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Influence of violent-themed movies among Senior High School students of

ACLC College Ormoc in their Behavioral Aspect

This paper is presented to the faculty of ACLC College Ormoc

In partial requirements for Practical Research 1


Cruz, Daisy Anne C.

Dellera, Janica Mae L.

Mandras, Daredale Angel A.

Sode, Rennier L.

Solamillo, Vince L.

Sulla, Earl Courtney A.

June 2022

First, the researchers would like to give their warm and heart-felt gratitude to the persons who
give their knowledge regarding this project and helped them attain the success of this project.

Second, to Mr. Jondave Sios-e, for guiding the researcher in doing this research paper.

Lastly, to our dear God, for guiding and protecting the researchers always and for giving them
ample wisdom to make this study completed and possible.

This paper is the result of hard work of the researchers. This work is gladly and sincerely
dedicated to the members. From parents and guardians to fellow students and group of
acquaintances who offered assistance when challenges arose while working on this project.

To ACLC College of Ormoc faculty and staff. Most of all, to our Almighty God, who
has blessed us in our everyday lives, mainly for the courage, perseverance, compassion,
knowledge, time, and guidance we have received in completing this task.

The Researchers


Chapter 1: Introduction

Background of the Study ------------------------------------------ 1-3

Statement of the Problem ------------------------------------------ 3

Purpose of the Study ------------------------------------------------ 3-4

Significance of the Study ------------------------------------------- 4

Conceptual Framework---------------------------------------------- 4

Theoretical Perspective --------------------------------------------- 5-6

Research Method ---------------------------------------------------- 6

Scope and Delimitation --------------------------------------------- 8

Summary -------------------------------------------------------------- 8

Definition of Terms -------------------------------------------------- 8-9

Chapter 2: Methodology

Research Questions--------------------------------------------------- 9-10

Research Design------------------------------------------------------- 10

Sampling---------------------------------------------------------------- 10

Research Instrument--------------------------------------------------- 11
Appendix---------------------------------------------------------------- 12

References--------------------------------------------------------------- 13-14

A. Background of the Study

Violence is one of the major worldwide concerns today in all segments of societies.
People frequently read or hear about gang battles, shooting bombings or actually become victims
of such actions. These events are only the most extreme example of the aggression that takes
place every day. Recent studies indicate that adolescents are the most victim of violent crime,
often involving guns, and that they experience rape, robbery and assaults at two to three times
the rate of adults (Finkelhor & Dziuba-Leafheiman, 1994). Other forms of aggression and
violence, which may take place at home, or in peer confrontations may not make official
statistical counts (Strom-Gottfried & Singer, 1995).

Violent attitudes in humans are recognized to be associated to a number of physiological,

psychological (emotional), domestic, and cultural reasons. The learning environments which the
child is exposed to are also considered to contribute to the increase of antisocial attitudes and
feelings (Berkowits, 2001). Recently, investigators and professors presented the thought that
attitudes towards real life violence play a mediating role in the translation of aggressive feelings
into aggressive behavior (Velicer, Huckel, & Hanson, 2003). Therefor attitudes may have a
significant influence on behavior, especially on violent actions (Kraus, 1995).

As our technologies became more progressive and our society has become liberated. Our
movies became more violent. As all people became accessible, even young ones are open to
watch these kinds of movies.

Media violence is recognized as a potential contributor to the increase of antisocial

attitudes in children and adolescents (Ledingham, & Richardson, 1993). Considerations about
media violence go back to the 1920s. At that time the earliest coordinated social scientific
research investigation into the impact of media violence began in the western countries. It was
intended at studying the harmful impact of media on society.

The development of television as a common mass entertainment and information
medium during the 1950s encountered similar concerns about potential harms, especially in
connection with young audiences (Gunter, 1994). The most important concern in the debate
about media violence has been weather or not it promotes aggressive behavior among viewers
(Van Evra, 1990). The relationship between heavy exposure to media violence and later
aggressive behavior has been studied for more than thirty years. A large body of experimental
and longitudinal research on this question has been evaluated, and it has been determined that
there is a link between viewing TV violence and aggressive behavior (APA, 1993). There is also
research indicating that heavy exposure to screen violence can cause problems in other domains
of social behavior. For example, it can make people become both fearful of the world around
them and more accepting of violence in the real life as displayed by others (Singer, 1980).

Nowadays, many concerns have been raised about the kinds of values and attitudes that
may be inculcated by exposure to certain kinds of media content, especially violence in movies
(Kubey & Larson, 2005). During the last decade, accusations towards the media have also been
made against violent computer and video games, the popularity of which among adolescents is
rising (Scott, 2000). While social scientists work on determining the major causation of
violence, such as social environments, cultural factors, family instruction, and group
membership (Fraser, 1996; Staub, 1996), parents, teachers, politicians and school administrators
continue blaming the media for increases in violence attitudes among adolescents. For instance,
school principals, mothers and young people were surveyed for their perceptions of factors
influencing violence among youth. The results showed that violent messages in rap music and
violence in the movies are perceived as the factors influencing violence (Kandakai, Price, &
Telljohann, 1999, Pryor, Sard & Bombyk, 1999). However, as the numerous studies show,
parents’ and school personnel’s concerns about media violence are justified. The past two
decades have witnessed a growing interest among researchers in exploring the linkages between
modern movies and behaviors of young people in contemporary society. This has become
pertinent because of the increasing amount of time adolescent spend on movies. For example,
young people spend almost four hours per day watching movies (US Department of Education,
2002). This is buttressed by the fact that adolescents maintain various system of values which
they access in order to assist decision making in their lives. While some values are central to
defining behavior, others are not. To put it more succinctly, adolescents associated themselves

with various characters they view as heroes in movies and may integrate their model characters
into their value system and this has effects on their behavior. Thus, effect of modern movies on
adolescents is to be studied carefully if reasons behind the tendency of adolescents to exhibit
some mal adjustive behavioral traits like bulling, smoking, drinking, substance abuse, sexual
immoralities, stealing, involvement in cult-related activities, examination malpractice etc., could
be deciphered and properly address. According to Onukaogu (2011) youths idolize television
characters and tend to copy these characters in their everyday life. This implies that a young
adolescent may resort to indecent dressing in order to appear like a character that he or she
idolizes in current movies without considering the circumstances that enhanced such, dressing,
as regards the role of the movie star in a particular movie. Onyejiaku (2011) also asserts that
since an adolescent is at a stage of life that is characterized by identity discovery and
exploration, he is in a period of “storm and stress” (Havinghust 1968).

B. Statement of the Problem

General Objective

This study seeks to understand the senior high school students on what they perceive as
they had experienced in their daily with an interview in this study it would uncover the pattern of
student’s behavior as senior high school students towards violent-themed movies. On the wage
of this it would impower student’s and protect from any threat in their behavioral aspect.

Specific Objective

1. What are the various influences of violent-themed movies among senior high school
students of ACLC College Ormoc?

2. What are the positive and negative influences of violent-themed movies on the
behavioral aspects of senior high school students at ACLC College Ormoc?

C. Purpose of the Study

The focus of this research is to look into the impacts of televised violent-themed movies on
senior highs school students and to interview a small group of students at ACLC College of

Ormoc in order to assess the impact on them. If a positive relationship is discovered, suggestions
will be made for schools to assist teachers in addressing this issue and finding a way to mitigate
its impact.

D. Significance of the Study

The significance of this study is to determine if there are in fluences on watching violent-
themed movies to the senior high school students of ACLC College Ormoc.

The following people will be also benefited:

Students of ACLC College Ormoc. Through this study they were able to determine if there are
effects on watching violent-themed movies to them and apply it to their daily lives.

Parents. They will be aware on what will happen if they let their children watch violent-themed
movies. Because of this they can make a way regarding this and guide and protect their children.

Teacher. There will be an awareness to them on what they will teach in class which could affect
their students. This research is a way for them to have assessment on what will they show to
them when they are using video as a part of teaching methods.

E. Conceptual Framework

The diagram indicates the theoretical views of this study now this portion will illustrate
the views and application to the study. The main concept hold that the mass media are the cause

of various interpretations of students about violent-themed movies to be presumed effect,
especially in the depiction of war in movies to be the controlling aspect.

Through this study they
were able to determine
if there are effects on
INPUT watching violent-
Influence of violent- themed movies to them
themed movies among Process and apply it to their
Senior High School Data gathering through daily lives. They will be
student of ACLC Google docs. Survey aware of what will
College of Ormoc in questionnaires happen if they let their
their Behavioral children watch violent-
Aspect Grade 11 themed movies There
will be an awareness to
them on what they will
teach in class which could
affect their students.

F. Theoretical Perspective

Behavioral Psychology by Kendra Cherry (n.d.)

Behaviorism, also known as behavioral psychology, is a theory of learning based on the

idea that all behaviors are acquired through conditioning. Conditioning occurs through
interaction with the environment. Behaviorists believe that our responses to environmental
stimuli shape our actions.

According to this school of thought, behavior can be studied in a systematic and

observable manner regardless of internal mental states.2 According to this perspective, only
observable behavior should be considered-cognitions, and moods are far too subjective.

Strict behaviorists believed that any person can potentially be trained to perform any task,
regardless of genetic background, personality traits, and internal thoughts (within the limits of
their physical capabilities). It only requires the right conditioning.

Simply but, strict behaviorists believe that all behaviorist are the result of experience.
Any person, regardless of his or her background, can be trained to act in a particular manner

given the right conditioning. From about 1920 through the mid-1950s, behaviorism grew to
become the dominant school of thought in psychology. Some suggest that the popularity of
behavioral psychology grew out of the desire to establish psychology as an objective and
measurable science. Researchers were interested in creating theories that could be clearly
described and empirically measured but also used to make contributions that might have an
influence on the fabric of everyday human lives.

This theory is the basis of the psychological behavior of the people. It has a connection
on how violent-themed movies could change the way of behavior of people regarding with the
genre of violent movies.

G. Research Method

The survey is a concise, non-experimental research method. It is a method for collecting

information of the students about how violent-themed movies can affect their behavioral aspects.
When a researcher wants to collect data on causal factors that can be directly observed, such as
the impact of violent-themed movies, it can be useful. The cases or sample units are chosen from
a defined school of ACLC college of Ormoc, with the goal of constructing a data set from which
estimates and conclusions about this school can be drawn.

H. Scope and Delimitations

This study aims to discover the influence of violent-themed movies among senior high
school students of ACLC College Ormoc. Fifty (50) students were chosen as respondents of this
study using the primary method that includes of observation method, interview and
questionnaire. The variables covered on the study were the demographical differences of the
students of ACLC College Ormoc. This study was conducted from May 20, 2022 to June 14,

I. Summary

Looking at the qualitative descriptions the study addressed the influence of violent-
themed movies among high school students in their behavioral aspect. Therefore, researchers
used interview to gather datum and information needed by the researchers. The study was

delimited to the high school student who like to watch violent-themed movies. The researchers
used clustered sampling so that the researchers will know if who particularly are those that like
to watch violent-themed movies and to have direct information towards the subject of the study.

The interview was administered by the researchers. The respondents undergone briefing
for them to know the purpose of the interview. The responses of the interviewees were gathered
to arrive a more accurate results and conclusions.

J. Definition of Terms

Black Propaganda – a propaganda that does not come from the source it claims to come
from, compare grey propaganda, white propaganda.

Media Consumption of media diet – is an information and entertainment media taken in

by individual or group. It includes activities such as interacting with new media, reading books
and magazines, watching television and film, and listening to radio. An active media consumer
must have the capacity for skepticism, judgement, free thinking, questioning, and understanding.

Media manipulation – is a series of related techniques in which partisans create an image

of argument that favors their particular interests. Such tactics may include the use of logical
fallacies, psychological manipulations, outright deceptions, rhetorical and propaganda
techniques, and often involve the suppressions of information or points of view buy crowding
them out, by including other people or groups to stop listening to certain arguments, or by simply
diverting attention elsewhere.

Media violence – is a kind of an extreme form of aggression that is produced due to

constant exposure to aggressive and violent behavior in mass media, resulting in human
suffering, lost lives, and economics hardship to our society as well as atmosphere of anxiety,
fear, and mistrust.

Toxic masculinity – social science term that describes narrow repressive type of ideas
about the male gender role, defines masculinity as exaggerate masculine traits like being violent,
unemotional, sexually aggressive, and so forth. Also suggests that men who act too emotional or

maybe are not violent enough or do not do all of the things “real men” do, can get their “man
card” taken away.

War – a state of usually open and declared armed hostile conflict between states or
nations as the period of such armed conflict.



This chapter presents the descriptions of research methodology including research

questions, research design, sampling, and research instrument.

A qualitative technique is thought to be the best way for this inquiry. This is due to the fact
that the literature analysis clearly demonstrated that this approach is frequently employed in the
field of study on media and their influence on society. Furthermore, a quantitative research
approach is appropriate for the current study's purpose: on influence of violent-themed movies

among senior high school students based on their exposure to violent movies. The study, in
particular, employs a survey research design method that allows for the inclusion of a high
number of sample (respondents) while taking into account many intervening variables. Survey
methodology has various advantages that make it more suitable for intercultural research. This
study was conducted at ACLC College in Ormoc City.

A. Research Questions

The accessibility of electronic media and increased quantity of customer consumption

provides investigators with a suitable chance to conduct further research on how media affects
adolescent. In any research it is important to investigate some special questions. The research
questions to be considered in this study would be:

1. Do you like watching violent-themed movies? Why do you say so?

2. Do you think watching too much can affect your behavior? How?

3. How does watching violent-themed movies influence in your behavioral aspect?

4. Have you already known what are the various influences of violent-themed movies in
your behavioral aspect?

5. Are you comfortable in watching violent-themed movies? How do you say so?

6. Do you feel any regrets after watching? Why?

7. Have you ever felt any changes in your behavior after watching? How?

8. Does your innocence change after watching violent-themed movies? How?

B. Research Design

Due to the nature of the study the researchers decided to conduct a qualitative design using
survey questionnaires in gathering data. The goal of this study is to determine the influence of
violent-themed movies among senior high school students of ACLC College Ormoc in their
behavioral aspect, rather than generalizing to a greater population.

C. Sampling

The sample size has been used for this research is based on the group of researchers.
Therefore, approximately 1,000 senior high school students in ACLC College of Ormoc, the
sample was 50. Since the number of students is selected, the distribution of survey was based on
the friends of researchers in ACLC campus.

The decision can be described by the fact that adolescent boys are the main audience of
violent-themed movies among senior high school students. They are also the most frequent
video, movies/computer game players. In addition, since the previous surveys show the senior
high school students are more likely to choose movies with fantasy and human violence as their
favorite. As the present study is aimed at assessing youth attitudes towards violence on the basis
of exposure to violent-themed movies, this choice of the sample study is reasonable.

The sampling method used for this study is systematic sampling method. The main
concern in the employ of systematic sampling with a continual spacing is that the items to be
sampled should not set in an orderly style which may correspond to the spacing along transect or
the grid.

D. Research Instrument

The researchers will be gathering data with a survey questionnaire as a research instrument
to respondents which are the senior high school students of ACLC College Ormoc. The
questionnaire will input a list of questions. The aim of this study is to determine the influence of

violent-themed movies among senior high school students of ACLC College Ormoc in their
behavioral aspect.

E. Appendix

Influence of violent-themed movies among Senior High School students of

ACLC College Ormoc in their Behavioral Aspect

Jayson, Nikki, Christian, Francis, Mary Grace, Juniel, Jomarie, Ryan, Kent Jherson
Yoto, Paul, Chriss, Wayne, Kent Jason, Allistaire, Peter, Charlie Payod, Trisha, Bryan,
Jamez Zyron, Faye, Marc Jensen, Nico, Marlo Ycoy, Raymond, Marlon, Mice, Rey,
Ahmon, Kyla, Paolo CastroAira, Jay, Dominic, Albi, Mae, Junmar Gubalane, Reniel,
John Marlo, Mark, Elyssa, Paul Jc, KennethBenedict, Nathan, Joseph, Matt, Nicole
Vergara, Mike, James Michael, Gabriel Ruiz, Mathew.

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