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1. SUTRIANI.S(2002020033)

2. AMMAR MUAYYAD( 2002020061)





Thank god, we always pray to the presence Allah SWT. Who has
bestowed his grace and gifts so that we could complete this paper in order to
fulfill group assigments for COURSES CURRICULUM development by tittle

We realize that the writing of this paper could not be separated from the
help of many parties who sincerely provide suggestion and criticism so that this
paper could be completed.

We are fully aware that this paper is far from perfect due to the limited
experience and knowledge that we have. Therefore, we expect all forms of
suggestions and input and even constructive criticism from various parties.
Finally, we hope that this paper can provide benefits for the development of the
world of education.

Foreword ...................................................................................... ii

Table of content .......................................................................... iii

Introduction ................................................................................. 1
Backround..................................................................................................... 1

Problem formulation .................................................................................... 2

Purpose of paper .......................................................................................... 2

Discussion ..................................................................................... 3
Curriculum of meaning ............................................................................... 3

Function of the curriculum ......................................................................... 6

Curriculum concept ..................................................................................... 8

Curriculum in Indonesia ........................................................................... 10

Closing ....................................................................................... 14
Conclusion................................................................................................... 15

Suggestion ................................................................................................... 15

Bibliography ............................................................................................... 15

A. Backround
The curriculum is an important tool for education because it education and
curriculum are interrelated. If it is likened, the curriculum is like heart in the
human body. If the heart is still functioning properly, then the body will stay alive
and function properly. Likewise, the curriculum and education. If the curriculum
goes well and is supported by components that are running well, then the learning
process will run well and produce good students as well. The curriculum will
change continuously and continuously. Change continuous and sustainable
curriculum, it should also be followed by readiness to change from all parties
concerned with education in Indonesia because the curriculum is dynamic, not
static. If the curriculum isstatic, then the curriculum is a bad curriculum because it
does notadapt to the developments of the time. In this is where the role of the
teacher is very important. The curriculum as an educational design has a very
important and strategic position in all aspects of educational activities. In the
National Education System Law No. 20 of 2003, the government reveals the
definition of curriculum as follows: Curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements
regarding the objectives, content, and learning materials as well as the methods
used as guidelines for implementing learning to achieve certain educational goals.
the development of students and their suitability with the environment, the needs
of national development, the development of science and technology as well as
the arts, according to the type and level of each educational unit. This is done with
the aim that educational activities that will take place can be in accordance with
these developments. Based on what has been stated previously, it appears that the
curriculum plays an important role and has an influence on the sustainability of a
particular educational activity.

The importance of the role of the curriculum on the sustainability of an
educational activity, makes the preparation of the curriculum itself cannot be done
arbitrarily. The preparation or development of the curriculum must be carried out
on the basis of strong foundations, as well as the results of thought and in-depth
research. If the preparation or development of a curriculum is not carried out
based on a strong foundation, it will have fatal consequences which then lead to
the failure of the continuity of education itself.

B. Problem Formulation

1. Students are able to understand the curriculum?

C. Purpose of Paper that students know the meaning of the curriculum

2. able to understand the meaning of the curriculum

3. and as a learning reference material



D. Curriculum meaning

In the world of education, the curriculum is very important. Without the right
curriculum, students will not get the appropriate learning targets. Along with the
development of the era, the curriculum in the world of education continues to
change. Everything is adapted to the needs of students in their respective eras.
With this adjustment, it is hoped that every student can adjust well in the
community in the future. For those of you who are struggling in the world of
education, of course you have to understand what curriculum is and its ins and
outs. The following will explain the meaning of the curriculum and other
important things you need to know.

Literally, the curriculum comes from the Latin, curiculum which means teaching
materials. The word curriculum then becomes a term that used to indicate a
number of subjects that must be taken to achieve a degree or diploma. The above
definition is in line with the opinion by Saylor, Alexander, and Lewis in the book
Wina Sanjaya states that the curriculum is a number of subjects that must be

taken by students. This view emphasizes the curriculum as a number of subjects

that are often associated with efforts to obtain a diploma, while the diploma
describes the ability. By therefore, only people who acquire abilities according to
a certain standard who will receive a degree.

Dede Rosyada, said that: The curriculum is the core of an educational

organization. Murray Print. defines Curriculum as all learning spaces planned
given to students by educational institutions and experiences enjoyed by students
when the curriculum was applied

1. Definition of curriculum according to experts

The curriculum contains a set of plans, objectives, and learning materials. This
includes teaching methods that will serve as guidelines for every teacher so that
they can achieve learning targets and objectives well. When viewed
etymologically, the curriculum comes from the Greek, namely "curir" which
means runner, and "curere" which means a place to race. In the past, this term was
used in the world of sports. So, the curriculum can be interpreted as a distance that
a runner must travel in order to get a medal or other award. Then, the term
curriculum was adapted in the world of education. So the understanding of the
curriculum in the world of education then becomes a set of subjects that must be
taken and studied by students in order to get a diploma or award.

The meaning of this curriculum is also conveyed in the law and by education
experts, according to them the following understanding:

1. According to Prof. Dr. S. Nasution

Prof. Dr. S. Nasution in his book entitled Curriculum and Teaching states that the
curriculum is a series of plans to facilitate the teaching and learning process. The
plans drawn up are under the responsibility of the educational institutions and the
teachers there.

2. Dr. Nana Sudjana

In a book entitled Development and Curriculum Development in Schools by Dr.

According to Nana Sudjana, the notion of curriculum is a collection of intentions
and expectations that are contained in the form of educational programs which are
then implemented and implemented by teachers in the school concerned.

3. Harold B. Alberty

Harold stated that the curriculum is all activities given to students on the
responsibility of the school. This curriculum is not only limited to everything in
the classroom, but also all activities outside of school.

4. Saylor, Alexander, and Lewis

According to the three figures, the curriculum is all efforts made and carried out
by the school to stimulate students to learn, both learning in the classroom, in the
school yard, and when outside school.

Meanwhile, in the Law on the National Education System No. 20 of 2003 article 1
point 19 it is stated that the curriculum is a set of arrangements and plans
regarding the objectives, content, and subject matter as well as the methods used
as guidelines for learning activities in order to achieve educational goals.

The curriculum is very important for every school to have as a guide for teachers.
Especially for formal schools, where the curriculum will be a guide and provide
direction in teaching. In accordance with the understanding of the curriculum,
which is something that is planned, then in the world of education all student
activities can be arranged in such a way. So that the purpose of education can be
achieved. In fact, it can be said that if there is no curriculum, learning in schools
cannot run well. Because everything has been contained in a curriculum. Of
course with various variations and adaptations. So it is not surprising that an
expert named Beauchamp (1998) states that the curriculum is the heart of

E. Function of the curriculum

As already mentioned in terms of curriculum, where everything about student

learning at school will be stated in it. So the curriculum has an important function.
Meanwhile, functions can be interpreted in various ways according to the field
that uses the term.

1. Functions For Operators

Functions in the context of the curriculum as a part of the education system for
realizing educational goals are as follows:

a. Integration Function

This function means that the curriculum can be a tool that will form students'
personalities who are intact and with integrity in society through the world of

b. Prep Function

This function means that the curriculum is able to provide capital or preparation
for students to prepare themselves to enter the next level, including being ready to
live in society when they do not want to continue to a higher level of education.

c. Adjustment Function

The third is the adjustment function, where the curriculum can adapt to various
changes that occur in the community and tend to be dynamic.

d. Differentiation function

Fourth, there is the function of the curriculum as differentiation, meaning that the
curriculum becomes an educational tool that pays attention to every service to its
students. Because every student is different from each other.

e. Diagnostic Function

Fifth is the diagnostic function, which states that the curriculum functions to
understand and direct the potential possessed by each student so that they can
continue to explore and hone that potential, including improving their weaknesses.

f. Selection Function

Finally, there is the selection function, which states that the curriculum provides
facilities to students by giving them the opportunity to choose learning programs
according to the interests and talents of each child.

2. Functions for Involved/Related Parties

a. For Principals

The curriculum has a function for the principal as a manager and leader in the
implementation of education in schools. Principals have the task of managing
education in their respective places, namely by coordinating and supervising each
lesson. Is the curriculum implemented according to the provisions or not.

b. For Subject Teachers

For every subject teacher, the curriculum has a function as a guide in carrying out
learning inside and outside the classroom. Because each lesson is the duty and
responsibility of every subject teacher.

c. For Students

Then the third, for students, who are the targets of the curriculum. In the
educational process, students are the center of attention of every learning.
Therefore, the curriculum serves as a reference for students regarding what
educational programs must be studied and understood, as well as what learning
targets they must achieve at each level.

d. For parents or society

Although not directly involved in learning, parents have an important role in the
success of students. In this case they will receive the results of the learning
process that has been carried out at school. So, student achievement for each
lesson that will be reported to parents is also inseparable from the curriculum

G. Curriculum concept

The curriculum as something that is planned and made with various

considerations, certainly has a concept. This concept continues to change over
time. Changes in society have also contributed to the renewal of the curriculum
concept. But in general, it can be concluded that there are three curriculum
concepts, namely as follows:

1. Curriculum as a substance

The curriculum becomes a learning plan for students at school. In addition, it also
includes the objectives to be achieved from holding learning both inside and
outside the classroom. Therefore, the curriculum becomes a document that
includes substance whose contents are the formulation of objectives, teaching
materials, teaching and learning activities and programs, schedules, and student
learning evaluations.

2. Curriculum as a system

The second concept of curriculum states the curriculum as part of the education
system. In accordance with its contents, the curriculum is intended to support the
achievement of educational goals. Therefore, the system in the curriculum
consists of a personnel structure and also work procedures regarding the
procedures for developing a curriculum, implementing, evaluating and perfecting.
From the results of this system, it is hoped that a curriculum that is in accordance

with the objectives to be achieved can be achieved. The function of this system is
to keep the existing curriculum dynamic.

3. Curriculum as a field of study

The last concept is the curriculum as a field of study. Where as a study, it means
that the curriculum also aims to develop knowledge about the curriculum itself
and its system.

That is the meaning of the curriculum and various other things about the
curriculum in the world of education. The importance of the curriculum makes
every teacher must understand its various aspects. So that its manufacture will
have a positive effect on students at school. If you want to understand more about
the curriculum.

H. Curriculum in Indonesia

The following is a brief description of the journey and curriculum changes in


1. Kurikulum 1947 (Rentjana Pelajaran 1947)

The 1947 curriculum was created two years after the proclamation of
independence. At that time Indonesia was still in turmoil due to the military
aggression of the Netherlands and the Allies and there were a number of

The 1947 curriculum does not emphasize mind education, but only character
education, state and community awareness. The curriculum could only be
implemented in 1950 after the Republic of Indonesia signed an agreement with
the Kingdom of the Netherlands known as the Round Table Conference on
November 2, 1949 and came into force on December 27, 1949.

2. Kurikulum 1952 (Rentjana Pelajaran Terurai 1952)

In 1952 the government implemented a new curriculum which was a refinement

of the 1947 Curriculum. In the 1952 Curriculum, topics of discussion in each
subject are regulated in relation to everyday people's lives. In addition, the
curriculum also regulates one teacher to only teach one subject.

3. Kurikulum 1964 (Rentjana Pendidikan 1964)

The 1964 curriculum was designed with the aim of fostering academic knowledge
at the elementary school level. In addition, the concept of learning focuses on the
development of moral, intelligence, emotional or artistic, and physical skills or
called Pancawardhana. In implementing the curriculum, the learning process is
carried out actively, creatively, and productively. Based on this, the government
has determined that Saturday is Krida Day, which gives students the freedom to
practice various activities according to their interests and talents.

4. Kurikulum 1968

The curriculum was created after the change of government regime from the Old
Order to the New Order, exactly three years after the events of September 30,
1965. The implementation of the curriculum is also full of political value because
it is considered to erase the legacy of the Old Order and the Soekarno regime.

The main purpose of the curriculum is to form true, strong, and physically fit
Pancasila people, enhance intelligence and physical skills, morals, character, and
religious beliefs.

5. Kurikulum 1975

The curriculum was created after the change of government regime from the Old
Order to the New Order, exactly three years after the events of September 30,
1965. The implementation of the curriculum is also full of political value because
it is considered to erase the legacy of the Old Order and the Soekarno regime.

The main purpose of the curriculum is to form true, strong, and physically fit
Pancasila people, enhance intelligence and physical skills, morals, character, and
religious beliefs.

6. Kurikulum 1984

The 1984 curriculum was created because the previous curriculum was considered
slow in responding to progress in society. The curriculum also includes the
subject of History of the National Struggle Education (PSPB).

In addition, the 1984 curriculum also divides high school students' subjects into
core programs and elective programs according to their interests and talents.

7. Kurikulum 1994 dan Suplemen Kurikulum 1999

The 1994 curriculum and the 1999 curriculum supplement were made from the
combination of the 1975 and 1984 curriculum.

In the 1994 curriculum, there was a change in the lesson time division system
from semester to quarterly. That is, the learning period is divided into three
quarters for a year. Then, in the implementation of the 1994 curriculum the
abbreviation SMP (Junior High School) was changed to SLTP (First Level
Advanced School), then SMA was changed to SMU (General High School).

8. Kurikulum Berbasis Kompetensi (KBK) 2004

The curriculum focuses on the competence of three main elements, namely the
selection of competencies according to specifications, evaluation indicators to
determine the success of competency achievement, and the development of
learning for students and teaching staff. With this curriculum, schools are given
the authority to compile and develop curriculum components according to school
conditions and the needs of students from material-based to competency.

9. Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) 2006

The curriculum has been implemented since the enactment of Law No. 20 of 2003
concerning the national education system which was later described in
Government Regulation No. 10 of 2003.

Although the curriculum is almost the same as the 2004 KBK, the principle of its
preparation uses the concept of decentralization in the education system. The
government only sets competency standards and basic competencies, then
teachers are asked to develop a syllabus and assessment according to the
conditions of schools and students in their respective regions.

10. Kurikulum 2013 (K-13)

The 2013 curriculum has four aspects of assessment, namely aspects of

knowledge, aspects of skills, aspects of attitudes, and behavior. In the 2013
Curriculum, especially in learning materials, there are materials that are
streamlined and materials that are added.

11. kurikulum merdeka

The Independent Curriculum is a curriculum with diverse intracurricular learning

where the content will be more optimal so that students have enough time to
explore concepts and strengthen competencies.



H. Conclusion

The curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the objectives,

content, and learning materials as well as the methods used as guidelines for the
implementation of learning to achieve certain educational goals. the development
of science and technology as well as the arts, in accordance with the type and
level of each educational unit. This is done with the aim that educational activities
that will take place can be in accordance with these developments.

The curriculum can be interpreted as a distance that a runner must travel in order
to get a medal or other award. Then, the term curriculum was adapted in the world
of education. So the understanding of the curriculum in the world of education
then becomes a set of subjects that must be taken and studied by students in order
to get a diploma or award. And there are several definitions of curriculum from
several experts, namely opinions from according to prof, Dr. S. Nasution, Dr.
Nana Sudjana, Harold. B. Alberty, Saylor Alexander, and Lewis.

In addition to the curriculum, it has 2 functions as a function for organizers

Function in the context of the curriculum as one part of the education provider
system in order to realize educational goals and functions for the Parties
Involved/Related. The curriculum as something that is planned and made with
various considerations, certainly has a concept. This concept continues to change
over time.

Changes in society have also contributed to the renewal of the curriculum concept.
But in general, it can be concluded that there are three curriculum concepts,
namely: Curriculum as a substance, Curriculum as a system, Curriculum as a field
of study.

I. Suggestion

1. I hope this paper can be a reference for readers and be able to understand the
contents of the paper

2. This paper is far from perfect, it is hoped that readers will provide criticism and
suggestions so that we can improve this paper much better.

J. Bibliography

Behar, L., & Ornstein, A. (1992). An overview of curriculum: The theory and
practice. NASSP Bulletin, 76(547), 32-44.

Wina Sanjaya, Pembelajaran dalam Implementasi Kurikilum Berbasis

Kompetensi,(Jakarta: Prenada Media Group, 2005 ), h. 2

Dede Rosyada, Paradigma Pendidikan Demokratis, Sebuah Model Pelibatan

Masyarakat dalam Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan (Jakarta: Prenada Media, 2004) ,


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