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“Improve Education from Violent”

Prepared by Group 5:
Ameliya Dewi Kinanti 0063076923
Dzakwan Arya J. R 0054934688
Gianina Margareta 0076089226
M. Rizqi Ramadhani 0054840514
Nazwa Zahranabila 0057022852
Yunuarni Andan Nihan 0064602549


JL. Sultan Hasanudin No.5A Mekarsari Tambun Bekasi, West Java
No. Tel: 021-8339770


Title : “Improve Education from Violet”

Compiler : Group 5

This English report is an assessment of our portfolio. And this report with the title "Improve
Education from Violet" was made truthfully.

Bekasi, 25 Januari 2024

Approve of,
Subject Teacher Deputy Head of Curriculum

Kumala Sari, S.S Reni Kurniasih, S.Si

Kepala Sekolah

Harti Nurbayanti, M.Pd

English Language
Report Assessment


We offer our praise and gratitude to the presence of Almighty God who has given His mercy
and grace, so that the author can complete the report entitled "Improve Education from
Violent". This report is the result of an analysis prepared as a requirement to fulfill the
English portfolio assignment.

In making this report, the author cannot be separated from the help of several parties.
Therefore, the author would like to thank Mrs. Kumala Sari, S.S. and also all parties involved
in preparing this report to be able to complete it on time.

The author realizes that in making this report there are still many shortcomings. Therefore,
criticism and suggestions are highly welcomed in order to improve this report. Hopefully this
report can be useful for the author and readers.

Bekasi, 25 January 2024


Table of Contents

VALIDITY SHEET..........................................................................................................................i
Table of Contents...............................................................................................................iii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................1
1.1 Background..............................................................................................................................1
1.2 Formulation of The Problem....................................................................................................2
1.3 Research Purposes...................................................................................................................2
1.4 Benefits of Research................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER II THEORETICAL BASIS...........................................................................................4
2.1 Violence...................................................................................................................................4
2.2 Education.................................................................................................................................6
2.3 Impact That Occur...................................................................................................................7
CHAPTER III CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTION..................................................................9
3.1 Conclusions..............................................................................................................................9
3.2 Suggestion................................................................................................................................9


1.1 Background

The development of human thought in giving a measure of meaning and The

education sense, every moment is a sign of change. The changes are based on
discoveries and changes in the field that are associated with the increasing
components of the educational system. Developing the mind-set of educationists,
educational administrators and educational observers to new theories. At the same
time, the learning and education process continues. Education is a conscious effort to
bring about a legacy The culture of one generation after another.

Education makes this generation a model of the teaching of previous

generations. Until now, education has had no limits as to what it means to be a
complete education because of its complexity, like its human target. The complexity
of its nature is often called educational science. Education is a continuation of
education. The study of education has more to do with the theory of education of
scientific mind. Education and education are intertwined in terms of practice and
theory. And so, in the process of human life, the two collaborate together.

Education is a conscious and planned effort to realize the atmosphere of

learning and learning so that the learner actively develops his or her potential for
spiritual spiritual power, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character and the
skills he and the community need. Education, pedagoics and pedagoics. Pedagoics
mean "education" and pedagoik means "education." Said the pedagogos which
initially meant service then changed into a noble work. Because of the pedagogos'
understanding (of pedagogos) means one whose duty is to guide the child in its
growth to self-standing and responsible territory.

Everything relating to human development, from physical development,

health, skill, thought, feeling, will, social, to the development of faith. In a simple and
general sense the meaning of education as a undertaking Humans to cultivate and
develop potential of both physical and spiritual nature according to the values of
society and culture. Education and culture exist together and promote one another.

Education is not only viewed as an informed effort and The development of
skills alone, while expanding so as to bring about individual wants, needs and abilities
to achieve satisfying personal and social life patterns, education is not merely a means
of preparing for the life to come, but of the child now developing into a degree of
maturity. Education is the learning process that every human gets (a learner) in order
to make the human being (a learner) understand, understand, and mature and capable
of making the human being (a learner) more critical in thinking.

Understanding education, Education is a combination of two words, that is,

science and that education Each has its own meaning and meaning. In the Indonesian
dictionary of the library hall, mention is made of science asa knowledge of something
arranged in a systemic way, which can be used to describe certain symptoms in the
field (knowledge). Whereas in the large Indonesian dictionary published by library
hall Explain, that the word education comes from a root word, which means nurturing
and providing training (doctrine, guidance, leadership) on chastity and intelligence of
the mind.

Whereas the meaning of education is the process of changing the attitudes and
manners of a person ora group of people in an effort to enlarge mankind through
teaching and training efforts, process, manner, and educating deeds. This generation
provides an example of the teaching of the previous generation. Until now, education
has had no limits as to what it means to be a complete education because of its
complexity, like its human target. The complexity of its nature is often called
educational science. Education is a continuation of education.

1.2 Formulation of The Problem

1. What violence occurred?

2. How did this violence occured?

3. Why does this violence occured?

1.3 Research Purposes

1. To find out what violence was committed.

2. To find out how the violence occurred.

3. To find out the reasons for the violence.

1.4 Benefits of Research

1. In order to provide treatment for this case.

2. In order to prevent violence in education.

3. In order to provide instructions to fight violence in education.


2.1 Violence

a. Understanding Violence

Indonesia is a country that faces quite complex violence against children. Violence in
schools occurs in various forms, from physical, psychological, to sexual. Such violence is
ingrained, especially in the education system in Indonesia. Talib (2010:191) believes that
violent behavior is a form of behavior that can harm other people such as physical,
psychological and social injuries. Siregar (2013:51) defines violence as strength or power
used to injure or intimidate other people.

Based on the explanation of violence above, it can be concluded that violence is

behavior carried out with the aim of injuring and harming other people, both physically and
psychologically. The person who is the victim certainly doesn't want that. An act of violence
can be committed by an individual against another individual which results in disturbance
physical or mental.

b. Forms of Violence

In general, there are several types of violence that need to be known and that often
occur unknowingly in the world of education. According to Djamal (2016: 376), the forms of
violence perpetrated by teachers against students at school are very diverse, including the

1) Visibility type violence is violence that is open and can be seen directly. This means
that everyone at the scene can see it. Violence included in this category is hitting, kicking
and ordering to do push ups.

2) Response modality type violence is a form of violence that occurs verbally and
physically. Violence included in this category is scolding, shouting and hitting.

3) Violence is seen from the aspect of the damage caused. This type of violence includes
2 aspects, namely physical and psychological damage. An example is sexual harassment.

4) Violence is seen from the aspect of the social unit involved, namely violence
committed by individual teachers. This type of violence is individual because the teacher
acts alone and not together with friends at the same time.

5) Violence is seen from the aspect of immediacy of action, namely violence carried out
directly by the teacher without intermediaries, either people or structures. This type of
violence is carried out directly by teachers without going through intermediaries in the
form of certain structures or symbols.

The explanation regarding the forms of violence mentioned above can be concluded
that there are five forms of violence that often occur. The forms of violence that occur in
schools are visibility type violence, response modality type violence, violence seen from the
damage caused, violence seen from the social unit involved. , as well as violence seen from
the aspect of the immediacy of actions.

c. Factors Causing Violence

According to Djamal (2016: 376), violence in schools is generally caused by two

factors, namely internal and external factors. The causes of violence which are internal
factors, namely due to the teacher's internal conditions, include:

1) Teacher competence in managing the class is low. Teachers' competence is low,

especially in managing the learning process.

2) Having problems in the family. The many problems teachers face in their families is
one of the triggers for acts of violence.

3) Have physical health problems. A teacher's health condition can be one of the causes of
violence, especially if the teacher has had physical health problems for a relatively long

4) Have an aggressive disposition. Violence can be influenced by a person's character.

This means that people who have a tough character and don't want to respect other people
are more likely to commit violence.

5) The state of emotional vulnerability experienced by the teacher. Violence can occur
because the teacher's emotional state cannot be controlled, especially when facing
external situations presented by students.

The conclusion of the explanation regarding the causes of violence is internal factors,
namely due to the teacher's internal conditions. These conditions include teacher competence
in managing low classes, having problems in the family, having physical health problems,
having an aggressive disposition and the teacher's emotional vulnerability.

The second factor causing violence is external factors. Violence caused by external
factors or situational factors according to Djamal (2016: 376) includes:

1) Violation of school rules by students. These violations were committed by some

students who had difficulty adapting to the school environment.
2) Students' attitudes and behavior that are considered to belittle the teacher. This can
trigger teachers' willingness to commit violence against students.
3) Students are busy during learning activities. Because the atmosphere in the classroom
is busy, the learning process is disrupted.
4) Student delinquency. For example, what students usually do is disturb their friends.

The factors that cause violence consist of two factors, namely internal and external
factors. In the explanation of the external factors that cause the violence mentioned above, it
can be concluded that violence is caused by external or situational factors, namely violations
of school rules by students, attitudes and behavior of students who are considered to belittle
teachers, students being busy during learning activities, and student misbehavior.

2.2 Education

Education is a planned basic effort to create a learning atmosphere and learning

process so that students actively develop their potential to have religious spiritual strength,
self-control, personality, intelligence, morals, life sciences, general knowledge and the skills
they need for society based on the Law. Invite. The learning of knowledge, skills, and habits
of a group of people that is passed from one generation to the next through teaching, training,
or research. Education often occurs under the guidance of both biological parents and other
people, but may also be autodidactic.

According to Horton and Hunt, educational institutions are related to real functions:

1. Preparing community members to earn a living.

2. Developing individual talents for personal satisfaction and for the benefit of society.

3. Preserving culture.

4. Instill the skills necessary for participation in democracy.

The latent functions of educational institutions are as follows:

1. Reduce parental control. Through education, parents delegate their duties and authority
in educating their children to the school.

2. Provide a means for defiance. Schools have the potential to instill the value of dissent
in society. This is reflected in the differences in views between schools and society
regarding certain things, for example sex education and open attitudes.

3. Maintaining the social class system. School education is expected to socialize students
to accept the differences in prestige, privilege and status that exist in society. Schools are
also expected to be a channel for student mobility to a higher social status or at least in
line with the status of their parents.

Prolongs adolescence. School education can also slow down a person's adulthood because
students are still economically dependent on their parents.

According to David Popenoe, there are four types of educational functions, namely as

1. Transmission (transfer) of culture.

2. Select and teach social roles.

3. Ensure social integration.

4. School teaches personality traits.

5. Sources of social innovation.

2.3 Impact That Occur

Violence against students will have a negative impact. According to Siregar

(2013:56), the impact of violence on students is divided into three, namely physical,
psychological and social impacts. The following are the impacts of violence on students,

1) Physical impact, namely causing damage to the student's body organs, such as bruises
and injuries.

2) Psychological impacts, namely causing pain, resentment, decreased enthusiasm for
learning, loss of initiative, decreased tasteself-confidence, stress, depression. In the long
term, this can result in decreased performance and changes in behavior.

3) Social impact, namely becoming quiet, increasingly closing yourself off from social
interactions because you feel afraid, feel threatened, feel unhappy being among your

Acts of violence in schools according to Djamal (2016: 377)

cause negative impacts. This impact includes four aspects, namely:

1) Physical impacts, namely fatigue, pain and dizziness. Physically, violence has the
impact of bruising from punching and kicking, fatigue from running, push-ups, dizziness
from exposure to sunlight, pain in the genitalia due to sexual intercourse.

2) Psychological impacts, namely shame, fear and lack of self-confidence. Psychological

impacts include feelings of shame towards friends, feelings of fear of teachers, feelings of
lack of self-confidence because they are said to be stupid, feelings of discomfort, anger
towards teachers, lowering concentrate on studying, experience stress due to being

3) The impact of behavior is not liking teachers and being lazy about studying. The
impact of behavior caused by violence is being lazy to follow lessons from teachers who
commit violence, not liking teachers.

4) Social impact, namely reducing social contact with teachers and demands for
compensation from parents. Social impacts in the form of reducing social contact with
teachers who commit acts of violence, reporting incidents to parents.

An explanation of the impact of violence can be concluded that the negative impact of
violence that occurs in schools is that it causes physical, psychological, behavioral and social
impacts. Every impact resulting from violence is of course very influential for the victim
(student), not only affecting AM physically but also psychologically.


3.1 Conclusions

The conclusion we can get from the many cases of violence that occur is due
to various factors as explained in the explanation above. The aim is to find out
various forms of violence and their causes, as well as the consequences that occur
due to widespread violence.

3.2 Suggestion

Violence still occurs in many places, especially in schools and homes. Steps
we can take to overcome it can start by improving children's environments. To
prevent violence, education is needed from an early age to teach morals and ethics.

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