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Name : Masykur Majid CHAPTER REPORT

Reg. Number : 16220449 05 November 2018

Class : A2 2016
Subject : Language Assessment


In this chapter, the book tells us about 5 type of tests that teacher can employ in the
classroom, and some practical steps in constructing a test. Before discussing about those things,
there are five question that can be helped a teacher in the process of developing a test: (1) what
is the purpose of the test?; (2) what is the objectives of the test?; (3) How will the test
specification reflect both the purposes and the objectives?; (4) how will the test tasks be
selected and the separate items arranged?; (5) what kinds of scoring, testing, and feedback is

By answering the first question, it can help teachers to choose the right type of test.
There are five types of test that can be used by teacher in assessing student of language learning.
These are Language Aptitude Test, Proficiency Test, Placement Test, Diagnostics Test, and
Achievement Test. Each types of test have its own purpose about how and what are they assess.

After we decide what the purpose and what the test type that appropriate with it, there
are some practical steps in constructing the test. The first steps is we need to determine or
examine the appropriate objective and only assess the objectives which clear and
unambiguous. The second step is drawing up the specification of the test. It is including the
outline (time allocation, the classroom condition, etc), the skills to be included in the test, and
items types and task. The next step is designing the test task, how the task will be deliver and
is it too easy or too hard for them? How about time? After that, the fourth step is designing the
appropriate test items. In the process of creating the test items, make sure it is well developed,
for example in this book the test items will be shown in Multiple-choice style so make sure it
have been stated clear, simply and directly, measuring a specific objectives, and only one
answer is correct. Finally, the last steps is designing scoring, grading, and giving feedback. To
put simply, in scoring how we give a point in each items of test, in grading how we give a grade
for the result of the student works on the test (A for 90%-100% for example), and in feedback
is how we offer some input, suggestion to the student result.

From this chapter we can take a conclusion that there is five things which have to be
consideration in designing language classroom test. The first one is the purpose of the test that
will determine which kind of test is appropriate for the purpose. The second the objectives of
the test. Third is the test specification. Fourth is the test tasks and items arrangement. The last
one is kinds of scoring, grading, and feedback for student.

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