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S.Y. 2020-2021

Name:_______________________________________ Score: ___________________

Yr. & Section: ________________________________ Date: ____________________

I. MULTIPLE CHOICE (Write the letter of the best answer before the number)

1. Which field of science attempts to explain and describe human behavior in a society through anthropology,
economics, psychology and sociology?
A. Social Sciences
B. Natural Sciences
C. Humanities
D. Earth and life Science
2. Which of the following statements best defines social science?
A. A science which deals with human behavior in its social and
cultural aspects.
B. Deal with “human society, societal groups, and individuals in their relationships
C. Study objects of social sciences can take notice of the forecast of scientists.
D. Are all academic disciplines which deal with the man in their social context?
3. Which of the following concepts describes social science?
A. Society came from the Latin word “societas” that was derived from the noun “socious” meaning
B. Standard or pattern of social behavior
C. Group of people who occupy a particular territory
D. Speak a common language not generally understood by neighboring people
4. Which social sciences is a broad designation used to refer to the academic disciplines. These concepts are
related .
A. Race, Culture
B. Gender, Class
C. Technology
D. All of the above
 5. Which explains the concepts that are relevant to all the social sciences disciplines and exert tremendous
influence on the ''movement'' or activity within these disciplines .
A. Race refers to a group of people sharing a common genetic or
hereditary background.
B. Class is a socio-economic category, referring to one's social and
economic position in society.
C. Gender refers to its own unique social norms, styles of art, music, and
other distinct patterns.
D. Culture refers to the way of life of a particular group of people.
6. Which of the following studies physical, natural world, and phenomena especially by using systematic
observation and experiment.
A. Science
B. Scientific Method
C. Society
D. Natural Science
7. Which domain aims to explain and predict various phenomena in nature. Examples under of discipline under
this include biology, earth sciences and physics.
A. Natural Sciences
B. Humanities
C. Social Sciences
D. Earth and life Science
8. Humanities comprised the different branches of knowledge that tend to humanize humans as they express
themselves in various forms. These includes EXCEPT?
A. Music
B. Art History
C. Literature
D. Language
9. This field of the social sciences attempts to discover and explain the
behavior and attitudes of people. Social scientists studies ___________.
A. Human relations in a society
B. Studies natural phenomena
C. Investigates human concerns
D. Interested in teaching and learning
10. The field of social sciences may help us understand the complexities of human behavior and relations as it
attempts to solve societal problems. Which of the choices is NOT a societal problem?
A. Ending wars among nations and people
B. Invention of airplanes, atomic bombs, etc.
C. Eradicating poverty and crime
D. Eliminating gender inequalities
11. It is interested in knowing the origins of humankind as they try to answer where, when and why humans
appeared on earth.
A. Economics C. Geography
B. Anthropology D. Political Science
12. it refers to the study of the features of the earth and the location of living things on the planet.
A. Psychology C. Economics
B. Political Science D. Geography
13. It seeks to understand people’s activities concerning production, distribution, and consumption of goods and
A. Economics C. Linguistics
B. History D. Psychology
14. It deals with the nature of human behaviors, and both internal and external factors that affect these behaviors.
A. History C. Psychology
B. Anthropology D. Geography
15.It is a branch of knowledge that attempts to ascertain, record, and explain facts and events that happened in the
A. History C. Political Science
B. Anthropology D. Economics
1 6. It is a field of knowledge involving the scientific study of language as a universal and recognizable aspect of
human behavior and capacity.
A. Geography C. Political Science
B. Linguistics D. Geography
1 7. It deals with both theory and practice of politics, including analysis on public policies.
A. Political Science C. Geography
B. History D. Economics
18. it is a field of study that deals with a systematic study of patterns of human interaction.
A. Demography C. Geography
B. Sociology D. Economics
19. The study of statistics such as births, deaths, income, or the incidence of disease, which illustrate the changing
structure of human populations.
A. Economics C. Sociology
B. Geography D. Demography
20. It is considered as the main relationship between linguistics and anthropology.
A. culture shared by men C. Culture affects language
B. Fossils of early human being D. emergence of community
21.  The Grade 10 students attended a session with the counselor
to help them learn about their interests, values, skills, and personality
type.  After the session, they listed some list of occupations that seem
suitable for them .
A. Consultation C. Follow– Up
B. Career Assistance D. Group Counseling and Guidance
22. This setting refers to employment in community, agency, and other non-school professional situations.
Counselors can be found in the community and mental health agencies, employment and rehabilitation agencies,
correctional, settings and marriage family practice.
A. Legal B. Private C. Public D. Community
23.  The counselor can help you create a career action plan that will allow you to pursue the occupation you
chose. HE will give you some advice and tips.
A. Career Assistance B. Follow-Up C. Referral D. Reseaech
24. A service of school counseling programs with emphasis on educational placements in course and programs.
A. Individual Assessment C. Career Assistance
B. Prevention D. Evaluation
25. You met your counselor for your regular counseling session and he talk through the issues and problem you
want to resolve.
A. Group Counseling and Guidance C. Consultation
B. Individual Counseling D. Career Assisstance
26. This setting refers to counselors who decided to do full time work as private practitioners or engage in part-
time private practice while employed by community agencies
A. Public B. Private C. Legal D. Community
27. After the initial session of Amy, her counselor refer her to another counselor with a higher level of training
and special expertise related to the her needs.
A. Consultation C. Follow– Up
B. Individual Counseling D. Career Assistance
28. Counselors are also present in various agencies of government or institutions supported by the government
that are into social welfare, health, and education. Relevant agencies or institutions include public schools, public
hospitals, public social welfare agencies such that for the youth, children and the aging
A. Private B. Community C. Legal D. Public
29. A small group of people meet regularly to discuss, interact, and explore problems with each other and the
group leader give students a safe and comfortable place on campus where they can work out problems and
emotional concerns
A. Group Counseling C. Individual Assessment
B. Referral D. Group Counseling
30. It is necessary to advance the profession of counseling; it can provide empirically based data relevant to the
ultimate goal of implementing effective counseling.
A. Prevention B. Referral C. Research D. Follow-Up
31. Which of the following social science ideas could help to better understand the pleasure principle of child’s
A. Institutionalism
B. Hermeneutical Phenomenology
C. Psychoanalysis
D. Feminist Theory
32. Which of the following social science ideas could help in effective implementation of peace and order in a
particular barangay?
A. Feminist Theory
B. Institutionalism
C. Rational Choice
D. Hermeneutical Phenomenology
33. Which of the following social science ideas promotes equal rights and opportunities between
men and women?
A. Rational Choice
B. Psychoanalysis
C. Feminist Theory
D. Hermeneutical Phenomenology
34. Which of the following social science ideas could help in addressing scarcity of food supplies and other home
essentials during COVID-19 pandemic??
A. Psychoanalysis
B. Rational Choice
C. Feminist Theory
D. Hermeneutical Phenomenology
35. Which of the following social science ideas could help in getting the accurate interpretation of data in
COVID-19 cases to avoid confusion?
A. Rational Choice
B. Institutionalism
C. Hermeneutical Phenomenology
D. Psychoanalysis
36. Which of the following social sciences could help in addressing scarcity of food supplies and other home
essentials during COVID-19 pandemic??
A. Psychoanalysis
B. Rational Choice
C. Feminist Theory
D. Hermeneutical Phenomenology
37. Which of the following social sciences could help in getting the accurate interpretation of data in COVID-19
cases to avoid confusion?
A. Rational Choice
B. Institutionalism
C. Hermeneutical Phenomenology
D. Psychoanalysis
38. Which of the following social sciences could help to better understand the pleasure principle of child’s
A. Institutionalism
B. Hermeneutical Phenomenology
C. Psychoanalysis
D. Feminist Theory
39. Which of the following social sciences could help in effective implementation of peace and order in a
particular barangay?
A. Feminist Theory
B. Institutionalism
C. Rational Choice
D. Hermeneutical Phenomenology
40. Which of the following social sciences promotes equal rights and opportunities between men and
A. Rational Choice
B. Psychoanalysis
C. Feminist Theory
D. Hermeneutical Phenomenology
41. What is the ultimate goal of communication?
a. To get feedback
b. To achieve mutual understanding
c. To effect change
d. To impress
42. Which of the following is NOT a form of nonverbal communication?
a. Gesture
b. Facial expressions
c. Words
d. Body movement
43. You deliver a speech about the importance of higher education to a group of high school students. What is the
a. the high school students
b. importance of higher education
c. you
d. your voice and language
44. Anna names four ingredients for Ryhs to buy at the grocery store. Who is the sender of the message?
a. Ryhs
b. Anna
c. grocery store
d. ingredients
45. Which of the following is an example of audience’s feedback?
a. laughter
b. silence
c. half-closed eyelids
d. all of the above
46. When does encoding take place?
a. when the receiver interprets the message
b. when the sender translates the message into a perceivable form
c. when both sender and receiver want to exchange messages
d. when the sender recognizes the communication style of the other
47. Which statement does NOT describe decoding process?
a. It is deciding on the medium to use in transmitting a message.
b. It involves interpretation.
c. It is assigning meaning to the message.
d. It is usually done by the receiver in a communication process.
48. This refers to communication that centers on one person where the speaker acts both as the sender and the
receiver of message.
a. Intrapersonal
b. Interpersonal
c. Mass
d. Computer-mediated
49. This type refers to communication that requires you to deliver or send the message before or in front of a
e. Intrapersonal
a. Public
b. Mass
c. Computer-mediated
50. Which of the following shows a computer-mediated communication?
a. Radio broadcaster announcing the winner of the elections
b. Tv reporter delivering the news
c. Speakers talking in a webinar
d. Two friends talking face-to-face
51. What is a social phenomenon?
A. Any event or situation involving activities of people in the society.
B. Any event or situation involving processes in the natural world like photosynthesis
C. A and B are correct
D. None of the above.
52. Which of the following tells about the field of social science?
A. Social science is a study that is centered on society and its development.
B. Social science includes the disciplines like Math, Physics, Biology, etc.
C. Social science focuses on social phenomena.
D. A and C are correct.
53. How is social science different from natural science?
A. Natural science refers to fields of science that deal with the details of the natural world while social
science focuses its attention on phenomena involving activities of society.
B. Social science refers to fields of science that deal with the details of the natural world while natural
science focuses its attention on phenomena involving activities of society.
C. Social sciences include sociology, psychology, economics, etc. while natural sciences include politics,
anthropology, and history.
D. None of the above.
54. What are the two branches of science?
A. Psychology and Sociology B. Social Science and Natural Science
C. Mathematics and Statistics D. Physics and Chemistry
55. Which of the following is an example of a social phenomenon?
A. Procession of the Nazareno.
B. Conflict between the Police Department and the drug syndicates.
C. the El Niṅo phenomenon
D. All of the above
E. A and B only.
56. Why do we have to study social sciences?
A. Ideas we get from studying the different disciplines will give us a better understanding of our society.
B. Ideas we get from studying the different disciplines will enable us to become better Filipino citizens.
C. Ideas we get from studying the different disciplines will help make good decisions.
D. All of the above.
E. A and B only.
57. In the phrase “Disciplines in Social Sciences”, what is meant by disciplines?
A. subjects, like: history, sociology, anthropology, psychology, etc.
B. It refers to our attitude on how we deal with the social sciences.
C. It refers to the methods of studying social science.
D. It means ideas in social sciences.

58. How would you differentiate Psychology from Sociology?

A. Psychology deals with human behavior and processes of the brain.
B. Sociology deals with the society as a whole.
C. Psychology focuses on individual level while Sociology focuses on groups.
D. Both Psychology and Sociology are social sciences.
59. How is bullying possibly related to classical conditioning?
A. The bullied person retaliates later in life.
B. The bully has weak superego.
C. The bully’s behavior is possibly reinforced by peers giving him reward to continue bullying.
D. Bullying is a social phenomenon.
60. What is dehumanization?
A. People become like robots in a society that is becoming so busy.
B. Advancement in technology displaces human beings from the things that they usually do.
C. It is a concept by Karl Max which means we are accidentally become victims of capitalism.
D. Capitalism experiences conflicts so it proceeds to socialism.
61. The kind of law that exists in modern societies is restitutive law. Can you identify the type of law existing in
the Philippines at present?
A. A repressive type of law is existing in the Philippines.
B. A restitutive type of law is existing in the Philippines.
C. Both restitutive and repressive laws are existing in the Philippines.
D. It’s hard to identify the type of law in the Philippines because there are many issues.
62. The following can be seen posted in public transports. Which of the following lines best describes “a touch of
A. Maglaan ng upuan para sa mga matatanda at bata.
B. Kung ikaw ay mamboboso, isipin mo muna ang nanay mo.
C. Bayad po muna bago baba.
D. Ang sitsit ay sa aso. Ang para ay sa tao.
63. What is collective consciousness according to Durkheim?
A. It is similar to division of labor.
B. Collective consciousness is the accumulation or collection of our experiences.
C. It is the bond that binds the individual to society like shared belief system.
D. All of the above.
64. Suicide is a social phenomenon according to Emile Durkheim. What explains its occurrence?
A. Social integration breaks down thus committing suicide happens.
B. When someone is too upset, it may lead to suicide.
C. Sometimes, suicide is not intentional. It’s only by accident.
D. Suicide is a personal thing according to E. Durkheim.
65. Ma’am Alice discovered by herself how to print multiple copies using our new printer. She was amused of
this discovery and learning by herself. What type of learning is this?
A. It’s classical conditioning.
B. It’s learning through association.
C. It’s operant conditioning.
D. It’s both classified under operant and classical conditionings.


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