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LILI SUNDARI (18052049)



TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................i
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION........................................1
1.1 Background of the Study...................................1
1.2 The Identification of the Study...........................4
1.3 Scope of the Study........................................4
1.4 Formulation of the Study..................................4
1.5 Objective of the Study....................................5
1.6 Significancation of the Study.............................5
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE...............................6
2.1 Theoretical Framework.................................................................................6
2.1.1 Analysis......................................................................................................6
2.1.2 Reading......................................................................................................7
2.1.3 Understanding of Reading..........................................................................8
2.1.4 Definition of Reading comprehension......................................................9
2.1.5 Levels of Comprehension of Reading........................................................10
2.1.6Identifying Difficulties in Reading Comprehension...................................11
2.1.7 Purpose Reading.........................................................................................13
2.1.8 Problem of Reading....................................................................................13
2.2 Narative Text.................................................................................................13
2.2.1 Definition of Narrative Text.......................................................................14
2.2.2 The Generic Structure of Narrative text.....................................................14
2.2.3 Language features......................................................................................15
2.3 Difficulties In Reading....................................15
2.4 Conceptual Famework.......................................16
CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..........................................17
3.1 Place and Time of the Study.........................................................................17
3.2 Types of Research ........................................................................................17
3.3 Data and Data Source ...................................................................................17

3.4 Technique of sampling..................................................................................18
3.5 Techniqueof Collecting Data...............................18
3.5.1 Observation.............................................18
3.6 Technique of Analysis Data................................18


1.1. Background of the study

English is one of the languages used internationally. So that English is
used as an important basic competency for people who want to be insightful and
knowledgeable. As a part of culture, language plays an important role in business
conversations between nations. Therefore, English is one of the important subjects
taught in schools. So it is hoped that graduates who master English well will
provide the widest possible space for them to become part of the global
community of the world community.
Reading skills are very important for every human being so that they can
add insight in living life. These reading skills can be developedthrough formal
education, namely school, which starts from elementary school tocollege. At the
education level basic reading skills require a good learning process and maximum.
Said so because elementary school is an institution the first formal education in
the world education which is the basis or foundation to determine one's success to
more education level reading comprehension is one aspect that is the main
objective of teaching reading in elementary schools.
Learning English is one of the subjects that are considered difficult
because English is not the mother tongue or the national language used daily, this
causes boredom. This condition has implicationsat the low level of student
masteryon language learning materialsEngland.
Based on that observationdone, teachers use more often conventional
learning approach es a teacher-centered approach instead student-centered
approach. Studentlack of opportunity to practiceknowledge gained, so
studentshaving trouble putting it into practicecorrectly. Teacher more
oftenpracticing classically rather thanindividual.


Many students feel unable to understand the text. Most of the students
seemed to have difficulty in understanding the text. They are not able to give
correct answers to the questions provided. From mid and semester exams, it seems
that students are having problems understanding the structure. They have no idea
how to distinguish between regular and irregular verbs. They failed to answer the
reading text questions because they could not find out what kinds of verbs
appeared in the questions (in simple present tense) and which verbs appeared in
the reading texts (in simple past tense). Eighth grade students have problems in
answering the questions of recount and narrative texts since they do not have good
knowledge in understanding the grammar or structures used in the texts.
Especially in recount and narrative texts, students are required to understand the
simple past tense, present perfect tense and the past continuous tense. The
students get confused how to distinguish these tenses.
In addition, they cannot determine the past and present verbs. For example,
the verbs used in the text are "go", "swim", "played". While in the problem, the
verb will be changed to "go", "swimming" and "play". Thus, this will make
students confused and misunderstood in answering questions from a text. The
second problem is that students have a lack of vocabulary. Most of them failed to
answer the text questions since they did not have enough vocabulary and failed to
understand the meaning of the words. In fact, vocabulary knowledge has long
been recognized as very important in first language reading.
Based on the problems that arise, the teacher has difficulty in developing
learning. This makes students' knowledge and abilities in English subjects very
lacking. Various learning innovations are also carried out by teachers, such as
using games and making media. However, this does not affect the students' ability
to learn English. So in the end the teacher only uses the usual method in teaching
reading, which does not have a significant effect on students' reading
comprehension skills
Thus, teachers as educatorsmust be able to cultivate learning
activitiesinteractively. With the processinteractive learning is expectedcan provide
high motivation forstudents to be active, there are learning activitiesthe height of

the student then the processlearning can run effectively.Based on the explanation
above thenit is necessary to do an in-depth study. This is to determine the level of
difficulty of grade X students at YaspendaPulau Rakyat High School in reading
narrative text.

1.2 Identification of the Study

Identification of the study as follows there are many problems that
can be identified related to students “English difficulties in generic
structure”. The problem are :
1. The lack identifing of orientation
2. The lack identifing of complication
3. The lack identifying of resolution

1.3 Scope of the Study

This study will focus on the analysis students difficulties in reading
narrative text. The study will focus on generic structure in reading narrative
2020/2021 academic year.

1.4 Formulation of the Study

The study in this research is always based on a problem is the main
case whisch will be discussed by the writer. A problem is a question raised
for inquiry, consideration or solution. In conducting a research, the problem
must be stated clearly so that the objectives of the study and method can be
meaningfull. The problem this study is stated as following questions “What
are the difficulties in reading narrative text at grade X of SMA YASPENDA
Pulau Rakyat Tua in 2020/2021 academic year ?”.

1.5 Objective of the Study

To summarize the study background, this study will be concerned to
accomplish the following purposes :

To know the difficulties that are faced by students in reading narrative text
and to find out a dominant difficulty by students in reading narrative text at
grade X of SMA YASPENDA Pulau Rakyat Tua in 2020/2021 academic year.

1.6 Signification of the Study

The result of this study is expacted to be useful for :
1. Theoretically. This research hopefully will be useful to enrich the theory
about students difficulties in reading narrative text.
2. Practically the teachers of English know how the students difficulties in
reading narrative text, so the teacher ca choose appropriate teaching
strategy in teaching narrative text and students of English able to read
narrative text in a good language features and they are interested in
learning English.

2.1 Theoritical Framework

Theoritical Framework is presented in order to give some
clearer concept being applied in this study that is the students
difficulties in reading narrative text. To support the ideas of
this research, some theories and some information will be included
to help this research.
In support of this study, this study reviews related findings
that address some of the issues with its previous research.
The first, research written by DIAN ANGGRAINI, The title of
TAMBANG". The kind of this research is qualitative research by
using descriptive method. To collect the data, the researcher used
questionnaire and test. The subject of this research was the first
grade students of Senior High School 1 Tambang while the object of
this research was students’ difficulties in reading narrative
text. The questionnaire was used to find out the factors that
cause the students’ difficulties in reading narrative text. Based
on data analysis, the researcher found that the highest
difficulties in reading narrative text was indentify generic
The second, research written by SITI AISAH AMINAH, The title
of this research is “ An Analysis of Students’ Difficulties in
Reading Comprehension on Narrative Text”. The method of this
research is qualitative method. The subject of the research is
students of second grade in MA Sholatiyah Petir-Serang. Technique
of collecting the data by using 25 multiple choice questions as
the instrument which have correlation with levels of reading

comprehension and also support with interview from the students.
The research is conducted based on the main problems (1) How many
percentages of students’ difficulties are made by the students in
reading comprehension on narrative text? (2) Why the students have
difficulties in reading comprehension on narrative text?. The
result of this research shows there are some difficulties that the
students still find in reading comprehension on narrative text.
The Third, research written by Irwan Sulistyo. The title of
this research is “ An analysis of generic structure of narrative
text written by the tenth year students of SMA Yasiha Gu". The
writer uses descriptive quantitative. It is class XI IPA I that
consists of 39 students. The instrument used to collect data was
the writing test and observation sheet. The results of the
research shows the mastery on writing based generic structure of
narrative text class XI Senior High School Yasiha Gubug academic
year 2012. The objective of this research is: To find out how the
generic structure is written in the narrative text. The problems
that faced by the students in arranging the generic structure of
written narrative text .

2.1.1 Analysis
According to Anne Gregory, Analysis is the first step or step
that must be taken in the planning process. This ceetainly shows
that analysis is always needed in planning aktivities. For
example, when you want to open a new business such as laundry,
selling meatballs and others. Of course the right analysis is
needed related to business capital,profits,employee cost and so
forth. By analyzing, the posibility of a business losing money can
be minimized. This is where the function of analysis is in the
planning stage.

Analysis is activity to examine a particular object
systematically, in order to obtaininformation about the object In
the Contemporary Indonesian Dictionary written by Peter Salim and
Yenni Salim (2002 : 4) describes the analysis notions as follows;
1. Analysis is an investigation of an event (action, essay and
so on) to get the right facts(origin, cause, real cause,
2. Analysis is the elaboration of the subject matter of the
parts, the study of the parts and the relationship between
the parts to get the right understanding with the overall
3. Analysis is the elaboration (expense) of something, and so
on after being examined carefully.


4. Analysis is the process of solving problems that begin with

hypotheses (conjecture, etc) until proven truth through some
certainty ( observations, expriments,etc)
5.Analysis is the process of solving problems (through reason)
into its parts based on a consistent method to achieve an
understanding of itsbasic principles.
Where as according to ( said that
Analysis is an isolation process (limiting problems) and working
on something that is basic (fundamental) to find information about
the object being analyzed.According to the Cambridge Dictionary of
Philosophy,2nd ed., 1999, ed. Robert Audi, Analysis is the process
of breaking up a concept, proposition, linguistic complex, or fact
into its simple or ultimate constituents.According to the Oxford
Dictionary of Philosophy, 1996, by Simon Blackburn, analysis is
the process of breaking a concept down into more simple parts, so
that its logical structure is displayed.Based on the opinions
above, the author concludes that analysis is an activity that aims
to find fundamental information about one or more objects
systematically using a particular methodology.

2.1.2 Reading
Reading skill is one of the essential factors in teaching and learning English.
Through reading people know the word because reading gives enjoyment as a
medium of getting information and knowledge. Reading means to learn various
written symbols, simultaneous association of these symbols with existing
knowledge and comprehension of the information. In other words, reading is the
combination of word recognition, intellect, and emotion interrelated with prior
knowledge to understand the message communicated.
According to Carnie States, reading is defined as getting information from
the text and interpretation. In other words, reading is the ability to draw from the

printed text and interpret the information appropriately (Carnie,1990)..1Carnie

says that reading is the ability to get information from the text.
Reading is an activity that aims to obtain as much written information as
possible. As a process, reading requires skills for the purpose of obtaining
Reading can be silent (in our head) or aloud (so that other people can hear).
Reading is a receptive skill - through it we receive information. But the complex
process of reading also requires the skill of speaking, so that we can pronounce
the words that we read. In this sense, reading is also a productive skill in that we
are both receiving information and transmitting it (even if only to ourselves).

2.1.3 Understanding of Reading

Reading is an activity to get ideas between the writer and the reader to
understand what they read. In English Foreign Language (EFL) reading is one of
the most important factors in assessing learners linguistic competence. However,
it is skill for reader should be master in good reading skills to get information or
ideas from the act of communication. According to Sandra Silberstein, reading is
a complex information processing skill in which the reader interacts with text in
order to (re) create meaningful discourse. In addition, based on Harmer, reading is
an exercise dominated by the eyes and the brain. The eyes receive messages and
the brain then has to work out the significance of these messages. Similarly,
Jeremy Harmer said that reading encourage the reader to focus on vocabulary,
grammar or punctuation and also use reading material to demonstrate the way to
construct sentences, paragraphs and whole texts. It involves the recognition of
letters, words, phrases, and clauses, and in some respects, it can be considered a
simpler process than comprehension.
Reading is a number of special focuses to reader or students. Many
students often have reading as one of their important goal to be able to read for
information and pleasure for their career and for their study purposes. According
to Grellet, reading is continuous process guessing. Moreover, there are interacting
dynamically from the reader to gets the information depend on what the purpose

of the reader and the process to understand the text by guessing. Thus reading, an
active or receptive skill rather than passive skills because the reader automatically
gets the information or ideas by doing knowledge in his/her brain to get the ideas
from the text.
From the explanation above, there are a lot of definitions about reading.
It can be concluded that reading is a process to understand the ideas between the
reader and the writer to get information from the text to draw a conclusion of the

2.1.4 Definition of reading comprehension

Reading comprehension is one of the keys to get knowledge and
information because in general a lot of knowledge and information which written
and only by reading it we can get a knowledge of what has been written it either
from books, newspaper, magazines or other print media.
Reading comprehension is a capability that must be owned by a person in
obtaining information from a written text. This capability is not difficult for us to
have if we read the text using the Indonesian language, and a little bit difficult if
the text using a language other than Indonesia. Example English language, of
course we must have English language skills if you want to understand the
reading text in English.
According to Danny Brassell “Reading comprehension is the ability to
take information from written text and do something with it in a way that
demonstrates knowledge or understanding of that information. Comprehension
occurs when a reader is able to act on, respond to, or transform the information
that is presented in written text in ways that demonstrate understanding. The
following examples illustrate how readers can show they understand what they
Jennete said “Reading comprehension is the process of constructing
meaning by coordinating a number of complex processes that include word
reading, word and world knowledge, and fluency.Reading comprehension is an
active process, directed by intentional thinking that allows young readers to make

connections between their thinking processes, the textual content, and their own
knowledge, expectations, and purposes for reading.
According to William Grabe (2009) in “reading in a second language”
Reading comprehension is critically dependent on the readers fluency in
identifying priented words, as reflected in the readers accuracy and speed in
identifying words in a passage as well as in his or her ability to read smoothly
with appropriate expression. Fluent reading depends heavily on a great deal of
practice in reading,spelling and writing. It also depends on reading and rereading
material at an appropriate level of difficulty.
Aspects of the Reading Comprehension When reading the text, students
need to know the aspects of reading comprehension, they are as follows:
1. Main Idea
Main idea is called the topic sentence. The main idea of a
paragraph is what the authors want you know about the topic. It is the broad,
important idea that the writer develops throughout the paragaraph (Fiprinita, 2013,
2. Language Features
The grammatical order of the text is Language feature that is the rules in a
language to look for the similarities of the words in the text.
3. Generic Structure
This term refers to the way a text is organized to guide readers in
identifying key information (Klingner, 2007, p.76). Texts are organized in
different ways. This is very important to divide the text into some strands in order
to ease the reader interpret the text. A key characteristic for all text types is the
requirement to orient or introduce the character involved in the story, the time and
place in the story (Knapp, 2005, p.222).
4. References
One of the aspects of comprehension is that the readers must be able to
mention the particular objects or things that have been mentioned by author.
Reference can be defined as a pronoun or noun- phrase that refers to a previous

2.1.5 Levels of comprehension in reading

Reading have levels of reading. This level reading as seen from the
reading skill of students. The success of the reading students depending on the
level of the text. Therefore there must be a balance between the material and the
ability of students.
a. Literal Comprehension
Literal comprehension, the lowest of the three levels, requires a reader
to be able to retell or recall the facts or information presented in a text. Names
of characters and details of the setting are examples of literal comprehension.
The information required for literal comprehension comes largely from the text
itself. Recall comprehension can easily be evaluated. In responding to a literal
question, the reader either can recall the information from the text or he or she
b. Inferential comprehension
Inferential comprehension, the next level, refers to the ability of a
reader to take in information that is inferred or implied within a text. If a text
indicates that a character is carrying an umbrella while walking down a street
on a cloudy day, you can infer that the character is expecting rain. Inferential
comprehension is more sophisticated than literal comprehension because it
requires the orchestration and manipulation of information from the text as
well as information that resides within the readers their background
c. Critical comprehension
Critical or evaluative comprehension, the third and highest level in the
taxonomy, involves making critical judgments about the information presented
in the text. Were the characters reputable and honest in their actions? Did the
selection offer the reader new information, new insights, or added enjoyment?
Were the characters authentic? Was the literary quality of the text high?
Answers to such questions require a high level of interaction between

information from the text, the reader, perhaps other people with whom the
reader has interacted, or even other texts the reader has read. Moreover, in-
depth analysis and critical thinking are necessary to make informed 14
judgments and evaluations. Because responses to inferential and critical-level
questions are highly dependent on the readers own background, interest, and
disposition, determining a readers level and the quality of a readers inferential
and critical comprehension is not easy.
All three levels of comprehension are important and need to be fostered.
However, it has generally been the case that inferential and critical comprehension
are not sufficiently addressed in many classrooms and reading programs. These
levels are not easily evaluated and do not lend themselves to the “teacher asks and
student answers” type of comprehension discussions that follow many reading
lessons. Nevertheless, a focus on inferential and critical comprehension is
appropriate, and nurtures the high-level thinking that one would expect to find in
high-performing classrooms.

2.1.6 Difficulties in Reading

The difficulty reading is the basic from error. It occurs because the
students are confused or do not know or understand about the material which the
teacher is explained. The result, they produce error later.

According to Peter Westwood (2001, p.33),the difficulties for most poor

readers are compounded by the fact that they do not possess, and are not aware of,
effective strategies to help them extract meaning. The difficulty for most readers
in reading narrative texts is that they do not know and understand effective
strategies to help them find the main idea in narrative text. They do not have the
ability to help them find main ideas and supporting ideas in detail and draw
conclusions. They do not think effectively what the main idea of the narrative text
they read. This makes students experience difficulties and determine the generic
structure in narrative texts.

In narrative text there are 3 generic structures, namely orientation,

complication and resolution.
Orientation is one part of the generic structure in narrative text. Generic
structure It sets the scene and introduces participants from stories such as
characters, time, and place. (this answers the question: who, when, what and
where). for example “One day, there was a hungry crocodile waiting a prey near
the lake in the jungle crocodile hiding under the surface of the lake for a long
time.” Based on the example sentences above, it can be seen that the orientation of
the text is one day (when), a hungry crocodile (what), a near the lake in the jungle
crocodile (where). But in fact students are not able to identify the orientation in
the sentence.
Complications are also part of the generic structure in narrative text. It
tells the problems that arise in the story. for example The crocodile bit the
buffalo's leg and the buffalo shouted loudly asking help for any other animal near
it. This sentence is one of the problems in the complication paragraph. but
students still find it difficult to find problems in the text teks.
Resolution it tells how the character finds a solution from problem
happened. for example the buffalo laid the big branch at the former position, upon
the crocodile's neck. This sentence is the resolution of the narrative text, but
students have difficulty in determining it.

While reading and providing a retelling or answering questions related to

reading can provide some insights into a student’s comprehension, there are a
number of variables or factors that need to be considered as they may influence
how well a student is able to recall what he or she has read. Below are just some
of the factors that may impact comprehension.
1. Difficulty of the text
Does the difficulty or readability of the passage match the actual
gradelevel placement of the student? Texts written below the student’s
grade level are more likely to be comprehended, while passages above the

student’s grade level are more likely to make comprehension more


2. Type of text
Is the passage a narrative, expository piece, informational piece,
poem, speech, or some other text form? Different text types can be more or
less difficult to understand and may require different comprehension
3. The reader’s background and interest in a passage
Does the student already have a lot of background knowledge? If
so, he or she is more likely to have a higher level of understanding of the
passage. Less background knowledge is likely to result in poorer
comprehension. Similarly, if the reader is interested in the topic of the
passage, he or she is more likely to understand the passage. Lower levels
of interest are more likely to lead to less motivation to read and lower
levels of comprehension.
4. Reading comprehension factors
Is the student able to give a literal retelling of the passage? Can the
student reasonably recall and understand the actual facts and details from a
passage? Is the reader able to go beyond the literal and make reasonable
inferences from the passage? Can the student make predictions about
events that are not explicitly stated in the passage itself? Is the reader able
to make reasonable critical judgments about the passage that he or she has
5. Reading factors other than comprehension
Poor understanding of a passage may be due to reading process
factors other than comprehension. Problems with decoding words will
impair comprehension. Struggling with the meaning of key words, even if
they are decoded correctly, will negatively impact comprehension. Fluency
problems, (e.g., reading the text in a slow, halting manner without

appropriate phrasing and expression) will definitely affect a reader’s

understanding. Is the passage read orally or silently? Some readers
comprehend better under one condition than the other.
6. Factors other than reading
Many factors beyond reading itself may impact how well a reader
understands what he or she reads. What is the student’s disposition while
reading? Is the student adequately rested or is he or she fatigued? Is the
student taking medication and, if so, has he or she taken the medication at
the time of the reading comprehension assessment? Is the student wearing
any corrective eyewear that has been prescribed? Is the location of the
assessment environmentally adequate? Is the temperature appropriate? Is
there adequate ventilation? Is the student acquainted with the person
giving the assessment? Does the student know the purpose of the
These are just a few of the many factors that can affect how well a student
comprehends what he or she reads. Clearly, the process of assessing reading
comprehension and diagnosing problems with reading comprehension is a
challenge, to say the least. Nevertheless, it is important to try to identify those
students who may be experiencing difficulties with reading, as well as the sources
of these problems, so that you can provide effective instruction.

2.1.7 Purpose of Reading

As the reader begin to read, they have to decide the purpose of reading
itself, it is important to make successful of reading comprehension. There are
some purposes of reading. In line, William Grabe and Fredricka L. Stoller divided
some of reading purposes are:
a. Reading to search for simple information
b. Reading to learn from texts
c. Reading to integrate information, write and critique texts
d. Reading for general comprehension
In addition, harmer said, the purposes of reading are:

a. Reading to confirm expectations

b. Reading to extract specific information
c. Reading for communication tasks
d. Reading for general understanding
e. Reading for detailed comprehension (information)
f. Reading for detailed comprehension (function and discourse)

2.1.8 Problem of Reading

There are some difficulties for readers to understand the ideas. Harmer
stated the problems of reading are:
a. Language The students get more difficulties to understand the text with the
longer sentences than with shorter ones. However, they have great
difficulties in understanding the text because they find unfamiliar words
which the text contains as a whole.
b. Topic and genre The topic is not appropriate or not interesting for
students. Besides, students are not unfamiliar with the genre or the topic to
dealing with. They lack of engagement knowledge may be a major to
successful in reading.
c. Comprehension tasks Comprehension task is a key feature in teaching
receptive skills. Sometimes, the teacher is trying to encourage students to
improve their receptive skills by giving task or text to accompany them far
too easy or far too difficult.
d. Negative expectation
The students have low expectation of reading and they are not going to
understand the passage in the book or on tape because they think too
difficult in reading activity.

2.2 Narrative Text

2.2.1 Definition of Narrative Text
Narrative text is one type of text of taught for third grade in Junior high
school. In narrative text students are expected to understand about the context and

to find the moral value of the story. There are many types of narrative. They can
be imaginary, factual or a combination of both. They may include fairy stories,
horror stories, fable, legend, folktale, short story etc. Anderson said, narrative is a
text that tells a story and in doing to entertains audience. Similarly, Alan Meyers
argues that narrative is telling a story and to be interesting, for readers to respond
to some event in your life as if it were their own.
Narrative is a story that created in a constructive format (as a work of
writing, speech, poetry, pictures, song, motion pictures, video games, theatre or
dance) that describes a sequence of fictional or no-fictional events.According to
Pradiyono, narrative text is a kind of text to retell the story that past tense. The
purpose and social function of the narrative text is to entertain or to amuse the
readers or listeners about the story (Pradiyono,2007)
On the other hand, in narrative text can be presented as written or spoken
texts who told the story is called narrator. If narrator is one of the characters in the
story is said to be told in the first person and the person outside from the story is
called third person characters .
A narrative typically contains action, dialogue, elaborate details and
humor. This text can be fun to read. It tells story to make a point or explain an
idea or event. This type of text can be found in short story books, magazine,
novels, movies etc. Narrative is popular because it presents a plot which consists
of complication and resolutions. It makes people feel curious and anxious with the
ends of the stories. The Generic Structure of Narrative text
According to Grace generic structures of narrative text are:
a) The orientation which is giving information about the setting of the
scan that shows the place and the time of the story just happened,
introduce the people in the story and what is involved in it.
b) Complication which telling the beginning of the complication or
problematic which leads to the climax or crisis of the main

c) Resolution, resolving the crisis or the problem either in a happy or

in a sad ending.
d) Re-orientation is closing remark to the story which consist a moral
lesson and advice or the readers.

2.3 Conceptual Famework

Reading skill is one of the essential factors in teaching and learning
English. Through reading people know the word because reading gives enjoyment
as a medium of getting information and knowledge. Reading means to learn
various written symbols, simultaneous association of these symbols with existing
knowledge and comprehension of the information. In other words, reading is the
combination of word recognition, intellect, and emotion interrelated with prior
knowledge to understand the message communicated.
Narrative text is one type of text of taught for third grade in Junior high
school. In narrative text students are expected to understand about the context and
to find the moral value of the story.
According to Peter Westwood (2001, p.33),the difficulties for most poor
readers are compounded by the fact that they do not possess, and are not aware of,
effective strategies to help them extract meaning. The difficulty for most readers
in reading narrative texts is that they do not know and understand effective
strategies to help them find the main idea in narrative text. They do not have the
ability to help them find main ideas and supporting ideas in detail and draw
conclusions. They do not think effectively what the main idea of the narrative text
they read. This makes students experience difficulties and determine the generic
structure in narrative texts.
In fact, the students of the grade X of SMA YASPENDA Pulau Rakyat at
2020/2021 academic year have difficulties in reading narrative text it caused by
some factors is determine generic structure. First, the lack identify of orientation,
lack indentify of complication, and lack identify of resolution. In order to solve
the students difficulties faced by students of the grade X of SMA YASPENDA
Pulau Rakyat at 2020/2021 academic year.


3.1 Place and Time of the study

The place in this study conducted at SMA YASPENDA Pulau Rakyat. The
study started on Saturday, September 16, 2021. This study focused in the
students of SMA YASPENDA Pulau Rakyat especially X IPA-3 at 2020/2021
academic year.
3.2 Subject of The Study
The research used qualitative data in presenting the data. To observe the
data about students activity in writing narrative text during in the class, the study
observed from observation. The data collecting is qualitative data. The subject of
the study at grade X IPA-3 SMA YASPENDA Pulau Rakyat in the second
semester of 2020/2021 academic year.
3.3 Research Design
In this research the study use descriptive with qualitative approach. The
study use descriptive and explore a phenomenon, a process or a particular point
of view from perspective of those involved (Donald Ary 2010:453) in this
research the researcher use descriptive qualitative method. Qualitative research
describe and interpret about events, conditions, or situations of presents.
According to Denzim & Lincoln (1994:2) states that qualitative research is
multimethod in focus, involving an interpretive, naturatistic approach to its
subject matter. This means that qualitative research study things in their natural
settings, attempting to make sense of, or interpret phenomenon in terms of the
meaning people to bring.
3.4 Instrument of Collecting Data
The instrument chosen to collect data is based on the qualitative method
that is planned to be collected and how it is planned to collect it. The collection
method that we use is by using questionnaires and in-depth interviews with
research subjects such as (teachers and students). The method that we use in this
study is to provide narrative texts at grade X IPA 3 at SMA Yaspenda Pulau

3.5 Technique of Collecting Data

This study employed multiple techniques of date collection. To get the
details about student's difficulties in reading narrative text, this study employed a
observation. Furthormore, an writing text will also managed to strengthen the data
related to the factors that cause difficulties exit.

3.5.1 Observation
In the first cycle, this research will be observed the teaching process. By
monitoring the students activity and attention during the action, we saw that most
of the students are enthouseeiastic in teaching learning process but some of the
students who had a little difficulty to answer the question from this research some
students had difficulties to be ginor to make the the idea because they had a
limited vocabulary in English.

3.6 Technique of Analyzing Data

According to Boy &Biklen, data analysis Techniques are made by
working with damta, organization data, sorting it into units that can be managed.
Finding and finding patters, deciding what can be told to others.
Narrative text techniques are made by second year students and the
causes of difficulties students write narrative texts in learning to write. After
collecting data, the research analyzes the student answer sheets as follows :
1. Identify main idea and supporting idea.
2. Identify the reading narrative text based on generic

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