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Educational Insights Paper

“ The Nature of Teacher Competency, Certification and Profession ”

Supporting lecturer

I Wayan Ardana, S.Pd.,M.Pd.

By: Group 6

1. Ketut Seri Sasti Dewiyani : 2211031006

2. Ni Wayan Ari Mascini : 2211031116
3. Gede Ardi Pisesa : 2211031477






Praise I pray to the presence of God Almighty for His grace and grace we can finish
this paper on time. The title of this paper is "The Nature of Teacher Competence, Certification
and Profession".

The purpose of this writing is to fulfill the assignment for the Educational Insights
course by Mr. I Wayan Ardana, S.Pd., M.Pd. This task is expected to be an addition to the
insight for the reader as well as for the writer himself.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our deepest gratitude to the lecturers
of the Educational Insights course who have given us this assignment. We also want to thank
the parties who helped in the preparation of this paper, so that this paper can be completed on

We are fully aware that this paper is far from perfect due to the limited experience and
knowledge we have. Therefore, we expect all forms of suggestions and input and even
constructive criticism from various parties. Finally, we hope that this paper can provide benefits
for the development of the world of education.

Singaraja, 25 November 2022



FOREWORD ............................................................................................................................ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................ iii

CHAPTER I .............................................................................................................................. 1

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Background ..................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Problem Formulation ....................................................................................................... 2

1.3 Purpose ............................................................................................................................ 2

1.4 Benefits ............................................................................................................................ 2

CHAPTER II ............................................................................................................................. 4

DISCUSSION ........................................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Overview of Teacher Competency-Certification-Professionalism ................................. 4

2.2 Indonesian Teacher Competency Dimensions and Indicators ........................................ 6

2.3 Overview of the Teacher Profession ............................................................................... 8

2.4 Teacher's position as a profession and its relation to certification ................................ 11

2.5 Indonesian Teacher Organization and Code of Ethics .................................................. 13

CHAPTER III ......................................................................................................................... 18

CLOSING ............................................................................................................................... 18

REFERENCES ....................................................................................................................... 19


1.1 Background

In simple terms, we can understand education as an effort to transfer knowledge and at the
same time transfer of values. Transfer of knowledge can be described in the form of planting
an intellectual-scientific basis and developing a mindset according to one's potential.
Meanwhile, the aspect of transfer of values is an effort to empower in the field of norms, values
that must be adhered to and adhered to in one's life. These two aspects are considered to have
to go together, so that a person can grow in a balanced development. The balance is intended
to be able to carry and place itself correctly according to the size of the prevailing values,
especially values that are born and grow from religious teachings. Can develop knowledge for
the benefit of the world and not get lost even in the jungle of modernity.

The problem that arises in this regard is, how to give birth to such human beings? According
to nature, the process of education of children is the responsibility of parents. However, in
reality, either because of limitations or for other reasons, the task of educating children has
been shared with schools. The division, the portion of education in schools is greater, but the
time spent in the family is much more. Meanwhile, education in the family as a form of parental
responsibility, in general, does not take place in moderation. Most parents understand better
that education matters are school matters.

Seeing how much responsibility is left to the world of education and coupled with the
progress that must be achieved by a nation, education must be advanced and must be of high
quality. That way, it will open up the possibility of a nation achieving progress, along with the
quality of education achieved. The progress that can be achieved by a nation lies in how far the
progress achieved in the world of education (Adam Smith, 1955). Even though it is understood
that the quality of education is very important, achieving ideal progress is also not easy. Many
things related to this problem. Part of the cause of the low quality of education in Indonesia is
due to the weak quality of the education support sector such as teachers, curriculum, education
management and inadequate facilities and infrastructure. (Prof. Dr. Nanat Fatah Natsir, 2016).

When viewed from the perspective of the existence of teachers, there are at least two factors
that influence the condition of the quality of education, namely: First, the educational
qualifications and competence of teachers are still very low. Second, there are still many

teachers who teach subjects that are not in accordance with their educational qualifications or
commonly referred to as mismatch. (Tutik Quarter, et al, 2007). Because of these conditions
and in the context of increasing teacher competence, the government considers it necessary to
introduce a teacher certification program. Teacher certification is the process of awarding
educator certificates to teachers who have met teacher competency standards. Teachers are
required to develop teacher professionalism. Professional work is different from other jobs,
because a profession requires special skills and expertise in carrying out the profession.

1.2 Problem Formulation

The formulation of the problem that can be compiled in writing a paper entitled "The Nature
of Teacher Competence, Certification and Profession" is as follows:

1. What is meant by competence, certification, and the teaching profession?

2. What are the dimensions and indicators of Indonesian teacher competence?
3. What is the definition, essence, and requirements of the teaching profession?
4. What about the teaching position as a profession and its relation to certification?
5. What are the organizations and codes of ethics for Indonesian teachers?

1.3 Purpose

The purpose of writing a paper entitled "The Nature of Teacher Competence, Certification
and Profession" is as follows:

1. Knowing about the competence, certification, and profession of teachers.

2. Knowing what are the dimensions and indicators of Indonesian teacher competence.
3. Know the meaning, essence, and requirements of the teaching profession.
4. Knowing about the position of teacher as a profession and its relation to certification.
5. Know the organization and code of ethics of teachers.

1.4 Benefit

The benefits of writing a paper entitled "The Nature of Teacher Competence, Certification
and Profession" are as follows:

1. Theoretical benefits
This paper is expected to enrich knowledge and insight into readers regarding the nature
of competence, certification and the teaching profession and can become a reference
for further research.

2. Practical benefits
This paper is expected to help provide information, especially for students and students
about the nature of competence, certification, and the teaching profession and become
a reference so that one day they can become competent teachers in educating the next
generation of the nation.


2.1 Overview of Competency-Certification-Professional Teachers

The era of globalization which is marked by competition for quality or quality, requires all
parties in various fields and sectors of development to continuously improve their competence.
This places the importance of efforts to improve the quality of education both quantitatively
and qualitatively which must be carried out continuously, so that education can be used as a
vehicle for building national character (nation character building). For this reason, the teacher
as the main person must improve his competence and hold certification according to the job he
is carrying out. It is within this framework that the government feels the need to develop
competency standards and teacher certification, as part of the national education standards
(SPN) and Indonesian national standards (SNI).

1. Definition of Teacher Competence

In Law Number 14 of 2005 concerning teachers and lecturers, article 1 states that
competence is a set of knowledge, skills and behaviors that must be owned, internalized
and mastered by teachers or lecturers in carrying out professional tasks.
According to Jejen Musfah in his book entitled Improving teacher competency
through training, states that competence is a collection of knowledge, behavior and
skills that must be owned by teachers to achieve learning goals and education, training
and independent learning by utilizing learning resources.
According to Mulyasa in his book entitled Teacher Competency Standards and
Certification, he explains that teacher competency is a combination of personal,
scientific, technological, social and spiritual abilities which form the standard
competence of the teaching profession, which includes mastery of material, student
understanding, medical learning, personal and professional development.
Teacher competence is the ability of a teacher to carry out obligations in a
responsible and proper manner. The teacher as someone whose behavior becomes a role
model for students and society, in general must be able to implement the educational
goals that will be achieved both at the level of national goals and school goals and to
fulfill these goals, the teacher must have skills and abilities about education and student
development psychology, so that the learning strategy will be applied based on the
situation and conditions that exist in the environment.

From various sources, several indicators can be identified that can be used as a
measure of the characteristics of teachers who are considered professionally competent.
 Able to develop responsibility properly.
 Able to carry out roles and functions appropriately.
 Able to work to realize the goals of school education.
 Able to carry out its roles and functions in learning in the classroom.
2. Definition of Teacher Certification
Teacher certification is the process of awarding educator certificates to teachers.
Educator certificates are given to teachers who have met the standards of the teaching
profession . A certificate is an official document that states the information in the
document is true. Certification is the creation and granting of these documents. Teachers
who have received certification mean that they have the teaching qualifications as
described in the certificate.
An educator 's certificate is a certificate signed by the tertiary institution
administering the certification as formal proof of the recognition of teacher
professionalism given to teachers as professionals. In this sense, educators include
teachers and lecturers. Certification carried out on teachers is called teacher certification.
The certification carried out for lecturers is called lecturer certification. (Suryanto, 2008)
The National Commission on Educational Services (NCES), provides a more general
definition of certification. Certification is a procedure whereby the state evaluates and
reviews a teacher candidate's credentials and provides him or her a license to teach. In
this case certification is a procedure to determine whether a prospective teacher is
eligible to be given permission and authority to teach. This is necessary because
graduates of teacher training institutions vary widely, both among public and private
Efforts to guarantee the quality of teachers so that they still meet competency
standards, an adequate mechanism is needed. This teacher quality assurance needs to be
developed based on a comprehensive study to produce a conceptual and empirical basis,
through a certification system. Teacher certification is a procedure used by the
competent authority to provide a written guarantee that a person has met the competency
requirements as a teacher.
Teacher certification is a fulfillment of the need to improve professional competence.
Therefore, the certification process is seen as an essential part of efforts to obtain

competency certificates in accordance with established standards. Teacher certification
is a competency test process for candidates or teachers who wish to gain recognition
and/or improve competency according to the profession they choose. The representation
of fulfilling competency standards that has been defined in competency certification is
an educator competency certificate. This certificate is an acknowledgment of the
competence of teachers or prospective teachers who meet the standards to carry out
teaching professional work at certain types and levels of education.
3. Definition of Teacher Profession
The teaching profession is an activity that shows and upholds the principles and
principles of professionalism in carrying out its duties and obligations in educating and
teaching students. A professional teacher is a product and result of a teacher professional
education by relying on high scientific quality, noble morality, and supported by various
capabilities whose effectiveness and efficiency are undoubted in carrying out education
and teaching. Likewise, the designation of a professional teacher applies to all life
activities both at school and outside of school, such as the environment and society.

2.2 Indonesian Teacher Competency Dimensions and Indicators

Referring to Permendiknas Number 16 of 2007 concerning academic

qualification standards and teacher competence (sumsel bpk, 2009). The various competencies
that must be possessed by teachers include; pedagogic competence, personal competence,
professional competence, and social competence. Teacher competency standards are developed
as a whole from the 4 main competencies which have their respective dimensions, the four
types of competency dimensions are:
1. Pedagogic competence includes understanding students, learning design, learning
implementation, designing and implementing evaluation of learning outcomes and
student development to actualize their various potentials.
2. Personality Competence is a personal ability that reflects a personality that is steady,
stable, mature, run and dignified to be a backup for students and has a noble character.
3. Professional competence is the ability possessed by a teacher in mastering learning
material broadly and deeply.
4. Social competence, namely the ability of a teacher to communicate and get along
effectively with fellow educational staff and parents or guardians of students and the
surrounding community.
Then regarding teacher competency indicators based on law number 14 of 2005 concerning
teachers and lecturers in article 8 it is explained that teacher competence includes pedagogic
competencies-personality competencies Social competencies and professional competencies
obtained through professional education now each dimension of teacher competence has
indicators that become reference to wealth is the first indicator of personality competence.
A. Personality Competence
Personality Competence is a personal ability that reflects a solid, stable, mature, wise
and authoritative personality, becomes a role model for students, and has noble character
(SUTRIYONO, 2020). Indicators in personality competence can be described as follows:
 A steady and stable personality has basic indicators, namely: acting according to legal
norms, acting according to social norms, being proud as a teacher, and having
consistency in acting according to norms.
 A mature personality has basic indicators, namely: showing independence in acting as
an educator and having a work ethic as a teacher.
 A wise personality has basic indicators, namely: displaying actions based on the
benefits of students, schools and society and showing openness in thinking and acting.
 An authoritative personality has fundamental indicators, namely: having behavior that
has a positive influence on students and having behavior that is respected.
 Noble and exemplary character has fundamental indicators, namely: acting in
accordance with religious norms (faith and piety, honesty, sincerity, helpfulness), and
having behavior that is exemplified by students.

B. Pedagogic Competence
Pedagogic competence covers the teacher's understanding of students, designing and
implementing learning, evaluating learning outcomes, and developing students to actualize
their various potentials (SUTRIYONO, 2020). In detail, each sub-competence is translated
into the following basic indicators;
 Understanding students in depth has fundamental indicators, namely: understanding
students by utilizing the principles of cognitive development, understanding students
by utilizing the principles of personality, and identifying students' initial teaching stock.
 Designing learning, including understanding the educational basis for the benefit of
learning has fundamental indicators, namely: understanding the educational basis,
applying learning and learning theory, determining learning strategies based on the
characteristics possessed by students, the competencies to be achieved, and teaching
materials , and preparing learning designs based on strategies The selected.
 Implementing learning has basic indicators, namely: setting the learning setting and
implementing conducive learning.
 Designing and implementing learning evaluations has fundamental indicators, namely:
designing and carrying out evaluations (assessments) of learning processes and
outcomes on an ongoing basis using various methods, analyzing the results of
evaluating processes and learning outcomes to determine the level of mastery learning,
and utilizing the results of learning assessments to improving the quality of learning
programs in general.
 Developing students to actualize their various potentials, has basic indicators, namely:
facilitating students to develop various potentials in the academic field and facilitating
students to develop various potentials in non-academic fields.
C. Professional Competence
Professional competence is the mastery of learning materials in a broad and in-depth
manner, which includes mastery of the subject matter curriculum in schools and the scientific

substance that covers the material, as well as mastery of the scientific structure and
methodology (SUTRIYONO, 2020). Each of these sub-competencies has the following basic
 Mastering scientific substance related to the field of study has fundamental indicators:
understanding the teaching materials in the school curriculum, understanding the
structures, concepts and scientific methods that cover or relate to teaching materials,
understanding the relationship between concepts between related subjects, and applying
scientific concepts in daily life.
 Mastering scientific structure and methods has fundamental indicators, namely
mastering research steps and critical studies to deepen knowledge/subject matter in the
field of study.
D. Social Competence
Social competence is the teacher's ability to communicate and interact effectively with
students, fellow educators, education staff, parents/guardians of students, and the surrounding
community (SUTRIYONO, 2020). This competency has sub-competencies with the following
basic indicators:
 Being able to communicate and interact effectively with students has a fundamental
indicator, namely: communicating effectively with students.
 Able to communicate and interact effectively with fellow educators and educational
 Able to communicate and socialize effectively with parents/guardians of students and
the surrounding community.

2.3 Overview of the Teaching Profession

1. Definition and Nature of the Teacher Profession

Profession literally comes from the word profession (English) which comes from the
Latin profesus which means "able or expert in a form of work". Profession can be
interpreted as a job or position that demands expertise, which is obtained through
certain education and training, demands special requirements, has certain
responsibilities and a code of ethics.
The teaching profession is an activity that shows and upholds the principles and
principles of professionalism in carrying out its duties and obligations in educating and
teaching students. A professional teacher is a product and result of a teacher
professional education by relying on high scientific quality, noble morality, and
supported by various capabilities whose effectiveness and efficiency are undoubted in
carrying out education and teaching. Likewise, the designation of a professional teacher
applies to all life activities both at school and outside of school, such as the environment
and society.

According to Kartadinata, a teacher is a person who has an adequate background in
teacher education, the teacher's expertise in carrying out educational tasks is obtained
after taking certain teacher education courses, and this ability is not possessed by
members of the public in general who have never attended teacher education. The
teaching profession is a person who has an adequate background in teacher education,
teacher expertise in carrying out educational tasks is obtained after taking certain
teacher education (Makagiansar, M. 1996). The teaching profession is an ability that is
not possessed by members of the public in general who have never attended teacher
education (Nasanius, Y. 1998). There are several roles that teachers can play as
educators, including:
 As a professional worker with the function of teaching, guiding and training.
 Humanitarian workers with the function of being able to realize all of their
humanitarian capabilities.
 As a social officer with the function of teaching and educating the public to
become good citizens.

2. Teacher Professional Requirements

The teacher is a professional educator because implicitly he has volunteered to
accept and assume part of the educational mandate that is borne on the shoulders of
parents. This means that parents have given the mandate or part of their responsibility
to the teacher. Parents cannot possibly hand over their children to just any
unprofessional teacher.
In Law No. 20 of 2003 and RI Government Regulation No. 19 of 2005 chapter VI
concerning standards for educators and education personnel contains the requirements
to become a teacher as contained in article 28, namely:
a. Teachers must have academic qualifications and competencies as learning
agents, be physically and mentally healthy and have the ability to realize
national education goals.
b. The academic qualifications referred to in paragraph (1) are the minimum
education level that must be met by a teacher as evidenced by relevant diplomas
and/or certificates of expertise in accordance with applicable laws and

c. Competence as a learning agent at the level of primary and secondary education
as well as early childhood education includes:
 pedagogic competence
 personality competence
 professional competency
 social competence
d. (2) A person who does not have a diploma and/or expertise certificate as referred
to in paragraph (2) but has special expertise that is recognized and needed can
be appointed as a teacher after passing the due diligence and equality test. In
connection with the above, these requirements must be compared with other
requirements in Islamic education. If you need to improve.
Some of the requirements that must be met by an educator, including mastering the
subject matter being cared for, being an example in words and deeds, being able to
practice what is taught, acting as a continuation of the struggles of the teachers, having
nobility of character and level of education, helping each other with each other.
educators, recognize a truth as the main thing, always be honest in speaking, and adorn
themselves with patience in every matter. Abudin Nata, broadly speaking, explained
that there are three specific requirements for the profession of an educator, namely:
 A professional teacher must master the field of science that will be taught
properly. He is truly an expert in the field of science he teaches. Furthermore,
because any field of knowledge is also experiencing development, a teacher
must also continuously improve and develop the knowledge he teaches, so that
it is not outdated. For this reason, a teacher must continuously conduct research
using various methods.
 A professional teacher must have the ability to convey or teach the knowledge
he has (transfer of knowledge) to his students effectively and efficiently. For
this, a teacher must have teacher training which previously consisted of 3
scientific fields, namely pedagogic, didactic, and methodical.
 A professional teacher must adhere to a professional code of ethics. The code
of ethics here is more specifically the emphasis on the need to have noble
morals. With noble character, a teacher will be a role model, example and role
model. Thus the knowledge taught or advice given to students will be heard and
implemented properly.

2.4 Teacher Position as a Profession and its relation to Certification

Teachers are professionals as mandated in article 39 paragraph 2 in RI law number 20

of 2003 where regarding the national education system, namely the National Education System.
the ability to realize the goals of national education and then in the law of the Republic of
Indonesia of 2005 concerning teachers and lecturers, educator certificates are given to teachers
who have met the academic qualification requirements and competencies as learning agents.
A. Purpose of Teacher Certification
The following are some of the aims of teacher certification:
1. Determine the feasibility of the teacher as a learning agent. The learning agent means
that the teacher becomes the actor in the learning process. Teachers who have received
educator certificates can be interpreted as worthy of being learning agents.
2. Improving the process and quality of education. The quality of education can be seen
from the quality of students as learning outcomes. The quality of these students, among
others, is determined by the intelligence, interest and effort of the student concerned.
Qualified teachers in the sense of quality and professionalism determine the quality of
3. Assist and protect educational institutions by providing signs and instruments for
selecting competent applicants.
4. Build a public image of the teaching profession and educational staff.
5. Providing solutions in order to improve the quality of educators and educational staff.
Wibowo (2004) in Teacher Competency Standards and Stratification, suggests that
certification aims for the following:
(1) Protect the teaching profession and educational staff.
(2) Protecting the public from incompetent practices that damage the image of educators
and education staff.
(3) Assist and protect educational institutions by providing guidelines and instruments for
selecting competent applicants.
(4) Building community partnerships with the teaching profession and educational staff.
(5) Providing solutions in order to improve the quality of educators and educational staff.

B. Benefits of Teacher Certification

Wibowo (2004) in Teacher Competency Standards and Stratification explains that the
certification of educators and education staff has the following benefits.
1. Quality Control
a. A certification body that has identified and specified a unique set of
b. For each type of profession, it can direct practitioners to develop their
competency level on an ongoing basis.
c. Increased professionalism through selection mechanisms, both at the time of
entry into professional organizations and further career development.

d. A better selection process, higher quality training programs and independent
learning efforts to achieve increased professionalism.

2. Quality Assurance
1) The existence of a process of developing professionalism and evaluating the
performance of practitioners will lead to a better perception of society and
government towards professional organizations and their members. Thus
interested parties, especially customers/users, will appreciate professional
organizations more and vice versa, professional organizations can provide
guarantees or protect customers/users.
2) Certification provides valuable information for customers/users who wish to
employ people in specific areas of expertise and skills.

C. The Role of Teacher Certification

The role of certification according to Fajar (2006:8-10) is that teachers and lecturers
better understand their rights and obligations in (UU No. 14/2005 article 14 paragraph 1).
Among others: (1) earning income above the minimum necessities of life and social welfare
insurance; (2) get promotions and awards according to work assignments and achievements;
(3) obtain protection in carrying out duties and intellectual property rights; (4) get the
opportunity to improve competence; (5) obtaining and utilizing learning facilities and
infrastructure to support the smooth running of professional duties; (6) have the freedom to
provide assessments and participate in determining graduation, awards, and/or sanctions for
students according to educational rules, teacher code of ethics, and laws and regulations; (7)
obtain a sense of security and assurance of safety in carrying out tasks; (8) have the freedom to
associate in professional organizations; (9) have the opportunity to play a role in determining
education policy; (10) get the opportunity to develop and improve academic qualifications and
competencies; and/or (11) obtain training and professional development in their field (Latiana,
D. Principles of Teacher Certification
The following are the principles of teacher certification:
1. Implemented objectively, transparently, and accountably.
2. Leading to improving the quality of national education through increased competency
and teacher welfare.
3. Implemented in accordance with laws and regulations.
4. Implemented in a planned and systematic way.
5. The number of certification participants is determined by the government.

E. The legal basis for implementing teacher certification

 Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National
Education System.
 Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14
 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers.
 Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2005 concerning
National Education Standards.
 Regulation of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia
 Number 74 of 2008 concerning Teachers.
 Regulation of the Minister of National Education Number 16 of 2005 concerning
Educator Qualification and Competency Standards.
 Regulation of the Minister of National Education Number 11 of 2011 concerning
Certification for In-service Teachers.
 Decree of the Minister of National Education Number 075/2011 concerning
Determination of Higher Education Institutions to Provide In-service Teacher
 Circular of the Head of the KSG Number 1357/D/T/2009, dated 10 August 2009
concerning the Agreement of the KSG Meeting dated 17 July 2009.
 Circular Letter of the Chairman of the KSG Number 1876/D/T/2009, dated 19 October
2009, regarding the Agreement on the Meeting of the KSG dated 14 October 2009.
F. In-service Teacher Certification Flow
In accordance with Government Regulation Number 74 of 2008 concerning Teachers
Article 65b and Regulation of the Minister of National Education Number 10 of 2009
concerning In-service Teacher Certification, certification for in-service teachers to obtain
educator certificates is carried out through the pattern:
a. Portfolio Assessment (PF)
b. Granting Direct Educator Certificates (PSPL)
c. Teacher Professional Education and Training (PLPG)
G. Patterns of Teacher Certification that Have Been Implemented in Indonesia
The regulations regarding teacher certification have undergone several changes:
 This teacher certification began in 2007 after the issuance of Minister of National
Education Regulation No. 18 of 2007 concerning Certification for In-service Teachers.
 Then in 2009 it was changed into Regulation of the Minister of National Education
Number 10 of 2009 concerning Certification for In-Service Teachers.
 In 2011 the Minister of National Education issued Regulation Number 11 of 2011
concerning Certification for In-Service Teachers.
 Furthermore, in 2012 the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 5 of
2012 concerning Certification for In-service Teachers was enacted.
 The latest regulation regarding teacher certification is the Regulation of the Minister of
National Education and Culture Number 29 of 2016 concerning Certification for
Teachers which was appointed before 2016.
2.5 Indonesian Teacher Organization and Code of Ethics

1. Definition of teacher professional organization

In the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI), an organization is a unit or arrangement
consisting of people in an association to achieve a common goal, for example a group of people
working together, such as environmental associations, charity unions and companies.

However, in this material the organization that is meant is an organization in the form
of the teaching profession, the professional teacher organization comes from three words,
namely organization, profession and teacher, according to law number 14 of 2005 concerning
teachers and lecturers the teacher professional organization is an association which is a legal
entity founded and managed by teachers to develop teacher professionalism. And the
professional teacher organizations in Indonesia include:
1. Republic of Indonesia Teachers' Association (PGRI)
This organization is quite popular among the people. This is because PGRI is the first
teacher organization formed since the Dutch colonial era. At that time PGRI was still
called the Dutch East Indies Teachers Association (PGHB). As time went on, there
were many improvements so that PGRI was founded on November 25, 1945. The
General Chairperson of PGRI is now held by Prof. Dr. Unifah Rosyidi, M.Pd.
Currently, PGRI is the largest teacher professional organization in Indonesia with more
than 2 million members. As for work programs, PGRI strives to always facilitate career
development and increase the professional competence of its members.

2. Indonesian Teachers Association (IGI)

IGI was founded on November 26, 2009 by Satria Dharma. The organization with the
motto " sharing and growing together" has members who come from teachers, lecturers
and observers of education in Indonesia.

3. Association of all Indonesian teachers (PGSI)

PGSI is a professional organization that always strives for the welfare of private
teachers. As you know, the laws governing teachers and lecturers apply in general, both
for PNS and private teachers.

4. Indonesian teachers union federation (FSGI)

FSGI is a teacher professional organization which was established in Pegangsaan Timur
on January 17, 2002, at the Proclamation Monument to be precise. FSGI is a teacher
professional organization which was established in Pegangsaan Timur on January 17,
2002, at the Proclamation Monument to be precise. The main objective of establishing
the FSGI is to provide opportunities for teachers and the community to be active in
making any policies related to education so that these policies can develop in an
accountable, transparent and participatory manner. Thus, a harmonious
democratization of education will be formed.

5. Nadhalatul Ulama Teachers Association (PERGUNU)

Pergunu is an autonomous NU body which is the shelter for teachers, lecturers, and
ustadz. The formation of Pergunu began with the 1952 Congress of the Ma'arif NU
Education Institute. One of the results of the conference was to propose the existence
of a teacher organization within the scope of NU education. As a professional
organization, Pergunu carries the paradigm of professionalism, independence, is not
affiliated with any politics, and is in line with the 1962 Khittah which designated NU
as a socio-religious organization.

6. Writers' association of madrasah teachers (PERGUMAPI)
Pergumapi was established in the Special Region of Yogyakarta on January 8 2018.
This organization houses madrasa teachers, madrasa heads, and madrasa supervisors who wish
to write throughout Indonesia. The purpose of forming this organization is to gather or gather
madrasa teachers who want to learn and develop writing talent. The activities carried out
include writing education and training, writing practice, and publishing
members' works.
7. Indonesian Madrasa Teacher Association (PGM Indonesia)
PGM Indonesia is a madrasa teacher professional organization whose members are
madrasa teachers throughout Indonesia. This organization was founded in 2008. The
purpose of this organization is to create quality teachers so that one day the Indonesian
people can compete with other nations.

Within these organizations have 4 goals and 4 functions in between

1. Teacher proofing organization goals
 Develop and improve the ability to professionalism and competence of teachers
 Realizing lifelong learning teachers
 Improving the dignity of teachers through continuous professional guidance
 Improving teacher welfare
2. The organizational function of the teaching profession
 Means of communication, meetings with teachers and at the same time as a
center of information about learning and education
 As a forum for fostering and developing the professional attitude of teachers
and protecting their rights
 Government and university partners in improving the quality of educational
 As a means to make changes and innovations in schools in a better direction

2. Understanding the teacher's code of ethics

Ethics and ethics have different meanings, according to J. S poerwadar Minta ETHICS
is a collection of principles or values relating to morals and also values regarding right and
wrong held by a group in society while ETHICS is the science of what is good and what is
bad about rights and obligations or can be called morals.
Raflis Kosasi, emphasized that the teacher's code of ethics is a norm or principle that
must be carried out by Indonesian teachers as a guideline for behaving and behaving in
carrying out their duties and profession as educators, community members and citizens. .
There are 9 teacher ethical codes perfected at the 16th PGRI congress in 1989 including:
 Dedicated teachers guide students to form complete Indonesian people who have
the spirit of Pancasila
 Teachers have professional honesty in implementing the curriculum according to
the needs of their respective students
 Teachers carry out communication, especially in obtaining information about
students, but avoid all forms of abuse

 The teacher creates an atmosphere of school life and maintains the best possible
relationship with parents of students for the benefit of students
 Teachers maintain good relations with members of the community around their
schools and the wider community for the benefit of educators
 Teachers personally and jointly try to develop and improve the quality and
professional dignity
 Teachers create and maintain relationships between fellow teachers both based on
the work environment and within the whole
 Teachers jointly maintain, foster, and improve the quality of professional teacher
organizations as a means of service
 The teacher carries out all provisions which are government policies in the field of
In carrying out the teacher's code of ethics there are objectives and functions that
are in implementing it, including:

1. The purpose of the teacher's code of ethics is as follows (R. Hermawan S, 1979):
 To uphold the dignity of the profession. In this case, the code of ethics can
protect the views and impressions of outsiders or the public, so that they do not
look down on or underestimate the profession concerned.
 To maintain and maintain well-being What is meant by well-being here includes
both inner (spiritual or mental) well-being. In terms of the physical welfare of
members of the profession, the code of ethics generally contains prohibitions
for its members to commit acts that are detrimental to the welfare of its
members. Codes of ethics also often contain regulations aimed at limiting
inappropriate or dishonest behavior by members of the profession in interacting
with fellow members of the profession.
 To increase the dedication of members of the profession Another objective of
the code of ethics can also be related to increasing professional service
activities, so that members of the profession can easily know their duties and
responsibilities in carrying out their duties. Therefore, the code of ethics
formulates provisions that need to be carried out by members of the profession
in carrying out their duties.
 To improve the quality of the profession To improve the quality of the
profession, the code of ethics also contains norms and recommendations so that
members of the profession always try to improve the quality of the service of
their members.
 To improve the quality of professional organizations It is mandatory for every
member to actively participate in fostering professional organizations and
activities designed by the organization.

2. according to sutan zanti and syahmiar syahrun (1992) The functions of the teacher's
code of ethics include:
 So that the teacher avoids deviations from the task for which he is responsible,
because there is already a foundation that is used as a reference.
 To regulate the teacher's relationship with students, colleagues, community and

 As a handle and guideline for teacher behavior so that they are more responsible
for their profession.
 Giving the right direction and instructions to those who use their profession in
carrying out their duties (Ibid)


3.1 Conclusion
The era of globalization which is marked by competition for quality or quality, requires all
parties in various fields and sectors of development to continuously improve their competence.
This places the importance of efforts to improve the quality of education both quantitatively
and qualitatively which must be carried out continuously, so that education can be used as a
vehicle for building national character (nation character building). For this reason, the teacher
as the main person must improve his competence and hold certification according to the job he
is carrying out. It is within this framework that the government feels the need to develop
competency standards and teacher certification, as part of the national education standards
(SPN) and Indonesian national standards (SNI).

The teaching profession is an activity that shows and upholds the principles and principles
of professionalism in carrying out its duties and obligations in educating and teaching students.
A professional teacher is a product and result of a teacher professional education by relying on
high scientific quality, noble morality, and supported by various capabilities whose
effectiveness and efficiency are undoubted in carrying out education and teaching. Likewise,
the designation of a professional teacher applies to all life activities both at school and outside
of school, such as the environment and society. In the teaching profession, adequate
competence is needed to become a teacher, where the teacher is bound by a teacher's code of
ethics in carrying out his duties to become a good and competent teacher, supported by the
existence of organizations that shelter teachers.

Teacher certification is a fulfillment of the need to improve professional competence.

Therefore, the certification process is seen as an essential part of efforts to obtain competency
certificates in accordance with established standards. Teacher certification is a competency test
process for candidates or teachers who wish to gain recognition and/or improve competency
according to the profession they choose. The representation of fulfilling competency standards
that has been defined in competency certification is an educator competency certificate. This
certificate is an acknowledgment of the competence of teachers or prospective teachers who
meet the standards to carry out teaching professional work at certain types and levels of

3.2 Suggestion
From the discussion, the writer can say that it is still not perfect in the preparation of this
paper. This is due to the lack of knowledge of the author. Therefore, constructive criticism
and suggestions from readers are highly expected as evaluation material for the future, so that
they can produce research and written works that are useful for many people.


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