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Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, in the name of ALLAH SWT, the most gracious,

the most merciful. Alhamdulillah, praise to ALLAH SWT who has given me
strength, knowledge, and change to finish this report entitled " INNOVATIVE
LEARNING DESIGN ”. the writer also sends a greeting and shalawat to the
prophet Muhammad SAW, the ”uswatun hasanah” for all Muslims. The writer
would like to express her deepest gratitude to the Medan State University PPG
LPTK committee and Supervisors Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed and Dr. Widya
Andayani, S,S.,M.Hum , the Principal of SDN 18 Sitiung (Mrs. Yulli Masni), PPG
friends in other positions, and family who always provide support and

And the writer's hope is that this Report Assignment can provide readers
with knowledge and experience regarding PGP (Program Guru Penggerak) activities
which the author has participated in until completion and this assignment is a form
of the author's report on participating in a series of In-Service PPG activities at
Medan State University. The author realizes that there are still many shortcomings
in this report. Therefore, the author really hopes that criticism and suggestions will
serve as learning and improvement for the author. Hopefully, this report can be
useful, especially for writers and generally for readers.
Dharmasraya, 17 October 2023

Yurika Rahmi, S.Pd.


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ........................................................................ i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ......................................................................... ii
SUMMARY ............................................................................................. iii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................................. 1
1.1 Background of the activity ................................................................ 1
1.2 Purpose of activity ......................................................................... 2
1.3 Advantages of activity ................................................................... 2
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ................................................................... 3
2.1 Differentiated Learning ................................................................... 3
2.2 Social Emotional ……………………………………………………..5
2.3 Coaching …………………………………………………………......6
2.4 Decision Making as a Learning Leader ……………………………...7
2.5 Leadership in Resource Development …………………………....................10
CHAPTER III .................................................................................. .....12
3. 1 Reflection ..................................................................... …………..12
3. 2 Follow-up .........................................................................................13

BIBLIOGRAPHY.................................................................................... 14
APPENDIX .............................................................................................. 16

The Teacher Empowerment Program is one of the programs initiated by the
Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemendikbud) with the aim of bringing about
change in the field of education, especially in Indonesia. Therefore, teacher
empowerment are strongly encouraged to bring about change in their schools upon
completing a 9-month education. The change closely associated with teacher
empowerment involves conducting the teaching process in the classroom by
designing innovative learning. Innovative Lesson Design consists of four steps,
namely exploring alternative solutions, selecting a solution, creating an action plan,
and designing an evaluation plan.

In the step of exploring alternative solutions, teachers are required to explore a

number of alternative solutions and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of each
alternative solution. The second step, which is determining the solution, is done by
analyzing the most relevant solution from the explored alternatives. In the action plan
creation step, a strategy for implementation is developed, such as creating teaching
materials or other relevant action plans for addressing the identified problem. The
final step, creating an evaluation plan, involves creating an evaluation plan to support
the implementation of the action plan and devising an evaluation strategy.

Differentiated learning is an effective teaching process that provides a variety

of ways to understand new information to all students in a diverse classroom
community, including methods for delivering content, processes, and products to
students with various ability backgrounds. The process of differentiating lessons is
carried out to meet the needs, learning styles, or interests of each student.
Additionally, there is Social and Emotional Learning (SEL), which aims to develop
students' social and emotional competencies, thereby achieving a balance between

academic and social-emotional competencies, leading them to become well-adjusted
and happy individuals.

In the design of differentiated learning, a teacher must consider students'

needs and the six aspects of assessment, including students' social and emotional
abilities. In our PGP (Pendidikan Guru Penggerak) program, we learn about Social
and Emotional Education, which teaches a teacher to manage their own emotions
when with students and the emotions of students in the classroom, also known as
mindfulness. The goal of social and emotional learning for students is to cultivate full
awareness during the learning process.

Coaching in education is a form of development in which an experienced

individual, known as a coach, supports the learner or coachee in achieving specific
personal or professional goals by providing training and guidance. The Asset-Based
Community Development approach is carried out and driven by all stakeholders
within the school. Therefore, it is essential to identify the assets or potentials that the
school possesses so that these assets can be maximized to create a high-quality
ecosystem within the school.



The design of innovative learning is a necessity that a teacher must undertake

to ensure that the learning process is effective and enjoyable. In the Teacher
Empowerment program, various innovative learning designs have been studied,
which can bring about positive changes for educators. These include Differentiated
Learning, Social and Emotional Learning, Coaching, Decision-Making Leadership,
and Resource Development Leadership.

The current issues faced at SDN 18 Sitiung School include students' lack of
focus during the learning process and their inability to solve both internal and
external problems. As a Teacher Empowerment, I have implemented innovative
teaching methods to address these issues effectively. This includes the
implementation of differentiated learning, which allows students to learn according to
their interests, learning styles, and profiles. Additionally, social and emotional
learning and coaching are essential for both teachers and students because they help
us manage our emotions effectively and address the challenges we face by applying
coaching techniques

Making decisions as leaders in both the teaching and resource management

aspects is one of the solutions to address the challenges we face in our classrooms
and school. Teachers can effectively resolve the issues encountered, and similarly,
resource management leaders in the school can enhance school self-reliance by
utilizing the assets available within the school. This approach ensures that the school
is not solely reliant on government funding but can empower all its assets to become
better and implement programs as planned based on the school's vision, mission, and
the goals of national education.

Based on the above description, as a graduate of the Teacher Empowerment
program, I will create a report related to the content of the first course in Professional
Teacher Education (PPG), which is innovative learning design. In preparing this
report, I will align and connect the knowledge gained during the Teacher
Empowerment program with the course material in PPG on innovative learning
The objectives of Modules 2 and 3 of the Teacher Empowerment program are
as follows:
1. Develop innovative learning designs.
2. Foster collaboration among teachers to share best teaching practices.
3. Create instructional leaders capable of creating learning experiences and
environments that consider students' social and emotional well-being.
4. Optimize the use of school resources to support students' learning needs.
5. Enhance the Teacher Empowerment's ability to mobilize a community of
practitioners through coaching methods.
6. Train instructional leaders in making student-centered decisions.

Benefits gained from the Teacher Empowerment program in Modules 2 and 3

1. Empowered Teacher Empowerment participants who can design innovative
and student-centered teaching, collaborate effectively, mobilize practitioner
communities, and think asset-based.
2. Students become more confident, articulate their opinions, take pride in their
work, respect and appreciate the work of others, and display cooperative and
helping behaviors.
3. Teachers or peers can develop their potential further.
4. A conducive school environment is established.



Ki Hajar Dewantara stated that the purpose of education is to guide all the
inherent powers in children, so that they, as individuals and members of society, can
achieve the highest possible level of safety and happiness. Every child is unique and
has different natural abilities, and our task as teachers in the face of such conditions
is to provide learning facilities that can meet the needs and readiness of each child.
Differentiated Learning is an effort to adjust the learning process in the classroom to
meet the individual learning needs of each student. Differentiated learning involves
a series of sensible decisions made by teachers oriented towards students' needs
(Kusuma, 2022).

Differentiated learning emphasizes the concept that each individual has

different interests, potentials, and talents. Therefore, the role of the teacher is to
coordinate and collaborate these differences with appropriate strategies.
Differentiated learning involves creating a diverse classroom by providing
opportunities for students to access content, process ideas, and enhance the learning
outcomes of each student so that they can learn more effectively.

From Ki Hadjar Dewantara's perspective, differentiated learning shares

similarities in terms of its technical aspects, including his emphasis on teachers
guiding the inherent nature of children so that they can achieve happiness as
individuals. To fulfill Ki Hadjar's expectations for students, teachers must become
facilitators capable of constructing learning experiences that adapt to the fulfillment
of students' learning needs.
Differentiated learning includes three main types: 1) content differentiation; 2)
process differentiation; 3) product differentiation.

Content differentiation involves:
1. Analyzing students' readiness for learning, which refers to the material to be
2. Considering students' interests, where the teacher acts as a motivator to
actively engage students in learning. Teachers play a role in maintaining
students' interest by differentiating learning styles and methods.
3. Creating a mapping of learning needs based on the indicators of students'
profiles, allowing students to naturally and efficiently match the needed
methods. A teacher's role in collaborative learning is crucial.
Process differentiation: In this aspect, the teacher needs to analyze whether the
learning is done individually or in groups. Product differentiation: Products refer to
the work that students must present to the teacher. These products can take the form
of essays, written test results, performances, presentations, speeches, recordings,
diagrams, and more. The goal is to ensure that students understand what the
predetermined learning objectives are (Faiz, 2022).
The implementation of differentiated learning has an impact on the school, the
classroom, and, most importantly, the students. Each student has unique
characteristics, and not all students can be treated the same way. If we do not provide
services tailored to students' needs, it can hinder their progress and learning
development. The impact of a classroom that implements differentiated learning
includes: everyone feels welcome, students with diverse characteristics feel valued,
safe, and hopeful for growth, teachers teach for success, there is tangible equity,
teachers and students collaborate, and students' learning needs are facilitated and
well-served. From these various impacts, it is expected to achieve optimal learning
Writer, in implementing Differentiated Learning in the classroom, begins by
conducting a diagnostic assessment to understand students' learning profiles,

readiness, and interests. Next, they determine the type of differentiation to be used
(product, content, or process) and document it in the Lesson Implementation Plan.
2.2 Pembelajaran Sosial dan Emosional

Social and Emotional Learning is a collaborative learning process carried out

by the entire school community. This collaborative process allows children and adults
in the school to acquire and apply knowledge, skills, and positive attitudes related to
social and emotional aspects. Social and Emotional Learning aims to: 1) provide an
understanding, appreciation, and the ability to manage emotions, 2) set and achieve
positive goals, 3) feel and show empathy towards others, 4) build and maintain
positive relationships, and 5) make responsible decisions.
According to Rusiati and Kaunang (2022: 7), Social and Emotional Learning
(SEL) is a collaborative learning process conducted by the entire school community.
This collaborative process enables children, educators, and educational staff in the
school to acquire and apply knowledge, skills, and positive attitudes related to social
and emotional aspects in order to:
1. Understand, appreciate, and manage emotions (self-awareness).
2. Set and achieve positive goals (self-management).
3. Feel and demonstrate empathy towards others (social awareness).
4. Build and maintain positive relationships (relationship skills).
5. Make responsible decisions (responsible decision-making).
The foundation for strengthening the 5 Social and Emotional Competencies
can be achieved through full awareness (Mindfulness). According to Rusiati and
Kaunang (2022: 16), mindfulness itself can be defined as the awareness that arises
when a person intentionally or consciously pays attention to the present moment.
Mindfulness is a practice that helps you address, process, and respond to the
challenges you face, focusing on the current situation rather than worrying about the
future or regretting the past.

The concrete actions of Social and Emotional Learning to train the 5 Social
and Emotional Competencies that the author conducted at SDN 18 Sitiung school
include providing students with the opportunity to tell stories in front of the class
(Self-awareness), implementing group projects that require cooperation (Relationship
Skills, Self-Management, and Social Awareness), and differentiated product-based
learning (Responsible Decision-Making).

2.3 Coaching

According to Whitemore, as cited in Irayati et al. (2022: 9), coaching is the

key to unlocking an individual's potential to maximize their performance. Coaching is
more about helping someone learn rather than teaching them. A coachee is capable of
recognizing their own potential and independently and responsibly determining
problem-solving steps. The role of a coach is to stimulate and explore the coachee's
creative thinking.
In the current educational context in Indonesia, coaching has become one of
the processes that guide students' self-directed learning in school. Coaching is a
crucial process in schools, especially with the launch of the "Merdeka Belajar"
(independence in learning) program by the Ministry of Education and Culture of
Indonesia. This program empowers students to become more independent in their
learning, enabling them to explore themselves to achieve their learning goals and
maximize their potential (Wijayanti, 2022).
The actions I take in coaching within the context of the Teacher Facilitator
education involve directly practicing the coaching process by providing hands-on
guidance to students to address issues. This is done by trying to uncover the strengths
or positive aspects that the coachee, in this case, the student, possesses. This approach
aims to facilitate the realization of independent learning (Merdeka Belajar) and the
well-being of the students.
The presence of coaching methods in education can indeed make it easier for
teachers to teach with effective pedagogy. This method emphasizes humanistic and

enjoyable education. A teacher who creates an enjoyable learning environment can
boost student motivation. In essence, learning progresses well when each student has
a strong motivation to learn

One of the advantages of coaching is that students can express their problems
by answering sharp and precise questions from the coach, allowing the coachee to
solve the issues themselves. Empirical studies have shown that through coaching
methods, students can provide a deeper understanding of how they are experiencing
the learning process (Pasaribu, 2021).

The coaching technique is indeed a manifestation of "Merdeka Belajar"

(independent learning) because a teacher helps students discover their own potential
and maximize it to develop the abilities they possess. This is in line with the
principles of education according to Ki Hajar Dewantara, which emphasize the
guiding role of education.

2.4 Decision Making as a Learning Leader

A Learning Leader is invariably confronted with a variety of issues and must
promptly make decisions to resolve them. In the process of decision-making, a
Learning Leader is often faced with four ethical dilemmas:
1. Individu lawan masyarakat (individual vs community): This dilemma
involves balancing the needs and interests of an individual against those of the
larger community or group. Learning Leaders must weigh the impact of their
decisions on both the individual and the community.
2. Rasa keadilan lawan rasa kasihan (justice vs mercy): Learning Leaders
sometimes have to choose between acting justly and fairly, ensuring that rules
and policies are applied consistently, or showing compassion and mercy in
exceptional cases.
3. Kebenaran lawan kesetiaan (truth vs loyalty): In this ethical dilemma,
Learning Leaders must decide whether to prioritize truth and honesty or

loyalty to individuals, groups, or the institution. They face choices regarding
whether to disclose certain information or protect confidences.
4. Jangka pendek lawan jangka panjang (short term vs long term): This
dilemma revolves around whether to make decisions that yield immediate
benefits in the short term or decisions that consider long-term consequences
and sustainability, even if they might involve short-term sacrifices.
Balancing these ethical dilemmas is a fundamental aspect of a Learning
Leader's role, and their choices have a significant impact on the educational
community they lead. These dilemmas require careful consideration and the
application of ethical principles to make decisions that are in the best interests of both
individuals and the collective.
This is because values and principles held by an individual can reflect their
conscience. Therefore, a Learning Leader needs to have the following thinking
1. Ends-Based Thinking: In this approach, a learning leader will consider the
expected outcomes of their decisions. They will assess how the decision will
impact long-term goals and its effects on individuals and the community.
2. Rule-Based Thinking: This paradigm emphasizes the importance of adhering
to rules, policies, and applicable standards. A learning leader will ensure that
their decisions align with existing guidelines and the laws governing the
educational context.
3. Care-Based Thinking: Care-based thinking takes into account empathy,
justice, and feelings towards individuals and the community. A learning leader
will consider how their decisions will affect the well-being, feelings, and
needs of the individuals involved.
Each thinking paradigm plays a role in shaping the policies and decisions of a
learning leader. A learning leader must be able to wisely integrate these elements,
depending on the situation at hand, to strike a balance between the needs of

individuals and the community, as well as to achieve long-term goals and ethical
The concept of decision-making and testing for a Learning Leader should
involve 9 steps:
1. Identifying Conflicting Values: Recognize conflicting values that are at play
in the situation. Understanding the ethical dilemmas and competing values is
the first step in making informed decisions.
2. Determining Stakeholders: Identify who is involved or affected by the event
or decision. Consider the various individuals or groups with a vested interest
in the outcome.
3. Gathering Facts: Collect all the relevant facts and information related to the
event or decision. This includes understanding the context and implications.
4. Testing for Right or Wrong: This involves testing the decision against
various criteria, such as legality, regulations, ethical principles, intuition, and
the potential consequences of the decision. It's about evaluating whether the
decision aligns with established rules and norms, ethical considerations, gut
feelings, and potential outcomes.
5. Testing for Right vs. Right: In ethical dilemmas where both sides have valid
arguments, a Learning Leader should also consider this aspect. This involves
evaluating the decision in the context of conflicting ethical principles, values,
and paradigms.
These steps provide a structured approach for a Learning Leader to make
decisions, especially in situations where values and ethics play a significant role. By
following these steps, leaders can ensure that their decisions are well-informed,
ethical, and consider the interests of all stakeholders involved.

2.5 Leadership in Resource Development

In the discussion on Leadership in Resource Development, we, as Teacher

Facilitators, learn to adopt an asset-based thinking paradigm, focusing on the
strengths possessed by the school in its development process. In this material, we are
made aware that a school is an ecosystem. According to Suharsih and Widiastuti
(2022: 9), if we were to liken it to an ecosystem, a school represents an interaction
between biotic factors (living components) and abiotic factors (non-living
components). These two elements interact with each other to create relationships that
are harmonious and mutually supportive. Biotic factors found in the school include
students, teachers, the school principal, educational staff, parents, the local
community, and school supervisors. On the other hand, the abiotic factors in the
school include financial resources and school infrastructure.

According to Dr. Kathryn Cramer, as mentioned in Suharsih and Widiastuti

(2022: 10), the Asset-Based Thinking approach is a practical way to discover and
recognize the positive aspects of life. By using strengths as a thinking focal point, we
are encouraged to focus our attention on what works, what inspires, what strengths,
and what positive potential exist. This approach places added value on the capacities,
abilities, knowledge, networks, and potential possessed by a community. Therefore,
this approach sees the community as a creator of health and well-being. It emphasizes
and encourages the community to empower its assets and build connections to create
a peaceful ecosystem and productive citizens.

Improving the quality of a school can be achieved through effective school

resource management. The effectiveness of school resource management is the level
of achieving the goals of managing and utilizing available resources, including
educators, educational staff, facilities, and more, to reach the school's objectives.
Additionally, having a school environment that supports learning activities and
produces outputs that benefit the community is essential. In this context, school

resources encompass both human and non-human resources. Human resources
include the school principal, educators, and educational staff. Non-human resources
encompass infrastructure, the environment, school programs, and others (Fadila,



The Teacher Facilitator program I have undergone has brought about

significant changes in my role as an educator. It has provided me with numerous
experiences and knowledge, particularly regarding the paradigm of how we, as
educators and learning leaders, can create innovative learning environments.Some
of the things I have implemented include differentiated learning, where I, as a
teacher, can meet the learning needs of students according to their characteristics.
Additionally, I have utilized social and emotional learning techniques as a teacher to
address the diversity of emotional control issues that students may face. From these
experiences, I have been able to apply coaching practices to develop students' skills
in areas they might not have understood previously. Coaching has allowed me to
build strong relationships, improve communication, and facilitate learning.
Moreover, I have learned how to make decisions as a learning leader by following
specific steps. This program has not only enhanced my teaching abilities but also
my leadership skills in creating a dynamic and effective learning environment.
As a learning leader focused on improving the quality of education,
particularly in the realm of learning activities, it's crucial to understand that the
resources within a school are valuable assets. It's not just about recognizing and
understanding these resources; it's also essential to manage them using an asset-based
approach. This approach involves mapping out the assets to understand their
strengths. The goal is to ensure that resource management is optimal and yields
effective results. By adopting an asset-based thinking paradigm and conducting asset
mapping, you can identify the strengths and capabilities within your school
community. This allows you to make more informed decisions, allocate resources
effectively, and create a learning environment that maximizes the potential of these

assets. It's about leveraging the strengths to achieve the school's educational goals
efficiently and effecively.


After implementing a program, it is important to have a follow-up plan to

identify obstacles and challenges, as well as efforts to overcome them. Teachers play
a key role in schools as learning leaders. To make the results effective, it is necessary
to design innovative learning with the application of differentiated learning, social
and emotional learning, and coaching practices in the teaching process. This should
be done continuously to produce high-quality learning that is student-centered and to
create a profile of students who embody the values of Pancasila.

Some of the follow-up plans include:

1. Consistently implementing differentiated learning.

2. Implementing social and emotional learning to manage emotions when
students face challenges during learning activities.
3. Practicing coaching, especially with students, to develop their character by
fostering a partnership between teachers and students.
4. Applying the 9-step approach to decision-making as a learning leader.
5. Developing a school resource management program to improve the quality of

These plans are aimed at enhancing the learning environment, fostering

emotional intelligence, character development, effective decision-making, and
resource management to ultimately improve the quality of education. Having a
follow-up plan makes it easier to implement a program in the future, ensuring that the
program aligns with the planned design and leverages the potential and support
available. It allows for a more seamless and effective execution of the program in
accordance with the intended goals and resources at hand.


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foto kegiatan pembelajaran berdiferensiasi


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