read the text without
understanding the meaning of the text, it only passes by their eyes without
comprehending the text about. It is necessary for the student to
comprehend their comprehend their reading text. Reading comprehension
is a good way to develop and understand the overall English text. But the
most of the student still find many difficulties in reading comprehension
even though they have done it for many years. They do not know how to
comprehend a text and get some information from the text. Consequently,
the students become slow down. Not infrequently, they feel bored if they
must comprehend the text. For them, reading comprehension ia a task of
tittle concern. So it is a problem for teacher in teaching in the classroom.


There are some factors causing they can not comprehend the text. It
is caused by the lack of good motivation to read because the text is not
interesting. Not only that, the lack of vocabulary also causes th students
become unenthusuastic because if they find difficult words, they must
keep on looking up the word in a dictionary to find out the meaning of the
words and it needs extra time besides that, sometimes the teacher has very
limeted techniques and strategies in reading. Those are the cases that
always appear in the school. That’s why the inability of the students in
reading comprehension is influenced by some factors. It can comes from
the students and even the teacher. These factors make them felt bore and
uninterested in reading comprehension.

Based on the researcher’s experience in PPL (Field Exprerience

Practice) at Annadwa Islamic Centre Binjai, Jl..., it is difficult for students
to comprehend English text. When the researcher asked the to tell some
information for their reading text, most of them did not have any ideas or
opinion to convey by using English. It proves that they are not interested
in learning reading comprehension and the process of teaching reading
did not run well. Besides that, the examination score of the student was
very low.
B. The Identification of the Problem

Based on tthe beackground above, the problems were formulated as


1. Lack of student in learning English.

2. The teaching method still a conventional way.

C. The Scoop and Limitation


The scoop of this research was speaking. This study was focused on the
students’ achievement in speaking which was researched by technology modern
method on SMP N 6 BINJAI 2014/2015 academic year.

D. The Formulation of the Problem

1. Is there any significant effect of technology modern method on the students’

achievement in speaking?

2. What are the difficulties of technology modern method in teaching speaking?

E. The Objectives of the Study

1. To find out the significant effect of technology modern method on the

students’ achievement in speaking.

2. To find out difficulties of technology modern method in teaching speaking.

F. The Significant of the Study

The finding of the study were expected to be theoritically and practically

useful and relevant.


The finding of the study gives easier and interesting way in teaching speaking
through technology modern method and to become reference for the future


1.Students, to enlarge their knowledge in speaking they intende to achieve

skiil in classroom.

2.Teacher, to improve the students achievement in speaking by technology

modern method and want to use this method.

3.Other researchers, who are interested in dealing with speaking.

4. Reader, the study will expected to give information and knowledge about
teaching and learning speaking, so that they are motivate to improve their
speaking achievement.

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