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The Nature of Attitude and Reflection on the Educational

LECTURER : Rizki Ramadhani, S.Pd.,M.Pd

COURSES : Education Profession`


 Feby Nabila Safira (4202131001)
 Nurul Amaliah Nasution (4203332025)
 Veronika Anastasya Simbolon (4172131025)



Praise be to our gratitude to pray for the presence of the one and only God, because
for His blessings and mercy so that I can finish this paper well. This paper that we make is an
assignment in the Propesi education course. I do not forget to thank Mrs. Rizki Ramadhani,
S.Pd., M.Pd as a lecturer who has provided an explanation of the preparation of this paper.
Such is the paper that we make, we realize that this paper is far from perfect. For this reason,
constructive criticism and suggestions are expected from various parties, especially teaching
lecturers, so that they can be useful for the preparation of this paper in the future.

MEDAN, 12 February 12, 2021


TABLE OF CONTENTS...................................................................................3
CHAPTER I........................................................................................................4
i. Background................................................................................................4
ii. Formulation of the problem.....................................................................4
iii. Purpose of the paper..............................................................................5
CHAPTER II.......................................................................................................6
1. Educational Professional Attitude...........................................................6
2. Reflections on Attitudes Towards Educational Professionals...............6
3. Professional Attitude Goals......................................................................7
4. Professional Attitude Development.......................................................12
CHAPTER III...................................................................................................13
i. CONCLUSION........................................................................................13
ii. RECOMMENDATION..........................................................................13


i. Background

Educational Professional Attitude, Professional is a job or activity that is

carried out by a person and becomes a life stage that requires expertise, proficiency
and competence that meet certain quality standards or norms and requires professional
education Professional Attitude Education is the attitude of a teacher in carrying out
his work which includes expertise, skills and skills meet certain quality standards or
norms as well as requirements for teacher professional education. The attitude and
behavior of a professional teacher is able to be a role model for students, able to
develop competence in themselves, and be able to develop the potential of students.

Reflection on Attitudes Towards Professional Education,Teachers are an

important part of an education system that has noble goals in educating the nation. To
achieve the full learning objectives as stated in Law No.20 of 2003 concerning the
National Education System, all holders of the education unit management authority
must cooperate and empower all the potential that exists in all interested parties
relevant to the education unit concerned. In addition, all educational personnel who
are in the internal environment of an educational unit or group, all resources including
experts, associations, and other relevant institutions can also be involved. As a
teacher, of course the achievement of learning objectives is also very important. With
so many duties and responsibilities, a professional teacher must be able to learn from
experiences that have been experienced, then try not to repeat actions or actions that
are considered wrong or wrong or less praiseworthy, deviant, maybe even detrimental
to interested parties. The ability of a person to be able and willing to contemplate,
understand, and be aware of past experiences in his life is the essence of self-
reflection. Such abilities are very important for those who carry out professional tasks,
especially those belonging to the professional category
support services such as doctors, psychiatrists and teachers. Mochtar Buchori (1994)
emphasizes the importance of professional reflection skills possessed by educational
task bearers, especially teachers.

ii. Formulation of the problem

 what is the professional attitude of teacher training?

 What is a reflection on attitudes towards educational professionals?
 Professional Attitude Goals
 Professional Attitude Development

iii. Purpose of the paper

 describes the professional attitude of teacher training

 describe a reflection of attitudes towards educational professionals
 describe the Goal of Professional Attitude
 describe the Development of a Professional Attitude


1. Educational Professional Attitude

Educational Professional Attitude is the attitude of a teacher in carrying out his work that
includes skills, skills and skills that meet certain quality standards or norms and require a
teacher's professional education.
Professional teacher attitudes and behaviors are able to be an example for learners, able to
develop competencies in themselves, and able to develop the potential of learners.

2. Reflections on Attitudes Towards Educational Professionals

Teachers are an important part of an education system that has a noble purpose in
educating the nation. To achieve the objectives of learning as a whole as stated in Law No.20
of 2003 on the National Education System, all authority holders of education unit
management must cooperate and empower all potentials contained in all interested parties
relevant to the education unit concerned. In addition, all education personnel contained in the
internal environment of the unit or educational group, all resources including experts,
associations, and other relevant institutions can also be involved. As a teacher, of course, the
achievement of learning objectives is also very important. With many duties and
responsibilities, a professional teacher must be able to learn from the experiences that have
been lived, then try not to repeat actions or actions that are considered wrong or wrong or less
commendable, deviant, may even harm the interested parties. A person's ability to be able and
willing to reflect, understand, and realize past experiences in his life is the essence of self-
reflection. Such skills are especially important for those who carry out professional duties,
especially those in the category of support service professions such as doctors, psychiatrists,
and teachers. Mochtar Buchori (1994) emphasized the importance of professional reflection
ability that is possessed by the management of educational tasks, especially teachers.
Some considerations of the urgency of professional reflection for the field of teacher
1. The teacher profession has not been fully recognized as an established profession such
as doctors, while in the era of globalization as it is today with developments in various
fields, especially highly competitive science and technology, the training of
educational and teacher professions is also required to be able to compete.
2. Changes in society are very dynamic from time to time, so that the demands of the
dynamic profession of education and teacher training are also highly expected. 

Professional reflection is inseparable from the efforts of human resource development in

general. Reflection activities can be done by describing the following questions:

1. Have I completed the professional pre-employment education required to carry out
the duties of the education office that has been carried out so far?
2. Have I done educational activities and inservice exercises during my professional
duties in this field of education? How many times? How long? Who's the organizing
3. Have I ever participated in or participated in various professional skills development
activities carried out so far such as seminars, workshops, research, book writing or
scientific writing?
4. Have I ever been a member of an educational professional organization and or another
organization that is directly or indirectly related to the development of
professionalism and the duties of the office that I emban during this time?
5. Do I need to comply with the rules of the code of conduct attached to the position of
professionals that I emban all this time? Has it ever been an aberration? Has he ever
been punished for such irregularities?
6. Is during my professional education or teacher positions aware of my rights and
obligations as a person or as a member of the organization? Have you ever
experienced obstacles in fulfilling these rights and obligations?
7. Has been satisfied with the involvement in the duties of the
educational professionals?
Through professional reflection, each teacher can recognize and understand the
profile of his professional identity, so that he can realize his strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and obstacles. On that basis, the teacher determines how to respond
appropriately to the interests of his future survival.
The teacher's personality attitude is the foundation for the formation of other
prerequisite components of abilities such as mastery of teaching materials,
technical/methodological mastery, mastery of thinking and acting patterns, and the use of
flexible self-adjustment abilities.

3. Professional Attitude Goals

Teachers as professional education have a good image in the community if they can show
the community that they deserve to be role models or role models of the surrounding
community. The community will mainly see how the teacher's attitude and actions are
everyday, whether there is something exemplary or not. How teachers improve their services,
increase their knowledge, give direction and encouragement to their students and how
teachers work and talk and how to get along well with students, friends and members of the
community, often to the attention of the wider community.
Although all teacher behaviors are always considered by the community, but what will be
discussed in this section is specifically the behavior of teachers related to their profession.
This relates to how the teacher's behavior patterns in understanding, living, and practicing the
attitude of his ability and professional attitude. The pattern of teacher behavior related to it

will be discussed in accordance with its objectives, namely the professional attitude of the
teacher towards:
1. Attitude to Legislation
In the framework of development in the field of education in Indonesia, the Ministry
of National Education issued provisions and regulations that are policies that will be
implemented by the apparatus, which include, among others: the construction of educational
buildings, equitable learning opportunities, among others through the obligation to learn,
improving the quality of education, fostering the younger generation by encourage cadet reef
activities, and others. The discretion of the government will usually be poured into the form
of government provisions. From the provisions of this government is further elaborated into
the general programs of education.
Teachers are elements of the state apparatus and servants of the state. Therefore,
teachers absolutely need to know the policies of the government in the field of education, so
as to implement the provisions that constitute such policies. Government policy in the field of
education is all implementing regulations both issued by the Ministry of National Education,
at the center and in the Region, as well as other departments in the framework of fostering
education in our country.
Every indonesian teacher is obliged to submit and obey the provisions of the
government. In the field of education he must adhere to the policies and regulations, both
issued by the Ministry of National Education and the Department authorized to regulate
education, at the center and in the region in order to implement the policies of education in

2. Attitude towards Professional Organization

Teachers jointly maintain and improve the quality of PGRI organization as a means of
struggle and devotion. This foundation shows us how important the role of professional
organizations is as a forum and means of devotion. PGRI as a professional organization
requires coaching, in order to be more effective and successful in order to serve as a forum
for efforts to carry out missions and strengthen the teacher profession. The success of the
business depends largely on the awareness of its members, the sense of responsibility, and the
obligations of its members PGRI Organization is a system, in which the elements of its
formation are teachers. Therefore, teachers must act according to the objectives of the system.
There is a reciprocal relationship between the profession and the organization, both in
carrying out its obligations and in obtaining rights.
Professional organizations should foster supervising their anggtoa. Who is that
organization? Explain that not only the chairman, or secretary, or certain administrators, but
what the organization means here is all members with the entire board and all its equipment
and tools. The obligation to foster professional organizations is the obligation of all members
and all their managers.
Therefore, all members and administrators of professional organizations, because
officials in the organization are formal representatives and all members of the organization,
then they are the one who carries out formal actions based on the authority that has been
delegated to him by all members of the organization. In reality, it is the officials who play a
functional role in carrying out the act of fostering organizational attitudes, they are the ones

who communicate everything about the attitude of the profession to its members. And those
who take action when necessary.
Each member must give part of his/her time for the purposes of coaching his
profession, and all time and effort provided by these members is coordinated by the officials
of the organization, so that its use becomes effective and efficient. In other words, every
member of the profession, whether he/she is a caretaker or an ordinary member, is obliged to
participate in order to maintain, foster, and improve the quality of professional organizations,
in order to realize the ideals of the organization.
To improve the quality of a profession, especially the teaching profession, can be
done in various ways, for example by conducting administration, workshops, further
education, education in office, comparative studies, and various other academic activities.
Thus, professional coaching activities are not only limited to pre-employment or further
education in universities, but can also be done after the concerned graduate from pre-
employment education or are in the process of carrying out their positions.
Efforts to improve and develop the quality of the profession can be done individually
by its members, or can also be done together. The length of the coaching improvement
program also varies as needed. Individually improving the quality of a teacher's profession
can be done both formally and informally. Formal improvement is the improvement of
quality through education in various courses, schools, and lectures in universities or other
institutions related to the field of profession.
In addition, informally teachers can improve the quality of their profession by
obtaining infomal teachers can improve the quality of their profession by obtaining
information from mass media (newspapers, magazines, radio, television, and others) or from
books in accordance with the field of profession concerned.
Improving the quality of the teaching profession can also be planned and carried out
together or in groups. These group activities can be steamy, workshops, seminars,
symposiums, or even lectures in a separately regulated educational institution. For example,
the D-III equalization program of junior high school teachers, are examples, group activities
that are organized separately.
If now we see most of the efforts to improve the quality of the profession initiated and
carried out by the government, then in the future it is expected that professional organizations
should plan and implement it, in accordance with the functions and roles of the organization

3. Attitude Towards Peers

In paragraph 7 of the Teacher's Code of Conduct it is stated that "Teachers maintain
professional relationships, family spirit, and social solidarity." This means that: (1) Teachers
should create and maintain teachers' work environments, and (2) Teachers should create and
nurture a spirit of kinship and social solidarity within and outside their work environment.
In this case the Indonesian Teacher Code of Conduct shows us how important the
harmonious hubngan behavior is created by realizing the deep brotherly relationship between
fellow members of the profession. Relationships between members of the profession can be
seen in two aspects, namely formal relationships and family relationships.

Formal relationships are relationships that need to be done in order to perform the
duties of the ministry. While the relationship is a fraternity relationship that needs to be done,
both in the work environment and in the overall relationship in order to support the
achievement of the success of professional members in bringing for example as educators of
the nation.

4. Attitudes Towards Students

In the Indonesian Teacher Code of Ethics it is clearly written that: Teachers are
devoted to guiding learners to form a whole Indonesian human being with the spirit of
Pancasila. This basis contains several principles that must be understood by a ufur in carrying
out its daily duties, namely: the objectives of national education, guiding principles, and the
principle of the formation of indonesian manusi as a whole.
The purpose of national education can clearly be read in Law No. 2/1989 on National
Education, namely forming a whole Indonesian people with the spirit of Pancasila. Another
principle is to guide learners, not pursue, or educate only. Understanding guiding as stated by
Ki Hajar Dewantara in the system amongnya. The three solid sentences that are famous for
the system are ing ngarso sung tulodo, ing madyo mangun karso, and tut wuri handayani.
These three sentences mean that education must be able to set an example, must be able to
exert influence, and must be able to control learners.
In tut wuri contained the intention of letting learners obey their talents and nature
while the teacher pays attention to it. In handayani means the teacher influences the learner,
in the sense of guiding or teaching him. Thus guiding means being decisive towards the
formation of a whole Indonesian human being who is in the spirit of Pancasila, and not
dictating learners, let alone forcing them according to the wishes of the educator. Mottto tut
wuri handayani has now been taken as the motto of the Ministry of National Education.
The whole human principle in this code of conduct sees man as a whole, whole, both
physical and spiritual, not only highly educated but also highly moral. Teachers in educating
should not only prioritize intellectual knowledge or development, but also must pay attention
to the development of all individual learners, both physical, spiritual, social and others in
accordance with the nature of education. This is intended so that learners will eventually be
able to become human beings who are able to face the challenges in life as human beings.
Students cannot be seen as mere objects who must obey the will and will of the teacher.

5. Attitude towards His Workplace

It is common knowledge that a good atmosphere at work will increase productivity. This
is well realized by every teacher, and the teacher is obliged to create such an atmosphere in
the environment. To create a good working atmosphere there are two things that must be
considered, namely:
1. Master himself,

2. The teacher's relationship with parents and the surrounding community.

The teacher himself is also clearly written in one of the points of the Code of Conduct
which reads: "The teacher creates the best school atmosphere that supports the success of the
teaching and learning process." Therefore, teachers must actively strive for good education in
various ways, both with the use of appropriate teaching methods, as well as with the
provision of sufficient learning tools, as well as the arrangement of a stable classroom
organization, or other necessary shorts.
A harmonious atmosphere in the school will not occur if the visible personnel in it,
namely the principal, teachers, administrative staff and students, do not have good
relationships among each other. The creation of a challenging work atmosphere must be
complemented by a good relationship with parents and the surrounding community. It is
intended to foster a shared participation and sense of responsibility towards education. Only a
small part of the time, when it is used by students outside the school, namely at home and in
the surrounding community. Therefore, it is reasonable that parents and the community are
responsible for their education. In order for this outside education to be well established with
what teachers do in schools, good cooperation is needed between teachers, parents, and the
surrounding community.
In establishing cooperation with parents and the community, schools can initiate
initiatives, for example by inviting parents during report collection, conducting activities
involving the surrounding community, including the union of parents or school committees in
helping to alleviate school problems, especially tackling the lack of facilities or supporting
funds for school activities.
The need for teachers to build relationships with parents and surrounding communities is
the content of item five of the Indonesian Teacher Code of Conduct.

6. Attitude towards Leaders

As a member of the organization, both teacher organizations and larger organizations,

teachers will be in the guidance and supervision of the superiors.
It is clear that the leader of a unit or organization will have wisdom and direction in
leading its organization, where each member of the organization is required to strive to
cooperate in carrying out the objectives of the organization. It could be that the cooperation
demanded by the leader is in the form of demands for compliance in carrying out the
directives and instructions given by them. Cooperation can also be provided in the form of
proposals and even constructive criticisms for the achievement of goals that have been
outlined together and the progress of the organization.therefore, we can conclude that a
teacher's attitude towards the leader must be positive, in the sense that it must work together
in the success of the agreed program, both in school and outside the school.
7. Attitude towards Work
The teaching profession relates to students, who naturally have similarities and
differences. The task of serving diverse people requires patience and high accuracy,
especially when it comes to young learners. Perhaps not everyone is blessed with such a trait,

but if a person has chosen to enter the teacher profession, he is required to learn and act as
A person who has chosen a particular career will usually do well, if he or she is
sneering wholeheartedly. That is, he will do anything to make his career work well, he is
committed to his work. He must be willing and able to carry out his tugs and be able to serve
well service users who need them.
In order to provide services that satisfy the community, teachers must always be able
to adjust their abilities and knowledge to the wishes and demands of the community, in this
case the learners and their masters. This desire and demand is always developed in
accordance with the development of society that is usually influenced by the development of
science and technology. Therefore, teachers are always required to constantly improve and
develop their knowledge, skills, and quality of service. The necessity to improve and develop
this quality is the sixth item in the Indonesian Teacher Code of Ethics which reads: Teachers
personally and together, develop and improve the quality and dignity of their profession.
In the sixth point, it is required to teachers, both personally and in groups, to always
improve the quality and dignity of their profession. Teachers as well as other professions, it is
impossible to improve the quality and dignity of the profession if the teacher does not
improve or increase his knowledge and skills, because the knowledge and knowledge that
supports the profession is always developing in accordance with the progress of the times.
To improve the quality of the profession individually, teachers can do it formally or
informally. As formal as possible, it means that teachers follow a variety of further education
or courses that are in accordance with their field of assignments, desires, time, and abilities.
Informally teachers can increase their knowledge and skills through mass media such
as television, radio, scientific magazines, newspapers, and so on, or read textbooks and other
knowledge that matches their fields.

4. Professional Attitude Development

1. Attitude Development During Pre-Employment Education

Teachers have a unique task that is always to be a role model for their students and even
for the surrounding community. To provide a good attitude, in the institution of education
teachers candidates are taught professional skills and attitudes.
2. Attitude Development During Office

The improvement that can be done formally is through participating in administration,

workshops, seminars, or other scientific activities. While informally can be through mass
media television, radio, newspapers, etc.


Through professional reflection, each teacher can recognize and understand the
profile of his professional identity, so that he can realize his strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and obstacles, on that basis, the teacher determines how to respond to
this appropriately for the sake of future survival.
The teacher's personality attitude is the foundation for the formation of the
prerequisite components of other abilities such as mastery of teaching materials,
technical / methodological mastery, mastery of thinking and acting patterns, and
flexible use of self-adjustment abilities.


The author hopes that this paper on the Nature of Attitude and Reflection on
the Education Profession can be useful for readers, especially for prospective
educators, and the suggestion from the author is that prospective educators can later
become professional educators. If in the writing of this paper there are many mistakes
we apologize, we expect constructive criticism and suggestions from readers.


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