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Msgr. Lino Gonzaga St., Jaro, Leyte

Long Test – Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Science 11

Strand: Score:

Multiple Choices. On the space provided before the number, write the letter that corresponds to
your chosen answer.
1. Studies the optimum allocation of scarce resources and how individuals Interact within
the social structure to address questions regarding the production and exchange of goods
and services.
A. Political Science C. Geography
B. Social Work D. Economics
2. Which of the following is not field of the Social Science?
A. Counseling C. Demography
B. Political Science D. Sociology
3. Studies changes in population growth through the analysis of statistics on birth, human
movement, and morbidity, agedness, and mortality.
A. Geography C. Economics
B. Demography D. Statistics
4. Field of study that focused on the use and application of the different concepts,
theoretical models and theories of the social science disciplines to help understand
society and the different problems and issues it faces.
A. Social Science C. Applied Social Science
B. Natural Sciences D. Behavioral Sciences
5. Which of the following is the main discipline/professional track of the applied social
A. Political Science C. Demography
B. Guidance Counseling D. Sociological Research
6. A discipline that provides guidance, help, support to individuals through the application
of psychological methods that includes case history data, personal interviews, and
aptitude tests.
A. Social Work C. Demography
B. Counseling D. Statistics
7. Which career opportunity will mostly need an applied social science practitioner?
A. Journalism C. Computer Science
B. Engineering D. Architecture
8. Field of study where practitioners help individuals, families, groups, and communities
enhance peoples’ skills and ability to use their own resources and of the community to
resolve social and community problems.
A. Life Coach C. Communication studies
B. Social Work D. Journalism
9. Studies the interaction between people and their environments and explores both physical
properties of Earth’s surface and their relationship with human societies.
A. Demography C. Sociology
B. History D. Geography
10. Studies how people and groups experience the world through various emotions, ideas,
and in different conscious states.
A. Sociology C. Psychology
B. Economics D. Political Science
Essay. Read the following questions carefully and explain.
1. What is the difference between Social Science and Applied Social Science?10 pts.

2. What is the difference between counseling and Social Work?10 pts.

Prepared by:
Ms. Ronalyn G. Cajudo

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