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Describing Learners and Teachers :

Lecturer :
Dr. Hj. Rofiqoh, M.Ed.

Anugrah Saputra (A12122142)
Siti Mutmaina (A12122126)
Putri Syeril (A12122164)


We express our gratitude to the presence of Allah SWT who has bestowed His grace and
blessings upon us, enabling us to complete this paper successfully. This paper is prepared as one
of the assignments in the Teaching English as a Foreign Language course. We acknowledge that
English is an extremely important international language to master in this era of globalization.
Therefore, we hope this paper can provide a better understanding of teaching English as a foreign
language. We would like to express our deepest gratitude to Dr. Hj. Rofiqoh, M.Ed for her
guidance and assistance in the preparation of this paper. Hopefully, this paper will be beneficial to
the readers.


Palu, February 2024


CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 4

1.1 Background Of The Paper ..................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Problem Formulation............................................................................................................. 6
1.3 Purpose Of The Paper ........................................................................................................... 6
CHAPTER 2 DISCUSSION........................................................................................................... 7
2.1 Describing Teacher .............................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Characteristics of Good Teacher .......................................................................................... 8
2.3 Teacher Competency ......................................................................................................... 10
2.4 Continuous Professional Development ............................................................................. 11
CHAPTER 3 CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................... 13
3.1 Conclusion........................................................................................................................... 13
3.2 Suggestion ........................................................................................................................... 13
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................. 15

1.1 Background Of The Paper

In contemporary educational discourse, the role and characteristics of teachers are widely
discussed and recognized as pivotal elements in the success of educational endeavors. Teachers are
acknowledged as individuals entrusted with the profound responsibility of imparting knowledge,
nurturing intellect, and fostering character development in their students. This acknowledgment
extends beyond formal educational settings to encompass various spheres of influence, including
religious institutions and homes.
The Significance of Teachers
Teachers are esteemed figures in society, revered for their authority and revered for their capacity to
shape the future through education. Their influence on students transcends mere instruction; they
serve as role models, guiding lights, and facilitators of growth. As Kunandar notes, teachers hold a
central and strategic position in the educational landscape, being directly engaged in the transmission
of knowledge, the cultivation of skills, and the instillation of positive values. Thus, the proficiency of
teachers, encapsulated in their competencies, becomes indispensable for the effective delivery of
Characteristics of Good Teachers
Effective teaching is not solely reliant on academic prowess; it necessitates a diverse array of personal
traits and professional qualities. Adaptability, empathy, patience, and engagement emerge as
indispensable attributes for fostering an inclusive and stimulating learning environment. Active
listening, lifelong learning, and creativity further augment the teacher's toolkit, enabling them to cater
to the diverse needs of their students while promoting continuous growth and innovation.
Teacher's Competency
Central to the discourse on effective teaching is the concept of teacher competency, delineated into
three key domains: content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and pedagogical content knowledge.
Beyond these domains lie interpersonal skills, communication abilities, and a commitment to ongoing
professional development. Competent teachers are adept at integrating technology, fostering critical
thinking, and creating inclusive spaces that accommodate the varied needs of their students.
Continuous Professional Development
Acknowledging the dynamic nature of education, continuous professional development emerges as a
cornerstone for ensuring teacher efficacy and relevance. Through ongoing learning and skill
enhancement, teachers remain abreast of evolving pedagogies, technological advancements, and
educational policies. Continuous professional development not only fosters personal and career
growth but also equips teachers with the tools to address diverse student needs, promote
collaboration, and uphold standards of excellence in education.
In summation, this paper delves into the multifaceted role of teachers, elucidating the characteristics
of effective teaching and the imperative of continuous professional development in sustaining
educational excellence. Through an exploration of these themes, it endeavors to contribute to the
discourse surrounding teacher education and the enhancement of educational practices in
contemporary contex
1.2 Problem Formulation

a. Explain the definition of a teacher and describe a teacher?

b. Who is a teacher, and describe a teacher?
c. What are the characteristics of good teachers?
d. What are the competencies that a teacher must have?
e. how to continues professional development?

1.3 Purpose Of The Paper

a. To know the definition of a teacher and what his/her duties are.

b. To know the characteristics of good teacher
c. To know what are the competencies that teachers must have
d. To find out how the continuing professional development of a teacher

2.1 Describing Teacher

In a simple sense, a teacher is a person who imparts knowledge to students. Teachers in the view
of society are people who carry out education in certain places, not necessarily in formal educational
institutions, but also in mosques, in surau or musholla and at home. It is the authority that causes
teachers to be respected, so that people do not doubt the figure of the teacher. The community
believes that it is the teacher who can educate their students to become people with noble
personalities. Teachers are the most important subject in the continuity of education. Without
teachers, it is hard to imagine how education can run.
Teachers are responsible for the development of their students by trying to develop the various
potentials of these students. Teachers are the people who have the most influence on their students, at
school teachers will be role models or examples for their students. According to Kunandar, one of the
important components in education is the teacher. Teachers in the context of education have a large
and strategic role. This is because the teacher is at the forefront of the implementation of education. It
is the teacher who is directly dealing with students to transfer knowledge and technology as well as
educate with positive values through guidance and exemplary.1 From the above Kunandar also
explained that teachers have a heavy mission and task, but start in delivering the buds of the nation to
the peak of ideals. Therefore, it is appropriate for teachers to have various competencies related to
their duties and responsibilities. With these competencies, they will become professional teachers,
both academically and non-academically.
From the explanation above, it can be seen that teachers are a very important element in the world of
education, because without teachers, an education cannot be said to be successful. A teacher is said to
have a heavy task in the world of education, for that teacher is not only required to be able to master
teaching materials, but the teacher must also be able to understand students, be able to design and
implement learning, be able to evaluate learning outcomes, and be able to develop students to
actualize their various potentials, all of which can be obtained by a teacher when mastering teacher
competencies. So, a teacher can carry out education well if he has mastered teacher competencies.
There are some example of Approach, Method and Technique in Tefl
2.2 Characteristics of Good Teacher
14 Key Qualities that Make a Good Teacher
You don't need to have a certain personality type to be an inspiring and effective teacher. However,
there are some useful traits that you should develop or strengthen if your goal is to become a more
engaging and successful educator.

1. Adaptability
Adaptability is a must for teachers, who must constantly evaluate what works for their students -
and more importantly, what doesn't work. Adaptability and flexibility allow you to move between
different learning theories and ways of teaching - something we'll discuss in a moment - without
feeling pressured or hesitant
2. Empathy
Empathy is the ability to understand what others are feeling or experiencing - simply put, putting
yourself in someone else's shoes. As a teacher, it is very important to practice empathy instead of
making assumptions - for example, trying to understand and address the root of the problem that
causes a student to fall behind their peers, perform worse than usual, or lash out in class.
3. Patience
Patience is important to have and model for your students - who, as we discussed in our article
on learning theories, may see you as a role model and mimic your behavior. Having a reserve of
patience will make it easier for you to overcome each student's unique struggles and challenges,
which may be difficult or slow to overcome.
4. Engagement
Students are sensitized from a very young age and can easily tell when the teacher is bored or
apathetic towards the material being taught. If you want to generate engagement and enthusiasm in
your classroom, it's crucial to model those traits, showing your students an infectious passion for
learning - and all the exciting discoveries and hobbies it can open up for them!
5. Active Listening
Active listening is essential if you want to diagnose and help overcome your students' unique
obstacles and challenges. Ask for feedback, encourage honesty, provide ways for students to contact
you easily, and give your full attention every time you listen, always trying to read between the lines
and assess body language as you communicate. Learn more about how and why you should improve
your active listening skills
6. Lifelong Learning
The best teachers aren't just interested in teaching - they also have a passion for lifelong learning,
which is reflected in their enthusiasm and engagement as teachers. Continuous learning and
professional development provide invaluable insights, keep professionals "sharp" and remind
teachers of the real-world challenges their students may face - creating a pathway for greater
empathy. Discover more about the importance of lifelong learning and how different learning
theories can help you teach - or understand - new information.

7. Free from Bias

As an educator, you will be responsible for teaching a wide variety of students. To combat
inequality and discrimination and ensure fairness, you need to assess the needs of your students in a
way that is free from bias - something that requires you to constantly check your own judgments and
assumptions about others.
8. Respectful Attitude
Even in a classroom of adult learners, there is still an inherent power imbalance between
students and teachers. It is crucial for educators to be aware of this imbalance and ensure that
students feel respected and heard as people and what they contribute to the classroom.
9. Creativity
Creativity goes hand in hand with adaptability - another key trait we explore in this list. Whether
you are teaching first graders or doctoral students, you will need the ability to innovate, think
creatively, and find new solutions to
challenges, which will empower you to meet the broader needs of your students. Being creative as
an educator will also help you foster creativity in your students - an essential skill they will need for
countless career paths.
10. Collaborative
From parent-teacher conferences and departmental meetings to teaching dozens or hundreds
of students every day, education is by nature a highly collaborative field, involving constant
interaction between students, teachers, administrators, and family members. If your goal is to
become an educator or transition into an education leadership position, you'll need strong
collaborative skills to ensure you can work together with others consistently.
11. Preparation
Along with being flexible and adaptable, it is important to be prepared for different scenarios
and challenges in the classroom. You can improve your overall level of preparedness as an educator
by learning about your students' strengths and challenges, and ensuring that you consider how each
of your students could be affected by your lesson plans.
12. Promote a Growth Mindset
In 2006, psychologist Carol Dweck introduced the concept of a "growth mindset" vs a "fixed
mindset" in her book Mindset: The Psychology of Success. According to Dweck, individuals with a
fixed mindset consider assets such as intelligence to be predetermined, which can cause obstacles or
challenges to seem insurmountable or overwhelming. In contrast to a fixed mindset, individuals with
a growth mindset believe that traits such as intelligence and creativity can be developed with
13. Meet Students Where They Are
Your students will come to you with different backgrounds, skills, and challenges - and you need
to be ready to meet them wherever they are in the learning process. This means having the ability to
accommodate students who learn at different paces, using different styles and methods, within the
same class or group. This is another area where traits like adaptability, empathy and patience come
into play for educators.
14. Cross-Disciplinary Teaching
Drawing from different subjects and disciplines shows students how businesses operate - and
how problem-solving works - in the real world, grounding their learning in practical, real-life
If you don't have all of these traits yet, don't panic - remember that there are probably some areas
where you could benefit from a little practice. Whether your goal is to refine weak skills, perfect
strong skills, or develop new abilities, a degree or credential program provides the perfect
opportunity to acquire the qualifications and experience you need to go further on your chosen
career path.
2.3 Teachers Competency
Teaching is a complex and multifaceted profession that requires a range of competencies to be
effective. A competent teacher is one who possesses the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to
facilitate learning and support student growth. According to Shulman (1987), a teacher’s competency
can be categorized into three domains: content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and pedagogical
content knowledge. Content knowledge refers to the teacher’s understanding of the subject matter
they teach, while pedagogical knowledge encompasses the strategies, methods, and techniques used
to impart knowledge effectively. Pedagogical content knowledge is the unique combination of content
and pedagogy that enables teachers to present concepts in a manner that is understandable and
engaging for students (Shulman, 1987).
In addition to these domains, effective teachers must also possess interpersonal and
communication skills, classroom management abilities, and a commitment to ongoing professional
development (Darling-Hammond, 2006). They should be able to create a positive and inclusive
learning environment, adapt to diverse student needs, and continuously reflect on and improve their
teaching practices. Furthermore, competent teachers should be equipped with the skills to integrate
technology into their teaching and foster critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration among
students (Mishra & Koehler, 2006). By continually developing their competencies, teachers can better
prepare students for success in an ever-changing world.
2.4 Continuous Professional Development
Continuous professional development (CPD) is a critical aspect of ensuring that teachers remain
competent, up-to-date, and effective in their roles. It encompasses ongoing learning, skill
enhancement, and professional growth throughout a teacher’s career. Here are some key points
about continuous professional development:

Staying Current with Knowledge and Practices

The field of education is constantly evolving, with new research, pedagogical approaches, and
technological advancements emerging regularly. CPD enables teachers to stay informed about the
latest developments in their subject areas, teaching methodologies, and educational policies, allowing
them to adapt and improve their practices accordingly. Enhancing Professional Skills

CPD provides opportunities for teachers to expand their repertoire of teaching strategies,
classroom management techniques, and assessment methods. It allows them to refine their existing
skills and acquire new ones, making them more effective educators.

Personal and Career Growth

Engaging in CPD activities can foster personal and professional growth for teachers. It can help
them explore new areas of interest, develop leadership abilities, and potentially pursue career
advancement opportunities within the education sector.

Addressing Diverse Student Needs

Student populations are becoming increasingly diverse in terms of cultural backgrounds, learning
styles, and abilities. CPD equips teachers with the knowledge and skills necessary to cater to diverse
learners effectively, promoting inclusive and equitable education.

Promoting Collaboration and Networking

Many CPD activities involve collaboration with other educators, fostering a sense of community
and allowing teachers to share best practices, experiences, and resources. This collaboration can lead
to innovative teaching approaches and create a supportive professional network.

Continuous professional development can take various forms, including workshops,

conferences, online courses, mentoring programs, professional learning communities, and self-
directed study. By actively pursuing CPD opportunities, teachers demonstrate their commitment to
lifelong learning and their dedication to providing high-quality education to their students.

3.1 Conclusion

Teacher's Role and Importance: Teachers play a crucial role in society as they impart knowledge,
instill values, and shape the future of students. Without teachers, the educational system would
struggle to function effectively.
Characteristics of a Good Teache Effective teachers possess a range of qualities such as adaptability,
empathy, patience, engagement, active listening, and lifelong learning. These traits enable them to
connect with students, create engaging learning environments, and facilitate student growth and
Teacher's Competency: Competent teachers have a deep understanding of their subject matter,
effective pedagogical strategies, and the ability to integrate technology into their teaching. They also
possess interpersonal skills, classroom management abilities, and a commitment to continuous
professional development.
Continuous Professional Development (CPD) : CPD is essential for teachers to stay current with
knowledge and practices, enhance their professional skills, promote personal and career growth,
address diverse student needs, and collaborate with peers. Engaging in CPD activities demonstrates
a teacher's dedication to lifelong learning and improving their practice.
3.2 Suggestion
Describing Teacher:
 Emphasize the pivotal role teachers play in imparting knowledge and shaping the future of
 Highlight the various settings in which teachers can educate, including formal institutions,
religious centers, and homes.
 Stress the importance of teacher competencies in ensuring successful education delivery
 Mention the heavy responsibilities and tasks teachers undertake, including understanding
students, designing learning experiences, and fostering personal development.
Characteristics of a Good Teacher:
 Adaptability: Highlight the importance of being able to adjust teaching methods to suit
different students' needs.
 Empathy: Stress the significance of understanding and addressing students' feelings and
 Patience: Emphasize the necessity of remaining patient while helping students overcome
 Engagement: Highlight the importance of demonstrating enthusiasm and passion for learning
to inspire students.
 Active Listening: Emphasize the need for attentive listening to understand students' needs and
concerns fully.
 Lifelong Learning: Highlight the value of continuous professional development to stay
updated and effective as an educator.
 Free from Bias: Stress the importance of fair and unbiased treatment of all students.
 Respectful Attitude: Emphasize the significance of respecting students and valuing their
 Creativity: Highlight the role of creativity in finding innovative solutions to teaching
 Collaboration: Stress the importance of working collaboratively with students, colleagues,
and parents.
 Preparation: Emphasize the necessity of thorough preparation to effectively meet students'
 Promote a Growth Mindset: Highlight the importance of fostering a growth mindset in both
teachers and students.
 Meet Students Where They Are: Stress the significance of accommodating diverse learning
needs and styles.
 Cross-Disciplinary Teaching: Emphasize the value of integrating multiple subjects to provide
a holistic education experience.
Teacher’s Competency:
 Highlight the three domains of teacher competency: content knowledge, pedagogical
knowledge, and pedagogical content knowledge.
 Stress the importance of interpersonal skills, communication abilities, and commitment to
professional development.
 Emphasize the role of technology integration and critical thinking in enhancing student
learning outcomes.

Continuous Professional Development:

 Stress the importance of staying current with knowledge and practices in education.
 Highlight the benefits of enhancing professional skills, personal growth, and career
advancement through CPD
 Emphasize the significance of addressing diverse student needs and promoting collaboration
among educators.
 Mention various forms of CPD activities, including workshops, online courses, and
mentoring programs.

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