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• Acquired through learning, cultural ideas, activities , and artifacts are handed down from
generation to generation as a super organic inheritance, which means it is inherently passed
on through generations. For instance, epic chanting as a super organic inheritance is passed
on to the next generation of chanters through teaching the craft to younger ones.
• This is why the Philippine government through National Commission for Culture and the
Arts (NCCA) has implemented the establishment of School of Living Traditions (SLT) and
indigenous communities in various parts of the country to facilitate and ensure the
transmission of dying or endangered facets of Philippine traditions. A good example is SLT
established Central Panay. This SLT not only teaches younger ones to chant but also how to
dance “binanog,” among others. By doing so, these oral traditions will not be forgotten in
the years to come especially at this time of globalization and technological challenges.
• Some forms of cultural ideas, activities, and artifacts are also acquired through social
learning—by imitating the act of others—and through communication and language.
Language is considered the most important part. “the soul,” of culture. Because people
posses language, we can be told on what to do and when and where. Words are gene-like in
producing behavior. “This is how to make a stone tool.” “this is why we avoid close relatives
and marriage.” In a nut shell, traditions passed on through oral means of “word of mouth”
posses a sort of social norm to be taken like a grain of truth. (Collins:205).
• Language is a shard set of spoken (often written) symbols and rules used in meaningful
ways. Language has been called “the store house of culture.” it is the primary means of
capturing, communicating, discussing, changing, and passing important means of cultural
transmission , the process by which one generations passes culture to the next. Through the
unique power of language, people gain access to centuries of accumulated wisdom (OU:10)
Without language, people will not be able to inform others about events, emotions, and other
experiences that they did not experience (Haviland, et. al.: 316).
• The study and analysis of language and other human communication systems falls on the
field of linguistics. Linguists attempt to reconstruct the earlier language forms from which
our contemporary languages evolved. Some of them even study modern languages in order
to learn how they encode the wide range of humans experience as part and parcel of
evolving history of human progress. There are also linguists who are more concerned with
what language usage can reveal about the different social groups in society.
• Other linguists are preoccupied on what can be learned on the nature of the human minds from the
study of languages, such as the perspectives and attitudes of individuals on certain phenomena to
human interaction and even views on issues and concerns affecting both the local and global
community. After all, linguistics is no just learning languages but a fitting means to better
understand the nature of human beings and the ways on how they connect with other species.
• Aside from language, much of human behavior involves symbols or non-verbal forms, such as
signs, sounds, emblems, other things that are linked ti something or someone else and represented
in meaningful ways. These symbols, ranging from national flags to wedding rings to money, enter
into every aspect of culture, from social life and religion to politics and economics (Haviland, et.

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