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Your DIY
guide for








15 2.3 REFERENCES 23


3.2 EAT ME 28

Food for Thought

3.3 WORK WITH 29 SOFT 38

4.1 SDU’s 50th ANNIVERSARY 40
MAKING AND 4.2 FOOD+ [material practices], 40
EXPERIMENTING Nordic-Baltic Biomedia Network
FOOD+ [material practices]





37 4.4 REFERENCES 45




Food for Thought is a research pro- engagement with a professor, learning

gram that uses food as a starting point research by enacting it in a real-world
for thinking about real-world material research project.
practices. We live in challenging times.
So many of humanity’s everyday prac- Over the course of four months, Iulia,
tices are damaging the environments Jaleh, Katya, Ona, Paul and Valeria used
that we rely on to thrive, and the impact participatory research-through-de-
is being felt by all of the living entities sign to engage with open source bi-
with whom we share this planet. These ology, and bring varied stakeholders
practices—the things we do—are cul- together to grapple with the question:
turally situated. They are learned, in- How can we shift our material prac- DANIELLE
grained; sometimes they are uncon- tices around food towards ecological
scious. In any case, they can be hard flourishing? In particular, they looked WILDE
to change. Food for Thought grapples to plastic, which is a key environmen-
with this problematic using the famil- tal issue. Plastic is commonly used
iar material of food. Food is social. It is to cook, distribute, eat, store and dis- Associate Professor, Embodied Design
political. Everybody eats, in some form pose of food. It was first proclaimed Director, BodyBioSoft Lab
or another. A person may claim that an amazing innovation. Now we find Institute for Design and
they don’t do science (though it’s hard it permeates everything—not only the Communication University of Southern
to imagine how this might be true), but tools we cook and eat with but the Denmark, Kolding
no-one can claim that they don’t eat, food itself, the soil and water that our
yet still flourish. food grows in, many living creatures Management Committee Member for
on our planet, including ourselves.To Denmark European Network for
The experiments unfolded in this book complete their apprenticeship, the six Environmental Citizenship (EU COST
were undertaken by six Masters stu- students made this book. It is at once Action CA 16229)
dents in the ITPD MSc program at a design artefact, a report, an invita-
the University of Southern Denmark tion and a call to arms. We hope you
in Kolding, over the Spring semester, enjoy it.
2018. The project was their research
apprenticeship—a semester-long
Food by: Design School Kolding



The reason why I chose Food for Climate change and destruction of na- Everybody eats – this is an undispu-
Thought as my professional appren- ture are our first issue of today’s world. table truth, a vitality of our existence.
ticeship is my fascination for the con- Consider this fact, the way we are be- The goals of this project strongly res-
temporary culinary scene and my in- having our nature all over the world onate with my personal values – to
terest in how our eating habits and the should be the designer’s priority. “Food reduce the amount of pollution and
materials used for food packaging or for thought” project is an opportuni- environmental impact caused by
cutlery become more and more contro- ty for me to reach this goal to find an human behaviour.
versial in today’s world. alternative way of consumption and
making eco-friendly cutleries. In other The use of plastic in industries is be-
Exploring how humans will produce hands, exploring materials and learn- coming overwhelming and by partic-
and consume food in the future is a ing new techniques makes me moti- ipating in this project I seek to con-
thought-provoking process and a con- vated to be a part of this journey. tribute by exploring alternative ways
versation starter for greater problems that bioplastics can offer.
caused using plastic. Furthermore, I am thinking of this proj-
As a graphic designer, I was ect as a continuation of design spe-
interested how the message we are cialization project where I am experi-
trying to spread can be conveyed into encing to work with new biomaterials
an accessible source for anyone to and engage with participatory forms of
benefit from. research through the design process.


Within the last couple of years, envi- The continuously increasing pollution I chose this project since I feel the
ronmental awareness has become an of our environment and particular the theme is very relevant, and only will be
increasingly more significant concern damage of micro plastics in our food more so in the future. Land degrada-
in my daily life. Awareness of consum- and everywhere else, caused by plas- tion and increased deforestation due to
erism as a part of our culture and the tic straws, cutlery and other disposable unsustainable farming and husbandry
damages it brings has been brought to objects is a large scale issue. The idea practices, resulting in poor condition
my attention by following various cam- of regrowable, hyper-compostable or for both the eco-diversity and livestock
paigns and documentaries. Our eating even edible cutlery seems to be a very are themes very close to my heart.
habits seem to be hurting not only our- meaningful project to me.
selves but also our planet. Hence why I decided to embark on this
My main interest is drawn in exploring journey, to gain more knowledge and
By becoming a part of the team, I can material properties and how we can better myself as a person by adopting
bring numerous examples of how tune them to create functional and a new attitude towards sustainability.
environmentalism as a mindset can be aesthetical cutlery, that doesn’t lack I firmly believe we can make a differ-
implemented in our daily lives without any of the characteristics of common ence by adopting few powerful actions
much sacrifice and advocate for the table ware or even brings up new fea- to try reducing wastefulness as much
great need of conscious consumption tures and ways of thinking. Moreover I as possible, but most of all by learn-
using my knowledge about environ- am interested in the production meth- ing: what’s the current practice, what
mental issues. ods like casting or 3D-printing and has been done around the world and
producing exceptional designs, that what can I do.
challenge our perception on the way
tableware has to look like.

Food by: Design School Kolding
Food for Thought

Unfortunately, plastic does not rot or
So, what exactly is plastic and what
compost. It can last up to five hundred
are plastics derived from?
years in our oceans and approximately
a thousand years in our landfills.
From a chemical point of view, plastics Until the 1990’s it was entirely legal to
are polymers. This is why many plastic dump plastic into the sea, and most of
The objective of this book is to make types begin with the word “poly,” for ex- it is still floats around in our oceans or
people aware that there are already ample, polyethylene, polystyrene, and lands on our shores. A study published
better alternatives to plastic available polypropylene. Plastics were histori- in 2017 estimated the amount of plas-
both online and in local stores. The cally crafted as a solution to the scar- tic dumped yearly into the ocean to ap-
problem is that they’re not always city of rare materials such as tortoise proximately eight million tons (Plastic
easily obtainable and can be quite ex- shells, horn and ivory (Science History Oceans Foundation, n.d.). Thanks to
pensive as well. Our purpose, following Institute, 2016). oceanic currents, before 2025, a new
the principles of Liboiron’s feminist continent will be born, one the size of
laboratory of equity, place-based While the ground ingredients of plastic Europe, one entirely made of plastic.
knowledge and ethical politics (Li- production are basic, its production is a
boiron, 2017, read more on https://civ- tightly kept secret, and plastic produc-, is to try democratizing tion facilities are comparable to tightly Why should I bother?
the process of creating bioplastic by guarded fortresses (Connacher, 2008).
offering our readers the opportunity The issue is that people who are not Due to exposure to elemental forces,
to create their own dishes and cutlery involved in making the plastics rare- over a long time, plastic breaks down
with local, easily obtainable ingredi- ly know which chemical additives are into microscopic parts that are less
ents that are accessible at a fair price. used to create different plastic recipes, than 5 mm in diameter. These tiny
and a lot of plastic products are often parts are commonly referred to as mi-
In this book, we will cover our com- used as food packaging. croplastics. These particles attract and
plete journey from discovering the absorb high quantities of dangerous
recipes, to finding some alternative The use of plastic has become so dom- chemicals such as agricultural and in-
options and playing with materials. inant in our daily lives that on average, dustrial toxins. Our oceans are so pol-
Attached, you will find the recipe book, a single Dane generates around 160 kg luted that in some areas there is up to
which is free to use, distribute, and, of of plastic per year (EUROSTAT, 2018), six times more plastic than plankton
course, experiment with. the majority of which goes to landfill. (Le Guern, 2018).
Food for Thought

Why should I bother?

Making bioplastic or edible cutlery is

not new–the number of alternatives
Many animals mistake these micro- available to buy in the stores is rapid-
plastics for food and ingest a huge ly growing. During this project which
quantity of them while, practically, lasted for only four months, we ob-
starving to death. served the change in the political dis-
course on plastic–resulting in a pro-
Statistically every year more than a posal on banning plastic straws in UK
hundred thousand marine animals, reaching the parliament (Bruner, 2018).
birds, and sea turtles die of starvation As mentioned above, there are already
or because their stomach ruptures commercially distributed alternatives
from the ingestion of plastic (ibid). On to, e.g., plastics straws—LOLIWARE, for
the other hand, some of the animals example, produces plastic straws and
that survive despite eating plastic, end cups from seaweed, Pasta Straw™ is
up on our plates. Problems arise when rather self-explanatory, and The Final
plastics are digested because the tox- Straw’s retractable metal straw is sug-
ins that are bound to the microplastics gested to be taken with you wherever
are released into our body. The reason you go.
being that stomach fluids are a stron-
ger binder than microplastics. All the The problem, as mentioned above, is
dangerous chemicals go directly into that many of these products are hard
our bloodstream. to find, they’re not available in many
countries, and have a higher price point
The price for ingesting plastic is a than their plastic alternatives. This is
steep one–“findings suggest [micro- why, we focused on developing a recipe
plastics] can translocate across living book based on ingredients which you
cells to the lymphatic and/or circula- could find in a grocery store or a phar-
tory system, potentially accumulating macy. We want to make the process of
in secondary organs, or impacting the making bioplastic and edible cutlery
immune system and health of cells” more democratic, less costly and, most
(Kelly and Wright, 2017) (European importantly, accessible to a
Commission, 2011, p.1). broader audience.
Food for Thought

History Institute. (2016, December 20).
The History and Future of Plastics.
Retrieved May 11, 2018, from https://
Bruner, R. (2018, April 19). The U.K.
Wants to Ban All Plastic Straws and and-future-of-plastics
Drink Stirrers. Retrieved May 16, 2018,
from Le Guern, C. (2018, March). When The
plastic-straws-ban/ Mermaids Cry: The Great Plastic Tide.
Retrieved May 11, 2018, from http://
Connacher, I. (Director). (2008). Ad-
dicted to plastic [Video file]. U.S.: Bull-
frog Films. Retrieved May 11, 2018. Liboiron, M. “Tools, Practices, and Eth-
ics for Monitoring Marine Plastic Pol-
European Commission. (2011, No- lution Developed in a Feminist Lab.”
vember). Plastic Waste: Ecological YouTube, YouTube, 12 June 2017,
and Human Health Impacts. Retrieved
May 11, 2018, from http://ec.europa. w3gSEuqI
newsalert/pdf/IR1_en.pdf Plastic Oceans Foundation. (n.d.).
Facts about plastic. Retrieved May 11,
EUROSTAT. (2018, April 13). Packaging 2018, from
waste by waste operations and waste the-facts/
flow. Retrieved May 11, 2018, from Wright, S. L., & Kelly, F. J. (2017). Plas-
nui/ tic and Human Health: A Micro Issue?
Environ. Sci. Technol.,51(12), 6634-
6647. doi:10.1021/acs.est.7b00423
Food by: Design School Kolding
Food for Thought

What online material was available We are not scientists, biohackers or
prior to approaching the topic of bio- molecular gastronomists. We all have,
plastic and edible cutlery? in some ways, a relationship with food
and cooking, but we started this proj-
At the start of this apprenticeship, ect just like the readers of our book,
we were given several instructions as explorers. Our aim is to contribute
sets from the online environment. to this field and shift people’s under-
These sets were not difficult to find standing of the impact they can have
online, however, the way the recipes on the environment; therefore, we re-
were presented was at times unclear shaped the instruction sets in a form
and often with a minimal amount of which we believe is meaningful and
information about how the material convenient for anyone.
should behave during the process. We
could not identify a reason why people
should adopt this new way of thinking
merely by looking at them. The recipes
were correct, but not presented in an
approachable form.

We wanted people to feel like mak-

ing bioplastic was an accessible task,
that everyone could do in the com-
fort of their own home. Sometimes,
when looking for recipes online people
might feel lost, or that the instruction
sets are very unclear. Is the recipe as
simple as they claim, and do they skip
some step, because they think
they’re obvious?

Food for Thought



(HARD PLASTIC) Water resistance: gelatine-based bio-
INGREDIENTS: plastics will gradually start to melt if
left in hot water (60°C) and cast a layer
* 120 ml cold water of slime across the surface. The slime
* 24 g gelatine will disappear once the bioplastic is
taken out of the water to dry.
* 6 g glycerol
Temperature resistance: when gela-
INSTRUCTIONS: tine bioplastic is put in the microwave
1. Put the water in a clean pot and add on high, even for as little as 30 sec,
the gelatin followed by glycerol; will start to bubble and break apart. In
contrast, we had no issues using gel-
2. Stir the mixture until no clumps re-
atine-based bioplastic at room tem-
3. Heat the mixture up to 95° or until
Material evaporation: The water com-
it starts to froth, while continuously
ponent of the bioplastic solution will
evaporate through casting period and
Tips: Check the temperature with a shrink the cast object. The thickness
food thermometer To achieve a clear of the material shrinks up accordingly.
sheet of gelatin remove all the excess
Plasticity: this property is informed
froth with a spoon; Gelatine-based cutlery
by the relation between gelatine and
4. Pour the mixture in the desired glycerol. While gelatine acts as a hard-
mold; ener, glycerol has the function of soft-
5. Leave to dry for a couple of days ener. More glycerol results in higher When cooked it has a strong smell of
making sure the gelatin doesn’t stick plasticity. burning animal skin. It is therefore to
to the mold. Colour and smell: gelatine-based bio- cook it with extraction or in a well-aer-
plastic has a yellowish colour. It is ated room. As discussed before, addi-
Optional: Try adding spice/condi-
transparent, but if the foam is not re- tives, such as coffee or citrus peel, can
ments to the mixture or food colour-
moved during the cooking process it be added during the cooking process
will have a solid white colour. to mask the smell.

MARSHMALLOW GELATIN Temperature resistance: when gela-
BIOPLASTIC (SOFT PLASTIC) tine bioplastic is put in the microwave
on high, even for as little as 30 sec,
INGREDIENTS: will start to bubble and break apart. In
contrast, we had no issues using gel-
* 120ml cold water atine-based bioplastic at
* 144g gelatin room temperature.
* 72g glycerol
Material evaporation: The water com-
INSTRUCTIONS: ponent of the bioplastic solution will
1. Put the water in a clean pot and add evaporate through casting period and
the gelatin followed by glycerol; shrink the cast object. The thickness
of the material shrinks up accordingly.
2. Stir the mixture until no clumps re-
Plasticity: this property is informed
3. Heat the mixture up to 95° or until by the relation between gelatine and
it starts to froth, while continuously glycerol. While gelatine acts as a
mixing; hardener, glycerol has the function of Marshmallow gelatine bioplastic
Tips: Check the temperature with a softener. More glycerol results in
food thermometer higher plasticity.
4. Pour the mixture in the desired
Colour and smell: gelatine-based bio-
plastic has a yellowish colour. It is
5. Leave to dry for a couple of days transparent, but if the foam is not re-
making sure the gelatin doesn’t stick moved during the cooking process it
to the mold. will have a solid white colour. When
Optional: Try adding spice/condiments cooked it has a strong smell of burn-
to the mixture or food colouring. ing animal skin. It is therefore to cook
it with extraction or in a well-eraded
MATERIAL PROPERTIES: room. As discussed before, additives,
such as coffee or citrus peel, can be
Water resistance: marshmallow gela-
added during the cooking process to
tine bioplastics are drastically melting
mask the smell.
if left in hot water (60°C), even after
a short time. After cooling down, the Experimenting with proportions
material remains very elastic.
Food for Thought

STARCH BIOPLASTIC plastics will drastically start to melt

(RUBBER-LIKE PLASTIC) if left in hot water (60°C). Even after a
Starch-based bioplastic
short time (ca. 30s), the material be-
INGREDIENTS: comes very gooey and remain porous
after casting again.
* 11 ml cold water + 1,5g of baking
powder Temperature resistance: when starch
bioplastic is put in the microwave on
* 37,5 ml of cold water high, even for as little as 30 sec, will
* 4 g starch start to burn and seperates into
* 7,5 g of vinegar its ingredients.
* 11 g glycerol Material evaporation: starch-based
bioplastic has a solid consistency and
shows only minor signs of material
1. In a container mix the baking pow- evaporation when casting.
der and water (11 ml water + 1,5 g
Plasticity: this property is informed by
baking powder) and set aside;
the relation between starch and glyc-
2. In a cooking pot mix the rest of in- erol. While starch acts as a hardener,
gredients; glycerol has the function of a softener.
3. Heat and stir until it thickens; More glycerol results in higher plas-
ticity. The recipe shown above should
4. In the pot pour the first mixture of result in a rubber like material
baking powder and water and stir until
it boils, and it reaches a gooey consis- Colour and smell: starch-based bio-
tency; plastic has a transparent milky co-
lour. When cooked it is fairly neutral
5. Spread the outcome in a mold or in smell with a slight note of corn or
mold it in the desired shape; potato (depending on the starch).
6. Allow to dry for 1-2 days.
Optional: Try adding spice/condi-
ments to the mixture.

Water resistance: starch-based bio-
AGAR/STARCH BLEND WITH Temperature resistance: When heat-
SORBITOL (PLASTIC FOIL) ed in the microwave, the agar/starch Curing process
blend dissolves immediately.
Material evaporation: sorbitol bio-
plastics evaporates to almost 90 % of
* 1.5 g sorbitol its volume of initial volume.
* 3.0 g starch Plasticity: casts a thin layer that is
* 300 ml water flexible and fairly robust. It could be
used as a alternative to food foil.
* 0.75 g agar-agar
Colour and smell: transparent colour,
* 120 ml of 1% glycerol solution no distinguishable odour.
1. In a cooking pot mix all the dry in-
gredients (starch, agar and sorbitol); Sorbitol solution foil
2. Add the water and glycerol to the
mixture slowly while stirring con-
3. Heat the mixture up to 95° or until it
starts thickening;
4. Spread the outcome in a mold or
form it in the desired shape;
5. Allow to dry for 1-2 days.
Optional: Try adding spice/condi-
ments to the mixture or food colour-

Water resistance: The thin material
melts instantly in 60°C hot water.

Food for Thought

EDIBLE CUTLERY (PIZZA yeast. The result, in conventional The crust is evenly browned and gold-
DOUGH OR PIE CRUST) shapes was not satisfying. The bowl en brown around the edge, somewhat
part of the spoon was too puffy. Al- lighter brown on bottom. It holds its
though it looks like a spoon, it does not shape when cooked. The problem
function well. We altered the design with producing traditional cutlery this
* Pizza dough or pie crust from a traditional form to more min- way, is that the part which connects
* Water (for the pie crust) imal form using triangular and round the bowl to the handle is too fragile.
shapes with a low edge in one or both
* A pinch of your imagination two sides to hold more food on it.
INSTRUCTIONS: Colour and smell: the smell of the fin-
1. Preheat the oven to 200° C. Line ished cutlery is similar to home backed
baking paper on the oven’s grill; bread. The colour of the cooked pizza
dough is getting golden brown.
2. Make the pie crust as shown on the
box. Or simply open the pizza crust PIE CRUST:
package; Pie dough is a simple combination of
3. Re-imagine cutlery and create flour, fat, salt and a little water. we used
shapes; a commercial pie crust kit to save time
and make it easy for everyone to try at
4. Bake the cutlery for 15-20 minutes. home. The pie crust that we tried was
Lower the temperature to 150° C if mealy or short flake pastry. Pie crust cutlery
Temperature: Bake for 35-40 minutes
Optional: Try adding spice/condi- in a 200 °C preheated oven. lower the
ments to the mixture. heat to 150 °C and give extra time if
PIZZA DOUGH: needed.
We used freshly pre-made pizza Consistency: This dough produces a
dough, both whole grain and more crisp, but not flaky crust. It does not
highly processed(white). puff and has a good strength.
Temperature: Bake the dough for 15- Shape: We cooked the dough between
20 minutes in a 200 °C preheat oven. two spoons to keep it in shape. For
Give it extra time and lower the heat to larger dishes like a bowl or tray we tried
150 °C if needed. blind-baking. To blind-bake a crust,
line the chilled dough with parchment,
Shape: The pizza dough after cooking
then fill it with weights (dried beans).
time becomes puffy because of active
(RICE, MILLET AND WHEAT) duced edible cutlery. The recipe has
four simple ingredients: millet, wheat,
INGREDIENTS: rice, and water. Making the recipe
match their result is tricky without an
* 80 ml of water industrial press. (
* 60 g millet
* 20 g rice (or rice flour) Temperature: Depending on the oven,
the cutlery can be baked for 15-20
* 20 g wheat
minutes at a temperature between
INSTRUCTIONS: 170 and 200 degrees Celsius.
1. Preheat the oven to 200° C. Line Consistency: experimenting with
baking paper on the oven’s grill; whether to cook the rice beforehand
or add more water to the mix gave
2. In a bowl blend the dry ingredients;
alternatives to the lack of industrial
3. Slowly add the water and
press situation.
form a dough;
The best result, in terms of consisten-
Tip: In case the dough is too dry, add cy, turned out to be when the rice is
water in small quantities until it reach- cooked and crushed into a paste that
es the desired consistency; goes with the rest of the ingredients. Rice, wheat & millet
4. Form the dough in the desired In that case, less water is needed, and
shape, or use a cookie cutter; the dough becomes smoother and
easier to handle.
Tip: Use some flour to avoid the dough
sticking to the cookie cutter or your Shape: The dough should be thick but
working surface; flexible enough to mould into shapes
or cut with a cookie cutter. Placing the
Optional: Try adding spice/condi- dough on a pre-oiled metal spoon, for
ments to the mixture. example, will keep the exact shape of
5. Bake the cutlery for 15-20 minutes. it in the oven.
Lower the temperature to 150° C if Taste: it has a neutral flavour. Howev-
needed. er, adding a pinch of salt gives it a more
This recipe was developed by an In- palatable taste, like a fitness snack. Baked rice, wheat & millet blend
dian company who sells mass-pro-
Food for Thought

terial can lengthen or shorten the cur- EUROSTAT. (2018, April 13). Packaging
2.2 CURING PRACTICES ing time. waste by waste operations and waste
flow. Retrieved May 11, 2018, from
Curing bioplastic that is encapsulated
in the complex-shaped mould is most
Curing is one of the most important nui/
challenging. When there is less air on
stages in creating bioplastic cutlery the surface the material does not hard- History Institute. (2016, December 20).
and tableware. Besides the relation en completely. Rather it turns into a The History and Future of Plastics.
of ingredients used, access to oxygen more flexible soft form. This was seen Retrieved May 11, 2018, from https://
also impacts the process. when using a 3D printed mould to cure
The best curing results were obtained gelatine-based bioplastic between two and-future-of-plastics
when the area of surface exposed to spoons (for reference see page 35).
Le Guern, C. (2018, March). When The
oxygen was the largest. For exam- Mermaids Cry: The Great Plastic Tide.
ple, when we poured a gelatine-based Retrieved May 11, 2018, from http://
bioplastic into a wooden frame and
leaned the frame against the wall, we
could expose both sides of the cur- 2.3 REFERENCES Liboiron, M. “Tools, Practices, and Eth-
ics for Monitoring Marine Plastic Pol-
ing bioplastic layer to oxygen. Good
lution Developed in a Feminist Lab.”
outcome was also achieved in gel-
YouTube, YouTube, 12 June 2017,
atine-based cutlery that was left to
Bruner, R. (2018, April 19). The U.K.
cure on a silicone matt with only one
Wants to Ban All Plastic Straws and w3gSEuqI
side of the cutlery exposed (for refer-
Drink Stirrers. Retrieved May 16, 2018, Plastic Oceans Foundation. (n.d.).
ence see page 35).
from Facts about plastic. Retrieved May 11,
The second-best result in terms of plastic-straws-ban/ 2018, from
curing was achieved when we laid
bioplastic canvas over bowls to cure. Connacher, I. (Director). (2008). Ad-
The weight of the bioplastic sheet dicted to plastic [Video file]. U.S.: Bull- Wright, S. L., & Kelly, F. J. (2017). Plas-
pressed the material to the surface frog Films. Retrieved May 11, 2018. tic and Human Health: A Micro Issue?
of the bowl and oxygen did not reach Environ. Sci. Technol.,51(12), 6634-
the inner side. Attention was needed European Commission. (2011, No- 6647. doi:10.1021/acs.est.7b00423
to determine when the tableware was vember). Plastic Waste: Ecological
hard enough to sustain the shape and and Human Health Impacts. Retrieved
be removed from the bowl to complete May 11, 2018, from http://ec.euro-
the curing process. In this method we
understood that the thickness of ma- search/newsalert/pdf/IR1_en.pdf

Food by: Design School Kolding
Food for Thought

In this section, we discuss our meth-
odology in detail–the organization of
time, steps of the process, shift in our
focus throughout the process, as well
as the reasons for that.

Food for Thought

Project plan, 2018, February 9

The projects took off instantly—the
microplastics team contacted the lo-
3.1 SOFT START cal water plant to learn about cleaning
wastewater on a big-scale and cooked
the first batches of recipes available
online. By the end of the first week, we
The initial setup of the project was had gained a general idea of how de-
to divide the pre-defined subtopics manding it is to work with different ma-
among three smaller teams among terials and a rough image of the variety
the apprentices. Each person came in and diversity of the qualities that bio-
with their motivation for the project plastics possess.
and varying interests, which were put
on the table and made known to the
group. We decided to divide the topics 3.2 EAT ME
among three subgroups, which could
focus on the following issues: bioplas-
tics, edible cutlery, and microplastics.
One of the first challenges faced by the To gain more knowledge about alter-
team was to find common ground be- native ways of thinking and eating, the
tween the three themes. team visited the exhibition “Eat Me” at
Trapholt, art museum in Kolding.
What is the common denominator be-
tween edible cutlery, plastic that we “Eat Me is an exhibition about how we
can eat and microplastics that we con- understand ourselves and the world
sume unintentionally? We wanted to through food. Food is the supreme
deliver suggestions to what alterna- metaphor of our time. We use food to
tives could be used in place of conven- comment on practically anything: our
tional products. The answer to that has social problems, our cultural habits, our
been obscure, but in plain view–water identities, our understanding of nature.
was the “ingredient” present in all proj- We use food to set boundaries, refine
ects. We decided to aim at producing a our sensibilities and project our visions
filter in home conditions, then clean the of the future” (Trapholt, n.d.). Simone Brühl
raw, unfiltered water from the local The Globe of Kolding, 2017
river or fjord and use it in the produc- The thought-provoking collection made Part of The Globe, 2012
tion of edible cutlery–grain-based as us rethink the way we eat, consume or
well as bioplastic. in other ways use food. The exhibition
Food for Thought

aligned with our wish to work with sus- tice, and visited the wastewater plant plastics. “The soils that had received
tainable design as there was a lot of soon after that, the focus on microplas- sludge had twice the microplastic con-
focus put on the industrial production tics faded away long before the end of tent than the soils that had not” (Vol-
of meat, which is known to be the big the project due to the challenges we lertsen, Hansen, 2017. P. 30). The prob-
sinner when it comes to water foot- faced. For instance, Blue Kolding, the lem with not investing in the removal
print. “Only 4% of the water footprint of company which runs 15 billion liters of the plastics from the wastewater is
humanity relates to water use at home. of water through their cleaning sys- that we are allowing the microplastics
This means that if people consid- tem yearly is not financially capable of to enter the soil, and subsequently the
er reducing their water footprint, they ensuring the removal of microplastics food chain (ibid).
should look critically at their diet rath- from the water. The filtration of the par-
er than at their water use in the kitch- ticles seems to be incompatible with The gravity of the issue motivated us
en, bathroom, and garden” (Hoekstra, the amount needed to be processed. to look further for ways to detect and
2012). Not only that–as Karin Refsgaard, the measure microplastics in local wa-
executive director, expressed it, the is- ter. We analysed the sources available
Our ways of living are increasingly be- sue seemed to be far from being the online (Masura et al., 2015; Liboiron,
coming a significant burden on the top priority for the company. 2015), contacted researchers in Den-
planet which we can no longer ignore– mark with a request to visit their labs.
we needed to reflect upon what we eat At that point, the microplastics team Our goal was to understand the tech-
and the way we do it. We a came back needed to rethink their strategy. If tiny niques used to detect microplastics in
to the soft-lab with an altered under- pieces of plastic are not a big concern a lab environment and interpret them in
standing of our project objectives, es- on the municipal level, is it something a democratic manner (Liboiron, 2017).
pecially on the aesthetic level. It framed that individuals can be bothered with?
our visual thinking and encouraged us Further research shows that 9 out of
to consider designing the tableware in 10 water bottles contain microplastic
a more artistically inclined manner, as (McCarthy, Richter, 2018). The prev-
well as to present it in such way. alence of microplastics in Danish tap
water (Wenande, 2017) brought the
topic into the spotlight, since the local
3.3 WORK WITH MICROPLASTICS water resources are considered to be
of the cleanest in the world.

Our further inspection of official reports

Our process working with microplas- addressed the issue of how waste ma-
tics was not as linear as originally in- terial from the cleaning process–the
tended. Although we managed to get a sludge–is used as a fertilizer in fields Lab equipment at Blue Kolding
meeting with Blue Kolding on short no- and is highly contaminated with micro-
Following the CLEAR lab, we created lab in Kolding. At the beginning, we
sieves for filtration of water in the river
3.4 BIOPLASTICS – MAKING AND tried all of the recipes listed. The result
near the university. We tried out differ- EXPERIMENTING was not satisfying–most of the sam-
ent materials, varying in density. Mus- ples shrank and deformed, which was
lin seems to have the most potential of not indicated in the instruction sets.
the three that we produced–single-lay- This subchapter introduces the bio- We found out the amount of water we
er rayon tulle, double-layer rayon tulle, plastic recipes which were used as our added to the gelatine-base recipes can
and muslin. The latter one was dense starting point and discusses the find- change the result completely.
enough to create pressure on the in- ings, as well as challenges which the
side of the sieve and worked as a fine recipes pose. The frustration prompted us to recon-
filter for the particles passing through. a. Protein-based plastics: sider the ways that the instructions are
made. Likewise, the outcomes of the
* Casein based bioplastic from milk
Unfortunately, most lab methods re- casein-based recipe were out of expec-
quire equipment which was neither * Casein based bioplastic from cream tation since it dried out completely and
accessible to the people willing to do and lemon juice we couldn’t remove it from the surface;
that at home nor to us. This limitation * Gelatine based recipes (Hard & Soft) it ended up with too many cracks and
put the project beyond the scope of deformations. Further, the outcome
our abilities. The particles that we col- b. Starch-based plastics was paper-thin and fragile.
lected in the sieve were not as easily c. Agar-based plastics:
recognizable as plastic, and our lack of These outcomes were surprising for
experience in testing it in a lab setup * Pure Agar us–none were indicated as possibili-
turned out to be a hard issue to over- * Agar Starch Blend ties in our online research. This finding
come. The microplastics project was suggests that the recipes were missing
* Gelatine-Agar Blend
eventually taken over by Tau Ulv Len- information. We continued to work with
skjold, a Post-Doctoral researcher at d. Sorbitol-based plastics the recipes that gave us in a better re-
SDU who then ran the microplastics sult, comparing outcomes during the
workshop during the FOOD+ sympo- There are plenty of online instruction making process. Bio plastics recipes
sium (more on that on p. 40). The focus sets on how to use gelatine, agar, sor- thus became our main focus in this
of the team shifted towards bioplastics bitol or milk to make bioplastics. To project, since we could improve the
and then edible cutlery. begin our professor gave us a set of process over time.
recipes, some of which had been tried
before. The advantage of the tools In the gelatine-based recipes we tried
used in the recipes is that most are to apply the material on a flat surface
accessible and can be easily found in to see how it cures and how can we
the kitchen, in the local supermarket or shape it. Afterwards, we tried to apply
online. We worked at SDU BodyBioSoft it on bowls and cast it in different ways,
Food by: Design School Kolding
such as placing partially cured sheets forms for the production of spoons
in between spoons, forks, etc. (more on and forks. They, unfortunately, did not
Experimenting with chocolate
the p. 38). change the bland taste of the rice-mil-
let product. We wanted to explore more
We learned that the thickness of ma- with the flavours of the edible cutlery
terial has a huge impact on the out- which could enhance the gastronomic
come. In general, for making bio plastic experience – see chapter 2.1.
instructions, we tracked the following
methods: (see chapter 4 for more de- Although the possibilities with the ed-
tailed descriptions). ible cutlery were endless, this part of
the project did not receive as much
1) Mold making and Preparation attention, especially while approach-
ing the end of the project. One of the
2) Mixing
reasons for that shift was that explor-
3) Heating ing the process of making bioplastics
4) Molding offered us countless opportunities to
learn, and, frankly said, was more excit-
5) Drying /curing ing to dig deeper into. The other reason
for abandoning the edible recipes was
that they need to be under pressure to
3.5 EDIBLE CUTLERY become firm and rigid for using and we
could not access the hydraulic press.

One of the first edible cutlery recipes

that we tried was made of millet and
rice. The clay-like texture of the dough
allowed us to explore a wide range of
forms and shapes, which seemed to
have a lot of potential. This first ex-
perience of producing it and tasting
the product inspired us to turn to even
more widely available options which
could be purchased in the store: pizza
dough, pie crust, chocolate. Later in the
process, we 3D-printed cookie cutter
Food for Thought


McCarthy, N., & Richter, F. (2018,

March 16). Infographic: Study Finds
Hoekstra, A. Y. (2012). The hidden Microplastics In 93% Of Bottled Water.
water resource use behind meat and Retrieved May 17, 2018, from https://
dairy. Animal Frontiers, 2(2), 3-8.
doi:10.2527/af.2012-0038 study-finds-microplastics-in-93-of-
Liboiron, M. (2015, July 28). Micro-
plastic Survey. Retrieved February 16, Trapholt (n.d.). EAT ME - MAD i
2018, from https://civiclaboratory. kunst og design. Retrieved May 16,
nl/2015/07/25/microplastic-survey/ 2018, from
Liboiron, M. (2017, June 12). Tools, Sponsored by A.P. Møller Fonden and
Practices, and Ethics for Monitoring Augustinus Fonden
Marine Plastic Pollution Developed in
a Feminist Lab. Retrieved February 12, Vollertsen, J., & Hansen, A. A. (Eds.).
2018, from (march 2017). Microplastic in Danish
watch?v=Nyxw3gSEuqI wastewater: Sources, occurrenc-
es and fate. Environmental Project
Masura, J., et al. 2015. Laboratory No. 1906. Retrieved from https://
methods for the analysis of microplas-
tics in the marine environment: recom- tions/2017/03/978-87-93529-44-1.
mendations for quantifying synthetic pdf
particles in waters and sediments.
NOAA Technical Memorandum NOS- Wenande, C. (2017, September 19).
OR&R-48. Microplastics found in Danish drinking
water. Retrieved March 15, 2018, from

Food by: Design School Kolding
Food for Thought

We started to explore resources that plicate a process of casting. For these
potentially could be used to develop reasons we decided to use 8mm me-
an approach for cutlery and tableware dium density fibreboard (MDF) and
production. In the SDU Maker Lab, fun- vacuum press casting mould in it. We
damental options included a laser cut- chose circles for the casting shape,
ter, vacuum press and 3D printer. cutting them out of 6mm thick wood-
Our goal was to generate an approach en board. The thickness meant that
that is rapid, and in its own way is di- we could observe material evapora-
rected towards minimizing an tion. After pressing MDF forms it was
ecological footprint. hard to get the wooden circles out of
plastic sheets, but they could be re-
LASER CUTTING used for several sheets, so the effort
was worthwhile. The overall result was Laser-cut moulds
A first use-case of laser cutter came in satisfying, and the method became
practise when we cooked the first at- our preferred way of producing casting
tempt at gelatine-based bioplastics. moulds during the project.
To compare different attempts at gela-
tine-based bioplastics, we needed uni- We also considered producing silicone
form moulds. We worked with a card- moulds or more sustainable moulds,
board mould, 4cm sq, with 2cm high but we understand that some these
sides, lined with aluminium. It was an plastic alternatives might be complete-
efficient approach, with our discovery ly unsustainable. Future research will
that aluminium foil needs to be lubri- look into how we could better support
cated with olive oil before pouring in these kinds of activities in a more sus-
bioplastic solution. tainable ways.


After our first experiments, it became

clear that we needed more robust
forms to cast multiple bioplastic tests.
Having separate chambers for every
bioplastic type was sufficient for small
quantities, but bigger scale experi-
ments would require a larger number Vacuum-formed mould
of chambers and that would overcom
Food for Thought


3D printing is an advanced technology Through our experiments, we dis-

used in the variety of fields (medicine, covered that gelatine-based bioplas-
housing, hobby. With the right equip- tics quickly become solid hence we
ment a person can print any irregular used this property to produce square
shapes and curves. Within this project sheets of material that later can be
we used it for several purposes. First, hand-crafted. Our approach consisted
we created a negative model of the ob- of preparing a bioplastic solution, cast-
ject we wanted to cast using bioplas- 3-dimensional mould ing it in the tray of 30x15cm size and
tics. We constructed a 3D model of a experimenting with this canvas. Our
Chinese spoon, or duck spoon and cast first method was to lay down cutlery on
it with gelatine-based bioplastic. the sheet of bioplastic and with a knife
cut out the shape.
As discussed, we worked with a number Cookie-cutter
of materials to explore edible and hy- We aimed to repeat spoons, forks and
per-compostable cutlery. While work- knives but quickly noticed that narrow
ing with pizza dough we noticed that it parts were challenging to cut. Mate-
can be treated as a canvas to cut out rial often broke, requiring careful and
forms as for cookies. It was challeng- mindful interaction.
ing and inaccurate to do this by hand
so we 3D-printed 2cm tall outlines of Another complication was to recre-
a spoon and a fork to try the approach. ate a 3-dimensional form with a 2-di-
Printed tools were comfortable both to mensional canvas. We produced sev-
use and to cut the dough. eral variations of casting options. Our
idea was to let the material dry in the
Other practises that we engaged with desired form. Consequently, we had
related to the material’s solidity form. bioplastic articles drying directly on
Since bioplastic at a different time of silicone canvas, others were drying
casting can take different solidity form, on top of the object they’ve been cut
we had a variety of options when to in- around. We also performed an attempt
terrupt the formation of material and to encapsulate bioplastic between two
shape it to our interest. We worked spoons to cure.
with a liquid form of bioplastic as well
as solid one and also interacted with
soft forms.
Our first experiment identified the fra- We concluded that gypsum was not
gility of material when stretched or an appropriate material from which to
cut. Hence in the second iteration we cast the spoon.
focused on how we can use an entire
canvas to form shapes. We started by SOFT
placing material over bowls and plates,
letting it dry in this way. This method Of the different bioplastics we were
proved to be more reliable because af- working with, starch-based cast the
ter placement we didn’t need to adjust softest form. We used the same meth-
the plastic. od as for hard – we prepared the solu-
tion, cast a canvas from it and cut out
shapes. We saw that starch-based bio-
LIQUID plastic takes a longer time to harden in
comparison with gelatine-based. Be-
When liquid, bioplastics can take any cause of that we decided to reuse left-
shape they are poured into. They thus overs after cutting out shapes. At first,
offer great flexibility with creating ir- we thought left-overs can be reused,
regular and organic forms. To take ad- but this was difficult due to the uneven
vantage of this flexibility, we made two density of the material.
rectangular moulds sized to fit a reg-
ular kitchen spoon. Our intention was
to create a two-part mould, one part
for the top and one for the bottom of
the spoon. To avoid plastics, we used
gypsum, over silicone, as a material.
We poured the first mould and waited
until it was sufficiently hard to hold the
spoon, then placed the spoon inside.
It was extremely difficult to place the
spoon correctly. Aligning it was hard. It
tended to sink into the gips, and due to
the curved shape of the spoon, which
we hadn’t accounted for, displaced
gips overflowed the mould. Once
Cracked gypsum mould dried, it was impossible to remove the Gelatine sheet overlayed on a cup
spoon without destroying the mould.
Food by: Design School Kolding
4.1 SDU’s 50th ANNIVERSARY 4.2 FOOD+ [material practices],
Nordic-Baltic Biomedia Network Symposium

During SDU’s 50th Anniversary cele-

brations, we held a research lab in the
A month after our Research Lab in the
wild – a participatory event that is both
Wild, SDU hosted theFood+ [materi-
exhibition and research in progress
al practices] Nordic–Baltic Bio Media
(Wilde, Underwood, 2018). We were
Network symposium, bringing together
also inspired by Max Liboiron’s ap-
key actors in bio media from the Nordic
proach to citizen peer-review (https://
Exhibition at SDU’s 50th Anniversary and Baltic regions, Germany and Swit- Our aim, during
zerland. The symposium included two
the event, was to evaluate our work in
days of workshops, discussions and
progress by inviting visitors to partici-
research presentations abouthyper
pate in the evaluation.
compostable cutlery, bioplastic, mi-
croplastics and bio textiles, and relat-
The exhibition was conducted around
ed practices. It was a key opportunity
a table that showcased material ex-
for us to present our research to a wide
amples and crafted artifacts. The aim
range of specialists in different fields
was to enrich the exhibition and start
and build upon it with the insights gen-
a conversation around availability and
erated during the workshop.
practicality of our chosen methods. In
addition to exhibiting the materials, we
examples of food wrapping alterna- The structure of the workshop was de-
installed a single-plate electric cooker
tives were welcomed. It seemed an fined in advance. All the logistics were
to prepare a gelatine-based bioplastic
issue for many people that food wrap- well thought out, and every choice
together with the visitors. While cook-
ping is vastly unsustainable, especially wasmade keeping in mind the path
ing, we noticed that our working pro-
considering that it becomes almost ev- which participants were encouraged
cess was clearly understood. Many
eryday practice in the kitchen. Bioplas- to explore. However, afterwards, we
referred to it as similar to jelly making
tic wrapping, on another hand, creates discovered details that unfolded in un-
- which also uses gelatine.
a similar experience to plastic wrap- expected ways, we thus learned more
ping and it is hyper compostable. An- about event planning. The event began
Visitors were intrigued and excited
other alternative is bees-waxed fabric, with all participants introducing them-
about the look and feel of the utensils
which traditionally was made at home selves to each other, their field of work
but at no point did they say they would
but can now be purchased through on- and main interests.
actually use them. In contrast, the
line services, like Amazon.
Food for Thought

The first part of the day was dedicated

Bioplastic collection to making bioplastics and edible cut-
lery. The workbenches were set with
basic work tools like 70% ethanol and
paper towel for cleaning the work sur-
face, a bottle of water, a spoon, two
beakers, and one instruction set. In the
common area, the participants could
find a range of different tools–two
single-plate electric cookers, casse-
roles, an electric grinder, digital scales,
and bowls. For cooking and shaping,
gloves, silicone and baking sheets,
coffee filters and plastic foil were avail-
able. There were also a range of edible
materials for cooking–both for edi-
ble cutlery and making of bioplastics.
These were pizza dough, piecrust mix,
millet, rice flour, olive oil, gelatine, glyc-
erol, starch, and agar. As additives, food
Participants during the workshop
dye, orange peel, coffee grinds, dried
herbs, chilli flakes, chocolate chips, or
liquorice powder could be used.

Individually or in pairs, people began

experimenting and engaging with the
materials and ingredients we prepare.
They followed our recipes carefully
and tried out new combinations and
shapes. Though we introduced this
workshop as a cutlery creating activi-
ty, some participants used the recipes
as a base for other products, such as
threads for weaving or alternative ma-
terials for soft robotics.
The second part of the workshop was While obvious, on reflection, we had not The overall design was minimalistic
a presentation about microplastics by thought of doing this. The result in our and focused on a home-like feeling to
Tau Ulv Lenskjold (see references). experiments was transformative, as we reduce the impression of complicat-
People were then asked to find mi- could control our curing process more. ed scientific experiments some recipes
croplastics in sand samples they had might be perceived as. The symposium
brought with them, or collected locally. The day ended with a vegetarian din- was our chance to test out the sets. Pri-
The venue, SDU BodyBioSoftLab and ner with food by Design School Kold- or to creating them, we asked ourselves
SDU Makerlab, are in Pakhuset–a ren- ing served on bamboo plates and in whether a very detailed description is
ovated freight warehouse that sits, lit- our bioplastic hyper-compostable cre- needed or if we could leave a lot more
erally, on Kolding fjord. Seawater could ations. Some participants used their freedom to experimenting. The FOOD+
thus be collected straight outside. own hand-made edible spoons and workshop unfolded differently than we
were eager to eat from the bioplastic expected regarding the instruction sets.
After a shared lunch at the Design bowls.
School, the third workshop took place We gained meaningful insights from
in theDesign School Kolding textile de- REFLECTIONS ON THE INSTRUCTION observing how people interacted with
partment. The aim was to engage with SETS USED AT FOOD+ [MATERIAL the sets, how they negotiated the steps
new material practices and perspec- PRACTICES] and we learned where to make improve-
tives from the textile domain. ments. We noticed that a lot of people
The design of the first instruction sets were still asking us many questions
The afternoon began with presenta- was created in preparation for the when the gelatine or starch plastic was
tions of sustainable textile experiments FOOD+ symposium. We looked at nu- cooking and setting. They seemed to
by Design School students (see refer- merous recipes online to understand be uncertain about how the material
ences) and the workshop manager in their structure and adapt them to our should behave throughout its making
textiles–Mie Nygaard Thomsen. One of needs. Here, is where our expertise and needed reassurance or help if the
the students, Maria Viftrup, presented also played an important role. As most material didn’t behave as they expected.
her work with bioplastics. To our sur- of us had followed online recipes, we
prise, she used the same recipe as we knew what we choose to do from these This was one of the first elements that
did, but with a better outcome. Her ma- instructions, and where we choose to were up for discussion after the work-
terial was tougher and kept its desired improvise when cooking. shop. By adding details, such as “expect
shape. To this point, we had explored it to bubble and foam after some time,”
the gelatine-based plastic recipe by The final recipes we designed had we assure people following the instruc-
adding herbs, flavours or food colour- hand-drawn Danish ingredient imag- tions that they are doing the right thing
ing. We did not change the base ingre- es (direct copies of the packages we and reduce the doubt of their practice.
dients’ quantities. Maria advised us to bought from the local stores) to point What we learned from this experience is
reduce the amount of water to reduce out the availability and accessibility of that it is imperative to use these sets to
the wrinkling effect when it dries out. the components needed. acquaint anyone with some ingredients
Food for Thought

which might seem unusual, such as During the process of cooking the wards a better, more environmental-
glycerol, sorbitol etc and how they be- cutlery, we also noticed that a hint to- ly-friendly behaviour starting from our
have in this process. wards how much material each recipe daily practices.
produces would be highly valuable.
Another improvement idea was the
use of illustrations of the process as a All in all, from this experience we had
better demonstration of each step, so the opportunity to test and co-cre-
people could easily follow and replicate ate better ways to deliver recipes for
the same experiment by comparing the home-made cutlery and biomaterials
pictures with their own creation. to encourage a shift in mentality to-

Instruction sets used ad Food+ Symposium

Eventually, the bioplastic hardened, but
4.3 ENGAGING WITH EXISTING it was difficult to determine if the ap-
Bioplastic Kintsugi
EXPERTISE proach improved on current practise.

FIXING BROKEN GLASSWARE In the reflection session with partici-

pants we determined that the recipes
During the first workshop activity one needed improving as some important
of the participants found a broken parameters were missing. We added
pitcher that had the base detached information about physical material
from the body. She later had an idea properties at different stages of prepa-
to recreate an ancient art of Kintsu- ration to show what outcome is ex-
gi - repairing pottery with gold. As a pected.
substitute for the gold binder she used
gelatine-based bioplastic mixed with
orange peel to achieve a golden colour.
The solution was applied with a brush
to the edges of broken pieces and sta-
bilized with a thread. Instead of using
gold or glass to seal the pitcher, they
used a canvas of gelatine-based bio-
plastic mixed with coffee.

Fixing the pitcher

Engineering with bioplastic

Some participants wanted to hack the

curing process of bioplastics. They
connected a power drill to a plastic
bucket filled with uncured solution.
Once switched on, the drill rotated the
bucket, creating a centrifuge-alike en-
vironment. The idea was to have the
material inside cast evenly throughout.
Food for Thought


Maria Viftrup, https://www.viftrup.


Ronni AAkermann – Co-Found-

er of Hemp Bio Leather, https://

Tau Ulv Lenskjold presentation on

microplastics, Guide to microplastic
identification for FOOD+[material prac-
tices], Nordic-Baltic Biomedia Network

Wilde, D., Underwood, J. Designing

towards the Unknown: Engaging with
Material and Aesthetic Uncertainty.
Informatics 2018, 5(1), 1; doi:10.3390/
informatics5010001 [http://www.]

Food by: Design School Kolding
Food for Thought

In our current times it seems almost We began by reproducing online reci-
impossible to renounce the use of pes, trying to understand how the ma-
plastic. It is still used in such a broad terial properties adapt to changes in
range of food related objects, like bot- the instructions. Through several iter-
tled beverages and disposable cutlery, ations the recipes were improved and
even as packaging for food itself. While tuned to various desired outcomes like
the situation is changing—bamboo hard plastic, rubber and plastic foil.
and other alternatives are increasingly While working out the gelatine plastic
available, our research illustrates the recipe we changed the ingredients from
dramatic scale of the waste problem approx. 80% water / glycerol solution
and how humans have lost control over and 20% gelatine to a 50/50 relation to
the amounts and types of chemicals reduce shrinkage and create hard plas-
we are releasing into our environment tic objects that keep shape while cast-
and our food. Current research (Barnes ing. Similar changes were made to the
et al., 2009) predict increasing pollu- other recipes, to achieve a better out-
tion due to escalating annual plastic come, or give much-needed informa-
production, if we do not get a grip on tion to the DIY bioplastic novice.
the problem.
To produce tableware, it seemed to be
In this project we approached three a necessity to create waterproof mate-
different topics: rials, contrary to the natural properties
of galantine or starch-based bioplas-
1. Microplastic collection and filtering tics. Our material tests showed that
our products slowly but steadily dis-
2. Hyper compostable bioplastics solve when used, for instance, for hot
soup. Not so much that the tableware
3. Baked edible cutlery disappears before finishing the food,
but the slimy layer that accrues was
We made our findings accessible in not pleasant. Indeed it was positively
form of clear instruction sets with ma- creepy. Material experiments demon-
terial samples and use cases. The filter strated that our plastics are suitable to
system as well our edible and com- contain organic granulates like orange
postable products can be produced by peel or coffee grounds.
anyone using DIY methods and store-
bought materials to contribute to a
plastic free and eco-sensitive future.
Food for Thought

Then we started incorporating herbs Our understanding thus shifted from

and spices that would release flavours how cutlery must look like historical-
to a meal through the dissolving pro- ly or according to modern designs, to
cess. Making use of this effect opened what cutlery needs to do and possible
new opportunities, designing towards alternative looks, that achieve greater Bertran, F. A., Wilde, D. Playing with
playful gastronomy (Altarriba Bertran functionality. Food: reconfiguring the gastronomic
and Wilde, 2018). experience through play. In Experienc-
During this project we had the oppor- ing Food: Designing Dialogues.Carrilho
The outcomes of our experiments, en- tunity to organise two bioplastic work- Bonacho, R. M. (ed.) Routledge, 2018.
gaging with different dough recipes for shops. One at SDU´s 50th Anniversary ISBN: 9781138575387. pub: 2018-03-
tableware and ways of sculpting them, event. The other at the FOOD+ Nordic 09 (in press) (format to APA style if
are also contributing to this field. Cur- Baltic Biomedia Network Symposium. necessary)
rent research shows that texture and These were fantastic opportunities to
material properties of tableware have test our instruction sets and test if our Spence, C., Harrar, V., Piquer-
a strong influence on the gustatory methods were applicable for non-biol- as-Fiszman, B. Assessing the impact
experience (Spence et al., 2012). We ogists. These co-design sessions were of the tableware and other contextual
strongly believe that the outcomes of not only valuable in terms of exploring variables on multisensory flavour per-
our research can challenge percep- new possibilities and use cases for the ception, 2012
tions towards cutlery and the way peo- plastics, they also helped informing
ple engage with it, and open new ways our instruction sets, with new insights Barnes, D.K.A., Galgani, F., Thompson,
of thinking towards eco-friendly alter- drawn from concerns or complications R.C., Barlaz, M., 2009. Environmental
natives in gastronomy. during the workshops. An important accumulation and fragmentation of
step in creating clear and comprehen- plastic debris in global. Phil. Trans. R.
Further, the cutlery design played an sible instruction sets for instance, was Soc. B 364, 1985e1998
important role in this project. The rec- to include the reaction of the material.
reation of conventional spoons, forks
and knifes caused problems due to lim- Even though people could apply all
itations with DIY casting methods and steps from the first set of instructions,
the structural strength of the resulting there was confusion and uncertain-
items. To cope with this issue, we fo- ty regarding amounts, shrinkage and
cussed on shapes that can be created moulding methods. All of these issues
simply and still meet the functional re- were addressed with more detailed in-
quirements of tableware. struction sets.


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