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A Thesis

Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement to Obtain Strata One

(S1)Degree on English Educational Department

By :



Advisor :

Dr. Absharini Kardena, M. Pd

Nip. 198803192020122004





TABLE OF CONTENT...............................................................................i
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION..................................................................1
A. Background of the problem.........................................................1
B. Identification of the problem.......................................................5
C. Limitation of the research...........................................................6
D. Formulation of the problem.........................................................6
E. Purpouse of the research.............................................................7
F. Significant of the research...........................................................7
G. Definition of key term.................................................................8

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE............................9

A. Review of related theories...........................................................9
B. Review of relate studies...............................................................16
C. Conceptual framework................................................................18
D. Hypothesis .................................................................................18

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY........................................19

A. Research method and design.......................................................19
B. Population of the research...........................................................20
C. Sample of the research................................................................20
D. Instrumentation ...........................................................................20
E. Data collection technique............................................................20
F. Data analysis technique...............................................................21




A. Background of problem

The world of education is now increasingly advanced. Especially in the

school curriculum curriculum, the curriculum has made several changes from

several names to the 1947 curriculum (Lesson Plan 1947), the 1952

curriculum (Determined Lesson Plan 1952), the 1964 curriculum (Education

Plan 1964), 1968, the 1975 curriculum, the 1984 curriculum, the 1994

curriculum and 1999 curriculum supplement, 2004 competency-based

curriculum (KBK), education unit level curriculum (KTSP), 2013 curriculum


Where the curriculum will learn again, from what was previously called

the 2013 curriculum, it has now changed to an independent curriculum. Where

this curriculum has been studied by teachers and teachers have attended

training to undergo this independent curriculum. This curriculum has been

approved by the Minister of Education, according to the Minister of

Education, this curriculum is very useful for students in developing their

talents and interests in learning that suits them.The independent Curriculum is

a curriculum with diverse intra-curricular learning where the content will be

optimized so that students have enough time to explore concepts and

strengthen competencies. Teachers have the flexibility to choose various

teaching tools so that learning can be adapted to the learning needs and

interests of students. Projects to strengthen the achievement of the Pancasila

student profile were developed based on certain themes determined by the


The project is not directed to achieve certain learning achievement targets,

so it is not tied to subject content. This independent curriculum will be

implemented in July 2022, at the beginning of the new school year. This

independent curriculum is more directed to Pancasila. There are several

characteristics of this independent curriculum, namely the Independent

Curriculum which was formed by the Ministry of Education and Culture is a

prototype developed as a framework of a very flexible curriculum and focuses

on essential materials to develop character and competence in students. This

curriculum is also able to support the recovery of the learning process during

the current Covid-19 pandemic which has also led to learning loss which has

the following characteristics:

A project-based learning system that aims to develop soft skills and also

character of students in accordance with the state foundation, namely

Pancasila, The independent curriculum also has essential characteristics that

focus on the learning system through basic competencies such as literacy and

numeracy, In the learning process, teachers can also have flexibility and can

adapt students' abilities to the context of local content.

The independent curriculum is related to the driving school where the

principal is elected to run the driving school based on the independent

curriculum. The training and exams have been carried out by the principal and

teachers. Currently, students are still running the 2013 curriculum. The 2013

curriculum requires students to be more active in learning. Students must also

have good ethics towards teachers, or their fellow students.

According to SholehHidayat (2013: 113), "the orientation of the 2013

curriculum is an increase and a balance between the competence of attitudes

(attitudes), skills (skills), and knowledge (knowledge)." This is also in line

with the mandate of Law no. 20 of 2003 as stated in the elucidation of article

35: "graduate competence is a graduate's ability qualification which includes

attitudes, knowledge, and skills in accordance with agreed national standards."

This is also in line with the development of a competency-based curriculum

that was initiated in 2004 by "covering the competencies of attitudes,

knowledge, and skills in an integrated manner." Mulyasa (2013: 66) suggests

the notion of Curriculum 2013 as a competency-based curriculum which is a

curriculum concept that emphasizes character development and the ability to

perform (competence) tasks with certain performance standards, so that the

results can be felt by students, in the form of mastery of a set of certain

competencies.Mulyasa (2013: 7) suggests character education in the 2013

Curriculum aims to improve the quality of educational processes and

outcomes, which leads to the formation of character and noble character of

students as a whole, integrated, and balanced, in accordance with the

competency standards of graduates in each educational unit. From some of the

views above, it can be concluded that the 2013 Curriculum is a curriculum

development that focuses on improving and balancing the competencies of

attitudes, skills and knowledge.” The 2013 curriculum has the following


Based on Permendikbud (2013: 4) Number 67 of 2013 concerning the

Basic Framework and Structure of the 2013 Curriculum, it aims to prepare

Indonesian people to have the ability to live as individuals and citizens who

are faithful, productive, creative, innovative, and affective and able to

contribute to the life of society, nation, state, and world civilization.The

characteristics of the 2013 curriculum are as follows: Permendikbud No. 68 of

2013 also explains that the 2013 curriculum is designed with the following

characteristics. Develop a balance between the development of spiritual and

social attitudes, curiosity, creativity, collaboration with intellectual and

psychomotor abilities .

Develop attitudes, knowledge, and skills and apply them in various

situations in school and society. Give enough free time to develop various

attitudes, knowledge, and skills. Competencies are stated in the form of class

core competencies which are further detailed in the subject's basic

competencies. The core competencies of the class become the organizing

elements of basic competencies, where all basic competencies and the learning

process are developed to achieve the competencies stated in the core

competencies. Basic competencies are developed based on the principle of

accumulative, mutually reinforcing (reinforced) and enriched (enriched)

between subjects and levels of education (horizontal and vertical


Based on my preliminaries interviews teacher in junior high schoolFrom

some of the descriptions above, it can be seen that there are many differences

between each of these curriculum.This independent curriculum has several

problems, first because its launch is new and the time to study it is short, so

teachers do not understand and understand how this curriculum process


These two curricula have not been carefully prepared, because there are

many things that need to be matured in issuing material or lesson plans to

students. The three ways the teacher teaches and students understand the way

the teacher teaches are not yet structured and neatly arranged. So the problems

that occur in this curriculum are very many, because this curriculum is very

new and the time to study it is very short, so it makes it difficult for teachers to

explain to students and finally expect students to be confused to understand

what their teachers are saying.Based on the explanation above, the researcher

was interested in doing interview research That’s why researcher want to

conduct a research entitled“the comparison between the 2013 curriculum

and the independent curriculum in SMP N 1 Kamang Magek”.

B. Identification of the problem

Based on the background of problem above, the researcher identifies some

problem as follows :

1. This independent curriculum is very new and the launch time is very

fast compared to the 2013 curriculum

2. This independent curriculum lacks human resources in implementing it

compared to the 2013 curriculum

3. It was identified that in the implementation of independent curriculum

and the 2013 curriculum, there were differences in accordance with the

purpose of forming the curriculum it self, so it was necessary to

examine in depth what are the significant differences between each


C. Limitation of the research

Based on the identification of problem above, the researcher limited this

research which was focus on finding the comparison between kurikulum 2013

and independent kurikulumat SMPN 1 Kamang Magek.

D. Formulation of the problem

According to limitation of the research above, the researcher formulates

the research questions :

1. What are the implementation differences between the 2013 curriculum

and the independent curriculum ?

2. Which curriculum is effectively applied at SMPN 1 Kamang Magek

2013 curriculum or independent curriculum ?

3. How is the difference between the implementation of the 2013

curriculum and independent curriculum ?

E. Purpose of the research

Based on the research questions above, the objectives of this research are :

1. To find out what was different about 2013 curriculum and independent

curriculum ?

2. To find out what was implementation 2013 curriculum and

independent curriculum ?

3. To find out which effective to use 2013 curriculum or independent

curriculum in SMPN 1 Kamang Magek ?

F. Significant of the research

There are three siqnificance of this research, the first is theoritical benefits

and the second is practical benefits. The expected results of this both

theoritically and practically are :

1. This research is useful for teachers to find out which curriculum is

better to use and also teachers understand how the characteristics of

each curriculum are.

2. This research is useful for the government to consider if it wants to

update the curriculum again, and consider which of the two curricula is

more efficient.

G. Definition of key term

a. 2013 curriculum

K-13 is the curriculum for curriculum that applies in the Indonesian Education

System. The 2013 curriculum has three aspects of assessment, namely aspects

of knowledge, aspects of skills, and aspects of attitudes and behavior. In the

2013 Curriculum, there are materials that are streamlined and materials that

are added.

b. Independent curriculum

Independent curriculum is The concept is made so that students can

explore their respective interests and talents. here students can choose what

subjects they like.



A. Review Of Related Theories

1. The Nature Of Curriculum 2013

a. Definition Of Curriculum 2013

In this case the 2013 curriculum is an integrated curriculum, which

means a curriculum model that can integrate skills, themes, concepts, and

topics both in the form of one discipline, across several disciplines and

within and across students. The 2013 curriculum is structured by

developing and strengthening attitudes, knowledge, and skills in a

balanced way.

The emphasis on learning is directed at mastery and skills that can

develop spiritual and social attitudes in accordance with the characteristics

of Islamic religious education and character education, which is expected

to foster a religious culture in schools. The 2013 curriculum is the

implementation of Law no. 32 of 2013. The 2013 curriculum is a

continuation and refinement of the competency-based curriculum (KBK)

and KTSP. However, the 2013 curriculum focuses more on integrated

attitudes, knowledge, skills, as stated in Law 20 of 2003 concerning the

National Education System contained in article 35, where competence is a

qualification of graduates' abilities that include attitudes, knowledge, and

skills. according to agreed national standards. The 2013 curriculum is

more emphasized on character education, especially at the elementary

level, which will be the foundation for the next level.

The emphasis of the 2013 curriculum aims to make students or

students have better abilities in doing, observing, asking (interviewing),

reasoning, and presenting. The learning objects in the 2013 curriculum are

natural, social, artistic, and cultural phenomena. Through this approach,

students are expected to have much better attitudes, skills, and knowledge


b. Learning model in the 2013 curriculum

The 2013 curriculum uses 3 (three) main learning models

(Permendikbud No. 103 of 2014) which are expected to shape

scientific behavior, social behavior and develop curiosity. The three

models are: the Problem Based Learning model, the Project Based

Learning model, and the Discovery/Inquiry Learning model.

Disclosure learning model (Discovery Learning) is to understand

concepts, meanings, and relationships, through an intuitive process to

finally arrive at a conclusion (Budiningsih, 2005:43).

Discovery occurs when individuals are involved, especially in the

use of their mental processes to find some concepts and principles.

Discovery is done through observation, classification, measurement,

prediction, determination and inference.

The process is called the cognitive process while discovery itself is

the mental process of assimilating concepts and principles in the mind

(Robert B. Sund in Malik, 2001: 219). Learning Model Problem Based

Learning (PBL) It is learning that uses various thinking abilities of

students individually and in groups as well as the real environment to

solve problems so that they are meaningful, relevant, and contextual

(Tan OnnSeng, 2000).

The purpose of PBL is to improve the ability to apply concepts to

new/real problems, integrate the concept of High Order Thinking

Skills (HOT's), desire to learn, direct self-study and skills (Norman and

Schmidt). The PJBL learning model is learning using real-life projects

that are based on high motivation, challenging questions, tasks or

problems to form competency mastery which is carried out

collaboratively in an effort to solve problems (Barel, 2000 and Baron

2011). The purpose of Project Based Learning is to increase learning

motivation, team work, collaboration skills in achieving high level

academic abilities / taxonomy of creativity levels needed in the 21st

century (Cole &Wasburn Moses, 2010).

c. Advantages and disadvantages of 2013 curriculum

1. More Emphasis on Character Education The first advantage of the

2013 curriculum is the opportunity for educational institutions to

maximize the character of students. Interestingly, efforts to build

character and also noble character are emphasized in all existing study

programs. Thus, allowing the character of the nation's children to be


2. Enabling Students to be More Active, Innovative and Creative In

addition to facilitating the process of character building, the 2013

curriculum also has advantages in terms of encouraging students to be

more active. Because this curriculum is specifically designed so that

students are more innovative and creative in various ways. Especially

in solving a problem encountered during the learning process.

3. The Assessment Process Is Done From All Aspects Another

interesting advantage of the 2013 curriculum is the comprehensive

assessment process. If in the previous curriculum the assessment was

only carried out from the intellectual side of students, the 2013

curriculum also makes an assessment indicator from other aspects.

Among them are in terms of intelligence, attitude and character, social

and even religious aspects.

4. Encouraging Teachers to Be More Creative as Learning Facilitators

The 2013 curriculum also encourages teachers to be more creative in

teaching students. Where, innovation and teacher expertise are needed

so that the material in question can be conveyed properly and easily

understood by students. In this case, it is important for a teacher to be

open and always try to develop themselves to be better.

5. Teachers Are Not Involved in Making Curriculum 2013 The first

weakness is the teachers who tend not to be involved in the curriculum

making process. While the teacher is the party who interacts directly

with the students. So, it would be better if the curriculum was prepared

to involve the role of the teacher. Thus, the results will be maximized

according to field conditions.

6. The Number of Teachers Who Do not Have Mental Readiness Another

weakness of this curriculum is that many teachers are actually still not

mentally ready to face this new curriculum. One of the reasons is the

lack of competence and capacity of teachers in providing teaching.

Thus, the achievement of this curriculum is hampered. So, special

training and guidance is needed for all teachers.

7. Too Many Materials Must Be Mastered by Students The next

weakness of the 2013 curriculum is that there are too many materials

given to students. In fact, many think that there are some learning

materials that are too heavy for this age. Thus, the burden of student

learning becomes bigger and heavier. And this will have an impact on

too far behind students with low abilities.

8. Schools Are Less Independent in Responding to the Existing

Curriculum In addition, the 2013 curriculum also has its own

weaknesses in terms of institutional independence. If in the previous

curriculum, schools were very independent and could determine their

own curriculum, in the 2013 curriculum, all teaching materials and

curriculum must follow the center. This causes schools to be less able

to actively shape the characteristics of the institution.

2. The Nature Of Independent Curriculum

a. Definition of independent curriculum

Independent curriculum is a curriculum with a variety of

intracurricular learning where the content will be more optimal so that

students have enough time to explore concepts and strengthen

competencies. According to BSNP, the independent curriculum is a

learning curriculum that refers to the talent and interest approach.

learning model in the independent curriculum.

b. Intracurricular learning

It is carried out in a differentiated manner so that students have enough

time to explore concepts and teachers are also given the freedom to choose

teaching tools that suit the needs and characteristics of their students.

c. Co-curricular learning

The principle of interdisciplinary learning oriented to character

development and general competence

d. Extracurricular learning

Implemented in accordance with the interests of students and the

resources of the teaching unit.

3. Advantages and disadvantages of independent curriculum

a. This curriculum is considered more simple and intense

This curriculum focuses more on material that can develop

students' potential, the learning process is changed to be more fun, in-

depth, and simple.

b. This curriculum is considered relevant and interactive

This curriculum implements the learning process through

project activities. So students are easier to understand and happy in


c. This curriculum is not mature enough in preparation

This curriculum is still very new to be launched by the Minister

of Education and Culture, Research and Technology, this

curriculum still needs to be studied and evaluated more deeply.

d. Lack of human resources and unstructured system

Because this curriculum is still new, it must be socialized first

and requires careful preparation in order to have a structured and

systematic system. And also have to prepare teaching staff as

implementers of the curriculum.

B. Review Of Related Studies

There is a study related to this research.The first previous study

was conducted byCahyaning Wahyu GesangSejati. The title of the

research was “ The Implementation Of Teaching English Based On 2013

Curriculum To The Seventh Grade Students” . she found that there

areHere conclusion that founded by the writer, the researcher has

described the findings about the implementation and the strength and

weakness of teaching English based on 2013 curriculum.secondly related

studies is a journal from JUSNIATI, 2020.English Teachers’ Problems in

Developing Lesson Plan

Based on 2013 Curriculum at SMPN 33 Makassar.The thesis of

English Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and

Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.(Supervised by

NunungAnugrawati and Muh.AsriantoSetiadi) This research focused on

English teachers problems in developing lesson plan based on 2013

curriculum. This research aimed at looking for problem and solution

English teachers in developing lesson plan based on 2013 curriculum at

SMPN 33 Makassar.

This research used a descriptive qualitative method, because it was

intended to obtain information related to English teachers’ problems in

developing lesson plan based on 2013 curriculum.

The subject of this research was English teachers at SMPN 33

Makassar. The data English teachers’ problems were obtained from the

result of the interview.

The result of this research indicated the problem faced by English

teachers’ in developing lesson plan based on 2013 curriculum at SMPN 33

Makassar. From the data that obtained, problems faced by English teachers

in developing lesson plan was consisted of three aspects, those were:

Teachers did not understand how to made lesson plan because most of

them only take from the internet, teachers could not distinguish between

developing lesson plan and implementing lesson plan, and teachers also

lack understanding of Taksonomy Bloom theory and teachers did not

understand how to formulate leaning objectives.

The third related studies is a thesis from Nurhidayah (2019) with

Title Analysis On The Implementation Of Curriculum 2013 By The

English Teacher At 11"Grade Of Islamic Senior High School 1 Jambi

City. From UIN SulthanThaha Saifuddin Jambi.The objectives of this

study were to find out The Implementation teaching learning planningof

2013 curriculum. The research was qualitative method. The sample of the

research wasone English teacher of MAN 1 Jambi city. The data of this

research were collected by using triangulation technique by combining

observation, interview, and documentation technique. The researcher used

observations guideline sheet in analyzing the data collected and monitor.

The researcher used interview guideline and recorder to record the

interviews. The obtained data was analyzed in three major phases namely

data reduction, data display and conclusion. Result of this shows that

English teacher has already implemented learning the 2013 curriculum in

class well. And then, prepare learning tool is accordance with the standard

2013 curriculum. It can be proved by formation learning tools.

C. The Conceptual Of Framework





D. Hypothesis

Ho : results/problems/implementation difficulties, CURRICULUM 2013

H1 : results/problems/difficulty in implementation, 2013 CURRICULUM


A.Design of the research

Researchers in carrying out this research will not provide action or

treatment, will not control variables or manipulation. Research will be
carried out naturally, researchers will collect data using measuring
instrument. Sampling will use saturated samples. Overall data will be
analyzed using t-test. This research is ex post facto before the fact, ex post
facto as a research method refers to treatment or manipulation independent
variable (X) has occurred before so that researchers do not need to give
treatment again, the study will only look at the effect on the production
variable (Y). Data analysis in this study will use parametric statistics. when
the data is ready declared normal and homogeneous, a hypothesis test will
be carried out to determine whether there is a significant difference between
the implementation of the 2013 curriculum and their independent
curriculum, a t-test (t-test) will be carried out, namely the independent
sample t-tet. In this study, the independent variable (independent) is the
implementation of the 2013 curriculum and the implementation of their
curriculum, while the dependent variable in this study is curriculum
implementation problems and curriculum implementation outcomes. This
study aims to determine the differences between one or more variables in
two or more different samples, or at different times, Sugiyono (2012: 57).
Comparative analysis or comparison is a statistical procedure for test the
difference between two groups of data (variables) or more. This test depends
on the type of data (nominal, ordinal, interval/ratio) and sample groups
tested. Comparison between two independent samples, i.e. these samples are
separate from each other explicitly where members of one sample do not
become the other sample.In conducting the research, the researcher used
descriptive quantitative research. According to L. R. Gay, quantitative
research is the collection and analysis of numerical data to describe,
explain , predict , or control phenomena of interest. This research aimed to
compare curriculum 2013 and independent curriculum in SMPN 1
KamangMagek. On the other hand, to find out which curriculum is better to
use for teaching and learning and also which curriculum is more practical to
use for teaching and learning. It means that the outcome of this research is
the comparison.

B. Population and sample

1. Population
The population of this research were teachers’ of SMPN 1 Kamang
Magek. There are 12 teacher in SMPN 1 Kamang Magek . Because the
researcher want to find out the differences between 2013 curriculum and
independent curriculum. According to sugiyono, population is a
generalization are consisting of object or subject that have certain
qualities and characteristics determined by researchers to be studied and
then draw. It means that a population is a whole object or subject that
will be studied and draw the conclusion.

2. Sample
In this research, the researcher took the sample of English teacher and
civic education in SMP N 1 KAMANG MAGEK. According to Sugiyono,
Sample is part of the number and characteristics possessed by the population.
To determine a sample in this research, the techniques used purposes sampling.
So that, the researcher used the purpose sampling.
The subject of this research was teachers’ SMP N 1 KAMANG
MAGEK. Meanwhile, the sample was the comparison between 2013
curriculum and independent curriculum in SMP N 1 KAMANG MAGEK fase
There are two variables in this research:
a. The first variable is X as 2013 curriculum.
b. The second variable is Y that refers to independent curriculum.

C. Instrumentation
Instrument was used to collect data. In this research, the researcher used

a interview as the questionaire to find out the differences between 2013

curriculum and independent curriculum in SMP N 1 KAMANG MAGEK.

E. The Technique Of Data Collection

Researchers will collect data using questionare. Researchers distributed

questionnaires to English teachers at SMPN 1 Kamang Magek. After that, the

researcher gets the data that has been inputted by the teacher through the

Google form.

F. The Technique Of Data Analysis

In this study, researchers used statistical analysis and service solution output

from the results of the questionnaire later as a result of independent sample t-test

analysis. Siregar states that in analyzing two independent samples with some kind

of interval data, a t-test of two samples is considered to be used.

The formulas are following:

t= (X1-X2)/√(□(S1²/n1)+□(S2²/n2)-2r (s1/√n1)(□(s2/√n2)))


X1= average of sample 1

X2 = average of sample 2

S1= standard deviation 1

S2 = standard deviation 2

S12= variant 1

S22= variant 2

r= correlation between 2 sample

The result of the formula was obtained statically through the

hypothesis as follow:

Ho : results/problems/implementation difficulties, CURRICULUM


H1 : results/problems/difficulty in implementation, 2013


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Appendix 1


1. Kurikulum merdeka lebih efektif dibandingkan kurikulum 2013
2. Kurikulum 2013 lebih mudah dimengerti dibandingkan kurikulum
merdeka dalam segi cakupan mengajar
3. Kurikulum merdeka lebih efisien digunakan oleh siswa
dibandingkan kurikulum 2013
4. Kurikulum 2013 lebih mengedepankan karakter di bandingkan
kurikulum merdeka
5. Guru dapat memahami perangkat ajar kurikulum merdeka dalam
waktu yang singkat
6. Guru lebih mudah memahami metode mengajar kurikulum
merdeka dibandingkan kurikulum 2013
7. Guru mampu menguasai capaian pembelajaran kurikulum
merdeka dibandingkan kurikulum 2013
8. Kurikulum 2013 berbasis karakter artinya pada proses
pembelajaran menitikberatkan pada pemahan skill dan karakter
9. Kurikulum 2013 menuntut siswa untuk aktif dibandingkan
kurikulum merdeka
10. Guru kurang memahami pelatihan yang diberikan pada kurikulum
merdeka ini di karenakan guru harus melaksanakan nya secara
online dan hanya menggunakan aplikasi merdeka mengajar
11. Kurikulum merdeka memberikan wadah untuk siswa dapat
memilih pelajaran sesuai dengan minat dan bakatnya
12. Kurikulum merdeka mempermudah guru dalam menerepakan
pelajaran dibandingkan dengan kurikulum 2013
13. Kurikulum merdeka penilaiannya lebih simple dibandingkan
kurikulum 2013
14. Kurikulum merdeka menggunakan metode belajar di dalam
ruangan dan melakukan prakter dari materi tersebut di luar
ruangan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan siswa dan minat siswa
dalam belajar
15. Kurikulum 2013 guru sebagai seorang fasilitator dalam mengajar
sedangkan pada kurikulum merdeka guru lebih berperan sebagai
pendidik sekaligus teman untuk menciptakan keahlian dan
menunjukkan bakat yang di miliki siswa




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