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Lecturer :

Rafika Dewi Nasution, S.Pd, M.Hum

Arranged by :


Dhea Triana Sembiring (2203321012)

Elsa Reni Wulandari Panjaitan (2203121007)

Farah Dzakirah (2203321015)

Hariyanti Saragih (2203121001)

English Language Education B 20




Describe the Problem

Based on the results of interviews with several students at Senior High School 2 of Pematang
Siantar, we encountered some of the difficulties they experienced, namely:

• They have less interest in English lessons.

It can be caused by an unattractive way of learning in their school. English teachers who are
not good at diluting the classroom atmosphere in teaching also can be the cause of the lack
of students' interest in learning English.

• They have low motivation in learning English.

Students don't know about how important English for their life in both present and future. It
can cause the lack of students motivation in learning English. They can't see what is the
advantages of learning English for their achievements and their careers. The motivation can
arise from their ownselves, but parents and teachers also hold an important roles im
growing it.

• They feel nervous, embarrassed, and afraid to make mistakes in speaking English.

Sometimes students are not interested in learning English because of the fear of making
mistakes. They are afraid of the teacher's anger and the taunts of their friends. For instance,
there are a student trying to speaking English to their classmate. He gets wrong, then his
friend laughs and taunts him. So on the next day, he has no confidence for speaking English
to others.

• They have a lot of difficulties in understanding grammar, one of which is when they
distinguish parts of speech such as prepositions, conjunctions, determiners, adverbs,
adjectives, and others.

Every student has different difficulties in learning English. Some of them have
difficulty in grammar, the other have difficulty in speaking and listening, and
the others. But nowadays, grammar is really necessary for students especially
high school students because they will always find grammar questions in their

After investigating the difficulties experienced by Senior High School 2 of Pematang

Siantar students in learning English, we found several solutions that could be applied and
understood by prospective teachers:
1.  Gave them the motivation as often as possible can make them in high motivation to learn
English speaking. Based on the research finding before, low motivation is also one of the
English speaking problems. So, to make them good at English speaking, the teacher needs
to motivate them to study hard, and of course erase their shyness, nervousness, and fear of
making mistakes because all of those are the common problem in English speaking also.
2. Teacher can use an interesting Strategy to make the students interest in the subject, For
example by using games, role play,  describing pictures, discussion, or another way to
allow them to speak English as well as possible. And learning media in the form of videos
can help students acquire concepts, skills in English
3. Difficulties experienced in understanding grammar, namely distinguishing parts of speech
such as prepositions, conjunction, determiners, adverbs, adjectives, and others can be
solved by, the teacher reproduces students in reading and training students in writing
stories so that students can understand sentence patterns and can apply them in everyday
life and make a habit of speaking in learning with the correct grammar structure
4. In overcoming 16 tenses, the teacher can train students with examples of facts and help
with video learning media, so that students can understand and create sentences according
to the context of the incident. As students, they can practice getting used to recognizing
the types of tenses and identifying the characteristics of each formula. For example, in the
simple present, students can use the pattern in everyday life so that they are proficient in
English conversations, the present continuous can be practiced in ongoing conversations,
the present tense in telling past events and other tenses.

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